• Published 26th Jun 2012
  • 14,316 Views, 672 Comments

Ponyville goes to the...dragons?? - Freelancer

When one of Twilight's spells goes wrong, Ponyville ends up with three very unusual visitors

  • ...

Chapter 3: The Unfortunate Explaining

Chapter 3: The Unfortunate Explaining

“…So, basically... you’re saying that the three of us are stuck here for the time being?” Cynder said flatly as she stared at the unicorn.

Twilight looked down and proceeded to play with her hooves; she had explained everything to Cynder and Ember, every last detail of the spell she had cast, which had, after a serious of unfortunate and unforeseeable events, landed the three young dragons in Equestria with no quick way of getting home.

Hence with the explaining out of the way, Twilight just sat there beside Applejack and Rainbow Dash while the two female dragons processed what had been said to them, neither moving a muscle as they eyed the three ponies. In her mind’s eye, Twilight looked over just what the two dragonesses would do, and to say the least most of said possibilities weren’t exactly pretty.

What they did end up doing, however, was not what anypony had expected, and what Cynder did was even more random, even by Pinkie Pie’s standards... and when it came to random, Pinkie was the living embodiment of the word.

Cynder actually burst out laughing, and after a moment or two Ember joined in with her own giggling.

“Oh Twilight Sparkle! You should see your face!” the violet dragoness grinned wildly, her bladed tail thrashing while Twilight looked at her with total and utter shock. “Look, I'm not going to eat you for what's happened. I understand how it feels to be responsible for something you didn’t intend to happen… you never wanted to bring us here as you have, so I forgive you.”

Twilight’s mouth just moved up and down a few times, while any words she tried to say failed to materialize beyond the point simple thoughts. Only a few minutes ago Cynder had just about destroyed her library in a fit of uncontrollable, black-magic powered rage, and now that very same dragoness was just sitting there and laughing like an amused school filly.

“I forgive you too, Twilight,” Ember put in, the bright pink dragoness sounding just as happy and joyful as always. “You didn’t mean for anything bad to happen, so there’s no reason for us to be mad at you; besides, I’m pretty sure we’ll find a way home eventually.”

Twilight just shook her head as she tried to make sense of the current situation, looking between Rainbow Dash and Applejack for guidance, but gaining only equally confused looks and shrugs.

It was official to all ponies present, these dragons were crazy.

“Anywayyyy…” Twilight went on sheepishly, a little perplexed as to why Ember still had her wing over Spike. “Since that’s sorted out, I think we’d better discus a few things relating to your time here in Ponyville…”

“You mean where we’d like to stay?” Ember jumped in, catching Twilight a little of guard. “If it’s ok, I’d like to stay here Twilight. I think I’d feel more comfortable with another dragon around.”

She looked down at Spike as she said the last few words, causing his cheeks to glow red and for Twilight’s eyebrow to march upwards towards the crowd of her mane; Ember was either being really friendly to her assistant, or Spike was like some Celestia-sent Casanova to her.


“Note to self,” Twilight thought as she eyed the two of them. “I need keep an eye on this one… for Spike’s sake anyway.”

“And although Ember and I don’t exactly get along…” Cynder started, tearing Twilight’s attention away from her little-brother figure to the deep violet dragoness, who was looking down at her talons as she tapped the floor loudly with them. “I would much prefer to be around my own kind as well if it is possible, and if I'm to guess right I believe Spyro would as well,”

Twilight looked over at Ember, half expecting the pink dragoness to look distressed, grumpy or possibly angry, but all she did however was smile at Cynder; the other dragoness gave a half-hearted return of the gesture to show she still didn’t like her, but at least it seemed they were willing to tolerate each other despite their prior argument.

Again, as Twilight had previously concluded, these dragons were both crazy.

“Well I guess that settles it then Twi,” Applejack chuckled, walking up and giving her friend a firm nudge in the shoulder. “Looks like you’re gonna have yourself a couple ’a houseguests for a while.”

“So it seems,” Twilight sighed, a moment later the bottom of her hoof meeting her face. “And to think I never believed in karma.”

Before she could mutter anything else under her breath, a stair creaked rather loudly, causing everypony and every dragon in the room to turn around in the direction of the stairs.

Gingerly coming down the stairs, and looking in general shocked, was yet another dragon, the third and only male dragon of the three as she remembered from Spike’s prior informing. According to Cynder, his name was Spyro.

Having raised Spike, Twilight could read dragon facial expressions fairly quickly and well, and the look on his face basically said something along the lines of ‘please explain what exactly it is I am seeing here, just so I know I’m not crazy’.

“Uh… hey Spyro!” Ember said as cheerfully as possible given the situation, causing the dragon’s head to rear back in surprise and Cynder to cast her rather unimpressed glare. “What?”

“Ember… may I remind you that he is my mate, and not yours,” Cynder hissed, showing her rather sharp white fangs to the pink dragoness before rising to her claws. “If you had somehow forgotten.”

Spike and everypony else in the room silently winced at the revelation, it seemed the monster known universally as ‘awkward’ wasn’t ready to leave the library just yet.

“And thing’s just got a whole lot more complicated,” Twilight thought bitterly as she face-hoofed again.

While Twilight was occupied with her thoughts, Spike watched the strange scene unfold. He raised an eyebrow as the dragoness, who had a rather unlikable attitude problem, approached her purple male counterpart, gently raising her snout and nuzzling him along the neck as he reached the bottom of the stairs.

At the touch of their scales, Spike felt a quiver pass through Ember’s body, all the way from the tip of her heart-bladed tail to the end of her wing which was draped over him; she really didn’t like the sight for some reason, and he guessed it was jealousy.

Ignoring his embarrassment and nerves, Spike gently raised a claw, and lowered it over Ember’s bright pink shoulders, causing her to look at him oddly for a moment before a broad and beaming smile spread across her face; it seemed a little caring affection meant a lot to the sapphire eyed dragoness.

“If only a move like this would work on Rarity,” Spike chuckled to himself, feeling her muscle and warm scales shift gently underneath his own.

Everypony watched on cautiously as Spyro made his way into the room flanked by Cynder, a curious expression plastered on his face as he silently looked between the Spike, Ember, and the three present colourful ponies. Twilight curiously noted that in terms of body form he was far more like Ember then Cynder, suggesting that they were somehow perhaps of different breeds, as unicorns and pegasi were.

“Well… this is certainly new,” he said as he sat back on his tail, his voice perhaps little bit deeper in tone than Spike’s own. “Now... would someone mind telling me what’s going on... because right now I'm really confused.”

Twilight looked between Ember, Spike, and Cynder, but gained nothing from the three. Groaning to herself as yet again she was stuck with being the bad news bear... although technically it was her spell that had landed them all in the current situation, so she knew she kind of deserved it.

“Well, I’m Twilight Sparkle, and these are my friends Applejack and Rainbow Dash, and my assistant Spike…and you are currently in my library…”

“Spyro,” he put in as he faced her directly, Twilight watching oddly and slightly uneasily as Cynder’s tail wrapped itself around his own like a snake.

“Right…” Twilight murmured with a slightly disturbed expression. “Anyway…you're currently in the land of ponies known as Equestria, which is ruled over by Princesses Celestia and Luna; as I've already explained to your friends, I'm a unicorn, Applejack is an Earth pony, and Rainbow Dash is a Pegasus. Why you’re here is a…slightly more complicated matter.”

Spyro’s face didn’t change or alter in the slightest and stayed perfectly blank, if he was perhaps surprised, shocked, angry or sad then he was really good at hiding it. “Go on.”

That was when Twilight’s cheeks once again began to sting, and drops of sweat began sliding down her nose, partly due to her embarrassment, and partly because she was scared her purple hide would soon become a rather tasty looking dragon treat.

“Well you see…I cast a spell this morning which was supposed to create a mirror connection between your world and this one, so we could communicate, but... well... there was a disturbance, and the spell went rather wrong. I don’t know the in-depth details, but basically instead of making an equal connection between our two worlds it pulled something from one into the other to compensate for the diversion of energies, in this case... that something being you three,”

“And from what I overheard earlier, you’ve established we’re stuck here for the time being?” he filled in at the end, casting a questioning look first at Cynder and then Ember, both nodding in agreement at his assumption. “Well, personally, this isn’t exactly a likeable situation, no offense Twilight… but I guess realistically it could be a lot worse.”

"Um, worse how?" Cynder asked, glancing at him with an arched eyebrow.

"Cynder, we got pulled into another world; would you prefer somewhere like here or somewhere like Convexity," he answered flatly, prompting Cynder to shudder.

Twilight’s fear at last began to slip away as she, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash all gave loud sighs of relief, each silently thanking Celestia that they had once again managed to avoid the potentially unlikable situation of being an angry dragon’s breakfast.

If not for Cynder’s actions, she would have sworn these dragons were even gentler then some ponies.

“These ponies are really nice, Spyro,” Ember jumped in to fill the small span of brooding silence, her sapphire blue eyes looking between the three mares and then Spike. “Besides we’re not the only dragons here either, which is good too.”

Spyro’s face at last became etched with a cheesy smile as Spike’s cheeks once again went as red as roses, although Twilight wasn’t sure if it was due to the fact he was now somewhat relaxed and relieved, or that like her he found the sight rather adorable.

It looked like Rarity might soon have some serious competition on her hooves if she wasn't careful.

“Well, now we’ve established that we’re all… friends… and housemates of sorts,” the lavender pony grinned while her own friends chuckled, levitating Applejack’s, Dash’s and her own saddle bags into the centre of the room before dumping their contents, resulting in the entire floor becoming covered in countless sparkling gems. “Who’s hungry?”

Every dragon in the room started drooling rather profusely at the sight, and unfortunately that was when fate decided to play the cruellest of tricks on everypony and every dragon present, just to shatter the prior peace.

Somepony knocked on the door.


“Oh, I hope Twilight’s home,” Fluttershy thought to herself as she headed through town, the trot of her hoofsteps on the road making the equivalent amount of noise as she did at times; virtually none.

Given normal circumstances, Fluttershy rarely asked her friends for help when it came to her animals, but right now she had a dire crisis on her hooves... or what she personally believed was a dire crisis anyway; earlier that day, she had come across a manticore who’s tail barb had been severed in a fight with another of his kind, and although it was perhaps a ludicrous idea, she wanted to know it were possible by magic to grow him another one.

And the only unicorn who would possibly know the answer to said question was Twilight.

“I just hope she can help,” the pegasus thought to herself, looking out at the approaching distance and seeing the Ponyville library growing larger.

On arrival at the unicorn’s doorstep, however, Fluttershy stopped dead in her tracks and put her ear to the door; she wasn’t a peep, and didn’t like delving into other ponies' matters, but she could hear voices that she didn’t recognize coming from inside, voices that made her both curious and strangely a little unnerved.

Two were apparently female and one was male by her thoughts, one sounding a little like a younger version of Twilight, while the others were unlike anypony she knew, both fairly deep toned and more harsh set. They didn’t sound unpleasant, but were merely in the middle of a conversation, one which exact words were beyond the yellow mare’s ability to hear.

“Maybe I shouldn’t…” she started nervously as she took step back from the door. A moment later, however, she dug her hooves in and shook her head free of all doubt. “No, be confident with yourself Fluttershy, I came here for a good reason… besides… whoever these ponies are, if they’re friends with Twilight then they should be nice, right?”

With that she pushed all fear from her mind, raised her hoof, knocked on the door three times, and then headed inside.

“Twilight, I…”

Fluttershy literally froze on the spot as her mind processed what she was seeing, and as soon as she did every single muscle in her body fear-locked into a state of being solid rock, her vision turning tunnel in a heartbeat.

There, standing before her on the opposite side of the room, with drooling jaws and hungry expressions were three dragons... three very hungry looking dragons, with ivory white fangs, razor-sharp claws, thrashing tails, and blood thirsty eyes staring down Twilight, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash like they were about to make snacks out of them.

In her state of pure terror, Fluttershy did the only possible thing she could bring herself to do...

... She screamed, and bolted out the door as fast as her wings could carry her like Rarity fleeing a dirty shirt, raising the warning alarm to everypony she came across in her fear-blinded flight through Ponyville.




Sorry about the lateness of this chapter guys, I had to write a double chapter for Final Fantasy so I needed a day off to put my brain back together afterwards.