• Published 17th Apr 2016
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The Many Destinies of Sunset Shimmer - ratedoni

The rules of the game have changed; now, the multiverse has been born, but it is in danger of being extinguished. One spark can create a storm and one Sun is the key to survival.

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The Will of Fire 04

Like many things in life, nothing can stay the same forever, time goes on and life changes alongside it. One of those changes was the amount of time Sunset spend training and suffering the affection of the Brat Association as she had dubbed them. They were cute and adorable sometimes but mostly they got on Sunset’s nerves.

Naruto was a kid running on ramen apparently because the motor mouth blonde never stopped; between questions, silly stories and his dreams, Sunset was sure that’s how it felt to have a brother. Just a few weeks of meeting the blonde container of the Kyuubi -it was way too easy to find out the truth, how else all the adults would look at him like that? Not to mention the energy signature- and she had took him from his run down pest-infested apartment into her own residence much to the outcry of the civilian council. The bunch of idiots were so stupid that they never realized who they were messing with; not for nothing Sunset was called The Red Nightmare from Konoha. Those shinobi that had met Kushina didn’t doubt that Sunset was a distant cousin just watching the hair and the temper; and watch they did once Sunset went to town on the Civilian Council.

A week after the nightmares started, the sleep deprived members of the council stopped complaining and red taping Sunset’s decision of letting Naruto live with her much to the delight of the Konoha Clan Leaders. They all had their own spats with the Civilian Council and just watching them basically falling over themselves asking for forgiveness was all they needed to also allow Sunset taking the blonde boy.

It was weird for Sunset to want to take care of Naruto, but soon she quickly understood why she felt such a connection with him. They had both grown up alone and with no one alongside them. Sure, Sunset had been taken by Princess Celestia but before that it was the streets and a few years in the orphanage where she had been merciless bullied for not having control on her magic at the time. Sunset recognized those smiles in Naruto as only a façade, a way in which he could hide his pain. It made something in Sunset feel protective of him but not to pity him; she knew that Naruto was as proud as herself so she would not insult him feeling pity for the blonde dynamo.

Another brat that was basically glued to her side now was none other than Hyuuga Hinata. The quiet girl had been fascinated from the beginning with the redhead and she followed her around the Hyuuga compound whenever Sunset was invited for dinner by a member. For a clan that was known for being cold and detached, she early realized that it was mostly on the upper echelon of the clan, mostly the elder council. The rest of the clan was as lively as an Akimichi as she soon realized so never thought twice about visiting friends in the Hyuuga Compound. The redhead was surprised when she realized that she had friends and she was on shock when that happened.

Hinata was adorable and that’s one of the reasons why Sunset was not bothered with her; she was also highly attentive and even though it was clear that Hinata had absolutely no desire for hurting others she was obviously someone with a great mind and who could continue getting better.

The redhead had been surprised that three others had joined Naruto and Hinata, and those were Sakura, Ino and TenTen. The first two seemed ready to become nothing more than mediocre kunoichi and she had to beat upon them that being a shinobi was not only dangerous but it was basically a life commitment. TenTen on the other hand took her teaching like a duck to water and even surprised Sunset by the way she began to work on her strategic aspect of using weapons.

All in all Sunset was proud of seeing her little students grow into future ninjas, and in the case of TenTen, becoming a genin. Sunset was about to scream when she was told who her Jounin Instructor was. The redhead was so close of clawing her own eyes out when she met Gai for the first time, so this time it was worst considering he had a mini version of himself at his side. If he ever tried to make TenTen wear one of those green abominations she would make Gai eat one of her special Nightmare Bombs.

Beyond that Sunset had found a place where she belonged, even more than Equestria. Yes, it was heavily aggressive and warmongering but it was home and Sunset would not exchange it for nothing. So it was with great trepidation that Sunset found herself at the usual place; right in front of the Hokage’s desk like many times in the past. This time she wasn’t alone but every time her life changed it was at that same office.

“So, do you think you finally found the way to remove it safely?”

“Safely? Not even Jiraiya could remove it, but it can be modified; I’ll need to prepare everything since Orochimaru put several traps inside it.”

“Is it going to hurt as much as last time you checked on it?” The woman at the side of Sunset asked. Her dark purple spiky hair and trench coat had become as iconic as the endless pockets on Sunset’s jounin vest.

“Oh no, the pain is going to be even worst and I’ll probably gonna have to strap you down so you don’t move as I work on the seal.”

“So you mean you are going to tie me down, grope and hurt me while performing the most intrusive and humiliating session we’ve ever had?” Anko said almost screaming in Sunset’s face while this one only smirked knowing exactly what Anko was thinking.

“Yes, so what do you say? This Friday?”

“Oh hell yeah.” Was the only answer Sunset got before Anko left the office. For his part, Sarutobi simply sighed knowing in his heart of hearts that making those two spend time together as Sunset studied Orochimaru’s handiwork was a very bad idea.

“Oh come on, don’t look at me like that, when we are in the lab we are completely professional… well, most of the time; there was this time when Anko brought the chakra absorbing manacles and we ended up-”

“I’m sure that the story is truly fascinating but I’m afraid we still have to talk about something.” Sarutobi interrupted the jounin. It was in fact fascinating and the inner pervert in him wanted to hear more, but there was something more than he wanted to tell Sunset.

“I’m all ears.”

“I want you to teach a genin team this year.”

“No way.”

“Listen me out first. I know you have been against taking a genin team after becoming a jounin yourself but I truly believe you can help this team.”

“Alright, who is it?”

“I need you to teach Sasuke-”

“Fuck you old man! There is no way in hell I’m getting close to Sasuke! Just looking at him makes me feel angry!” It had been a special ability of the Uchiha to make Sunset want to punch each and every one of them, and even after the whole Uchiha Massacre she was not going to cuddle the last member of the clan like the rest of the village. Thank whoever deity resided in that universe that her brats didn’t become idiots like the rest of the village.

“You are the only one I trust with in this case. Danzo and the rest of the council want to take him into an accelerated program.” Sunset quickly understood that ‘accelerated’ meant for Danzo to turn him into a killing machine in hopes of becoming Hokage soon, and like hell Sunset was letting him become that, he still creep her out “and the other only option that I have is Kakashi.”

“Oh hell, I would even prefer Danzo. We are talking of the guy that continues to live as if he were Obito? The man doesn’t know anything outside of his stupid book and survivor’s guilt, he is worthless as a teacher.”

“Does that mean you accept?”

“Only if you give me Naruto.”

“I knew you were going to say that, I already had him in the team; someone else you want?”

“I would say Ino but you are obviously putting her with Shikamaru and Chouji.” The infamous InoShikaCho combo was going to be revived, although this time people were more afraid of the Ino part than the Shika one. Sunset was definitely a bad example for Ino who had become so good at manipulation that she could probably make Ibiki cry from joy at the way Ino could get someone to spill the beans. She was also extremely good with short and long term plans to get whatever she wanted, be it to get some boy to buy her some clothes she liked or to get information about an ex-teacher at the academy.

It had been so funny and entertaining for Sunset to catch Mizuki a couple of day ago trying to use Naruto. In the end not only was he convicted for life as traitor but Naruto and Ino had become quite the terrifying pair in terms of raw power and strategies.

“That’s true, so instead you will have Sakura to round up your team.”

“Meh, Pinky is getting better, so, sure, I’ll take the team… there is just one final thing.”


“Isn’t it strange that nobody notices the Hokage Monument anymore?” Sunset said looking at something behind Sarutobi. As the older man turned around to see the painted face of the mountain he knew that the jounin had already escaped from his office. Why did he think that it was a good idea to have Sunset as a ninja again?

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