• Published 8th Jul 2017
  • 19,580 Views, 1,434 Comments

Glory of the Sun - Celesti Lateo

|Self-Insert Fic| I thought being an Alicorn prince would be awesome, because, you know, magic and imortality and knowing souls do exist is kind of awesome, right? Eh, not so much when your new mother is a crazed wannabe goddess.

  • ...

Caro Diario

After that rather eventful day, life continued. It wasn't the same, obviously, with Cadance being an alicorn and Shining Armour finally learning of my intentions toward Celestia. Speaking of the former, since we had to hide her horn, Fancy and I shared the role of teacher when it came to her magic. He had more experience with the more mundane aspects of magic and as such taught Cady control and focus as well as coaching her when it came to simple spell like levitation. However, he wasn't a mage, and as such he only had a basic grasp of magical theory. When it came to that, I was the one to teach Cadance, since Celestia clearly wanted me to be able to use my magic to its fullest potential.

It is rather fortunate that this body came with a near-photographic memory, or I'd be struggling to remember all the knowledge that was crammed into my head since I was just a babe. Unless that's an alicorn thing...I mean, we're ageless and immune to severe diseases (Thus not including things like colds). It's probably Harmony protecting us from harm, and a cold is unlikely to kill us, especially with earth pony vitality turned up to eleven. With such a long lifespan, a good memory is a must. I sincerely doubt Harmony would be such a dick as to leave us without the ability to remember our loved ones from millennia ago. Hopefully. Having to live without being able to remember Shining or Mac...

And then I remember all the fanfic about Twilicorn being unable to cope with her immortality. Sweet, sweet nightmare fuel.


So yeah, I'm teaching Cady magic. It's kind of slow going, honestly. Not entirely surprising, mind you, considering she was born as a pegasus and on top on that she probably has an affinity for light magic, or magic born out of positive emotions, which is a rather rare discipline to choose for a mage. I wonder why that would be. It certainly has nothing to do with Celestia suppressing any and all knowledge of such magic in fear that it will be used against her. Especially if she indeed was corrupted like Luna was.

As for Shiny, he seems to have been able to cope with the revelation of my plan, though I am a bit worried about how obsessed he seem to be with me. Devotion is fine, it's just a step away from Loyalty, but it's also a step away from platonic yandere-ness. I hope it would be platonic, at the very least. Damnit! Don't think of your brother that way, stupid paranoid brain!

At any rate, Shiny and Cady seems to get along just fine, so I don't think I need to worry about that. Though, considering their age, they might develop something more akin to fraternal love. I hope not, if they could give birth to an alicorn...Gah! No! Stop thinking of them as pawn, you fucking arsehole of an inbred abomination!

Hem-hem. Anyhow, as I was saying, they're getting along great, with Cady doing her best to help him. Which is quite the providence, considering I'm sure Shiny would not want to confide his troubles with me. It's not that he doesn't trust me, but he has so little self-esteem that he's sure I'll cast him out of my life as soon as I see what a mess he is. I've been trying to curb those self-destructive thoughts, but if he's not willing to tell me, he'll just hide them so he won't be a "bother".

The whole thing is rather cruelly ironic anyhow, since he's actually quite the adept student, both in academical and physical subjects. It's not for nothing his canon counterpart became Captain of the Royal Guard. And he's also Twilight's brother. I find it unlikely that the show's Shining was book dumb.

I also have Mac report on their lessons together, since I don't want the pony version of Full Metal Jacket.

What else is there...

Oh right! Sunset Shimmer! She's actually rather nice, all things considered. She has a nasty temper and she's a blockhead when it comes to her pride, but otherwise she's a good friend. She even began teaching me a few basic manipulation techniques. Okay, not usually what you do with friends, but we're in Game of Thrones - Pony Edition, so I don't think it's all that bad. Her mother on the other end...

She's such a suck-up, always with that saccharine tone of hers when she speaks to me. Could she be any more obvious? She actually reminds me of Dolores Umbridge. Except she has real political power. Ooh, that's not a pleasant thought.

Other than that, I tried introducing her to the others but that did not go well. At all. Mac obviously hates her, since he thinks she's everything he hates in nobles. She reciprocate the hate, saying he's just an ingrate upstart. After that, I made sure they were never in the same room together. Her relationship with Cadance is rather lukewarm, not least of all because Sunset feels compelled to make Cady her rival. I think she's jealous of her, though I don't really know why. I have some ideas, but they're mostly just wishful thinking... As for her relations with Shining...yeah, no. They hate each other. It's one of the few subjects where Shiny will be absolutely firm in his position, completely unwilling to have anyone to try and reason with him.

So, yes. They don't usually spend time together.

That's about it, I think. Cady was right, a diary was real----------

The door slams open, startling me. Shining comes in, his eyes having a wild, frantic look.

"Solus!", he shouts.

"What is it, Shining?", I ask in a worried tone.

What could have pushed him to barge in like that? He's usually so timid...

"My mother gave birth! I have a sister!"

Oh shit! I jump of my chair and go to him quickly.


"Really! Can I go see them?", he pleads with wide eyes.

"Of course! Have Fancy bring you there", I answer with a smile.

"Could you, uh, come...come with me?", he asks in a tiny voice.

I place a hoof on his wither.

"Of course, Shining. Lead the way, and let's welcome your sister to this world."

He smiles brightly and scampers away, looking for Fancy Pants.

Twilight has been born? Is that a good thing or a bad thing? Maybe if I manage to place her under my influence...I'd rather not manipulate her too, but if she shows the same devotion to Celestia...

I'd rather not to have to kill her, or even worse...

Shining having to kill her.

I can't let that happen. I won't. No matter what...