• Published 19th Jun 2012
  • 1,431 Views, 14 Comments

Discharged - The_Last_Centurion

The Captain of the Lunar Battalion is Honorably Discharged for something he can't control.

  • ...

Chapter 3

This story is a fan-fiction of MLP:FiM. I don't own any of it. It belongs to Hasbro, etc, etc.
Don't sue. Seriously. That would be so uncouth.

Chapter 3

The large doors opened with a resounding echo in the dreadfully silent hall. Being part of the Lunar Battalion for so long had imprinted the need to move silently and swiftly into my mind and body. I cringed at the sound of the doors opening and readied to find cover.

No. You are not in a battle zone. You are in Canterlot. Deep. Breaths. I shook my head and willed my perspiration covered legs forward. I walked down the long carpet, ever looking at the looming throne ahead of me.

I was filled with mixed emotions as I walked on towards the throne. I was ashamed of myself and angry that I was being discharged, however, I was happy to see Luna again. It had been what? Two long months since we saw each other last, and those were under less-than -favorable conditions.

As I approached I saw Luna give a large, yet sad grin from atop her throne. To her right sat one of my best friends in the Solar Guard, Shining Armor. He gave me a smile and a sad caring look.

“How was the Honeymoon? I heard rumors about Cadence being pregnant...” I said playfully to him.

He blushed and started to rub the back of head with a hoof, something he always did when he was embarrassed.

“Umm...I...” He stuttered out.

“I always knew you could work fast in the corps, but holy horseapples, I guess you work even faster when you don't have to pull the whole guard around.”

Shining blushed a deeper red and I and Luna began to laugh. As we calmed down Luna gave me a melancholy look.

“Crimson, It's good to see you in such high spirits. I want to spend a day with you my friend, and I wish that was what you were here for, but it is not.”

“ It pains me to do so, but we must talk about why you are here.” she continued with a grimace. She floated a scroll over to herself and opened it all with magic. Then her face took on a somber tone.

“Captain Crimson Moon Steelhooves of Stalliongrad, Is hereby Honorably Discharged from the Lunar Battalion. You may keep your title, badges, uniform, and this notice of valor. You will be payed on pension from the royal treasury of Canterlot for you services.” Luna said, her voice cracking at the end.

“I'm so sorry Crimson, but you know I can't have you on a mission if you have another fit. Please forgive me.” she said with tears in her eyes.

I ducked my head down to avoid her eyes. “It's alright. I understand.” I said as I slumped to the floor. Everything I had known had just been taken away from me. And it was all my fault. If only I could control this......this sickness. I felt a numbness spread across my body, but it was sent away when I felt a wing surround me. Luna had flown off the throne and wrapped my in one of her famous wing hugs. I smiled as I looked at her. It's true at one point I loved her. From the bottom of my heart and with my entire soul. But after being in the Battalion for so long, I realized that we wouldn't be able to be lovers. But that didn't mean we couldn't be best of friends.

“Crimson....I'm sorry. You know I had the royal doctors try everything.....I...” she said on the verge of crying.

“Shhhss.” I said “I know you did. And I thank you for it, but like you said, I can't be out there throwing fits. It won't just put me in danger, but the rest of the troops too. It's ok. You're still one of my best friends Luna.” I said comforted her.

“And you are one of my first best friends in over 1000 years.” she replied, letting go of me. “There is good in this though. Shining you tell him.”

“Ahem.” Shining said standing up and walking down towards us. “Well Princess Luna had told me of your....condition as soon as it first appeared.”

I cut him off with a sharp look towards Luna. “You bothered him while he was on his honeymoon?”

“Don't worry about it Crimson. I got the letter while Cadence and I were on a boat. Cadence doesn't have the best seahooves, so she stayed below deck, sleeping.” Shining said lightly, smiling. “But the letter was serious, so I started thinking about how I could get one of my best military friends better. You remember my sister, right?”

“The one that shot all those changelings at the wedding? How could I forget!”

“Well, she is Princess Celestia's prized student. So I was thinking that she could help out with your predicament. I already arranged it with her, so if you agree, she'll meet you in Ponyville station tomorrow at 15:00 hours.”

I looked from Shining to Luna hesitantly. “Thank you for all help, both of you. I really mean it, but, are you both sure this is something we can drop on anypony randomly? I think I should be the one who has to bear this burden alone.”

“But haven't you been doing that since you got out of the hospital two months ago?” Luna asked sternly, tapping her hoof on the hard floor.

“Yes.” I said sheepishly.

“And how many attacks have you had since then?”

“Seven” I whispered.

“How many?”

“Seven!” I shouted.

“That settles it. You are hooves down going to Ponyville.” she said with finality.

“But..” I continued.

“Crimson, don't worry about it. Twi thinks this is great. She always wanted to improve her healing magic, and you can do that.” Shining piped in.

“By what? Being a nuisance and possibly throwing an uncontrollable fit in front of her! The last thing I want is for somepony to get hurt by me.” I barked at him.

“Pfft. You think you can hurt her? You saw the magic Cadence and I did at the wedding? She was able to do the same thing a week after, all from memory, by herself. I know because she teleported herself into Cadence and my room in Haywaii just so she could show us. And boy, was it awkward.” Shining deadpanned.

The tense felling in the air had left, and I and Luna were rolling on the floor laughing.


“Into THY room????haahahahahhahah!”

I got up and said “By Faust, I feel bad for you. If your sister is a crazy as you say she is, then lets hope she can deal with me. I'll go.”

“Oh thank you Crimson!” Luna hugged me again. “I'll visit as soon as I can.”

“I will too, and Cadence will come along.” Shining said.

“Goodnight. I gotta go pack.” I left the hall with a bounce in my step, until I had passed over the door frame. When I was out of sight, I slowed down and my thoughts were filled with uncertanity.

I looked out at the night sky again.
"I hope the sky is as beautiful in Ponyville" I said aloud as went to go pack.