• Published 26th Jun 2012
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Ponyville goes to the...dragons?? - Freelancer

When one of Twilight's spells goes wrong, Ponyville ends up with three very unusual visitors

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Chapter 17: Loose Ends

Chapter 17: Loose Ends

Edited by: TheSecretBrony

“Ugh! This makes no sense!” Twilight huffed in frustration, stamping a hoof into the wooden floor. The towers of books and parchment around her quivered and shook for a moment, but remained standing.

Twilight glared at the book that lay before her. It just didn’t make any sense. Star Swirl the Bearded was heralded as one of the brightest minds of unicorn history, and was one of her own personal idols, but at that point she was trying her best not to curse his name. This journal, supposedly written by the stallion himself, was an absolute mess.

Star Swirl’s book went on and on about dragons, that was undisputed; it showed, in rather vivid verbal and pictorial description, everything from how to judge a dragon’s mood by their frill, to what part a hoard played in demonstrating a dragon’s social standing, and even why some females felt compelled to guard other female’s eggs... but when it came to spells, and spells related to the various Dragon Realms especially, there was little more available then the spell that had caused this interdimensional mess in the first place.

That, however, formed only the first annoyance that Twilight had since found herself facing since opening The Ponies Guide to Dragons and their Realm.

A chapter consisting of only two pages, if it could actually be called a chapter at all, lay spread out before her. The title was splashed across the top of the page in bold, almost mocking letters.


Given how unhelpful the rest of the book had proven to be, the sheer lack of content had just about made Twilight’s blood boil.

From my various studies and experiments into the relationship between our dimensions, I, Star Swirl of house Arcana, have concluded that our two worlds, Equestria and the Dragon Realms (see ‘initial contact’ pg. 13 for clarification), may be separated by a thin, energy dense layer region, which acts as a barrier to maintain dimensional separation of our two worlds.

The dragons that I have communicated with agree with me on the subject, but refer to this place as ‘Convexity’. They also agree with me on the belief that it is this that separates our two dimensions.

Exactly how this region came to be, however, is a mystery to them, perhaps just as much as it is to myself; I personally believe that it came to be when our dimensions collided with each other, probably at some point in the distant past (see ‘dragons of two worlds’ pg. 151, and ‘The theory of dimensional collision and planar slips’ pg. 188 for clarification ), and was the result of the dimensional ‘fabric’ patching itself back together, much like a scar forms over wounded flesh. It was during this point in time, I believe, that the first dragons made the migration into our world.

However, despite my persistence, the dragons seem unwilling to go much further into detail about their own understanding of it, or how it came to be. From what I have learned, this ‘Convexity’ is almost as much an anomaly to them as it is to myself in its behaviour and characteristics, but they do mention that there are ways to utilize its bizarre energies.

It is my belief that by harnessing and directing enough of the energy currents of this ‘Convexity’ correctly, a stable dimensional bridge, through either a spell or other means, might be formed between our two worlds. As I have learned through conversations about technology and magic, the dragons themselves have already made breakthroughs in such regards, crafting a number of different magical gateway systems to allow travel between the various settlements and villages found in each ‘realm’. I myself have also already made small breakthroughs in the field, such an example being the use of the energies of Convexity as a medium for my communication spell.

That was where Star Swirl had finished.

Letting a groan escape her, Twilight skimmed the passage once again, eyes running over each paragraph line by line. The information was simple enough to understand, but without a starting point of reference for a spell, or even knowledge of what the proper rune layout was for this ‘Convexity’… it brought her no closer to a solution.

“Why, Star Swirl, just why?”

Still glaring at the words with nothing but disdain, Twilight sat back heavily on her rump, massaging her temples as her face scrunched up in concentration. “Come on Twilight, think, think!” She groaned. “Star Swirl wouldn’t just stop! He obviously put a lot of time and effort into this, so why would he have just… left it. Ugh! How can this be all there is?”

Once again, Twilight’s question was answered with naught but mocking silence, which simply prompted yet another frustrated snort from the unicorn.

A few reasons did come to mind though. Perhaps it was all just an experimental theory which had ended up leading nowhere, or notes that Star Swirl had made during one of his trials which he had decided to throw in with the rest of his work. They were rather extensive after all, and simply discarding them would’ve been a waste of both time and effort.

Or perhaps it was for security. Her own research into that age had revealed that theft and plagiarism of work had not been an uncommon practise during the pre-classical era, what with countless scholars and academics fighting for the few and far between places amongst the royal council; perhaps Star Swirl had disguised or written his work to complete at a later date, but had then decided not to, to this day there was still, sadly, a very limited amount of knowledge of dragons available to ponykind, such knowledge, therefore, would have been extremely valuable, and would’ve definitely caught the eye of the higher powers.

There was also the possibility that if there was a spell, it had simply never been finished. This particular journal had never actually published, as the head librarian of Canterlot had explained rather sternly in her initial letter.

“But then… why not expand on this ‘Convexity’ theory in particular? It’d probably be one of the most valuable and useful,” a hoof found its way to her chin as she stared over the page; now she was curious.

Closing her eyes, and willing her own magic to come forth from her horn, the mare ran a quick scanning spell over one of the pages in search of any lingering wards, disguising charms, or similar magic that would hide what was truly there. When it failed to reveal anything at all, Twilight shifted her focus, and tried again, this time applying a translation spell to see if any instilled spells, or the words themselves, would respond with anything.

Once again though, her attempts led to naught.

Tired, annoyed, and now feeling more than a little defeated at having gotten absolutely nowhere in hours, Twilight collapsed to the wooden floor with a loud thud, her exhaustion seeming to have had finally caught up with her. Resigning to her defeat, she stared blankly at a nearby wall, idly blowing away a few errant strands of purple mane from her face. Now this was just getting frustrating.

“I can forcibly drag three dragons and a dragonfly from another dimension into Equestria by accident, but I somehow can’t figure you out,” She scolded the book, casually wondering whether or not to make it spontaneously combust.

A second later, Twilight’s ears perked up as the library’s door creaked open, followed by the sound of a very welcome voice.

“Twilight! We’re back!”

“And about time too,” she said, huffing mildly; she smirked to herself as Spike came trudging in, followed close behind by a happy looking Ember. Both appeared to have their mouths utterly full of Pinkie’s cooking with Spike carrying the box as the pair fished from it.

Without hesitation, she magically pulled a cupcake from the box’s depth and brought it to her muzzle, giving it a single sniff before biting into the frosted confectionary.

“And what was that about avoiding junk food huh?”

Twilight just ignored her younger brother. “Sweet Celestia I needed this,” she moaned in delight, relishing the taste of the surgery treat. “I was beginning to think you two had gone and abandoned me.”

Spike rolled his eyes while Ember apparently tried, and failed, not to laugh at her bizarre behaviour.

“You’d be living on hay fries and daisy sandwiches after two days on your own,” the purple drake teased, swiftly shutting the door behind the two of them. “So, have you actually been getting anywhere?”

Twilight levitated the book forward in reply as the two came over, presenting Star Swirl’s journal to them while she scoffed down the rest of her cupcake. Spike’s eyes absently inspected the scrawled pages for a moment, before he shrugged and headed for the library’s kitchen, the box of Sugarcube Corner delicacies still grasped in his claws.

Ember’s face, however, abruptly took on a look of mild surprise, and the dragoness herself took a startled step backwards.

“I take it that my reading lesson didn’t go to waste then?” Twilight asked as the pink dragoness went about recomposing herself. “Spyro mentioned this ‘Convexity’ the first day you were here. Do you know anything about it?”

Ember grimaced and nodded. “I know a little bit about it, and trust me when I say that a little bit is more than I’d like,” she replied with a frown, glancing over the page warily. She shuffled back and forth on her front legs awkwardly, her pink tail curling up under her. “Honestly, everyone in the Dragon Realms knows about Convexity nowadays, but for all the wrong reasons.”

Acting more or less on impulse, Twilight quickly summoned her quill, inkwell, and a spare sheet of parchment to her side, the mare promptly laying them out in front of her before nodding for Ember to continue.


Twilight smiled when Ember remained silent. Ember only gave her a slightly timid look in return at first, before sighing and settling down on all fours as she got comfortable, knowing full well that she wasn’t going to be able to escape this particular conversation. Whether she liked it or not.

“I’ve only ever been told about it, but Convexity is supposed to be a sort of… a sort of place between two worlds. I think it’s referred to being like a barrier or airlock… whatever that is.”

“That much I got from what Star Swirl wrote. Can you be a bit more specific than that?” her quill scribbled furiously whilst her eyes remaining firmly on Ember. “I don’t mean to push you here, but this could really help me-us out.”

The pink dragoness, much to Twilight’s surprise, just shuddered and hissed like she’d seen something unsavoury.

Thankfully though, she seemed to relax a little when Spike came waddling back in from the kitchen, and then promptly took his rightful place on the rug by her side. Seeing Ember’s distress, Spike reached out and placed one of his claws over her own.

She smiled and gave him an appreciative nuzzle. “Thanks,” she said quietly, before turning back to Twilight. “Alright, I guess it wouldn’t hurt. Well, from what I understand, Convexity is actually a real place… well, not so much as a place,” she explained. “From what Spyro’s told me in the past, Convexity forms something like a gap between the Dragon Realms and places like your world. He said that it’s a really strange void where there are whole moons, floating rock formations, and some weird creatures that look like giant mushrooms. There’s apparently no plant life there, and the air’s kind of thick, but you can still breathe alright.”

Twilight’s ears perked mid-sentence. “Are you saying that Spyro’s actually been there? As in… he’s physically seen Convexity with his own eyes?”

“Both he and Cynder have.”

Without skipping a beat, Twilight hurriedly scribbled down the last few lines of what Ember had said.

She’d never admit it, but what with the pure amount of scientific-knowledge fuelled excitement running through her brain, the unicorn had to physically repress the urge to jump around the room squealing ‘Yes!’ like a filly.

There had always been speculation about the existence of pocket and space-within-space dimensions amongst the physicist community. As a physicist herself, the mysterious nature of such things had made it a field that Twilight had long found herself fascinated by, a fascination that had only been growing since her befriending of Pinkie Pie, and now her idol Star Swirl’s theory.

Unfortunately, in her excitement at having an example of physical proof, Twilight didn’t exactly think over her next set of words before she said them.

“So, why do all dragons know it for ‘all the wrong reasons’, exactly?”


What followed Twilight’s question was an unusual reaction from Ember.

Ember jaw’s parted to reveal her diamond-hard fangs as a chilling growl echoed from her throat. Yelping, Twilight hastily back peddled, raising her parchment up in front of her in a pointless effort to shield herself.

In an instant Ember had sprung to all fours, her pink wings having flared outwards in a threatening display, while her gleaming white claws tore in the wooden flooring, the dragoness’s back arching like she was preparing to pounce on something that had annoyed her.

And yet despite her threatening display, for the briefest of moments, Spike and Twilight caught a glimpse of something very different; fear. She was terrified.

“Twi, you might want to try and tone it down a little,” Spike said. His arms wrapped tightly around Ember’s neck in an effort to comfort her.

Twilight nodded dumbly, setting her quill and parchment aside. She waited quietly, watching on with a mixture of caution and concern, until Ember finally calmed down. She couldn’t help but wonder what could’ve possibly caused a dragoness, especially one with a disposition like Ember’s, to react in such a way.

If she was being honest, a small part of her really didn’t want to know.

“Sorry, I’m… I’m sorry about that,” Ember whispered, her shoulders eventually relaxing and her wings refolding against her side. “But that’s something that no dragon wants to remember.”

Twilight exhaled and shook her head. “No, I should be the one apologizing; that was clearly a subject that you wanted to avoid, but I pursued it anyway.”

Ember nodded, and then managed a weak smile. “You didn’t know, and you’re only trying to help us find a way home, so don’t be too hard on yourself about it,” she replied, before frowning and looking down at her claws, suddenly unsettled again. “Do you really want to know? Because I’ll tell you…”

“Only if you’re comfortable in doing so,” Twilight reaffirmed, trying to ignore the rapid beating of her heart. “But I will stress that anything, anything that you know might help. Star Swirl the Bearded believed that this ‘Convexity’ could somehow be used as a bridge between Equestria and the Dragon Realms, and seeing as he’s still considered one of the greatest unicorn minds in our history, I have every faith in that theory.”

She remained silent for a long while, fidgeting awkwardly, before she sighed and nodded.

“Alright, I’ll tell you. But if I do, you have to promise me, and I mean promise me, that you won’t go asking Cynder anything about what I tell you.”

Twilight blinked in mild surprise. “Why?” Ember though just shook her head in response.

“That’s for her to tell you when she’s ready.” The pink dragoness said firmly, flexing her front claws. It was clear that the subject wasn’t up for debate. “Just promise me that you won’t and I’ll tell you what I know. That goes for you too, Spike.”

The adopted siblings momentarily shared a look, before two sets of ‘cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!’ resounded throughout the library.

“Pinkie promise,” Spike explained, seeing his dragoness’s confused look. “Trust me, nopony breaks a Pinkie promise. Ever.”

Ember couldn't help but smirk at the bizarre display.

Ember sat back down, pulling Spike in close as Twilight gathered up her quill once more. Almost instinctively, the two dragon’s tails became entwined, and although the air was still ripe with tension, Ember relaxed considerably.

Twilight was unsure of how she felt about the gesture. Whilst it appeared to be quite cute, adorable even, from what she had learned from Spyro it was an act for dragons who considered themselves mates. Seemingly platonic to those not in the know, but incredibly intimate, and it made Twilight just the slightest bit unsettled thinking about it.

It was kind of like two ponies having their tongues down each other’s throats in public; there was no set law against it, but it still wasn’t something you really wanted to observe, especially if it was your little brother.

Still, if it helped make Ember more comfortable, then she had no argument.

“Ok… this’ll probably sound kind of strange, but it’s important you understand what I’m getting at, so I’ll start from the beginning,” she explained. “If it’s not already been made clear, let me be honest and tell you that Spyro’s a little different than most other dragons in the Dragon Realms. As you both probably saw when we were fighting Shining Armor and his guards, Spyro can breathe a variety of different elements, but I can only breathe fire. That’s not to say he’s any more of a dragon then I am… but he’s a very special kind of dragon. A purple dragon.”

Twilight quizzically looked up from her parchment at the statement. “But… Spike’s a purple dragon too.” She said matter-of-factly, glancing between the two seated dragons opposite her.

Ember just shook her head. “Spike’s got purple scales, but he’s a not a purple dragon,” she offered the drake in question a quick nuzzle. “I’m getting there, I promise.”

Spike just smiled, and planted a quick kiss on her cheek; Twilight rolled her eyes, and returned to writing.

“Anyway,” Ember went on, her cheeks even pinker than before. “Purple dragons like Spyro are both extremely powerful, and extremely rare. Only one purple dragon is supposed to be born every ten generations… or every era from memory, and their birth is meant to bring forth a new age to the Dragon Realms, or so some old prophecy goes.”

“Princess Celestia wasn’t lying about Spyro being a dragon-alicorn… thing,” Twilight mentally grimaced, partly noting Spike’s look of utter astonishment. “Just great.”

“I guess… Spyro’s a pretty big deal then huh?”

“He is,” Ember giggled, smiling at her mate. “But don’t let that make you see him differently; he cares about his friends and wants to protect them above all else, and that’s what he wants to be known for.”

Then, as if she’d just remember something rather unsavoury, the dragoness’s face suddenly fell while her jaw appeared to tighten like a vice, her ivory fangs once again angrily protruding from her maw like rows of readied daggers.

“But the purple dragon who came before Spyro, the Dark Master as he called himself… he… he was nothing short of evil.”

Twilight traded a wary look with her assistant. If the amount of emphasis that Ember had put on the word ‘evil’ was anything to go by, the unicorn wasn’t sure she’d be enjoying this particular part of the conversation.

“Was he really that bad?” Spike asked with a nervous fidget, the purple and green dragon seeming to share Twilight’s own now growing unease. “Like, did he want to rule over the Dragon Realms or something?”

“No, worse; he wanted to destroy them,” Ember fumed in anger, a tail of white smoke trailing from the dragoness’s nostrils. “He was so vile and twisted that I don’t even want to think about what he did, to us or those he served him, it honestly makes me that angry. Grr!” she took a deep breath. “Ok, I’m good... In the end, the old dragons who fought against him basically realized that he was just too powerful to defeat in combat, but also that he couldn’t be held by any prison built in the dragon realms either… so they did the only thing that they thought could to stop him, which that was to take his soul and send it to a place that no living creature, in theory, could ever hope to escape from.” Another, deep breath later, Ember was almost herself again; almost.

“Convexity,” Twilight murmured, her voice drawing a single, uneasy nod from Ember. “But… how?”

The pink dragoness growled and shook her head. “That’s beyond what I know,” she answered flatly, her flicking tail revealing her still present agitation. “Well, ugh, anyway, that held him at bay right up until just over three years ago, when he ended up breaking out of Convexity, and then tried to destroy our home again… but I’d much rather not go into that particular time; it’s all just history now. In the end though, Spyro and Cynder managed to defeat him, and that’s all that matters.”

Spike swallowed. “So... he’s actually gone? Like... never coming back?”

“I hope so, Spike,” Ember grimaced, allowing her head to fall into the comfort of his lap without warning. She sounded almost pained. “After all the misery he put the Dragon Realms through, and after what he put everyone he hurt through, I really hope so.”

No one said a thing for a minute or so after Ember fell silent. Spike ran his claw across the top of her head, unsure of what else to do, while Twilight thought on what he been said, and how she could relate it to the problem at hoof.

It was now a certainty that the dragons had figured out a way to physically enter the realm of Convexity, though the exact nature and means of that entrance was still up in the air. It was also now a perceptible certainty, what with the escape of the Dark Master, that Convexity could be exited just as it could be entered.

The big question was how such a thing was achieved.

“And just how does Cynder and her… Nightmare Moon-ism fit in with all of this?”

“Thank you, Ember,” Twilight offered, albeit hesitantly, once she’d scrawled down the last of her notes. “I know that wasn’t easy for you, and I know it probably doesn’t feel so, but you’ve been a great help.”

The dragoness immediately looked up. “So… you think that you could send us home?” Ember asked nervously.

The unicorn just huffed once. “No, not yet I’m afraid,” she replied, groaning slightly. “I now have something of a base to go on… but there are just too many things that we can’t do or don’t know yet; sure, we now know that travel between Convexity and the Dragon Realms is possible, but we don’t have a way of opening that conduit, or even entering it on the Equestrian side… and since Star Swirl decided to leave us with virtually nothing…”

She trailed off, the faces of her companions revealing that she didn’t really need to finish what she was saying; that their efforts hadn’t been completely fruitless, only very close to it.

Muttering under her breath, Twilight closed her eyes as her head sank. There was just so many questions left blank and unanswered, major ones that could determine whether or not things went as hoped. The biggest and most agitating was why Star Swirl would seemingly abandon such a possibly ground-breaking theory, and without offering a reason as to why he had. He’d figured out how to perform time travel, and so something like inter-space movement should’ve been a breeze by comparison.

Then there was Convexity itself. Apparently accessing it was possible and had been done before, but could a stable bridge be formed using its energies? And how would its energies affect the magic of the unicorn who tried to craft said bridge? For all Twilight knew, simply trying to enter it could be a dangerous undertaking, if not a fatal one. With so many variables and their results unaccounted for, Twilight couldn’t help but feel an edge of anxiety seep into her gut at the thought of casting such a spell.

“What about Star Swirl’s experiments?” Spike spoke up, breaking the purple mare’s chain of thought.

Twilight cracked an eye open and cast her little brother a confused look, the unicorn seeing that he now had The Ponies Guide to Dragons and their Realm open in his claws.

“Well, this book mentions some ‘experiments’ he did, right?” the dragon went on. “Maybe one of those could help us out?”

“Spike, we don’t know anything about the nature of those; all Star Swirl left us with is a bunch of theory. We don’t even have the initial diagrams of his experiments.”

Spike just grinned. “Twi, you’re not listening to me. Sure, we don’t know anything about them, but maybe Canterlot Library might have some of his journals, you know, since it does have an entire wing named after him. If Star Swirl back then was anything like you are today, then he probably would’ve been making notes during hi...”

“During his experiments,” Twilight said as her muzzle rose from the floor, her jaw loosening a little as her mind finally caught up. “And if he was making notes, then we might be able to use them to reconstruct his original experiments, and if we can do that, then we might be able to use those results...”

“To figure it out ourselves,” Spike ended with crossed forearms and a smirk, apparently noting the look of utter confusion Ember was now wearing. “I’ve been living with Twilight nearly my whole life, so I get how she thinks.”

The dragoness giggled and rolled her eyes.

With the edge of a smile still on her face, Twilight allowed her horn to glow, the unicorn summoning forth a second sheet of parchment from her pile along with her quill.

All the while, she was once again trying her best not to squeal like an excited filly. Progress, at long last.

Dear Princess Celestia…


“And these ponies have to go through that every day? I’m sure I’d be crazy in a week.” Spyro huffed in silence, the purple dragon lazily stretching out his cramped muscles.

Behind him, the schoolhouse doors creaked as they swung shut.

It wasn’t like he’d found topics such as science or Equestrian history boring or uninteresting ones, quite the opposite actually. But, after having been forced to sit on his tail for the two hours that separated lunch break from the end of class, while Cheerilee talked on and on about some unicorn named Clover the Clever, the purple dragon couldn’t help but relish the feeling of warm sunlight hitting his scales and the ability to fan his wings again.

He’d had enough of being indoors at midday. Once it’d gotten to around mid-afternoon, he’d found himself severely tempted to begin clawing the floor.

In his own opinion, more of the day should’ve been dedicated to doing things outside of the classroom, rather than just sitting and listening as your brain became more and more disinterested in what was being said. A roof was something that you curled up under at night to sleep, not something that you spent the hours of daylight sitting under, having more and more information poured into your ears; those hours should’ve been spent enjoying the sun and the open air.

Perhaps that was just the dragon in him speaking, but if the joyful shrieks they made as they ran back down the road towards Ponyville meant anything, most of the fillies and colts shared his enthusiasm at finally being free. He smiled at the sight.

“Not that I’m not happy you guys came today or anything… but I still don’t know why you wanted to come to school with us.”

Spyro just laughed and regarded Scootaloo with a smirk. The orange and purple filly, who was presently standing at his side and looking about ready for a nap, just offered him a flat look in return.

The purple dragon just snickered again, before draping a wing over her and fondly pulling the small filly close to his side, the action drawing a small squeak of surprise from the pegasus.

“The experience more than anything… but I also wanted Cynder to try and make some friends,” He directed his last words at the dark dragoness in question. “And I have you three to thank for that.”

Cynder, in between shuffling one way or another, giving instructions, or face-clawing, was lying on the gravel road as Applebloom and Sweetie Belle both attempted to mount her; neither filly was having any great amount of success. Judging by what he was seeing, both had on their last attempt lost their balances, and somehow ended up in a four colour pile of sprawled fur, mane, and limbs in the dirt, thus explaining why Cynder’s groaning face was presently buried firmly in her scaly palm. Spyro’s maw broke into a chuckle.

After living in a self-made cage for so long, it was good to see Cynder happy.

“Well, sure,” Scootaloo admitted. “She’s our friend, and friends should be there for each other.”

“Maybe to you, but to her, you three are a lot more than just her friends,” Spyro said quietly. “Come on, I think you’re friends need some help.”

Once the two fillies had finally managed to clamber onto her back and get comfortable, and Cynder had explained that it was best to avoid pulling at her scales, Spyro swiftly hoisted an excited Scootaloo onto his own without too much trouble. After that, the small group finally headed off to ‘hang out’ as Scootaloo had called it, leaving the schoolhouse and the surrounding fields behind as they set forth towards Ponyville.

Sparx, of course, drifted between heads and bad jokes as they did so.

As they walked, the three fillies made sure to bombard the two dragons with yet another question about their life story every minute or so, the subjects ranging from the nature and role of Guardians to what Hunter was like. Some drew laughter from the two dragons, which in turn drew the occasional questioning or wary glance from a random passing somepony, but they were otherwise ignored.

Exactly why they could be as curious as they were, Spyro honestly couldn’t bring himself to guess when he thought about it… but intuition told him that they were probably the only dragons that they, and Ponyville in general had ever seen, bar Spike.

“I wonder why Equestria’s dragons wouldn’t want to live beside ponies? It’s not like they’re that intolerant or anything,” a toothy smile came to his maw. “Heh, too many questions maybe.”

Between questions and his own ponderings, Spyro made sure to note where different things were for his own later ventures, especially the market district, the passing of which had just about left him drooling from the countless smells.

Their group did end up receiving more odd looks and skittish responses from ponies as they wandered deeper into the heart of Ponyville, although they were now few and far between.

“So each of these Guardian guys is tied to only one element?” Scootaloo asked as they passed a bizarre looking building that read something like ‘Quills & Sofas’, outside of which a brown stallion was stuck in an argument with two mares, a pale green unicorn and a purple-pink maned earth pony. “That sounds… kinda boring actually. It’s like unicorns and how they only have magic related to their special talent.”

Spyro eyed the peculiar building for a moment, before swiftly shaking his head, trying to ignore the fact that the roof reminded him of Terrador’s green scales.

“Not completely true,” he answered. “Through enough training, a dragon can use their element in more than one way, and the Guardians are the masters of their individual element. Terrador taught me how to use my earth element, but he could do a lot with it that I couldn’t… like turn himself into a living cannon ball.”

That drew a chuckle from Cynder. “I don’t know about you, Spyro, but I’m never going to forget that day for as long as I live,” she grinned, momentarily glancing up at the sky as she walked, her face taking on a forlorn look. “You know, I’m still amazed that we won that battle.”

“Heh, you and me both,”

Cynder shot Sparx a disgruntled look. “You weren’t the one that golem was trying to crush,” the dragoness snapped. Sparx just grunted and waved a hand in return.

“So… are the Guardians suppose’ to be more like Ms Cheerilee or the princesses?” Applebloom asked, her bow bobbing up and down with each step Cynder took.

Spyro shrugged. “Half-half. The Guardians watch over the Dragon Realms as its protectors, but they don’t rule them, so to speak. As for being like Cheerilee… well, they taught me everything I know.”

“Correction, Volteer taught you when he wasn’t distracted by something pointless,”

“Or when Cyril somehow managed to pull that spark-brain’s head in,” Cynder put in, sniggering to herself.

Spyro gave his brother and mate an annoyed look; he might’ve had a quick and wagging tongue, but Volteer had still been a true and reliable friend when the need had arisen.

In fact, seeing as he’d never known his truth dragon parents, those four dragons had been very close to family, Ignitus the most by far.

That particular thought brought something like an empty feeling to Spyro’s chest, a feeling which only grew as he found himself looking away from the pair out of annoyance, and was drawn to staring over both the bustling pony town that surrounded them, its colourful inhabits as they went about their daily lives. Not a single dragon among them bar Cynder and himself.

The empty feeling quickly gave way to a sobering realization. This wasn’t where he belonged; he belonged with Cyril, Terrador, and Volteer back in the Dragon Realms. Just like them, it was his responsibility to watch over the realms and all those who lived within them, lives that were his responsibility to guide and protect once he had completed his training and reached maturity. He didn’t belong here in a land of ponies, where dragons were out rightly feared.

Perhaps this was why dragons didn’t live beside ponies.

“I wonder if they’ve even realized I’m gone yet?” he pondered, only for that thought to quickly wander down another path. “Is this how Spike feels as the only dragon here? Huh… no wonder he was so excited about meeting us. Maybe… Maybe I could convince Twilight to let us show him our world when the time comes, if just for a little while.”

“Actually, while we’re all on the subject of rulers and stuff… what exactly protects Equestria?” Sparx asked. “Because you can’t tell me that you’re princesses do all the work, I met them, and the royal guard… eh, not feeling it.”

The purple dragon heard Scootaloo snigger as his trance was broken. Looking over, he saw Sparx perched atop Sweetie Belle’s horn, the filly going cross-eyed in an effort to follow him.

“Like we told you earlier, the Dragon Realms have a standing army of dragons, along with the Guardians, and ties with creatures like the moles and cheetahs… well, kind of in some cases,” Cynder offered with a shaky claw, seeming to catch on to Sparx’s thought. “So I think what Sparx is asking is what keeps Equestria safe from outside dangers?”

The three fillies each gave a small ‘oh’ in understanding, before each had a hoof find its way to their respective chins. Despite his prior dreary thoughts, Spyro could help but smirk and flick his tail at the sight; he wasn’t sure if he found the scene more adorable or more amusing to look at.

“Well, apart from the royal guard an’ the princesses, that’d be the Elements of Harmony,”

Judging by the look she gave them both, Applebloom seemed a little confused at the blank stares that the two dragons gave her. If the looks that her two friends gave off meant anything, they were likewise surprised.

“You mean Twilight hasn’t mentioned them to ya?” she asked.

Spyro was silent for a moment, before shaking his head. “I don’t remember her mentioning them,” he answered, turning to Cynder. “Did Twilight mention anything when she and Applejack were showing you around?”

Cynder shrugged her shoulders in reply. “If she did, I wasn’t paying any attention to her at the time.”

The male dragon just stopped, groaned, and face-clawed then and there, much to the apparent amusement of his three filly companions and dragonfly brother, and much to confusion of a few nearby ponies; he loved Cynder dearly, but there were times when she got under his scales like nothing else could.

“Heehee,” Applebloom giggled, the hoof which had previously been on her chin now over her muzzle, though it did little to hide her grin or her laughter. “Well… ah’m no expert, but the Elements of Harmony are supposed to be the most powerful form ah’ magic known to ponies. They’re like… more powerful than the princesses, and can defeat any evil or darkness as long as the bearers are together in friendship.”

“The bearers?” Cynder asked, casting an inquiring glance over her shoulder without stopping.

“There are six Elements of Harmony,” Sweetie Belle explained, the filly taking on more factual tone. “Each of these represents one of the six aspects that make up the magic of friendship. The bearers are the six ponies who are chosen to wield the elements, because they embody their respective element; honesty, laughter, kindness, generosity, loyalty, or magic.”

“…What’s embody mean?”

Now it was Sweetie Belle’s turn to groan and face-hoof. “It means to be a perfect or shining example of something.”

Scootaloo folded her hooves and stuck her tongue out at her friend in reply, and Spyro swore he heard the orange filly mutter the word ‘dictionary’ under her breath.

“Anyhow, ma’ big sister’s the element ah’ honesty, Pinkie Pie’s laughter…” Cynder’s face suddenly took on a very wary look.

“Are you saying that Pinkie Pie, who casually defies just about every set law of nature on a daily basis… happens to wield one of the most powerful sources of magic that your kind has?”

Applebloom just nodded as if it was common knowledge, prompting the violet dragoness to exhale, look at the ground, and shake her head. “Not even going to go there,” she muttered as she kept walking.

“My sister Rarity’s generosity,” Sweetie Belle continued. “Fluttershy is kindness, Rainbow Dash is loyalty, and Twilight Sparkle is the element of magic.”

Spyro tilted his head, putting the pieces of information together in his mind’s eye. “So we’ve pretty much befriended your world’s versions of the Guardians,” the dragon conceded after a moment. “Well, I’m not going to be complaining about that any time soon… what do these Elements of Harmony do anyway? Are they just sources of raw magical power? Or are they weapons of some kind?”

“I’m sure that if such a thing were possible, Spyro, Twilight would’ve told us,” Cynder said gently, her green eyes momentarily meeting Spyro’s own. She’d no doubt been wondering the same thing. “Whatever these Elements of Harmony are meant for, I don’t think crossing dimensions is one of them.”

Spyro huffed and shrugged. “I might ask Twilight anyway. For all we know, it might’ve skipped her mind with everything that’s been happening,”

He turned back to the filly trio, all of whom were looking at him like he’d said something confusing. “Have you three ever seen the bearers use them before?” the three fillies exchanged glances with each other.

“Well… we saw them used once,” Sweetie Belle answered, rubbing the back of her neck with a hoof. “Discord, who’s the spirit of chaos and disharmony, tried to ruin the bearers’ friendship and turn Ponyville into the chaos capital of Equestria.”

“So… someone who’s pretty powerful then, huh?” Sparx clarified. “What happened to him?”

Although Spyro couldn’t see it since she was on his back, a strange, almost scary smile had spread across Scootaloo’s face. “They blasted Discord and turned him into stone!”

Both dragons immediately stopped walking, and Sparx just about fell off his makeshift perch.

“I… think we should leave this conversation for now,” Cynder said tightly, before resuming at her prior pace. “If the Elements of Harmony could do that, Ancients know what they’d do to me.”


“Sister, with all due respect, you look about ready to fall over.”

Celestia could only grunt in a half-hearted reply as she unceremoniously slammed the door behind her, virtually tore off her crown like it was red hot, and then slumped down in the chair opposite her sister, her horn glowing as she sank into the plush red cushion.

Without so much as a pause, the alicorn of the sun swiftly levitated her cup of hot tea, and downed its entire contents in a gulp. She set it down again with a relieved sigh as her sister burst into giggles; Makers bless whoever had discovered the stuff.

Despite having stood on the side Canterlot Mountain for close to a millennia, and having been walked by ponies almost every day for that time, the Palace of Canterlot still had a few well-kept secrets hidden within its countless banner-covered walls and winding marble corridors.

One example of such was a small balcony on the valley side of the massive construct, called by the very few who knew of it as ‘the lookout’. It was nothing particularly special nor grand in design; a simple, marble balcony just big enough for a small circular table, two cushioned chairs, and a few potted plants to give it a more relaxing and homely touch, all enchanted to flower the year round. A creeping vine grew as a natural wall on either side, its thick foliage hiding the lookout’s existence from view, and providing some welcome privacy to the user or users.

The view however, as the name suggested, was something to be celebrated. The breathtaking sight of everything from soft rolling greens of Canterlot Valley, to the great expanse that was the Everfree forest, and all in between, including the small town of Ponyville and its patchwork of surrounding green fields and lush orchards, the town barely the size of foal’s hoof against the vast landscape.

As such, it was no wonder that this was where Princess Celestia retired to after holding court. The ability to set her crown down on the table, and just enjoy the view with her sibling, was one she truly savoured… as well as a hefty serving of tea and various confectionaries.

“I feel as if I may take you up on that, Luna,” Celestia replied after a long moment, pouring herself another cup as she leant back and rubbed her brow with both hooves. “I swear to you though, if one could find a legal loophole big enough to put a tax on breathing, the nobles would try and get me to sign off on it.”

“A normal day at the office then, I take it?” Luna smirked, taking a small sip from her own levitating cup, though to call it a cup was a stretch. It was virtually a small barrel, the words ‘Touch my coffee, and I’ll moon you!’ in bold letters along the side.

Judging by the scent, that was probably what Luna was drinking.

Celestia rolled her eyes, before groaning and putting her head in her hooves. “Don’t even get me started, I have a big enough headache as is from listening to all their whining. And it’s the same thing day in and day out; we want this, we don’t want that, we want to put a tax and that.” she sighed and looked up at her sister. “You know, Luna… I miss having Sparx around. That dragonfly knew how to put somepony in their place when push came to shove… and he made me laugh.”

The princess of the night smiled and nodded, looking out over the surrounding valley. “When one has lived their life around dragons, they’d have to be able to hold their own... and I will admit, I too miss his antics.”

Celestia smiled. “I’m quite sure Blueblood doesn’t though.”

“Yet another reason for us to miss him.” Luna said between giggles, the older alicorn finding herself quickly joining in.

The next few minutes were spent in simple, idle chatter, chatter which any other pair of sisters would’ve divulged in, royalty or otherwise. How the day had been, what the weather was supposed to be the coming week, which guard had been seen eyeing off which maid as they passed in the hall. All of these Celestia found simple and enjoyable topics, which thankfully avoided anything to do with politics or the ruling of Equestria, topics which she made stubbornly sure to avoid during her time off the throne; she’d had her dose of those things for the day.

She let out a quiet sigh as Luna went on about how she’d caught two of her guards flirting while on duty, the white alicorn’s eyes and mind drifting out to the view as her steaming cup lay grasped in her hooves. Her gaze wandered across the valley, down the hills, before eventually settling on the small patchwork of colour that was Ponyville and its surrounding fields and meadows.

“…But of course we’d… sister?”

Celestia shook her head. “My apologies, Luna,” she said, turning back to her younger sibling. “My mind was just wandering for a moment.”

The edge of a smirk crossed the darker alicorn’s face. “About young Twilight Sparkle and her conundrum?” she asked, before her face took on a look of mild surprise, almost as if somepony had just gone and pulled her tail.

Much to Celestia’s confusion, Luna’s face then suddenly took on a pained expression, and a moment later she groaned and face-hoofed rather forcefully.

“By Tartarus, I knew I had forgotten about something; a letter came from thou student whilst court was being held,” Luna’s cheeks blushed. “… Ehem, I’ll be back in a moment.”

A growing sense of curiosity quickly overcame Celestia’s bad mood as Luna vanished in a flash of blue light. Said curiosity was replaced by attention as a few seconds later, with the princess of the night reappearing in her seat with yet another magical crack. She still looked a little sheepish and embarrassed, but that detail was barely noticed by Celestia, due to a sealed scroll now being suspended in a dark blue glow beside her.

Luna let out a small yelp of surprise as the scroll was torn from her magical grasp.

“My apologies, Luna,” Celestia said as she brought the furled parchment before her eyes. “But this may be of dire importance.” The night princess just gave her sister a disgruntled look.

Some small part of Celestia’s mind said that she was being irrational, but she couldn’t shake the small feeling of dread that came with the possibility of bad news... bad news to the tune of Cynder’s dark side, as Sparx had called it, resurfacing.

A sigh of relief passed from her muzzle as she read the top line.

However, as she read further and further down the lines of scrawled text, the princess of the sun found her herself becoming more surprised by each word she read, her thoughts turning from initial interest, to pride at her student’s efforts, to being amazed by what she’d learned, and finally to being out rightly astonished at what Twilight hoped to achieve as her endgame. So much so that by the end of reading the letter, Celestia could feel her jaw hanging slack.

“Now that would truly be someth…” She was cut off by an interrupting snort.

“Sister? What exactly is it that holds you so captivated?” Luna asked in a blunt tone, the sudden input of her sister’s voice reminding the formally engrossed alicorn that she wasn’t alone.

Celestia winced as she put the parchment aside; Luna had never liked been left out of the loop, and what with her improving-but-still-present temper thanks to her time as Nightmare Moon, she had since made a habit of shamelessly making such dislike known to everypony and anypony involved.

“Well, Luna, Twilight believes that she has found a potential way to send our guests back to the Dragon Realms.” Luna’s ears immediately perked up in interest.

The older alicorn chewed her lip, unsure of how her sister would react to what was said next. “It relates to an old theory of Star Swirl’s…”

It was at this that a very different emotion flickered across Luna’s face as her ears flattened against her skull, and the mare herself suddenly seemed to find the view of Canterlot Valley very interesting, her face losing its prior vibrancy and darkening a few shades. Celestia’s ears folded in sympathy of her younger sister.


“I’m fine,” Luna said swiftly, the younger alicorn keeping her voice tight and controlled. “I accepted his mortality long before my banishment.”

“But that is not what hurts, sister, and you and I both know that.”

Celestia hated saying those words, and she hated them even more so when she saw her sibling flinch in pain. Despite having been back in Equestria for over a year, and having known the truth of her most trusted friend for the majority of that time, it was evident that this particular wound was still deep for the night princess.

“What he did after my banishment was his own choosing, and I will not loathe him for it,” a sigh escaped the younger mare’s muzzle before she spoke again. “Star Swirl was a friend, Tia, a true and honest friend. That is how I wish to remember him,” slowly, she turned back. “Anyway, enough of this talk… so, what does young Twilight say about this theory?”

Celestia let out a breath she didn’t know she’d been holding, relaxing a little. She peered down at the roll of parchment between her hooves, her now somewhat refreshed mind trying her best to summarize the content without going into unnecessary detail.

“From what we know, it was one that Star Swirl recorded but never expanded upon while he was… with us… it was apparently based around the idea of using the energies of a place called Convexity, and I think that’s how it’s pronounced, to create a bridge between Equestria and the Dragon Realms. Twilight says that his notes mention a number of experiments that he undertook as part of this theory, but the outcomes of these are not provided.”

“And she believes we may have some material relating to these in his library wing, no doubt,” Luna finished, once again bringing her coffee to her lips. She set it down and a put a hoof to her chin, seemingly calm once again. “You know, sister… something about that name, Convexity… it almost sounds familiar to me. It’s like I’ve heard it once before, but as nothing more than as a passing whisper.”

Celestia glanced up at that. “Did Star Swirl ever mention it to you before you became Nightmare Moon, perhaps?”

Luna sighed and shrugged as she spoke, obviously disappointed at her own reply, and even a little saddened perhaps. “He may well have, but I fear that if he did tell me of it, the memory is lost amongst the foul cloud that Nightmare has left lingering in my mind… I remember very little of the months that led up to my banishment, Tia.”

“Have you using tried a memory spell?” Celestia asked, tentatively. Once more this drew an unhappy exhale from her sibling as she raised her cup again.

“I have tried many things, sister, as have many of the best doctors here in Canterlot… but I fear the result is always the same. A few have even suggested that it is my own subconscious that is suppressing the memories, due to the pain that is attached to them,” she huffed and shook her head. “It does not matter, I have an eternity to make more.”

Luna took emptied her cup before speaking again. “So, tell us, what are we to do about Twilight’s request then?” she asked, wiping her muzzle with the back of a hoof.

If Luna still had any raw or troubling feelings, then she was hiding them well. Despite her urge to try and comfort her sister, Celestia decided it best not to press those particular matters any further, for the time being at least, and instead returned her attention to the problem at hoof.

“Truthfully… I am unsure,” Celestia admitted after a moment, staring at her reflection as it formed on her own tea’s surface. She couldn’t help it, but an edge of annoyance had crept into her voice. “I myself know very little about the nature of Star Swirl’s work into the dragons and the Dragon Realms, he was always more confident in you about his research… and honestly, I don’t believe the Star Swirl the Bearded wing has anything more on the topic either; after she wrote to me about Spike’s issues, the original of the book that I sent Twilight was all that I could find within the entire Royal Archives, or the Canterlot Library.”

“So we arrive at a dead end, then?” Celestia nodded. Once again, Luna put a hoof to her chin, he facial features scrunching ever so slightly.

An unlikeable silence stretched on from the moment that Luna had stopped talking, during which Celestia found herself doing nothing more than watching her younger sister, trying to discern what thoughts were occupying her head. Every so often, Luna’s muzzle would twitch, or she would ‘hmmf’, but otherwise the ruler of the night seemed lost in her pondering.

Then, just as the elder alicorn felt compelled to ask what she was pondering, Luna said something that caught Celestia completely off guard.

“Tell me, Tia, just how much of Star Swirl’s work was transferred from our old home when it was abandoned?”

Celestia’s ears instinctively flattened back. Fighting to maintain a straight face at the left-field surprise, she gently set her cup down on the table again, her rose colored eyes affixed questioningly on her sister.

“Everything that he had put before me... that he didn’t end up taking with him when he left of course, all of which now sits within his wing in the library. He was a brilliant mind as you know well, and I figured it would be a crime to abandon such knowledge to the wrath of time,” an alabaster eyebrow arched. “Why do you ask?”

An almost pained smile crossing Luna’s face, followed by a dry laugh, much to Celestia’s confusion.

“As you yourself said before, sister, Star Swirl was always more confident in me with regards to his research, a fact which may be useful to your student,” she said simply, re-filling her empty cup. “Inform young Twilight Sparkle that I will be visiting our former home later tonight, and that I very much think she and her friends should join me.”


Author's Note:


Luna and Star Swirl’s close friendship is/was partly inspired by A Voice Among The Strangers by Tystarr. Go read it, like now, it’s amazing!

Anyhow, thanks goes to TheSecretBrony for putting up with my writing, and you all for putting up me and my extended periods of uni-induced silence.

Comments ( 57 )

Wait just a minute; over a thousand years ago Luna became Nightmare Moon. Around that same time period Malefor's soul was imprisoned within Convexity. And Starswirl was experimenting with the creation of a bridge between Equestria and the Dragon Realms. A bridge that would have had to "pass" through Convexity in order to connect. If Luna was with him during one of those experiments, then she could have been exposed to Malefor's influence. So Malefor might be the reason Luna became NNM. Huh, guess she and Cynder have even more in common. Interesting.

If they find a way to send Spyro and his friends back, what will become of the budding romance of Spike and Ember?

Another great chapter and some SpikeEmber romance, though I can see Twilight not being to happy about Spike going to the Dragon Realm even for a visit and since his girlfriend is probably going back home that is a real possibility.


Hammer, meet nail. That's brilliant!! I would not be surprised if this is what they are slowing climaxing toward.

I have to wonder though, if they are able to send Spyro and friends back, is there a possibility that Spike joins them? Seriously, I'm pretty sure that after finding another dragon that likes him and is learning more about his kind, he's understanding that he doesn't fit in Equestria at all and needs to go be with his own kind.

You sir, have caught my undivided attention, by reminding me of my favorite game series when i was just a young drake

wow almost forgot i had this faved. exsperiments with interdemetional traval thats deep. keep up the good work!:moustache:

4206042 I'm guessing that they'll end up constructing something similar to the portals that the dragons use to get to different parts of the Realm. Thus making the two worlds fully open to travel. It's not like it would be hard. It was relatively easy for twilight to accidentally create a temporary one-way portal. So a stable two-way portal shouldn't be too difficult to create and maintain. Once they figure out how to make something like that work.

4205951 To be honest I would love to see Spike go with them. I mean he would still have his mate, He would be with dragons that are like him,he wouldn't have to worry about people being scared of him, and it would be a interesting series about Spike.:moustache:

Okay, Spyro and Cynder will have to go back home for certain, and if Ember is the candidate for the new Fire Guardian, she'd probably have to go with them.

Spike, on the other hoof, can't simply abandon all of his friends in Equestria. And Cynder is only now starting to come out of her shell thanks to three fillies.

Therefore, the only solution I can think of would be for the power of the Elements to be able to create a stable portal through Convexity, so that it would be possible for them to travel between both worlds easily.

Your welcome for you and your uni-induced silences, and thank you for the chapter. :pinkiecrazy:

Another possibility is that they accidentally break Convexity (what:ajbemused:) and fuse Equestria and the Dragon Realms.

Note that this is almost certainly NOT what's going to happen, but just think of how big my "called it!" would be if it did!:trollestia:

I miss the guardians. Especially Volteer.

Still waiting for Luna and Cynder to meet and the trip to the crystal empire.

Keep it up dude!

So spike isn't a purple dragon :fluttercry: oh man I hope this story has something really important that involves spike


Woooooooow Awesomeee , pls continúe this fic

4207695 Better get that nose checked. Because there can't be a sequel until the first story, this one, has a Complete tag on it.


Pfft, na, relax. That was just me being annoying :rainbowwild: just kinda felt like I was out-of-charactering a bit there.

When's the next chapter?


Honestly, it depends on uni. At the moment I've nearly cleared the 'hell period' (two major assignments in the span of four weeks) which comes to a close this Thursday. After that I should finally have some writing time. :twilightsheepish:


I just realized that there's a grammar error in that quote (my writing, not yours) :facehoof: fresh round of edits are go!

It has been so long im not even sure my self:derpyderp1:

So just take the 20 muffins anyway:derpytongue2:

When the next chapter coming?


Should be soon-ish. I've almost finished a co-author chapter for something else, after which this is the next update. (The chapter's currently at around 1500 words)

5405760 you do know offcially cynders scales are black


Are you referring to Skylanders or LOS? I just ask because she's black whilst under Malefore's control, but appears more violet after being freed.

5558338 nope black is the natural color of her scales look at official artwork of cynder at spyros age from the first los game and you can clearly see that they are black. the reason she was purple in dawn of the dragon was so that she would stand out in the darker enviorments of the game.

When the next chapter coming?:rainbowhuh:


Can't give you an honest answer to that. It's the final year of my bachelor degree right now, so I'm pretty much having to strictly divide my time day by day just to get everything done for uni, thus as to why I haven't updated anything lately.

One interesting crossover. I do like the comparison between Cynder and Princess Luna.

How goes the bachelor degree ?

“Ugh! This makes no sense!” Twilight huffed in frustration, stamping a hoof into the wooden floor. The towers of books and parchment around her quivered and shook for a moment, but remained standing.

Further confirmation of my theory that books don't fall unless Spike is around to be buried by them.

So Twilight has spent what I can assume to be hours looking through all books by Star Swirl the Bearded regarding dragons, but can't find much regarding spells beyond the spell that started the whole mess.

Then she finds a chapter in The Ponies Guide to Dragons and their Realm titled Convexity. Which leads almost nowhere, as Star Swirl didn't really give much information beyond that it's a cushion between dimensions.

Twilight thinks on this for a few minutes before Spike and Ember return with some sweets.

Without hesitation, she magically pulled a cupcake from the box’s depth and brought it to her muzzle, giving it a single sniff before biting into the frosted confectionary.

“And what was that about avoiding junk food huh?”

"Confectionery" is the art of making sweets. The sweets themselves are "confections". (Thank you, Google.)

So Twilight shows them the Convexity chapter, to which Spike shrugs off, but Ember has a much stronger reaction.

Ember’s face, however, abruptly took on a look of mild surprise, and the dragoness herself took a startled step backwards.

“I take it that my reading lesson didn’t go to waste then?” Twilight asked as the pink dragoness went about recomposing herself. “Spyro mentioned this ‘Convexity’ the first day you were here. Do you know anything about it?”

Ember grimaced and nodded. “I know a little bit about it, and trust me when I say that a little bit is more than I’d like,” she replied with a frown, glancing over the page warily. She shuffled back and forth on her front legs awkwardly, her pink tail curling up under her. “Honestly, everyone in the Dragon Realms knows about Convexity nowadays, but for all the wrong reasons.”

So, with some prodding from Twilight, Ember goes on to explain what she knows about Convexity - which is basically nothing more than what Star Swirl said in his journal - and the fact that it can be physically entered, as Spyro and Cynder have before.

When Twilight asks why dragons know about it for the wrong reason, however, Ember immediately jumps into a combat stance and showing a face that can only be described as terrified as she experiences a brief moment of PTSD from Malefor's brief reign.
Reluctantly - and with some prodding from Twilight - Ember briefly explains the legend of the Purple Dragon and of the only two known in historical memory: Spyro and Malefor. (If you've played the Trilogy, you already know what she's talking about.)
And thus, the gears in Twilight's head start turning. She now knows for certain that Convexity is a physical place that can be entered and, if Malefor is anything to judge by, can also be exited. Thus, travel between the two worlds via the Convexity Realm must be possible. The question is, how does one harness this power to create a stable bridge?

“What about Star Swirl’s experiments?” Spike spoke up, breaking the purple mare’s chain of thought.

“Spike, we don’t know anything about the nature of those; all Star Swirl left us with is a bunch of theory. We don’t even have the initial diagrams of his experiments.”

Spike just grinned. “Twi, you’re not listening to me. Sure, we don’t know anything about them, but maybe Canterlot Library might have some of his journals, you know, since it does have an entire wing named after him. If Star Swirl back then was anything like you are today, then he probably would’ve been making notes during hi...”

“During his experiments,” Twilight said as her muzzle rose from the floor, her jaw loosening a little as her mind finally caught up. “And if he was making notes, then we might be able to use them to reconstruct his original experiments, and if we can do that, then we might be able to use those results...”

“To figure it out ourselves,” Spike ended with crossed forearms and a smirk, apparently noting the look of utter confusion Ember was now wearing. “I’ve been living with Twilight nearly my whole life, so I get how she thinks.”

So Twilight, trying to control her squees of delight, begins writing a letter to Princess Celestia.

Shifting scenes to Spyro and Cynder, school was just released and Spyro now feels how literally all of us felt when school was over: sweet, sweet relief.

“Not that I’m not happy you guys came today or anything… but I still don’t know why you wanted to come to school with us.” ----Scootaloo

“The experience more than anything… but I also wanted Cynder to try and make some friends,” He directed his last words at the dark dragoness in question. “And I have you three to thank for that.” ---Spyro

A rocky success, but a success nonetheless.

So Spyro, Cynder, and the CMC head back into town, the latter bombarding our heroes with questions as usual.

Exactly why they could be as curious as they were, Spyro honestly couldn’t bring himself to guess when he thought about it… but intuition told him that they were probably the only dragons that they, and Ponyville in general had ever seen, bar Spike.

I wonder why Equestria’s dragons wouldn’t want to live beside ponies? It’s not like they’re that intolerant or anything,” a toothy smile came to his maw. “Heh, too many questions maybe.”

More likely because dragons in this world prefer to keep to themselves and their hoards, and ponies aren't stupid brave enough to go and try to socialize with them.

The subject moves in on the Guardians, they poke a few jokes at Volteer's thunder-tongue (If not for subtitles, I wouldn't have been able to tell what he was saying in A New Beginning), then Spyro's thoughts turn to Ignitus. :fluttercry: Nope! Tears, stay back! You've had your run time, now you stay put!....

The empty feeling quickly gave way to a sobering realization. This wasn’t where he belonged; he belonged with Cyril, Terrador, and Volteer back in the Dragon Realms. Just like them, it was his responsibility to watch over the realms and all those who lived within them, lives that were his responsibility to guide and protect once he had completed his training and reached maturity. He didn’t belong here in a land of ponies, where dragons were out rightly feared.

Perhaps this was why dragons didn’t live beside ponies.

I wonder if they’ve even realized I’m gone yet?” he pondered, only for that thought to quickly wander down another path. “Is this how Spike feels as the only dragon here? Huh… no wonder he was so excited about meeting us. Maybe… Maybe I could convince Twilight to let us show him our world when the time comes, if just for a little while.

Boy, I can tell you right now they have already sent all available soldiers in search for you guys, no doubt they'd lead the search parties themselves.

“Actually, while we’re all on the subject of rulers and stuff… what exactly protects Equestria?” Sparx asked. “Because you can’t tell me that you’re princesses do all the work, I met them, and the royal guard… eh, not feeling it.”

Yeah, I think the show has established that the Royal Guard are f:yay:king useless.

“Well, apart from the royal guard an’ the princesses, that’d be the Elements of Harmony,”

Judging by the look she gave them both, Applebloom seemed a little confused at the blank stares that the two dragons gave her. If the looks that her two friends gave off meant anything, they were likewise surprised.

“You mean Twilight hasn’t mentioned them to ya?” she asked.

Yeah, it might be important to know that you're staying in the home town of Equestria's mightiest heroes. (Suddenly, Avengers reference.)

“There are six Elements of Harmony,” Sweetie Belle explained, the filly taking on more factual tone. “Each of these represents one of the six aspects that make up the magic of friendship. The bearers are the six ponies who are chosen to wield the elements, because they embody their respective element; honesty, laughter, kindness, generosity, loyalty, or magic.”

“…What’s embody mean?”

Now it was Sweetie Belle’s turn to groan and face-hoof. “It means to be a perfect or shining example of something.”

:facehoof: Please tell me that was Scootaloo who asked that....

So the CMC go on to briefly describe the "battle" between the Mane Six and Discord (if it could even be called a battle), and Cynder is...a little apprehensive.

Although Spyro couldn’t see it since she was on his back, a strange, almost scary smile had spread across Scootaloo’s face. “They blasted Discord and turned him into stone!”

Both dragons immediately stopped walking, and Sparx just about fell off his makeshift perch.

“I… think we should leave this conversation for now,” Cynder said tightly, before resuming at her prior pace. “If the Elements of Harmony could do that, Ancients know what they’d do to me.”

Okay, so we just got done establishing that you're not the same dragon you used to be, then suddenly you're fearing an evil-destroying weapon that's owned by your freaking allies? Cynder, you worry too much...

In the next scene, we have---

“Sister, with all due respect, you look about ready to fall over.”

Celestia could only grunt in a half-hearted reply as she unceremoniously slammed the door behind her, virtually tore off her crown like it was red hot, and then slumped down in the chair opposite her sister, her horn glowing as she sank into the plush red cushion.

---best princess and worst princess having tea together in their secret lookout.
(Which is which, then, Sunlight?)
Billy, are you trying to start a flame war?
(Well, you have enough Flame Shields to cover that.)
Well, duh! I make them! Doesn't mean I like using them...

“I feel as if I may take you up on that, Luna,” Celestia replied after a long moment, pouring herself another cup as she leant back and rubbed her brow with both hooves. “I swear to you though, if one could find a legal loophole big enough to put a tax on breathing, the nobles would try and get me to sign off on it.”

Horray for the money-mongering upper class! :ajbemused: This is why I moved away from Canterlot...

“A normal day at the office then, I take it?” Luna smirked, taking a small sip from her own levitating cup, though to call it a cup was a stretch. It was virtually a small barrel, the words ‘Touch my coffee, and I’ll moon you!’ in bold letters along the side.

:rainbowderp:........:rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh: Oh, Sweet Ancestors, that cup!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! I can think of two ways to take that, but I'm just going to move on before I say something inappropriate.

Celestia rolled her eyes, before groaning and putting her head in her hooves. “Don’t even get me started, I have a big enough headache as is from listening to all their whining. And it’s the same thing day in and day out; we want this, we don’t want that, we want to put a tax and that.” she sighed and looked up at her sister. “You know, Luna… I miss having Sparx around. That dragonfly knew how to put somepony in their place when push came to shove… and he made me laugh.”

Yeah, Sparx always did have a quick tongue. And with how wimpy the Canterlot Nobility are, no doubt he would make all of them look like the idiots they are with half a paragraph. (Humor: +2)

So they have some small talk before Celestia dozes off, when Luna remembers she had a letter from Twilight for her.

“By Tartarus, I knew I had forgotten about something; a letter came from thou student whilst court was being held,” Luna’s cheeks blushed. “… Ehem, I’ll be back in a moment.”

First off, wrong old-English word; should be "thy" or "thine". Secondly, I saw at least one other opportunity to use old English in Luna's very first line. Want me to correct that for you?

“Sister, with all due respect, thou look about ready to fall over.”

So Luna runs off and comes back with the letter, which Celestia reads with incredible interest.

“Well, Luna, Twilight believes that she has found a potential way to send our guests back to the Dragon Realms.” Luna’s ears immediately perked up in interest.

The older alicorn chewed her lip, unsure of how her sister would react to what was said next. “It relates to an old theory of Star Swirl’s…”

It was at this that a very different emotion flickered across Luna’s face as her ears flattened against her skull, and the mare herself suddenly seemed to find the view of Canterlot Valley very interesting, her face losing its prior vibrancy and darkening a few shades. Celestia’s ears folded in sympathy of her younger sister.

:applejackunsure:Okay, what's wrong with Luna?


“I’m fine,” Luna said swiftly, the younger alicorn keeping her voice tight and controlled. “I accepted his mortality long before my banishment.”

“But that is not what hurts, sister, and you and I both know that.”

:rainbowderp:Oooooh! Are we going to get a look at the relationship between Star Swirl and the Princesses!?

“What he did after my banishment was his own choosing, and I will not loathe him for it,” a sigh escaped the younger mare’s muzzle before she spoke again. “Star Swirl was a friend, Tia, a true and honest friend. That is how I wish to remember him,” slowly, she turned back.

I hope we get back to this bit later. Back to Twilight's theory.

“And she believes we may have some material relating to these in his library wing, no doubt,” Luna finished, once again bringing her coffee to her lips. She set it down and a put a hoof to her chin, seemingly calm once again. “You know, sister… something about that name, Convexity… it almost sounds familiar to me. It’s like I’ve heard it once before, but as nothing more than as a passing whisper.”

Celestia glanced up at that. “Did Star Swirl ever mention it to you before you became Nightmare Moon, perhaps?”

Luna sighed and shrugged as she spoke, obviously disappointed at her own reply, and even a little saddened perhaps. “He may well have, but I fear that if he did tell me of it, the memory is lost amongst the foul cloud that Nightmare has left lingering in my mind… I remember very little of the months that led up to my banishment, Tia.”

Hmm... Repressing painful memories of the past. Sounds like something Luna would do. :twilightangry2:Better than their explanation for the Tantibus from season 5......

So, Celestia doesn't think what they have from the Library will be of much help. Then Luna throws a curveball.

“Tell me, Tia, just how much of Star Swirl’s work was transferred from our old home when it was abandoned?”

Celestia’s ears instinctively flattened back. Fighting to maintain a straight face at the left-field surprise, she gently set her cup down on the table again, her rose colored eyes affixed questioningly on her sister.

“Everything that he had put before me... that he didn’t end up taking with him when he left of course, all of which now sits within his wing in the library. He was a brilliant mind as you know well, and I figured it would be a crime to abandon such knowledge to the wrath of time,” an alabaster eyebrow arched. “Why do you ask?”

An almost pained smile crossing Luna’s face, followed by a dry laugh, much to Celestia’s confusion.

“As you yourself said before, sister, Star Swirl was always more confident in me with regards to his research, a fact which may be useful to your student,” she said simply, re-filling her empty cup. “Inform young Twilight Sparkle that I will be visiting tonight.”

And so Luna thrusts herself into the story to help out with sending our dragon friends home. Perhaps she and Cynder can have a talk about painful pasts. Looking forward to it.

.............Wait.......Why is there no [Next-->] button!? .........Did I seriously just start reviewing an incomplete story? After I made a promise only to review complete stories!?
......................Okay, so I'm gonna stop the review here, watch the story, and finish the review when it's complete....... Now, please excuse me while I go and scream.

Related fic bar says hi. Nice to see you haven't dropped off the face of the site at-least.

Please tell me this is not dead!

5738426 next few chapters please i really love this story

We need to get a fanfic necromancer in here STAT

OK, let's see. *looks at calendar* Today... Wait, is today 2016? And the story comes from 2014. OK then. *grabs a shovel and digs a new grave in the row* Another story that I will never get to finish...

7356461 What are you gonna revive? The story already seems to be decomposed. There is nothing TO bring from dead.


same here unless its get reveived.

sad that a good story dies by either it gets cancelled or the author forgets about it:fluttercry:

maybe we could pester the author to continue the story if he/she is still around to make stories or someone else takes over with the authors permission.

edit: forgot some words

7561164 OH, I'm sure many people would take over the stories they liked, if it was... Legal? Not so much legal, since it's fan creation, but it's still wrong to hijack whatever they see fit. It doesn't matter if author is present or not. I really would like for quite a few stories to be finished. If you want, I can send you a note with those, or you can search my profile for "Abandoned stories".


whoops i knew i forgot something in my post lol

what i meant by taking over is if the someone could take over the story with the authors permission.. bugger for being forgetful.

hijacking stories like you said is bad.

7561708 Don't worry, I assumed you meant the "permitted" author switch.

5738426 please try to upload more chapters to this story please I really love this story a lot

I hope more chapters is going to start soon?

He's been offline since 2016. Not much hope for that.

8506792 That is not dead which can eternal lie.

Once more, in English, please?

9081298 it was a reference to lovecraft.

Haven't read/watched anything from it. Sorry, your reference means nothing to me.

H.P. Lovecraft; a Science Fiction Horror writer whose stories told tales of the Great Old Ones like Cthulu, Dagon and Nyarlethotep that existed outside reality before entering ours and arriving on Earth from the Stars. The line "That is not dead which can eternal lie" is part of a longer quotation describing Cthulu lying in a death like sleep in the sunken city of R'lyeh, basically saying that Cthulu has lived for so long he is immortal; death has lost its hold on him.

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