• Published 17th Apr 2016
  • 7,576 Views, 1,352 Comments

The Many Destinies of Sunset Shimmer - ratedoni

The rules of the game have changed; now, the multiverse has been born, but it is in danger of being extinguished. One spark can create a storm and one Sun is the key to survival.

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The Sunset of the Food Duels 01

She had to admit it. The school that was barely visible at the end of the road and at the top of the mountain was definitely not something you would see every day. But that wasn’t what amazed her, no, it was the way clouds and darkness engulfed the place from this far away that amazed her. Whoever was the one who build the school definitely knew how to add drama to the location.

The other thing that truly surprised Sunset was the amount of luxurious cars everywhere and the number of black suits accompanying young teenagers. Just the sight of them fired up alarm bells in her head due to the concentration of money in a small place. Sunset was told that this school was the best culinary school in the world. This was an elite school where only 10% of the students graduated.

When she had heard for the first time she had been confused, then amused at the way things could be handled there so of course she decided to listen to Principal Celestia and go for the challenge.

All the rich boys made her feel out of place for some reason. Maybe it was the way they strutted around as if the world was not worthy of them and in a way made her remember the way she used to be just a year ago. And apparently, the only guy who didn’t seem to be born in silk and gold had the same reaction. The way the boy manhandled one of the rich guys was hilarious, apparently because he wasn’t a millionaire or heir to an important company or restaurant chain he wasn’t worth their time. Knocking out the two bodyguards of the kid she took a step besides the boy, at the least it would be funny to see him interact with everyone.

The boy, named Soma, seemed to be burning with indignation of the way the rich boy talked about his family restaurant. Not that Sunset could understand since she had no idea how she would feel is someone badmouthed the place she worked, but came to the conclusion that she would have done something even worse.

It was also quite hilarious the way everyone was looking at her in fear, almost as if they already knew her and her temper. Sunset was sure she hadn’t hit those two guys hard enough to merit this welcome but at least nobody would mess with her in this school.
Arriving at the welcoming center among the other teenagers she quickly found out why everyone was looking at her as if they already knew her. In a way they did, even though she was sure her hair was red instead of blonde to be confused with the girl in front of her wearing a school uniform.

“Greetings, transfer applicants, I am Nakiri Erina and I have been assigned to judge today’s transfer exam” the girl said with the aplomb of someone used to situations like this. But Sunset didn’t care very much about it because what was surprising was the way the girl and her looked alike. It was so disconcerting that several applicants were looking at the two of them with fear “that won’t do” Erina said to her companion about the way the application was supposed to be done “bring the kitchen work table here”

“So it seems this will be only practical” Sunset said to the only boy who wasn’t intimidated by her double’s appearance and mannerism.

“That will be just perfect” Maybe the reason she felt a bond with the boy was due to his deep red hair that seemed to be alight in flames like hers.

“The main ingredient will be the egg” she said holding up the white ingredient for everyone to see “Make one dish and I’ll allow those whose creation impress my palate to transfer into the academy” okay, it seemed harsh but fair, after all this was supposed to be an elite cooking school “furthermore, I’ll allow you all one minute to withdraw your applications to the academy” the girl said with a smirk she had seen many times in the mirror, it was just strange to see someone with blonde hair do it in her opinion.

The next second both Soma and herself were in the middle of what can only be called a human stampede as every applicant began to run away in fear. Soma quickly caught one of the screaming guys and Sunset had to be amused at the catch of the day since it was the same boy Soma had been strangling before all this.

Apparently the girl was someone they called ‘God’s Palate’ and she was really important in the food business. If your dishes were not to her liking then you had the worst of time and your career would go to the trash. It was very interesting -and also hilarious- how everyone seemed to be so scared of her, it made Sunset remember her days at Canterlot Junior High.

Already taking her decision she began to walk in the direction of the kitchens following the signs on the walls. Sunset turned around to talk directly with her blonde look-a-like before she was stopped by the sheer amount of flowers and glitter floating around Erina and her assistant. It seems that they thought everyone had run away and were on their own world.

“Hey, pair of lilies!” her words made the two of them separate and just looking at their eyes she knew they were also surprised at her looks “I’m going to the kitchen to prepare something in advance, and I’m also sure that guy will be very interested in doing your exam” Sunset said already enjoying Erina’s look of confusion and bewilderment at the idea of two people taking her exam.

Walking in the direction of the place she didn’t thought she would have an interest in a year ago, Sunset began to check her mental cooking book in search of something that could take Erina for a spin. Then it clicked and she remembered the time she read about the dish. It was not going to be conventional but if something could work it was definitely THAT dish.

Author's Note:

Now Sunset finds herself in the world of Shokugeki no Soma, and let me tell you, next chapter will be something that took me a LOOOONG time to prepare for, I had to do so much research about food. So next time it is Sunset who will cook and present something for the extremely picky Erina.

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