• Published 15th Jun 2016
  • 2,555 Views, 21 Comments

Warmth - link4

Fluttershy is always timit, but how does this play into her relationships? read onto find out how dating the town speedster goes for the 2.

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Rainbow Dash awoke looking about lazily, her eyes shooting wide as she saw the clock. "Oh buck! We're going to be late!" she thought as she shook herself free of her drowsy state. "Fluttershy, wake up! We need to get going or we will be late" she said gently shaking the sleeping beauty next to her. As Fluttershy began opening her eyes, she saw a prismatic streak zoom about the room, stretching a bit as she got up. "Come on!! Let's go, let's go!" demanded Rainbow slightly more firm than she had intended. Fluttershy chuckled to herself, smiling at the energetic and eager mare in front of her. "Ok ok...I'm coming...uh...Dashie" she blushed slightly at her pet name for Rainbow Dash, and headed outside where she started hovering as she waited for the surprised pegasus.

Rainbow Dash blushed at the new pet name, and after shaking herself back to Equestria closed the door, joining Fluttershy in the air as they flew off together. They headed up toward a cloud Rainbow personally selected and shaped for today. They reached the spot merely half an hour later, and Fluttershy's eyes widened at the size of it. The cloud was big enough for all their friends. She didn't question it the size. She landed next to Rainbow as she opened the picnic basket and Withdrew a blanket that Fluttershy asked Twilight for. She set it down and began getting a few things from the basket. "Are you still not um...going to tell me what you have...planned?" Fluttershy asked as she finished setting up.

"No way! I told its a surprise Flutters" replied Rainbow, hoping she had judged the change in Fluttershy's demeanor right. She was rewarded as Fluttershy simply blushed a bit without looking away. "A-alright..." Fluttershy said kind of enjoying the nickname, even though unsure why she was enjoying it to begin with.

Time flew by for the two, happy just to spend time with one another. Topics such as Fluttershy's animals or Rainbowdash's weatherpony job were discussed, along with their friends' antics. Apparently Rainbow let slip she postponed a storm for today. "I didn't know...um you could do that" Fluttershy said surprised and flattered that Rainbow would do such a thing for her. By the time they finished eating, the sun was setting. Fluttershy wondered why Rainbow had them out so late. She usually decided to enjoy her alone time at her cottage with her animal friends, so this was a first for her being all alone with that majestic mare she could call her own.

Rainbow noticed Fluttershy become a little nervous as the sun's light faded. She nuzzled up to the shaking mare and held her in a wing hug, reassuring Fluttershy with her presence. "Don't freak out on me yet. The best is still to come" she said trying to draw Fluttershy's attention to something else. Rainbow's tactic clearly worked, as Fluttershy looked at her confused. Before Fluttershy could ask what she meant, she saw the blue moon rising in the horizon surrounded by only a few stars in the night canvas. "But...wha-how did you know?" was all Fluttershy could manage, confused on how Rainbow could possibly have known the moon would be so beautiful tonight.

Rainbow Dash smiled as she giggled a little. "Well...we do have connections being friends with Twilight, not to mention Elements of Harmony" Fluttershy's eyes widened as it clicked what Rainbow was hinting at. "You...asked Princess Luna?" Fluttershy asked, shocked at the prospect of using her connection for such a reason.
"Mhm...I asked Twilight to send a letter, requesting a meeting". Luna was easy going about it" she replied hoping Princess Luna being slack about it would ease her a bit. Rainbow got her answer as Fluttershy sighed and leaned into her side, nuzzling the cyan mare's neck lovingly.

Rainbow Dash nuzzled back as they lay on the cloud, basking in the blue moon's light. A few minutes had passed and Fluttershy was having an unusual urge, well unusual for her at least. She wasn't sure at first, since normally being near her Dashie was enough but lately however, since last night, her urge for contact had grown. She thought this over, bathed in the night sky and held by the one pony she could be free with. "Be free with...?" she thought to herself then a thought came to mind, and she decided to take a chance.

Fluttershy looked up to see Rainbow's eyes closed, giving her more confidence. She reached up and gave Rainbow a kiss barely touching as her lips brushed Rainbows before she blushed hard and hid slightly behind her mane keeping her gaze upon the beautiful pegasus.

Rainbow Dash was enjoying the moment holding her Fluttershy under a blue moon, when she was taken by a pleasant surprise. She opened her eyes to a bashful and unsure Fluttershy. "She DID just...kiss me right?" she thou herself. "Maybe I could just..." with that she went and gave Fluttershy a gentle kiss lasting but just a few seconds. "She didn't pull back...!" Rainbow thought in relief, knowing she really had tried to kiss her.

Fluttershy almost eeped as Rainbow Dash opened her eyes and studied her for a moment "Did I not stay in contact long enough?" she thought as she saw Rainbow's wondering expression. She barely had a second thought when she felt the soft lips against hers. Her eyes closed as she was immersed in the sweetness of it. Her first kiss with Rainbow Dash. Fluttershy reached forward trying to make it last longer when Rainbow ended it.

She blushed at her awkwardness, and decided it was time to head home. Fluttershy packed up the remaining food as Rainbow Dash folded the blanket and stashed it in the basket. Ready to go, Fluttershy held the basket as she ogled Rainbow while she bucked the cloud getting rid of it. After Rainbow refused to let her head home on her own, they flew to the peaceful cottage, close enough to feel the draft of each other's wings flapping.

Upon reaching Fluttershy's cottage, Rainbow opted to give Fluttershy another kiss goodbye, letting it last longer this time then she hugged Fluttershy and headed home.


She hugged Rainbow Dash bye and went inside. Laying the basket on the kitchen table to sort through in the morning, she went upstairs to the bathroom. After freshening up and brushing her teeth, she went to bed under the covers. It was a rough night for her, as Fluttershy just couldn't get comfortable. Her comforter just didn't keep her warm like Rainbow did.

She shuffled around some more. "I miss Dashie's warmth" she thought to herself, still smelling faint remnants of the cyan mare on her bed.