• Published 12th Oct 2016
  • 468 Views, 10 Comments

The End to every story - Thestoryteller

To every story there is a beginning and a end. But what if the beginning wanted a story that would never end? What if the beginning sealed away the end? What if the end returned to battle the beginning? What kind of story would that look like?

  • ...

Chapter one. Return

*Drip, drip, drip*

The sound of dripping water echoed throughout the entire cave. A constant, and never-ending, sound. Due to the sound that seemed to be unending it got on a certain someone's nerves.

"Graaaagh!" A creature bellowed from inside his cage. His hand grasped the bars as he banged his head against the cage bars.

"That won't help Tirek." A figure with sharp yellow eyes that had pupil slits smiled. His voice filled with a venomous snake-like tongue. "It won't make the noise stop. No matter how badly you want it to."

The creature that was banging his head stopped. He moved towards the left side of his cage to face the creature that adressed him. Said creature walked into a shine of light, revealing that he had the lower half of a pony with black fur and grey hooves. His upper body had red skin that looked like a humans with red skin that had skinny arms in which his hands were bound by hand cuffs, his head looked like a pony's but it had no fur. Instead it had red skin. On his head were two tiny horns and he had yellow pupils where the back of his eyes were black.

"Do not make me angry Devorandum." Tirek hissed.

"Or what?" The silhouette creature rose inside his cage. "Tell me Tirek what will you do? Will you try to take away my magic?"

Tirek growled at the creature, receiving a smile from the creature.

"Enough you two."

Tirek and the creature looked back to the cage behind them. A pony silhouette sitting in it.

"Your pointless bickering won't solve anything. All it will do is irritate me more so."

"And just what will you do about it hmmmm?" The creature asked. "You're just as trapped as the rest of us here."

"We wouldn't still be here if a certain someone didn't betray the plan." Another voice came from another cage.

"Don't try to pin this on me!" Tirek shouted to the cage.

"He does have a point though." The creature hissed. "We wouldn't still be here if you hadn't ran like a dog with his tail between his legs."

"What did you just call me?" Tirek growled.

The creature was about to make a clever quip but was unable to, due to the fact that multiple noises were being heard outside. Sounds of roars, yelling, painful yelling, and ponies who were cursing. The noise died down and the door jingled a bit. Like someone was putting pressure on the other side of it. After a couple of nudges the door was literally blown off of its hinges as a big three headed guard dog was thrown through it. Kicking up dust and dirt.

"Well well well." A pony emerged from the dust.

It had the body of a mare. But had black chitin instead of fur, holes in her four legs, insect like wings a long unicorn horn that was warped and deformed with two semi circles on its side. She had sharp dark green eyes, and long deep dark blue messy mane an tail. Her voice had a distorted echo to it, as though two exactly tuned voices were speaking out of sync.

"So this is the fate that has fallen upon the Seven Demon's of Tarturus. Seems as though we're missing some." The pony said.

"Your a bit early are you not Chrysalis?" The pony silhouette asked.

"I'm in agreement with Terraca." A strange creature trapped inside a cage larger than the others said. "Why have you come here so early?"

"An opportunity occurred and I simply couldn't pass it up." Chrysalis said aiming her horn at the cage the pony Silhouette was trapped in, a green beam shot from her horn and struck the cage, melting it like butter.

"Must be one hell of an opportunity." The yellow eyed creature grinned. "Care to let us in on the secret? We don't get much news down here."

"Trust me, I even if I did tell you none of you would believe me." Chrysalis said.

"I've seen many things in my life that I'd never dared to imagine, try me." The pony silhouette ginned.

Chrysalis smiled. "The moon has vanished from Equestria." She spoke.

The Future

The morning sun broke through the dark night. Signaling those who slept that it was time to awake. However there were two who ignored the signal. Mostly because they had been awake since four a.m. and have been working nonstop.

The sun shined its bright rays upon Sweet Apple acres. The newly painted barn, the warm brisk apple trees, and the gentle wind. To the Apple family, it was the perfect day for a harvest. An apple tree shook, apple's were instantly knocked down from the trees branches. Landing perfectly in the bucket.

The one who shook the apple tree was a mare. A grown mare with yellow fur and wore a cowgirl hat. The Mare's name was Applebloom. Fully grown up, she took on all the responsibilities that Applejack once had. Applebloom looked towards the sky. Where the moon had once stood.

Time had passed since its disappearance. The light that the moon had brought into the night was gone. Now the nights were dark, with no light to shine down on the earth. Everyone missed the moon. But they moved on, they learned to live without the light of the moon.

Applebloom shook her head away from the sky and back to her work. She had a lot ahead of her but she knew that she could get it done.

There was just one thing that was holding her down.

Her coltfriend Pip.

She sighed, the grown lad Pip asleep on his barrel. Applebloom couldn't help but smile. Everyday he'd get up early to come and help her out. And everyday she'd find him asleep. And everyday she'd tell him to not over exert himself. And everyday he'd respond with 'what kind of coltfriend would I be if I didn't help out my Mare?'

She smiled at the thought. She walked over to the sleeping Pip and gave him a small kiss on the cheek. Pip opened one of his eyes and said, "Is that you my princess Charming?"

Applebloom giggled. "No, but ya sure do make one heck of a sleeping beauty."

Pip's smile faded, "Sorry I slept on the job again."

"What's there ta be sorry about?" Applebloom said, picking up one of the barrel's handle's by her teeth and dragging it under the tree.

"Well I come here every day to help you out but I just keep getting in the way." Pip said flatly.

"Don't be ridiculous Pip." Applebloom said, facing the tree she lifted her hind legs. "I'd much rather have you sleeping here than somewhere else."

"...what's that supposed to mean?" Pip asked as Applebloom bucked the tree.

The tree shook as apples were knocked loose from its branches. Applebloom turned away from the tree and towards Pip. When she was close enough she wrapped her forelegs around Pip's neck and got real close to his face. "It means I enjoy your company Pip." She whispered.


The two ponies startled backwards by a sudden noise. The two looked to there left to see an above average large stallion with red fur, an orange mane that was spiky in the front, and had green eyes. "I hope I'm not interrupting. Am I?" The stallion asked.

"Eeyup." Pip responded.

Applebloom giggled. The stallion squinted his eyes at Pip and approached him. He got right in Pip's face and asked, "I don't think I heard you right Pip Squeak. Care to repeat yourself?"

Pip stared the stallion right back, he showed no fear, no hesitation, and no sign of weakness as he repeated what he said. "Eeyup."

There was a long silence between the two. Before the stallion smiled and grabbed Pip. The stallion pulled Pip into a hug and laughed. "Eeyup!" The stallion hollered in laughter.

Pip chuckled, a bit of uncomfort in his laugh.

"But seriously though." The stallion released Pip from his grip. "I need the two of you ta get back to work. These apples won't harvest themselves you know."

"Yeah yeah we know." Applebloom said to the stallion as he began to walk away.

"So...does your bother still not like me or what?" Pip asked.

Applebloom just shrugged. "Come on, you heard Big Mac. We gotta get back to work."

"Yes ma'am." Pip saluted.

The day rolled on to where it seemed like the morning was only seconds. The afternoon came very quickly and without warning. The weather ponies planed for a day with hardly any clouds. And a nice cool breeze.

It was the perfect day to take a stroll through the dark and terrible Everfree forest. Or at least that's what it used to be till the Deer came along. The once terrifying forest became tame and ordinary, dirt paths were built into the ground and houses made in trees. This made traveling through the Everfree much easier to many.

One pony was making use of these roads. A stallion by the name of First Base strolled down the dirt road. He hummed a tune while carrying a picnic basket in his mouth. Two Deer guards passed by First and greeted him with a hello. First Base smiled at the two and returned the friendly greeting with one of his own.

The tension between the Deer and ponies was something of the past. The two lived in a, as one would call it, harmonic lifestyle.

First Base walked along the dirt road for a while before reaching his destination. Before First Base stood a pond. Small waves splashed on the surface of the ground as water fell from the top of a flat large rock.

Sitting on a picnic blanket, that sat on the beach of the pond, was a grown Dinkie. Her mind currently absent from the real world and was immersed in her book.

First Base began to approached Dinkie. Being very quiet so that he wouldn't disturb her.

"Your late."

Of course First Base skill of stealth was as good as a cow with an alarm strapped to its neck.

First Base stood frozen. Not wanting to move, hoping, praying, that Dinkie was just reading her book out loud. Dinkie then closed the book and stood up. First Base's pupils shrank in fear as Dinkie sat up.

"Do you know what I do to ponies who are late Base?" Dinkie asked, staring First base in the eyes.

First Base said nothing, he was to afraid to speak. He knew all to well what was about to happen. The picnic basket that he held was ripped from his mouth by Dinkie's magic and placed neatly on the ground. Then First Base was lifted into the air, he looked at Dinkie with pleading eyes, silently begging her not to do what she was about to do.

First Base's hopes were instantly dashed away when Dinkie gave him a sinister smile. Any slim hope of redemption was no where to be found. First Base was doomed, there was no escape.

As Dinkie chucked him into the water.

First Base gasped for air as he splashed on the surface, he coughed up some water. His mane and fur had become completely soaked in water causing it to droop. While First Base was doing this however, a sound had caught his ears attention. On the shore was Dinkie, on her back laughing hysterically. First Base swam to the shore and walked up to Dinkie. He stood over her frowning at her, Dinkie looked back at him with an innocent smile.

"Oh lighten up you." Dinkie smiled, getting up from the ground she dusted off her back and walked to the blanket. Using her magic she summoned a towel, which she offered to First Base.

First Base continued to glare at Dinkie. He shook his body like a dog, drops of water went flying everywhere. Dinkie used the towel that she had offered First Base to shield herself from the barrage of droplets.

When First Base stopped his mane and fur returned to their dry state. It was as if not a single drop of water touched him. Dinkie made the towel vanish, still smiling at Base.

"The water was cold." First Base said flatly to Dinkie.

"Oh please, it can't be that cold. Besides," Dinkie teleported herself on First Base's back and whispered tenderly in his ear, "I can think of a few ways to warm you up."

The tone of Dinkie's voice and her body language caused blood to rush to First Base's cheeks. His entire body became hot as his mind began to think of certain 'fantasies'.

"There, see?" Dinkie asked, hoping off of First Base's back. "Told you I had a couple of ways to warm you up."

First Base stood there in confusion before he realized that Dinkie's sudden words had caused his body temperature to rise. "I really don't like you right now." First Base glared at Dinkie.

Dinkie giggled at Base, sitting down on the blanket she offered First Base a seat beside her. First Base sighed, admitting defeat he approached Dinkie and sat beside her. Dinkie levitated the picnic basket towards them, lifting up the red cloth that Base had put over it. She then lifted two cucumber sandwiches out of the basket and levitated one of them over to Base, who grabbed it and took a bite of it.

"You remember what today is don't you?" Dinkie asked Base, taking a bite out of her sandwich.

First base nodded. "We're all still gonna meet in the same place we always do right?"

"Yep, still can't believe it's been so long and yet...it feels like it's only been a few days since it disappeared." Dinkie said, looking up to the sky.

"Yeah, I know how you feel." First Base looked up to the sky as well. "Everyone is starting to wonder if it will ever come back."

"I don't think so, the Moon just up and vanished. There was no warning, no vision, no nothing. It all happened so fast." Dinkie said. The two still gazing up at where the moon once stood.


"Sister?" A voice came from the other side of the door.

"Come in." Was Luna's response.

The door handle turned and the door creaked open as Celestia entered the room. In front of her was her sister Luna, looking out her window.

"I've come to make sure that you are all right." Celestia said, closing the door behind her.

"Am I alright?" Luna repeated her sisters words. "I don't think so no."

Celestia sighed. "Luna...your my sister. So if there's anything I can do for you I will do everything in my power to do it."

"Thank you Celestia. But right now, I just want to be left alone." Luna said, continuing to stare out her window.

Celestia gave Luna a worried look before turning back to the door. She walked out and closed the door behind her.

"She's staring out of her window again isn't she?"

Celestia turned to the left hallway, a Batpony mare before her. She had red eyes, grey fur, and a dark blue neatly combed mane. She wore a lunar guard outfit minus the head piece. She sat against the wall, as if she was expecting someone.

"I'm afraid she's still upset about everything that has happened. She blames herself when it clearly isn't her fault." Celestia explained.

The mare stood up. "I'll go talk to her, maybe I can...help her somehow."

"Best of luck to you Shade." Celestia said before turning and walking away.

Shade stood at the door, her hoof laid on the door handle. She braced herself before turning the handle and opening the door. As she expected, Luna was sitting at her window, staring blankly at the sky.

"I wish to be left alone, please leave my food on the table and go." Luna said, assuming that Shade was a maid that had come to deliver her food.

Shade grinned at Luna, "Would you prefer that I wear a maid outfit instead of this one?"

Luna smiled weakly, "Still humorous as always."

"Your sister is worried about you." Shade said, sitting next to Luna. "Everyone is worried about you."

"They have no need for such an emotion." Luna said. "I am fine-"

"But your not fine." Shade interrupted Luna. "I've seen your covers filled with tears, you close yourself off from everyone, and you hide your sadness behind an invisible mask. But I can see through your mask Luna. I know that you are hurting, but you are only hurting yourself for something that isn't your fault."

Luna looked away from Shade and back to the window. "You know nothing."

"I know that you are not the only one hurting. I to miss Nightwing, I owe everything to him. He is the reason that I exist in this world." Shade hugged Luna. "Tell me the story again." Shade begged. "Tell me about Nightwing. Tell me about the adventures he had and the friends he made and everything about him. Please."

Luna looked down at Shade and wrapped a hoof around her, pulling her closer in. "I've already told you the story countless times now. Surely you know it by heart now?"

"No...I want to hear it again." Shade pleaded.

"Very well." Luna smiled weakly at Shade. "There once was a vampire Batpony. His name was Nightwing, he was...a bit unfriendly to most is a way I'd put it. But he had friends, and those friends stood by him through thick and thin. They would lay down their lives for him, because they knew that he would do the same for him."

Luna continued to fill Shade's ears with tales of Nightwing and his adventures. Tales full of action, drama, and a few comical points here and there. As Luna told the tales Shade began to get sleepy. She was about to leave until Luna requested that she slept with her. Shade was a bit reluctant at first but when she saw the sadness in her eyes she agreed. The two crawled into Luna's bed, Luna's wing draped over Shade giving her comfort and reassurance as the two dozed off.

In the far reaches of Equestria, towards the east. There is a prison known as Ractous. It is a prion for those who have committed crimes against Equestria. It lies in a mountain, a three layered gate, that was guarded by the mechanical Ponies known as Sentinel's. An upgraded version of Nightwing's Guardians. They were built to be stronger, faster, smarter, and more powerful than the original Guardian. The design was the same, armor in the shape of a pony made from a type of material that covered the muzzle and had empty eye sockets. Each programmed with a specific job and unit.

In the Rocky Mountains there was heavy winds that would sometimes break down rocks into razor sharp dust particles that when inhaled they would shred your lungs into pieces. Therefore the guards had to wear masks that were designed to take in air and not the death dust. So, when the High council decided to replace the guards at Ractous with Sentinel's they didn't give the decision a second thought.

The gate was about the size of a football field, same width and same height, it had very little space for something tiny to escape from it.

One of the Sentinel's that was perched on the wall of the gate detected two figures approaching the gate. The Sentinel at the gate sent a message to a Sentinel at the bottom of the gate. The Sentinel at the bottom of the gate began to move forward towards the two figures. Fire sparked on the bottom of the sentinel's hooves which turned into a full grown fire. The Sentinel took off flying, the fire propelling it forward towards the two figures. I landed a few feet in front of the two,

"You are trespassing on private government property. State your name and reason." it ordered.

The two figures were draped in brown cloaks that covered their backs. A hood covered their mane and head from any exposure. And a mask that covered their entire face was placed on them. The figure on the right reached for her mask, mist sprayed out of it as the figure removed the mask, giving the Sentinel a good look at the figure's face.

The Sentinel kneeled before the two figures. "Apologies. We did not know you would be arriving so early."

The figure put the mask back over her face, the sound of air being sealed off as it locked to her face. "It is alright, were here early because we have plans of our own that we have to get to." The figure said, her voice sounding a bit robotic thanks to the mask. "Shall we?" She asked to figure beside her.

The figure on the left nodded, and in a instant the three vanished.

And reappeared in front of gate. The Gate creaked and rumbled. A vertical line spilt the gate in two. Both sides began to move away from the other before stopping, a small opening in which the two figures entered. The gate began to close behind the two, sealing away any light. Once the gate was completely closed the entire place became lit with torches and bowls with fire.

Now out of the harsh and deadly winds the two figures removed their masks, revealing their face's. They were both pony's, one a unicorn the other a Pegasus. Their names were Sweetie Bell and Scootaloo. The two were fully grown mare's now and didn't look that different from their younger ages. The only thing different was that Scootaloo wore an eyepatch over her right eye.

"I don't like this." Scootaloo said to Sweetie Bell.

"I know you don't like this but we have to do it." Sweetie Bell replied back to Scootaloo.

The two walked down the hallway before them, they passed by rooms with bars that held prisoners. They kept going deeper and deeper into the mountain before approaching a door guarded by what seemed to be thirty Sentinel's. The door was made of the metal known as black steel, said to be three times stronger than normal steel, three large metal planks held the door locked. As Scootaloo and Sweetie Bell closed the distance between them and door the Sentinel guards moved as to not block their path.

Scootaloo and Sweetie Bell stood before the metal door. The planks that held it shut began to move back, unlocking the door. When each plank was removed the door creaked open and Scootaloo and Sweetie Bell entered. Inside was a room with five cells, two on the left side, two on the right, and one large cell in the back.

Small pillars with metal bowls on top of them caught fire, lighting up the room.

"Well well, look who's come to greet us."

Scootaloo flinched for a split second at the voice. She calmly exhaled, and walked over to a cell on the left. The flames lit up the cell revealing the pony known as Odium. The Element of Rage. His body was chained to the wall, chains wrapped around his forelegs, his hind legs, and his neck. His hooves were nailed into the wall as well. In easy terms he had crucified.

"How've you been doing element of Hope. I see that scar I gave you still hasn't healed." Odium said, directly speaking about Scootaloo's eyepatch.

Scootaloo raised a hoof to her eyepatch, she touched it, and memories of what had happened flooded her mind. The pain she felt, the horror that she experienced when she looked in the mirror. She was mad. Very mad. Angry at Odium for what he had taken away from her.

"Scootaloo." Sweetie Bell's voice snapped Scootaloo out of her trance. "We're not here for him."

Scootaloo nodded, locking eyes with Odium before turning away and approaching the large cell. Inside the cage were two big dish's, one filled with water the other filled with what seemed to be some type of kibble.

"You awake?" Scootaloo asked to the cage.

"...yes." A big deep voice answered.

"You haven't touched your food I see." Sweetie Bell stated, looking at the uneaten kibble.

"Not hungry." The voice inside the cage responded.

"You know the Sentinel's won't buy that, if you don't eat they'll just force it into you." Scootaloo said.

"Don't care." Was the voice's response.

"You know we were able to convince one of the High Council's members to sign your release form." Sweetie Bell said." We're close to getting you-"

A large purple tail smacked against the cell's bars. Causing Scootaloo and Sweetie Bell and Scootaloo to jump back.

"I've told you a thousand times now, I don't want to be released!" The voice boomed. "I deserve to be here, I committed a crime that I must serve my time for!"

Scootaloo frowned and shouted back, "But that's just it, no one blames you for what you did. You weren't yourself you were being controlled!"

"That's the point!" The voice yelled. "I was weak, I let my mind be controlled and I hurt those who I loved and cared about. I belong here, I deserve to be here. I know you won't listen but I'll say it again. Stop trying to save me, I belong here."

"That's not fair." Sweetie Bell yelled. "Your treating yourself like your...your...your some kind of monster. But your not, your our friend. You don't belong here. Please let us-"

A large claw reached past the bars, flying straight towards Sweetie Bell at a speed so fast she only could only react by instinct. Pink construct's formed around her body, turning into a type of pink armor. But before the large purple scaly claw could strike Sweetie Bell it stopped. A long and sharp green fingernail a few feet away from her, the large claw receded back into the cage.

"You say that you are my friends, but friends of mine would know that I would never cause any initial harm to them." The voice said, his tone a mixture of anger and sadness. "Leave. Now. I no longer want your company."

The sun was beginning to set, telling everyone that it was time for them to be heading off to bed. But there were two ponies who sat on a hill, admiring the beautiful sunset. First Base and Dinkie rolled out a red and white square pattern picnic blanket. It laid gently on the neatly tame grass, Dinkie and First Base sat on the blanket watching the sun go down, the two enjoying the other's company. The sun had finally set, and the stars came out.

Sparkling dots in the sky shined bright, to far away to light up the earth when night rolled around. But just enough to see, when the world goes dark creatures look to the sky for what little light they can see.

"We're not late I hope."

Dinkie looked behind First Base to see both Applebloom and Pip, who was hauling a cooler. Dinkie smiled at the two and said, "You two aren't late, your a bit early. But that's alright."

First Base turned back to Pip, "Where are the others?" He asked.

"There coming, don't forget they had other important things to do as well." Pip answered.

The four ponies chatted about their days and what they did. They continued to chat until the other four ponies arrived. Scootaloo, Sweetie Bell, Button Mash, and Rumble. They all said their hellos and chatted.

First Base talked about how him and Dinkie went to Canterlot to grab some books and how Dinkie accidentally knocked over a bookshelf that almost crushed First Base. Button Mash discussed about the game tournament that took place in Manehatten and how nearly everyone there was cheating on the games. Rumble talked about his training with his big brother Thunderlane in hopes for entering the Wonderbolt's.

The group went on and on about their day's and how they had spent them. Till a certain time came. Dinkie got everyone's attention by opening up the cooler that Pip had brought. She took out eight bottles of cider, she then levitated one to everyone including herself. She cleared her throat before she spoke, "Ladies and Gentlecolts. We are gathered here today to honor our dear friends who have been gone for a long time now. Let us speak the names of those who we miss and drink from our glasses."

Applebloom removed the cap from her cider. "Ma Sister Applejack, and ma friend Ranger." She took a sip from her drink.

Pip removed the cap from his drink. "Princess Twilight and the elements of Harmony." Pip took a sip from his drink.

Rumble removed the cap from his drink. "Soarin from the Wonderbolt's, he may have been a goofball, but the Wonderbolt's will never be the same without him." There were some chuckles from the group as Rumble took a sip from his drink.

Scootaloo removed the cap from his drink. "Rainbow Dash, even with the element of Hope I'll never be faster than her." She took a sip from her drink.

Sweetie Bell removed the cap from his drink. "My sister Rarity, she might've been a bit of a nag, but I would never replace her." She took a sip from her drink.

Button Mash removed the cap from his drink. "To Pinkie Pie, the most super duper party that ever lived." He took a sip from his drink.

All eyes locked on First Base, who grabbed the cap to his drink. But he wouldn't open it, he didn't know who he missed. Every ear he would just say some random name of someone who disappeared. But this year he said something different, "To everyone that vanished." First Base said, taking a sip from his drink.

"So, who do you miss Dinkie?" Rumble asked.

Dinkie looked at her glass, she removed her cap and raised her glass. "To Nightwing. If it wasn't for him...I don't know where I'd be." She took a sip from her glass. "And now a moment of silence, please." Everyone became silent and bowed their heads. "Let us never forget those who we once loved, or those we held close to our heart. We will never forget the day the moon dissapeared, and those who disappeared with it. We will never forget to always come to this spot, on the very same day that the moon disappeared. We will always remember."

Dinkie put the glass to her lips and was ready to drink the rest of her cider. But she winced as something blinded her, as did everyone else. When there eyes had adjusted they all looked to what had caused their sudden blindness.

What they saw made them shocked. They all stared in awe, mouths slightly agape, and eyes not blinking. Dinkie dropped her glass, which poured out the liquid inside onto the grass.

The doors to Luna's bedroom were thruster open by a lunar Batpony guard. The sudden burst caused the doors to hit violently against the walls, awaking the slumbering princess.

"Guah...huh?" Luna stammer incoherent words, half awake.

"Forgive me your highness. But I come with wonderful news!" The guard said in a excited tone.

"And what is this news that seem so excited about?" Luna asked.

"Look out your window." The guard answered.

Luna looked at the guard confused, she turned towards her window to see the towers of Canterlot were being hit with a dim white light. Luna instantly recognized the light and removed her covers. She raced towards her window which she busted open. She looked up in the sky and her eyes widened.

"Guard...is this a dream?" Luna asked, part of her mind not wanting to accept what she was seeing.

"This is no dream my Princess." The guard answered. "This is real."

It was not only Luna and the group of eight that saw it. But the entire world did. Everyone, from every corner of the globe all looked at the same thing.

Light shined down upon the night, giving those who were used to the dark a new feeling.

Tears were shed, cheers were cried, prayers answered to those of faith.

All were full of joy and happiness because of what they all saw.

The Moon.

The Moon had returned to the earth.

Author's Note:

And I'm back. That was a short wait wasn't it? Well whatever, I can only hope that this story does well. I'm pretty sure it'll be my last. But maybe it won't? Who knows, only time can tell.

If you enjoyed this story leave a like or leave a comment telling how you liked my story, or how you'd rather be watching Loony tunes rather than this.

Thank you for your Time.