• Published 25th Jun 2012
  • 4,810 Views, 163 Comments

The Word Became Ponified - ArthemistheSwordsman

Twilight finds herself in possession of a mysterious artifact: A Bible! What could this book mean?!?

  • ...

My Friend

“Alright, everypony got it?” Aben asked the huddled group. They were surveying a map of Equestria, marking their designated path. “That’s our planned course. With stops here-“ he marked the outer rim of Keesar Valley “and here-“ the Old Mare’s Mountain Range, “we should reach Canterlot in approximately 3 days, taking into account possible encounters, obstacles, and SRSs.”

“What’s an SRS?” Spike asked.

“Stealth Requiring Situation.” The adventurer answered. “Any moment when covering our tracks would be of greater importance than how far we travel. I expect at most three, and possibly none. After all, we’re just simply traveling.”

Twilight coughed. Rainbow chuckled nervously.

“Won’t we have to worry about possible ambushes? We’re still in Defte’s area.” Fluttershy stated.

“Taken into account. Here’s how I have it planned out…” Aben took a sketch from his bag. It showed a triangle with three ponies at each point, and a pony, lizard, and boxes in the center. “I’ll lead the front, with the maps, compass, hoof-blade, and emergency aid kit in my bag. I’ll lead the front.”

He pointed at Rainbow. “You, you seem tough. Can you handle a bandit or two?”

She buffed up and grunted. “In my sleep!” She said proudly.

“Is that courage well established?” Aben turned to the others with a stern expression before continuing his question. “Being that brave is a great feat, but be careful.”

“Why, can’t I handle it? Don’t you trust me?” The multicolored mare asked annoyed.

“I trusted my friends, and it didn’t make any difference to the enemy.” He said sullenly. “They were cut down right before my eyes. So again, I ask. Are your actions matching your words?”

Everypony stiffened up from the seriousness. Rainbow moved a bit back. The look of sorrow in Aben’s eyes seemed incredibly out of character. They looked like they should be crying, but were as dry as a desert.

“Yeah, she can handle herself in a fight.” Twilight said, lightening the mood. “After all, she’s the only pony to pull off a Sonic Rainboom.”

The stallion’s shift in emotion was miraculous. He went from quiet and silent to wide-eyed and euphoric. “REALLY?! THAT WAS YOU?!” He fervently inquired of the speedster.

“Y-yeah, I have. Three times, actually.” Rainbow answered, gaining smugness as she spoke.

“Geez! That’s not even right!” He said, both annoyed and ecstatic. “A huge number of adventurer pegasi have tried that feat, but none succeed! Imagine the Life Saga, being the only pony to pull off the Rainboom!”

“Well, she’s good in her position.” Twilight said, bringing everypony back on topic. “But why am I there? I mean, I know we aren’t putting Fluttershy in a guard position, for (she winked at Aben as she said this, but nopony noticed) special reasons.”

“Well, you seem pretty powerful magically. You can conjure shields and projectiles, right? That’s basically all we need.” Aben asked, and Twilight confirmed with a nod at both.

“Good. Fluttershy, Spike, you two will hold our food supplies and camp materials. You’re the convoy we’re protecting.” He spoke to the two. “Don’t worry, I won’t let my comrades down, ever.”

“Oh, o-okay.” Fluttershy answered.

“You got it, Aben!” Spike cheerfully answered.

“Good. Everypony grab your load, we embark NOW!!” Aben announced as he rolled up the map. Ponies began grabbing bags that had been laid out, and Twilight made it sure that her saddlebag was hidden in the middle of the rest of the gear, an act that Aben couldn’t understand, but allowed.

As they left, they heard cheers ringing from the guild hall. Jakob and Ruby waved at their friend as he left. He returned the favor.

“Don’t worry, Jakob. I won’t let you down.” Aben whispered to himself. “And maybe I’ll get closer to finding Nail, too…”

After a good bit of walking, Aben turned to his group. “Alright everypony, we’ve reached the outskirts of Defte. We can break formation now.” At this comment, everypony eased up. The threat of ambush was mainly gone, after all. Twilight trotted ahead to reach Aben, while Spike and Fluttershy drifted back with Rainbow.

Twilight was nervous, to put it lightly. Sure, she didn’t have to be afraid of thugs anymore. But she was still a criminal of the highest degree, miles away from home, incapable of asking the princess for help, and with death constantly looming over her head. She worried mainly about what would happen if Aben found out about the Bible.

He’s going to eventually, she thought. When he does, how will he react? Would he go with us, and could we tell him about Jesus, or would he go the other way? Would he turn us in? Would he abandon us? Would he KILL us?!

“Uh, Aben,” she piped up, trying to hide the fear in her voice, “have you ever accepted any illegal missions?”

“Not intentionally.” He answered. “You see, it’s actually illegal to do so. Rule 5 of the guild. But I’ve still done a few.”

“Why?” She asked, trying to forge a conversation to calm her nerves.

“Well, sometimes a mission requires it. I’ve had to steal and sneak my way out of a few problems myself.” He chuckled as he admitted. “Mission goals change, and we have to finish our mission, no matter what.”

“Is that a rule of the guild too?”

“Yeah, I think it’s one of the twenty-somethings…”

“How did those rules get made, anyways?”

Aben smiled. “They were designed by the greatest hero of all time, the magnificent Excalibur Lionhearted. His Life Saga was truly historic, and stories are told in every hall of his feats. He once stopped a dragon from destroying a town all by himself!”

“Really?” Twilight was impressed. She had seen the destruction a dragon could do to a town before.

“Yeah. He also wasn’t just a great fighter, but valorous in the extreme. It was said that he never let any of his comrades get hurt, and his scars all were meant for others. He was benevolence incarnate.”

“Wow. So why isn’t he still adventuring?”

Aben’s face grew grim. “Excalibur…was murdered.”

“WHAT?!” Twilight gasped in horror.

“By some of the adventurers in his guild hall he just built. The conspirators were all identified. All but three of them were arrested. Two of them committed suicide, fearing the fervent rage of the adventurers.”

“What about that last one?” Aben didn’t answer this question. Twilight backed off after that, fearing she cut deep. It didn’t make sense; why would somepony want to kill a guy like that? All he ever did was good.

“Anyways,” Aben started up again, “before he died, he wanted his influence to spread when he was done. He wanted ponies to go out and live life to the fullest for others. He wanted us to shine light in the darkness of the world, and make it a better place to everyone. He said that doing so would make us more than normal ponies. Thus the concept of a Life Saga was born. Excalibur told us to make our name known and be recognized as a glorious beacon of hope and integrity in the world.”

“That’s…an interesting philosophy.” The unicorn stated.

“It’s what we live by. My Life Saga isn’t entirely the best, but it’s mine. All I know is that nopony else out there is going to be a better me than me.” His eyes gleamed with determination, and his chest stuck out with courage.

“I will make my name known! History will shine upon the epic Saga of Aben Teuer! That’s my destiny!”

These words inspired Twilight. Aben was right; nopony can be a better him than him. And nopony will live his life. The same applies to herself. Despite her situation, she will get through it, because she has to. There will not be another Twilight Sparkle to do it for her!

With this new morale, Twilight marched onwards. I can reach Celestia, she thought, and I will!

The sun began to set, but it didn’t deter the party. They had finally reached Keesar Valley without any difficulties. Aben himself was surprised; he didn’t expect them to reach their position early.

“Let’s set up camp early. We’ll be able to have a good time out here, and bring good fortune to our humble travel party.” He announced as the ponies began laying down their gear. Aben and Rainbow got to work setting up the two tents (one for the guys and the other for the girls), while Twilight began a fire. Spike and Fluttershy were sent to find some kindling and wood for said campfire.

Within a few minutes, the site was complete. Two tents were positioned, and a lovely fire burned around two large logs Aben had chopped down for seating. A boiling cauldron of wild root stew was burning over the flame. While they waited for the soup to cook, Aben wielded his guitar.

“While we await our food, how about I play a song for us?” The ponies all nodded in agreement while the stallion began tuning the instrument. It only took a few seconds before it sounded good and the colt began strumming random chords. It surprised many of them that such a gruff-looking pony could play such music so well.

After random strumming ended, Aben spoke to the seated group. “I know just what to play. It’s a song Excalibur himself taught me.” Twilight smiled at this statement, as he began strumming chords. After a few notes, he broke out into lyrics*.

Sit down, escape your lonely day, my treat; The love is on me.

You seem so tired, but I’m understanding; So tell your story.

You stumble, but it’s alright…

Say what you want to me, my friend.

The words are growing bigger in my head.

So take all you want from me, my friend.

Even if it is nothing at all…

The words and rhythm soon had the group swaying in time. The words had comforted the worried ponies. All fears of death faded, and no pony thought of the Bible as he sang. When the second chorus broke out, the ponies joined in. The mixture of his voice and the ponies’ higher voices sounded truly marvelous.

You wanted all that your eyes could see. Maybe it’ll all be dealt in time.

But the world will never see you eye-to-eye, or heart-to-heart, I know this.

You stumble, but it’s alright…

As the ambience of the guitar, combined with the warmth of the fire and the shining light of the sunset, permeated the group, they began to feel something they hadn’t felt since the before Bible showed up.


Twilight felt that sort of feeling of when you finally discover something you’ve been dying to learn. Rainbow felt as if she had just finished another great day of testing, and had broken a few of her old records. Spike felt like he had just got the birthday present he had always wanted. Fluttershy felt the same feeling she gets when one of her animals walks up to her and nuzzles into her on their own free will.

You stumble, the world’s spinning ‘round you now…

The last guitar chord rang into the silence of night, accompanied by the cracking of the fire. Nopony broke this silence, and allowed the moment to reside.

Aben looked at his group of comrades. He had done several missions, and had had several friends on each. He had seen many different mares and colts on his travels. But there was something different about this group. He just couldn’t put his hoof on it, but he felt closer to these three mares and the baby dragon than he had ever felt with any of his other allies.

“Alright,” he said with a new relaxation in his voice, “I do believe the stew’s done. Who’s hungry?”

AUTHOR'S NOTE: I listened to this song, and it sounded like a song Aben would play. It's 'My Friend' by Nine Lashes.