• Published 2nd Sep 2016
  • 679 Views, 17 Comments

A Soldier's Orders - Animatorsnake

The date is November 13 on the Equestrian calendar... it has been four full months since... "his" death. I am now princess of friendship... yet I feel so alone... I just wished maybe, just maybe... I had the chance to see him one last time.

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Prologue Arc: Ch.2 - The Knight in Dull Armor (edited)

Author's Note:

The POV of the female/pony protagonist, Twilight Sparkle, or also known as "Princess Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Friendship".

The date is Nov. 13, after some months after the death of Anim. It is not required to read AAE, for this story.

Update: Added image for a specific part of the story.

“Twilight, can we talk?” asked Applejack, approaching her friend.

It’s been several months since he passed away, we all were saddened of the loss of our friend. He sacrificed his life to save us, no… all of Equestria from near destruction; even though a fragment of him remains, we’ve been told that it would be the last time we would ever see him.

Nowadays Luna and Celestia continue their jobs being Equestria's leaders, Discord and Fluttershy hang out in her cottage. Rainbow does her best to be a Wonderbolt in the futureeven if she doesn’t look like she wants to. Rarity is making beautiful and wonderful clothes to expand her business. Applejack is hanging out with her family in the farm doing her best she can, and Pinkie… well Pinkie is still Pinkie.

The Doctor and Derpy still travel in that box of theirs but, they sometimes stay home and go through the usual, and then… there’s Trixie. Ever since she’s been or was with Anim, she usually comes to Ponyville and explains her adventures to everypony. Ever since Anim has met her she’s changed and is friendlier with everypony… but she’s still her usual boastful self, but she comes to Anim’s grave once awhile… well she calls it her visiting spot. Every time she goes there she would say, “Trixie knows Anim is gone, but Trixie will wait until the day Trixie will see him one more time.” I feel really sorry for her, I wish I could tell her that Anim won’t come back, but Applejack told me it’s best to leave her for now.

As for me, I’m the princess of friendship now, Princess Twilight Sparkle. First my brother became a prince but, princess… that’s a story to tell another time, but back to a few weeks ago… it started with a question… a simple one, until it all fell apart.

Equestria; Ponyville, Princess Twilight’s Castle; 11:30am

I put down a book that I was reading, facing Applejack about what she wanted to tell me. “Yes Applejack, is there something you need?” I asked.

“Well… not to be rude but, when Anim first came to our world and all, I’ve been thinking…” said Applejack, looking down while putting her hooves together.

“And, what was it that you were thinking about?” I asked, also curious.

“Well… what if, more travelers from other worlds like Anim and Mina also start coming to Equestria too. What would we or you do if such a thing does happen?” asked Applejack, beginning to sweat.

My mind went completely blank, I forgot what book I was reading or what I was going to do after I was done reading… read another book maybe? I stared at Applejack, stared at her for a long time, it felt like months or years but it only took me a few seconds to respond to her question, giving my best answer for her.

“Well, I have to say… we could make a welcome center of some kind. And since we know most anomalies are attracted to Ponyville we could build it here somewhere,” I said, trying not to make eye contact.

“I see… I guess that can work,” said Applejack.

“Say, why do you want to know by the way?” I asked.

Applejack looked through some books on the shelf and looked back at me. She had this look, one that I haven’t seen since… she looked so sad. I stepped forward to her and tried to get her my attention when the door opened with Spike holding a basket.“Hey Twilight, there’s something here for you. Oh hey Applejack,” said Spike, placing down the basket.

“So who’s the basket from?” I asked, eyeing the basket.

“Not sure, but Derpy said it’s from somepony we know and a note came with it saying it’s specifically for you,” said Spike, also curious of the basket’s contents.

“Well I’ll leave you two for now, I need to return to the farm and help Big Mac with the apple bucking,” said Applejack.

Before I could stop her, she left the castle’s library without a word. I know we all missed Anim but… I never thought everypony missed him that badly. I stared at the basket and read the note that came with it. “So what does it say Twilight?” asked Spike, taking a look at the note too.

I read the note carefully whilst levitating it, the note reads, “A gift from a friend.” As I placed the note down and opened the basket, inside were things I thought I would never see again.

Inside I found Anim’s cape back when he was with the CMC, the journal he gave me for my birthday and other trinkets that shared a small fraction of Anim’s life in Equestria. I thought I was going to look away and put the basket and its contents away and bury them… but in the bottom of the basket was a photo; the photo showed all of us, Discord, Celestia, Luna, Trixie, Doctor Whooves, Derpy, the CMC, Spike, my friends and… Anim. I was crying for so long, I stood there for who knows how long until Spike shook me. “Twilight, are you… okay?” asked Spike, hugging my leg.

“I’m… fine Spike,” I said, wiping a tear from my eye.

“He really was the greatest friend we ever had… I wished we could have done something,” said Spike.

“I wished we could Spike… I wished we could,” I said.

The photo was the last fragment of evidence of Anim, any other photo or memory of him is found sealed at the castle of the two sisters. When I was going to put the photo down, there was a letter attached on the back of it, when I looked at the letter it says, “To Twinkles.

I opened the letter and pulled out the piece of paper inside, I’m not sure how old this paper is but it seemed… familiar. I read the letter but most of what was written was either smudged or unreadable since the letter was old and smelt odd. But I recognized some of the writing; it mentioned something about falling stars, then suddenly somepony was knocking on the castle’s door, as the noise echoed across the castle.

“Spike, would you leave this stuff in my room,” I said, heading towards the door. I headed toward the castle’s main door, I went through hallway after hallway – it was difficult finding out the layout of the castle, but you get used to it. I arrived to the castle’s doors, which were bigger than any door I seen, it was as big as the gate doors for a drawbridge. “Who’s there?”

“It’s me Twilight!” said a cheerful familiar voice.

I realized who was on the other side and when I opened the door, it was Pinkie Pie. “Oh Pinkie it’s you, is there something you need?” I asked.

“Well, everypony is coming to Sugar Cube Corner to hang out. Applejack said she would come later after she was done bucking her share of apples,” said Pinkie, “so I was wondering if-”

“I would love to,” I said. “I’ll come right after I’m done here, okay.”

“Okie Dokie Lokie!” said Pinkie, hopping happily away. I haven’t seen Pinkie that happy in a while ever sincewell for awhile. When Spike finished setting the basket somewhere in my room, he came downstairs and joined me as we both headed to Sugar Cube Corner to meet everypony else.

Ponyville, Sugar Cube Corner; 12:00pm

I was there, standing in front of the door to Sugar Cube Corner… I stood there thinking that maybe if I should be doing this or not. I still hang out with my friends… but all of us never hang out all at the same time after everything that’s happened; I’m surprised Pinkie was able to convince Fluttershy to come.

I took a deep breath and stepped inside, as expected nothing changed inside, the same bakery I knew since I came to Ponyville. I looked at my surroundings and saw that everypony began eating and talking like nothing has happened… after Anim’s... choice, I thought everypony would of took it hard, but it seems everything has changed and even Fluttershy continued being her kind quiet self, before she stayed inside her cottage. But now I see her right in front of my very eyes.

“Hey everypony, Twilight’s here!” said Rainbow, hovering off her seat. “Good to see you, Twilight!”

“Darling I haven’t seen you for months, what have you been doing ever since you became princess?” asked Rarity.

“Nothing really, since Celestia says I have not a lot of responsibilities yet… ever since I became princess most of the surrounding lands around Equestria are questioning the princesses if I am even real or how this came to be,” I said, giving off a weak smile.

“Twilight, are you… okay?” asked Fluttershy.

“I’m fine Fluttershy, just tired,” I said.

I was happy to see everypony… but they all gave me an odd look. They were giving me a worried look, but they were worried for a different reason. “You’ve been more exhausted than usual, you sure you’re fine?” asked Applejack.

“I’m… fine…” I said.

“You can’t keep giving us excuses, you’ve been like this for months since…” said Rainbow, stopping mid-sentence.

I knew what Rainbow was about to say, that she was going to remind me of… him. Its been so long, I know its been a several months but it feels like decades. That day will forever change all of our lives, when he left our world and returned home.

“We know you miss him Twilight, but you know he can’t come back to us… ever,” said Rarity.

“The reason we’re all here is to make sure your fine. You’ve been very distant recently, even distracted most times. We thought maybe if we all came here to hang out...” said Fluttershy, meekly.

“I TOLD YOU I’M FINE!” I shouted, spooking everypony.

I myself was surprised from shouting all of a sudden; I never wanted to remember him anymore, so I moved on. But it seems that won’t work at all, that now I’m even angered at my own friends. “I’m… I’m so sorry,” I said, leaving Sugar Cube Corner.

I left them, running away from whatever problems I had. I’ve been through so much; I just kept on running and running, tears dripping from my eyes. It’s too much to take from learning who Anim really was, from the past and reality to what’s he’s been through… it’s just too much.

I ran to the one place nopony would hopefully ever find me… the first and last place we ever saw Anim. So much strange things have happened in this town, ever since I came here, but Anim is that one piece of strange… that I couldn’t ever bare to forget. I sat there, sobbing over from what I’ve done. “I’m so sorry Anim, I know we promised to not worry over you… but I just can’t do it anymore… I just… can’t…” I said, continuing to cry.

Eyes full of tears, I silently stared at the ground. I’m not sure how long I’ve been there sobbing, but I can remember when we met Anim for the first time. A blazing ball of fire, crashing down towards Ponyville and from within was a mahogany pony, that pony… was Anim. From what Mina has told us, Anim isn't dead but he’s unable to return to our world, she said that it would take centuries or maybe eras for Anim to fully regain his physical form back… now he’s only what remains inside that talking book.

“Why… why did you have to leave? I know you aren't gone but, I can't stand saying everything will be fine any longer. I know the others too are worried for you but, when we met I felt a close connection… that we could truly be friends, maybe even more...” I said, slowly staringto the sky. “So tell me… Why couldn't you just think for yourself for once?”

Suddenly something I never thought would ever happen… happened again. In the sky was a massive ball of fire, a similar ball of fire like Anim's but, smaller. It was nearly about to crash into me, but I teleported a short distance away. “No… it can't be...” I said, shocked from the sudden crash.

I stood up from the shock-wave, I knew I wasn't the only one who saw and heard that, but I was the closest. A miracle maybe, if it truly is who I think it is then… after recovering from the sudden blast, I slowly walk up to the burning rock. “...Anim… is it really you?” I said, my vision blurry.

Slowly approaching the rock, my friends and a few ponyfolk arrive at the scene. “Twilight, what are you doing?! Get back here, we don't know what's in that thing!” shouted Applejack.

“Twilight, I know you may think who it could be in there, but you know what Mina said, it would take Anim to return in his physical form for centuries to come,” said Rarity.

My friends continued to shout and persuade me to turn around, but I continued to walk into the inferno. When I met eye contact with that rock… something moved and slowly it began to stand up. I hoped it was him, that it was Anim… but the figure stood taller than me or anypony else… this wasn't Anim. “Who are you?” I asked, afraid of the mysterious figure.

The figure moved from the smoke, I stepped back hastily but tripped on a rock in front of it. The figure was a tall large metallic creature, I heard of stories of metal creatures but this was beyond from the descriptions in the books that mention it. There was one book in particular that would describe this being… a robot. The robot, stared down at me with its cold dead red eyes – it stared at me, was it scanning me, is it afraid of me as I'm afraid of it. My questions were answered, when the robot pointed a large metallic cannon in front of my face… I was going to die.

“TWILIGHT NO!” shouted Rainbow. “GET AWAY FROM HER!”

Rainbow charged at the robot, but it swung its metal arm at her and sent her flying into a tree. Applejack ran to her aid, I saw Rainbow bleeding from my perspective, blood soaking the grass into a crimson red... this robot wasn't so friendly. Could I've been wrong, that maybe Anim would be the only friendly dimensional being I would meet. The robot looked back at me, preparing its weapon; I closed my eyes and waited for my demise… until. “Hey, you aren't done with me!”

From the burnt ashes of the rock, came another figure. The figure leaped onto the robot, and began firing a weapon into its head. “Eat lead, rust-bucket!”

I watched in complete awe of who was brave enough to fight this robot. One of my friends quickly pulled me back, I turned around and it was Pinkie. “Twilight, this is not the time to watch,” said Pinkie.

I nodded in agreement but, I was too awe-shocked from the sheer madness I was seeing.Who… is that?

When we got to a safe distance, Applejack shook me back to reality. “Twilight, we need your help! Rainbow is severely injured and the nearest hospitable is too far, we need you to heal her!” said Applejack.

I stood back up and trotted up to Rainbow, I began healing her wounds with the help of Rarity too. Rainbow’s wounds weren’t major but, her head had a wound from being slammed into a tree and she had possibly cracked some ribs and bones that needed to be checked too. “Don't worry Rainbow, you'll be fine,” said Rarity, focusing her magic.

“Should we call the princesses?” asked Fluttershy.

“I think the princesses will know either way,” said Applejack, pointing upward.

Above was Celestia, Luna, and some of the royal guard with them. They landed in front of Twilight and her friends. “Twilight, are you okay?” asked Celestia.

“Yes, but my friend...” I said.

“Don't worry, we'll handle this, but what about… the problem?” asked Celestia.

I pointed towards the fight between the two-legged being and the robot. The robot wasn't down yet, but the other creature was doing fine against the robot. “Are they both a threat sister?” asked Luna.

“I'm not sure, but all we know is that they've caused enough trouble!” said Celestia.

Celestia and Luna pointed their horns at the robot first and fired two magical shots. The shots were going to land on the robot, but suddenly the robot absorbed the shots with ease. “WHAT!?” shouted Luna and Celestia in sync.

“Don't use any aura based attacks, it'll simply absorb it and-”

The robot aimed toward the princesses and fired two cylinder-looking objects that began to fly towards them. “Princesses, look out!” I shouted.

Before the attack could reach them, the figure appeared in front of them. The figure cut both the cylinders down to size and turned around to face the princesses. “I need everyone here to stay back, this is D.U.F. business. I repeat, all friendly beings need to stay back,” said the figure, running back to the fight.

“Did that guy just told the princesses to step away,” said Pinkie.

“How dare he, we're the rulers of this land, who does he think he is!?” said Luna, ready to join the fight.

“Someone, who knows more than us apparently... You heard him, lead all citizens back from the area,” said Celestia, commanding the royal guard.

Once the royal guard went off, we waited from a careful distance watching this strange figure. It moved left and right, dodging the robot’s attacks with ease, but the robot responded with a quick movement with its arm and sent the figure to the ground. “Somepony needs to help him,” said Fluttershy.

Everypony was in disarray from what to do, but I knew what to do. I ran into the figure and began levitating some rocks and threw them at the robot. The rocks did no damage but the robot didn't absorb them either, it was a good distraction. “Hey over here!” I shouted, continuing to throw more rocks.

The robot looked at me and prepared another attack, when the figure jumped onto its back and ripped a piece of metal off it. The figure then brought a strange glowing blade from its arm and slashed the robot's back. The robot suddenly shook and faltered to the ground, defeated at last. “Thanks for the assist, never thought I needed help taking this bastard down. So… can you understand me or am I just speaking to a pony?”

I stared happily into the figure, I myself wasn't sure if he could understand me too either. When I was about to speak, the robot moved again, I thought it wasn't down, but then the robot was making a beeping noise. “What's that sound?” I asked.

“Oh you can speak, well that sound would be… oh crap.”

Before I could answer, the figure grabbed me and ran toward my friends in a frantic run. “What are we running from!?” I shouted.

When I turned to face the robot, a sudden explosion happened that rang across the area. I thought I would go blind or deaf but I was okay. I found myself on top of the figure. “Um, you okay?” I asked, getting off.

“Never better,” said the figure, getting up. “Let me introduce myself, the name's–”

Before he could answer, a bunch of the royal guards rushed him and dog piled him to submission. “Princess Twilight, are you okay?” said one of the royal guards on the pile.

“I'm fine but… could you get off him,” I said.

“I'm sorry princess but your safety comes first,” said the guard.

When the guards got off him, the figure stood up againand moved some dirt off his shoulders. “I'm so sorry about that,” I said. “They were just trying to protect me.”

“No harm done, it wouldn't surprise me if that would happen twice,” said the figure.

The princesses and my friends approached the figure. They all gave suspicious looks and would carefully move close then step back in case the figure did anything odd. “May I ask, but what is your name?” asked Celestia.

“I've been trying to but, your boys here been inhospitable,” said the figure, pointing at one of the guards.

“I'm sorry about that, they can be overprotective sometimes,” said Celestia.

“I can see that, now that's done… My name is Soldier 3112. I'm the Sergeant of Sector 3 Area 1 Unit 12 of the D.U.F.,” said Soldier 3112, saluting.

“Soldier what?” asked Applejack. “What kind of name is that?!”

“That's what I've been asking for my entire life,” said Soldier 3112, chuckling.

“I can see that you resemble the militaristic type of character, but I've never heard of any sort of land or kingdom known as the D.U.F.?” said Celestia.

“The D.U.F. aren't a land per-say, it's an organization that defends other realms. D.U.F. stands for Dimensional United Forces,” said Soldier 3112, explaining. “I am just a sub-leader of the numerous bases on the D.U.F.’s home operations.”

When I heard him mention realms, I instantly asked if he knew somepony… or somebody by the name of, Animatorsnake. “Do you know somepony called Animatorsnake?” I asked, my muzzle poking his helmet.

The figure called Soldier 3112, didn’t flinch from my sudden action and continued to speak. “Maybe, but personally no. I could check my data-banks and see if… well crud,” said Soldier 3112.

“What's wrong?” asked Pinkie, curious.

“Seems I'm not connected to the D.U.F. data-banks, which means… I'm lost. Which realm… world, am I in?” asked Soldier 3112.

“You are currently residing in Equestria, ruled by Princesses Celestia and Luna, also sub-ruled by Princesses Cadance and Twilight Sparkle,” said Rarity.

“Equestria… I heard of that place, but that's a neutral realm… good thing I didn't end up in an enemy realm then,” said Soldier 3112, talking to himself. “Is your friend alright by the way?”

I remembered that Rainbow got hit pretty badly. I moved to her side and checked her vitals, she was doing fine but… “She's unconscious and she might not be able to fly for a few days,” I said.

Everypony was worried for Rainbow after that robot slammed her into a tree. When Soldier 3112 approached her, he knelt down and placed something on her head. “This is a medical pill, once she wakes up, let her eat this. She'll be right as rain the next day,” said Soldier 3112.

“Thank you… By the way, are you going to stay?” I asked.

“That's a good question… I have no contact from base, I'm basically in an uncharted realm and it seems this world's technological advances aren't nearly close to basics… which means, yes, I'm staying,” said Soldier 3112. “Do you have some sort of temporary living space I could use?”

“From today's incident, it's best for you to come with us,” said Luna, not trusting him.

The guards surrounded Soldier 3112 and brought him back to Canterlot. I wanted to follow but, Celestia told me that this is something that's best not to involve me. Once the princesses left Ponyville, I was left alone with my friends. “That was… interesting,” said Fluttershy. “What do we do now?”

“We wait,” said Applejack. “But I think some of us aren't patient enough to wait.”

Applejack was talking about me. She was right, even if this being didn't knew Anim… there could be a possibility that I could come with him to see Anim… in his realm. “I need to go, I know you don't want me to but… I just need to,” I said, pleadingly.

Everypony looked at one another, then me; after a few silent minutes, they responded. “You can go darling,” said Rarity.

“We may be able to move on, but… Anim was somepony special to you, to all of us,” said Applejack.

“We can't stop you from going, but we can support your decision,” said Fluttershy.

“Anim would of agreed to go to Canterlot too, in a situation like this too! He always like taking risks,” said Pinkie.

My friends supported my decision, they knew that I wouldn't stay no matter what they told me. I hugged my friends, after a heart warm hug and tears… they watched me leave… as for Spike, he wanted to come but I told him it was best he stays here. I rushed straight to the train station… next stop Canterlot and maybe… to finding Anim.