• Published 8th Jul 2017
  • 19,584 Views, 1,434 Comments

Glory of the Sun - Celesti Lateo

|Self-Insert Fic| I thought being an Alicorn prince would be awesome, because, you know, magic and imortality and knowing souls do exist is kind of awesome, right? Eh, not so much when your new mother is a crazed wannabe goddess.

  • ...


"Um, Master..."

I look up to see Mac standing in the doorway, looking decidedly nervous. I guess seeing an alicorn near-literally blow up would do that.

"Yes, what is it?", I ask with a soft voice. I don't want to startle Cadance. She's barely calmed down, even now.

"The Guard is here, and, uh, your butler asked for you to come to him."

Right, nearly forgot about those bastards.

"What's your name?"

I can't just call him by his name out of the blue, after all.

"I... I don't have one, Master. We're told only our owner can give us one, if they want to."

Deep, deep breaths. Am I really surprised by this? Anyway.

"Your father has an apple emblem right?"

Yeah, cutie marks are called emblems here. Not that I have a problem with that, to be honest.

"Y-yeah, he does, why?"

"What do you think of Macintosh?"


"Yes! Not only is it an apple, it's also the original name of the Alban Hills, where it is rumoured a very large and influential earth pony community was located, maybe even the original earth pony colony, Earth."


"Yes, really."

Why does he look so surprised?


I raise an eyebrow.

"Why what?"

"Why would you name me that?"

"Uh, I'm sorry if you don't like it. I can offer you something else if you want. Or you could choose by yourself."

"No! It's perfect!"

"Then why...?"

"Why would you give me such a good name?"

Oh. Obviously. How thick can I be?

"Because everypony deserve a name they can love and be proud of."

"What about all the others? I've heard the names masters give their slaves."


"Sometime, what we have is not what we deserve. Some deserve to be happy but only have misery, while others should be miserable while living in the lap of luxury. I'd like to do something about it, but I can't. Not yet. Do you believe me when I say that?"

He looks down, for a moment, rubbing one of his legs, and then looks up.

"...Yeah, you did swear by Harmony. I guess you're not anything like the inbred leeches up the mountain."

"Thank you, Mac."

He looks rather weirded out by the name, but still definitely happy. I guess he was still pretty wary even after the talk I had with his parents.

"Now, Mac, I have a very important task for you."

His ears fold on the back of his head. Um, better try and reassure him.

"It's not an order, or a command, or anything like that."

"What is it, then?"

I tilt my head toward Cadance, still in my embrace, still trembling and quietly sobbing.

"I want you to help her. I don't want her anywhere near the monsters that did this to her, so if you could stay here and comfort her, I would be very grateful."

Surprise again. It would be hurtful, if I didn't immediately remember what him, and others like him, have been through.

"Um, sure, I can do that."

"Good. I leave her to your care then. Be sure to be very careful."

I slowly disentangle myself from the pink filly, making sure I don't startle her. I motion Mac to come replace me as I disengage from the hug. It's not long before we switch place, and Mac looks really awkward. He's probably way out of his depth. Not that I can blame him for that. He's probably not much older than me, maybe even younger, since he's rather tall as an adult, he might be tall for somepony his age.

I lean toward Cadance and tell her in a soft voice:

"Don't worry, I'll be back soon, and when I do, those who did this to you will never be able to harm you again." I look at Mac. " Will you be alright?"


Eh. I guess Mac is still Mac, no matter where or when.

I nod at him and then proceed to the lobby of the "shop".

"Hail, Sire!"

The guards all salute me as I enter the room.

"At ease sir. You wanted to see me Proper?"

"Yes, Prince. The guards need a verbal order to make the arrest official."

"Very well. These three, and I presume all the other employees, are to be arrested on the account of sexual violation of minors, as well as other charge that will have to be determined."

"Understood, Sire. What shall we do with them?"

"Um, I just told you, arrest them."

"Prince Solus," Proper interjects, "they are asking for your judgement."

"Judgement? I'm not a judge!"

"Actually, you are. You can do whatever you wish with them."

Really? So I can just punish them, without bothering with any judicial procedure? Sweet! But...

Ugh, I can't do that, if I do I'd be no better than Corona. Fuck damn it!

"I want them to be tried in court."

The officer looks confused.

"A trial, Sire?"

"Yes, a trial. They might lower themselves by ignoring the law of the land, but I won't. They'll be given a trial so everyone can see their guilt and that the trust invested in me and the Empress is warranted."

"Understood, Sire. Men, bring these criminal scums to the dungeons!"

"Officer, I also want you to find the spell anchor for the filly those two were harassing."

He salutes.

"Yes, Sire!"


What a mess. Still, I got Cadance and Big Mac, and I know where Applejack is. I'm sure Corona doesn't understand the advantage she just gave me.

"Let's go home, Proper."

"Yes, Your Highness."

Fuck social convention. Can't let a slave in the carriage, he says. It would be a scandal, he says. Yeah, and she just nearly got raped, what do I care?

If only Proper was on my side, things would be so much easier.

At the very least, thanks to the Guard accompanying us back to the Castle, the trip was swift and uneventful.

"Proper, could you go tell the Empress that I'll be late for the feast?"

"My Prince, you cannot-"

"Yes I can. I am sure she will understand when you tell her what occurred today."

"Very well, Prince."

He leaves, and I turn to the other servants.

"As for the rest of you, I'd like to have my privacy with my new acquisitions."

And with that, the rest of the staff leave the room. Good.

"Is she any better, Mac?"

"Not really, Master."


"Unfortunately, I can't stay. I gave myself a little leeway with Proper, but I'm still expected to make an appearance. It is my own birthday, after all." I give Mac a little smile. "You don't have to call me master when we are in private, by the way."

"Uh, but-"

"No but. Call me Solus."

Is that going to become my catchphrase or something?

"Okay, Mas- Solus."

"Thank you. Anyway, come with me and bring her with you."

He tries to do as I said, but Cadance refuses to walk. Or stand. Poor thing. I help Mac lift her up and I guide them to the bathroom. The bathroom is a rather large room with a golden tub and shelves full of herbs and perfumes and whatnot. And that's it. Oh, the money the Throne could save...

"What are we doing in here Ma- Solus?"

"This is the bathroom."


"Yeah, this where you take a bath, wash yourself, you know?"

"No. My owner just threw water at us until we smelled less."

I wince. I hate being insensitive like that, but being a prince and a former human with a much higher tech level and expectations makes it much harder not to be.

"Sorry, I'm just not used to the whole... slave thing. I didn't even know slavery existed until today."

"Are you serious!?", he shouts.

Well doesn't he look happy. And so does Cadance. I hold her a little tighter to reassure her.

"Yes I am. I hadn't even seen any earth ponies before today. And I was stupid enough to think that earth ponies were only 'servants'. If I had known..."

"Oh, uh, sorry, I shouldn't have shouted."

"No, it's okay. If you weren't angry I'd be worried something is wrong with you. At any rate, let me draw your bath."

I use my magic to pump water into the tub. Yes, pump, did you think they had that kind of plumbing? Fortunately, it doesn't take that long to fill up the bath. I take a set of mobile steps and place it close to the tub. Mac climbs on it and place his hoof in the water.

"Brrh, it's cold!"

"Of course it is", I reply with a slight chuckle. "I haven't heated it yet."

He scratches the back of his head, sheepish.

"Oh, okay."

Now, for the hard part. Usually servants bring hot water from boilers, the same that heat up the public bath of the Castle. I don't have the time, strength or desire to do it that way. Thus, my only option is a heating spell.

Deep breaths, reach for the mana. Push it out, inside the water. Ignis!

The word isn't necessary, but it help focus the mind on the desired effect, in this case "fire", or more accurately, heat.

"Try again. It should be hot enough."

He dips his hoof again.

"Yeah, it is! That's amazing!"

"That's magic for you. It's not for nothing it's so easy for the nobles to believe they're superior."

"Uh, they aren't, right?"

"Of course not. It doesn't matter if you have power, it's what you do with it that does." I take a bottle from one of the shelves. "Here. This lotion will make it easier to wash your coat. Pour it directly on your skin and rub. Don't try to make yourself entirely clean, it's unlikely you'll be able to do so. When the water becomes too dirty, flush it by removing this", I point at the plug. "When you're done, use the cloths suspended there to dry yourself. Did you get all that?"

"Eeyup", he says, nodding.

"Good. Once you're done, find my bedroom. According to Proper, the servants prepared beds for you at the foot of mine. I'd rather provide you with real bed but-"

"It's okay. S'not like the ground is any better."

"Right... Anyway, do you have any questions before I go?"

"I don't think so."

I clap my hooves.

"Perfect! I'm already way too late as it is, didn't even get dressed, oh she'll be so pissed..."

"Go, Solus. Don't want you to get in trouble on my account."


I rush outside, passing by my dressing room and getting my regalia in my magic, putting it on as I run toward the Ballroom.


"Open the *uff* door, please."

"Are you sure?", one of the guard asks me.

"Maybe *ufff* give me, a minute."

Oh, this isn't good. Now I'm late and improperly dressed. Let's face the music.

"Open the door."

They open it and I trot inside.

"Finally decided to join us, Our son?"

Oh, stuff it, you witch.

"Yes, Mother. I'm dreadfully sorry, Mother."

I quickly reach the dais and the head table, but Corona stands before I can go around and take my seat.

"We heard that you had quite the interesting day."

"Y-yes, Mother."

Corona lift her gaze to look over the guests.

"Dear subjects, hear Us! Our son, all on his own, brought justice to those that would seek to subvert the Imperial Order! Those that would seek to abuse their privileges for their own gain are a taint that must be purged from the Empire! Hail to you, Prince Solus!"

"Hail!", the nobles chorus out.

"Now, sit and enjoy the rest of the evening! You deserve your respite."

I do as she says, and as soon as I do she leans toward me.

"You lived up to your potential today, Solus. Continue to do so and make me proud."

Fuck you. Like I'd fall for that again.

"Thank you, Mother."

"How are your new acquisition?"

"Well, Mother."

"Good. Solus?"


"Disappoint me and I will confiscate them."


Oh, callise! Why didn't I think that...

Why do I keep my hopes up that you might you might have a heart, somewhere deep down?

"Yes, Mother..."

Never. By Harmony, you'll never hurt them.

And one day, I'll make sure you won't harm anyone else. One element at a time.

Author's Note:

Thank you for reading this far! I wanted to address a concern some readers had:
While Solus is a self-insert of me, he is still a character inside the story, prone to what TVTropes would call a case of Unreliable Narrator. As such, because of what he sees of and experiences from Celestia, it is unlikely he's being fair in his assessment of her. Not to say she isn't evil, or even good. She just is what she is, and Solus will come to learn what exactly this entails.