• Published 25th Jun 2012
  • 4,803 Views, 163 Comments

The Word Became Ponified - ArthemistheSwordsman

Twilight finds herself in possession of a mysterious artifact: A Bible! What could this book mean?!?

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A Solution

After a few hours of scientific data, physical tests, and algebraic equations, the project was finally done. Twilight packed up her tools and proceeded back to the library. Rainbow didn’t have any other plans for the day, so she tagged along. Besides, she had to turn in those books she borrowed (and, as they had both predicted, didn’t read). Well, that was the pegasus’s excuse. In reality, she wanted to hear more about the rainbow story. But every time she brought it up, Twilight would dismiss it as ‘another old mare’s tale’ or ‘just some silly child’s story’ and such.

Despite her reactions, however, Twilight was just as curious about the book as Rainbow. She felt like she had to look further into that story she had read. It sounded like history, but she couldn’t for the life of her remember anything about a massive, world-consuming flood. Nor had she heard of a creature called ‘man’ or of a being called ‘God’ in any of her historical studies. Is this book fictional, mythical, historical, or factual? What IS it?! The unicorn began planning for tonight; she had some studying to do if she ever wanted to solve this mystery.

While walking and gawking, the two friends ran into a familiar face. She greeted the pair with her delicate voice.

“Hi, Twilight! Hi, Rainbow Dash!” said Fluttershy, approaching her friends.

“Hey, Fluttershy!” Rainbow replied cheerfully. “What’re you up to?”

“I just finished bring Opal back from her weekly grooming to Rarity.” Said the yellow pegasus. “How about you two?”

“We just finished an experiment,” Twilight answered, “and were just on our way to the library.”

“Sounds like you’re not doing anything at right now. Why don’t you walk with us for a bit, Fluttershy?” Rainbow inquired.

“Sure,” Fluttershy responded, “I mean, as long as I’m not interrupting anything.”

“Not at all.” Twilight said. The three ponies then continued their walk.

Whew, Twilight thought. With Fluttershy here, maybe Rainbow will change the subject and stop talking about the Bible.

“Hey Fluttershy,” Rainbow piped up, “I have a question. What do you think of when you see a rainbow?”

At this question Twilight sighed and Fluttershy paused. “Hmmm,” the animal lover thought. “I’ve never really thought about it. Am I supposed to think of something in particular?”

“Well,” Rainbow explained proudly, “Twi told me that there was this guy who flooded the entire world!”

“What?” Fluttershy declared, appalled at the thought of mass slaughter.

Rainbow took this as a cue to keep explaining, and continued. “And after he did it, he put a rainbow in the sky to show his promise that he’d never do it again.”

“Oh, that’s good.” Fluttershy sighed in relief, still somewhat stunned by the flooding. “But why did he do it in the first place?”

“Beats me. Twi, why did he flood the world again?” Rainbow said, turning to the unicorn.

“Well,” she began to explain begrudgingly, “if I remember correctly, that God did it because the world was corrupted and evil. All except one family, who God warned in advance. That family built a huge boat, and was safe in it.”

“So…” Fluttershy tried to put the pieces together. “God flooded the world to destroy evil, saved the one good family, and then promised to never do it again?”

“Yeah!” Rainbow declared. “So rainbows are a symbol of that promise, which shows power, or responsibility, or something else awesome!”

“Well, in my opinion,” the timid pegasus said muttered, ‘I think it represents love. As in, God loved that good family so much that he destroyed all evil to protect it.”

“Pfft! Love? That’s really corny!” Rainbow laughed. ‘Ain’t no way I represent some sissy thing like love!”

“Anyways,” Fluttershy wondered aloud, “where did you read such a story?”

Twilight knew she couldn’t hide the Bible this time, and reluctantly pulled it out of her bag. “It’s this here. It was a story in this book. I think this book’s like an anthology or something, but I can’t tell if the stories are true, mythical, historical, or a mixture of the three. I was going to look into it later.”

“Well, if it’s okay with you,” the pegasus asked, “could I borrow it? It sounds interesting.”

Twilight thought this through. She wouldn’t let Rainbow see it, because Rainbow would show it off and make it known. But Fluttershy? She’d keep it in a low profile. Besides, the note didn’t say the Bible couldn’t be shared (Thank goodness, Twilight thought, seeing how fast it was spreading). What could possibly go wrong?

“I guess so, sure.” The unicorn said, levitating the book to her friend. “But, it’s kinda confusing. I recommend starting at one story and staying with it. Even so, I couldn’t understand it the whole way.”

Amidst this conversation, the three found they had arrived at the library. Rainbow returned the books and promptly took off. Fluttershy took her new book and also flew off. Twilight opened the door, and began levitating paper and quills to a writing space as she walked inside.

“Spike!” She called. “Get ready to find some books, we’ve got some research to do!”

Twilight tore into this research like a starved lion on its prey. She started with anything that might refer to the flood; any clues to that could help her get a better perspective on the setting. But none of the major floods in Equestrian history seemed large enough to flood the entire world.

While looking for books on floods, Spike brought up an interesting point. “If only Noah survived, wouldn’t he be the one to record what happened after the flood?” Twilight realized this, and immediately began shifting her focus to things relating to Noah. She and Spike searched frantically for books on humans, but could find nothing. But just then, Spike found a dusty book in the back shelves, behind several on aliens. It was titled ‘Man: Fact and False Regarding the Imaginary Mammal’.

“The physical appearance of man is unknown, as only conspiracies have been given, but the most widely accepted is of a bipedal primate. Humans are considered to be omnivorous, and have hair mainly atop their heads.” Twilight read aloud as she copied into her notes. “The few who have ‘sighted’ humans claim that they are clothed, implying that men are self-aware and intelligent. Some skeptics claim that men should thus be capable of language and inventing.”

“So, what does this mean?” Spike inquired, re-shelving the flood books.

“Well,” Twilight began to theorize, “if Noah was human, than we can deduct that the Bible is fictional. Only conspiracy theorists and mad mares have claimed their existence, and there is no solid proof.”

“But,” Spike inferred, “what about the incident with the Pinkie Sense? Just because there’s no proof doesn’t mean it’s fake.”

Twilight chuckled. “Yes, Spike, I know. But still, there isn’t even any sort of way to see men. I couldn’t figure out the Pinkie Sense, but I could still observe it. In this case, I can’t even see the basics of man. There aren’t any main sources, so they aren’t real.”

“I suppose so.” Spike agreed.

“But, then that brings up another question.” The unicorn continued. “I still haven’t figured out who ‘HE’ is. And why would a book about fictional creatures be somepony’s most prized possession?”

“Maybe the owner just liked the book and wanted to share it?” Spike said, trying to figure it out.

“I don’t know. And I still haven’t found out how this book should be properly used.” Twilight reminded. After this remark, there was a silence. The two both began to think upon these statements, but could theorize nothing.

“Well, we’re getting nowhere fast.” Spike announced with a sigh.

“I’ve got it!” Twilight shouted, shocking the dragon. “I can’t understand this book on my own, so I should go ask somepony who does! I need a teacher!” And who else to know random books than…”

“Princess Celestia!” Spike exclaimed. “She’s bound to know this book, or have something somewhere in the Canterlot libraries about it!”

“Exactly! Spike, pack up my paper, a few quills, and some travel materials. We’re going to Canterlot.” Twilight said. “While you’re packing, I’ll go see Fluttershy and get the book back.”

“Got it!” The dragon answered as the unicorn began to leave.

Twilight trotted happily to Fluttershy’s cottage. Maybe, with the guidance of her beloved mentor, she could finally figure out the true purpose of the Bible, and, as the note said, use it properly.