• Published 2nd Sep 2016
  • 678 Views, 17 Comments

A Soldier's Orders - Animatorsnake

The date is November 13 on the Equestrian calendar... it has been four full months since... "his" death. I am now princess of friendship... yet I feel so alone... I just wished maybe, just maybe... I had the chance to see him one last time.

  • ...

Tourist Arc: Ch.14 - Ye Want Madness... Ye Got It

Author's Note:

...Even I don't know what I was doing when I wrote this chapter... because apparently I was mad (not angry mad, crazy mad) enough to think of... well... "THIS"!

Update: Added image for this chapter.

I have no clear memory of the events that had happened earlier this morning… I remember… well nothing. From what Twilight had explained to me… I went to help that reporter that was stuck under the metal column. After that… it was a blur, suddenly I found myself on a roof… looking at Twilight and Trixie, who both seemed to gone through a hell worse than I did… but nothing could prepare us for what would come next.

Nov. 15, Manehattan, 2:00pm

Me and the girls, after we gotten off the roof considering that if we stayed, police would start searching the area and find us. We hid ourselves in an alleyway, then after making sure the area was clear we made our way back to Trixie’s wagon which was still where she left it; the store that Twilight and I found her. Getting some bandages and healing salve inside her wagon, she began applying it to herself and Twilight… I of course had no need for it… multiple reasons to why.

“Owwww,” said Twilight, the healing salve stinging. Though when Twilight was wincing when Trixie applied the healing salve, it was rather troublesome for Twilight. After wrapping her injuries in bandages, Trixie looked toward me.

“Trixie isn’t sure you need any help with your… ‘injuries’,” said Trixie. “However, before we continue on with our journey… Trixie have’s a question for you, Dark. Dark… when Trixie first met you… you were, mysterious but if Twilight trusted you, Trixie will too… but with what’s been happening to us these recent events… Trixie has made a conclusion… That you Dark… are hiding something from us.”

Now this point on I had no idea what Trixie was talking about, and went I looked at Twilight she shared the same look as Trixie… so I respond the best I could… by laughing. “PHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH! ARE YOU SERIOUS!” said Dark, nearly falling off his seating pose. “I mean… What exactly do I need to hide? I’m a soldier from an inter-dimensional organization, I doubt I need to hide anything else from you two.”


Before Trixie could continue her questions, Twilight raised her hoof so she could speak now. She then turned to face me, and with a sigh… she explained what I missed. “Dark… when you went to rescue that reporter back at the factory… What do you remember?” asked Twilight.

“Well… after both you and Trixie left the factory… I returned my focus on the reporter,” said Dark.

Some hours earlier before, Manehattan Docks, 11:00 am

All I could remember… was that reporter pony… she was stuck under a beam; I swiftly moved through the flames with ease. After that I began trying to lift the beam off her… the beam was heavier than I thought… any second the roof would collapse on us… then… I heard… a voice.

“Do you want to save her?”

I wasn’t sure where the voice came from, but I had no time to ask or question where the voice was coming from… I simply nodded… that was when my whole world went black.

“Good… remove… the seal… Remove… your helmet...”

Now I was confused… my helmet couldn’t be removed or budged a single inch… that was when I heard another sound. I realized the locks on my helmet released on their own… at first I thought if I should remove my helmet… but… I had no time to think, somebody was in danger and needed my help. I removed my helmet, tossing it to the side… what I felt next… was something I haven’t felt for so long… Pain. I writhed in pain, black flames slowly enveloping my body… my mind… my soul.

“I know it hurts… but be strong… I am not evil, neither are you… but those who made us choose to say we are evil… so please… Be strong… not for me, not for you… but for ‘her’.”

I wasn’t sure if the voice meant the reporter… but before I could ask… everything went blank. I small flashes of the reporter being free from the beam but unconscious. Then after that I remember appearing on the roof a random building, placing down the reporter who was still unconscious… I heard scuffling… below me were some thugs… and… Twilight. Something deep within me… grew… wanting… needing… then… darkness began to overwhelm me… but that feeling I felt… I could only give one description about it… the feeling I felt was… Emptiness.

“And that’s all I could remember… after that I blanked out where I found myself standing in front of you two on that roof before,” said Dark. “I seriously can’t remember much… only glimpse memories here and there.”

Dark scratched the top of his helmet, attempting to scratch his scalp. Twilight and Trixie looked at one another, their original theory clear as rain. Not only Dark was a mysterious being from another world… but was a mysterious “deadly” being from another world… Well it was obvious to the two mares that Dark was dangerous, but not to the extent that he could annihilate a whole police barricade, and take down the spirit of chaos in one day… without a single sweat… if the armored being could sweat.

“Dark… this… voice you heard… did… did it sound… familiar to you?” asked Twilight.

Dark placed two of his fingers on his chin, rubbing them in thought. He then looked off the distance, staring at the sky for answers… only to receive nothing but a cloud to drift off. “Not really… again, I can’t remember my own past… but… the voice was familiar that I can say,” said Dark. “However, let’s not dwell on the past and more on the now. Since we kind of made a pretty big scene back at that factory, we’re sure that Celestia will send her guards to search about the incident in Manehattan… It’s probably best that we skedaddle out of here as soon as possible.”

Twilight shuddered at the mention of her old mentor. Even though Celestia is a kind and just ruler to Twilight’s eyes… she’s not completely sure if she will still be kind after what Twilight had done to be dubbed a traitor. Nodding up and down immediately, Trixie closed her eyes, crossing her hooves in what their next move of action should be. “We can’t go to the train station, it would probably be flooding with guards by the time we get there… And trying to leave the city by not using the train is near impossible, and Trixie doubts anyone of you have’s the bits to buy us a boat...” said Trixie, sighing. “This is going to be more harder than Trixie originally thought.”

The three thought of different ideas of what to do… until Twilight thought of something that might work. Raising her hoof, Twilight’s eyes shine as an idea begins to flood her mind. “Maybe we don’t need to use a train or a boat… maybe… we can teleport our way out,” said Twilight.

Dark and Trixie looked at one another than back at the lavender pony, both tilting their heads in confusion.

“Uhm Twilight… what you mean teleporting?” said Dark.

“I mean, we can use an advance teleportation spell outside of Manehattan. I can teleport us somewhere, anywhere in Equestria, which means we’ll be able to leave Manehattan and at the same time, since we have no particular destination to go too, our destination can’t be traced. IT’S FLAWLESS!” shouted Twilight.

“SHUSH! Do you want somepony to find us,” said Trixie, placing her whole hoof in Twilight’s open mouth… slowly removing it. Trixie wiped Twilight’s saliva off her hoof, wiping some on Dark’s armor… only for the saliva to slide off him with ease.

“That… might work...” said Dark. “But I have a feeling that this ‘spell’ will require some ingredients… won’t it.”

Twilight blushed, rubbing her back of her head. “Hehehehhe… yep,” said Twilight, smiling. “But don’t worry, we can get some the supplies in the shape that Trixie was just in… but there’s one specific ingredient we need in order for the spell to work.”

Trixie crossed her hooves, raising an eyebrow in annoyance. “What sort of ingredient do you want us to get that it can’t be found in any stores?” asked Trixie.

“...A bottled thunderbolt,” said Twilight, listing the last ingredient.

Trixie’s eye began to twitch, as she began grinning at Twilight. Slowly she placed both hooves on Twilight’s shoulders. “You want… Trixie… to find… a thunderbolt?” said Trixie.

Twilight nodded… what happened next, Dark had to hold back Trixie. “TRIXIE IS GOING TO TURN YOU INTO A POTATO THEN MASH YOU IN A PILE OF GOOP!” screamed Trixie. Dark grabbed Trixie, holding by the middle of her body, where Dark’s arms where right under her fore hooves. She began flailing her hooves around attempting to get free and do whatever thoughts she had in mind for Twilight. She calmed down over time but, Dark kept his hold on her just in case.

“I’m sorry but that’s an important ingredient we need in order to create the portal spell,” said Twilight.

“Well how is Trixie going to get a thunderbolt, it’s not like a pegasus will kindly give us one!” shouted Trixie.

Before anypony could speak further on, a loud booming voice was heard from the pathway they were in. The voice was coming from a street, and many ponies were crowding the street, staring up at something… or somepony.


At first Twilight, Dark, and Trixie didn’t move an inch, but decided to see what all the commotion was about. After leaving the spot they were in, they saw a pegasus flying in the air, at first look it looked it were a normal pegasus… that was when Twilight recognized the speaker and the suit he was wearing. “It can’t be...” said Twilight, whispering.

“Who is it Twilight?” asked Dark. “You know who that is.”

“I do… it’s Soarin… one of the members of the Wonderbolts,” said Twilight. Twilight’s slowly began to shrink, fearing that she would be noticed by the pegasus.

Soarin, one of the Wonderbolts notable members was addressing all the ponies in Manehattan some news from Celestia. “Princess Celestia has sensed a strange being has come to Equestria! Highly dangerous, it is bipedal, wearing in pure black armor… and with it is Princess Twilight Sparkle! If you see either the princess or this creature, please report this to your nearest police station or to any of the members of the Wonderbolts!” shouted Soarin. Finishing his announcement, Soarin spotted a familiar lavender pony, seeing both a horn and wings. Instantly Soarin’s eyes widened, having realizing that who he was staring at was nopony but Twilight herself.

Twilight spotted him seeing her and immediately, followed by Dark and Trixie returned to the pathway they were in originally. “We need to go, now!” shouted Twilight. “Dark, help push the wagon, Trixie and I can levitate it while we escape. Quick!”

Instantly, Dark moved behind Trixie’s wagon while both Twilight and Trixie used their magic, levitating the wagon while running from the area. Noticing the ground having multiple shadows below them, Trixie looks up to see multiple pegasi chasing after them, one of them being Soarin and another pegasus with a very familiar mane style.

“PUSH HARDER!” screamed Trixie, going into a panic.

Dark looked up, also recognizing one of the pegasi… that was when he remembered one of the ingredients required for the portal spell. Slowly, Dark let the wagon go as it neared a steep road; Dark turned to face the oncoming pegasi. “You girls get the other ingredients, we’ll meet back at the docks… I got some thunder to steal,” said Dark, both hands wide open.

“DARK WHAT ARE YOU-” shouted Twilight, when she felt the ground underneath her vanish. Looking down, Twilight realized that the road ahead was beginning a steep descent to wherever they were going; Twilight and Trixie jumped onto the wagon, as it slowly began rolling down. “AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!”

After both mares screaming away, Dark was left alone… until he was met face to face with a swarm of pegasi. The Wonderbolts stared at the armored figure… but one Wonderbolt in particular eyed him… almost glaring at him. The pegasus removed her head part of her suit, revealing her whole face; the mare had a yellow fur, the outer part of her mane was orange while the inner part was a mixture of between yellow and orange together, her cutie-mark looked like a flame but was shaped in a way that it almost resembled a wing. As Dark gotten a closer look at the mare… he realized that he met the pegasus before… once, back when his first visit to Canterlot.

“Hey, your the pegasus that I pulled that feather from,” said Dark, pointing his finger at her. “That explains why you seem so familiar.”

“Indeed… that little fiasco you did back at Canterlot was… interesting at the least. By the way, the name’s Spitfire,” said Spitfire, continuing her glare. “What’s yours… if you even have one.”

“No reason to be rude now… but if you insist; many call me Soldier 3112, but nowadays those I been traveling with call me Dark Armor… you can call me Dark for short though,” said Dark, in a friendly tone.

Spitfire was confused by the sudden hospitality that Dark was giving… as if he wasn’t afraid of the multiple pegasi surrounding him. Well it wasn’t surprising since what his done so far, something like this wouldn’t scare him… though Spitfire expected… his personality to be… something else. “Your not going to… fight back or anything? We practically stand you from ten to one, I thought you put up some kind of restraint of something,” said Spitfire.

“Oh no no no no no… I am not surrendering or anything of the sort… I was going to ask you something,” said Dark.

“Oh, really? Just what exactly where you going to ask us?” said Spifire, crossing her hooves whilst smirking.

Dark placed both his hands behind his back, a quiet clicking noise coming from his gauntlets. “Well I was wondering… you wouldn’t share a thunderbolt with me… would you?” said Dark.

Spitfire raised a brow, looking at her fellow Wonderbolts who also shrugged too. She then looked at Dark, going back to her glare. “Are you serious? Not that I don’t believe you but… what makes you think we’ll simply give you a thunderbolt,” said Spitfire, approaching Dark placing a hoof on his helmet. “Also… I don’t think your in a position to make demands.”

“I see… I have another question,” said Dark. “Are all of your trained soldiers?”

Spitfire was a bit taken back with this question, she wasn’t sure if this question was meant to be an insult to the Wonderbolts capabilities with handling a situation or not. But Dark’s question was genuine, so deciding to answer it, she hovers right in front of Dark’s helmet, her eyes staring at his visor. “Well of course… but since we mostly do flight shows and such we don’t face these kind of problems on the daily other than the uncontrollable storm or such… We aren’t exactly battle-hardened soldiers, heck I doubt any of us seen or been in an actual battle,” said Spitfire, chuckling. “Heck that don’t matter, we may not be true soldiers but we still out-number you and know enough training to handle you.”

Dark stayed silent for a bit, taking in Spitfire’s answer… until he spoke again. “I see… however, there’s one different between all of you and me,” said Dark.

Spitfire raised her brow, planting both eyes on Dark’s visor. “Mind explaining how?” asked Spitfire.

“Well… you see… I ain’t any ordinary soldier,” said Dark, the clicking noise getting louder. “I’m… a ‘super’ soldier, and right now… your all out-matched; and it’s going to take you another thousand years to get close to my level of training.”

Suddenly before any of the Wonderbolts had time to react, Dark threw two small cylindrical containers; after that… a loud flash and a bright flash appeared. All the pegasi were blinded and disoriented from the sudden bang of noise, some scuffling and grunting was happening as all the pegasi blindly searched for the armored being. Some of pegasi pumped into walls, trash bins, or even each other; Spitfire was able to regain her sight, when she saw an incoming Soarin flying her way. She quickly moved while at the same time stopped her friend from crashing into a wall.

“Soarin calm down! You almost hit a wall there pal,” said Spitfie.

“T-thanks Spitfire… What was that thing?” asked Soarin, rubbing his eyes.

Looking around, all the other Wonderbolts regained focused… when they saw the bipedal creature called Dark, vanish where he was previously before. That was when they all heard a voice above them. “OYE! UP HERE!”

When they all looked up, they all gawked what they saw next. Dark was hovering in the air, which was happening when his boots were shooting out strange rings where in the center of those rings was a small blue ball. Now Spitfire remembered that back at Canterlot that Dark plucked one of her feathers and used it to fly off with the princess. However, instead of a jetpack, Dark was using some sort of hover boots to fly in the air.

“Now I know what your thinking. No I did not steal anyone’s abilities by plucking one of their feathers,” said Dark, at the same time a pegasus was checking their wings for any missing feathers. “This is simply a part of my suit’s abilities… another thing, if I were you… I take cover.”

Spitfire wasn’t sure what Dark meant, but that was when she heard a ticking noise. Looking down… was a black ball the size of a hoof… making a very loud ticking noise. Tick tick tick tick. Spitfire’s eyes widened, and immediately she grabbed Soarin and ducked behind some trash bins. “GET TO COVER!” shouted Spitfire, covering her ears.

Most of the pegasi got to cover but those who didn’t weren’t lucky. The black ball exploded, releasing a pink-sticky residue causing all the pegasi who didn’t reach cover to be stuck to the ground and nearby walls. When all was clear, Spitfire searched the area and saw Dark had vanished… that was when one of the Wonderbolts who also taken cover spotted him. “Over there, his on that roof!” shouted one of the Wonderbolts.

Soarin and Spitfire looked where the pegasus was pointing, and saw Dark; he was standing while with one of his hands he moved his hand flat open while simultaneously moving his fingers up and down repeatedly. Everypony wasn’t sure what he was doing, but Spitfire knew exactly what he was doing… he was taunting them.

“That cheeky…” said Spitfire, biting her lip. “Soarin! Flank behind Dark and take the others with you! The rest follow my lead!”

Soarin nodded where two pegasi followed behind him, while Spitfire stared at Dark who was running off, jumping to one rooftop to the next. Spitfire took chase… taking in Dark’s bait as planned.

Elsewhere, Twilight and Trixie finally reached the port, at the same time gathered what ingredients they needed. As Twilight began preparing the requirements to start the portal spell, Trixie kept watch for anypony that may come to them.

“Is the spell done yet?” asked Trixie, still keeping her eye on the road.

“Not yet; I can’t exactly start the spell without Dark. He said he has an idea on how to get a thunderbolt,” said Twilight. “I still don’t how he’ll though, but we have to put our trust in him. For the time being, keep watch if any of the Wonderbolts come our way.”

Trixie rolled her eyes, continuing her watch for anything. Twilight focused on placing the ingredients and creating signs on the ground for the spell. That was when they heard noise coming from outside, taking a peek to what was happening… they saw Dark being chased by some of the Wonderbolts; thinking they’ll get spotted all the Wonderbolts are distracted by Dark and simply fly by them. Twilight exhales in relief and stares up, wishing Dark to get the last ingredient.

Dark rolled and jumped across every obstacle in his way… until he was reaching the end of his path. Standing on the edge of a rooftop, below was the ground that led to the docks… beyond that was nothing but water. Turning around, Dark was met with Spitfire and what remaining Wonderbolts that were left to chase Dark.

“Got nowhere else to go now,” said Spitfire, landing on the roof.

Dark looked around, and noticed that Soarin and two other pegasi where hiding, ready to pounce for the right moment. Knowing what they were planning, Dark played along with them… waiting for his chance to strike. “Indeed you have; you have captured a soldier trained to handle any scenario,” said Dark, clapping.

Spitfire was a bit surprised from Dark’s response, but kept her guard up no matter what. She then looked one of the pegasi standing near her and ordered the pegasus to place restraints on Dark. The pegasus moved forward with cuffs, moving both hands forward the pegasus was ready to cuff Dark… until he moved from the cuffs. In an instant Dark grabbed the cuffs, placed them on the pegasus that tried to cuff him. Before Soarin’s group could come to intervene, Dark tossed the cuffed pegasus at them, causing Soarin and the two pegasi behind him to tumble into the ground.

Before Dark could make his next move, Spitfire rushed toward him tackling him off the roof into the ground. She began dragging Dark into the ground, but at the same time Dark activated his hover boots causing the two to tumble together into the ground. Once Spitfire got her bearings together Dark was near the edge of the dock.

“THAT’S IT!” shouted Spitfire, stomping her hoof down. “SOARIN! PREPARE FOR ‘THAT’ MANEUVER!”

Soarin’s face shone with worry, but he shook it away and nodded immediately. Soarin gathered whatever pegasi that could still fly, and with Spitfire all the Wonderbolts spun around a single cloud. Twilight who was done with the preparations of the spell came to see what all the noise was… that was when she saw Dark at the edge of the dock. “DARK! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?” shouted Twilight.

However Twilight’s words couldn’t be heard, as the sound of thunder shook the sky. Twilight, Trixie, and Dark looked up… it was when the sky was darkening to near pitch black, blue light sparkling left and right. Dark stood there… not moving an inch or attempting to run… for his plan was about to end. Spitfire was preparing to unleash a torrent of lightening toward Dark, firing a tornado of thunder.

“READY...” shouted Spitfire, intensifying the tornado.

Twilight broke off where she stood, running toward Dark.

“AIM…” shouted Spitfire, her mane and tail beginning to feel the static coming from the tornado.

Twilight was almost a few meters close to Dark… until she felt something heavy upon her whole body. Trixie was holding her down, as Twilight tried to wriggle herself free. “TRIXIE, LET-ME-GO!” screamed Twilight.

Trixie didn’t respond but simply closed her eyes, knowing what was to come. Twilight stopped her attempts of escaping Trixie’s grasp… eyes locked on the armored figure before her… who was about to be struck by thousands of pure energy.

“FIRE!” screamed Spitfire, the tornado showering downward to Dark.

“NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooooo!” screamed Twilight, her screams being silenced by the thunderous noise of the tornado.

Some minutes before the tornado struck Dark, Manehattan, Manehattan Station, 2:15pm

Arriving the station was Celestia and Luna, followed behind them was a squadron of royal guards… but following behind them… were five figures. One of the five spoke first, her voice elegant while at the same time a bit distressed with the events that been happening the past few days.

“Ohhh, I do hope Twilight is fine. After hearing that she’s vanished near the ruins in the Everfree Forest, only to pop up here… in Manehattan of places!” said the white mare.

“Well remember Rarity, we aren’t here for shopping or the sort. Our friend is here with… that… ‘thing’,” said an orange mare, wearing a stetson on top her head.

“I know darling… it’s sad that we can’t buy a single souvenir while at our visit here,” said Rarity.

The five mares moved up next to Celestia, one of them a yellow mare with a pink mane and tail approached Celestia, worry adorning her shy face. “P-p-princess… is… is Discord okay,” said the shy mare. “After hearing that he was… back… I went to go see him… but I was told that he was...” The shy mare rubbed her mane with one of her hooves, unsure of asking such questions right now. However Celestia moved her gaze onto the shy mare, smiling at her.

“Do not worry Fluttershy, Discord will be fine the next day… probably sooner. He is a quick healer, I seen him… gone through worse,” said Celestia.

Fluttershy smiled, happy to know one of her friends was okay… but she frowned when remembering the main reason why they came here. “That’s good… though I hope I could say the same for Twilight,” said Fluttershy.

Approaching Fluttershy was a rainbow-maned mare, landing right beside her she wraps her hoof around Fluttershy. “Ah don’t worry Flutters… Whatever this thing is, I’ll beat it to the moon and back. I promise… Pinkie promise,” said the rainbow-maned mare. “Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.” While saying this, the mare placed a hoof on her eye… making sure to closing her eye before doing it.

At the same time, a pink-maned pony that looked as if her mane were cotton candy popped right beside the two pegasi. “Uh Dashie… I probably make that promise so soon...” said the pink mare.

“Huh? Why so Pinkie?” asked Rainbow, looking at what her friend was staring at.

“That’s why,” said Pinkie, pointing her hoof in the distance.

Everypony looked at what Pinkie was pointing toward; in the distance was a giant swarm of black clouds. Rainbow knew exactly what this meant… and she had two words for what. “Thunder storm...” said Rainbow, the color her face disappearing.

Celestia immediately took action, looking at her guards she acted her orders. “Tell all surrounding ponies to return into their homes or find somewhere safe to stay indoors. All pegasi guards are to head toward to that storm and slow it down as best as possible. The elements will join me, we will head toward the storm… it might be where we will find Twilight.” said Celestia.

“And maybe this Dark figure...” thought Celestia, her gaze toward the ever growing storm.

While all the guards saluted and went to their stations, Celestia, Luna, and the elements headed to the storm where they eventually arrive at the docks. Once there… they meet with a very interesting sight. “Sweet applesauce...” said Applejack, slowly removing her stetson off.

Before all of them was a charred dock, as burnt wood and charred stone was covering the ground. Above them were Wonderbolts who used a very dangerous move, that could possibly kill them if not carefully used. Amongst them was Spitfire and Soarin, who were about to collapse any second. “SPITFIRE! SOARIN!” shouted Rainbow, rushing to their side.

Helping them up and leaning them against a wall, the two Wonderbolts were exhausted and weren’t able to speak a single word. “Are they okay princess!” said Rainbow, both hooves on her lips.

Celestia examined them, a few scratches and scrapes but nothing major on them or the other Wonderbolt members. “Do not worry, they are fine,” said Celestia.

Rainbow sighed, nearly falling to the ground when Fluttershy went behind her to hold her up. Pleased with her response, Celestia examined the area… until she spotted two figures rising from under the ash and dirt. Squinting her eyes, Celestia eyes widened… when she spotted a purple horn and wings. “Twilight...” said Celestia, her voice barely audible.

Immediately she teleported beside her apprentice, lifting her on her hooves. After everypony realized where Celestia teleported to, they all rushed toward her… until they realized who she found.

“TWILIGHT!” screamed Pinkie, ready to pounce her friend.

Before the pink mare could, Rarity held her friend in midair before letting drop to the ground. Applejack helped the other pony up who was Trixie, until placing both ponies against the wall. “Why’s Trixie with Twilight?” asked Applejack.

“I am unsure…” said Celestia.

Before anypony could continue to speak… a cough was heard. Turning their heads, they saw Twilight’s eyelids slowly open… until both her eyes opened wide when her pupils began to shrink into dots. “Twilight, I’m glad your find darling… Are you… alright?” said Rarity.

Twilight’s eyes began to mist up… until she began to tear up from seeing her friends safe. “Girls… your… your alright,” said Twilight, a sniffle escaping from her breath.

“Of course we are Twi… but...” said Applejack. “Are you okay? You seem to been through a lot.”

Twilight stood on all hooves, slightly swaying left and right but keeping her stance up. Staring off to the docks… Dark was gone… nothing left; Twilight frowned, not only did Dark sacrificed himself… Twilight felt a hoof on her shoulder. Looking up it was Fluttershy, who was smiling at her friend.

“Thank you Fluttershy… I needed that,” said Twilight, sniffling.

“I’m just happy to know that your safe is all… After hearing what happened at Canterlot… I assumed the worse,” said Fluttershy. “But your safe and sound… and that’s all that matters.”

After the short reunion, Trixie blinked open her eyes until noticing the ponies surrounding her. Looking to the side… she saw something rising from the ashes of the near destroyed docks… something clutching… a rather bright object. Everypony else noticed Trixie staring at something, turning to face what she was looking at… everypony stopped their talking momentarily staring at the figure that stood tall.

At the edge of the dock was Dark… in his hand… was a thunderbolt… wrapping around his arm like an eel. Dark stared at his own arm, whipping the thunderbolt around as if it were a rope; he easily used it to snap at some nearby stones pleased with the results of the rock turning into dust.

“Now this… I didn’t expect to happen,” said Dark, focusing his attention toward the group of ponies. Looking among them… he spotted a familiar white alicorn who in return stared back at him.

“You...” said Celestia, her voice filled with anger.

“Hello princess,” said Dark, nonchalantly. “Might I ask what brings you here… though I think I can tell why.”

Celestia stepped forward ahead of everypony else, staring straight at the empty visor that was Dark’s eyes. In return, Dark shared a similar look… devoid of life, but showed it equal displeasure of meeting the sun goddess. Both stood, staring at one another until… a voice spoke… one that wanted all of this madness to stop.

“PLEASE STOP!” shouted Twilight, rushing in between both Celestia and Dark. Twilight stood there, placing both hooves against each figure beside her. “This all started because I made the stupid decision to free Dark… Because I was selfish enough to think that I could… that I could bring ‘him’ back.”

Everypony was shocked to the reason Twilight did all of this… that she did out of the pure love she had for somepony who would never return… Celestia saw the sadness in her apprentice’s eyes… the sadness of losing a loved one. Dark, who sympathized with Twilight… stood still as something within him began to crack… as a very… “hellish” memory began to resurface… the memory of what love can do to people… what it did to “her”. A voice spoke to Dark, reminding him what happened that day… the day that all hope was taken from him.

Love is a painful thing… it can give as it can take… She used us Dark… she used us so she could find someone who would never come back… Do you really want to help her now? Well… do you? The voice received not response from Dark… who stood, continuing to stare.

I see… then I know what must be done… what we… must do… Brother, awaken your true potential, like the fire of rage you shall wash your anger amongst those who defy us… who defy you… There was a reason we have become one… as I am the darkness that meant to consume everything… empty… unable to feel… However, you are my opposite, you sense, you feel, you hate… you love… but, because of this you have witnessed and seen the countless tests done to you… but you never cracked once… that… was until they killed her… that they killed our loved one… my loved one… your “mother”.

Dark's visage slowly changed… as before he was shrouded in dark flames… something else entirely different began to happen. His armor, which was originally pure black changed into a red… almost as if the flames of Tartarus where sprouting from his armor. His boots were of a deep dark mahogany, while his gloves were of a demonic red; his helmet was dark orange while his visor was a lighter yellow… but what caught everypony’s attention was what appeared next. Sprouting from Dark’s back… were wings, wings of pure fire and not the black flames Twilight saw before… but flames of rage… no not rage… but something else… something more… “potent”. On Dark’s visor appeared two bright white eyes, as the same as his previous form… no pupils. This sudden change to Dark was far more menacing than his previous form, as his other form showed zero sign of life… this one showed the more darker sign of life… the more mentally distorted kind.

Open your true self Dark… or should I say…

Suddenly, Dark’s helmet slowly opened… revealing a flame maw made of hellish fire as teeth black and sharp protruded out, a tongue made of a blue light flame… “it” spoke.

“I! AM! PRAKOS!” screamed Prakos, his “claws” embedding into his helmet. “PRAKOS THE MAD!”

For your madness is born…

“...from the love they took from me!” said Prakos, grin growing wider.

The love they took from us… so brother?

“Yes dear brother, Darkness… or should I call youuuuuu-”

It matters not now… for our revenge must take place brother.

“Indeed… it’s been long since I’ve been asleep… my alter-ego was having so much fun… but after that thunderbolt hit him… or should I say me; hitting me right in the noggin… WELL I HAVEN’T FELT BETTER IN CENTURIES!” shouted Prakos, laughing insanely into the air.

Prakos eyed the crowd of ponies, giving him wide stares and worried looks. Princess Celestia too didn’t expect this to happen either, slowly trotting away from the… “creature”. Prakos grabbed Celestia by her hoof, scratching her hoof in the process. Celestia winced from the sudden grab, as Prakos planted his helmet against Celestia muzzle, slowly staring at her… maybe even her soul.

“So your the princess of the sun, eh?” asked Prakos, snickering crazily. “Well then… that must make me.” Prakos drops Celestia, causing the sun princess to look up at him realizing… that this is beyond her own experience of facing dangerous beings.

“THE DEMON OF THE SUN!” shouted Prakos, laughing psychotically. Prakos continued to laugh until his laugh rang across Manehattan… then Equestria… then the world… Prakos stopped laughing, slowly looking at the group of ponies who wanted to run immediately for cover.

“Now then...” said Prakos, calmly. “Who wants to die first? Eh?”