• Published 19th Jun 2012
  • 1,432 Views, 14 Comments

Discharged - The_Last_Centurion

The Captain of the Lunar Battalion is Honorably Discharged for something he can't control.

  • ...

Chapter 20

This story is a fan-fiction of MLP:FiM. I don't own any of it. It belongs to Hasbro, etc, etc.
Don't sue. Seriously. That would be so uncouth.

Chapter 20

Branches and twigs broke, scraped, and stuck in my coat as I dashed madly out of Whitetail Woods towards Ponyville. The second Solitary had uttered those horrible words I broke into a frenzied sprint. I could hear Ditzy and Solitary calling my name from behind me but I just kept running. I had to makes sure Twilight and the other were alright. I couldn't wait up for anypony, this was just too important.

I burst out of the calm woods on that gorgeous morning filled with worry and anxiety. From where I came out, I was quite a ways from the main road to Ponyville, but even from here I could see something was amiss. The biggest sign of the previous night's events: the tower of city hall was burnt and was missing large pieces of roofing, making it look like it would collapse any second. I sprinted even harder onto the road and towards the town. I could taste blood in my mouth, but it felt cold with dread, just like the rest of me did.

I finally slowed when I came into the town's outskirts and gawked at the damage. All around me were large scorch marks on the ground. The homes that my emotional earthquake didn't destroy were blasted to smithereens and the rubble still smoked. I looked around in shock and despair and didn't notice the pegasi that called to me. Finally I looked to the sky, only to find it was Thunderhead Flash. He came down to greet me, but saw the look on my face. Only when he saluted me did I snap out of my revive of shock.

“It's good to see you Capt.....Crimson.” said Thunderhead.

“What happened here?” I asked as Ditzy and Solitary caught up to us. Thunderhead saluted to Solitary and Ditzy as well, but then turned to face me again.

“Princess Luna is in the schoolhouse sir. It's serving as our field headquarters at the moment. Allow me to escort you there.”

I snorted. “You think anypony is going to attack now?”

“Go spread the word that Crimson's back and tell Puck to meet us at the schoolhouse in ten minutes.” said Solitary gruffly.

Thunderhead saluted him. “Sir!” he said, flying into the sky speedily.

I glanced at Solitary with a raised eyebrow. “What?” he said. “I'm the captain now. I gotta do stuff like that.”

“Let's get to the schoolhouse.” said Ditzy. Solitary and I nodded our heads and we all ran through Ponyville.

It took us longer than it should have, thanks to the various obstacles of the last few days. I managed to clear a level path through the convoluted earth caused by my earthquake, but I wasn't able to move the burnt wreckage of buildings and homes. I felt a sharp constriction in my chest when I saw a burnt and collapsed Sugarcube Corner, but was slightly relieved when I saw the library had been untouched, thanks to all of Twilight's flame-retardant spells. Nevertheless, the three of us sped towards Ponyville Elementary school.

The schoolhouse and playground, which was noisily filled with the laughter and joyful squeals of colts and fillies playing was eerily quiet. A swing slowly moved in a breeze that chilled me to the bone. Two of the earth ponies of Puck ( Broken Wheat and Husked Corn) tensed when they saw us approach, but relaxed completely when they saw me. They started to move to greet me warmly, but Solitary handled it for me.

“No time colts and fillies. We have to see Princess Luna!” he shouted, and the stallion and mare saluted, opening the door to the schoolhouse for us.

“She's in the main classroom!” said Husked Corn as the three of us blazed down the main corridor. We screeched to a halt in front of the large door on the left at the end of the corridor. Ditzy opened it up and all three tried to enter at the same time. We ended up tumbling through the door and I rolled away from the huddle and towards the blackboard. I stood up to come face to face with a surprised Princess of the Night.

“What happened here?” I asked quickly and breathlessly as Ditzy and Solitary groggily got up from their slump, dazed about what had just happened. Luna looked me straight in the face and a frown spread on hers.

“Is that really how you greet us? Even after we have not seen you for a full month?” she said as she crossed her hooves in front of herself. I let out a frustrated sigh. Luna looked at me a little peeved off and one of her hooves was tapping on the ground, waiting for me to talk. I started at her, and slowly but surely, one of my eyes started to twitch. A frustrated smile spread along my face and my teeth started to grind together. Slowly, the tapping stopped and Luna's face went from peeved off to a little worried.

“So Ponyville, one of your towns, gets attacked, and you are upset with me because I didn't 'greet you properly'?” I said leaning towards her. “So half of this town get burnt to the ground after I almost destroy it a few days earlier, and I have no idea whether my friends and the only mare I've possibly loved since Oakleaf died are alright, and you are angry because I DIDN'T BUCKING GREET YOU PROPERLY?!?!?!?!” I yelled into Luna's face. She had shrunk down from my angry advances and now shook a little while I still stared at her with a twitching eye.

“Calm down there Crimson.” Ditzy said pulling me away from the quivering princess.

“That's right mate. You know that ain't no way ta talk to your princess.” Solitary said as he pulled me away with Ditzy. Luna stood there shaking for a minute looking at me, but then she righted herself and coughed.

“Sometimes we might forget ourselves Crimson.” Luna said shakily. “We did not mean any offense and we now see our ply at joking was not taken too well given the circumstance. Please forgive us Crimson.”

My jaw unclenched and I took a few deep breaths. “It's alright Luna. I'm sorry too. It's good to see you.” I said shrugging out of my friends' grasp and giving the princess of the night a warm hug.

“It is good to see thee too.”

I broke away from her and asked the inevitable. “Please, tell me what happened here.”

Luna sighed and rubbed the bridge of her muzzle. “I take it Fenrir told you nothing?”

“He mentioned that he had something important to tell me, but we kinda got caught up in something.”

“What could possibly be so important that the fool does not tell you a royal warning?” Luna asked incredulously.

“Well, let's just say his arrival in town wasn't taken to well. Somepony actually tried to fight him off and I got caught up in the middle of it.”

“Ah. Perhaps we should remind ourselves that it is not always the best idea to send a timberwolf to deliver messages, even if he is the fastest in all of the Lunar Battalion.”

“Yes, so what was he going to tell me?”

“That you had you evacuate the town.” Solitary cut in. His voice was stoic and solemn. “He was supposed to tell you to get all the civilians out of town, gather the element bearers, and wait for back-up from us.”

“For what?” I asked, now severely worried.

“It's the Fire-Eaters. They were spotted from Cloudsdale and they were coming this way. They were the ones who attacked Ponyville. They kidnapped every able-bodied unicorn in town and tied to kill the rest. Luckily, most of the townsponies managed to escape, but a few weren't so lucky.”

The room went dead silent and my blood ran cold. I could feel all my anxieties and fears clawing their way up into my throat.

“But, we stopped them. We stopped them.” I pleaded.

“We managed to knock out their main headquarters, but there was apparently one we missed. They used it as a new base and grew in power and strength. The army that attacked Ponyville was 500 strong.” Solitary said. “I'm sorry Crimson.”

I looked around to all of their faces to see if this was a cruel joke, if it could have possibly even been a dream, but it was real. My mouth twitched as I felt the room get smaller and smaller, darker and darker. I sprinted out of the room and heard Ditzy and Solitary try to stop me, but Luna told them “Let him go.” I kept running and burst out of the schoolhouse, scaring my past comrades of Puck and all the other members of Puck that had heard Thunderhead's call to the schoolhouse. They saw me and tired to greet me, but I ran past them. I kept running and running until I ran out of breath by the pond. I took a deep look into the pond's waters and saw my fearful face. I started to cry. How could I stop them? They had taken all I ever had once, and now they were back to take my life again! What could I do?

“Well chap. I was once in the same situation you are now.” said a soothing voice from beside me. I looked into the waters and saw the Doctor's reflection.

“I know that feeling. That the whole universe is ending, that everything you ever loved and fought for was for nothing. That your life will never be the same. But I also know what you can do when you've hit that bottom.” he continued. “You can fight. You can fight for everything and everyone who ever mattered to you. And now you might feel alone, but you're not.” he said waiving a hoof behind me.

I wiped my eyes and glanced up and found all of Puck unit (except for Fenrir and Syringe), Solitary, Ditzy, and even Luna standing at attention staring at me.

“Well what do ya say mate? Give it a go. We're all here to help. I know even more will help you too.” he said with a wink as he took his place in line and saluted, smiling at me. I sobbed once and then stood to attention and saluted them as well.

“We'll follow you to the ends o' the earth Cap'n.” Solitary said.

“This is all of our fight, Crimson.” Ditzy said.

“And we're all scared too Crimson.” Thunderhead said.

“But that doesn't mean we won't fight alongside you, my little pony.” Luna said softly.

I glanced at everyone of them and just cried softly. I was moved by their comradeship, but I was scared to. So very scared. But then I heard a whisper in the back of my mind. It was the memory of Oakleaf's love. Her undying love for all of her friends that gave her the strength to face death alone. I wiped my tears and stood up straighter.

“So every one of you would help me? So everyone of you would face death to save these ponies? Well then good! As I was once told by a certain Princess of the Night, we the Lunar battalion are the troops that rain darkness on our foes while our loved ones are safe in their beds. So what happens when our loved ones are taken from their safe, warm beds? We more that rain darkness on our foes, we give a whole new meaning to the darkness that will make every dishonorable pony fear the night!” I screamed to them. They all agreed in cheers and in Luna's case a silent nod.

“Go to Sweet Apple Acres, Crimson. All the ponies of Ponyville are taking up refuge there.” Luna directed. “There you will find out where the Fire-Eaters went, and hopefully you will find reinforcements as well.”

I nodded to her and I saluted to all of them. “Meet up at the schoolhouse in two hours. For now, prepare for war.” I said before trotting off towards Sweet Apple Acres.

“Hold on a tic mate!” called a voice from behind me as I heard four pairs of hooves follow me. I glanced back and saw the Doctor and Ditzy following me.

“We're coming with.” Ditzy said with a small smile. I nodded and ran off towards Sweet Apple Acres. The scenery passed by in a flash as we headed to Applejack's home and I was caught up in my thoughts.

“Doctor, how did you know that I would be there?” I asked while we ran.

“An. Old. Friend. Told. Me.” he panted out as he ran.

“An alicorn friend?”

“We masters of time 'ave to stick together.” he said with a rouge smile that was contagious.

We reached Sweet Apple Acres and found some Ponyville citizens standing guard armed with simple farming tools. The recognized us and let us though, even though they gave us strange looks. I headed straight to the farmhouse, but the amount of noise from the barn diverted my path. I stood in front of the wide red doors and took a deep breath.

“Don't worry mate. We have your back...er flank. Whatever it is you ponies cover when in trouble.” the Doctor said.

“Withers maybe?” questioned Ditzy.

“Good call love!”

“Thanks Doctor.”

I cleared my throat loudly and opened the doors before they could say anything else.

The barn was cleared out and rows of stretchers and beds littered the first floor and the balconies surrounding the upper levels of the barn. Not every one was filled with a wounded or sick pony, but too many of them were. As one being, all the faces in the improvised medical hall turned and faced me. I got many a horrible look from a few ponies, but they were drowned out by the cheer of “Crimson!” from my friends. I looked around and saw Big Mac, Fluttershy, Syringe, and Spike all up on their hooves tending to the various wounded with some other ponies from Ponyville. They waived me inside, and the three of us walked into the barn and went to the four who now crowded around a few stretchers, holding some more friendly faces.

As I approached I felt my heart leap into my throat as I saw that Fenrir, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash were laying in the stretchers. However, they didn't look to worried about their conditions, as they all smiled with our approach.

“How have you been Crimson?” asked my logical medic friend Syringe. I pulled him into a hug and everypony laughed from the look on his face. “I missed you too Syringe.” I said as I released him. He smiled and shook hooves with the Doctor.

“It is good to see you again Doctor.”

“You know him?” I asked.

The Doctor rolled his eyes. “I am called 'The Doctor' for a reason.” he pointed to me. “There's always a daft one in every universe.....” Everypony chuckled again, relieved we were reunited. I looked at my wounded friends and my expression turned dark.

“I'm sorry everypony.”

“It is not your fault brother.” Fenrir said. “If it is to be anyone's fault, it is mine. I did not tell you the message fast enough and this is what happens for it.”

“Than ya might as well blame me. Ah was the one who attacked mah now good friend here.” Big Mac said resolutely.

“Ok we can all share the blame!” Ditzy said, stoppimg our little self-pity party.

“So what happened?” I coughed out.

“They attacked around ten at night, starting with an artillery of firballs.” Fenrir said, the group growing quiet at the memory. “Then they stormed the town. Forgive me pack brother, I could not stop all of them.”

“It's alright. What matters is that you are here now, and safe.”

“I fear I might not be able to fight though.” he said raising a foreleg. The paw was covered in bandages, but I realized there was no paw. His paw had been cut off. I didn't know what to say, but Spike pulled my attention away from my wounded friend.

“They took Twilight and Rarity and Shining and Cadence, Crimson. They took them and we gotta go save them!” he cried frantically, pulling on one of my legs.

“We will Spike. That is why I'm here right now.”

“Listen partner, them unicorns put up a mighty fight.” Applejack said. “Us elements of harmony went to the frontline and tried tah stop them with the power of harmony, but they attacked so gosh darn fast.” She held up a hoof in a sling. “One of 'em cut mah arm with one o' their swords. RD pulled me away from the fight, but she went back.”

“And I end up taking and arrow in my leg.” Rainbow Dash said flatly. “How am I supposed to do anything now?”

“Tha only reason we're all here right now is 'cause a Fluttershy an Pinkie Pie.” Applejack continued. “They really saved our bacon.”

“Where is Pinkie Pie anyway?”

“She said something about 'cooking up a brew made by two' an headed off ta Zecora's hut.”

“Ok, ok. Look I need to know where the Fire-Eaters went. We're gong to save them, and soon.”

“That's easy. They went to Ghastly Gorge.” said Fluttershy.

“Thank you everypony.” I said, turning to Syringe. “Do you think you will be needed here for much longer?”

“I managed to treat all the patients, so now they are just on bed rest.”

“Good, because like I said, we're marching out and we could use you. Meet at the Schoolhouse in two hours.”

Syringe nodded and went over to his medical bag that sat on a table and started to put his equipment away.

“Jes' you wait on cotton-pickin' second! You ain't gonna be the only pony goin' along with Crimson. Ahm coming too.” Big Mac said, stepping in front of me.

“You don't need...”

“Shut up Crimson. Ah know yer tryin' to be nice an all, but yer gonna need all the help you can get.”

“Then don't count me out either.” said Fenrir as he got our of bed and stood wobbly on his three good paws.

“That's just ridiculous! Your paw is gone Fenrir! You won't be able to fight!”

“Do you still have those Ursa Major claws I gave you?”


Fenrir smiled wolfishly. “Syringe, would you help me to the Library? I need to pick up something.”

“If he's goin', than ahm comin' too.” Applejack said as she stood up out of bed.

“Me too! Heck, I'm the element of loyalty! I'll be out there before you even know it.” Rainbow Dash said joining in on the zeal.

“Then can I come too?” asked a timid voice from behind Big Mac. Everypony looked at Fluttershy with wide eyes. “What? I don't like how these unicorns have acted, at all.” she said cracking her neck very uncharacteristically.

I let out a deep sigh. “Thanks guys, but half of you are wounded, and the other half have never been in a war-like situation.”

“You ever fight off the god of chaos?”


“Or face and angry and violent goddess?”


“Or fight of a whole mess a changelings at yer friend's brother's weddin'?”

“No, but...”

“I think they can hold their own Crimson.” said a calm voice from behind me. I turned to Syringe with a stupefied look on my face. He simple re-adjusted his glasses and looked right back at me.

“Quite frankly, these mares are tougher that what you credit the for and everypony, except for Fenrir, has sustained minor wounds that could be cured quickly by our princess of the night. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to take a timberwolf to a library; and if you haven't noticed, I doubt I'll ever be able to do this ever again.” Syringe helped a laughing Fenrir out of the barn and they left me there with a group of grinning ponies and and open jaw. Did the most logical pony I ever met, seriously just tell me off? I sat down on my haunches and massaged the sides of my head in slow, steady circles.

“It might be a little tough to handle Crimson, but they're our friends too.” said a buttery-yellow peagsus's voice. I sighed and looked up at the group of smiling fools.

“You know this isn't a game. You could all get hurt, and hurt real bad.” I said solidly to the group. There were a few worried glances from some of them, but Applejack looked me dead in the eye.

“Ah know. Ah think we all do. But this is more important than us. We'll be there tah help ya save our friends.” she said just as seriously. Big Mac nodded at his sister's words and he climbed up on the table that once held Syringe's medical equipment.

“Hey everypony! Listen up!” he called out to the barn. The small conversations and idle talks died down as every head turned to face him.

“Ah know that we're all scared, an some o' us are pretty hurt. But them there cultists attacked us last night, and as many a you know, done kidnapped our unicorn friends.” he paused as some of the face fell and looked at the ground sadly.

“So whaddya say we go get 'em back?” he said before pointing a hoof at me. “Ah'm sure you all know Crimson here.” he said and I felt many pairs of eyes burn into my skull. I stood up and waved slightly, but gazed away from the ponies, not wanting to make eye contact.

“Ah also know that many a ya blame him fer the earthquake a few days ago, but that was mah fault, ya see. So stop it. He's our friend. In fact, he's done and got his old unit of the Lunar Battalion and Princess Luna tah help him get our friends back. But ya'll saw how many a them cultists there were. He's gonna need our help. Me an' some a the rest a his friends are going to help him. Now I know some a you don't rightly like him, but he's a citizen a Ponyville as much as you or me. If ya'll wanna help, then come to the schoolhouse in a few hours prepared for a fight. That's all ah wanted tah say.”

He finished and stepped down from the table and looked approvingly towards me.

“I think that's the most I ever heard you say.” I told him, a little awed at his speech. My friends laughed and he swung a hoof around Fluttershy.

“Eeyup.” he said, dragging out his country drawl. Everypony laughed and I started to lead them out of the barn. I had things I had to go do before we all met up at the Schoolhouse. As we walked out of the barn I felt the eyes on me again, but this time they didn't feel hateful and burning. They felt....hopeful.

The barn doors opened up at my touch and sunlight streamed into the barn, illuminating everything and making me shield my eyes for a second before stepping out into the farm.

“Alright everypony, go home and get whatever weapons and anything to protect yourselves you might have. We'll meet up at the schoolhouse in two hours. Doctor, Ditzy, could you go find Pinkie? Applejack, Rainbow Dash, I want you two to come a little earlier to the schoolhouse so you can get your wounds patched up.”

“What about me?” asked the small green and purple dragon. I crouched down to his level and looked at his face. He was so worried for his sister and the mare he had a crush on, but he was also eager to go save them.

“Spike, a battlefield isn't anyplace for a young dragon. I know you want to save Twilight and Rarity, but leave it to me, ok?

“No! I'm coming too! She's my sister! And there's also Rarity, Shining, and Cadence! I'm gonna help!” he shouted into my face.

“Why don't you come with us to find Miss. Pie?” said the Doctor. I gave him a stern look but Ditzy caught it first and mouthed 'it's ok' to me.

“Go with Ditzy and the Doctor for now Spike. We'll talk about this later.” I said as he sulked off towards the married couple. He gave me one last dirty glance before he left the farm with them and I winced at it.

Slowly, the group broke up with Rainbow Dash flying off towards her house and Applejack stumbling into the farmhouse. However, Fluttershy and Big Mac stayed behind.

“Um, Crimson? I'm not sure how much of a help I'll be.....” said Fluttershy while she pawed at the ground.

“You don't have to go if you don't want to.”

She looked up at me and gave me 'the stare'. “No. They are my friends too.” she said before looking down at the ground again. “I just don't know what I could do to help....”

I shook myself out of the frozen state she had put me into and then scratched my chin. “You helped Syringe while he was helping everypony?”

“Yes.” she said catching on to what I was telling her.

“I'm sure he could use an assistant. He doesn't usually get too caught up in the fighting either....”

Fluttershy smiled at me and looked up to Big Mac. She gave him a quick peck on the cheek and rose into the air. “I'll see you at the schoolhouse Biggie. I have to go home to get some things.” she flew off and Big Mac watched her lovingly as she went off but when she got out of sight his demeanor changed to a sterner look.

“A lot a ponies are gonna get hurt aren't they.”

I looked at him and sighed, knowing I couldn't sugar-coat it for him. “Yes. So many.” I said solemnly.

“An all o' them are jest unicorns? No earth ponies or pegasi?”

I nodded my head.

“So we jest need tah worry about their magic.”

“And their weapons....”

“Right.” he said as he shuffled uncomfortably. “Before we go do anythin' I'd jest like tah say ahm sorry for freaking out an' hurting you. It was mah fault that earthquake happened an' nopony can tell me otherwise. It's jest when ah saw Fenrir, he looked like tha one that.....”

“My mah died after she gave birth tah Applebloom, but mah pa....It was horrible. He was out in one a the orchards one day when a timberwolf came outta nowhere and surprised him. Mah whole family was lookin' for him when he didn't come in fer supper. I found his body, an' the timberwolf was still hangin' around his body. He took one look at me and smiled, but then he trotted off offa the farm.” he explained. I put a reassuring hoof on his massive shoulder as his body started to shake. He took a few shaking breaths and he stopped shuddering.

“But now these unicorns attack mah home and take away mah friends. Ahm not gonna let them get away with this Crimson.” he said looking at me fiercely. He trotted back towards the barn. “Ahm gonna get mah wings and a few other things ah've been workin' on and then ah'll meet ya at the schoolhouse.” he said quietly and angrily.

“Hey Big Mac.” he turned around right as he was about to open the barn doors. His eyes were brimming with tears, but his face was set sternly.

“We'll get them back. I promise.”

He nodded at me and went back inside as I left Sweet Apple Acres. My first stop would have to be the home I had been living in while I was in Ponyville.


The town's eery silence creeped me out as I walked through the town's broken roads, filled with burnt debris and shattered remains of homes. I walked slowly, contemplating this nightmareish reality. It was strange thinking about what had happened here. Ponyville, neigh, all of Equestria was such a peaceful place. It seemed almost impossible for any such things like these to happen. Destruction of a town? Impossible. A town-wide unicorn kidnapping? Only in bad horror films.

My brain snapped back to reality as I heard a loud rumbling howl from the direction of the Library. I went from a trot to a quick sprint in a fraction of a second as I raced towards my residential home. Somewhere in the back of my mind, I remembered that Fenrir and Syringe had gone off to the library, and that made me worry even more.

As the library came into sight, I heard another loud howl and I dashed faster to the front door as everything went silent. As I reached the door, I moved away from it subconsciously as the door was split diagonally by five glowing claws. As the door fell apart into chunks of wood, I heard Fenrir chuckling inside. I ducked my head under the remnants of the door and entered the tree-home.

I found Fenrir sitting on his haunches and happily admiring a withered, yet still sharp, thing set on the end of his leg that was missing it's paw. Syringe sat similarly on the couch and waved to me as I came inside.

“You know you're going to have to pay for that.” I muttered as Fenrir caught sight of me. He laughed and swept me up into a hug.

“Oh brother, thank you!” he cooed as he suffocated me in his confusing hug.

“You're welcome?” I said as he let me down. “What is that on your paw...er leg?”

He shoved it up in front of my face and I saw it was disproportionate with the rest of his leg, but I recognized it.

“The Ursa Major claws?”

Fenrir nodded with a goofy smile. “Yes brother! I was once told a story about a shaman who had his teeth broken in a fight with a Leo of the stars, so when he killed it, he took it's teeth as his own. With the help of Syringe, these claws are mine now.”

One of my eyebrows rose as I looked over to a lounging Syringe. He shrugged his shoulders at my look.

“It was quite the simple operation. His magic did most of the work.”

“Alright, but how are you supposed to fight with them. It's not like they are exactly the best of weapons.” I said glancing down at the dagger-sized claws. Fenrir laughed and motioned for me to step back.

“Now watch as I let my magic flow into them.” he said as he closed his eyes. It looked like he was concentrating, and my eyes grew wide as the claws started to glow. Fenrir opened up his eyes and a smile spread on his face as the claws grew into sword-like lengths. They pulsed with a faint purplish tinge and I could see they were extremely sharp. He waved them through the air and it sounded like they had literally cut the air. He smiled at me again as they went back to their normal size and their color faded back to the dull black.

“So you fought a bear that had four of those?”

“Oh yes, but at that time his claws were about the size of this room.”

“Thank the princesses you're on our side.” I said shaking my head at the timberwolf's laughter and Syringe's smirk. I walked past them into my room and opened up my closet. In the mostly bare closet, hung my oldest friend and below it, my gauntlets sat on the ground. I pulled my uniform off of its hanger and slowly put it on. As I pulled it over each hoof I remembered every time I had been in this situation before. While it might not be the same, each time I felt the same. I was walking into a fight I might not be coming back from. But there was no room for me to worry about that. I had to go and do what was asked of me. In this case, I had to go save my friends and loved ones.

After I zipped up my uniform, I pulled my gauntlets close while I sat down on my bed. I started with my back hooves, covering them in the protecting weapons. Then I put them on my front hooves and took a deep breath.

“We're gonna go save them guy.” I told my uniform and gauntlets. “We're gonna go save Twilight.”