• Published 8th Jul 2017
  • 19,534 Views, 1,434 Comments

Glory of the Sun - Celesti Lateo

|Self-Insert Fic| I thought being an Alicorn prince would be awesome, because, you know, magic and imortality and knowing souls do exist is kind of awesome, right? Eh, not so much when your new mother is a crazed wannabe goddess.

  • ...

Moving Forward

"Solus, wake up."

"I don't wanna...", I whimper out.

"Solus, if you continue like that I'm going to turn blue."


Oh, I'm holding her. Well, more like crushing her. I let go.


"Thank you", Cady says. "Now, let's get up, I'm sure Mac and Shiny would like to know that you're alright."

Alright? Am I? Whatever, I can't wallow in self-pity.

Burning, Screaming...

I shiver, holding my head against Cady shoulder. She hugs me, leaning close to my ear.

"It's okay, Solus. He's gone. He won't hurt you again."

"But I hurt him, I killed him..."

She stays silent for a moment, before leaning back and looking at me in the eyes.

"What would you say if I had killed him, instead of you?"

"I...I would say...would say..."

She rubs my foreleg.

"Would say?"

"That those that seek to kill, should be ready to be killed."

"Do you believe that?"

"Yes! But I could have stopped him without-"

"You didn't have time to think. Hindsight will always be better. You can't hold yourself to that standard."

I close my eyes, letting out a sigh.

"I still killed a sapient being. One with thoughts and feelings."

"You want to free the slaves, right?"

My eyes snap open.

"Of course!"

"Then who is going to kill your enemies? Unless you expected Mac and Shiny to do it for you?"

"No! Of course not!"

"Then you will fight?"

"...Yes. Sorry, it's just...that's in the future, by then I would be an adult and...I dunno, I wouldn't feel bad?"

"I understand. And it's a good thing his death hurts you. It means you care."


Our stomachs took this moment of silence to make themselves known.

"Oh! Uh, we should go get breakfast", I say, sheepish.

Cady giggles.

"Yes, we should."

Ah, home sweet home! Well, more like quarters sweet quarters. Actually, it's more of a suite-




"I was so worried! Are you alright?"

Uh. I thought tackle hugs were just an anime thing. You're so adorable Shiny.

"I was, until I got floored", I say with a grin.

"Oh! Sorry, let me help you!"

He helps me up and try to step back. But I don't miss the chance to hug this adorable -I mean- comfort him.

"It's okay, Shiny. I'm not angry."

"You aren't? But you said all those-"

I let go.

"I wasn't...I didn't mean those things Shiny. I'm terribly sorry I lashed out at you. I shouldn't have."

"Do you...do you really think we're worthless?", he says in a small voice.

"No, I...no. I was just...fed up. You know how I told you that crying wasn't a bad thing?"


"Well, it was a case of 'do what I say, not what I do'. In other words, I did a stupid."

He giggles a little.

"'Did a stupid'?"


He shakes his head.

"Okay, if you say so. But, Solus?"


He hugs me tight.

"I-We're here for you, okay?"


"Good", he says with a smile, letting go. "Now, we were waiting for you to get breakfast!"

"We? Oh, Mac! Didn't see you there, buddy."

"I didn't want to."

"Ooookay. Anyway, everything I just said applies to you too, Mac. Are we okay?"

He stays silent for a moment, and then...

"Eeyup", he says with a smile.

Cheeky colt.

"Well then, enough drama. Breakfast!"

Hmm, pancakes...

Right, enough with the Homer impression, let's eat!

Breakfast is rather silent, though more because everyone is exhausted of drama and excitement rather than it being awkward.

Then, a sudden thought hit me.


"Yesh?", he says, with his mouth full.

"Chew and swallow before speaking, Shiny", I say with a smile.

He does just as I said, rather quickly at that.

"Um, yes?"

"What are you doing here? Not that I'm not happy you're here, but..."

"Um, I am to become your sworn sword. Didn't anyone tell you?"

"Oh right! My mother told me that, I just...kinda forgot with everything that happened. Actually, wasn't I supposed to accept your oath yesterday?"

"You were, but the Empress told me we'd just reschedule."

"Good. Shiny?"


I give him a big smile.

"I couldn't have wished for a better sworn sword."

"T-thank you!", he squeaks out. "I hope I won't disappoint."

I pat his shoulder.

"I'm sure you won't. Anyway, what are we all doing today?"

"I've got training with Iron Rod", Mac says.

"I've got a lesson with Lady Aurora Verse", Cady says.


"Talking of which, would you mind being trained to become my new majordomo?"

"I guess not, but will Celestia accept that?"

"Can't hurt to try. I'd rather not have a second coming of Proper. What about you Shiny?"

"Actually, I think I'll share most of my lessons with Cadance today."

"Make sense. Your lessons started this year, right?"


"Then you're mostly on the same level. It's a good thing too. Then you'll be more than just the 'friend of my friend'."

"I also have training with Iron Rod later this evening."



"Do kindly remind the Major of what I told him, will you?"

"Will do."

"Great! So that leave me to go ask my mother what's the deal with Proper."

"What do you mean?", Cady asks.

"I'm going to ask her why she let a greedy bastard like him become my majordomo. There's no way she didn't know he wished to use me for his own gain."

"That...that is a really good question, actually", she says, frowning.

"Wait, what happened to Proper?", Shiny asks, innocently.

"He...he tried to hurt me. I hurt him back."

"Oh! I hope you got him real good!"

You have no idea...

"Anyway, is there anything else before we go to our respective engagements?"

A chorus of 'no' follows, and we finish our breakfast in peace.

I stand before the golden door of Celestia's quarters, rather nervous. I never came here without being asked to before.

"I would like to speak with my mother", I say to the guards.

"Of course, Sire!", they say in unison, saluting.

They open it and usher me inside. Celestia is sitting on a cushion, drinking what appears to be tea. Seemingly, Celestia is Celestia, no matter what.

"Your Divine Radiance, Prince Solus wishes for an audience."

"Hmm? Very well, leave us."

They bow and take their leave.

"Good morning, Solus. What can I do for you?"

"Good morning to you too, Mother. I would like to talk about...Proper."

"Ah", she says, looking like she ate a citrus. "What about him?"

"Why was he my majordomo?"

"You mean to ask why I let someone this greedy be given such an intimate position in your household."

"Well, yes."

"Because I thought he was too desperate for any kind of recognition to be a threat."

Well, didn't that work out.

"You have to understand, Proper is not a noble, not even close. But he was incredibly arrogant nonetheless. You had to have a majordomo, but the nobility would have been outraged if I had chosen a slave for this position, so I 'compromised'. I chose a freepony, a unicorn, that was not a noble, somepony that would be 'impartial' and removed from the Game."

"Except he wasn't."

"Not particularly, no. No one would be if they could influence a god. So I chose somepony too pathetic and stupid to be a threat. And he was."

I raise my eyebrow.

"He was?"

"Yes. He must have been promised...no matter, all you need to know is that I will take care of everything."

Promised? Promised wealth? By a noble?

Yay, attempted regicide and conspiracies. Now I really feel like I'm in a Game of Thrones story. Including the incest.




"I would imagine I will need another majordomo, yes?"

"Indeed. Do you have someone in mind?"

"Well, not for right now, but I thought about having Cadance trained to eventually take over that position."

"The pink one? Hmm...well, she's already learning just as much as any lady of the Court. And she will be much more loyal. Very well, I will have her prepared for her role."

"Thank you, Mother."

Yes! No brown-muzzle in my inner circle!

"Was there anything else?"

"No, Mother. Thank you for your time."

She smiles.

"It's nothing", she says, bowing down to nuzzle me.

Bad touch, bad touch!

"Have a good day, Solus."

"You too, Mother."

I have to muster all of my willpower to prevent me from running out of my grandmother grandaunt her room.

So, apparently I'm unable to be touched by her without panicking. Won't that be an hassle.

Anyway, what to do, what to do...

"Your Serene Highness!"

Sunset? Meh, I've got nothing better to do.

"Lady Shimmer", I say with a light nod.

"I wanted to apologize for yesterday."

Apologize? For what?

"And why is that?"

"Well, I am the one who insisted on going to the Royal Library, so-"

"Don't. It was not your fault, and even if it was, I would forgive you."

"Just like that?"

"Just like that."

Is it so hard to believe? Well, she's been in the Game for a few years, and she's more perceptive and smart than most filly her age...

Well, crapbasket.

Anyway, should I try to befriend her? Canon!Celestia did say she grew cruel and dishonest, implying that she wasn't when she first became her student. Hmm...

"Are you doing something today, Lady Shimmer?"

"Wha-No! I am at your disposal, Your Highness."

"Then relax. I want a friend, not a sycophant."

"Very well, Prince. What should we do? Chess? Card games?"

"Hmmmno, what about...tag!"

I boop her on the nose.

"You're it!"

"I'm it?"

"Yeah, that means you have to tag me back!"

"Oookay, here I come, Prince!"

She extend her foreleg but I dodge easily.

"Come on slowpoke! Do you really think I'll just stand there?"

I begin to run, but not before blowing a raspberry at her.

"Oh, it. Is. On."

I might have miscalculated.

"Muwahah, I've got you now!"

"Oh no, Great and Powerful Sunset, please spare me!", I wail.

"There will be no mercy! Now, suffer my wrath!"

"Noooooooo!", I shout, closing my eyes.

And then I feel her hoof on my nose.


There's a moment of silence, before we both devolve in a fit of the giggles. When was the last time I just played like that? Umm, back in my first childhood, I think.

And I've just made myself sad.

"Uh, Prince?"


"It's nearly sunset."


"Ah-ah, very funny. But seriously, the feast is going to start soon."

"I know. It was nice spending the day with you, Sunset. I hope we can do it again!"

"So do I, Prince. See you at feast!"

And away she goes. Didn't think she had it in her to just have fun. Glad I was wrong! And now to run like hell to my quarters to get myself ready.

"Master, we're back."

"Cadance, Shining Armour! Good! Servants, prepare him for the feast!"

"At once, Prince!", a maid reply.

"So, how was your day?"

"Well, I had lessons with Cadance. She's really smart!"

I spot in the corner of my eye a filly who is blushing. I wonder, when they'll be older...

"That she is. And after that you joined Mac, right?"

"Huh-uh. Mac is really impressive. He kept going even when I was completely exhausted."

"Well, he is an earth pony. That's kinda their shtick."


"Their thing. Endurance and strength. Don't feel bad you couldn't keep up. Just do your best. While you might not be as smart as Cady or as strong as Mac, you're also smarter than Mac and stronger than Cady. You'll have more option on how to progress."

"Right! I understand."

I smile.

"Good. Are we ready yet?"

The maid give me a grin.

"Not even close, Prince."



"Mac? I was just asking the others about their day. Did Iron Rod give you any trouble?"

"Surprisingly, no."


"He was harsh, but he clearly wants me to get better without breaking me."

"Perfect! So everything is going swimmingly! After the week we had, it's about time!"

They all nod at this. Somehow, I'm sure it can get worse, but at least I'm not alone anymore.

"Where do I sit?", Shiny asks.

"Good question. Let's ask my mother."

We proceed to the head table. Fortunately we were amongst the first to arrive, so Shiny won't be embarrassed.

"Greetings, Mother."

"Solus. Is there a problem?"

"Well, just a question."

"Ask and I'll be happy to answer."

"Where do Shining sit?"

"By your side. He might not be your sworn sword yet, but he's still a member of your household."

"Uh. Thank you, Mother."

Well, at least Shiny looks happy. We proceed to our seat and engage in small talk, nothing important. We're both anxious about his induction as a member of my household, which is going to be announce in a few moments.

While we wait, the guests trickle in. A dozen minutes later and everypony is present. Celestia stands up, moving at the front of the table.

"Our dear subjects, We are happy to announce that Our son, Prince Solus, has found a willing soul to serve as his sworn sword!"

That announcement sends the assembly in a quiet frenzy, whispering and gasping in surprise.

"Prince Solus, Lord Shining Armour, come forward."

We glance at each other before doing as she said.

"Lord Armour, in the presence of this exalted assembly and under the watchful gaze of the Gods, do you renounce all land and title, dedicating yourself, body and soul, to your expectant liege."

"I do."

"Do you swear to uphold his decree, protect his person and safeguard his honour?"

"I do."

"Do you accept to place this oath under the suzerainty of the Heavens?"

"I do."

"Then bow to your liege, and cross you horn with his."

He does so, his eyes looking up at me.

"Repeat after me: I, Shining Armour, son of Twilight Velvet and Nightlight, willing and sound of body and mind, swear upon the Stars and Sun..."

"I, Shining Armour, son of Twilight Velvet and Nightlight, willing and sound of body and mind, swear upon the Stars and Sun."

Oooh, I'm feeling something. It's like when I swore to Harmony, except...

"...Upon Heaven and Earth..."

"Upon Heaven and Earth."

...It's not coming from me...

"...And upon Order that I will serve with Loyalty and dedication, that the will of my liege will be my will, his cause, mine, his future, mine."

"And upon Order that I will serve with Loyalty and dedication, that the will of my liege will be my will, his cause, mine, his future, mine."

...It's coming from him?

"Rise, Sir Armour. May you serve Our son most dutifully. We shall honour your oath this night! A toast! For Sir Armour, for his Devotion to our Prince!"

The nobles lift their cups and let out cheers and congratulations. Shiny seems completely out of his depth, being the centre of attention. I decide to spare him any further anguish by subtly guiding him back to his chair.

"You did good, Shiny", I whisper to him once we are seated.

He give me a timid smile. I think that's all I'm going to get out of him for now. I turn to Celestia.


"Yes, son?"

"Was the oath supposed to be magical?"

"Magical? No, why?"

"I felt something, coming from Shining, when he took his oath."

"Really? Well, if he took it seriously enough, then maybe..."


"He might have invoked the Virtue of Devotion, but that would mean his loyalty is undying, or close enough that it doesn't matter. You chose wisely, Solus. He clearly has potential."

That he does! He invoked Loyalty! I knew it! He is a knight in shining armour, after all! Though...

"What does it mean?"


"The oath. Since he invoked the Virtue, I mean."

"He will be unable to break it, or certain doom will follow if he does."

Oh. Shit.

In other words, I've just got myself another slave. Callise.

I look at Shiny. He seems...happy. I just have to make sure his loyalty isn't misplaced.

He notices me staring at him.

"Solus, is there something wrong?"

I give him a reassuring smile.

"No, nothing wrong. Shiny?"


"You swore you'd be loyal, right?"

"Yes! And I will!"

"Then I swear I'll be worthy of your service, my knight."

He looks surprised. I just smile and pat him on the shoulder.

"Eat. This night is for you. You did real good Shiny, don't let anyone tell you otherwise."

He blushes.

"Okay! Thank you!"

"Thanks? Why?"

"For believing in me."

"There's no need to thank me. I'll always believe in you, Shiny. That's what friends do."

He smiles and dig in, probably to hide another blush. He's so adorable.