• Published 17th Apr 2016
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The Many Destinies of Sunset Shimmer - ratedoni

The rules of the game have changed; now, the multiverse has been born, but it is in danger of being extinguished. One spark can create a storm and one Sun is the key to survival.

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Interlude 02: The Key and The Letter

Interlude 02: The Key and The Letter

Sunset had always found the invention of the elevator as a great advancement not only in physics and practical science but also as an indispensable tool whenever she felt stairs were too much of a hassle for her.

In this case she found out the elevator as the perfect mode of transportation considering the size of the place she was residing, it was a must due to the size of the manor and that it existed through different dimensions and times; so at every floor there was all kinds of nonsense going on like a room that was completely upside down, a pool the size of a house, a library that seemed to have no end, a music room that looked like a concert hall. It was an adventure itself just looking through these wonderful places but also a little tiring.

Without a doubt, the biggest mystery was the reason for all the doors that were processed through the main hall; a multitude of colored doors all magically linking to somewhere else it seemed, all of them leading to different world and realities, all of them leading her to a new place where thing had gone wrong or right, where a simple choice could have devastating consequences.

Sunset’s scientific mind was always awoke when it came time to open up these doors, to take a peek into the life of another herself, as weird as that sounded, but it was fascinating, to see her adapt to new situations and not only survive but to thrive on it, become better, stronger, to see that despite the mistakes all Sunsets have made they could find a way to make a new path for themselves.

It was awe inspiring, and a little ego boost really, to see it all, but there were still so many doors, probably with many different worlds still to discover, and all thanks to the man at her side.

If one were to look at him they would find him too normal with his suits, his glasses and the ever present umbrella at his side; he seemed like the classical English Gentleman, and he was really a gentleman, always with the manners, the joy for tea and quick dry humor to accompany it, and Sunset trusted completely in him.

Since the moment she accepted his invitation that was the moment she found herself in the middle of this observation mission as she liked to call it, watching the multitude of Sunsets while she studied their reactions and worlds, although she wasn’t quite sure of why she had to do it but something told her the answer was close and she wouldn’t like it. Just like she was sure she wouldn’t like the invitation he had received.

“So are you finally going to tell me what does the invitation says?”

“It is like I told you, a tea party invitation, and nice reference by the way”

“I never liked the fox song, but hey, at least I tried” Sunset said smiling a bit before the Observer took a letter out of his pocket and a small key “What’s that?”

“This is the next step of what I have planned” he said looking at the key on his hand “you see, the tea party is not something everyone can go to, or want to go to, it is a dangerous situation where many people could AND loses their lives”

“Why go then?”

“Because the consequences of not going are even worse than whatever could happen at it”

“You are not exactly making me feel better about that party” she said wondering what kind of dangers a tea party could have.

“That was my intention, the dangers found in it will destroy unprepared people; Featherine is a sorcerer you have to be careful of all the time, is true that her abilities and mine cancel each other but for you… well, you are right now a wild card, I guess that’s why we recieved the invitation, she is probably wondering what kind of chaos you will cause; but enough of this dark talk, I have a mission for you” the suited man said reaching into his suit jacket and pulling two objects.

“So, no more opening doors and watching another me do crazy stuff?” she said with a small smile, she had been having fun but she wanted to do something for a chance.

“Not this time, we will check your other versions but for now I need you to give yourself a little visit” The Observer said placing the two objects on Sunset’s hand. Looking at them Sunset noticed that it was a letter and a key, one that seemed a little weird to her eye.

“I have never seen a key like that before”

“Oh yes, this one is quite special, it opens the way to a school, unlike any other, it is important for something that I have planned”

“Does it have to do with that great evil you have been mentioning lately?”

“Indeed, my dear Sunset, another you is an important part of what we are doing, sadly she was never capable of getting to the school this key is part of, so I need you to nudge not so quietly or with subtlety, the part that she will play will definitely affect other doors so I need to be sure she goes to the correct destination”

“So… what do you want me to do?”


“Why did I ask?” Sunset said to herself sighing while watching at the building and its doors. After entering the manor and meeting her new teacher she didn’t think she wouldl find her way back to Canterlot High so fast, but anything could happen apparently.

With one final nod she went into the school waving and saying hello to all the students that she knew very well but that were not the versions she became friends of, she wondered if that’s how both Twilights felt when they arrived at the school.

Knowing the route she had to take considering she had walked it many times before she found herself standing in front of the music room where she and the rest of the Rainbooms practiced their songs, and to be sincere, Sunset was feeling slightly giddy about the situation.

Opening the door and stepping inside Sunset was met with different reactions, from incredulous to shock and she had to contain her laughter, she just let her usual confident smirk show.

“I see it but I can’t believe it” the usual posh voice of Rarity said externalizing the opinion of the group.

“Okay, am Ah the only one that feels a little bit of Déjà vu here?”

“Oh my goodness! Is the Sunset from this dimension that has come to visit after learning of our Sunset and is probably going to mean that there will be a new adventure in our world that will probably mean a new enemy for us to defeat so it won’t destroy the whole universe!” Do I really have to point who said all that?

“Almost, but no cigar”

“Why would I want a cigar?”

“Well, I can definitely say Pinkie Pie will continue to be Pinkie Pie no matter the universe” she said fondly looking at the party girl.

“Wait, you said dimension… you are not the me from this world?”

“Not even close, I'm Sunset Shimmer but I come from another dimension… wow, this is weird, this is the first time I can talk with another version of myself, usually I just watch their adventures”

“What do you mean another version?”

“I… have a mission of sorts, there is something coming that will affect multiple versions of ourselves, that’s why I came here” Sunset said remembering the reason why she crossed the door for the first time.

“Uhm, is it going to be dangerous? Because, I don’t like it when things become dangerous, not after everything that has happen in the school lately”

“Don’t worry Fluttershy; if anything wants to get into our turf we’ll kick its butt”

“Wish I could be as optimistic as you Rainbow” Sunset said knowing that things would get pretty serious soon enough “there is someone that has been keeping an eye on us… all of us… he wants us to survive so he has been making contingency plans, and we are part of it”

“So what do you want me to do? I mean, I’m not a princess or even an alicorn, what can I do?”

“You feel as if you are not as important as Twilight, I know how you feel. I have felt it too, but that’s okay, maybe we couldn’t become an alicorn princess but our destinies are always pointing in different directions, we are Sunset Shimmer and we will always fight, never forget that” one Sunset said to the other before placing a letter and a key on the other’s hand “we have the power to change our destinies, so go ahead and show Celestia how amazing we are”

“Sure, no pressure” the local Sunset said with a thankful smile in her face, it felt nice to hear those words, especially considering that they came from another version of herself; with that said Sunset walked out of the room much to the other girls’ surprise.

“And you are just going to let her walk away? Just like that?”

“Something tells me I’m going to see her soon, so that was just a goodbye for now” Sunset said remembering those same words being said by Princess Twilight. Getting out of her ruminations she then focused on the letter and the weird key it came with. It had the face of a girl with one eye hidden by her hair at the top while the part to open the door seemed to be made of an E and an A.

Taking her eyes away from the key Sunset and the rest of the band put their attention to the letter and what it contained; their eyes growing bigger and bigger at the content until Sunset couldn’t contain herself anymore.

“How in the sun was I accepted in this school? I mean, Ever After High?”

Author's Note:

If you heven't seen Ever After High, it is made by Mattel and is a spin-off of Monster High, and is way superior to the other series since its main topic is about destiny, free will, nature vs nurture and many other things, it is a well written series with cool stuff and cool characters, give it a try.

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