• Published 2nd Sep 2016
  • 678 Views, 17 Comments

A Soldier's Orders - Animatorsnake

The date is November 13 on the Equestrian calendar... it has been four full months since... "his" death. I am now princess of friendship... yet I feel so alone... I just wished maybe, just maybe... I had the chance to see him one last time.

  • ...

Tourist Arc: Ch.10 - Business Propositions

Walking down the streets of Manehattan after escaping the paparazzi, Twilight and Dark search for where Trixie had ended up. Finding out that Twilight’s friends had been taken to Canterlot for questioning for their whereabouts, Twilight’s thoughts are mixed with regret and worry. However, the princess of friendship stands strong, and she will find a way to save her friends.

After walking down the sidewalk, Dark and Twilight find themselves in a part of town with some… interesting buildings. Most of the buildings are old and moldy, while some still stand; this part of town is the oldest part of Manehattan and is currently in construction, though some ponies still live in this part, so the city is having some disagreements with it’s residents and those who plan on rebuilding the area. When Twilight was searching for Trixie, somepony mentioned saying seeing a blue unicorn wearing a hat and cape while also dragging a wagon behind them, and coming by here before.

Following what they’ve heard, they search for Trixie within the empty streets of the nearly demolished block of Manehattan. Dark stares at the almost empty buildings… a spark of memory arising within his psyche. Flashes of different locations and people Dark has no memory of… but the familiarity is there, Dark has no idea whom these people are, but whoever they are they can wait another time. For now Dark is busy too searching for Trixie, and to try and avoid as little trouble they can, now with ponies knowing they’re here in Manehattan, which means that Celestia and Luna will send their ponies here to find them… or worse.

Ever since Trixie had left the two, Twilight had a strange chill down her back… the same feeling she had when she assumed somepony was watching her. Deciding to look back again, Twilight only saw a grayish crow. The crow stared at Twilight until flying off somewhere else, thinking it was nothing Twilight continues to walk with Dark, unbeknownst to her that “The Spirit of Chaos” is two steps ahead of her. Discord, in his disguised form, eyes the two vigilantly watching until his chance to strike comes.

Dark notices Twilight’s worry and begins to start off a conversation. “Is something the matter? Ever since we gotten away from that paparazzi, you been very…” said Dark, finding the right word to say.

“Shaken?” said Twilight.

“More like spooked, but that works too,” said Dark, agreeing.

“Well if you must know… It’s just that… it feels like we’re being followed,” said Twilight, keeping her voice quiet.

Dark hears Twilight’s worried thought, and instead looking behind him, he simply asks Twilight a question. “By any chance… can you ponies morph or transform into another creature?” asked Dark.

“Well… only unicorns, but transformation spells are highly powerful and not many unicorns are able to do such a feat for a long time. The only ponies I can think that can do this are the princesses, myself included,” said Twilight, explaining.

“Is that so… are you sure though?” said Dark.

Twilight nods, unable to think of anyone. “That’s all I know sadly,” said Twilight.

Dark nods, and looks around, just like Twilight all he sees is a crow. Deciding to continue walking, they take a turn and spot a shop of sorts. At the front of the shop is Trixie’s wagon, and at that same time Trixie stepped out to see Twilight and Dark. “Trixie thought that you two could do whatever you wanted to. What are you two doing here?” asked Trixie.

“Long story,” said Twilight. After telling Trixie what had happened once she left them. Trixie thought carefully about this new predicament, kicking the ground lightly or staring at the sky.

“This is going to be difficult… seems we may need to leave Manehattan earlier than we thought,” said Trixie. “Once Trixie’s done with what Trixie came here for, we leave immediately. Understand?”

Twilight nodded, while Dark did a thumbs up in agreement. Once finished with her own thoughts, Trixie begins moving her wagon, continuing to her next destination. Whilst walking, Dark wondered what Trixie had been doing when she left him and Twilight.

“Say… what have you been doing when you left us?” asked Dark.

“That… that is none of your business. What is Trixie’s business, is Trixie’s business,” said Trixie, avoiding the question. “Now, come along, we have no time to dawdle.”

Increasing her pace, Twilight and Dark look at one another and soon follow behind. Trixie mumbles something to herself, but continues to walk forward. Looking back at Twilight, Trixie gives a quick glare, but then looks back forward. “Just what exactly did he saw in you… just what?” thought Trixie.

Some hours earlier, Manehattan, 7:30am

“This is Manehattan after all… there are some sights to behold,” said Trixie.

Trixie left Dark and Twilight, disappearing into the crowd. After sure she lost them, Trixie made a few quick turns and headed to her destination. The last time Trixie had ever seen Twilight… well it had been awhile, mostly Trixie had kept to herself, especially since… the “incident”.

“Try not to overexert yourself, you got this… Your stronger than you think,” thought Trixie. Shaking her head, Trixie looks forward and finds where she needs to be. Before her is a building with two giant pillars on both sides with some smaller pillars between the big ones. On the very top is a sign that says, City Hall. Trixie inhales in and out, then enters inside, leaving her wagon outside parked.

The City Hall was bustling with ponies, some were working, others on errands, those who were late for meetings… places like this were always busy… well except for the one at Ponyville. Trixie had business here, for starters there was a certain… politician she had to see. Trotting over to the main desk, there was a stallion, an earth pony who was signing some papers with a stamp. After standing several seconds at the front desk without being noticed, Trixie coughed to catch the pony’s attention, the stallion looks up, putting his stamp away.

“May I...” said the stallion, looking Trixie up and down, “help you?”

“Indeed you shall, Trixie, Trixie Lulamoon. Trixie’s come to see… Vocal Noise,” said Trixie. “Is he busy?”

The stallion immediately recognized Trixie’s name, and went through a list that was reluctantly in his eyesight. Snorting, the stallion placed a hoof on a machine that made a whirling and beeping noise until only static was heard. “A Miss Lulamoon is here to see Treasury Noise,” said the stallion, until he heard a clicking.

The machine then turned back on until another voice was heard, feminine this time. “Of course, I shall tell him of Miss Lulamoon’s arrival,” said the feminine voice.

Afterwords, the machine turned off and the stallion turned to Trixie, until he gave her a badge. “Use this to gain access to the upper floors. Show it to the guards and they’ll let you throw… return in once your done with business here,” said the stallion, before bowing lightly. “Have a good day.”

Trixie stared at the stallion before levitating the badge to her saddlebags she had with her. Proceeding up the stairs, Trixie encountered two guards, both looking at her expecting the usual routine when an unfamiliar face is seen in the upper floors of the City Hall. “Clearance… please,” said one of the guards, trying to remember what to say.

Trixie levitated the badge out of her saddlebags, holding in front of both guards’ eyesight. Stepping to the side, they continued back to patrolling the rest of the floor. Trixie continued down to her destination, stood in front of a room with a sign, with the initials of VN on them. Stepping inside, Trixie saw a mare sitting on a desk, doing the same thing like the stallion at the front desk. The second Trixie stepped inside, the mare looked up and stopped what she was doing. “Trixie Lulamoon?” asked the mare, raising an eyebrow.

Trixie nodded, and was greeted with another question. “May I ask but… What do you need from Treasure Noise?” asked the mare.

“Business… just business,” said Trixie. “May I speak to him?”

“Of course, he said that the two of you can speak as long as you like…” said the mare, until she continued to speak. “However… he said that he has another meeting after yours… So it’s best whatever you need to see him about, he would like it best if it were done… quickly.”

Trixie nodded, and continued through another door to another room. Inside Trixie saw three long horizontal windows, each with it’s own blinds. All the blinds were open so the sunlight seeped in, but was enough to brighten the room but wasn’t blindly bright, so both Trixie and it’s occupant could be see and wouldn’t be distracted. Vocal Noise, treasury of Manehattan, his in charge of all the money that flows through here, whether it be taxes, trading, or the city’s currency. Vocal is a fair pony, and a smart one too, the previous treasury had been… misusing their role, so Vocal will do his hardest to gain the trust of all of Manehattan’s citizens. Vocal himself may look menacing but, the second he saw Trixie… he smiled.

“TRIXIE! OH IT’S GOOD TO SEE YOU!” shouted Vocal, nearly jumping off his chair.

“It’s good to see you too Vocal,” said Trixie, smiling back. Trixie and Vocal met after some months she met Anim. When Anim and Trixie departed each other back at Appleloosa, Trixie decided to follow her own path… in the process she helped Vocal with becoming Treasury… through honest means of course. Ever since then they became good friends, and Vocal would do anything to help a friend, especially one such as Trixie. “There’s something I need your help with Vocal.”

“Of course of course, what can I help you with? Need a place a stay, rent a building for a special event, or maybe help you set up for one of your shows, hmmm,” said Vocal, his voice growing louder.

“Vocal...” said Trixie, staring. “Remember what we said. Try to...”

“Always remember to use my inside voice… sorry… it’s just things been… hard on me,” said Vocal. “Though I can’t say I never saw it coming, I became Treasury and excepted the risks… no going back now.”

Trixie knew why it was hard for her friend Vocal… it wasn’t just because of the reputation of the previous Treasury. Vocal… was a pegasus… the very first pegasus treasury in Manehattan… well actually, probably Equestria. You see, while unicorns are thought to have jobs like scientists, librarians, or jobs requiring tons of mental will and knowledge. With earth ponies having to do jobs requiring physical needs like lifting heavy equipment and objects… Pegasi are stereotypically thought to be the sporty kind of ponies. Vocal who seems frail was a fast flier… but he denied using his wings since day one of becoming a treasury… he said he promised he would use his mind and body… but not his wings… he kept that promise still.

“Vocal… you don’t need to make a promise like that… no one told you too,” said Trixie.

“Even so… I’m placing my pride of being a pegasus… no… but being a pony on the line. I’ll show that looks don’t make a pony… it’s the actions that do,” said Vocal, making sound like his motto. “Now… what you need my help with?”

Sighing Trixie focused back to why she came here on the first place. “Well… Trixie needs you to find something for Trixie… Do you know something called, a void crystal?” asked Trixie.

Vocal looked at Trixie, his happy demeanor replaced with a worried serious one. “Trixie… do you have any idea what those things can do,” said Vocal.

“Yes… Trixie does… Trixie knows… used to know, a friend that had some… ‘specialty’ with them. Now, can you help Trixie?” said Trixie.

Looking at Trixie, Vocal sat up from his seat and moved to a set of file cabinets. Opening a cabinet under the capital letter V, he pulled out one small file. The file talked about an incident that occurred a year or so ago… it was dubbed, “The Void Incident” also known as the, “The Black Shower”. The incident was about black meteorites that crashed onto all over Equestria, it’s not sure how many crashed but the damage it brought was far worse than the changeling invasion. The black meteorites, also called void crystals, were powerful sources of energy… but were deadly itself, if made physical contact with, it causes a number of damage to any living being. Luckily, all of the void crystals vanished miraculously… or, that’s what’s to be believed; there been rumors of fragments acquired or left behind when the rest of the void crystals vanished. These remaining fragments are sparse and extremely rare… rumors of one such crystal is located in Manehattan… it was founded by a black-market dealer located somewhere in Manehattan… and a case has been made to search for it… however, there is one tiny problem.

“It’s a trap. The void crystal is being used to catch somepony who has the actual skill to use the crystal to it’s full potential… Your friend… is this pony correct,” said Vocal, confirming his theory.


“Then why are you trying to get it alone? Where is this friend of yours?” asked Vocal. “You shouldn’t do this, you could kill yourself!”

“I need to do this… besides,” thought Trixie, looking out the window. “This ‘friend’ of mine is long gone.”

Suddenly, a few knocks is heard from Vocal’s door, peeking her head Vocal’s secretary looks inside. “Mr. Noise, your meeting scheduled at eight o’clock is beginning soon… should I tell them you might come late or...” said the secretary.

Vocal moved his hoof up, making a slow up and down motion with it. “Don’t worry I’ll be there… give me five minutes,” said Vocal, dismissing his secretary.

Watching the secretary leave, Vocal moved his gaze toward Trixie. “Please… you have to help me...” said Trixie, bowing down. “Please.”

Vocal looked at his friend… and what he saw was a mix of desperation and… regret. Sighing, Vocal slid the folder to Trixie, not looking at her nor the folder. “We never saw each other, I never gave you anything… this never happened. Be lucky this isn’t illegal… but what you plan to do with that crystal is however…” said Vocal. “Now… go...”

Trixie began to leave, but before she did she turned to face Vocal and smiled. “Thank you… friend,” said Trixie, leaving.

Once Trixie left, Vocal whispered to himself that nopony ever heard. “Your welcome… friend,” said Vocal.

After leaving city hall, returning the badge, and heading back to the wagon, Trixie was headed to her next destination. Once traveling around a bit, some hours passed and Trixie headed to a store to buy some supplies. When she was beginning to leave, she spotted two very familiar figures. “What are these two doing here?!” thought Trixie, annoyed and surprised.

Present time, Manehattan, Docks, 10:00am

“Okay seriously though… what the heck have you been doing? We told you we were chased by the paparazzi, why won’t you tell us?!” said Dark.

“None of your business, and who said Trixie asked what happened to you? Trixie asked where were you two, not what!” said Trixie. “They are two separate words!”

“...Touche,” said Dark, crossing his arms.

“Can we go back to the part where my friends are in Canterlot, possibly being interrogated?” said Twilight.

“You worry too much Twilight,” said Trixie.


“For starters, why would Celestia want to get information from your friends? She’s the ruler of Equestria with her sister, she has other methods then simply imprisoning one of Equestria’s heroes. Secondly, why worry for them, they’re not vulnerable or anything, especially if that pink one is with them,” said Trixie, remembering the capabilities the cotton candy maned pony can do. “Third and finally… we have no time to worry.”

“Why… not?” asked Twilight, frustrated.

“...There’s a bigger threat here than you may think,” said Trixie. “Remember those black stones that came with… ‘him’.”

At first Twilight had no idea who or what Trixie was talking about… but then it popped right in her head. Twilight frowned and nodded her head, sighing from the horrible memory and effects those rocks could bring. “What about the void crystals? They aren’t in Equestria anymore… Mina brought what remained of them with her. Why worry for something that isn’t a threat anymore?” said Twilight.

“What if… all the pieces aren’t gone… What if Trixie… had found one of those remaining pieces,” said Trixie, grinning.

Twilight’s eyes widen, shock and worry slowly showing on her face. Trixie’s words were enough for Twilight to forget about the news she’d received moments ago… but it was also enough for a new fear to seep into Twilight’s mind. “BUT HOW!? I mean, all the pieces of the void crystal should of combined together to create the original one?” said Twilight.

“Well… for starters, it’s a rumor, but it’s better to check if it stays as a rumor though… Is what Trixie thinks,” said Trixie. “So, what shall we do… princess?”

At first Twilight was about to answered, but stopped to think. It’s a complete coincidence that Trixie would hear rumors of a void crystal, and decide to go after it. Now Twilight would be suspicious of this, but something as powerful as the Elements of Harmony, possibly stronger mustn’t befall the wrong hooves. Putting aside to whatever Trixie plans to do with the crystal later, Twilight thinks of a quick plan to retrieve the dangerous object. “First off… Where’s the void crystal?” asked Twilight.

“Uh not to be rude but...” said Dark, who apparently was ignored and haven’t listened to their conversation. “What exactly are you two planning now? I like to know things, especially if it involves us getting into danger.”

Trixie and Twilight look at one another, then back at Dark. Now even though they had been with Dark for a few days, there were still some things that they didn’t know about Dark. There was his lack of sleep for more than 48 hours, the multiple uses his suit has… not to mention, his lack of a name and memories. Dark either has a horrible case of amnesia… or his hiding something, though for the time being they have no choice but to trust him.

“Dark… do you know what a void crystal is?” asked Twilight.

Now Twilight and Trixie expected Dark to know nothing about void crystals or it’s source of origin… but it seems Dark, or in this case, the organization he works under… knows more than the equine princess had assumed them to know about. Dark instantly grabbed Twilight by the shoulders, tensing his hands that it shocked Twilight from the sudden reaction. “DID YOU SAY VOID CRYSTALS!” shouted Dark.

“Ye-e-e-s, w-w-w-h...”

Before Twilight could answer, Dark had his grip tighten even more, making Twilight wince more. “THIS IS BAD, VOID CRYSTALS ARE A LEVEL 5 DANGER, CLASS… ENVIRONMENTAL/AURA THREAT! WHERE, DID YOU HEAR ABOUT THIS AND WHO TOLD YOU ABOUT THEM?!” shouted Dark, the fear in his voice getting more and more noticeable.

Now Twilight was too shocked and unable to think of a response to say, with Dark tightening his grip on Twilight and him sending question after question toward her. Luckily Trixie was able to but Dark’s fears to ease before anything… unnecessary had happened.

“Dark, calm down… Trixie was the one who heard about the rumor, Trixie just told Twilight of this just now… She doesn’t know about the whereabouts on the void crystals...” said Trixie, calming Dark. “Also… your sort of crushing Twilight...”

Dark looked at Twilight, a gently let go of her. Massaging her shoulders, Dark took a few steps back from grabbing and scaring Twilight from his sudden outburst. “Sorry Twilight, it’s just I never thought Equestria had dealt with void crystals before… there was only a few places I knew that had dealt with those… ‘things’,” said Dark. “Now Trixie… where...”

“Now before you begin to start ask any questions… Trixie had heard about the void crystals from a rumor, and yes Trixie is planning to get it, and yes it will be dangerous, and no Trixie is not dumb enough to make physical contact or be near it closer than two meters,” said Trixie. Now thinking Trixie was finished Dark was going to speak, but Trixie spoke one more time. “Another thing… The void crystal is being kept by a black market seller, and yes it might be a trap.”

“There’s the catch,” said Dark, expecting something bad to come with the information. “Now how exactly did a void crystal ended up in this realm?”

“Well actually… it’s a fragment that was rumored to be found,” said Twilight, answering Dark’s question. “A couple of months ago, an incident occurred where a shower of black meteorites crashed all over Equestria. Those were the void crystals, but they were fragments of one void crystal in reality.”

Dark, which didn’t have his face be seen, had an expression that was similar to your mouth be wide open, and dangle in the air. “How in the name of the deities is that possible?! A void crystal can’t be that large, nevertheless be shattered!” shouted Dark.

“It’s… complicated...” said Twilight, looking at Trixie. Both Twilight and Trixie looked at one another, both not wanting to explain how they know about the void crystals, but also not wanting to hide anything from Dark. However, understanding the situation, Dark forgets about the origins of where the void crystals came from and more on the possibility of one being in this city, a shard nevertheless.

“Never mind… I can tell some pretty horrible memories may had come from the void crystals sudden appearance. There’s no need for the two of you to retell me of those memories… I rather have it best if the two of you were focused for this. Now, let’s retrieve us a void crystal,” said Dark, pointing toward a random direction.

“Shard,” said Trixie, correcting Dark.

“Same thing,” said Dark, still posing.

After following the rumors that Trixie had heard, and the file she received from Vocal Noise, with the help of Dark, a soldier from a military organization, given the task of protecting multiple dimensions; Twilight, the princess of friendship, the luckily chance of them having issues with retrieving the void crystal shard was easy… though that was “before” what they had to witness. Approaching a part of Manehattan that most ponies and other creatures avoided, the area the trio were heading toward wasn’t dangerous… it was a war zone. Here, every gangster group from unicorns, earth ponies, pegasi, dragons, and more, not even the police wanted to patrol through these streets. If an incident were to occur in this part of town, nopony would dare to call the police nor would the police dare to step inside… unless they want to have a quick visit with death. Now places like this aren’t something Trixie would be afraid, and this wasn’t because who was backing her up, Trixie has seen things that something like this doesn’t faze her… well… sort of.

Walking by near destroyed buildings either abandoned and filled with graffiti… or filled with graffiti… but not abandoned. From the barred windows and dark alleyways, eyes are all on the trio… and each pair of eyes stare with malicious intentions. Hopefully they will have no sudden interruptions to there destination, speaking of destination… they finally arrived. Before them was a factory, both aged with rust and dust, but from noticeable modifications done to it, Trixie could tell this was the right place. Now from what Trixie heard, there were a ton of black market sellers, but there were four known sellers who sold… “certain” rare items that couldn’t be found anywhere else. The pony they were looking for was somepony who sells dangerous smuggled items, and somehow… this same pony… was able to snatch a void crystal… is what the rumors says.

Manehattan, Decrepit Factory, 10:30am

With a quick exhale, Trixie stares up to the last place that she ever wants to come to. “Here we go,” thought Trixie.

Walking forward, the group encountered a guard of sort. The guard was a unicorn and he held a spear, though it was just a pipe with a sharp piece of metal melted into it. The guard looked at the three, than spoke. “What you three want?” asked the guard.

“We came to ‘buy’ something,” said Trixie.

“And that be?”

“Something… black… and dangerous...” said Trixie, eying her surroundings. Trixie leans into the guard’s ear, whispering something. “It’s also something that can suck the very life out of anything… Trixie believes you might have heard of it… correct?”

The guard immediately widened his eyes, but they slowly returned to their normal size. Looking at the factory, he nodded his head, signaling somepony. The gate which was the entrance to the factory opened, the guard turned around and looked at the trio. “Follow me… No funny business,” said the guard, trotting off.

Following behind the guard, beyond the walls, they saw some ponies and minotaurs standing around and walking from one spot to the next. They all eyed Trixie and her companions… though were mostly interested into Twilight. Surprisingly, nopony questioned why a princess was in a place like this… unless they already did.

Once inside however… was something else, inside they saw conveyor belts which had boxes and other such things being moved to trucks or boats. Since the factory was placed near the sea, it was a perfect hub for trading, and since it was far from any law, the only trouble they had was slow production and rival gangs. Now everyone in the factory was busy working… but when Dark stepped inside… everything became quiet. Before, when ponies saw Dark, they assumed it was a minotaur wearing some sort of armor… but sadly they were minotaurs in this factory… and Dark looked nothing like them. Everyone stared at Dark, some whispering to one another, while others simply glared at him; Dark was bigger than a minotaur, and possibly more stronger than an average one… though it was possibly not to cause a ruckus while in a place like this.

“Why are they all looking at me?” asked Dark. “I know back at the city and that restaurant I was given some looks but… these guys look like they hate my guts.”

“Probably want to not say that out loud… besides, there are some minotaurs here, and since you don’t look like anything like a minotaur, everyone here is probably wondering,” said Twilight, looking around. “...Just what are you...”

Nearing a flight of stairs that reached to an upper room that overlooked the conveyor belts, the guard met with another guard. The two guards began to speak, with the one guarding the flight of stairs, looking more tougher than the one guarding the main entrance. “We got some buyers for the...” said the entrance guard, leaning in. “black stone.”

The second guard grunted, looked at Trixie and those behind her. He then looked at the other guard and nodded for him to go back to the gate. Afterwords, the stairway guard led them upstairs, while going upstairs, Dark spotted some of the ponies and minotaurs who continued to look at him, glaring at him. In return, Dark stared back… but since his eyes couldn’t be seen it sent shivers down those how were staring, who went back to work. “Hmmm, not so tough now,” said Dark, continuing up the stairs.

Stepping inside the room, it was near pitch dark but when some of the curtains were slightly opened, it revealed three ponies and one minotaur. The guard who stands by the stairs, left the room a went back to his post. With only Trixie, Dark, and Twilight, with the four other beings left in the room, the first to speak was the pony who was sitting.

“Might I ask… but what brings you to my humble abode?” asked the pony.

Deciding to let Trixie speak about the void crystal shard, Trixie stepped forward while Dark and Twilight stood back. “Trixie, and her companions had come to buy what you may know as… a void crystal,” said Trixie.

The pony’s ears perked up, he then looked at the minotaur and nodded for him to go through a door to the back. The pony then faced Trixie, still sitting but leaning against the desk in front of him. “I see we finally have a buyer… the name’s Tricky Gamble. Businesspony and collector of sorts,” said Tricky, grinning. “Now… why do you want the black gem?”

“Is that really important?” asked Trixie.

“It is… if your not planning on using it against me. The only reason nobody has ever trying buying from me isn’t because they know who I am… but because what this thing can do. One wrong move and a quarter of Manehattan’s residents…” said Tricky. Moving his hooves together, he quickly separating, making a sound fitting with the action. “Poof, gone.”

“Trixie’s won’t… Trixie simply needs it… for something,” said Trixie. “Trixie has no plans nor needs to backstabbing… besides… Trixie barely knows you.”

“Now hold on, these things are hard to find since with the rest vanishing out of thin air… So I’m going to need to see some dough… the shiny kind,” said Tricky. “Unless… you came here...”

Trixie quickly pulled out something, which made a big thunk, she did this process a second and third time again. On the floor were three heavy money bags full of bits, Tricky stared at them for a good long minute, until snapping to his sense he made one of his guys check the bags. Opening one, and the next, and the next, each bag had them full to the brim with bits. “These are genuine boss,” said one of Tricky’s men.

Twilight looked at the bits then moved up to Trixie, whispering at her ear. “Where did you get this many bits?” asked Twilight.

“Trixie had saved bits for emergencies, you think Trixie isn’t prepared for any situation… especially the financial kind,” whispered Trixie, keeping her eyes still on Tricky. “Now go stand back with Dark, Trixie needs to focus on this trade.”

Tricky stood off his seat, and moved to the bags of bits. Picking one bit from one of the bags, he eyes it then bites it to check it’s real. After doing so, he calls the other pony standing beside him who was a unicorn. “Check each bag if their enchanted or have a tracking spell on them,” said Tricky.

“If you must know, they don’t… but go ahead if that makes you happy,” said Trixie.

“Just want to make sure that your clean,” said Tricky, going back to his seat. “By the way… those bits are a lot… but not enough.”

“Their clean boss,” said the unicorn henchman.

Before Trixie could speak or in this case shout, Twilight intervened. “What you mean it’s not enough, those are three bags of bits, all full. That’s enough to buy a castle, nevertheless your own small town,” said Twilight. “Don’t go cheating on us.”

Tricky looked at Twilight… then began to laugh, he was joined by his other henchmen who also began to laugh. “Cheat on you? Girl, do you have any idea how hard it was to get that ‘thing’? DIFFICULT, THAT’S WHAT! Besides, my boys told me that this think is more than your three measly bags of bits. It’s so much, it’s enough to buy at least a small part of Equestria! The only reason I’m not planning on keeping it myself is because, the thing is a dangerous both from going near it and with the kind of attraction it could bring to me,” said Tricky. “I’m not taking a risk like that!”

“Hold on… how were you able to contain it? Void crystals are dangerous from touching, breathing, or even looking at it,” said Twilight, curious of the method to containing such a dangerous object.

“I have my ways… now as I was sayyyyiiii…” said Tricky. Tricky stopped in mid-sentence, and then looked at Twilight… that was when he noticed the wings and horn that she had. Realization hit him that there was an alicorn in the same room as him. “Hold on one bloody second… your a...”

“Ah oh,” whispered Twilight, mentally swearing to herself.

“Your an… an… AN ALICORN!” shouted Tricky. Immediately, both of Tricky’s henchmen blocked the only exit in the room, leaving Dark, Trixie, and Twilight to stand, whilst Tricky got off his seat once more. “Well I’ll be damn… now this is what I call a lucky day.”

Before Tricky could reach his hoof to touch Twilight, Dark extended his own hand grabbing Tricky’s arm. Tricky looked at Dark with an angry look… but that was when it changed to a horrified one. Dark’s visor so dark, it was impossible what was inside, but Dark looked at Tricky in such a way… that the saying, “If looks could kill,” would best describe on what Tricky was looking at.

“If you hold any shred of dignity… I wouldn’t move a single inch,” said Dark, his voice more deeper than usual.

“What you suppose to be? Her bodyguard?” said Tricky, holding his composure up.

“That’s the story I’m going with these days,” said Dark.

Tricky backed his hoof to himself, Dark loosened his grip and stood for awhile between him and Twilight. Tricky rubbed his arm, noticed where Dark has grabbed him; he continued to stand a few inches away, both understanding the message and not wanting to be any closer to Dark any time soon.

Returning from the other room, the minotaur that went to get the void crystal came carrying a large metal container. It emanated something powerful, causing Trixie and Twilight to flinch, knowing what was inside… thought Dark however continued to stare. “Open the container Diuem,” said Tricky, speaking to the minotaur.

Grunting, Diuem reached for two handles, lifting them up. The container made a loud clicking noise until a loud clunk was heard. The container’s top opened, and came out was a cylinder object, slowly ascending on a small platform. Everyone stared at it, with the two henchmen wanting nothing more to leave, Tricky slowly stepping away from the container with Diuem also backing off. Trixie and Twilight too backed out of sheer instinct from sensing the energy coming from the cylinder container… however, Dark continued to not waver a single inch. “Ladies… behold...” said Tricky, with the cylinder opening at the same time. “Your ‘void crystal’… well, a shard of it.”

The cylinder opened and inside was a black gem, with a strange energy emanating from it. Twilight shivered from seeing the black gem, not wanting to step a single inch close to it. Trixie on the other hoof gulped knowing she had to go and get it, but was stopped by Tricky. “What do you think your doing?” said Trixie. “Trixie has given you the money, so Trixie will take what Trixie has come for.”

“Ah ah ah, have you forgotten. I said that what you have isn’t enough… so either you come back later… or maybe we can trade with… something else… or ‘somepony’ else,” said Tricky, staring at Twilight. Twilight shivered, not liking what Tricky said one bit, Trixie looked at Twilight then at the gem. She was this close to getting it, but now she’s given another choice… a choice which she’s forced upone. Trixie could deny the suggestion and come back later, only for the gem either to be gone or it’s price increased… or…

“Trixie… whatever your thinking, don’t,” said Twilight, worry on her face.

“I… I… I...” said Trixie, unable to make a decision.

Tricky began to smile wickedly, knowing he can continue to play this little game, over and over and over and over. Not only was he going to win three bags of bits… but a alicorn princess, all the other gang leaders are going to be so jealous once they hear this… is what went through Tricky’s head. Before anyone could say another word… Dark, who kept quiet this whole time… spoke. “Hold up!” shouted Dark, getting everyone’s attention.

Dark began to walk toward the ‘void crystal’, not a single shred of fear appearing on him. “HOLD ON, WHAT DO YOU...” shouted Tricky.

“Stop me, and I’ll break your nose,” said Dark, continuing to walk forward.

Tricky stood still, knowing that either way that the third member of Trixie’s group was digging his own grave… is what he thought. “Your funeral,” said Tricky, quietly.

Dark stood an inch from the container, looking at the ‘void crystal’ shard… he grabbed it. Everyone in the room was shocked, but continuing to stare… nothing was happening to Dark. Dumbfounded and confused, Twilight was the first to speak. “Bu-bu-but how?” said Twilight. “How can you grab a… void crystal?”

“For starters, my suit can handle anything ranging from bullets, swords, lasers, and more… this list also includes void crystals… besides...” said Dark, throwing the ‘void crystal’ up and down on his hand. “This isn’t a void crystal. It’s an energy crystal.” Dark grabbed a cloth on Tricky’s desk, and began to rub the crystal revealing instead of a pitch black crystal, but a purple one instead.

“A what crystal?” said everyone in the room.

“A energy crystal, to compare how strong it is from a void crystal nevertheless a shard it had to be...” said Dark, calculating. “At least a millionth powerful of a void crystal shard. Enough to power at least this city for… one or… two decades?”

“A MILLIONTH!” shouted Tricky.

“Yeah, but to compare to an undamaged, pure void crystal, it would be… at least a billionth,” said Dark, bluntly.

Tricky’s eyes became wide like diamonds, with his jaw dangling in the air. “A… a… a… b-b-b-b-billionth?” said Tricky, letting the th on billionth echo.

“Indeed, now in a highly advanced civilization, something like this can power a single city for fifty years. However since this world isn’t that high tech, it can power Equestria as a whole for… well until the next century or two...” said Dark. “...Oh wait, make that… five centuries.”

Tricky grabbed Dark by the shoulders, not giving a damn if his going to get punched in the muzzle or not. “IS IT SAFE TO USE!?” shouted Tricky.

“Well if you know how to use it, it’s like the energy of a lighting bolt… only… times it by a zillion,” said Dark, answering.

Tricky began to grin wildly, he then began dancing a jig while humming to himself. “RICH RICH, I’M GOING TO BE RICH!” shouted Tricky. Reaching to take the purple crystal, Dark immediately moved it from his reach. “Hey, what gives!?”

“Hold on, we came here to buy. Since you didn’t check your merchandize, and you don’t have what we were originally came here to buy… we’ll take this,” said Dark.

“Dark, what are you doing,” whispering Twilight. “Your going to get us killed.”

“For once, Trixie agrees with her,” said Trixie.

“This may not be a void crystal, but it’s dangerous if you know how to use it. You really think leaving it with a bunch of thugs is a smart idea?” said Dark.

Trixie and Twilight look at one another; after knowing the possible capabilities that this energy crystal can give, it would be better in the hooves of somepony else… other than somepony like Tricky. “Okay then new plan, we buy this thing instead,” said Trixie.

Dark nods and looks at Tricky while also making sure that he doesn’t grab the energy gem. “We decided to buy this thing stead, and trust me the amount of bits is enough for something like this,” said Dark. “I did the calculations.”

Tricky’s eye began to twitch, and then… he began to smile… angrily. “You think I want your bits? Something like that, is more than some simple bits! I can create an army, nay, a nation with that thing! I won’t be some small time smuggler anymore, no… instead, I’LL RULE EQUESTRIA!” said Tricky, laughing maniacally. “And not some, wanted princess, her bodyguard, and… a wizard, will stop me!”

“WIZARD!” shouted Trixie.

“I don’t think you have a chance on stopping us,” said Dark.

“WIZARD!” shouted Trixie, gritting her teeth.

“Oh really? DIUEM!” shouted Tricky.

Diuem, Tricky’s main henchman moved up to Dark, trying to size him up. Since the room they were in was slightly small for Dark to show his full height, Dark didn’t look really intimidating… though that didn’t mean he was helpless. Diuem moved his hand back, ready to release a punch; he then unleashed a heavy blow at Dark’s torso, creating a loud thunk… except, it did no damage other than piss Dark off. Dark tossed the energy crystal toward Twilight, who caught it with her magic. Dark began to stand as tall he could… which in the process broke a part of the roof. He then glared at Diuem, who not just challenged a highly trained soldier… but manage to pissed off Dark, who was in all honesty… a pretty controlled person. Moving his visor toward Diuem’s eyesight, Dark’s helmet touched Diuem’s horns, making a light tink noise. “You call that an attack?” said Dark. Dark tilts his head, making a loud crack noise for Diuem to hear on purpose. “This… is an attack.”

Author's Note:

Things are getting real now... time, for, some, BLOOD! ...Right after this short break.

Though... expect something like this to be heard in the next chapter.