• Published 15th Jun 2016
  • 2,569 Views, 21 Comments

Warmth - link4

Fluttershy is always timit, but how does this play into her relationships? read onto find out how dating the town speedster goes for the 2.

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Spa day

It had been a couple days since her date with Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy felt off as she slept alone that night. Rest came in fits for the frustrated mare as she constantly tossed and turned, seeking that familiar, secure warmth from before. She would never find it however. Celestia's Sun soon peeked at her from the window telling her it was time to care for her animal friends before her spa day with Rarity. Fluttershy sat in front of her homey cottage entry, finally ready to head out and meet with Rarity for their annual spa day. Fluttershy took off toward the designer's home all the while lost in her thoughts. She thought that maybe, perhaps her friend could clear some of her confusion for her.

A light knock came barely drifting through her boutique as she finished one of her latest designs. Knowing too well nopony else had a knock as quiet as this, she called to her guest as she readied herself for the trip "Come on in dear, I'll be but a moment".

Fluttershy sat at the table waiting patiently on her friend. "Um...i-its ok, t-take your uh...time" she said, trying not to rush Rarity, happy for a little more time to think. Fluttershy needn't wait long though as Rarity had prepared ahead of time. After closing up shop, the two of them were off to be pampered.

Rarity couldn't help but notice how distracted and in her own little world Fluttershy was. It wasn't too hard to notice though, as Fluttershy nearly bumped into quite a few ponies along the way. Noting the last time she was like this before, she decided to see if she could be an ear for her dear friend, after she had relaxed a bit from the treatment at the spa of course. Upon arrival, Rarity signed them in and were immediately whisked off to their first destination.

She knew Fluttershy to be quite reluctant to bother her friends with these things "Fluttershy darling, whatever is the matter? You're quite distracted today" she said making Fluttershy jump slightly at being jerked from her little world. "Huh? oh....uh...I-I'm sorry Rarity, I really am having fun just...thinking I-I guess" she said in her trademark quietness.

"Um...it's...nothing...just sorting through things is all" Fluttershy replied hoping it was enough for her curious friend.

"Fluttershy dear, you two have been together a few months now and this is a first she has distracted you so much or at least visibly" she said showing she was not satisfied with the explanation in the least. Steam billowed throughout the sauna as Rarity added water to the coals, which made seeing in front of one's own hoof nearly impossible. "H-how did you know it was um... about D-Dashie?" stumbled a surprised Fluttershy, cheeks burning in embarrassment that her friend could read her so well.

"Darling, you haven't been this out of it in months!" Rarity said "I'm sure you remember the reason for it last time?" questioned rarity knowingly.

Fluttershy did remember actually, that was when her and Rainbow hit it off, so to speak. A squeak was all she could manage in response as she thought of that day. Seeing the state her friend was in, Rarity decided to wait a little bit before pressing on, but not too long though as she was eager to hear more.

A few minutes had passed, and they moved to the hot tub instead. Thinking Fluttershy was more relaxed by now, Rarity decided to press on, she cleared her throat to say she was still waiting for more. "Um... I-I uh... know I love Dashie but... I-I had n-new urges toward Dashie l-lately... eeep" Fluttershy whispered. She whimpered at the end, hiding behind her mane and making herself a little smaller. She clearly felt awkward about it.

Rarity's eyes shined as she heard this, excited to hear her usually shy and timid friend was getting more assertive with somepony. "Calm down, a lady doesn't go wild" she thought to herself. "So... tell me more darling, why does this bother you?" she asked only slightly showing excitement.

Fluttershy hid herself behind her mane more as she mumbled her reply "I-it's um... just that I... uh- wonder why I '...' barely audible to anypony not intently listening.

Confused, Rarity pressed on "Why Fluttershy dear, if you don't speak up I won't understand".

Fluttershy peeked out from behind her mane a little. "I-I was...wondering if maybe...this is how Dashie feels all the t-time" she said curiously.

"Hmm and how might that be dear?" she asked, more curious as to why it bothered her friend so much. "I-I... um... couldn't get much sleep last night... and '...' " confused still as to her friends concern "I..." Fluttershy began quietly. Over the rest of the spa day, Fluttershy spoke of the look in Rainbow Dash's eyes she now always saw and didn't understand until now, though her own hunger wasn't as big. She voiced how bad she felt having realized how long that look had existed. As the day went on, Rarity did her best to listen, finally getting the timid mare to open up. By the end of the spa treatments she had given Fluttershy some tips keeping in mind how timid she normally was.

The two refreshed mares went separate ways to ready themselves for the afternoon picnic with everypony in a couple hours for a late lunch.

Fluttershy headed toward the park excited to see everypony after a few days, all of them had been quite busy and she couldn't see them. As she neared the picnic blanket, she saw that all her friends were already present and took a seat next to Rainbow Dash, nuzzling her neck a bit and debating in her mind on how open to be. She let it be however as she slightly blushed, considering she was already practically sitting on her.

She sat there listening as her friends talked. The contact of being this close to Rainbow made her heart soar, even though just hours ago it confused her. Now though, she wished she could stay like this longer. She was content though, just being around her friends after a while. Few minutes in and one cupcake later, she started to feel her eyes get heavy.

"Could ya'll host the CMC sleepover tomorrow Rarity, my hooves are-ght full?" she heard Applejack say, as she dozed off leaning limply on Rainbow Dash's side. "...she must be exhausted poor dear...I did give her a few ideas today. Maybe she ran around getting things ready, not to mention little sleep last night" Rarity said as she watched Fluttershy sleep.

"Ready for what?" Pinkie Pie asked cheerily smiling wide.

"Nothing darling" Rarity replied glancing over at Rainbow Dash who had wrapped a wing over Fluttershy to keep her warm in the cool fall weather. Applejack and Twilight exchanged curious looks but left well enough alone as they smiled at Fluttershy taking initiative and went back to talking about Twilight's latest visit to Canterlot.

Fluttershy awoke an hour later with a squeak of a yawn as she nuzzled into Rainbow Dash more, finally having a peaceful rest. She jumped up slightly as she realized she had dozed off on her friends. "I-I'm so sorry girls... I don't know what happened, I just d-dozed off out of nowhere" she said apologetically.

"Don't sweat it Shy"

"Yes, it's quite alright Fluttershy, if you had asked, you could have stayed home and rested" Twilight said smiling a little at Fluttershy.

"Y-you sure? I'd hate to be a-a bother"

Rainbow nuzzled her cheek "You're never a burden Fluttershy, ok?" she exclaimed as Fluttershy blushed, but not backing away from the contact and instead nuzzled back and she relished the warmth of the contact that spread throughout her body.

Fluttershy had that feeling again and before she knew what she was doing, had given Rainbow Dash a small lick on her cheek making Rainbow blush as her eyes widened. No sooner did she finish the action did the realization hit her. She blushed furiously making herself smaller when she noticed the others looking at her in surprise. "Ahem. You were saying how you had studies to finish dear...?" asked Rarity attempting to draw attention away from the beet red Fluttershy whose eyes were like pin needles.

"Oh... yes! Thank you for reminding me Rarity, I'm supposed to give a report on how snowflakes came to be. Far as I know it was a mare named Snowdrop. I'll see you girls later.

The report was oddly enough made by Princess Luna and I have only until tonight to do it" she waved bye to everypony and left. One by one they each eventually left. After a couple had left, Fluttershy was finally relaxing again where nopony remarked about her behavior. "I'll be on my way girls, Sweetie belle is coming over for the weekend and you know how she is" Rarity gave Fluttershy a small smile and waved bye to Rainbow Dash as she trotted off to "Sweetie-proof" the boutique.

Silence filled the air as Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy sat for a few minutes, until Fluttershy broke it. "Um... Dashie?" Fluttershy asked

"What's up Flutters?" asked Rainbow still curious about what was with the odd behavior earlier.

"Would you... um... mind if... maybe I came over for the weekend um... instead...?" Fluttershy asked hoping to get home before she lost control again

"Sure, just let me get somepony to cover my shift Saturday" Rainbow said.

"A-alright... and... sorry about earlier... I don't know what happened... I didn't even realize what I was doing" Fluttershy replied blushing again lightly.

"It's alright my silly filly, besides I kind of liked it" she replied blushing a little as she nuzzled Fluttershy one last time before flying off. "I'll have somepony watch your critters for you."

Fluttershy jumped a little at this thought "I-I don't know..." Fluttershy stated concerned.

"You'll be fine, you are a pegasus after all. Besides, I know how much you love those critters. I won't get anypony not suited for the job!" Rainbow assured her.

"Well... okay then" Fluttershy replied with a smile that melted Rainbow Dash's heart more before trotting off to her cottage. Rainbow flew off excited to spend another weekend with her angelic Fluttershy. "Angelic? When did I become such a softie..." thought Rainbow Dash as she disappeared into the sky.

Once home, Fluttershy did her chores and fed the animals one last time for the day, then told them she would be gone for the weekend. She gave Angel some ground rules to go by, she knew he could be quite rambunctious around strangers. She made a mental note that maybe Tank should stay at the cottage for the weekend. She headed to bed and the last thought was how she wished she was cuddling with her special somepony right now.