• Published 26th Jun 2012
  • 14,316 Views, 672 Comments

Ponyville goes to the...dragons?? - Freelancer

When one of Twilight's spells goes wrong, Ponyville ends up with three very unusual visitors

  • ...

Chapter 7: Admissions and Revalations

Prior Note: Could someone (in the know with grammar) tell me if speech descriptions (e.g. “I know,” she chuckled happily, shaking her head from side to side.) need to be finished with a full stop? I’ve done it with this chapter because I believe it’s correct, but I’m not sure, and because I think MS word is pretty much useless in terms of helping my grammar.

Chapter 7: Admissions and Revalations

“Yes Spike!” Twilight snorted, the tone in her voice making it known to the dragon she was far from happy. “You have a LOT of explaining to do, actually!”

Spike had seen Twilight angry before, for various unusual reasons. Such reasons included an argument with her friends over the possible existence of curses, and him accidently destroying a book with a fiery sneeze, amongst other situations... but why she would possibly be angry with him for simply kissing Ember wasn't clear to him.

And judging by her expression, it was beyond Ember’s as well.

“So… that isn’t how ponies show affection to their mates?” she asked as she stood beside Spike, sounding a little frightened of the fuming mare, as well as confused.

If not for the fact they were attached to their skulls, the four adult equine’s jaws would've hit the floor then and there. As it was, they instead simply hung agape as they looked between the two dragons in utter bewilderment, each wondering if what Ember had just said was implying what they were all thinking.

“So are you two… going out or something?” Twilight asked eventually, finding it had to believe she was actually asking Spike such a question.

Then again, she was finding it hard to believe she had actually walked in on Spike, during a make-out session, with a dragoness he'd only just met.

The two dragons looked between each other, and their cheeks instantly went deep red, which basically answered the question for them before Ember did.

“Well… yeah, we are.”

If not for the fact she had tried and failed to understand Pinkie Pie, Twilight would have literally screamed how illogical and implausible the situation sounded, but instead she just stood there beside her friends in utter shock, mind reeling as she tried to make sense of what she was hearing.

Here was Spike, her number one assistant, and basically her little brother, whom she had grown up with near all his life, and Ember, a dragoness with a disposition that could match Fluttershy for kindness... telling her that they were dating, after she had walked in on a kissing session of theirs.

It was either her, or all logic had gone on vacation for the day.

“Well a’ gotta give it you two kids,” Applejack chuckled abruptly as she pulled off her hat. “You two make a mighty cute couple if my words are worth anything.”

“WHAT!” Twilight just about screamed in the amber pony’s face, much to both her and everypony else’s surprise. “Applejack! You can’t possibly think this is a good thing! Not only have they barely known each other for a day, but Spike is also just a baby for Celestia’s sake!”

If not for the fact there was nowhere to go, Spike probably would have run out of the room in embarrassment; he loved Twilight dearly, and everypony in town knew that, but he found it a little hard to love her as much as usual when she was calling him a baby, in front of both Ember as his fillyfriend, and Spyro and Cynder as his new friends.

Surprisingly, however, it wasn’t Ember who spoke next in his defence, and nor was it Applejack.

“Heh, ahh Twilight… you might want to check that,” Spyro said in a somewhat amused tone, looking between his rather embarrassed purple comrade, and the lavender mare. “How old is Spike exactly?”

“Fifteen,” she countered instantly.

For a moment Spyro, Ember, and Cynder looked as if they were about to burst out into hysterical laughter, but given they weren’t staring his way, Spike guessed he wasn’t the source of their amusement.

“Yeah, Twilight, I’ve got news for you… Spike isn't a baby anymore,” Spyro grinned as he tried to control himself. “By dragon standards he’s what you ponies would probably call a young adolescent.”

Twilight blinked. “I’ll admit he’s in his teens… but dragons don’t age the same as ponies do,” she countered somewhat weakly, knowing that she was clutching at straws, given she was arguing with a living example of the current issue.

“That’s an understandable assumption, Twilight, since you ponies apparently don’t know much about our kind… and I guess it’s partly true in a way. A dragon would no longer be considered a baby once they start to breathe fire, which I’m guessing for Spike was around the age of five years or so?”

“Five years, three weeks and two days,” the unicorn replied with a blush and a face-hoof, an action which also earned her a snicker from AJ, and a giggle from the other two mares in the room.

“So… basically he's a young teenager then?” Cherilee asked with a tilt of her head.

“Teenager’s probably not the right word,” Spyro shrugged as he shifted his gaze to Spike. “Only because a dragon’s adolescence lasts longer than the years of thirteen to nineteen… but I guess for easy figuring, you could call him that.”

Any other pony would have reacted by mentally trying to shut down what they were hearing, refusing to acknowledge that the sweet baby dragon they had cared for, was actually now no longer a baby, but this was Twilight Sparkle; In an instant, a pad and quill appeared levitating in front of her face, and she happily scrawled down her newly gained knowledge of dragons, Spike watching on in confusion, and wondering as to how her mood had changed so suddenly.

“So… uh, Twilight,” Spike said sheepishly as he scratched his scales, feeling the sense of unease return as she looked up from her pad and over at him. “Are you still angry and Ember and I?”

“I’ll admit I’m surprised Spike… but I’m not really angry anymore,” she replied, sounding to his amazement almost... happy for him. “I... I was basing my reasons to be mad at you on the assumption that you didn’t understand what you were actually doing, but... I realize now that you’re at an age where certain levels of courtship I guess are… natural.”

Scientific reasoning behind romance, that'd be Twilight.

In truth though, a great many things were now making sense to the mare, the greatest, and most obvious, being Spike’s urge to help Rarity at every turn. Ever since his infatuation had started, she had believed it to simply be a childish crush, but the fact that had now dawned on her was that perhaps, not even knowing it himself, Spike had been properly trying to impress her, just as a male dragon would a potential mate.

“And you two look really cute together,” Fluttershy put in with a nod of approval that broke Twilight’s concentration, although the pegasus remained fairly well hidden behind her mane as she spoke.

“I think we can all agree on that,” Cherilee giggled behind a polite hoof, a loud yawn escaping her muzzle moment later. “Uh, sorry everypony, but I should get going. I’ve got a class tomorrow... as do a certain three fillies.”

Her last words were directed towards the Cutie Mark Crusaders, who together let out a simultaneous ‘awwww!’ in disappointment, which prompted another round of snickers and giggles from the various mares and dragons in the room.

What they did next however, was something neither Spyro, nor most of the others gathered could have predicted, which was to turn around and once again hug Cynder.

The dragoness, to both Spyro’s and Ember’s utter amazement, flinched but did nothing more, not even giving an annoyed growl or an attempt to remove them; instead she just sat there and allowed them to hug her forelegs for a few moments before they let her go, Scootaloo quickly following her teacher out, while Applejack took charge of Sweetie Belle and her sister.

“We’ll see you around Cynder!” Scootaloo called happily as she followed Cherilee out of the library.

“Yeah! You should come crusading with us sometime!” Applebloom threw in as she and Sweetie Bell left together.

“And thanks for helping me!” Sweetie Bell called at last.

Silence quickly returned to library once the fillies were gone from sight, although this slack-jawed silence was not so much caused by an awkward comment, but rather a disbelief at what had just transpired. Literally no pony or dragon in the room, bar the violet dragoness and Twilight, understood what had just happened and why.

“Cynder, did you just let them…hug you?” Ember asked eventually, all eyes quickly falling directly on the usually grumpy dragoness.

Cynder rolled her eyes in annoyance. “Ugh, look, I helped them out with a few bullies, and they like me for it,” she hissed, her bladed tail slashing at the air around her. “So what?”

“You mean other than the fact that you come across as a massively rude pain in the flank?” Spike asked bluntly, his statement causing Twilight to gape, Ember to burst into a fit of laughter, Spyro to crack a cheesy grin, and Cynder to snarl at him angrily.

“Why you little… Grrr! Alright fine, so maybe I have a soft spot for them... since I know what it feels like to be pushed around,” she snapped, tails of smoke drifting from her nostrils in anger. “Just drop it before I decide to practise my attacks on you're face.”

Spyro cast a grin towards Fluttershy as they remembered their conversation earlier in the day, the one relating to the possibility of Cynder and himself attending the local school; it seemed like now was probably the best time to tell her, considering they were on a similar topic.

“Well, it’s a good thing you do like them Cynder,” the dragon smiled, the dragoness knowing in an instant that this particular smile meant he was planning something. “Because you’ll be seeing a lot more of them in the coming weeks.”

The dragoness stared at him with a raised eyebrow. “And why is that?”

“Well, Cherilee asked if you and I wanted to be members of her class,” the dragon smirked, aware that he was twisting the truth slightly to save his own hide from the oncoming rage of his mate. “And I said yes.”



“Oh, who could it be at this hour,” Rarity grumbled to herself as she heard the ring of her store’s door bell, hastily removing herself from her sewing machine, and heading down the stairs to confront her visitor. “Welcome to…oh, it’s you, Applejack.”

A wave of relief passed over Rarity as she saw her amber friend standing in her doorway, the mare silently thanking Celestia it wasn’t another pony looking to make an order.

“Hehe, don’t mind me Rares, just bringing your sister home,” Applejack replied with a polite nod, holding the door open as two giggling fillies entered the white unicorn’s boutique. “So what’ve you been up to, anyway?”

“Ugh, darling, I have been working my hooves to the bone today on these orders,” Rarity grumbled as she descended the stairs, and trotted down to the main room, her eyes following Sweetie Belle and Applebloom curiously as the two giggling fillies headed into the kitchen without a glance at her. “May I ask, AJ... why are those two are in such a lively mood? Did one of them earn their cutie mark or something?”

The moment after she had asked the question, the earth pony’s cheeks flared bright crimson.

“Ah, not quite Rares, I’m guessing it’s just something we kinda stumbled upon… it’s a bit of a long story…”

Within a heartbeat, Rarity had summoned her plush red recliner, and two cups of tea into the room from an unknown location. Despite her confusion as to how exactly such a thing had happened, Applejack didn’t question it, instead choosing to stand completely still as the white unicorn seated herself on the chair, and offered her one of the china cups.

Rarity had the occasional Pinkie moment, as it seemed.

“Forgive me for this, Applejack, but I dare say to hear whatever gossip has come about in our little town... may well be the high point of my day,” Rarity giggled as she sipped her own tea. “So please, do go on.”

“Well, alright,” Applejack huffed as she placed the tea between her front hooves. “Just... don't go flipping out on me, alight? You remember how a while back Spike went on that dragon migration, and ya’ll came back spouting about how they were a bunch of brutes.”

“A most uncivilised race besides those diamond dogs, if I’ve ever come across one,” Rarity said dryly between sips of her tea. “Go on.”

“Well… ya see, Twilight felt a might bad about not knowing anything about dragons, so she got him a book about em’… but that book also had a few spells in there, and Twi being Twi she decided to try one out… but it kinda went wrong,”

Rarity momentarily choked on her tea. “My dear! Are they alright?!” she gasped, images of a badly frazzled Twilight and Spike amongst a destroyed library filling her mind.

Applejack smiled and waved a dismissive hoof. “They’re both fine Rarity… the hay, Spike’s actually more than fine really. Ya see, the spell actually ended up dropping three dragons here in Ponyville by mistake… and before you go jumping to assumptions they’re actually quite nice, heh, one of them even scared off that goof Diamond Tiara and her friend Silver Spoon when they were bothering Sweetie.”

“There are d-dragons in Ponyville?” Rarity whispered through the chattering of her teacup, trying not so sound shocked at the very thought of the scaly menaces invading their town, much less one talking to Sweetie.

Applejack could understand Rarity’s obvious concern, given her past experiences with the race, but she was still a little annoyed at how the white unicorn could judge them without even meeting them face-to-face. In her opinion, even Cynder was a decent dragon, despite her rudeness.

“Yes, Rares, there are dragons here in Ponyville,” Applejack sighed, face-hoofing before returning her attention to the unicorn. “And like I said, to be honest they ain’t that bad. Anyway, I guess you’re still wondering why the girls were giggling then huh?”

“Well yes… if you’re insinuating there’s more to this story that is.”

Applejack blushed again, remembering the very moment she had walked through the library doorway to find Spike and Ember making out on the floor.

“Well, ya see Rares, of these dragons one’s a boy, his name’s Spyro, and two are girls, their called Cynder and Ember. Today we took em’ for a bit of tour of the town; me and Twi took Cynder, Cherilee and Fluttershy took Spyro, and Spike took Ember around.”

Rarity couldn’t help but giggle. “Oh Spike,” she grinned with a slight blush. “Always the gentledrake, If I do say so myself… ehem, you were saying?”

“Well, here’s the thing,” Applejack chuckled with a cheesy smile. “We led em’ around town, and did a few introductions and all, which was fine and dandy… but when we got back... we found Spike and Ember making out like a pair a' school ponies on the library floor.”

Rarity thanked Celestia there and then she hadn’t taken a big drink of her tea, for the moment she registered what Applejack had just said, her maw ejected the small amount that was in there out of utter shock, most of which ended up splashing across Applejack’s unprepared face.


“Gha! Rares!” Applejack snorted, rapidly shaking the residue from her face. “Did you not just hear what I said? Spike and Ember were making out.”

Rarity heard it alright, she heard it loud and clear, but her mind simply didn’t want to believe it; Spike, her Spikey-Wikey, the honourable young dragon, who day after day had come and helped her in her endeavours for nothing in return, had been found shamelessly kissing a dragoness he had apparently only just met.

“But Applejack… Spike… how?” she gibbered frantically, just about launching herself at the amber pony in her hunt for answers.

“Well, apparently, she let slip that she found him attractive,” Applejack said in a tone of annoyance as she faced the unicorn again. “And he admitted he liked her too... and ma' guess is that they went from there. The kissin' kinda started when she wanted to know how we show affection to our special some-ponies.”

Rarity’s urge to know more suddenly felt like it had been hit by a sledgehammer, and she dearly wished she had simply fallen asleep at her sewing machine, and would soon wake up, but she knew good and well that this nightmare was very real.

To her it simply didn’t make any logical sense; ever since they had met, she had known about Spike’s immense crush on her, and now she was being faced with the knowledge that all those affections had turned to dust in just a few short hours. Quietly, she wondered how this Ember dragoness had been able to seduce him, what trickery had she used to woo his heart away from its true place.

She was quickly finding herself becoming angry with Ember, VERY angry.

“Can I ask how Twilight took this?” she asked through gritted teeth, setting the teacup down beside her to resist hurling it at the nearest wall in rage.

“Twi was at first downright appalled,” Applejack snickered. “But ya see this is where things get even weirder… you know how for the longest time we all thought Spike was a baby?”

“The very reason I couldn’t return his feelings,” Rarity thought silently as she nodded in reply, her blood already boiling as she prepared for what her friend would say next.

“Well, the thing is, he ain’t actually a baby after all, well not by dragon terms anyway. According to Spyro, a dragon his age is basically the same as a pony his age, both of em’ basically being teenagers… so Twi agreed that him wanting to date Ember was pretty natural after all.”

Rarity had doubted her mood could get any worse, until Applejack’s statement had proved her downright wrong; the predominate and near only reason she had ignored Spike’s advances was, to put it bluntly, that she had assumed he was under-aged, and hence unaware of what he was doing. Now, however, she was faced with a very confronting reality that twisted in her gut like a knife, that being he had known the entire time what his feelings for her were.

He had loved her true and proper, she had completely ignored him, and now his heart and affections were being directed elsewhere...

...It was that realisation that finally made her snap.

“I WILL DESTROY HER!” Rarity screamed as loud as her lungs would allow, Applejack ducking in fright as a teacup sailed over her head, and smashed into the opposite wall. “HOW DARE SHE TAKE SPIKE FROM ME! I WILL RIP THAT LITTLE DEMON INTO A THOUSAND PIECES SO HELP ME CELESTIA!”

Before her demonic rant could continue however, Applejack took the initiative, and slammed her back legs into the unicorn, knocking her off her recliner and pinning her to the carpet before she could react, emerald eyes burning with a fire that said something along the lines of ‘You buck with me missy and you’re gonna regret it!’.

“Now you listen very closely, Rarity,” The farm pony snorted through a barely controlled fury. “It ain’t none of my business, but I know just as well as everypony else Spike really liked you for a while, but just because he ain’t interested anymore doesn’t give you the right to tamper with his love life.”

“So you expect me to just forget about him then?” Rarity snorted as she fought against the earth pony’s immense strength. “After being alone for so long and everything he’s done for me? I can’t do that Applejack.”

“You never showed any interest in him before, Rares, so now really ain’t the time to start… and just so you know, Ember is the kindest creature besides Fluttershy I’ve ever come across, so if you lay a single hoof on her you’ll prefer being sent to the moon over the punishment I’ll be giving you,”

A creak of the floor caused both mares to look up before Rarity could answer, the two finding both Applebloom and Sweetie Belle looking on in confusion at the scene of destruction; hastily the two mares clambered off each other and tidy their manes, neither able to face the other.

“AB, we’re leaving,” Applejack said quickly as she righted herself, casting a final hateful glare towards Rarity before heading towards the door with her young sister in toe. “Remember what I said Rares, a single hoof.”

The white unicorn snorted and wordlessly watched her friend go.

“You forget one thing, Applejack,” Rarity growled under her breath as she pawed at her carpet, watching as the two ponies disappeared through her doorway and into the night. “I am a lady, I would never lay a hoof on anypony… directly anyway.”



Wow...I feel like a terrible person right now for writing this.

Wrote this in a day so please inform me of any mistakes you spot.