• Published 26th Jun 2012
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Ponyville goes to the...dragons?? - Freelancer

When one of Twilight's spells goes wrong, Ponyville ends up with three very unusual visitors

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Chapter 11: Uninvited Guests

Prior Note:

I’ve split this chapter into two parts to try and keep characters… well, in character basically, because I couldn’t really see Shining Armor barging in there and unleashing all matter of hell, without asking some questions first.

Chapter 11: Uninvited Guests

Pre-read by: Edragon

Pinkie Pie’s ‘Welcome to Ponyville’ parties, as everypony in Ponyville had come to individually know all too well over the years, were often prone to being rather interesting experiences, both for said welcomed pony, and everypony else who happened to attend. They, and the events that took place at them, were often described as being somewhat like the pink party mare herself; completely and utterly random in every describable manner.

But this particular party, in Twilight’s own opinion anyway, was without a doubt soon destined to take the cake for the most memorable of all Pinkie Pie parties, and not just because the three welcomed ponies were actually dragons.

For a moment nopony in the room did anything more than stop, stand, and stare at the library doorway, some still with their mouths hanging open mid-conversation, or full of half chewed cake, sweets, or other Sugercube Corner confectionaries. For Twilight, the sight brought about a combination of serious confusion, a minor amount of fear, a growing sense of frustration, and above all else, an overwhelming anger; with all of said feelings being directed predominantly towards one armored stallion in particular.

Said stallion was presently standing and filling up the majority of her doorway, which now once again lacked an actual door, and acting as the vanguard of roughly nine other royal guards.

“Shining Armor! What the hay are you doing here!” she groaned angrily through clenched teeth, promptly marching over to her older brother. “And why did you have to kick down my door instead of knocking like everypony else! That only got replaced a few hours ago I’ll have you know!” she shouted in his face, feeling like she would have enjoyed nothing more than kicking his large white flank.

It wasn’t exactly the loving, caring, B.B.B.F.F greeting Spike and her friends would have normally expected her to give him, but given the present situation, and his actions thus far, her reaction was kind of both understandable and warranted.

The royal guard captain in turn, much to Spike’s, her friends’, and everypony else’s surprise, virtually disregarded his little sister’s outburst with a snort of his nostrils and a shake of his head, which for some odd reason lay protected beneath a helmet of glistening metal, much like the rest of him did.

“Are you going to answer me, Shining?”

“I’m here on royal guard duty Twilight,” the stallion snorted. “And I’m guessing you probably already know why as well, so don’t try and play games with me.”

“But it’s a party!” Pinkie protested loudly, somehow appearing beside the two glare-trading unicorns. “Why wouldn’t you play games at a party!”

“We’re not here for the party, we’re here for them.”

His last words, accompanied with a cold-as-steel glare, were directed straight across the room to where Spyro, Cynder, and Ember were standing. All three scaly guests of honour looked first at the captain of the royal guard, then at Twilight and her friends, and finally each other, apparently not entirely sure what to think of the situation.

In return, Twilight momentarily flicked her gaze over her shoulder, traded a confused shrug with Spike, and then returned to her brother. “First of all, Shining, just how’d you find out about them, and secondly, what do you want with us?”

“I’ve received an anonymous letter of complaint that says one of them, apparently named Cynder, was seen harassing and attacking two local school fillies,” he replied sharply, taking a step inside with his fellow guards at his flanks. “And that you’re the one housing the three of them as well… what the hay were you thinking, Twily?”

Twilight, along with Applejack, couldn’t help but roll her eyes and face-hoof. “That’s why you’re here? Ugh, you’ve got this all wrong. Those two fillies were Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, THEY were harassing Rarity’s little sister, Sweetie Belle, because she doesn’t have her cutie mark, and Cynder stepped in and scared them off, that’s all she did,” the mare snorted angrily. “And for your information, Shining, I’m housing them because they’re friends with Spike and because they needed somewhere to stay.”

“They’re dragons Twilight! They’re dangerous!”

“Wow, talk about being overly judgemental,” Rainbow Dash muttered under her breath to Fluttershy.

“Shining, those three are just about the nicest bunch a’ critters I’ve ever met,” Applejack said sternly, the amber pony taking her place beside her friend, and standing almost as wide as the stallion before her. “And you got no right to go ‘round saying otherwise, ya hear me? For your knowing, they came over and willingly busted their rumps helping ma’ brother and I on the farm today, so you better watch those words coming outa’ your mouth.”

“And for Celestia’s sake Shining, Spike’s a dragon! In case you never noticed in all the years he lived with us!” Twilight added angrily. “Besides, you haven’t even met them yet; Ember and Spyro have done nothing but try and make friends ever since they arrived here.”

AJ nodded in agreement. “And Cynder’s done nothing but been kind to Scoots, ma’ sister, and Rarity’s since she met em’, she even carried Applebloom here all the way from the farm for land sakes.”

"So the dragon gives rides? why should that matter?" Shining responded dryly.

"Because it shows she's not a threat to anypony!" Rainbow Dash added in, frustration already setting in her voice.

Over in the corner, Ember stood beside Spike, and along with everypony else around her watched the cluster of ponies argue back and forth, both sides, as well as the other armored guards just behind them, flicking the occasional glance her way before refocusing their attention on each other. She wasn’t sure what she thought of the situation, but the white stallion’s angry expression, and the fact he was covered head to hoof in metal armor, was giving her a really bad feeling.

“Who exactly… is he?” Ember asked quietly, turning her attention to Spike along with Cynder and Spyro, who for his part looked as equally uneasy as half the ponies in the room.

“That would be Shining Armor… captain of the royal guard, husband of Princess Cadence, and Twilight’s older brother.”

“So in general, someone who thinks his horns are longer than they really are,” Cynder quipped in distaste as puffs of smoke wisped from her flaring nostrils, her remark earning her confused looks from Spike, Vinyl, and Rarity. “Ugh, someone who’s an arrogant, self-proclaiming, pain in the tail.”

Spike shook his head. “No, no, no, he’s not that bad, honest, he’s kind of my older brother too, so I know him pretty well and I can say he’s definitely not self-obsessed… but when it comes to threats and issues, especially when Twilight’s involved, he kinda gets majorly over-protective.”

“Older brother thing?” Spyro asked.

“Eh, kind of,” Spike shrugged, returning to the pair of squabbling siblings. “He was Twilight’s best and only true friend when she was a filly, other than me… and, well, there was also a bit of an incident at his wedding that I’d rather not talk about. Let’s just say it hit him hard, and kinda made him wary of possible threats towards his family.”

Spyro nodded in reply, while Cynder gave off an unamused snort in return, simply to show she wasn’t exactly seeing Spike’s praising description in the white unicorn stallion before her eyes. Just behind her and Spike, both Vinyl and Rarity shuddered at the recently added memory, the events of the royal wedding still rather fresh in their minds.

Before their conversation could progress any further though, the two centrepieces of their discussion hastily came trotting across the room to join them, both siblings wearing annoyed expressions and neither looking very pleased with the other. Applejack and the other elements of harmony followed close behind the two, Dash and AJ looking roughly as annoyed as Twilight was, while Fluttershy and Pinkie simply looked unsure.

Either way, the crowd of party attendees hastily scooted back to give the lead pair as much girth as possible, several of which attempted to leave, only to be blocked by the other guards.

“Well, here comes trouble, and a lot of it.”

Ember growled lightly and looked at him. “Really that bad, huh?”

“Nope, worse. Royal guards and dragons have… never exactly gotten along, and when it comes to the royal guard Shining Armor is the living embodiment of it. He didn't make captain for nothing.”

Shining Armor was still stone-faced, and nearly expressionless when he came to an abrupt stop. It seemed like at any moment he would snap and blast something, or somepony, through the nearest wall, window, or bookshelf.

For a few moments after the two ponies came to a stop, and they met, the two sides stood still and traded silent looks, neither group speaking or moving save for the occasional twitch of a tail or shifting of a gaze. Spike, unfortunately being stuck somewhat in the middle ground, could feel the attention of everypony else in the room falling on them, as well as the copious amounts of hostility radiating from both parties, the two main sources being Cynder and Shining Armor.

He was quickly finding himself sweating profusely, a surprising happening given he was a dragon and already full of fire.

“Can we help you?” Cynder asked at last, her effort to break the silence earning her a snort and a glare from the royal guard captain.

“I’ll take it you must be Cynder then, huh?” he stated dryly, running his eyes over the dragoness like he was sizing her up for a fight.

“Yeah, I am, now what's it that you want exactly?”

Ember shot the darker dragoness a glare. “Can you ever be polite?”

Spyro shook his head. “Cynder, please be polite for once; he’s the royal guard captain for Ignitus’s sake,” the purple dragon hissed, his words only prompting Ember and Spike to nod in approval, and Cynder to clench her jaw tightly. “Sorry about that, I’m Spyro by the way, and that’s Ember,” the purple dragon sighed with a glance at his pink friend, and then back at the stallion.

Shining Armor though took virtually no notice. “I’ll be blunt with you. Cynder, were you involved in an altercation with two local fillies yesterday afternoon?”

Ember and Spyro turned their heads to their violet friend, while Cynder just growled and rolled her eyes. “Ugh, this again? Look, those two were pestering another filly and I really don’t like bullies, so I stepped in and scared them off, plain and simple.”

“Did you harm them in any way?”

“Shining! Ugh!” Twilight groaned, unable to resist face-hoofing at her brother’s ludicrous question.

“Ya’ll are actually kidding me right?” AJ snorted with a stomp. “Did ya not listen to what I said all of ten seconds ago, Shining?”

“I didn’t lay a talon on them,” the dragoness replied flatly, raising a claw to her eyes and inspecting its razor sharp talons, appearing completely bored with the conversation. “All I did was threaten to set their tails on fire if they didn’t lay off… as you can guess they turned around and ran pretty quickly. End of story, ok?”

“Can anypony verify that?”

Cynder, despite her best attempt, couldn’t help but growl in her throat at the question, and by the looks of things nor could Twilight or Applejack control their frustration much longer. At that point she was figuring the best way to maintain her sanity, and in turn keep herself from doing something rash that she’d later regret, was to beat her head repeatedly against the nearest wall.

She had formerly found no reason to like him, given he had kicked down the door, disrupted the party, and annoyed Twilight and her friends to no end; but now with his degrading attitude towards her added on, the dragoness was quickly finding herself disliking this stallion ever more by the very second.

She was seriously close to setting HIS tail on fire.

“I can!” a filly’s voice chimed in.

Cynder’s head, along with those of her fellow dragons and Shining Armor, turned to see the crowd of adults parting slightly to let three very familiar fillies through. The dragoness couldn’t help but sigh in relief.

She couldn’t help but grin at the sight, while the royal guard captain’s eyebrow seemed to rise a little as the filly, along with her two friends, took their places beside the dragoness, apparently showing no fear of Cynder whatsoever like any other filly or colt would’ve.

“Yes, you can ask Sweetie Belle here, because she was the one those two were pestering… what were those brats' names again?” the dragoness smirked, hoping to annoy the stallion as much as possible.

“Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon,” Sweetie Bell sighed bitterly. “They were teasing me because my friends and I don’t have our cutie marks. Trust me Shining Armor, I promise Cynder didn’t do anything bad, cutie mark crusaders' honour. ”

“Just like I told you,” Twilight muttered under her breath in frustration.

“One of the brats said that her dad would have me thrown in the Canterlot dungeons,” Cynder hissed, grating the floor with her talons. “Grrr! that fur ball’s got some nerve for actually trying.”

“I’m guessing that’d be Diamond Tiara,” Applebloom said. “She’s always getting her dad involved when she doesn’t get her way.”

Rarity, making sure the action was small so nopony could see, breathed a sigh of relief and wiped a drop of sweat from her brow.

For a few seconds the guard captain just stood there in silence, like the gears in his head were comparing what Twilight, the anonymous letter, and now both the filly and the dragoness herself had been saying. He didn’t trust this snarky dragon in the slightest, he didn’t trust dragons in general for that matter, but with her account matching both Sweetie Belle’s and his own sister’s exactly, the likelihood of her actually having done something physically wrong was negligible.

Eventually, after a few more moments of traded glares and tense silence, he sighed and spoke.

“Fine, to me this just looks like either somepony overreacting, or one of these fillies taking their parents for a spin, so I’ll let her off with a warning this time,” he grunted in acknowledgement, turning on his hooves and departing the conversation. “But even though you had good intentions, I highly suggest you don’t go doing anything else like that again, dragon.”

With those words, Cynder finally snapped.

“Bite me.”

There were very few things that could render an entire crowd of ponies dead silent, let alone those attending a Pinkie Pie party, even fewer in under a second for that matter. But with the speaking of those two small words, Cynder managed to achieve all those things and more, such as causing a glass somewhere in the room to hit the floor and shatter loudly, and getting Rarity to shudder and just about faint where she was standing. The real achievement, however, was causing Shining Armor, the captain of the royal guard, to stop dead in his tracks, a feat which caused everypony else in the room to drop their jaws.

“Excuse me?” he replied sharply as silence engulfed the room, armoured head and neck slowly turning around to face the violet dragoness.

If it were anypony else, the words would have been a momentary slip of their tongue, and they would have found themselves furiously apologizing then and there. Shining Armor was captain of the royal guard, and a member of royalty by marriage, a proud stallion who everypony, both in Canterlot and throughout Equestria, respected with the highest grace and admiration.

Cynder, however, wasn’t a pony.

“Cynder, don’t…” Ember started hurriedly, looking between the tensed up stallion and her half-the-time friend.

“Trust me, you’re making a big mistake,” Spike added with equal concern.

“I said ‘bite me’,” the violet dragoness hissed venomously, ignoring her fellow dragons’ comments, rising onto all fours, and flaring her wings in a threatening display. “What I’m basically saying is that you should take your words, and go tell them to someone who actually cares. If a pony I like is getting bullied, like Sweetie Belle or one of her friends, I’ll step in if I think I should and you can’t go telling me otherwise.”

Everypony present, including the CMC, Twilight, Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash, as well as Spike, Ember and Spyro, all just stared flabbergasted.

To talk back to a royal guard like this wasn’t a good idea but you’d get away with it. To talk back to a Canterlot royal guard in a similar fashion was considered dangerous but still survivable, but to talk back to the captain of the Canterlot royal guard, one who was also a member of royalty of all ponies, was seen to be an imprisonment wish or very close to it.

What had made her snap even she wasn’t entirely sure, but it was predominantly made up of her hatred of being told what to do, especially in the matters of the three fillies who she’d come to like, and the disdain she held for the stallion.

“Cynder…” Spyro snapped in warning.

Shining Armor slowly turned until he and Cynder were facing each other directly, his narrowed, anger filled eyes transfixed like a pair of lowered spears on her own. “I hope you’re aware that as a member of the royal guard, I can still detain you for the threatening two of Princess Celestia’s subjects yesterday, or for how you’re acting right now if I suspect you to be a threat to everyponys’ safety.”

“Good to know, doesn’t mean I actually care,” the dragoness growled, her former small flame of anger now growing. “Look, Shining Armor, you might want to get two things into your head sooner rather than later; firstly, I’m a dragoness who doesn’t like being told what to do, and since I’m not a pony like you, you have no control over me whatsoever, understand?”

She took a step forward towards the stallion in a direct challenge before speaking again; in return he stepped back, and now looked downright stunned to say the least, along with just about every pony, dragon, and royal guard else in the room.

It was official; this dragoness was either brave, crazy, reckless, or an insane combination of the three.

“And secondly, if either of those two brats EVER pick on Sweetie Belle, or any of her friends again, I WILL live up to my threats and set both their tails on fire!”

“CYNDER! ENOUGH!” Spyro growled.

“You’re treading a VERY thin line here, dragon,” Shining Armor snorted, stomping one of his large hooves into the wooden floor, and systematically causing every other pony in the room to cringe. “Do NOT challenge my authority on grounds of race. You’re in Equestria right now, and while you’re here you’ll abide by the laws like everypony else.”

“SHINING! CALM DOWN!” Twilight grunted in equal frustration.

“Like I said before,” the dragoness snorted as she returned his relentless glare, her maw now a scale’s width from his muzzle. “Bite me.”

From a few meters back, Rarity once again just about fainted from shock, while Vinyl sniggered in amusement behind a concealing hoof, the DJ mentally readjusting her prior statement about the dragoness; she wasn’t just all kinds of badflank, she was the living definition of the word.

As Spike and Twilight had both guessed though, knowing the stallion and how he treated his rank and duty personally, Shining Armor obviously didn’t take her outburst so well. A mere moment after Cynder had finished speaking, his face went as blank as a bare canvas and his horn lowered in ready, the crowd of observing party goers nervously backing up as it did.

“Cynder, I’m going to have to ask you to come with us.”

At his request, two things happened in very quick succession.

Firstly, the nine royal guards who had be standing patiently in the doorway, and had silently been watching the scene unfold from a distance like a flock of hawks, briskly crossed the floor, pushed the startled group of Twilight and her friends apart, and took their ground behind Shining Armor to support him if necessary.

Secondly, and in a rather unexpected action that caused yet another wave of shock for Twilight, both Spyro and Ember’s prior calm demeanours and expressions went out the window. As if they were being possessed by Discord himself, both dragons’ opened their maws and growled menacingly like somepony had suddenly stomped on their tails, both curling back their lips to reveal rows of sharp, nearly unbreakable white fangs.

Fangs, as Twilight knew all too well, that could bite through diamonds with mere ease, and hence plate armor as if it were parchment.

The sight prompted more than a few other ponies to murmur in worry, and either back away nervously from the situation, or with the sound of pounding hooves promptly run out the now unguarded door and off into the night as fast as possible, probably fearing the presumable results of dragon fire being unleashed inside an entirely wooden building.

Twilight and her friends, along with Vinyl and Rarity, worriedly looked between each other before retreating backwards a bit from the unicorn librarian’s older brother, unsure of what would happen next and whether or not getting involved was still such a good idea. At the first chance she got, the lavender mare herself hastily used her magic to forcefully remove the CMC, despite their squeals and annoyed protests, from the soon-to-be-battleground between the royal guards and four adolescent dragons.

“Ugh! Remind me how this happened exactly?” Twilight groaned as she set the annoyed and pouting fillies down, the lavender mare eyeing her older sibling and adopted younger brother nervously.

“Cause when it comes to duty, Twi, dealing with your brother’s like trying to hammer a wood file,” Applejack muttered coarsely, draping a protective hoof over her still struggling younger sister. “He’ll break before he bends… And no offense to him, but if I know Cynder right, she’s gonna be doing a whole lot a’ breaking real soon,”

Unlike the ponies he gladly called his family and friends, Spike didn’t move from Ember’s side in the slightest, but instead like his draconic companions bared his own short white fangs in a vicious challenge. Yes, Shining Armor was his family in a way, but Cynder and Spyro were the first dragons he had ever truly been able to call his friends, and Ember was the first fillyfriend he’d ever had, and there was no way by the fires of Tartarus he was letting them be dragged off to the Canterlot dungeons.

He was admittedly puzzled by Ember’s sudden change in behaviour, but he wasn’t certain if he found her new found ferocity unnerving, admirable, or even strangely attractive for some reason.

“Must be a dragon thing,” he pondered mentally. “That’d explain why Spyro puts up with Cynder’s attitude.”

What he was certain of, however, was that if Shining Armor dared lay a hoof on Ember, he’d take his older brother figure’s horn, snap it off at the base, and shove it so far up the stallion’s backside it’d never see a single ray of light from Celestia’s sun ever again.

“Not happening,” Spyro snarled venomously at last. “All Cynder did was protect her friends, so if you want her, you’ll need to go through all of us.”

“If you try and stop us doing our duty, we’ll have no choice but to detain you as well.”

“We’ve had to deal with a lot worse than a few guards over the years, Shining Armor, so if you really think you can take us on with just the ten of you,” the purple dragon snapped at the stallion, his golden horns lowering like a pair of lances, while his maw began to spark with small bolts of electricity. “You’ve got another thing coming.”

Author's Note:

Notes / Apologies:

Sorry about the long wait, but chapter was delayed by a combination of (a) exams, (b) another story, (c) a power outage, (d) me re-writing this chapter three times over. (Freelancer)

(e for Edragon) Taking his sweet time in proof-reading due to the previously mentioned (a) and now (f) laziness.

Finally, Twi and Shining Armor; no doubt some of you are having some OOC thoughts, so here’s some canon enlightenment from Edragon; “Shining was duped by Chrysalis, and that caused a blow to his confidence in himself and made him paranoid towards unknowns. Twilight's seemingly over-reactive anger could be explained, in that once more somepony is not listening to what she knows even after her vindication at the wedding”