• Published 15th Jun 2016
  • 2,555 Views, 21 Comments

Warmth - link4

Fluttershy is always timit, but how does this play into her relationships? read onto find out how dating the town speedster goes for the 2.

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The date

She tried remembering when it began. The only answer Rainbow Dash could come up with, was the first time fluttershy asked her to stay over. She didn't mind the change taking place in her marefriend, it was nice and refreshing. Since then, Fluttershy got more and more bold and assertive when it was the two of them.

Just the other day Fluttershy nuzzled against her affectionately, relishing the smallest of contact despite being in the market at the time.

It was good to see her like this, it gave Rainbow hope for the future between the two of them. She only hoped it didn't change Fluttershy into a different pony altogether. These six months of being Fluttershy's had been great and she didn't mind such a non-physical relationship, anything for her angel.

She had plans for today after cloud duty. like usual she wanted to make fluttershy feel special and not just a 'quick fix' so to speak. To do this, she made every night together special with little more than a bit of cuddling...not that she didn't wish for more. It was nearing the end of her shift and Rainbow was anxious to pick up fluttershy at sugarcube corner.

She clocked out after bucking the last of the stray punk clouds and headed to her place to freshen up before getting ready at raritys. once freshened up from her hard work day, she headed to rarity's for the next get together with her orchis 'knock knock knock' came the sound of somepony at the door. Rarity set her work down and went to check it out in hopes it wouldn't take long. "ah-rainbow dear, come on in. I wasn't expecting you so soon" She said as Rainbow allowed herself in and sat at the table.

"Sorry I'm early, but I want to get this done as soon as possible. You know I don't like being 'dolled up' " Rainbow stated as she made a look of utter distaste.

"I think it's great you're doing this of your own accord darling. and if you ask me, you should do so more often" Rarity replied as she made her way to her workstation and pulled out a dress for Rainbowdash. practically shoving her in the dressing room anxious to dress her up, even if only a little on her own accord.

Moments later Rainbow Dash came out wearing a sundress that was a little loose, and complimented the body toned from years of training. "How does it look?" she asked still unsure about the whole dolling up idea. Rarity looked at her handiwork in satisfaction.

Rainbow Dash stood wearing a simple white dress with a few cloud patterns printed at the hem. She felt weird wearing a dress, but didn't complain knowing why she was bothering to do this. "It looks great Rainbow"

"Now let's get your mane and tail done dear, you and I both know you can't do it yourself" Rarity exclaimed as she went to work on Rainbows tail, putting it into a plait with a few white Camellia entwined in the weaves of the plait. Rainbow raised an eyebrow at the flowers.

"Really? flowers...."

"Darlin...do you want to look your best or not?" Rarity asked knowing the answer already. "Besides Rainbow, it is simple like you asked for."

Rainbow was a little annoyed at such a girly thing but gave in "fine...but i'm still not sure I like it" Rainbow was glad they were nearly done, she wanted to stretch her wings even if only a little. She couldn't afford to mess up Rarity's hard work by flying her usual speeds...

Rarity started on Rainbow's mane by simply brushing it for once. "Rainbow dear...um...when is the last time you brushed your mane dear?" Rarity asked as she struggled with a particularly tough patch of tangles.

"Um...does my mom brushing it count?" Rainbow replied a little sheepishly. rarity sighed...'silly me, this is RainbowDash after all-why did i expect anything more from this wild mare' after several long minutes she finished brushing the windswept mane into a soft, straight looking mane. Now it was time for the last touches-a single whitehair clip with faded sky blue to keep her bangs out of her face. "You sure we need the clip? I don't mind the bangs you know," Rainbow said, hoping to escape having to deal with it...to no avail apparently as rarity ignored her and admired her work.

"Ok Rainbow, we are done and I think you look great" she said excitedly as Rainbow Dash looked in the mirror.

"Thanks rarity I owe you" exclaimed Rainbow as she was getting ready to head out the door.

"Just help me with a few outfits some time and we're even darling...good luck" Rarity barely said as Rainbow slowly hovered toward sugarcube corner where Fluttershy waited. Rainbow was excited to meet up with her, lately Fluttershy has been dressing up more often just for her and Rainbow Dash liked it.

Rainbow arrived at sugarcube corner an excruciating 30 minutes later, not used to going so slow for anything so mundane as going somewhere, She was at least 15 minutes early, so she asked for a table to wait at. Mrs. cake showed her to a table saying "We aren't too busy today, I'm sure this will do fine dear" with that she went back to the kitchen where her cupcakes were ready to be taken out of the oven.

Time went by slowly for Rainbow Dash as she waited for Fluttershy to show up. She was rewarded for her patients however as she saw her walk in. what she saw made her speechless, there was Fluttershy, in a simple dress of faded cherry blossom pink.

Her tail fluffed with japanese anemone flowers entwined and held secure by vine-colored ribbons, her mane in a ponytail decorated by a single light purple Larkspur. The sight made Rainbow Dash's cheeks redden as she realized how long she had been staring at the beautiful sight.

"Hey Flutters, you look great!" Rainbow said as she gave Fluttershy a small lick on her cheek and rubbed noses with her. "T-thanks dashie you too. So what's the plan today?" Fluttershy asked nuzzling Dash's neck affectionately as they walked out of sugarcube corner, making their way to Rainbow’s cloud home. They enjoyed one another's company on the flight there and, with a little encouraging from Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy went up to the door.

Rainbow noticed Fluttershy was still a little nervous being up high, so she brought Tank from his little corner to say hi. It worked instantly as Fluttershy brightened at seeing him, not even caring about the height issues anymore. Rainbow Dash chuckled slightly to herself as she admired how beautiful Fluttershy was when she was in her element. "I hope you're hungry shy, I cooked a nice dinner for us today-and no, I didn't burn the kitchen down for once" Rainbow thanked pinkie pie for the help in teaching her to cook.

"Y-You made dinner dashie? Oh my...t-thank you sweety. I would love to try your cooking" she exclaimed eagerly, happy that dashie learned to cook for her. "What did you make?" Fluttershy asked curious what dish her dashie was capable of making that didn't burn the house down.

"Still got a couple things to finish up, hadn't had the chance since I got off work" Rainbow said offering her marefriend a seat on the couch before heading to the kitchen for last minute touches.

It was a short thirty minutes passed before Rainbow Dash called for fluttershy letting her know it was ready. Fluttershy cantered to the kitchen excitedly, still quite curious as to what was for dinner. She was in awe however as Rainbow helped her to her seat before taking her own.

She saw Penne with Braised Squash and Greens, Shallot Vinaigrette, and Kalamata Olive and Garlic Bread. "O-Oh my...you made all of t-this-for me?" Fluttershy managed as she enjoyed the smell of all the delicious looking food. "I've always wanted to try Vinaigrette"

"You bet I did shy, I even have Pink Grapefruit Blueberry Sorbet for dessert" Rainbow exclaimed proudly, leaving out the part where she had help with the dessert. avoiding the lit candle in the middle of the table, RainbowDash opened the bottle of Pinot Grigio and poured each of them a glass. The meal itself was uneventful for the most part, though Rainbow got a kick out of Fluttershys enjoyment of the meal. She had to admit, it was pretty good.

"T-Thank you for the meal Dashie...it was great!" Fluttershy exclaimed, stifling a giggle at how neatly Rainbow ate her meal for once. "Um...is the dessert ready?" She asked tilting her head slightly, curious what this would taste like.

"Yea, I just have it in the ice box-let me go get it" Rainbow replied as she cleaned up the table. She came back a few minutes later with a bowl of the Sorbet for the two of them to share. "Here you go Flutters" Rainbow set the bowl down, nibbled a little at Fluttershys ear and then took her seat again. Fluttershy loved when Dash messed with her that way, and it only brightened her mood further when she did.

They enjoyed the sorbet and each other's company for a while. Rainbow Dash still on her first glass of wine, Fluttershy her second-her face a light pink tint by now.

Rainbow decided she had enough and put the wine away, cleaning up the dishes while she was at it. "You alright shy?" she asked trying to see where her mind was. "I’m fine Dashie, why?" was all she got in response. Rainbow figured it was ok, so she led her to the couch. She saw it was eight forty-five, and figured it time to get ready for bed.

"I’m going to take a quick shower, you can rest here till I get back?" Rainbow said, hoping the wine would wear off by then.

"Ok dashie, don't take too long" Fluttershy replied, her eyes slightly dazed. Rainbow made her way upstairs to the bathroom and proceeded to undo her mane and tail, setting the dress neatly in the closet.

She left the bathroom door at a crack, and got in for a hot and relaxing shower.

It was only a few minutes into her shower when she heard the door opening. curious, she opened the curtain to see fluttershy dazed and trying to join her.