• Published 17th Apr 2016
  • 7,576 Views, 1,352 Comments

The Many Destinies of Sunset Shimmer - ratedoni

The rules of the game have changed; now, the multiverse has been born, but it is in danger of being extinguished. One spark can create a storm and one Sun is the key to survival.

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4 Knocks 02

She had found it funny at first, at least that’s what she remembers when she looks at the scrawny man wearing a blue suit with convers. Sunset thinks she remembers him since she started attending Canterlot High, but was it really? This was no mere man, not with the way he acted with the doppelganger of her friend. The way he muttered and flittered around, he seemed like a British family member of Pinkie Pie, she was even tempted to slap him to make him stop babbling about.

The only thing she cared about was to hear what the man had to say about the strange creature Roseluck and she had knocked out. So with the man now looking at his weird instrument he began to walk and like hell she getting left out of this. Giving a swift last kick to the downed doppelganger Sunset followed after Professor Smith and Roseluck into one of the unused parts of the basement in the school.

Standing in front of her was something that made absolutely no sense whatsoever. What was an archaic British police box doing in here? If Sunset wasn’t used to crazy stuff happening every single week this would probably top the charts but as it was she simply shrugged her shoulders and followed the other two inside.

What she found was surprising and at the same time familiar, as if she had started using a sweater she hadn’t been using since she was a little filly. It was so bizarre than Sunset had to spend several seconds trying to regain her footing. Sunset’s mind felt as if it was working on all cylinders for this day. It was almost nauseating, but after taking several deep breaths she was capable of hearing the other two people inside the impossible machine.

“So, Sunset Shimmer, this is the TARDIS, time and relative dimension in space,” the thin man said as he looked at the redhead as if he was expecting something.

“You got your own pocket dimension,” Sunset said as the man seemed to deflate obviously not getting what he was expecting.

“I always knew you were brilliant, but we are not here to gawk about, we need to know exactly why are these shape shifters here and why they took the form of Miss Sparkle,” he said moving things around in the main console as Sunset began to check the ample interior of the blue box as if it was a new specimen; as she was doing this Roseluck got close to her with a smile. She was the nicest of the flower trio as the other students had nicknamed them, so Sunset never had problems with her so after her reformation they were civil but not strictly friendly.

“You are the first one to immediately know why the TARDIS has this dimensions,” The rose haired girl said making Sunset blink in surprise of the other girl talking to her.

“What? Really? What is he waiting? For people to say is bigger on the inside?”

“It is a bit silly, but is almost like a game. The Doctor told me that every time someone new enters they always say that same thing, is very few times when someone doesn't follow the script,” Her smile was enough make Sunset calm down a little, but there was a humming, as if coming from the console that still made the redhead feel restless.

“So it seems I’m not the only one from another world,” Sunset asked watching at everything on the inside, from the myriad of cables going here and there to the stairs directing to new rooms, showing how big the place was.

“Yeah, I was surprised too, found about it by accident when the box appeared on my family’s backyard. I think my mom was ready to hit him with a pan when he kept on saying he was The Doctor, no other name apparently,” it was at that point where Sunset stopped listening to Roseluck, she only watched the man pull levers and push buttons as her mind began to swim around. Images of swirling portals and drum beat made Sunset’s head throb in pain and confusion. Only when Roseluck places a hand on Sunset’s shoulder is that the redhead finally recovers “are you alright?”

“Yeah, just, worried about Twilight.”

“Well, I have good news and bad news,” The man, this so called Doctor, only tells them as he turns around from the console and looks at them.

“Story of my life,” Sunset answers making Roseluck giggle at the words that sound so much like Sunset.

“No need to be so sarcastic. But, I do know where they are and I think I know what they want and if I am correct your friends will be alright.”

“Then what’s the bad news?”

“That the rest of your friends will not have a world when they reactivate what’s beneath Canterlot City,” he says making Roseluck go pale, but Sunset only glares at the man clearly asking for more information; she was sure he knew more “at first I thought these were Zygons, really troublesome lot, but apparently they are something that you may have more experience dealing with,” The Doctor said pointing at Sunset who in turn felt as if a light bulb had got off on top of her head.

“Changelings… only they have the ability to change into someone else, damn, that makes sense. Twilight, I mean, Princess Twilight told me their queen escaped after all the Changelings accepted harmony’s energy. If Starlight was capable of infiltrating the Princess’ castle, why not a manipulative shape-shifter too? Just great,” Sunset began to pace around the metallic floor, she used to do that all the time back at Canterlot when she was working on a difficult problem “so if she is here, of course she would go after the Twilight in this world first,” but before the discussion could go on the TARDIS began to shake sending Sunset and Roseluck to the floor as The Doctor hold onto one of the handrails close to the console and began to look for the cause of the movement.

“Hold on, there’s some kind of protection, well, that’s to be expected since the place was made with Time Lords in mind. Old hideout of the Daleks, way before the war, I wonder how this Queen got access to it.” As the man continued to work Sunset got back to her feet. Looking at her left to see if Roseluck was alright, but instead of trying to get up, Roseluck had a weird object, a golden locket in her hand, something that paralyzed the redhead by just looking at it.

“Sunset, how did you get this thing?”

“Wait, what? What are you talking about? Is just a bauble,” Of course it was worthless, it was just a silly little thing that she got back in Equestria, right?


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