• Published 12th Oct 2016
  • 468 Views, 10 Comments

The End to every story - Thestoryteller

To every story there is a beginning and a end. But what if the beginning wanted a story that would never end? What if the beginning sealed away the end? What if the end returned to battle the beginning? What kind of story would that look like?

  • ...

Chapter ten. The Beginning...

If Discord got off by watching total chaos he'd be having a blast right now. Ponies all around were in a panic, scattering to and fro, screaming at what had just happened. The royal guard tried their best but...it's the royal guard, I think you and I know what the outcome is going to be. Luckily there was someone who was capable of creating a solution.

That solution's name, was Derpy.


Everypony who was in a panic was now still and silent. Derpy turned to Luna, who nodded in understanding.

Luna flew up and cleared her throat, "Attention Ponies!" She spoke in a loud voice that could be heard all across Canterlot. "We understand your reason for fear. But rest assured, we have the situation under control. We will have the royal guard escort all of you back to your homes safely. All of you, please go to the airfield where you'll be transported to your city or town."

With that said, the Royal guard was able to escort everyone, calmly, to the royal airfield and onto an airship bound for a specific location.

Luna landed and said to everyone else, "The rest of you, come with me. We have much to discuss." Luna turned to Discord, "Discord, if you would?"

Discord crossed his arms and sighed, "Fine, whatever." He snapped his talons and everyone disappeared and reappeared in a different room.

The room made entirely out of marble, the floor, walls, and ceiling were made out of it. In the center of the room was a big circular marble table that was embedded into the floor. As for those who had teleported into the room they were, Luna, Celestia, Discord, North Star, Shade, Shining Armor, Cadence, Flurry Heart, Starlight, Flash, Soarin, Ranger, Thorn, Cheese Sandwich, Silver Platter, Spike, Applebloom, Scootaloo, Sweetie Bell, Dinkie, Rumble, Button Mash, Pip Squeak, and of course Derpy.

"Okay, what just happened?" Starlight asked.

"I think it's pretty clear what just happened." Shining Armor spoke. "Two Alicorns, a unicorn, a changeling, a centaur, a big snake, and a griffon just took the Elements of Harmony, Nightwing, and... whoever that stallion was."

"First Base." Dinkie answered.

"First Base. The question right now is where they took them and why?"

"Perhaps it's time that I shed some light on this." Discord suggested, summoning a light bulb. "Those seven creatures that we were all introduced to are known as the Seven Demons of Tartarus. While there are seven, we were only able to capture four of them."

"When did you capture them exactly?" Flash asked. "Because if there are supposed to be four of them trapped in Tartarus right now then how come we saw all seven?"

"I'm not sure, there's a possibility that they all escaped when we weren't looking. As for who they are," Discord snapped his fingers and seven cards appeared face up on the table. Each card had a picture of one of the Seven Demons along with a description beneath the picture. "Let's start with her," Discord used his magic to levitate the card of the unicorn mare. "This here is the unicorn known as Libidine, the Demon of Lust, she's been one of the hardest Demons for us to capture. She has this bizarre power to make any male creature do her bidding. The same goes for mares but it's been proven that it's more difficult." Discord sat the card down and levitated up the card of the snake, "This here is Devorandum, Demon of Blood, he's one of the Demon's that I 'Personally' made sure to be in Tartarus."

"What's so bad about this guy?" Cheese asked.

"You ever heard of the Black Death? Guess who was behind it." Discord waved the card in Cheese's face before continuing, "He's a ruthless and cruel creature that feeds off blood. In doing so blood makes him a lot stronger than he already is." Discord laid the card down and levitated the card of Descend up, "You all probably recognize this guy as the Emperor of the griffons. But his true name is the Demon of Pain. His power is...unknown."

"How do you know so much about these Demons Discord?" Flurry asked.

"Ask me no questions and I will tell you no lies." Discord quipped, setting down the card he picked up Chrysalises, "Here we have Chrysalis, Queen of Changeling's, and Demon of Envy. As your all probably aware, she can shape-shift and turn into things. But the most concerning thing about her is her army. We all know what went down on these guy's wedding." Discord eye'd Shining Armor and Cadence. Discord sat the card down and lifted up the next one. Upon seeing whose card it was his expression saddened, "Okay...now before I show you all this just remember, what's happened in the past is history, and I am not to be judged by it." With conforming nods Discord revealed the card, which was Tirek's. "This here is Tirek, Demon of Gluttony. He feeds on magic from ponies and gains power in doing so. Upon seeing him just a couple of minutes ago, I think it's safe to say that he's already absorbed his fair share of magic."

Discord laid the card down and levitated the last two, "These guys are a special type of bad. Here we have Terraca, who is the Demon of Earth, and Infernum, who is the Demon of Fire. Both are Alicorns as you can see. The reason why that is is because-"

*ahem* Celestia cleared her throat rather loudly. "Discord, I would appreciate it if you would let me discuss those two myself."

Discord grinned and handed the cards to Celestia, who grabbed them with her magic, "You have the floor Tia." Discord grinned.

Celestia eyed the cards for a while before speaking, "I have lived for thousands of years on this earth. In that time I've made many friends. But no matter how many I had they would all grow old and die." Celestia turned to face Luna, "But luckily I wasn't alone, I had my sister and..." She stared at the cards once more, "And I had my two brothers."

Upon hearing what Celestia just said everyone became shocked. "You have two brothers." Cadence said with disbelief. "How could you keep something like that a secret?"

"Cadence dear." Luna spoke, "It happened thousands of moons ago, before you even existed. I'm not proud of what we had to do but...but it was the only thing we could do."

Thorn spoke, "Who are these two brothers of yours and why did you imprison them?"

"My dear little ponies." Celestia spoke. "I can assure you that everything I've told you is the truth. I just might not have told you all of it." Celestia sighed. "In the beginning there was only the stars. One day me, Luna, Terraca, and Infernum, took a star and with it we created something amazing. Infernum, since he was the oldest, was the first to use his star. With it he created Tartarus, I used my Star to create the sun, Terraca used his to create the Earth, and Luna used hers to create the moon. We soon learned that life had begun to grow on our worlds. I ruled over those that inhabited the sun, Luna ruled over those who inhabited the moon, and Terraca and Infernum ruled over the earth. But after we learned of the way that our brother's were ruling we imprisoned them in Tartarus."

"I can't believe what I'm hearing." Thorn said, rejecting what had been said.

"How can any of this be true?" Shade asked. "None of it makes any sense."

"Um...if I may."

All attention was directed to the timid voice of Flurry Heart. "I know that this might seem a bit confusing...but don't you all think that we should be more concerned with the fact that our friends got capture?"

"Princess Flurry Heart is right." Soarin agreed. "We need to focus on getting our friends back."

"But...how can we do that if we don't know where they are?" Applebloom spoke.

"I can help with that." Discord spoke snapping his talons a paper map as big as the table appeared above the table. The map fell down neatly onto the table and with a snap of Discord's fingers eight symbols hovered above the map. The symbols were a purple six pointed star, three balloons, three red apples, a white cloud with a rainbow lightning bolt striking from it, three gems, three butterfly's, a baseball bat with a baseball next to it, and a symbol of the full moon with bat wings extended from it. The eight symbols flew across the paper before stopping and hovering above a part of the map. "Each symbol represents its owner's location. If we wish to go after them all we need to do is follow this map and it'll lead us straight to them."

"Then what are we waiting for?" Soarin asked, impatience getting the better of him. "Let's go."

Soarin spread his wings and was about to burst out the door until Discord put a halt to his plans by grabbing his tail, "Hold your horses sonny." Discord said with a southern accent. "We may no where are friends are, but we have no idea which Demon might be guarding them." Discord pointed to the map. "Look, each symbol is in a specific location. Now if I'm correct, and I hope for once I'm not, that the Seven Demons are using the Elements for some kind of magical circle. If they are then that means there gonna be guarding each Element, and the other two. So we're all going to have to split up and take a specific element."

"I'll go after Twilight." Flash said.

"I'll go too." Shinning said.

"As will I." Flurry Heart spoke.

"I'll go after Rainbow Dash." Soarin said.

"Count me in." Scootaloo said.

"You all know that I'm going after Pinkie." Cheese grinned.

"I'll give you some assistance." Starlight said.

"I'll go too." Cadence offered.

"Then I'll go after Rarity." Silver spoke.

"I'll go with you." Spike said.

"I'm going too." Sweetie Bell said.

"I'm going after Applejack, anyone wanna tag along?" Ranger asked.

"A'm going to save ma Sis, that's for sure." Applebloom said.

"I'll go after Fluttershy then." Thorn said.

"I'm gonna go with you so that the teams are even." Derpy said.

"I shall accompany you Thorn." Celestia said.

"I will go after Nightwing." Luna stated.

"In that case, I will be your bodyguard." North Star said.

"I'm going too." Both Shade and Dinkie said at the same time.

Rumble looked to Discord, "What about us? What will we do?"

Discord gave Rumble a grin. "Were going to hold down the fort. At any moment those Demons could come out of nowhere and attack, so it would best if us four stay here." Discord pointed to Rumble, Pip Squeak, and Button Mash. "As for the rest of you." He snapped his fingers and a eight smaller versions of the map were given to each group. "I'm going to teleport you all close to your destination. I'm not going to teleport you right on top of them for obvious reasons." Discord raised his eagle claw and prepared his talons. "Good luck."


In a dark and rather spooky looking cave, the darkness was pushed away as the light from the red portal illuminated the cave. From the portal the Seven Demons walked into the cave from the portal along with the Elements of harmony, Nightwing, and First Base.

"Alrighty then." Terraca clasped his hooves. "We got what we came for...what else were we supposed to do again?" He asked.

"Now we go our separate ways." Infernum answered. "Each of us will get an element to place in one of the lacrama's." He faced everyone. "Any choice of preference?"

"I would like to take Twilight Sparkle if you wouldn't mind." Chrysalis licked her lips, eyeing Twilight.

"No chance Chrysie." Tirek sneered. "If anyone deserves a shot a Sparkle it's me."

"In your dreams Tirek!" Chrysalis hissed.

"Enough you two!" Infernum struck the floor, causing it to shake. "Need I remind you that we need them Alive for the plan to work." Infernum hovered Twilight beside him. "If you two are going to be like that then I'll take her."

Terraca stroked his chin, "Brother, would it be alright if I could take her?" Terraca asked, pointing to Fluttershy.

"As long as you do kill her, then fine." Infernum agreed.

"I'll take the Rainbow one if you don't mind." Devorandum said, curling his talons around Rainbow Dash he pulled her out of the green magic.

Now free to move and speak Rainbow Dash yelled, "Let me go you freaks!"

Devorandum gave a wicked smile to Rainbow. "Infernum, you said we couldn't kill them. But you said nothing about ripping out their tongue, right?"

The look on Devorandum's face and what he said caused Dash to shut her mouth shut, tight.

"Just please don't kill them." Infernum groaned, "and since you idiots took too long I'm just going to give all of you one of the elements." Infernum said levitating one of the Elements to everyone. Everyone, that is, except for you, Libidine.

"I assume you know what to do?" Infernum asked Libidine cautiously.

"Please, you've gone over it at least a thousands times now." Libidine groaned. "I know what I'm doing."

"...Alright." Infernum sighed, levitating Nightwing and First Base over to her. "Just remember, these two play a crucial role in the plan." He glared at Libidine, "don't screw it up."

With that Infernum summoned up six red portals, from which everyone entered and left. The green magic around Nightwing and Base vanished. Now free, Nightwing used the opportunity to gather magic into his crystal. Only for it to be swiped away from him by Libidine.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk." Libidine shook her head with disappointment as a Nightwing's Crystal floated beside her. "You should know better Nightwing. Surely you didn't think it would be that easy."

"You know," Nightwing eye's looked up to the left, "for a second there. I actually did."

Libidine frowned, "Then you've learned nothing. Did you forget who owned you for four years before you escaped?"

"Did you forget that you're the one who let me go?" Nightwing asked, returning his gaze to Libidine. "Freely mind you."

Libidine slightly chuckled, "Typical. Slave owners know nothing on how to care for a servant. Slaves are...." Libidine paused. "Pets. They require food, water, and attention. In giving slaves these three things you gain a powerful emotion."

"Fear?" Nightwing surmised.

"Loyalty." Libidine corrected. "Give a slave a paradise that he, or she, will never want to leave, and they'll follow you to the moon and back."

"So how come it didn't work on me?" Nightwing asked.

"You were different. Special, in a way. You were the one who I could never truly tame, and that just made me want you more." Libidine licked her lips, lifting Nightwing's chin. "But you were guarded by a princess. I knew that there was no way I'd be able to tame you while that mother hen guarded you like a hawk. So I bided my time and waited for the perfect opportunity."

"So the only reason you captured me was so you could take me back and use me as a slave?" Nightwing raised a brow.

Libidine shook her head. "No, I'm afraid that's not it. You see I need you for what is about to unfold. And you're going to help me."

Nightwing laughed, "Really? What makes you think I'm going to help you? I'm immune to your power Libidine, you can't make me do anything."

"Oh you will help me Nightwing. You just need," Libidine teleported in front of Nightwing, she reared back her foreleg and drove it into Nightwing's chest. "A different point of view."

Libidine pulled her hoof out of Nightwing's chest. In doing so, Nightwing stumbled backwards and fell onto his back. Pain shot through him as a dark blue aura in his chest started to turn black. First Base lifted Nightwing's head and asked, "Nightwing, what's wrong? What did she do to you?"

Nightwing grabbed First Base by the neck and said, "Run." Before Base could process what that meant Nightwing lifted himself up and leaped for Libidine. Surprised by this, Libidine was unable to prevent Nightwing from pinning her to the ground. First Base didn't want to, but he had no choice. With a heavy heart he turned away and ran. He located the exit to the cave and immediately sprinted towards it.

Only form something to wrap around his throat and yanked him back. First Base skidded across the floor, coughing as whatever was around his threat tightened.

"Naughty Colt." A voice giggled as Melody stepped from out of the shadows, a whip in her mouth.

Libidine pushed Nightwing off of her and stood up, "That was a mistake Nightwing." She sneered. "One that I assure you will regret."

Nightwing howled in pain as his body began to change. His flesh and bones grew bigger, creating cracks and snaps from inside his body, long and sharp claws appeared from his hooves and dug into the ground, the fur on his tail began to shed and was replaced with scales as it grew longer, his eyes were completely red, his ears became more wolf like and his muzzle grew longer and his teeth became sharper and more visible. His body almost resembled the appearance of a wolf. Once the transformation was done, Nightwing stared blankly at the floor for a couple of seconds before rearing back his head releasing a monstrous roar.

Nightwing lowered his head back and spoke in a deep and ghostly voice, "Who has freed me from my slumber?"

"That would be me." Libidine pointed to herself. "Welcome Umbrum."

The creature known as an Umbrum lifted his right hoof and inspected his claws, "This is not my body." He spoke.

"No, your body is still trapped inside Nightwing's. I've just given you control." Libidine said. "Now that I've freed you, you will do as I say."

The Umbrum chuckled, "an Umbrum does not take orders from a pony. But I shall do you a favor for freeing me." The Umbrum sat down his hoof and looked to Libidine, "What do you ask of me?"

"I need you guard that." Libidine pointed to circular stone brick pillar with a black sphere on top of it.

"That's it?" Umbrum asked.

"That is all, just watch this and make sure no one touches it. Also Melody will be keeping you some company." Libidine looked to First Base. "Now then, let's get this started."

Libidine levitated First Base up and towards the black sphere. Libidine pushed Base against the sphere, and as if it were liquid, First Base began to slowly be embedded into the sphere. First Base tried to move but his entire body was frozen in place.

Back in the griffon empire, a red portal opened up in the throne room and Descend walked out. With a smile on his face he dragged the helpless Applejack by the neck.

"You'll never get away with this ya flying rat!" Applejack cursed.

"You say that, but you have no way of stopping what's about to come." Descend sneered.

"Jus' what do you and your buddies plan on doing with my friends?" Applejack demanded.

"Can't say. It's something so grand that mere words cannot describe." Descend's smile grew.

"Must be somethin' truly evil if you have to go to all this trouble." Applejack mumbled. "You won't win, my friends will come for me and when they do they'll kick you butt."

Descend stopped and held Applejack in front of him. He looked her dead in the eyes and laughed, "You really believe that don't you? Foolish pony, there's no one alive who can defeat me."

"Ya sound pretty confident. Care ta tell me why?" Applejack asked.

"Tell me, have you ever heard of a being known as the Prophet?" Descend asked, receiving a blank look from Applejack. "I thought not. Long ago I sought out the Prophet and asked her how I would die. The Prophet's answer was I would be killed by a child born with no mother or father. The Prophet's predictions are never wrong, and after I drank from a pool of Nyx my body became invulnerable to anything that struck me. As long as the Prophet's prediction stands I will never die." Descend shouted, "and if the child of prophecy is here, then may he or she strike me down right where I stand!"

Upon saying those words a sharp steel sword pierced through Descend's chest. His eyes widened, his grip on Applejack loosened and she dropped to the floor. Descend's eyes fell onto the blade that had pierced him, his blood dripping from the blades tip. Instead of roaring in pain he let out a disappointed sigh. Looking behind him he saw the one who had drove the blade through his chest.

"Leone." Descend spoke. "What do you think you're doing?"

Leone gripped the hilt of the blade hard. "Forgive me father...I didn't want to but...but what you're doing is wrong."

"Boy." Descend growled, "I'm going to give you five seconds to let go of this blade, get on your hands and knees, and beg for forgiveness."

"It is you who needs forgiveness!" Leone yelled. "Can you not see what you are doing? You've taken one of the elements of Harmony. You will cause a war between us and Equestria."

"War? Why should I care if Equestria goes to war with the Griffons?" Descend asked casually.

Leone was taken aback, his eyes wide. "You...what...what are you saying?" Leone sputtered.

"I'm saying that I don't care. I don't give a damn about this empire, I don't give a damn about its citizens, and I most certainly don't give a damn about you." Descend glared.

Leone' grip on the blade was lost. He stumbled back and wavered a bit, trying to keep himself from falling over. "This...this cannot be...this is...this is...madness...what you're saying is madness."

"Madness?" Descend repeated, gripping the blade. "You speak of madness but you know nothing of the concept." Descend said, pulling the entire sword through his body. "Madness is something that can never truly be understood." Descend said, the wound in his chest began to heal. "To understand madness one must first learn to embrace it." Descend grabbed Applejack by the neck and walked towards the door.

But before he could walk out the door Leone flew over him and landed in front of the door. "Move." Descend demanded calmly.

"No." was Leone's response.

"Move, or I will move you." Descend threatened, his patience becoming very thin.

"I will not move. I do not know what has come over you but I care for this empire. This is my home. You built this from the ground up, and I'll be damned before I let you destroy it. So I say to you, father. I. Will. Not. Move." Leone spoke with no sign of fear in his voice.

Descend stared at Leone with a look of impress. He gave his son a warm smile, "I believe you."

Then he drove the blade through Leone's chest. The smile of warmth turned into a dark and cold frown. There was a loud crunch as Descend twisted the blade. He released the handle and Leone fell to floor. His mouth and teeth had become stained red with his blood as he spat blood. He wheezed in pain as he tried to stand up.

"Back in the old days when a Sentinel bathed in a pool of Nyx they would receive wild magical abilities. Those abilities would then pass down to their kin. But for those who drank from the pools, the power would not pass down. It would stay with them forever and never transfer to their kin. So I hope you weren't betting on having my power to save you. Anyway, while you bleed to death on the floor, I'm going to resume my plans." Descend walked out the door before turning back and facing Leone, "and remember," Descend leaned down and whispered in his ear,

"I love you, son."

There was a bright flash of light as Flash Sentry, Shining Armor, and Furry Heart were all teleported into a forest. Another flash of light appeared above Shining Armor and a big leather back fell on top of him.

Flurry used her magic to levitate the heavy bag off of her father, "Are you hurt dad?" She asked.

"Just my pride sweetie." He groaned sitting up.

Flurry sat the bag down and opened it up. She pulled out a letter and three sets of dark purple armor. One for a Pegasus, one for a unicorn, and one for an Alicorn. Flurry opened up the letter and read out loud,

"A gift for you in case you run into anything more than you can handle. These uniforms are designed to protect every part of your body and are enchanted with protection magic and attack magic."

"Well I guess he isn't as much of a prick as I thought he would be." Flash said, picking up the Pegasus armor chest plate and strapped it on. The rest of the armor lifted up and soared towards Flash. The armor slammed itself onto Flash's body piece by piece. Hard. Several ow's were said as each piece was slammed onto his body. The last piece that slammed onto Flash was the piece that covered the crotch. The last piece slammed hard onto Flash, "ow." He squeaked in pain.

Flurry looked down, trying to hide her blush. Shining Armor was on his back laughing. His laughing was short lived when his armor came to life and slammed itself onto his body. The armor that protected the crotch slammed down the hardest. A soft "ow." Was heard from him.

Unlike the other two, the alicorn armor gently placed itself onto Flurry's body.

"Forget what I said." Flash groaned.

The armor covered their entire body. A hole on each side of the Pegasus and alicorn armor for wings, and a hole on top of the helmet for the unicorn and alicorn armor for the horn.

"Ugh...come on, we've got to go save Twily." Shining Armor said, using his magic to levitate the map in front of him. He looked around and groaned, "Argh! I can't make heads or tails of this thing."

"May I?" Flash asked, extending his hoof.

Shining levitated the map and laid it on Flash's hoof. Once he had the map he extended his wings and launched upwards. He hovered in the sky for a while before coming back down.

"Okay, we need to head east. Let's go." Flash said, running off into the forest.

"Hey! Wait up!" Shining Armor shouted, chasing after Flash.

The group ran through the forest chasing after Flash. They ran deeper and deeper into the forest until Flash came to a stop. Shining Armor skidded to halt, panting.

"Why...are you...so...fast." Shining wheezed.

Flash shrugged. "Come on, we're getting closer."

"Um...excuse me mr. Sentry." Flurry spoke. "I don't mean to offend, but...are you sure we're on the right path?"

"It's the right one all right." Flash walked through the bushes. "Here's your proof."

Both Flurry and Shining walked through the bush and stood in awe at the sight before them.

The once green and luscious forest was now black with dead trees. Grey specks fell from the sky, making it hard to see. As clumps of the grey specks stretched as far as the eye could see.

"It's snowing?" Flurry asked, scooping up a hoofful of the grey stuff.

"This is no snow." Flash said. "Its ash. This entire part of the forest has been burned to a crisp."

"Oh goodness." Flurry gasped, the scoop of ash flew away by the wind.

Shining Armor stared in shock at the charred forest, "What could've caused such devastation?" He asked.

"A Demon." Flash answered. "We better be careful, we have no idea where the Demon is. He could be anywhere."

"Or." A voice boomed. "Perhaps the Demon you speak of could be right in front of you."

Flash braced himself, a lightning pike appeared in his hoof. A pink ball appeared on the tip of Shining Armor's horn. A light yellow ball formed on the tip of Flurry's horn.

"Show yourself Demon!" Shining demanded.

"You must be blind little pony, I'm right in front of you." The voice of Infernum boomed.

Flash looked all around him but he couldn't see Infernum anywhere. His eyes widened in realization, his pike faded and pushed both Shining and Flurry out of the way.


A large burst of fire erupted from the ground where the group once stood.

"Thanks for that soldier." Shining said, dusting himself off.

Flash walked forward and shouted, "Come out you Demon! Or will you attack us from the shadows like a coward?"

"It is very odd hearing those words come from you Element of Shadow." Infernum spoke, appearing right behind Flash.

Flash whipped his head around only for Infernum's hoof to collide with his face. Flash was thrown through the air before his body bounced across the ground like a stone. Infernum turned towards Shining Armor and unleashed a beam of pure fire from his horn. In reaction, Shining Armor constructed a pink shield to protect him from the beam. The beam of fire washed over the shield like water. The beam began to grown in size, causing Shining to take a knee to brace himself against the beams force.

"Your magic is brittle pony." Infernum grinned, "You will burn."

Before the shield could break Flurry created a yellow bubble around herself and stood in front of Shining Armor. Her horn glowed bright yellow as she unleashed a yellow beam of her own. The two beams collided and pushed against each other, causing them to stuck in a standstill. Once the two beams had faded Infernum got a good look at Flurry, specifically her wings and horn.

"Interesting. You have the appearance like that of an Alicorn. Yet my instincts tell me otherwise." Infernum spoke. "Would you be so kind as to share your name with me?"

Flurry Heart was hesitant at first, but she revealed her name, "Flurry Heart. My name is Flurry Heart."

"Ah, such a...strange name. Tell me, what does it mean?" Infernum asked.

"What?" Flurry tilted her head.

"Your names meaning. Your name must be related to something. Take my name for example, I am Infernum. My name means fire, I am the creator of Tartarus." Infernum boomed, the ground rumbled, spitting sparks of fire. "Now you." Infernum then noticed something. The unicorn behind Flurry had an interesting look on his face. It was a look that seemed to be a mixture of both worry and concern. But there was more to the look, Infernum had seen it before. His smile dropped and turned into a frown. "Your father." He said to Shining Armor. "I see now why my instincts believed that you weren't an Alicorn. It's because you're not. You're a half breed, a descendant of an Alicorn and a unicorn. You are not pure like me. Your magic is strong, but your strength," Infernum closed the distance between him and Flurry. He grabbed her left wing and broke the bone inside of it. "Is brittle."

Flurry yelled pain, a piece of bone stuck out of her wing. "Flurry!" Shining shouted, his horn glowed pink and he fired a bolt of pink magic.

Infernum simply smacked the bolt away as though it were a tennis ball. "Why do you even bother unicorn?" He asked. "You're no match for me."

"How about me then?" Flash flew through the air, he flipped his body and pushed all of his weight to his hind legs as they collided with Infernum's side. Infernum was pushed back a couple of feet, his hooves dug into the ground. "Not bad Element of Shadow." He grinned. "Perhaps both you and the hybrid could provide me with some quality entertainment." His smile grew as his eyes and mane were set aflame.


In a bright flash of light the group of Cheese Sandwich, Starlight, and Cadence appeared in a forest with few trees.

"Alrighty then." Cheese pulled out the map. "According to this here map we are approximately ten miles away from Pinkie Pie."

There was another white flash and a big bag appeared and dropped to the ground. There was a note tied to the bag. Starlight used her magic to hold up the note and read it out loud.

"After going over the maps location, I've determined where Pinkie Pie is. Inside is someone who will be able to help and guide you.

P.S. Please don't kill him."

"Kill him?" Cheese tilted his head, before he gasped, "Is it a puppy? I've always wanted a puppy!" Cheese clapped his hooves like a school filly.

Starlight folded the note back up and opened the sack. The sack lost its structure and became flat, revealing what was inside.

A creature with the body of a pony, but had no fur, instead it had hard black chitin all over its body. The creature had two sharp visible fangs, both of its eyes were completely light blue, it had a curved unicorn horn and clear insect wings. There was also an assortment of holes in its legs.

Cheese's happy dance stopped and he frowned, "That's one ugly puppy."

"Changeling!" Cadence hissed, aiming her horn at the creature.

"Wait, don't!" The Changeling shouted in fright, cowering behind Cheese.

"Cheese move aside, we have to kill that thing before it kills us." Starlight said.

Cheese looked to the Changeling who was still cowering in fear. "Yeah, that's the face of a killer if I ever saw one." He rolled his eyes. "Come on up, no one's going to kill you."

"Cheese don't be ridiculous, we have to-"

Cadence shut her mouth the moment Cheese pulled out his Penetrator and aimed it at Cadence. "Were not going to kill him." Cheese ordered.

Both Cadence and Starlight released their magic. Satisfied, Cheese put away his Penetrator. "It's okay buddy, you can come out."

The Changeling popped its head over Cheese. After seeing the Alicorn and unicorn the Changeling retreated back behind Cheese. "Now now, the big bad Alicorn isn't going to hurt you." He glared at Cadence, "Right Cadence?"

"...Fine." She sighed in defeat.

"Wonderful." Cheese's smile returned. "So, why don't you introduce yourself?"


"I'm sorry what was that?" Cheese leaned his ear closer to the Changeling.


"One more time please."

"Thorax." the Changeling responded in a fully audible voice.

"Thorax?" Cheese asked.

"Yes." Thorax answered.

"Well then, care to tell us why you're here?" Starlight asked.

"I...I was sent by Discord...to help you..." Thorax whimpered.

"Why would Discord send you?" Cheese asked.

"Because the...one you call Pinkie Pie...is being held in the Changeling Hive....and I'm the only one who can guide you through it." Thorax explained.

"Why should we trust you?" Cadence hissed.

"Well...I personally don't want to go back to that horrible place...but Discord forced me to." Thorax said.

"Well in that case." Cheese picked up Thorax, "Lead the way ugly puppy."

"Um...okay." Thorax said.

The group followed Thorax through the forest before coming upon a steep downhill cliff. Thorax stopped at the edge and gulped. "There it is." He pointed ahead of them.

A massive circular crater with no sign of wildlife or animals laid before them. In the center of the crater was a tall and warped structure with jagged towers that had holes punctured into them. Countless Changeling's could be seen flying to and from the structure.

"Wow...this is so cool." Cheese jumped off the cliff. "Last one there is a rotting Changeling."

Before Cheese was sent into a free fall his body was caught in a green magic and was levitated back up to the cliff by Thorax. "Are you crazy?!" He screamed.

"Define crazy." Cheese tilted his head.

"Look, Queen Chrysalis stole an ancient artifact that soaks up magic like a sponge. The only magic that it doesn't absorb is Changeling magic." Thorax explained.

To test if Thorax was telling the truth Cadence approached the edge of the cliff and lit her horn with light blue magic, she then tilted her horn off the cliff and sure enough the magic was removed from her horn and sailed towards the Hive.

"Okay...so none of us will be able use magic the moment we set foot in there except for Thorax." Cadence stated. "Do you really think I'm that dumb? Do you really think I don't know what you're plotting?"

"Plotting? W-what do you mean?" Thorax asked, terrified of the look Cadence was giving him.

Cadence turned to Starlight and Cheese, "You guys don't seriously believe this do you? I mean this whole thing reeks of a trap."

"Well...I have to admit, it really does sound like a trap." Starlight confessed.

"I think you guys are just being paranoid." Cheese did the brushed off gesture. "I have complete and total faith in Thorax. So let's stop chattering and start walking." Cheese said, starting down the cliff.

Cadence faced Thorax with a scowl, "If you so much as step an inch out of line Changeling, I will bury you."

Thorax gulped. Nodding his head, understanding the consequences of what might happen if he were to show any suspicious activity.

Soarin and Scootaloo appeared in a bright flash on top of a cloud. The piece of the map fell into Scootaloo's hooves. Scootaloo inspected the map and looked around to get her bearings. After folding up the map she spoke, "Spero, locate Rainbow Dash."

"Subject Rainbow Dash, bearer of the Element of Loyalty, processing subjects location.....subject found." Spero said.

"Thanks Spero." Scootaloo said before facing Soarin. "I know where Rainbow Dash is."

"Lead the way." Soarin offered.

Scootaloo spread her wings and they turned into blue winged blades. She took off into the sky and Soarin followed.

The Wonderbolt academy has many buildings for specific training routines. One was the gym, house of workout equipment and big rubber balls.

Speed Wave was in a rut. He couldn't seem to get the image of Soarin and Rainbow Dash cuddling each other on the cloud out of his head. Every time he tried to take his mind off of it, it kept coming back up, and every time it did he would get angry. He would deal with this anger by channeling it into punching a punching bag. Blow after blow, the heavy bag of sand would swing each time it collided with Speed Wave's hoof.

'It doesn't make sense.' Speed Wave thought. 'I'm faster, stronger, not to mention way more good looking than that idiot. So why is she fawning over that doofus?'

Speed Wave halted the punching bag's swing, 'Of course, she still thinks that Soarin is the best there is. All I have to do is show her that I'm better than Soarin, then she'll ditch that loser and be mine. After all that's how mares work, the moment they see something better than what they have they take it.' Speed Wave rubbed his chin as he walked out of the gym. 'But how am I gonna show her if I don't even know where that idiot is?'

Just as he said that both Scootaloo and Soarin flew over the Wonderbolt academy. "Speak of the Devil and he shall appear." Speed Wave grinned, spreading his wings he took off into the sky.

"Are you sure were going the right way?" Soarin asked.

"Positive." Scootaloo responded. "It's quite far but we should get there soon if we keep this speed."

"Did somepony say my name?"

Soarin was forced to a halt as Speed Wave appeared in front of him.

"Speed Wave!" Soarin shouted. "Move, I don't have time to deal with you." Soarin said, flying to the left.

Speed Wave mimicked Soarin's action and moved to the left, continuing to block his path. "Well you better make time, because you and I are gonna settle this once and for all."

"Settle this-what on earth are you talking about?" Soarin demanded.

"Don't worry I'll dumb it down for you." Speed Wave mocked. "You and I are gonna fight to see which of us is the best."

Soarin gave Speed Wave a quizzical look before shaking his head. "I don't have time for this." He said pushing past Speed Wave.

Speed Wave turned around and shouted, "What's the matter? Scared you'll lose," Speed Wave grinned, "Clipper?"

Soarin froze, his wings continued to flap and keep him in the air but his body was still. His head slowly turned to look over his shoulder. His eyes were radiating with anger and rage.

"The buck you say?" His voice became deeper and more frightening.

"You heard me, Clipper." Speed Wave continued to taunt Soarin with the nickname. "What's the matter, Clipper? Do you have a problem with me using your nickname?"

Soarin calmly turned to face Scootaloo, "Scoot, you go on ahead. I'll deal with this twerp."

"But-" Scootaloo's protest was cut off by Soarin's angry glare. "I...will...meet you there." Scootaloo said flying away.

"That's right Clipper, send the pretty mare away. Don't want her to see me beat you up huh? Good choice." Speed Wave crossed his hooves.

"Speed, I'm going to give you one warning. Apologize to me, leave now, and I won't hurt you." Soarin threatened.

"Oh I'm so scared." Speed pretended to shiver. "Give me a break. Now let's fight, Clip-"

Speed Wave was unable to finish his taunt as Soarin closed the distance between him and Speed. In a flash, Soarin reared back his hoof and punched Speed in the face. The force of the punch sent Speed Wave flying backwards until he crashed onto a cloud.

Speed Wave got up and shook off the blow. He jumped from the cloud and towards Soarin, he reared back his foreleg and punched. Soarin caught Speed's hoof, Speed then threw his other hoof at Soarin, who then caught it. Soarin then twisted both of Speed's forelegs receiving a yell of pain from Speed. Soarin heaved Speed over his head and threw him towards the ground.

Speed crashed into the ground face first, creating a perfect mirror image of his body into the ground. Before Speed could get up, Soarin dropped down and landed on Speed Wave's back.


Speed Wave roared in pain as Soarin twisted his hooves into Speed's back. Soarin grabbed Speed Wave's right wing and leaned his head down to Speed's ear. "If you so much as mutter that name ever again. I will Personally ground you."

Soarin twisted Speed's wing, creating a loud discomforting crack from it. Speed Wave roared in pain once more. Satisfied, Soarin took off into the sky. Leaving a broken Speed Wave, embedded in the ground.

Speed Wave's body shook violently as he pushed himself up and rolled onto his back. His head fell on its left side, giving him a good look at his broken wing.

Then he began to cry.

"No..." He sobbed. "No...it's not...it's not fair." He whined. "I'm...I'm the hero...I'm the guy that should get everything...I'm the one who should be on top...not him...this isn't how stories are supposed to end...the hero's the one who wins...not the villain...I'm the one who's supposed to win."

"My, my. What a pathetic scene that has unfolded."

Speed Wave, with whatever energy he had left, looked up to see a snake like creature looking down at him.

"Who...what are you?" Speed Wave asked.

"Who me?" The creature pointed to himself. "Why, I'm your fairy godmother of course."

Speed whimpered, "Wonderful, not only did I get my ass hoofed to me, now I'm starting to hallucinate."

"Hallucination?" The creature pointed to himself. "Could a hallucination do this?"

With a snap of the creature's fingers Speed Wave's body began to shift and crack. Once it had stopped Speed Wave stood up and moved his body around without feeling any pain. "Wow...what did you do?" He asked.

"I simply mended your flesh and bones back into place." The creature answered.

"Thanks." Speed's smile instantly turned to a frown. "But it still doesn't change the fact that Soarin is clearly better than me."

"My dear Speed Wave." The creature wrapped Speed Wave in his coils. "Why do you doubt yourself? Surely you don't believe that you're weaker than him."

"Well it's pretty obvious that he is...I've been training my whole life and I'm still not better than him." Speed Wave complained.

The creature leaned in closer to Speed Wave, "What if I told you that you're not using all of your power?"

"Say what now?"

The creature lifted one of his talons and pressed it against Speed Wave's chest. "Inside of you lies a storage of power that is never used. Now I could easily release this power and give you full control. But you must do something for me."

"What do you want from me?" Speed Wave asked without hesitation.

"I want you to kill Soarin Sky's. Do we have a deal?" The creature motioned his hand towards Speed.

"Deal." Speed shook the creature's hand.

Speed Wave was levitated up by the creature's magic. His body began to crack and bend as his bones began to rearrange themselves. His feathers started to fall and were replaced with metal looking ones. The back white part of his eyes turned black while his eyes turned red with black slits for pupils and his body radiated with crimson magic.

"Rise my servant." The creature's voice deepened. "The name Speed Wave is no more. From now on your name shall be Kain."

Speed Wave looked at his new features from his transformation. A smile spread across his face as he pictured Soarin's dead corpse beneath his hoof.

Silver Platter, Spike, and Sweetie Bell were teleported to a grassy field with knee high grass. The wind danced across the open field with ease, as blades of grass were pushed. Small patches of trees could be seen. Sweetie Bell levitated the piece of map to Spike, who held it in front of him. In doing so, a large sack appeared above him and crushed him.

Silver used his magic to pull Spike from under the sack. Spike dusted himself off, "Thanks." He said.

Sweetie Bell picked up the card tied to the sag and read it out loud.

"After careful observation, I've been able to confirm that you will face the Demon Tirek. As you most likely know, he has the power to absorb magic. Luckily, after countless tests, the High Council was able to create a device capable of preventing Tirek from taking your magic. The device is in the shape of a ring, which you will place on your horn. Do not, I REPEAT, do not break them. They may be able to prevent your magic from being stolen but once they break they're useless.

P.S. Sweetie Bell, Button Mash says 'good luck'."

Silver opened the bag and pulled out two black rings with a small grey circular gem in the front of it. Silver levitated a ring to Sweetie Bell while putting his ring on.

"Hold up." Spike piped. "The bag weighed like a thousand pounds, there's no way there was only two rings."

Silver opened the sack and stuck his head inside, rummaging through it. Silver's head popped back out and with him was a black leather collar with small metal spikes all around it. Inscribed onto the collar were the words,

"You things are gonna get steamy when the black leather is strapped on."

Spike chuckled, "Okay, very funny Silver. But come on, there's got to others in there better than that one."

Silver reached back in and pulled out a bright red collar with the white words inscribed onto it,

"I buck truck's."

Spike stared at the collars for a good awkward minute before his head drooped, "Just give me the black one."

Silver unsnapped the collar and wrapped it around Spike's neck. Once Silver had strapped it on Spike began to squirm in discomfort, "Is it to tight?" Silver asked.

"To loose." Spike answered, "Could you make it tighter?"

Silver used his magic to pull on the belt before strapping to back down. "Better?" He asked.

"Better." Spike said.

"If you two are done." Sweetie Bell spoke up, "There's still the matter of my kidnapped sister."

Silver rubbed the back of his head, giving a sheepish grin. "Oh yeah, sorry."

Sweetie rolled her eyes, "Come you two knuckle heads, let's get going before-"


A bolt of magic roared above Sweetie Bell and struck a patch of trees behind her. The bolt uprooted the trees and tossed them aside. Sweetie Bell looked in front of her to see the large bulking Centaur Tirek shooting bolts of magic from between his two curved horns.

Silver quickly acted and constructed a Crystal wall in front of the group.

"How did he find us?!" Spike shouted.

"Don't think that really matters right now. We better think of a way to take him down, before he kills us." Silver said.

"Well what should we do?" Sweetie Bell asked.

Silver frantically searched for something that could help him. His eyes fell on Spike and an idea popped into his head.

About ten minutes ago

Tirek stood guard in front of a stone pillar with a black sphere on top of it. Inside the sphere was Rarity, completely frozen inside the Lacrama. Tirek was beginning to lose his patience. He couldn't just stand in front of the structure all day, there had to be something he could do. Something to take his mind off of his boredom. He looked in front of him and saw the solution to his problem.

In front of him was a small patch of trees. An orange and yellow ball of magic appeared in between his horns. He released this magic by firing a bolt at the trees. The bolt collided with the trees, uprooting them, and sending them flying.

A smile of amusement spread across Tirek's face. The sight of the trees being so easily destroyed brought entertainment to his heart. It was so enjoyable that Tirek wanted to do it again. Tirek targeted another pack of trees, fired his magic, and knocked them all down.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" He bellowed. "Look at them go down."

Tirek continued to fire his magic at trees for a while. Until the last patch of trees were knocked down. Tirek readied his magic once more, frantically searching for more trees to knock down. But there were no more trees.

That is until Tirek spotted some.

His eyes lit up and he smiled wide as his magic glowed brighter at the sight of his target. Until his smile turned into a drooping frown upon seeing that the trees were so far away. His pupils went to the corner of his eyes, eyeing the stone pillar with the Lacrama on top of it. Then his eyes looked to the patch of trees. Then back to the pillar, then to the trees, then to the pillar, and back to the trees.

Finally, Tirek made his decision. "Surely leaving the pillar unguarded for a couple of minutes isn't gonna jeopardize the plan." Tirek said out loud, walking away from the pillar.

Tirek was having a blast. Firing bolts of magic at defenseless trees seemed to be quenching his thirst for entertainment. Bolt after bolt he fired, knocking down patches of trees. Soon it got to the point where his target was no longer tress. Tirek had become a trigger happy lunatic firing aimlessly at anything around him.

Tirek fired a bolt of magic that flew towards the crystalline jade wall Silver had constructed. The moment the bolt came in contact with wall, the wall absorbed the bolt and shot it back towards Tirek.

The bolt struck Tirek on the back, leaving a black impact mark where. Tirek's body seized up and froze, his mind surprised with the sudden attack. Tirek stomped around, his eyes glowed brightly yellow as he roared, "WHO DARES STRIKE AT ME!?!"

His eyes landed on the crystalline jade wall. Tirek approached the wall, his hooves creating loud stomps as he walked. He reached down and grabbed the wall, and with a heavy tug he ripped the wall from the ground with chunks of dirt still connected to the bottom.

"Huh?" Tirek felt something move along along his hooves. He looked down to see crystalline jade formed around his hooves. He looked back to where the crystalline jade wall was only to see something big and purple heading straight towards him.

Before he could react, the object collided with his face. Tirek felt the full force of whatever hit him as his body was lifted into the air and sent flying backwards. His body crashed against the ground and was plowed through the ground. Once Tirek had stopped moving he looked to see what had punched him.

Tirek's eyes landed on his attacker. A dragon, about the size of Tirek, stood before him. The dragon had purple scales with green jagged spikes running down his body from the top of his head to the tip of his tail, the dragon had a light green underbelly along with sharp green eyes, and sharp teeth that was visible despite his mouth being closed.

"That hurt." Tirek rubbed his jaw.

"That's too bad." The dragon shook out his claw. "I was hoping that I'd break it to shut you up."

Tirek stood up and faced the dragon, "You must not be aware of who I am to strike me so casually."

"Oh I know exactly who you are, Tirek," The dragon spat his opponent's name, "and I know that when this is over, one of us will be dead."

"Well you're not wrong." Tirek grinned, raising his arms he crossed them in front of his horns. He quickly brought them down and unleashed a beam of magic towards the dragon.

In reaction to the attack, the dragon opened his mouth and released a burst of concentrated green flames towards Tirek. The flames and magic collided and pushed against the other causing a standstill.

Terraca hummed a joyful tune, kicking his legs against the air as he sat on the cliff. Behind him was a stone pillar with a black sphere on top of it with Fluttershy trapped inside. Terraca created a mountain upon which the pillar now stood. Terraca knew that someone would be sent to him, it was inevitable. Terraca was anxious to see who would be coming to fight him.

But he was also starting to get impatient. How long did he have to wait before his challenger, or challengers, would come to fight him? It didn't take long for Terraca to start getting bored. He wanted more than anything to ditch the pillar and go do something fun. But then Infernum would yell at him, and he'd start throwing a fit, and he'd go on and on and on and on about the plan.

So Terraca stayed put and did the one thing that seemed to ease his boredom. Counting the trees that surrounded his mountain. After getting into the quadruple digits, Terraca decided to put a stop to his counting. He fell on his back and groaned, how long would it be until his challenger would appear?

Not long apparently.

Terraca sat upright and jumped onto the top of his mountain. "Finally!" He exclaimed. His horn glowed green and the entire ground rumbled. Far from the mountain a giant chunk of earth was ripped from the ground and levitated towards Terraca. Once the chunk of rock reached the mountain Terraca frowned upon seeing his challenger's.

"You've got to be joking." He said to Thorn, Derpy, and Celestia. "You can't be serious. This is all you've brought to fight me?!"

Celestia stepped forward, "Terraca...brother...please, end this foolishness and return home with me."

"By home, do you mean Tartarus? Yeah, no thanks." Terraca crossed his legs in annoyance. "I can't believe you brought a deer and a Pegasus who's eyes...are..." Terraca was at a loss for words upon seeing Derpy staring at him with unblinking eyes. "Staring directly...at...um...can you please stop?"

Derpy continued to stare

".....dear me that is terrifying! Your eyes are staring into my soul! Please stop!" Terraca begged.

"Huh?" Derpy shook her head in a daze. "I spaced out for a second there, what's going on?"

"Terraca was cowering in fear from your eyes." Thorn explained.

"Do you see that face?!" Terraca pointed at Derpy. "That is the face of a soulless, evil monster that feeds on ponies faces."

"I'm not a monster, I'm Derpy." Derpy quipped.

"Call yourself whatever you wish, just stay ten feet away from me." Terraca said, stepping back.

"Terraca!" Celestia shouted. "I will not ask again, release Fluttershy, and I will forgive you."

"Hmmmm." Terraca lifted up his left hoof, "on one hoof I release Fluttershy, ruin Infernum's plan, and in doing so he'll choke me to death with my own lungs." Terraca lifted up his right hoof, "on the other hoof, I don't do as you say, fight you and these two, and have a chance of succeeding." Terraca looked back and forth between his hooves. "Option two it is!"

The mountain groaned to life as spikes erupted from the ground. Celestia flew up and used her magic to blast away the spikes.

"Why must you always break my toys sister?" Terraca moaned. "I guess I'll just have to make new ones." Terraca used his magic and summoned multiple pony figures made out of stone.

"Kill those two." Terraca pointed to Thorn and Derpy. "Celestia is mine."

The griffon Empire, currently comprised of griffons. Due to the disagreements between both pony and griffon, Ranger and Applebloom had to keep themselves hidden. Once they had appeared a couple of ways away from the empire, Discord teleported a bag of stuff for them to use. Inside were two cloaks which masked their appearance and made them look like griffons. There was also a long and thin box with a not attached to it. On it read,

"Do not open unless you are in a secure location."

With that, they put on their cloaks, hid the box, and entered the empire.

Getting in was a lot easier than they thought it would be. To enter they had to pass through a gate that was heavily guarded. Luckily there were fake ID's inside the cloaks, so they were able to enter. The city was full of bustling griffons, cart stands parked on the side of the road sold assortments from vegetables and fish, to random stuff that could be assumed as junk. Ranger and Applebloom continued to walk down the street with the crowd.

Applebloom leaned towards Ranger, "See any place that you could define as...secure?" Applebloom whispered.

"Not yet." Ranger whispered back. "I'm trying to find an alleyway or something, but I can't find anything."

"We'll just have ta keep looking then." Applebloom sighed. She could feel her hoof involuntary move towards the pocket she kept the map in.

Ranger saw this and grabbed Applebloom's foreleg. Applebloom looked at him and saw that he was softly shaking his head. Applebloom sat her hoof down and the two continued walking.

"I know you're worried about Applejack, I am too, but we need to find a secure place to open that box before we do so." Ranger explained.

"You don't understand." Applebloom lowered her head. "I'm more than capable of finding her without this disguise. I just hate that I'm feeling so helples-oof!"

Applebloom was to busy looking down that she failed to notice the griffon in front of her. She smacked head first into the griffon's chest and bounced off and landed on her behind. The hood that covered her head fell down, revealing her Griffoness figure. She had light brown feathers all over her face with dark brown feathers on top of her forehead, along with dark blue eyes. Dazed, she looked up to see what she bumped into.

Who she saw made her pupils shrink and heart stop for a split second.

Before her stood the famously known Prince Gideon. Beside him we're two heavily armored big griffons with sharp spears pointed at Applebloom. The griffons who had once crowded the street were now scrunched up against the sides of the streets, leaving a wide path in front of Gideon.

"How dare you." One of the griffon's pointing a spear at Applebloom growled.

"Do you know of who stands before you?" The other guard asked.

"I-I-I..." Applebloom stammered.

"Apologies good sir." Ranger stepped in, bowing before Gideon. "My friend here wasn't looking where she was going and accidentally bumped into you. Surely there's no need for harsh actions over something so trivial."

Gideon didn't respond, instead he just looked at Ranger with a stare. "Would you please lower your hood?" He asked calmly.

"My hood? Um...of course." Ranger lowered his hood, revealing his griffon figure. His face completely covered in black feathers, his eyes were now dark green.

"Hmmm..." Gideon rubbed his chin before realizing the spears, "Oh for the love of...put those away before you hurt someone."

"As you wish." Both guards responded, raising their spears.

"Come now, it was a simple accident. There's no reason for hostility." Gideon helped Applebloom up. "I'll let you two be on your way now."

"Thank you your majesty." Applebloom bowed.

And in doing so the black box that Discord had entrusted to them fell out. Applebloom froze upon seeing the box slide against the street before stopping in front of Gideon. "Oh clumsy me." Applebloom nervously laughed. "I'll just take that."

Gideon raised his claw, causing the two guards to cross their spears in front of Applebloom, blocking her path. Gideon lowered himself to get a better look at the box, grazing his talons across the box's surface. His claws moved to the two latches that kept the box sealed. He lifted both latches up and opened the box. His eyes widen in both shock and horror upon seeing what laid inside. Quickly he shut the box and raised his head to Applebloom and Ranger.

"Arrest them!" Gideon ordered.

"Busted." Ranger winced.

There was a bright flash as Luna, North Star, Shade, and Dinkie all appeared at the entrance to a cave.

"Nightwing's in there?" Shade asked, gazing into the pitch black cave.

North Star approached the entrance, raised his muzzle, and began sniffing the air. "Yep...he's in there alright. There's also someone else in there as well."

"Is it First Base?" Dinkie asked.

North Star shook his head, "It ain't him, it's someone else."

"We mustn't waste any time." Luna entered the cave, her glowing horn illuminating the inside. "Nightwing and Base need our help."

North Star, Dinkie, and Shade followed Luna deep into the cave. While both the walls and ceiling had deformed pieces of unchanged rock, the floor was smooth and less rocky.

"What made the floor like this?" Dinkie wondered out loud.

"This be our brother, Terraca's, doing." Luna answered. "Most likely he made this cave as to hide the Seven Demons."

"Luna." Shade spoke. "Why have you never mentioned Terraca and Infernum to me before?"

Luna grimaced, "It is something that I am not proud of. I wasn't as close to my brothers as I was to my sister. Our sister and I would often times visit, whereas we hardly ever visited earth to see Terraca and Infernum."

"Why didn't you just fly down? Surely it couldn't have been that difficult." Dinkie said.

"It would've been easy to simply fly down, but creatures lived on the moon that I had to care for, just as Celestia had her creatures on the sun." Luna explained. "We were considered gods amongst the creatures. But we were still in charge of each and every life that existed. But one day Celestia was able to take a break and decided to visit the earth. There she saw how horrible the world had become."

"What was the world like when Terraca and Infernum ruled it?" North Star asked.

"It was anarchy. Signs of war and slaughter could be seen everywhere. Terraca and Infernum did not rule the world in a civilized manner as our sister and I did. Our Sister then came to a conclusion. We had no choice but to seal away both Terraca and Infernum. Problem was, they were just as powerful as we were. So we tricked them, and in doing so, we imprisoned them in Tartarus."

"Until they returned." Dinkie summed up.

"Not quite." Luna sighed. "There were several occasions when Terraca and Infernum escaped and caused havoc upon the world. Each time they escaped, we were there to imprison them."

"Luna...you said that creature's lived on both the sun and moon, correct?" North Star asked.

"Yes." Luna responded.

"Could you tell me which creatures existed on the moon, sun, and earth?"

"Certainly. I don't remember all of them, but I do remember that there were the Vampire Batponies, the normal Batponies, the moon Spirits, and the pegasi were all creatures that lived on the moon. As for a the sun, the ones I can remember were Dragons, Phoenixes, Unicorns, and Zebras. I believe for the earth there were Earth ponies, Griffon's, Yaks, the Umbrum, Mermares, and others." Luna listed. "However, after Celestia and I took control of the earth, more and more creatures started to appear."

"Fascinating." North Star exclaimed. "To think, my ancestors lived on the moon. I can only imagine what it must've been like to live in such a time."

"Hey guys." Shade spoke, "I don't mean to interrupt but look."

Luna aimed her horn forward, giving light to what was in front of them. There was a fork in the path. Two tunnels, each going a different way, were at an angle were the two stretched out into a V.

"I hate to say it, but we're gonna have to split up." Dinkie sighed. "Who should go where?"

"Hmmm..." Luna rubbed her chin before coming to a decision. "Dinkie and I shall take the one on the right. North Star, you will take Shade down the left."

"You got it." North Star saluted.

"Be careful, we don't know what lies at the end of these tunnels." Luna warned.

"Don't worry I'll be fine. I mean, this is me we're talking about here." North Star said.

Luna smiled, "Best of luck North Star."

"Same to you, Luna." North Star smiled back before him and Shade went down into the tunnel.

Author's Note:

Ti raeh uoy nac

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