• Published 25th Jun 2012
  • 4,804 Views, 163 Comments

The Word Became Ponified - ArthemistheSwordsman

Twilight finds herself in possession of a mysterious artifact: A Bible! What could this book mean?!?

  • ...

(Not) Prepared!

Morning came too soon. Twilight had one of the most bittersweet moments she had ever had in her life just now: waking up in a comfortable bed, thinking today was going to be a glorious day, and then remembering that she’s a wanted criminal of the highest degree whose life is forfeit.

Nonetheless, she embraced every moment of the sweet part. The blankets of an actual bed seemed to embrace her with such care that she never wanted to leave it. The fact that it may be the last time she ever gets to sleep in a bed again made it all the more heavenly. Despite her relaxation, she also welcomed the radiance of Celestia’s sun as it beamed into the guest quarters. Spike and Rainbow Dash were still sound asleep. Fluttershy’s bed was empty and unmade, implying the yellow pegasus had woken up before her.

The unicorn stretched herself and checked for her baggage. Fortunately, they appeared unchecked and were put safely on a shelf. She looked inside her own bag and saw the dusty Bible, reaffirming her mind and calming her soul.

Now capable of trust, she quietly left the room to give Rainbow and Spike some silence. She heard a slight grumble after the door click, and proceeded to search for breakfast in the facility. However, her initial thoughts vanished in sight of the hallway. She hadn’t noticed the massive quantities of pictures hanging on the walls or the rustic, wooden hallway when she went to her room last night. Now, in the light of dawn, the images were not ignorable. As she walked, she looked over each.

“Hey, is that Aben?” She said to herself when she passed a specific picture. Surely enough, it was. The sword cutie mark was the same, as was his vest and hairstyle. He was standing beside three other ponies, two with blue vests and one with red. The red-vested pony looked like a younger Jakob Skypierce, and one of the blue vests looked like Ruby. Aben had a big, goofy smile, and his eyes gleamed with determination. Ruby looked at him with disapproval. Jakob seemed to be chuckling at the other adventurers. The last pony, a black pony with a short white mane, faced solemnly in a separate direction with his eyes closed. The scene looked like it was a pleasant occasion, with other happy ponies in the background.

“Ah, I remember that one.” A familiar gruff voice rang from a bit further off in the hallway, startling the observant unicorn. “That was a few years ago. We went to Las Pegasus to stop an underground weapons dealer.”

“Oh, good morning, Aben!” Twilight said, and added in an amazed tone when she followed out of a corner, “And you too, Fluttershy!”

“Good morning, Twilight.” The yellow pegasus cheerfully replied, walking past her friend. “If you’re hungry, you should ask Aben to escort you to the dining hall. I just had breakfast there; it was delightful.”

“Okay, I think I will. I take it you’re going to gather your things?” Twilight responded.

“Yeah. Maybe Spike, Rainbow and I will meet you guys there when they wake up. See you later!” Fluttershy said as she reached their guest room and entered it.

“Well, if you’re hungry, just follow me. I can go for a second course.” Aben said, patting his stomach. Twilight made an observation here; Aben was different from last night. His vest was straighter, his mane tidier, and his posture a bit more stiff. Whether this was due to something or if he just got sloppier by the end of the day, Twilight couldn’t figure out.

“Let’s go then. It’ll also give us time to discuss the journey.” She said, trotting towards the brown stallion. As they walked to the dining hall, Aben struck up a conversation.

“So, Miss Sparkle…” He began before he was cut off by the unicorn’s giggling.

“You can just call me Twilight, Aben. No need for formalities or forced chivalry.” She smiled as she spoke. Aben smirked back awkwardly.

“Alright then, Twilight.” He corrected. “Where are you four from? I’ve been meaning to ask.”

“Oh, we’re from Ponyville.” She answered cheerfully.

“Ah, Ponyville. That’s a nice little hike away.” Aben stated. After a brief silence he posed a question that made Twilight jump a bit. “You hear about what’s going on there?”

“W-what?” She asked, faking innocence.

“Apparently, there was some relic discovered there. I heard it from one of the ponies in the Relic Vault here in the guild. Says they found some book that’s apparently human.” The adventurer explained, chuckling slightly. “Human, huh! See, in a job like this, you hear so many different things. But you never know which myths have truth behind them.”

“Heheh, yeah. Mythical humans…” Twilight continued hiding her experiences. She tried changing the subject (successfully) by asking “Anyways, what were you doing with Fluttershy?”

Aben’s face grew nervous and also a bit pink. “Her? I was just discussing the mission with her. Giving her a pep talk, y’know? She looked too gentle to be on an adventure. So I tried to encourage her.” He didn’t like where this conversation was going.

Twilight grinned deviously. “Really, Aben? Because the Fluttershy I know would never be this comfortable in a new surrounding. Did you really just discuss the journey?”

Aben’s face had turned from pink to a think magenta. “Yeah, nothing else. Doesn’t mean anything. Nothing else whatsoever. Oh look, the dining hall!” He quickly stated, grateful that the focus of the conversation was changing.

The dining hall looked like a rustic school cafeteria. Well, if you replace the crappy decorations with trophies, replace slime for quality food, and replace snobby students with well-behaved, fun-loving ponies, then you’d be spot-on. It was massive, and had an atmosphere of brotherhood similar to the one the tavern had. The food options were displayed on a massive buffet. Twilight got a fruit salad, and Aben got a glass of milk, claiming he had lost his appetite.

“So, are the supplies ready?” Twilight inquired before consuming her meal.

“That’s an affirmative.” Aben replied in a serious attitude. “I’ve estimated three days rations, and have packed two maps, a compass, my guitar, my hoof-blade in case things get rough, and my Guild Gear, which is basically the ultimate in-case-of-emergency tool.”

“Oh, okay. Packing lightly, aren’t you?” The unicorn said with a smile.

“Rule number 4. Oh look, our comrades!” He answered, pointing out the approaching familiar faces.

Twilight turned and saw two pegasi and a dragon. Rainbow had a small sandwich, and Spike had a big, juicy pear. Fluttershy had nothing, as she had already eaten. They all sat at the table with their friends, and Twilight made note of Fluttershy sitting next to Aben and not her.

“So, when do we head out?” Rainbow asked before taking a massive bite.

“A bit after we eat. I’ll take Twilight here with me to settle the technical stuff, and then we’ll leave. It’ll be a bit before noon, on schedule.” Aben answered.

“How long will we be gone?” Spike inquired.

“About two or three days, depending on weather and natural circumstances.” The adventurer chuckled. “Even if something happens, we can stop in a nearby town for needed resources.”

“Isn’t our goal to avoid town and guards?” Fluttershy brought up.

“Yeah, so that’s why if we need anything in a town I’ll get it. I can blend in the best of us all.” He stated, exaggerating the chivalrousness of it all. It was clear he was trying to earn brownie points for something (or, Twilight thought, for somepony).

“Well, then, here’s to a successful journey!” Twilight happily said.

As they left the dining hall, Twilight stayed behind a bit. She wanted to see Aben alone. She had something bothering her that she needed to have clarified.

“Hey Aben,” she asked with a smirk, “you aren’t interested in Fluttershy, are you?”

He stopped cold, and let out a heavy sigh. “Dang it, number 8…” He muttered.

“What was that?” Twilight happily asked as she approached the stallion.

“Was it that obvious? I’m such a dork.” Aben turned and answered. “She’s just so delicate. I’ve yet to meet a mare so pure in all my life. I’m going to take advantage of this opportunity, because she’s a once-in-a-lifetime.”

Twilight snickered. “Well, you better treat her really nice. She can be sweet and all, but trust me, no matter what, you don’t want to see her angry.”

“Wait, you’re okay with this? I was expecting you to be protective of your friend.” Aben said, shocked.

“To put it simply, she seems comfortable around you. That’s rare. Maybe it’ll work. And you seem nice enough, so I trust you, just as you trust me.” She turned deathly serious and then spoke “But if you hurt her, you’ll make a lot of enemies, to put it lightly.”

Aben stood dumbfounded in fear of the lavender mare’s words. She giggled and began trotting back to her room. “No pressure!” She called back as she walked out of sight.

“Ugh, this is gonna be an interesting mission.” He thought aloud. “Geez, I am not prepared for this…”