• Published 2nd Sep 2016
  • 678 Views, 17 Comments

A Soldier's Orders - Animatorsnake

The date is November 13 on the Equestrian calendar... it has been four full months since... "his" death. I am now princess of friendship... yet I feel so alone... I just wished maybe, just maybe... I had the chance to see him one last time.

  • ...

Renegade Arc: Ch.5 - Don't Travel At Night

Midnight has arrived and the last place to be was the Everfree Forest. Here creatures that aren't so cute and cuddly exist, wolves made of sticks, half chicken-snake creatures that can turn anypony into stone, and many more. Luckily Twilight was with an elite soldier known ironically as, Soldier 3112 from a military organization known as the D.U.F., which is short for “Dimensional United Forces”. They were both on the run from everypony, but Twilight's friends will always help them, hiding somewhere that Twilight hopefully knows that nopony will find them, they must face the obstacles that await within.

“So this place you know, it's unknown to everyone?” asked Soldier 3112, walking down the path.

“Yes... sort of, but nopony will come looking for us there,” said Twilight. “Hopefully… Just stay on the path.”

“You said this place was dangerous, and you’re telling me to stay on the path. If you don't remember but, I just went face to face with a robot some hours ago,” said Soldier 3112. “I’m pretty sure an army of wolves made of sticks isn’t going to be a problem.”

“Look Soldier... is there another name I can call you?” Twilight said, annoyed from saying Soldier 3112, again.

“Nope sorry, when I first joined the D.U.F. I can't remember anything from my past,” said Soldier 3112.

“Do you have a nickname or something?” asked Twilight.

“None I know of...” said Soldier 3112, thinking back.

When walking down the path, they encounter the first of many obstacles. They encounter the chicken-snake creature, the cockatrice. Twilight remembers being turned to stone by this creature before... it wasn't pleasant, the creature stared menacingly into the two ready to turn them into stone. “Don't look at its eyes!” said Twilight, looking away.

The cockatrice tried looking at their eyes but, Soldier 3112 stared with no fear. Staring at Soldier 3112, the cockatrice was sure that it was turning him into stone, but when it looked at its legs they weren't stone. “Does the cockatrice have to see my eyes in order for it to work?” asked Soldier 3112, looking at Twilight.

Twilight looked and realized that the cockatrice was getting tired from trying to turn Soldier 3112 into stone that it walked away. With the path clear they continue onward. “I guess so...” said Twilight, answering Soldier 3112's question. “I suppose wearing shaded glasses might work against them… I should do that in the future when I encounter one… Which I hope will never, ever, happen again.”

Back to walking down the path, Twilight forgot that somepony who might help was ahead. Once nearing her place, the two encounter with a field of blue flowers, another obstacle. “Don't step on the Poison Joke, if you do that it’ll leave a very nasty aftereffect,” said Twilight, avoiding the flowers.

Following Twilight, they arrive at the front door of a hut. Knocking on it, a zebra opens the door, greeting Twilight. “Hello Twilight, what brings you here tonight?” asked Zecora.

“Long story Zecora but, if some ponies come here, please tell them you didn't see us,” said Twilight, pleading to Zecora.

“I can see this is serious, but do not worry, for I will simply distract them with a story or two,” said Zecora. “Now go on ahead, I can see a long journey awaits you ahead.”

Thanking Zecora, Twilight and Soldier 3112, head to their destination. “So who was that?” asked Soldier 3112.

“The one pony that lives in the Everfree Forest, that I trust,” said Twilight. “Now come on, this way.”

“She didn't seem to freak out seeing me,” said Soldier 3112, taking that to notice.

“Zecora's seen things that are more stranger that you, that’s all I can say” said Twilight.

Moving deeper within the forest, they enter through a cavern. Nearing their objective, a low growl can be heard up ahead “What was that?” asked Soldier 3112, slowly pulling out his weapon.

Checking ahead, they see a lion with a scorpion tail and wings. It slept quietly, blocking the path that Twilight and Soldier 3112 need to cross. “Now what?” asked Soldier 3112.

“Don't wake it that’s what. This thing is actually pretty friendly, but it can get a little cranky” said Twilight.

“Asleep maybe, but awake not so much,” said Soldier 3112.

Going around it carefully, they do go pass it with ease. Walking away, another obstacle blocks their way, one that wasn't planned ahead. “HALT, DON'T MOVE ANOTHER INCH!” shouted one of Luna's guards.

“What are they doing here?” said Soldier 3112.

“They must of been sent here ahead,” said Twilight.

“I'm not sure what you did Princess Twilight, but Luna wants for you and that thing arrested!” said the second lunar guard.

“Shush, don't shout, if you do you'll...” said Twilight, whispering.

But it was too late; waking from its sleep the manticore slowly moved its gaze on the two lunar guards. Moving pass Twilight and Soldier 3112, it growls at them with an annoyed look. “Seems someone didn't like being woken up, come on let's go,” said Soldier 3112.

As they both left immediately, Luna's guards are distracted by the manticore. Reaching a bridge that could break any second; they cross to the other side with ease. Once at the other side, they finally reach their destination. “We're here,” said Twilight. “We finally arrived at the castle of the two sisters.”

“So this is where Celestia and Luna once lived, nice choice for a hiding spot,” said Soldier 3112.

“Come on, get inside!” said Twilight, opening the door.

Once inside, Twilight closes the door with her magic and blocks it just in case. Now inside, they look at the ancient tapestry and moldy stone blocks. The castle has aged for centuries; Soldier 3112 could tell it's seen its share of history. “Now where exactly can we hide?” asked Soldier 3112, curious.

“It has secret rooms, hallways, and more,” said Twilight. “That’s all I can say.”

“Does any one of them have a bed or some sort?” asked Soldier 3112.

Twilight smiled and moved to one room she knows of. Heading to the library, Twilight moves a chair as it reveals a hidden room. “This should do,” said Twilight.

Entering inside Soldier 3112 sees that the room is nicely cleaned than the rest of the castle, and have some cushions to sleep on. “Roomy, now can this thing close?” asked Soldier 3112.

“I believe so, but let's hope nopony finds out there being secret rooms like this one,” said Twilight, making her bed.

“Speaking of secret rooms, how many times you came to this castle?” asked Soldier 3112.

“Once or twice I believe, but I don't know much of its secrets just yet,” said Twilight. “Now come on let's rest before more trouble comes.”

“You sleep, I'll stay and watch,” said Soldier 3112.

“We're in a hidden room,” said Twilight.

“I'm in the military, it isn’t easy to let my guard down you know,” said Soldier 3112, sitting down on a cushion.

Rolling her eyes, Twilight comfortingly snoozes to sleep. Unable to sleep, Soldier 3112 checks the ancient books that are stacked in the room. The books are unreadable and while others are in some strange dialect. Amongst the books is one certain book that's completely fine, a journal of some sort, opening it, it shows the writings of Princess Celestia when she was younger. “Interesting,” said Soldier 3112, turning a page.

When reading the book, a sudden noise is heard inside the castle. Checking what it is, Soldier 3112 carefully closes the hidden room so Twilight is safe if his gone. “You sleep, I'll be right back,” said Soldier 3112, speaking to a sleeping Twilight.

Finding where the noise is coming from, it becomes more and louder over time. Now in what seems to be the throne room, the sound is coming behind one of the throne chairs, seeing what's making that noise it's a bird pecking a horn of some sort. “Well aren't you the loud one,” said Soldier 3112, shooing the bird away.

Once gone, Soldier 3112 returns back to the hidden room, but meets face to face with something... unwelcoming. Staring at him was a wooden wolf of some kind, as a residue came out of its mouth. “What's that smell? Did you eat a skunk or something,” said Soldier 3112, insulting the timberwolf.

The timberwolf growls and pounces toward Soldier 3112, but he dodges the attack and rushes to more open space. Going to a wide area, Soldier 3112 pulls out his weapon, facing the deadly timberwolf. Firing some shots toward it, the Timberwolf simply ignores them and charges at Soldier 3112; so he proceeds to pulling out his energy blade, he thrusts it toward the creature. “Come get some!” shouted Soldier 3112.

Only scrapping its underbelly, Soldier 3112 rolls underneath it and begins to slash it again. The timberwolf slams its paw into Soldier 3112, sending him into a pillar. The pillar weakens, as it moves pieces of the roof fall down on the timberwolf. Once covered in rubble, Soldier 3112 tries to stand up but is stuck underneath some of the rubble. “And things gotten worse, now what?” said Soldier 3112, to himself.

From an open part of the ceiling, descends two bat-ponies wearing lunar armor. With them was Princess Luna herself, she stared down at Soldier 3112. “It seems I've finally caught up with you, when we heard some noise coming from here I was sure we'd find you,” said Luna.

“Well it's nice meeting you too again, Princess Luna,” said Soldier 3112. “You mind giving me a hand, or is it a hoof?”

“I would but, first... where's Twilight Sparkle?” asked Luna.

Soldier 3112 stayed silent, unsure what they would do with Twilight. He wasn't sure, and they didn't seem to be the kind to punish traitors in this land. With no response, Luna gave Soldier 3112 a frown, trotting away she commanded her guards to watch Soldier 3112. “If you won't speak, I'll find her myself,” said Luna.

Meanwhile in the hidden room, Twilight wakes up to find Soldier 3112 missing. Leaving the hidden room, she looks around where he is. Trotting down the ancient hallways, in the end of one hallway she can see Luna trotting by, hiding she waits for her to leave. “What's Luna doing here?” thought Twilight, wondering.

Heading to the direction Luna came from, Twilight sees Soldier 3112 under some rubble while being guarded by two lunar guards. Unable to help Soldier 3112, she decides to throw some rocks in another direction to distract the guards. The guards follow the noise, Twilight then moves up to Soldier 3112. “What happened?” asked Twilight, helping Soldier 3112 out.

“A lot apparently, the rubble is too heavy for you to move, use this,” said Soldier 3112, handing Twilight something.

The item Twilight received was a small ball with a button on it. Unsure what to do with it, Soldier 3112 tells Twilight to click the button and throw it at the rubble, but not so close to him. Levitating the ball, Twilight readies to throw it when Luna appears. “Twilight, don't do what that creature says!” shouted Luna.

Stuck with listening to Luna and Soldier 3112, Twilight must decide who to listen too. “But his stuck, I need to help him,” said Twilight.

“He seems okay from being stuck under that rumble, and his reason why this happened, not you,” said Luna.

“No, I helped him... and I'm going to do what I think… No, what I know, is right,” said Twilight, clicking the ball.

Throwing it at the rumble, it explodes freeing Soldier 3112 free. Running with Twilight, they head to the very top of the castle, reaching a tower while being chased by Luna and her guards. “Where to now!?” said Soldier 3112. “And also thanks for the help there.”

“Your welcome and, I don't know that was the last place I thought that nopony would find us at,” said Twilight.

“Well you didn't mention this place could break apart any second!” said Soldier 3112.

“How am I supposed to know where is safe to be or not!” shouted Twilight.

“No time for that, we're...” said Soldier 3112, stopping.

Now stuck between Luna and an opening in the castle, they have zero options left for escape. “Stuck,” said Soldier 3112, finishing his sentence.

“Surrender or we'll have to use force upon you two!” said Luna, as her guards neared closer and closer.

“We have no way to escape now!” said Twilight.

“Then we make one,” said Soldier 3112.

Looking down over the opening is the abyss that surrounds the castle, staring down at it, Soldier 3112 gives Luna one last message. “This will hopefully be the last you'll see of us, so I give you... adieu,” said Soldier 3112, grabbing Twilight.

“WAIT WHAT ARE...!” shouted Twilight, struggling.

“GERONIMO!” shouted Soldier 3112, jumping off the tower.

“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” screamed Twilight, falling to the abyss.

Rushing to the edge, Luna can only see a thick layer of darkness down in the abyss. Thinking they jumped down below, Luna knew she lost them, but could they have survived the fall? “Damn,” said Luna.

“Now what Princess Luna?” asked one of her guards.

“We return to Canterlot, I need to tell my sister... the news,” said Luna, flying off.

Heading to the skies, Luna and her guards leave the ancient ruins. Risking a jump that could kill anypony, would they have survived the fall unlikely... but, there are other ways to survive that sort of fall. Elsewhere at Canterlot, Celestia speaks to somepony that she never thought she asked for help from. Going to one of Canterlot's alleyways, she speaks to one pony... or creature she knows of. “Thank you for helping, I thought you'd decline,” said Celestia.

“What are friends for Celestia, I am reformed,” said Discord leaving the shadows. “And besides, when ever do I get to use my powers often nowadays. It'll be fun finding Twilight with this creature you mention, heheheheheheheheh!”