• Published 19th Jun 2012
  • 1,432 Views, 14 Comments

Discharged - The_Last_Centurion

The Captain of the Lunar Battalion is Honorably Discharged for something he can't control.

  • ...

Chapter 7

This story is a fan-fiction of MLP:FiM. I don't own any of it. It belongs to Hasbro, etc, etc.
Don't sue. Seriously. That would be so uncouth.

Chapter 7

Like always, the morning sunlight was a bane to my comfort. Turning my face away from the warming pesky rays, I covered my head with my pillow. I kept my eyes closed but was fully awake, thinking. Last night I had a dream.

Dreams were figments of the demons inside me. Ever since I came back to normal ponylife, my dreams caused me to wake in a cold sweat. I often found my sheets and pillow torn up from my trashing from the terrors. Not once did I remember what I had dreamt about, but I knew what it was. The same terror I always had. The one that rocked my mind into insanity during my waking attacks.

I laid there and tried to think about it, but the very act brought up the pain and sadness. I could feel that if I kept thinking, I would have another attack. But still, I was amazed that my dreams didn't cause an attack. Could this be a sign I was getting better?

The door of my hospital room opened quietly and a nurse-pony walked in. She carried a breakfast tray with the ever semi-edible hospital food. I guess she though I was still asleep because she set the tray down gently on the nightstand next to my bed and exited the room, shutting the door as quietly as she opened it.

I was content to eat my breakfast alone. I felt good, albeit being a little tired. I thought I might get some more rest, maybe a nice mid-day nap. It was really weird going from a nocturnal lifestyle back to living a life in the sun. I finished my breakfast and started to get snuggled into my sheets again when I heard a vociferous argument from down the hall, through the closed door. It sounded distant, but it was getting closer.

“Rainbow, we'll come back later when he's awake.”

“Heck, if I gotta wake up this early in the morning, he's waking up too.”

“It's 11:00, Rainbow. You call this early?”

“After last night, yeah!”

“Even all the more reason to give Crimson more time to rest.”

“I don't care what you do Twilight, but I'm gonna go get your stallionfriend.”

“Well I think he should...wait,what? Stallionfriend? He's not my....”

“Whatever Twi” Rainbow said as she opened the door to my room. “Wakey, wakey. Come on get up lazy. If I gotta get up this early..”

“Then I guess I have to as well, right?” I said flatly.

“Oh. Hey Twilight, he's already up.”

“I could hear you two from down the hall.”

“What did I tell you Rainbow? Twilight said angrily. “You have to be more quiet. There are other patients here that need the rest.”

Rainbow rolled her eyes and Twilight's gaze drifted over to me. She gave me a small smile that Rainbow noticed smugly.

“Good morning Crimson. How are you?” Twilight asked.

I yawned, stretched, and snuggled my self deeper into the sheets of my bed.

“Good, but I'm still tired.”

“Oh no you don't!” Rainbow flew up to my face. “You're coming with us” she said seriously.

I just pulled the sheets up closer around my face. “I don't wanna.”

“You're coming with us buddy.” Rainbow said with finality, her forehead almost touching mine in a challenging way.

I did the only thing a soldier is trained to do at times like this: I gave her a big raspberry. Rainbow became enraged and she and I got into a tug of war with the sheets.

“Let go!”

“I don't wanna.”


“I don't wanna.”


A giggling purple unicorn ended our little battle by separating us with magic.

“Ok” she said stifling back amusement. “I think you two should stop before Nurse Redheart notices some of her best sheets are torn to pieces. Crimson, would you like to come with us? I asked Rainbow to come help me get your bed, but she wanted to get you to come with us first.”

“Sure, I'll come along.” I said rising out of the bed.

Rainbow glared at me then rolled her eyes. “Sure, listen to your marefriend.” she muttered under her breath.

Twilight must have heard her, because her cheeks became flushed as she made the hospital bed with magic, folding the sheets back into corners of the bed.

We all left the hospital and walked out into the bright, almost mid-day, sun. I gave a huge yawn a few feet out of the hospital and Twilight gave me a worrying look.

“Are you sure you're fine?” she asked with concern

“Yep, I's just getting used to a different sleeping pattern.” I said before I yawned again.

“What do ya mean?” Rainbow asked from above me.

“Well, everything the Lunar Battalion did was at night. Missions, training, even the Inter-unit hooflympics were all at night. Only occasionally did we ever do things during the day.”

“I thought it was just all that cake last night that kept you awake...”Rainbow said.

“Everything at night, Interesting?” Twilight said as she pulled out a piece of parchment and a quill from her saddlebags. She scribbled something down on it.

“What was that for?” I asked.

“If we're gonna cure an unknown disease, then we have to research what could have caused this to manifest in the first place.”

“Oh.” I understood where she was coming from in a scientific aspect, but it was strange having fragments of my life being written down to be studied. I shook off the feeling and looked around at the scenery of Ponyville. We were quickly approaching the center of town, and I saw what looked like a large fair-ride in the middle of town.

“Is that Carousel Boutique?” I asked the mares.

“Yeah, but Rarity doesn't sell beds.” Rainbow said with an exasperated sigh.

“Let's stop in. Rarity said she'd take my uniform and touch it up, not to mention wash it. And after last night I think it could use one. Then again, so could I.”

Twilight's eyes shone. “That's a good idea! Rainbow after we stop in at the boutique, let's go to the spa!”

“Twilight, you know how much I like that place.” Rainbow said threateningly.

“Oh Rainbow, just don't get a hooficure. Plus, I don't think Crimson would care about your ticklish hoofs.”

“Hey!”Rainbow exclaimed.

“Ticklish hooves? Really?” I said astonished. It was hilarious.

We walked over to the boutique and opened the door. A small bell chimed our arrival and I caught my first glimpse of Rarity's store. The were beautiful and stylish clothes on racks everywhere while there was a large stage in the middle of the store, surrounded on one side by mirrors.

“One minute, darling!” an elegant voice said from behind one of the curtained rooms. I continue to look around, spying a chest full of sapphires on other gems for accentuating the already beautiful clothing.

Rarity burst out from behind the curtained wearing half moon spectacles and a measuring tape around her neck.

“Crimson! So nice to see you up and on your hooves. What could I do for you dear?” she said dramatically.

“Remember last night when you said you would touch up my uniform?”

“But of course!”

“Well I was wondering if you would take it now. I don't think I'll being wearing it again for a while, so put it on the bottom of your list.”

“Oh I'd love to take it now! But it will be sad not seeing you wearing it. Such a magnificent uniform needs to be seen as often as possible!”

“Thank you” I said as I got out of the uniform.

“Such quality!” Rarity exclaimed as she took it from me. “Do you know what this is made from?”

I shook my head.

“It's moon silk, and of the highest quality! Of course it's been magic-treated to resist the elements and such, but it is still moon silk none the less. Tre magnifique! Oh I will make it look even better than when you got it!”

“Thanks, but nothing too serious, ok?”

“Of course darling, but maybe a gold hem around here, some diamonds on the shoulders......” she rambled on, talking out her ideas while she carried it with magic to one of her curtained rooms. I suddenly had a very bad feeling she'd do something terrible to my uniform when Twilight started to pull me out of the boutique.

“Thanks Rarity! See you later” she called as she opened the door and led me outside.

“Oh stop in at any time, you're always welcome to come in!” Rarity said, only being heard not seen as she was still in one of her rooms with my uniform.

My reluctance to leave her with my uniform became apparent when I realized I was being pulled away from the boutique by Twilight's magic, my hooves leaving troughs in the dirt.

“Come on Crimson” Twilight panted.

“But she's gonna make my uniform all......glitzy.” I said with most pitiful look I could off.

Rainbow laughed. “It's probably gonna have pink lace and other girly stuff.” she teased.

“PINK LACE?! What! No!” I struggled to escape Twilight's magical grip, but she held fast.

Rainbow kept laughing, but Twilight gave her an annoyed look.

“Rainbow, cut that out. Don't worry Crimson, she's only teasing. Rarity knows what she's doing.” Twilight said reassuringly.

It didn't quell my worries though, so I crossed my arms and pouted. “I can deal with anything but lace.” I said. “Leather is where it's at.” I finished with a nod.

“What was that ?” asked Twilight suspiciously.

“I said: I love silk pajamas to wear while eating Ice cream.” I lied flatly.

Both mares became excited and started to talk about their favorite flavor. I just smiled and shook my head. That was way too easy.

I continued being dragged like dead weight all the way to the spa. When we got into the spa we went straight to the baths. I immersed myself in the hot sudsy water, loving every minute of it. I wasn't the only pony who thought so.

“This is the best part of this spa. None of those mud-baths, or awkward hooficures, just nice hot baths.” said Rainbow contentedly as she slipped into the water across from me. “It always makes me feel 20 percent cooler when I get out of these things.”

“It's always nice to come to the spa once in a while. Although, I could hardly see myself doing it weekly like Rarity and Fluttershy.” Twilight said as she slipped in next to me. Rainbow saw and gave me a glimpse with her eyebrow raised in amusement, but then shrugged and relaxed in the water. We all sat languidly in the bath for some time, losing all sense of time and stress.

I personally loved every second of the cleansing, relaxing water. I sighed contentedly and relaxed even more, closing my eyes and letting myself float in the water. Then I guess I relaxed too much, because I fell asleep for a moment, and sunk beneath the water.

The breath I took was unnaturally full of water, so my eyes rocketed open to reveal a world of warm water and no oxygen. I started to panic. When my hooves found the floor of the bath, I shot out of the water, choking and coughing. I stood in the middle of the bath in a terrible panic, in lieu of breath, and in fear another attack would rack me in the lovely spa. How could things have been such bliss but a moment ago?

Twilight was the first to react, sitting up from the water, her horn aglow. I kept choking, but I felt something weird on my abdomen. I looked down at my body and saw it surrounded in a purple aura. Suddenly the choking and coughing stopped.

Rainbow who had been relaxing until I stood, looked at Twilight and I with concern.

“What just happened?” she asked.

“Yeah, what did just happen?” I said, immediately regretting I spoke. For some reason my voice was way to high making me sound like a little filly.

Rainbow fell out of the bath laughing up a storm.

I looked over to an amused Twilight and said “What did you do to me?” shocked.

“I knew you were choking on water, but I couldn't remove it without you throwing up. So, I split it up into Oxygen, which your lungs took care of, and Hydrogen, which is making your voice all funny.”

She saw my shocked expression. “Don't worry” she laughed “It'll go away in a little while, but I'd stay away from any open flames if I were you.”

Twilight stood and got out of the bath, floating towels to a laughing Rainbow dash, a shocked and amazed I, and finally herself. She turned away from me and wrapped a towel around her mane, tying it into an intricate knot so it wouldn't slip.

First saving me with magic that would have left the best royal magicians spent, then using precise telekinesis to tie knots? Shining really hadn't lied. His sister had some real heft to her magical abilities. Her flank had some heft to it too. I shook my head. Naughty. How could you think of something like that at a time like this?

Rainbow had risen off the floor and had her towel wrapped around her midsection. My towel still hung in front of me, held by Twilight's magic. Both mares were looking at me.

“You coming?” asked Rainbow suppressing her amusement. Just to spite her, I nodded my head. The act of nodding caused my long mane to fall over my eyes.

“First thing after we're doing after you dry yourself off is get you a well needed mane-cut.”stated Twilight.

I started to shake my head, but Rainbow had other plans.

“What was that? I can't hear you?” she said playfully.

I looked to Twilight for help, but she was caught up in the moment. “Yeah Crimson, I didn't hear you say no.....” she said with a twinkle of mischief in her eye.

I looked pleadingly between the two mares, but to no avail. I finally took my towel in my mouth and climbed out of the bath carefully. I dejectedly dried myself off while the mares waited and giggled. Then draping my towel across my shoulders, I followed them into the salon of the spa.

Two well trained stylists waited for us. I noticed Rainbow give the hooficure table a wide berth and went straight to one of the mane dryers. Twilight told one of the stylists I needed a mane cut and she went over to a massage table to be waited on by the other stylists/masseuse.

I sat down in a barber's chair and the stylist waiting on me draped a sheet across my front to catch my hair. My long mane laid dejectedly in my face ready to meets the end of it's long unruly non-life.

Twilight laid on the table behind me, a decent space away. However, when the masseuses started, she relaxed and gave out small sighs of pleasure. I uncomfortably listened to this as the stylist brought a long, sharp pair of scissors up to my mane, starting the trim near my ear. The sound and feel of cold, deadly metal against my head did not sit well. Twilight's increasing amounts of semi-erotic sighs didn't help either. I closed my eyes and tried to block out all the sounds causing my heart to race in panic and excitement. I took a few deep breaths, trying to calm myself. I thought of only one thing: relaxing and what it felt like. In my mind, I felt myself back in the bath before I fell asleep. My muscles loosened and I the warm water comforting me. I sighed audibly and continued to think about nothing but relaxing. Out from the depths of my memory, I hear a gentle song. I couldn't place it at first, as it was calming, eluding, but somehow silvan. Then it hit me. This was Oakleaf's song.

My eyes shot open and I leaned forward in the chair grabbing the hoofrests as a cold sweat broke out across my body. Luckily, the stylist was switching scissors and wasn't close to me with the scissors. I tried to close my eyes again and sit back to let the stylist do her job, but every time I closed them, the song played louder. It brought tears to my tightly closed eyes.

“You ok?”asked a sandy voice.

I opened my eyes and shakily turned to see a rainbow-maned mare looking at me with concern.

“I think so.” Then all my tension was gone, as Rainbow started to laugh and I just frowned. My voice still hadn't gone back to normal yet. My voice had dropped, but now I sounded worse, like I did back in my teen-colt years. I grimaced as she laughed and rolled around on the ground. I sat back in the chair and signaled to the stylist who was unsuccessfully hiding her chortles to continue with my mane-cut. Now if only I could have an embarrassing moment before every attack.

When she was done, the stylist untied the sheet from around my neck and I looked at the new cut in the mirror. Where long locks were once, there was a short and sleek shock of red hair.

Rainbow whistled behind me. “Lookin' good, but you sould be 20 percent cooler.”

“Nice Rainbow.” I deadpanned.

“Hey, your voice is back to normal.”

“Let's hope that never happens again.” I said strenly.

Twilight walked up to us with a languid look on her face.

“I really should start coming here more. The massage was lovely.” she said stretching.

Rainbow snickered. “Just have your coltfriend over here give you one.”

Twilight flustered.

“Know what? You should come here more Twilight.” I said innocently. “Just be sure to bring Rainbow for a good hooficure.”

“Hey, who's ready to go get that bed?” Rainbow said hurriedly, already fluttering off the floor.

Twilight and I shared a laugh. Twilight paid the stylist mares while I waited with Rainbow at the door. Rainbow kept herself amused by flying around, showing her prowess in the air. I was amazed at her tricks, but my mind drifted elsewhere. Specifically to an issue about bits. Here I was intruding by taking up a pony's hospitality, which should be enough, but here I was costing her extra money. I knew I could always wait for my pension check to arrive, but I felt like that would be too little, too late.

“So what'd ya think of that?” Rainbow said as she landed.

“What? Sorry. I wasn't watching.”

“Uggh.” rainbow facehoofed herself as Twilight came out of the spa.

“Who says we go get that bed?” Twilight asked with a bounce in her step.

“Let's get this over with.” Rainbow said pulling at her face with her hooves. “I've had enough of these distractions. Look it's almost 5:00. We were in there for way too long.”

“Let's get going then.” I said.

We walked through Ponyville,with me waking in between a sulking Rainbow, since we wasted so much time, and an extremely chipper Twilight. But I was still thinking of the money issue. It took hold of my pride and shook it around, and I wouldn't stand for that.

“Hey” I asked “Where's Sweet Apple Acres?”

Both mares gave me quizzical looks.

“Well it's on the outskirts of Ponyville...”Twilight said.

“Yeah. Why do you wanna go there anyway.?” Rainbow asked.

“I just wanted to talk to Applejack about something.”

Both mares looked at each other perplexed.

“Ok.....” said Twilight.

“You know, I think the store will be closed by the time we get back from Sweet Apple Acres.” Rainbow said, putting a hoof under her chin.

“Then let's race there.” I said as I started running down the main road that snaked out of town.

“Oh, you're on!” shouted Rainbow, completely forgetting about what she had previously said.

I felt bad for Twilight. Leaving the bookish mare back in the dust pained me, but my hurting pride hurt worse. Still I couldn't help but cast a glance over at the mare we left behind. She wasn't there. With a resounding pop she appeared on top o a hill we were about to crest.

“That dirty cheating unicorn and her teleporting. Fine! It's on!” shouted a certain fiery cyan mare as she ripped a head of me.

She could teleport too? I was used to highly-trained military unicorns knowing how to do it, but she knew ho to as well? I had underestimated her magical abilities again.

Even with my head start, I soon became last in our little race. I realized this was a good thing because I didn't know where I was going. Twilight seemed to notice this, since she let Rainbow speed ahead while she teleported short distances to allow me to see her and stay on track. This went on for a bit, but then I saw the sign and Twilight teleported once more, escaping my sight. When I finally got to Sweet Apple Acres, I found Twilight and Rainbow dash sipping apple cider with Applejack. They sipped cider and talked like I wasn't there while I caught my breath. I was winded, but not in a bad way. The run felt like a warm-up to me, like I should go do more exercise, and it felt good.

“Hey Applejack.” I said, taking a big breath to settle myself down.

“Heya partner. It's good ta see ya out of that hospital bed an' movin' around.” she replied.

“It's good to see you too. But I'm here on a business preposition.”

“An' what would that be?” Applejack said puzzled.

“While I was in the hospital, Big Mac said you had an opening for a farm-hand.”

“Wait jest a minute Crimson.” she said as she went into the barn behind her. A loud “BIG MAC!!!” could be hear from inside. Applejack didn't sound pleased.

“You sure you want to work here? Are you sure you should even be working with your, ah condition?” Twilight asked me from the table she and Rainbow sat at.

“Yea, the Apple family gets up before the sun rises. Ew.” Rainbow added, sticking her tongue out and pretended to gag.

“Yes” I said energized. “I already tried sitting around, and do you know how many attacks I had? Seven. In Canterlot, I used to worry about having an attack every where I went. I still do, but all this action today really took my mind off of worrying. I think a hard-working job will really help.”

“But what if you have another attack while on the job?” Twilight asked, unsatisfied.

“Who stopped me at the party?” I gave as evidence.

Applejack came out of the barn looking pissed with Big Mac who was laden with empty bushels.

“Big Mac said he offered you a job.” she said frowning. “I am the owner of Sweet Apple Acres, but when somepony in my family offers a job, I'm obliged ta keep it.”

“However,” she continued “I only hire people if they're cut out fer the job. I gotta see that you can work hard.” Big Mac set the bushels around a tree.

“Go buck that tree as hard as you can.” she said pointing to the tree with bushels around it's trunk.

I went over to the tree and stood facing away from it. I gave my hardest buck, and it made a nice smacking noise. I turned around to the bushels to see if I had filled them up as I expected. Unfortunately, they were only filled about a quarter of the way. I then turned back to Applejack.

“Sorry partner, but ya gotta do better than that.” she said as she started to walk away.

“Sis, give 'im another shot.” said Big Mac seriously.

“We don't need the help, you know that! The Apple family always manages to get by with only us working.” she shouted at him. She obviously didn't like to have her pride hurt by an intruder like me.

“I'm not asking AJ, give him another shot. If he could throw me, he can really help, AJ. Fer Faust's sake, he can THROW me. An' even though it pains me ta say it, Granny Smith ain't gonna be here forever. It's better we get extra help as so as we can.” Big Mac said with finality and a shade of anger.

Applejack was humbled be his speech. “Your....your right.” she said looking at the ground. “Try again Crimson.”

I was shocked by Big Mac's speech. I could understand him being so open in front of his friends, but in front of a stranger he met a day ago?

“Go ahead Crimson, show AJ over here what you're mad of.” Big Mac encouraged me.

What I'm made of, huh? If I showed them that then......wait.

“If I have another attack promise to stop me ok?” I said as I turned stepped closer to the tree.

“What?” Twilight said, but Big Mac cut off any further questions with a loud “Shhs!”

I stood looking at the tree, unsure if what I was about to do would cause another attack. I hope this works I told myself as I unleashed a torrent of Colt Maga moves on the tree. I started with a roundhouse kick first hitting the trunk with the back of my left hoof. Then I let the momentum carry my weight, flipping me over onto my back while in the air, allowing me to continue the kick with my right hoof. The resistance from the tree started to throw me back, but I expected this. I put both my back hooves on the tree and flipped myself, landing on the same back hooves on the ground in front of the tree. I was up on my back hooves, but instead of landing back on all fours like normal, I stayed up and let go a monsoon of front hoof punches. I ducked and weaved, bobbed from side to side, and kept at it for a while. After my breath was gone from the punches, I pulled my self into a clinch with the tree , just like I had been trained. I hit the tree trunk with my right back hoof, then the elbow of my right front hoof. I let go of the clinch and hopped away from the tree. I looked up into it's leafy top and saw one apple left. Time to finish it off with a bang. I sprinted towards the tree and jumped, flipping myself in the air so I could hit the tree with final buck. I hit the tree and landed a little ways away facing the four ponies as the final apple fell into a bushel with a congratulatory sound.

I panted and smiled at the three stunned mares and one stallion who was nodding approvingly.

“Told ya sis. Now closer yer maw. You're gonna end up eatin' a fly.” Big Mac said to Applejack as he turned and went inside.

Rainbow was the first to regain her composure. “Did you see that? How he flipped and stuff?!
Crimson, you so cool!!! If you were a pegasus, you'd so be in the wonderbolts!” she shouted excitedly.

“Well partner, I guess I miss judged you.” Applejack said looking at the now full bushels approvingly. “I'll see you bright an' early tomorrow morning. Also....I'm sorry. I jest get a little touchy when ponies want to help out. Wait, that's not what ah mean...”

“It's alright,” I said. “I wouldn't want somepony to try to help me with my Colt Maga form. I get where you're coming from.”

Applejack went to the tree and carried the bushels back into the farmhouse, gave us a smile and a polite “Goodnight, y'all” and was gone for the night. Rainbow was still talking excitedly, describing my moves.

“Do you see how Spitfire can have a talent in fighting?” I asked her.

“Yeah! The stuff you did almost looked like her acrobatics in the air! I never thought somepony with out a flying cutie mark could be that good.”

“Hey, I don't have wings, but I flew for a little.”

Twilight came out of her shocked reprieve. “Very profound Crimson.”

“I try.” I smiled out before having to stop to catch my breath.

As soon as I started to breathe normally I noticed the sun was going down. Twilight saw too.

“Oh horseapples! I hope you don't mind sleeping on the pull out couch Crimson.” Twilight said sheepishly.

“Goodnight guys.” said Rainbow. “I gotta go organize a big storm breakup tomorrow so I'll need my shut-eye. See ya around.” she said flying away, leaving her trademark rainbow contrail. Twilight and I were left alone outside of Sweet Apple Acres' barn.

“Should we get going?” I asked her. “I think it will be dark by the time we get back to the library though...”

“Come here.” Twilight said motioning to her side. I obediently followed what she said, wondering why she wanted me so close to her. I didn't complain though.

“Ok, hold on.” she said her horn starting to glow.

I threw my front hoof around her shoulder.

“Uh oh.” I muttered.

Then I felt a power course through me, splitting my very atoms apart. It felt like I was drifting away in the wind. Then I started to feel very heavy, and the particle-me started to sink back together. I fell down feeling queasy. I looked up to see Twilight talking to me, but I couldn't hear her. I focused on taking in a deep breath, then a wall of sound hit me.

“Crimson are you ok?” Twilight's voice said.

“Think so. Did you just teleport me with you?”


“Never again.”

She giggled and helped me up. Truthful to her “yep” we were standing in front of the library. We walked into the already familiar tree-home and I smelled something delicious.

“Is that you Twi? I started dinner. It's just some grilled dandelion and cheese sandwiches though. I'll add grocery shopping to the to do list.” called a childish voice from the kitchen. Twilight went to put away her saddlebags and I went to wash up for dinner. I saw Twilight walk into the kitchen as I came out of the water closet, wiping my hooves on my coat. Instead of following her, I went into my spartan room and noticed Twilight had put an end table with a lap on it into my room. It added little to the decor, but still made the room feel homey. I also noticed my suitcase was under the table. I went over to it and opened it up seeing everything was still in it. I realized that the only things I had unpacked were my clothes, letter of Discharge, and the old photograph. I started to dig through some of my memorabilia, wondering where I should put it.

I was interrupted my a gentle knocking on the door frame. It was Spike.

“Dinner's ready and Twilight's setting the table.” he informed me. Then he noticed my open suitcase full of my memories. “Is that all your stuff from when you were in the Battalion?” he said inquisitively.

“Yeah. I was gonna put away somewhere, but there's nowhere to put it.”

“Oh. Do you need help putting it away?” he asked hopefully with a glint in his eye. He obviously wanted to find out what was in my suitcase.

I thought about it for a moment, wondering if I should do it alone. I knew some of the things in my suitcase might trigger an attack. It also felt like something I should do alone. Something that only I could do alone. But then again, he was so eager. I don't know if he was just real curious, or truly wanted to know more about me, but I couldn't say no to his face.

So I smiled and ruffled the spines on his head. “Sure, but let's eat first.”

“You read my mind!” Spike said and I chuckled as we went into the kitchen and sat down to dine.

Dinner was delicious. I tried to compliment Spike, but he tore through his dinner with childish enthusiasm, like a foal waiting to open presents on Hearth's warming day. Twilight giggled and looked lovingly at her number one assistant. Spike finished his meal and washed his plate before I could even get halfway through my sandwich.

“Come on Crimson! You're so slow!” Spike said as he stood waiting at the kitchen entrance, tapping his small foot.

“Sheesh! At least me finish this amazing sandwich here.” I said as I rolled my eyes. This caused Twilight to giggle more and Spike to cross his arms and tap his foot harder.

“Crimsonnnn.” Spike whined.

“Fine kid. Here watch this.” I said as I threw my sandwich in the air, leaned back in my chair, and caught it all in my mouth.

“Impressive.” Spike said clearly unimpressed. “Now move it!” he said while rocketing out of the kitchen.

I quickly swallowed my food, almost choking, and looked at Twilight apologetically.

“It's alright” she said understandingly. “It's good to Spike like this. I'll clean your plate, don't worry.”

My smile conveyed my feeling of thanks as I got up and went out to get that little rascal. I found him sitting on the couch with my suitcase. The suitcase wasn't open, but I could see Spike was itching to open it. I sat down with the suitcase between us, and popped the durable clasps. The top opened with a familiar spring. Spike looked in at it hungrily. I rested my head on my hoof and looked at him.

“Now be careful. Some of that stuff is fragile, and all of it is precious.” I warned him. “Go at it kid.” He immediately heeded my words and sprung his child claws into my case of treasures. He would pull each item out carefully though, placing it on the coffee table next to the couch. It was obvious which ones he seemed the most interested in though, as he would turn them around in his hands looking at them with interest and wonder. Eventually he had all my items laid out on the table, covering it completely. In actuality, there weren't many trinkets, but all laid out like that, they seemed to take up as much of the table as the memories the held took up my life.

Spike emptied the suitcase, but he still looked fidgety.

I gave him a toothy grin. “Well? You wanna say something?”

He started to wring his claws. “I just wanted to know how you got some of these.”

Ah. So the dragon was out of the bag. He wanted hear some stories.

“Like what?” I asked him. His eyes glowed as he picked up a curved obsidian claw.

“What's this?” he asked holding it reverently.

It was the only weapon-shaped item in all my trinkets, so it was a little obvious he'd pick it up. Little did he know there were actual weapons within my trinkets, only they were unobtrusive and looked insignificant as they were designed.

“Hah! You have a good eye.” I said taking the claw from him, caressing it in my hooves before holding it up in plain view and starting my story.

“This here is a claw.”

“Well I see that.”

Twilight had finished cleaning the dishes and walked over to us, sitting down next to Spike, looking at him and I with a look on her face that said “you two are so cute!”

“Shhsh. It's a claw. From an Arctic Ursa Major.”

“Whaa? No, that's impossible! Ursa Major's are huge! That can't be one of its claws!”

“I have to agree with Spike, Crimson.” Twilight spoke up. “I faced off an Ursa Minor, and its claw alone was at least 40 times bigger than that.”

“For such a booksmart pony, I would've been sure you knew of this.” I said amused. “I guess it's not in the books....”

Now Twilight was truly hooked. She listened as intently as Spike, wanting to learn something her precious books couldn't teach her.

“I got this from helping forge an alliance between Equestria and the Federation of the Timber wolf tribes of the Northern Tundras.”

“Whoaaaa.” said Spike.

“I though the Lunar Battalion was more militaristic than diplomatic?” Twilight wondered.

“The Battalion was made to serve in any way. And this mission was one of both military and diplomacy.” I said as I launched them into my story and myself into my lovely memories.