• Published 12th Oct 2016
  • 468 Views, 10 Comments

The End to every story - Thestoryteller

To every story there is a beginning and a end. But what if the beginning wanted a story that would never end? What if the beginning sealed away the end? What if the end returned to battle the beginning? What kind of story would that look like?

  • ...

Chapter four. Time changes all things

The train whistle shrieked as steam was blown out. The train had in tow six cars, and in one of those cars were Applejack, Ranger, Silver Platter, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Soarin, Pinkie Pie, Cheese Sandwich, Sweetie Bell, Button Mash, Applebloom, Pip Squeak, Scootaloo, Rumble, Dinkie, and First Base.

Cheese Sandwich, Pinkie Pie, Dinkie, and First Base were all sitting in the same booth playing rummy. Applejack, Ranger, Applebloom, and Pip Squeak all sat in a booth of their own. Silver Platter, Rarity, Sweetie Bell, and Button Mash all sat in a booth of their own. Rainbow Dash, Soarin, Scootaloo, and Rumble all sat in a booth for them as well.

There was an awkward silence that seemed to permeate the entire car. Minus those who were currently playing rummy of course. A table separated the two bench's in which Ranger, Applejack, Applebloom, and Pip sat at. Ranger cleared his throat before speaking, "So...how have things been on the farm?" He asked.

"Things have been great actually." Pip spoke up. "The barn's been repainted, the apples have been harvested, shipments have been good, all in all everything's been great."

"Um...who are you again?" Ranger asked.

"Oh that's right." Pip chuckled. "My names Pip Squeak. But you can call me Pip." Pip extended his hoof.

"Ranger. Just Ranger." Ranger chuckled, shaking Pip's hoof. "So you've been helping out on the farm huh?"

"In a word yes. I help Applebloom with her chores and make sure she doesn't screw up any of the shipments." Pip chuckled, expecting a reaction from Applebloom. But got nothing.

"Alright, enough of this." Ranger sighed. "You two haven't said a word since we got on this train. For pete's sake Applejack, you haven't seen your sister in thirteen years. Say something to her."

"Like what?" Applejack asked, lowering her hat over her eyes. "Howdy Applebloom, nice ta see ya after Thirteen years, how's your life been?"

"Jus' fine as a matter of fact." Applebloom replied, looking to her left. "Certainly didn't need your help." She muttered.

"What was that?" Applejack lifted up her hat.

"I said that I've been doing fine." Applebloom said.

"Okay, something's up. What's gotten into you two that's made you both so bitter?" Ranger asked.

"Nuthin'." Applejack said, pulling her hat over half of her face.

"What she said." Applebloom crossing her hooves.

Ranger frowned at Applejack. "Alright, if that's how you wish to be." Ranger turned to the window and removed the latches. He pulled down the window and plucked Applejack's hat off of her.

"Hey!" Applejack shouted as Ranger held her hat out the window.

"Talk to each other or I'll throw your hat out the window." Ranger calmly threatened.

Applejack glared at Ranger."You wouldn't dare."

Ranger shrugged. "Have it your way." With that he let go of the hat.

Applejack and Applebloom gasped. The hat flew for a flat second before Ranger grabbed it again. He looked at Applejack smug. "Ready to talk?"

"Yes yes, fine! Just please give me ma hat back." Applejack pleaded.

"All I wanted." Ranger said, pulling the hat back in he placed it on Applejack's head and closed the window. "Now talk, the both of you."

"Um...hi Applebloom." Applejack said, not sure how to start.

"Sup." Applebloom replied.

"How's Granny?"

That struck a nerve in Applebloom. "She's not well."

"What?" Applejack said. "What do mean not well? What's wrong with her?"

Applebloom looked away from Applejack. Pip spoke, "She's sick."

"Sick how?" Ranger asked.

"She has something called...all timers." Pip said.

"Alzheimer's." Applebloom corrected.

"Right. Well...that's what the doctor's are calling it anyways. But their not to sure." Pip said.

"Are you sure it's Alzheimer's?" Ranger asked.

"That's what the doctor's think it is. Or at least something that is branched off of it." Pip said.

"What are ya two talking about?!" Applejack said frantically. "What the Tarturus is this Alzheimer's you keep talking about?!"

"It's a mental disease. One that affects the memory of the brain." Ranger answered. "I recall Nightwing saying something about it. I believe that Alzheimer's affects...certain parts of the brain that holds memories and creates new ones. Parts of the brain that has memory, intelligence, judgment, language, and behavior are affected by it."

"There's a cure right?" Applejack asked.

Pip shook his head. "Unfortunately there isn't one. There is a medicine that the doctor's give her that helps her keep her memory...but..." Pip struggled to speak.

"The pills are giving her ah side effect. She's hallucinating." Applebloom said. "We keep finding her in cold sweats screaming. Saying that something is coming to take her to Tarturus."

"Dear Celestia." Ranger grimaced. "How can she live like that?"

"She...hasn't really."

Applejack eyes widened. "She didn't." Applebloom slowly nodded. "When? Where? Why?!" Applejack demanded.

"She's tried multiple times. In most of them she stopped herself...but there were times she really wanted to." Applebloom explained.

It was then that Ranger caught on. "Suicide?"

Pip nodded.

"Why is she still at the farm then?" Ranger asked. "Shouldn't she be in a mental hospital or something?"

"They did that." Pip said. "And it was only worse. She wouldn't eat, she refused to sleep, and she almost suffocated herself to death. So they moved her to the farm, and everyday a nurse comes by to check on her."

"I see...how long has she been like this?" Ranger asked.

"Two years." Applebloom answered.

"I guess we haven't been formally introduced. My name is Silver Platter, who might you two be?" Silver Platter asked, extending his hoof across the table.

"Button Mash mr. Platter." Button shook Silver's hoof.

"Sweetie Bell, Mr. Platter." Sweetie shook Silver's hoof.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Sweetie Bell and Button Mash. I hope things have been well." Silver slightly smiled.

"Well, ever since Rarity vanished I've been helping out in Boutique. I've been sowing up dresses and suits for tons of Ponies. The orders just don't stop." Sweetie Bell said.

Rarity shuttered at the thought of Sweetie Bell's Dresses and Suits. "I guess you certainly have your hooves full don't you?" Rarity put on a fake smile.

"Not as much as you might think. I have free time but I'd be more than happy to give you back your job." Sweetie Bell said. "Besides, I can thing of plenty of things I can do with my free time." Sweetie said, her eyes half closed looking at Button. Who turned away to hide his blush.

Rarity's eyes sparkled, her fake smile now real. "Oh my goodness!" She squealed. "You two are-"

"Dating yes." Button interrupted. "We have been for a while now." Button blushed, having been put in an uncomfortable situation.

"This is wonderful! Ooooh you simply must tell me every juicy detail. When was your first kiss? Was their an Ex? When did you two make lo-"

Sweetie Bell had shoved her hoof in Rarity's mouth to prevent her from complete humiliating her Coltfriend. She had half succeeded, what with the fact that Button's entire face turned Crimson. "How about I just tell you about are first date?" Sweetie suggested.

Rarity removed Sweetie's hoof. "That's a good place to start."

Sweetie Bell sighed happily. "I remember it like it was yesterday. It all started with a letter from First Base and Dinkie. They had asked me to come down to the lake for a picnic. Of course how could I decline, so I gathered my things and went down to the lake. Sure enough there was a picnic waiting for me. But First Base and Dinkie were no where in sight. But there was someone there to greet me."

"Button Mash." Silver said.

Sweetie nodded. "You should've seen him. He was dressed in an adorable suit and bow tie. He had set up this romantic lunch just for us. Warm candlelight, classic silverware, and of course delicious sandwiches. We ate and talked, I learned later on that Button had asked First Base and Dinkie to send me the letter. Once we were done eating he reached over and touched my hoof." Sweetie sighed. "He looked me dead in the eye and asked me. 'Will you be my partner in the board game contest tomorrow'?"

Silver couldn't hold back his burst of laughter. Rarity covered her mouth, suppressing her giggles. Button Mash covered his face in shame, a hint of red on his cheeks.

Sweetie Bell took a deep breath as she continued her story. "I was taken by surprise by that. What with the whole romantic setting I surely thought he was going to ask me out. Of course I said yes. The contest took place in Manehatten, Button paid for my travel ticket and for the hotel we'd be staying in. Of course we didn't stay their long."

"I assume you lost." Silver Platter said.

"We didn't just loose, we were down right destroyed. I didn't know the first thing about 'Magic The Gathering'. So we were the first to loose." Sweetie Bell said sadly. "I was so embarrassed, and also worried that Button would be mad at me for losing. But he wasn't mad, sure he was completely crushed by the fact he lost, but we spent the rest of the days we had in Manehatten cruising around the town, seeing all the wonderful sights. We headed to a carnival were we played games, rode rides, ate cotton candy, and did a bunch of other stuff. There was this one game I remember where I saw this really cute stuffed bunny. I begged Button to win it for me."

"And in the process I lost twenty five bits." Button added.

"It was a cute bunny." Sweetie defended.

"There was a shops three blocks from the carnival that sold the exact same rabbit for three bits." Button said.

Sweetie rolled her eyes. "Anyways, on our last day in Manehatten we went down to the beach at night. We were sitting on the dock, gazing at the stars. I remember the cool breeze flowing against Button's mane. I couldn't hold myself back anymore, Button was about to say something to me but I took him by surprise when I kissed him. He was so startled that he fell off the dock and pulled me down with him. We swam to shore were we dried off. He asked me why I kissed him and I told him my true feelings. I told him that I deeply cared for him, that I loved him. That everyday I wanted to be by his side no matter what. And he confessed that he had the same feelings for me too. How he was planning on not even participating in the tournament. That the only reason he came to Manehatten was because First Base and Dinkie planned the whole thing. We might not have known it at the time, but that was without a doubt our first date."

"Awwwww." Rarity said.

"That story was...lovely, is the way I'd put it." Silver said.

"Sweetie you forgot a part." Button said.

"Forgot a part?" Sweetie rubbed her chin, looking up at the ceiling. "I don't think I forgot anything."

"You forgot the part were you told me that if I ever so much as looked at another mare you'd tear me in half." Button said.

"Oh...right." Sweetie Bell said. "I was in an emotional state and I was worried that you'd leave e for someone better."

"Don't be ridiculous. Every mare combined wouldn't have a chance to be better than you." Button said.

"Awwww, thank you Button." Sweetie hugged Button. "Speaking of date's." Sweetie turned to her sister. "I think it's your turn to tell me when you two became an item?"

"Well that's not fair." Rarity complained. "Compared to your first date mine looks like a rotten sewer rat wrapped in a blanket of dirt which was then thrown into the muddiest trash can on the planet."

Sweetie Bell started to giggle while Button face hoofed. Rarity was confused by their reaction's until she looked to Silver, who's head hung low in shame and sadness. His mane covered his eyes and if you squinted hard enough you could see that there were black lines hovering over him.

"Oh dear! I didn't mean that I didn't enjoy it Silver Darling it's just that compared to Sweetie Bell...what I mean is, I had a great time-er....help me out here Sweetie." Rarity looked to her sister for assistance.

"Sorry Sis, you got yourself into this one." Sweetie Bell smiled.

Rarity grumbled at her sister. She looked to Silver and her eyes sparkled. She face hoofed, "Of course how could I have forgotten. Silver darling...I'm afraid that I mixed up our first date with our second one." Rarity looked back to Sweetie Bell. "You see wonderful Sister of mine, Silver and I first met at the Grand Galloping Gala. We danced and got to know one another. It might not have been as romantic as your first date was. But if I could go back to that time there isn't a thing I would change."

Sweetie Bell clapped her hooves. "Bravo, bravo, simply magnificent."

Silver lifted his head, his depressed state lifted a bit.

"Say Silver Platter." Button started. "You wouldn't happen to be related Fancy Pants would you."

Silver looked towards the floor. "No...no I'm not."

"Are you sure? Because I thought you two were like brothers or something. What with the fact he named his daughter after you and what not."

Silver raised his head in alarm."Wait, what?!"

"A-ha!" Button said with triumph. "You are related to Fancy Pants."

"No. I'm his butler." Silver stated.

"Oh. Well then you must've been a really good one for Fancy to name his kid after you."

"When did Fancy Pants have a child?" Silver demanded.

"Ummm...I believe it's been four years now. Fancy Pants had a daughter who he named Lustrous Platter. I know she's not exactly named after you but Fancy Pants did say that her name would remind him of Silver Platter." Button said.

Silver slumped against the back of seat, he raised his hoof to his forehead. "He already has a daughter. I don't even have to guess who his wife is do I?"

"Well if you thought it was Fleur de lis, then you'd win yourself a cookie." Button said.

"Course it's her. She and Fancy were always sneaking off when no one was watching, heading off to his island." Silver sighed. "I can only imagine how awkward things will be when I talk to him."

"By the way Silver, while we're on the subject, there's something I'd like to know." Rarity grabbed Silver's hoof and looked him dead in the eye. "You've never talked about your family. Do you remember what they were like?"

Silver avoided contact with Rarity's eyes. "I had a father...I...I never knew my mother."

"That's so sad. Who was your father?" Sweetie asked.

"I would rather not say...you see-"


The train whistle blew loudly followed by the sound of metal skidding across metal as the train slid to a halt.

"All those bound for Ponyville, please disembark as we have arrived at the station." The conductor said.

Applejack raced down the streets of ponyville. The moment the doors to the train opened up she sped down the road faster than Rainbow Dash. Pip, Applebloom, and Ranger chased after her.

"Applejack wait!" Ranger shouted, but his words had fallen upon deaf ears.

Applejack continued to race down the dirt roads. Then she saw her barn, the instant it came into view Applejack's increased tenfold. She bolted past the entrance and was closing in fast on the door to her house. She was about to bust right through until something tackled her.

Applejack skidded across the dirt before coming to a stop. She ignored the pain her underside was feeling as she kicked and squirmed. Something had grabbed her and was holding her down. Hard.

Applejack looked behind her and sure enough. The one who had her pinned was Ranger.

"Let me go Ranger. Now!" Applejack demanded.

"Not until I'm one hundred percent certain your gonna burst in their like a maniac." Ranger replied. Applejack continued to buck and squirm, hoping that she could somehow get out of Ranger's grasp. Soon her body started to run out of energy, her kicks started to slow down, she became moving than before. Eventually she stopped. "You ready to act civilized?" Ranger asked.

"Yes...please let go of me." Applejack pleaded out of breath.

"You promise to listen to what I have to say and you won't go in there like a crazed bull?" Ranger asked.

"Yes." Applejack sighed.

"Good." Ranger said, releasing Applejack from his grip she slowly stood up and dusted herself off. "Ready to listen?"

"Fine. What is it you want ta talk about?" Applejack asked.

"I'm not going to stop you from seeing you Granny. But I am gonna stop you from bursting into her room and giving her a heart attack. And I hope you understand that I'm being very literal when I say that you will give her a heart attack if you burst in there." Ranger said with a serious face.

"Oh my Celestia." Applejack collapsed. "Your right...Ranger I could've-"

"Hey, hey. It's alright, I stopped you from potentially killing your granny. And now that I have its time for you to go in there and talk to her." Ranger said.

Applejack stood up and took a deep breath. She faced the door and opened it up.

*knock, knock, knock*

The sound of knocking came from the door in Granny's room. The room's walls, floor, and ceiling were laced with a type of white cushion. The window had been bared off, the bed was bolted to the floor. It had only a comforter on it and a pillow made of clouds. Granny Smith was sitting on her bed, a black blindfold covered her eyes.

"Who is it?" Granny asked, turning to the door.

"It's me granny. It's Applejack."

"Applejack?" Granny asked. "Is that really you?"

The door opened, "Yes Granny. It's me." Applejack's voice was much clearer now. "How ya doing?"

"How do I know your real? Granny asked. "Your probably him aren't you?"

"Him? Granny it's me, your Grand daughter. Take off that blindfold and you'll see."

Granny was reluctant. But she raised her hooves to the back of the blindfold and undid the knot. She lowered her blindfold and opened her eyes. What stood before her was what looked like Applejack but she had no face. Her face was blank, no mouth, no nostrils, no eyes. The sight of the creature frightened Granny Smith.

"No!" Granny fell of the bed.

A spine chilling crack was heard from the no faced Applejack. The blank spot where the mouth should've been started to split. Strands of orange flesh broke as an big creepy smile spread across the no faced Applejack. Black ooze started to foam out of the terrifying smile.

"What's the matter Granny?" The creature had a voice that sounded like Applejack's but it was warped and echoed. "It's me, your grand daughter Applejack."

The creature that resembled Applejack started to walk towards her. Black ooze dripping from its mouth.

"Won't you give your grand daughter a hug?"

The creature loomed in closer and closer to Ganny. She wanted to scream, to cry, to shout, to do something. But she stood there frozen in fear.

*knock, knock, knock*

The sound of a door knocking stirred Granny Smith from her sleep.

"Granny?" The door creaked open. "Granny it's me, Applejack."

The name was alien to Granny but the voice seemed familiar. Granny's instinct's kicked in, she shouted at the top of her lungs. She screamed and hollered, "Get out!" She didn't know what the words meant but the voice was gone. The room was silent. That was all that mattered to Granny as she dozed off back to sleep.

On the other side of the door tears streamed uncontrollably down Applejack's cheeks. She felt helpless as her own Grandmother yelled at her. Demanding that she leave.

"She yelled at ya huh?"

Applejack whipped her head around behind her. There, at the top of the stairs, stood her sister Applebloom.

"She's gonna be fine right? She'll be okay right?" Applejack choked.

"I can't answer that question Applejack." Applebloom said.

"Why?" She asked to no one. "Why is this happening? Why are you doing this? You took Ma and Pa wasn't that enough? Why her?!" Applejack demanded, looking up.

"Applejack-" Applebloom reached for Applejack.

"Don't touch me!" She hissed, swatting away Applebloom's hoof. "I won't let him take her! She's going to be fine and everything's gonna be just like it was!"

"That's not possible Applejack." Applebloom said coldly.

"Why the Tarturus not!" Applejack shouted at Applebloom.

"Because you've been gone for thirteen bucking years!" Applebloom shouted back. "I've had to go through every ounce of pain while you were gone! Granny's brain is disintegrating, Big Mac can't work on the farm because he has a wife to look after, John and Blossom left to start another Farm in Appleloosa, And Eve has to care for Granny everyday! And where were you?! You left to go to the moon, which then vanished along with you! You say you want things to go back to the way they were but they can't Applejack! It's not possible!"

Then it happened.

In an instant Applejack stood up, closed the distance between her and Applebloom, and struck her against the cheek. Applebloom flew down the stairs and she crashed into a wooden dresser.

Applebloom soared right through the dresser. Breaking it into pieces and splinters. Applejack stood at the stairs, her eyes wide. At the bottom of the stairs, covered in the pieces of the dresser was Applebloom. Her eyes closed and several cuts on her body.

"Applebloom?" Applejack called her name as she walked down the stairs. "Applebloom?" She moved the pieces of the dresser out of the way and picked up Applebloom, who's body was limp. "Apple-bloom?" More tears started to run down Applejack's cheeks.

"I heard a crash is everything-" Ranger ran into the room. He became quiet when saw Applebloom with several cuts on her body.

Applejack looked to Ranger with tears uncontrollably streaming down her cheeks. "I'm sorry...I didn't mean it...I-I didn't mean to...I swear...I-"

"She's unconscious." Ranger quickly rushed to Applebloom. "She needs medical treatment. Now!"

Ranger picked Applebloom up and placed her on his back. He looked to Applejack and glared at her, "Stay put." He ordered.

Applejack slowly nodded, her eyes locked on her shaking hooves. Drops of blood combined with some tears stained her hoof. Her vision started to get blurry, the only thing her eyes focused on we're her hooves.

And before she knew it, she had already bolted out the door.

Author's Note:


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