• Published 19th Jun 2012
  • 1,431 Views, 14 Comments

Discharged - The_Last_Centurion

The Captain of the Lunar Battalion is Honorably Discharged for something he can't control.

  • ...


This story is a fan-fiction of MLP:FiM. I don't own any of it. It belongs to Hasbro, etc, etc.
Don't sue. Seriously. That would be so uncouth.


When I came back to Ponyville, I came back on my own legs. My friends all cheered and decided to celebrate in their own ways. Pinkie Pie threw the biggest party Ponyville ever knew, Applejack brought the best cider and apple treats Sweet Apple Acres had to offer. Rarity decorated everything in town with such elegance, I thought I was back in Canterlot Castle for most of the time. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy spread the word of my return, getting all my friends she could find, even the ones from my old days in Puck along with Puck unit. And finally, Twilight......well she gave her own gift, but I was happy to just be here with her.

Shortly after the week long party (which brought fame to Ponyville and to all of my friends), I became the topic of interest by many high-ranking science-ponies who wanted to study my earthen legs. While they still appeared to be made of stone, as did most of my flank, they moved and lived just as I did. Many of them wanted to meet the one who helped me, but I chose not to speak of Century. I had a feeling he had a reason for not being known, and I respected that. In fact, after he had healed me, I never saw him again. But sometimes, just sometimes, I hear his voice on the winds of my subconsciousness.

Oh that's right! Sorry, let me get back on topic..... Ok, so somehow, Century's magic had brought my legs out of their petrification, but it hadn't returned them to the living flesh they once were. But that didn't matter to me. I kinda like how they look, and everypony was amazed (especially Rarity) that my cutie mark became a living gemstone.

Plus, I do like how some things are stone.

Like my legs. I can now buck trees easier with the weight of my hooves alone. (Get your little heads out of the gutter, you silly readers.)

The princesses visited during the party, and Luna and I discussed my position as General. Apparently, “the general is too important to send off on various missions willy-nilly. He needs to stay close to the Princess of the Night to be truly effective” or so says Luna. All I know is that she wants me to stay in Ponyville, and I'm completely fine with it. I love the orders.

But most of all, I love here and now. I love Ponyville, I love Twilight (Rainbow Dash made four consecutive Sonic Rainbooms when she found out she won the bet between her and Applejack about when we would get married), and I still love Oakleaf with all my heart. Sometimes I'll go walking in Whitetail woods, and I'll find that place, the place I first met Century Sentry in my hour of need. I'll sit there for hours and just connect to the Earth and feel the flow and ebb of the Earth's energy, its consciousness, and I'll feel a faint whisper of my late wife. It's never a whisper that scares or saddens me, it just reminds me of why I live my life. For love.

I know Equestria is a land of magic, what with “the magic of friendship” and all of our unique talents that all of ponykind, or otherwise, posses, but there's a magic stronger than that. It might not even seem like it's strong, but letting go of your bad emotions is a type of magic. Realizing that all your anger and hate is petty before the love you feel for all your friends and loved ones IS magic. It might take a while to learn this magic, but it's there. Why?

It's the magic of love.

And it will always be withing all of us.



For everyone who stayed with me and read along through this long story, thank you. Seriously, thank you. You guys are the best.

Hit up my page if you have any comments or anything, ESPECIALLY if you have and criticism. I mean it in all seriousness. I can take anything, positive or negative, and boy I would love a lot of feedback.

Ok, personally, this was one of my favorite stories to write. It might be my first fanfic, but I've started a few others, and I have prior experience from writing fiction articles and short stories for a small, local, free-lance writers magazine/newspaper. It's like a culmination of stories from different writers of all styles and walks of life. It's actually pretty cool, and if anyone's interested, I suggest starting one of your own. All it takes is a couple of people and some signatures.

So that's enough about my past. Currently, I have a few other fanfics up right now. None of them are done yet (I really need to find the time) but that's what happens when random ideas all pop into your head at one time, or when you have semi-drunk bets with friends. :p

So thanks again for reading, and I hope everyone can learn something from this. I never meant the story to make everything seem hippy-like, I just wanted to explain one thing: You don't need to hate or be angry to be powerful. Somethings that are the seem small to everyone else can mean the biggest thing to someone else. That's what love is. That's why I wrote this.

So thanks for reading. Hope to see you guys reading another one of my fanfics, or I might even be caught nose-deep into one of your fanfics.
