• Published 25th Jun 2012
  • 4,810 Views, 163 Comments

The Word Became Ponified - ArthemistheSwordsman

Twilight finds herself in possession of a mysterious artifact: A Bible! What could this book mean?!?

  • ...

The Easy Way...

Keesar Valley. It was more of an open-topped tunnel, in reality. Its main section zoomed out in a straight line, but trying to see the end would make your eyes hurt. It would’ve been a pit of flames if the canyon walls weren’t high enough to provide the central crevice they walked in with constant shade. Due to this cooler state, the valley floor was littered with occasional bushes and small animals, unlike the dunes on the plateaus above.

“Don’t worry about Stab.” Aben assured the group. “He knows he’ll have to plan his tactics through since I’m with you.” He smirked uneasily as he said this, and Twilight couldn’t tell if he was proud or ashamed of his words.

“Okay then,” Twilight answered, “If you say so, I trust you.”

The adventurer stiffened. “Really? You’re awfully trusting, aren’t you?”

“Well, in my time of studying friendship, I’ve learned to trust my friends and hope for the best.” She cheerfully explained.

“Interesting philosophy. I’ve been told often to hope for the worst and keep expectations low, personally. This way, nothing really goes horribly wrong. But for me, things always seem to, like finding the Bible…” Aben said dismally.

“That sounds depressing…” Fluttershy said sympathetically.

“…But, it’ll get better!” Aben instantly went back to cheerful. “Rule 28 of the guild!”

“Sheesh, do you have a copy of those or something?” Rainbow jokingly asked. The group broke out into a morale-boosting laughter.

“Alright, ladies and dragon, our goal for the rest of the day is to reach the end of this crevice.” Aben said. “There we’ll find ourselves a cave hidden enough to be out of sight, while not hidden enough so as to be an ideal hiding spot, as that’s where Stab will search.”

“Wouldn’t it be smart to pick one of those obvious ones?” Fluttershy pointed out. “If Stab thinks like you, then he’s probably going to think with that logic.”

“Y’know, my dear, you’re right!” Aben said with a raucous laugh. “I didn’t take you to be a criminal mind!” Fluttershy blushed and hid behind her mane. The rest of the group joined Aben’s laugh.

“Geez, Fluttershy, that’s twice so far! How many criminal insights are you going to give?” Spike asked.

“SHH!” Aben silenced the group, and lifted his hoof into the air, signaling a stop. His head began to nod towards a large shrub. “Get back, in that bush!” The group obeyed, and they all took shelter.

“What is it? Somepony there?” Twilight asked.

“Well, something is out there.” Aben whispered. “It looks like a tall monkey, bald, standing on two legs, wearing some sort of garments…”

“Charles?” Twilight squeaked in a mixture of joy and surprise before looking out of the bush herself. “I thought he went back to his world! Did the spell not work?”

“Wait, you know that abomination?” Aben asked with complete dumbfoundedness. Twilight looked closer, but soon shook her head.

“No, that’s not him. I know something like that thing though.”

This was another human, but this one was different. His hair was all in a long, grey beard. His bushy eyebrows were highly exaggerated by this, and it gave him a more frightening appearance than Charles was. He wore a black suit, which was decently filthy. It had a strange design on the back in a contradictive red tone, and Twilight semi-recognized some of the image designs.

“That man, he knows magic!” She firmly stated.

“Wait, ‘man’? That’s a hu-human?!” Aben asked, still dumbfounded.

“Yeah, they’re real. Where do you think the Bible came from?” Rainbow said with a shrug.

“So, the Bible is a human artifact? “ Aben began to sweat. “Hey, uh, Twilight? Are these humans from, uh, another world?”

“That’s what they told me.” She replied, still observing the man. He was walking and observing the nature.

Aben was now sweating profusely. His brow wobbled in fear, and he bit his lip to prevent an outburst. He then slowly moved towards Twilight.

“Hey, uh, Twilight? Can I talk to you alone?” He said nervously.

“Uh, sure thing, Aben!” She answered, a bit surprised at the request. They trotted to a separate bush. Once there, Aben clutched Twilight and stared straight into her eyes. Twilight blushed at the sudden physical contact, as her mind tried to comprehend what was going on.

“Twilight, listen very carefully.” Aben whispered in an incredibly serious manner. “The Bible comes from another world. It comes from the world of humanity. Let me tell you now, all the mythology of the human world I’ve read make it seem like a horrid place, unlike Equestria. It’s filled with strife.”

“Aben, where are you going-” Twilight tried to ask but Aben cut her off with a sudden increase in volume.

“We should give the Bible back to the human.” He shouted in a whisper. “It’s not supposed to be here.”

“WHAT?!” Twilight responded with a whisper-shout of her own. “Why would I do that, after all I’ve been through and all the trouble it’s caused?!”

“Right now, here and now, we can end all the struggles. Stab’s only after the Bible. If we take it clean out of this world, we’ll have no evidence against ourselves. We’ll be free.”

“Aben, it’s not that simple.” Twilight sighed. “The Bible isn’t that simple. It’s played a major role in this entire endeavor. If I didn’t think it was worth risking, I wouldn’t have found you. And besides, I just have to see if Jesus is real or not.”

“Why do you even need to know?” The adventurer was angered at the question. “He’s from a story from another world! For all we know, he could only apply to that world!”

“If he does or if he doesn’t is a meaningless matter if he doesn’t exist in the first place.” Twilight firmly stated. “My mission is the same. I will see Celestia. I will find out if this thing is as powerful as it seems. I will see if eternal life is attainable. And most importantly, I can’t just abandon them.” She pointed towards her friends. “They’ve been with me this whole time, and they want to know this as much as I do. Especially Fluttershy.”

Aben’s eyes perked up at the mention of his beloved’s name. He sighed heavily. “…You had to pull that card, didn’t you?” Twilight nodded cheerfully, prompting another sigh. “Very well, Sparkle. You win this round.”

“Alright. Now regarding that human, I have a plan, but I’ll discuss it with the others too.” Aben nodded and the two walked out, back to their friends.

“So, what happened?” Rainbow asked.

“Twilight’s got a plan.” The stallion answered. “She’ll explain it all. And let me tell you gals and dragon now, you have quite the friend here.”

“Okay, this’ll be kind of like with Charles.” The unicorn began to explain. “I’ll go out and talk to the man, while you stay. But this time, watch. I can tell by his insignia that he is familiar with magic. Also, he seems more frightening than Charles.”

“I agree.” Fluttershy squeaked.

“Alright, I’ll go out. Also…” she levitated the Bible out of the bags. “…I’ll ask him about this. Maybe he can clarify something about it.”

“Good idea.” Aben said. “Well, head on out there, Twilight. My blade’s ready if he’s hostile.” He began to fasten his weapon, while the others got into a good look-out position in the bush. Twilight nodded and began trotting out. Right before she became visible, Aben nudged her and whispered.

“Y’know, my suggestion is still open.” He winked as the unicorn left her hedge hideout. She merely rolled her eyes, rejecting the idea on the outside. However, inside her mind, she was weighing the pros and cons of that option. He was right; there was no proof that they had the Bible. Twilight could say it was just another book and Stab confused it with something. She could easily through the search off of her and her friends.

But if she did, she would never know about God or Jesus. She'd be stuck with the haunting doubt of her mind that she had given up possible immortality, and the potential to do a great service to all of ponykind. Keep going and have your life in danger, or have a life filled with a massive, nagging regret?

She was going to have to decide very soon. The man noticed her approach, and turned to face her. Unlike Charles, whose eyes had a sort of welcoming gaze, this man's eyes radiated with an emptiness mixed with a bit of cruelty. His slow smirk gave him a more villainous aura as well.

"Hello there, little unicorn..."