• Published 12th Oct 2016
  • 469 Views, 10 Comments

The End to every story - Thestoryteller

To every story there is a beginning and a end. But what if the beginning wanted a story that would never end? What if the beginning sealed away the end? What if the end returned to battle the beginning? What kind of story would that look like?

  • ...

Chapter six. Open wounds

Everfree Forest. Once a land full of dangerous beasts, now a land of tame peaceful creatures. In the center of Everfree stood the Great Tree. A massive tree that stood as tall as the clouds. The tension between Ponies and Deer had been settled. Now the two races were at peace, and were, in a word, friends. Dirt paths were made in the Everfree which twisted and turned all throughout the forest. On one such path, Two guards were stationed on the road. One was a Buck with green armor and a long sword strapped to his side. The other was a Woodscolt, a creature that had the shape of a pony but was made entirely out of wood.

The two were laughing amongst one another, "And then, her head landed in a bucket, and she tumbled down our stairs!" The Deer bursted out laughing.

The Woodscolt did the same, "Whew...she is alright though?"

"Oh yeah, she hurt her head and banged up her legs, but she's doing fine. I tell you though, the reaction on her face when she saw the moon was priceless." The Deer sighed, looking up at the sky. "What do you think it means though?"

"Hm?" The Woodscolt asked.

"I mean...why do you think Nature took away the Moon? Only to put it back thirteen years later? Why would she do that?"

The Woodscolt responded, "Oh Goddess is a mystery. Her actions and why she does them is a mystery as well. 'It is not a good idea to question Nature. Not because she advises against it, but because there's simply no answer'."

"Famous quote by Treebeard, the second Arbor Susurro."

The Deer and Woodscolt whipped their heads around. The Deer unsheathed his sword and gripped it in his mouth. The Woodscolt summoned forth multiple stakes of wood from the ground.

Then the two got a good look at the one who spoke. The sight caused the deer to drop his sword, his mouth agape. The Woodscolt retracted his stakes, he too couldn't believe who he was seeing.

"San." The deer spoke, not looking away.

"Yeah." The Woodscolt San responded.

"Do you see what I see?"

"That depends. Do you see the Arbor Susurro?"

The deer nodded.

Before the deer and Woodscolt was Fluttershy. And also Thorn, who stood behind Fluttershy.

The Deer and Woodscolt did what any sensible creature would do in their situation. They got on their knees and bowed. "HailtotheArborSusurro,divinebeingoftheholyGoddessNature." The Deer and Woodscolt said, bunching up their words.

"Rise my Servant's." Fluttershy smiled warmly. "I have been gone for a long time, would you be so kind as to escort me to the Great Tree?"

The Deer and Woodscolt immediately stood up. "As you wish." The two said in unison, walking along the dirt road, Fluttershy and Thorn followed the two.

While they were walking down the dirt path the Deer looked back to see that Fluttershy was looking down with a sad expression. Thorn walked beside Fluttershy and whispered something in her ear. Fluttershy looked up and slightly smiled at Thorn.

"I don't believe it." The Deer said with disbelief.

"What?" San asked.

"The Arbor Susurro and-" the Deer stopped mid sentence. His eyes glowed green as he continued to walk. The green in his eyes faded. "Um...what was I talking about?"

"The Arbor Susurro." San answered.

"The Arbor Susurro?! Where?!"

Fluttershy glared at Thorn. "What did you do to him?" She demanded.

"I wiped some of his memory." Thorn answered, rubbing the back of his head, "Although...I might've taken more than I should've."

"Thorn...how did you do that?" Fluttershy asked.

"Well....remember when you gave me that gem?" Thorn asked, Fluttershy nodded. "Ever since you gave it to me...I've been able to do these...crazy things."

"What kinds of things?" Fluttershy raised an eyebrow.

Thorn looked ahead to make sure no one was looking. After he was sure that no one was watching he looked to the grassy ground on his left. His eyes glowed green, and the ground softly rumbled. The grassy ground cracked and a long, thick, vine erupted. It stretched all the way to the bottom half of a tree trunk. The vine wrapped itself around the tree and with a mighty 'yank', ripped the entire tree from the ground.

Thorn motioned his hoof down. The vine mimicked Thorn's hoof movement and sat the tree back where it once was. More smaller vines pushed dirt back around the tree and padded it down.

"Thorn...do you have any idea what you just did?" Fluttershy looked at Thorn with disbelief.

"I know, I know. I haven't been able to understand it myself, but I can control nat-" Thorn grimaced at what he was about to say. "I can control...the gifts from nature. I don't understand, you gave this Jem to me because Nature gave it to you. Only Nature herself should be able to control her gift's, not me."

"Thorn...I want you to keep this a secret." Fluttershy hushed.

"What? Why?"

"If anyone finds out what you can do, they'll exile you...I already lost a brother Thorn, I don't want to lose you too." Tears started to form in Fluttershy's eye's.

Thorn embraced Fluttershy, "No...no you're not losing me." Thorn whispered in Fluttershy's ear.

"Thank you." Fluttershy whispered."


Thorn and Fluttershy pushed away from the other, their cheeks crimson. The Woodscolt and Deer stared at Thorn and Fluttershy with wide eyes and mouths hanging open. Thorn's eyes glowed green, the Deer's eyes and the Woodscolt's eyes glowed green and then it faded.

"Follow us, Divine one." The two said in unison, walking away as if nothing happened.

Thorn sighed with relief. Fluttershy glared at him, "Um...hehe, last time I swear." Thorn rubbed the back of his head.

"Damn it, damn it, damn it, damn it, damn it, damn it!" Ranger continued to curse as he ran down the streets of Ponyville, an unconscious and hurt Applebloom on his back.

'This day couldn't get any worse' Ranger thought.


Ranger skidded to a halt. His head frantically turned left and right to see who had called his name.


The voice sounded weak and raspy. It was also coming from behind him. On his back to be specific. Ranger looked to Applebloom, who was now awake and trying to get up.

"Woah, woah. Easy there Bloom." Ranger said. "Don't over exert yourself."

Applebloom groaned, green magic started to mend her cuts and bruises. When her body was good as new, she hopped off Ranger.

"How...how did you-"

"There's no time for questions." This time Applebloom grabbed Ranger and sat him on his back. "Hold on." Green magic engulfed Applebloom. The magic took shape and formed a set of green armor that covered her body, legs, and neck. A green helmet appeared on her head. Applebloom ready herself and rocketed herself into the air.

Up, up, up, she went. Soaring high into the clouds. When she reached the clouds, a green flame erupted from the bottom of her hoofs, keeping her in the air. Ranger, thanks to the sudden change in atmosphere, was clutching tightly onto Applebloom's neck.

"Voluntas, can you tell me where Applejack is?" Applebloom asked to no one.

"A pleasure to speak with you again Host Applebloom. The one known as Applejack is currently wandering in the Apple orchard. Voluntas responded.

"Thanks Voluntas." Applebloom said, directing her hoof's to fly towards Sweet Apple Acres.

Applejack ran deeper into the orchard. Tears streamed down her cheeks. Everything was a haze. She couldn't believe what she had done, she had hurt her sister. The filly she grew up with and the one she held close to her heart. And she threw her into a wooden dresser. Her vision was blurred thanks to the uncontrollable tears building up in her eyes.


Thanks to her blurred vision she was unable to prevent herself from colliding head first into a tree. She fumbled backwards, unable to stand up straight since it seemed that the whole world was spinning. Applejack fell on her flank, she leaned back against the trunk of a tree. She reached for her forehead and looked at her hoof.


Applejack's blood dripped from her forehead and onto her hooves. Her blood mixed with Applebloom's.

"I'm sorry...I'm so sorry, I didn't...I didn't mean to." Applejack choked.

The image of her hurt sister flooded her mind. The way she look, the cuts on her body, the cold dead look she gave, and the way she seemed like a corpse. Applejack cried into her hooves, her tears mixed with the blood. Her whole world was falling apart. She lost her Granny and now her sister.


A voice, one that Applejack recognized, it came from above her. Applejack looked up, something was falling. Said something was falling fast. Said something then crashed into the ground.

A small pony sized crater was made by the something that crashed into the ground. Said something was Ranger, with an angry look.

"What the Tartarus do you think you're doing?!" Ranger demanded. "I told you to stay put! Damn it Applejack you had Applebloom and I worried!"

"...App...le...Bloom?" Applejack's lip quivered.

Another something crashed into the ground. This time it was Applebloom, who walked out of the small crater. "There you are." She said, her green armor turned into green dust.

"Your...you're okay." Applejack's eyes widened.

"And you're bleeding." Applebloom stated, she placed her hoof on the cut on Applejack's forehead. Green magic channeled through Applebloom and into Applejack's cut. The cut began to mend itself, until there was no visible trace of it.

Applejack embraced Applebloom, her tears dripped onto Applebloom's coat. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to."

Applebloom wrapped her hoof around Applejack. "Shhh, it's alright. I don't blame you for what you did. I should've been more understanding, I shouldn't have lashed out at you like that. Everything that's happened to you isn't your fault, I blamed you for leaving us when you didn't choose to leave us. You have nothing to be sorry Applejack, I'm the one that should be saying sorry, not you."

The word sorry is a hollow word. A word cannot fix what has been broken. Although it may still be hollow, the word does have meaning. And sometimes, to fix broken friendship and broken trust, all you need to do is simply say one word.

"Wow. It hasn't changed a bit."

Rarity examined her shop from top to bottom several times. And she kept coming to the same conclusion. The Carousel Boutique hadn't changed a bit. The inside and outside were the same. From the kitchen to Rarity's room, everything looked the same. Rarity went back and forth between downstairs and upstairs to try and find something out of place. But there was nothing to be found.

Silver looked to Sweetie Bell and asked, "Is there anything out of place?"

Sweetie shook her head, "No, I made sure to clean this place everyday. There shouldn't be anything out of place."

"She's not gonna stop until she finds something will she?" Button asked.

"Nope." Sweetie Bell and Silver replied.

Rarity walked down the stairs, and approached Sweetie Belle, "Sweetie dear, do you know where Opal is?"

Sweetie Bell avoided eye contact with her sister, "Um...about that."

Rarity gasped in horror, "Sweetie...no it can't be!"

"I mean come on Rarity, you were gone for thirteen years. And cats don't exactly have a high lifespan you know." Sweetie said.

"At least...tell me she died a beautiful death."

"Ummmm...sure." Sweetie Bell said awkwardly. "I suppose she did die in a...beautiful way."

"Hey Sweetie." Silver spoke. "There's been something bothering me for a while now."

"What's on your mind Silver?" Sweetie asked.

"The dragon known as Spike, why haven't we seen him?" Silver asked, looking around the shop for the small dragon. "I mean, I know he turned into a giant fire breathing dragon but you probably turned him back to normal right?"

Sweetie looked down, not wanting to face Silver or Rarity. Rarity noticed this and asked, "Sweetie. Where is Spike?"

Sweetie sighed, she walked into the kitchen and poured herself a cup of tea. She levitated her cup onto the table and took a seat, "Sit, please." She pulled out two chairs for Silver and Rarity. Button pulled out his own.

"What's this all about Sweetie?" Rarity asked, both her and Silver took a seat at the table.

Sweetie Bell took a sip out of her tea. "As you might've known...before you disappeared Scootaloo, Applebloom, and I fought against the Three Sin's, Timor, Odium, and...Cupiditas." Sweetie Bell gripped her tea cup. "We won the battle, but...Spike was never the same. He was under Odium's control. He used Spike's rage to control his mind. Once Scootaloo beat him though, Odium lost all control over Spike. But unfortunately that wasn't the end of it." Sweetie sipped her tea before continuing. "After we defeated the Three Sin's, the Moon disappeared. Discord took us, the Three Sin's, and Spike to Canterlot. There we were informed of what had happened." Sweetie Bell said, "Actually, I think I'd be easier if I just show you."

Sweetie's horn glowed pink and a pink circle appeared. The circle turned into a screen, from which it then played what had happened thirteen years ago.


The room was dark and ominous. In the room was a very tall, stone, crescent shaped table in the center of the room. In the semi-circle of the tall table were three stallion Alicorn's. Their hooves were chained to the floor, the wings were bound to their body by chains made of brimstone, and a magical inhibitor ring was placed on their horns. The three stallion's were Odium, Timor, and Cupiditas. Behind the three Alicorn's were the younger looking ponies Scootaloo, who had a folded white cloth over her right eye, Applebloom, and Sweetie Bell. Sitting at the tall crescent table were twelve silhouette's.

The sixth Silhouette spoke, "Odium, Element of Rage. Timor, Element of Fear. Cupiditas, Element of Greed. You are charged with the assault of a royal Princess, allied leaders, nearly destroying all of Ponyville, and supposedly eaten all of the Twinkie's in Equestria. How do you plead?"

Odium and Timor looked to Cupiditas with a 'really' look. "What?" Cupiditas asked innocently. "I love Twinkie's. I can't help it if I have more than I'm supposed to."

"I like Twinkie's too. But all of the Twinkie's in Equestria?! Come on!" Timor shook his chain's.

The eighth Silhouette spoke, "Enough!" The Silhouette boomed. "This is not about who ate the most Twinkie's. We're here because you are a threat to Equestria. Which is why we have no choice."

The second silhouette spoke, "It is obvious that we can't kill you. Anything we do, you'll just simply walk off like it was just a scratch."

The tenth Silhouette spoke, "Which is why we have decided to imprison you."

"No!" Cupiditas shouted, squirming in his chain's. "You're not putting me back in that star! That place was hell! Hell I tell you!"

"Be silent Cupiditas!" Odium roared.

The fifth Silhouette spoke, "If we could we would, but unfortunately the star you were imprisoned in has been destroyed. And is in no way salvageable."

Timor raised an eyebrow. "So...you're gonna send us to Tartarus then?" Timor smiled, "Sweet, I hear Tartarus is pretty roomy now a days."

The seventh Silhouette spoke, "We are not sending you to Tartarus. That place is for those who have committed crimes far more vast than what you've done. No, you see, we're sending you to a prison known as Ractous."

Timor's eyes widened. "Woah woah woah, what?! You're telling me, that the Three Sin's, aren't Tartarus material?"

The first silhouette spoke, "That is precisely what we're saying."

Odium snarled, "This is outrageous! We have more than enough power to destroy Equestria!"

The ninth Silhouette spoke, "The High Council has spoken. The Three Sin's shall spend the rest of their days in the prison Ractous."

Timor looked to his left and addressed the elephant in the room, "What about him?"

Standing in the far left of the room, was Spike. A large purple scaled dragon with green scales on his neck, back, and tail. His claws were chained together, along with his body and neck chained to the wall.

The third Silhouette spoke, "Spike will be imprisoned in Ractous as well."

This shocked Sweetie Belle, Applebloom, and Scootaloo.

"What?!" They all shouted.

"You can't do that!" Applebloom shouted.

"It's not fair!" Sweetie Belle shouted.

"Spike didn't have any intention on attacking Ponyville." Scootaloo explained, glaring at Odium. "Odium used Spike and turned him against us. If anything he's a victim in all this."

The High Council discussed amongst themselves for a while. The eleventh silhouette spoke, "What you say is true, Spike wasn't in control when he attacked Ponyville. However this is twice now that he has turned into...that." The Eleventh Silhouette pointed to the giant Dragon. "Twice that he has caused costly amounts of damage. Twice that he has almost caused numerous casualties. The High Council doesn't give third chances, once you're at two you're out."

The twelfth Silhouette spoke, "However, Spike has been known to do many great and noble deeds. Because of what he has done, the choice will be his." Everyone turned to Spike. "Spike, the High Council gives you two options. Option one, you will be escorted to Ractous. There you will be imprisoned until you are no longer a threat to Equestria. For the second option, you will return to ponyville and live your life as you normally would. But know this, your mind has been taken over twice now. Twice now, you've gone on a rampage and nearly destroyed those you care about. I ask you Spike, what is to stop someone like Odium to come and turn you against your friends? What is to stop you from hurting those you care for and love?"

The sixth silhouette spoke, "The choice is yours Spike. Be imprisoned in Ractous until you are no longer a threat, or you can return to ponyville, where everyone you know will see you as a threat to their lives."

The seventh Silhouette spoke, "What is your decision, Spike?"

The room became scary quiet. All eyes were on Spike, who's face looked to the ground. Everyone waited with a mixture of excitement and nervousness. Spike looked up to the High Council and spoke in a deep and heartbroken voice, "I want to go to Ractous."

"Spike no!" Sweetie Belle cried.

"Spike please you can't do this!" Applebloom said.

"This isn't fair." Scootaloo said to the High Council. "You're playing with Spike's head just like Odium did! Saying that everyone will see him as a weapon, none of that is true!"

The fourth Silhouette spoke, "How can you be so sure? Spike is a dragon, a creature that Ponies have feared for generations, who's to say that Ponies will see him as a kind loving creature when he is a dragon."


"Enough!" The First Silhouette stood up.

The Second Silhouette stood up, followed by the third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh, and finally the twelfth.

"Timor." The second Silhouette spoke.

"Odium." The third Silhouette spoke.

"Cupiditas." The fourth Silhouette spoke.

"And Spike." The fifth Silhouette spoke.

"By order of the High Council." The sixth Silhouette spoke.

"And the royal Princesses." The seventh Silhouette spoke.

"We hereby condemn you to the prison Ractous." The eighth Silhouette spoke.

"Where you will spend the rest of you days." The ninth Silhouette spoke.

"Until you are no longer considered a threat to Equestria." the Tenth Silhouette spoke.

"By the rule of the High Council." The Eleventh Silhouette spoke.

"And for the safety of Equestria." The Twelfth Silhouette spoke.

The pink circle faded, evaporating into pink magical dust. Rarity and Silver tried to process what they had just saw.

"Spike...how could you." Rarity whispered under her breath.

"Why would Spike choose to imprison himself? Surely he doesn't think that we would all hate him right?" Silver asked.

"Unfortunately that's exactly what he thinks." Button sighed. "Since you guys vanished on the moon...he hasn't been thinking straight. He believes that nopony is his friend anymore, that everyone hates him and thinks he's a monster. But it's not true, everyone in ponyville misses Spike. But he doesn't believe us."

"Why wouldn't you and all of Ponyville just all go up there and show him that you care about him?" Silver asked.

"Ractous is a high level security prison." Sweetie Bell answered. "The only ones permitted to enter it are Scootaloo, Applebloom, and I."

"What about me?" Rarity asked. "Am I allowed to go to Ractous and see him?"

"I...think you should." Sweetie Bell said. "But it's very far in the east, and very, very dangerous."

"Then we'll go tomorrow. All of us." Silver said.

"Um... I'm pretty sure that I'm not allowed anywhere near Ractous." Button sighed. Sweetie Bell gave him a hug for comfort.

*knock, knock*

All attention was drawn to the door. "Who could that be?" Rarity wondered, sliding her chair back and walked to the door.

"I've been selling some dresses ever since you disappeared. Might be a customer." Sweetie Bell suggested.

"Oh...I see." Rarity cringed, worried that an unhappy customer would be demanding a refund. She hesitantly reached for the doorknob and opened the door.

"Silver Darling. Could you come here please?"

Silver Platter scooted back his chair, and walked out of the kitchen to the entryway. His eyes widened when he saw the pony who stood at the doorway. A unicorn Stallion with a white coat who had a neatly combed light blue mane and matching blue eyes. A gold framed monocle sat over his left eye, he also wore a black tux with a purple bow tie. Behind the white unicorn was a unicorn mare with a white coat, a long brushed pink mane and tail, and purple eyes. Strapped around the mare's chest was a light blue satchel that held a small unicorn filly with a white coat, short dark blue mane, and purple eyes.

The moment the white unicorn saw Silver he ran up to him and embraced him. "You're here, you're really here!" The Stallion cried with joy.

The stallion pulled away from Silver, and grabbed his shoulders. "It's good to see you again, Brother."

"You don't have to be here you know?" Rainbow Dash said to Soarin. "Don't you have family or friends that you can go to?"

Soarin looked to Rainbow and replied, "My mom and Dad are dead, and I'm pretty sure my friends have forgotten about me."

Rainbow Dash had arrived at her house. She told Scootaloo and Rumble that she and Soarin would be fine on their own. With that Scootaloo and Rumble left Rainbow and Soarin alone. Rainbow was pouring kibble into her pet Tank's bowl while Soarin lied on the couch.

"How can you say something like that so easily?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Because it's the truth. Because it happened.......thirty years ago by now. Because I've come to terms with it and that I've accepted it." Soarin rambled off.

"But why would you think that your friends have forgotten you?" Rainbow asked. "I mean, they wouldn't do something like that right? They're your friends after all."

"Yeah, right. I called them friends, they called me their goofball." Soarin grumbled.

"Hey, I know." An idea popped into Rainbow's brain. "How about you and I go down to the Wonderbolt academy?" Rainbow Dash suggested, flying over to Soarin she dragged him off of the couch.

"Ugh. Fine, if you think that they'll remember me then I guess we can go give it a shot." Soarin sighed in defeat.

"That's the spirit." Rainbow Dash said, spreading her wings she took flight. Soarin flying behind her.

The Wonderbolt's academy wasn't that far from Ponyville. Well, not to Pegasus that is. The Wonderbolt's academy was a base on the ground designed for new Wonderbolt's candidates. It stood upon a high mountain that touched the clouds. There were several buildings, each with a designated purpose and design. On the far right of the mountain was an air strip, in which Rainbow Dash and Soarin landed on. Rainbow looked around until she saw the pony she was looking for.


Observing multiple pegasi was the mare Spitfire. She looked behind her and lifted up her shades. Spitfire smiled, "Rainbow Dash, a pleasure to see you once again." Spitfire then noticed Soarin behind Dash and frowned.

"Hi Spitfire." Rainbow greeted, "Nice to see that you remember me, so it must be easy for you to remember this lug I bet." Rainbow ruffled Soarin's mane.

Spitfire frowned upon seeing Soarin. Her expression was a mixture of disappointment and sadness when she spoke, "Soarin Sky's. How've ya been?"

"Oh you know, trapped on the moon for thirteen years. So...who'd you pick as my replacement since I'm an ex-Wonderbolt now?" Soarin asked

"Ex-Wonderbolt?" Rainbow repeated what Soarin said. "You can't think like that Sorin, come on."

Spitfire sighed, "I'm sorry Rainbow, but Soarin's been gone for thirteen years. We couldn't have a vacancy forever, so we held auditions and we chose-"


Soarin and Rainbow Dash looked behind them to see a black fur coated stallion Pegasus, with a short spiked back white mane and tail, who light had blue eyes land behind them. He wore brass goggles over his eyes and he also wore a Wonderbolt's uniform. The stallion lifted up his goggles and gave a cheeky smile at Spitfire.

"Speed Wave." Soarin groaned, recognizing the Pegasus. "Out of all the replacements you could've picked, you picked Speed Wave."

"Heck yes they picked me." Speed Wave continued to wear his cocky smile. "And why wouldn't they? After all I am faster and stronger than you ever were." Before Speed Wave was about to say something else his eyes locked on Rainbow Dash, "We'll all be." Speed Wave said, walking past Soarin and at Rainbow Dash. "Rainbow Dash, fastest flyer in all of Equestria. Name's Speed Wave, you've probably heard of me."

Rainbow Dash ignored Speed Wave and looked at Spitfire, "How could you replace Soarin? Isn't he your friend?"

"Hey!" Speed said, irritated that he was being ignored.

"Dash let it go." Soarin said. "I already knew that I was replaced the moment I found out I've been gone for thirteen years."


"No but's. Look, I knew that I was going to be replaced. I've known ever since I joined the Wonderbolt's. If you want to stay here and argue with Spitfire over this I'm not gonna stop you. But I'm not in the mood to discuss something so...stupid." Soarin spread his wings and took off.

"Soarin wait!" Rainbow Dash yelled to Soarin. But Soarin ignored her, continuing to fly away.

"So..." Speed Wave walked up to Rainbow Dash. "Now that he's gone, I was wondering if you'd want to race or maybe-"


The air around Rainbow Dash was pushed away from her as she took off. Rainbow raced after Soarin. Her wings flapping faster than ever. Her target in sight she increased her speed.

"Soarin!" Yelled Dash, slowing down her speed so she flew beside Soarin

"What?" Soarin asked, irritated.

"Land!" Rainbow demanded.

"What?!" Soarin asked, this time confused.

"Land!" Rainbow demanded once more. "Or I will ground you myself!"

Soarin stared at Rainbow incredulously. The look on her face told him that she wasn't joking. He sighed, "Fine."

Soarin spotted a wandering medium size cloud. He change his flight so that he flew to the cloud. He landed on the cloud and Rainbow did the same.

"What is wrong with you?" Rainbow demanded.

"What's wrong with me?" Soarin repeated Rainbow's words. "What's wrong with you? Why are you so determined with...this?"

"This?" Rainbow repeated.

"This. All of this. Why should you care about me?"

"Because you're my friend." Rainbow Dash said sternly

"I don't have friends!" Soarin shouted. "I never had friends! The only ones that I ever had were Flash, Fluttershy, and Lightning Strike. Flash is too busy guarding the Princess to come and hang out with me, Fluttershy has to rule a kingdom twenty-four seven, and Lightning Strike is dead!"

Soarin panted. Rainbow Dash looked at Soarin with a mixture of concern and sadness.

"What about me?" Rainbow Dash started to walk towards Soarin. "I'm your friend aren't I?"

"That's what they all say. They say their your friends and then the next thing you know, they throw you away like a piece of trash." Soarin turned away from Dash and spread his wings. "You'll do the same thing Spitfire did, you'll choose Speed Wave over me."

Soarin took flight, and remained in the air for five seconds before Rainbow tackled him to the the cloud.

"Hey! Let go!" Soarin squirmed as Rainbow pinned Soarin on his back.

"I would never choose that Blowhard over you." Rainbow said sternly, causing Soarin to stop squirming. "Why would I choose someone like Speed Wave when I've got you? Who cares if he's faster and stronger than you. I choose you because your you. You're my friend Soarin, and I'm not gonna leave you like those others did."

Soarin stared at Rainbow Dash, he could feel his body heat rising and his heart beat increasing. "Do you...do you mean that?" Soarin said, his mouth dry.

"Of course I do, I'm the Element of loyalty aren't I? I wouldn't be the Element of Loyalty if I just traded friend for friend just because there's someone better?" Rainbow Dash slightly smiled.

"But why not? If there's something better than why not take the thing that's better?" Soarin asked.

Rainbow Dash got closer to Soarin, their muzzles barely centimeters away from touching, she whispered, "Because then I'd be leaving you, and I don't want to do that. Besides, it's kinda hard to replace you for something better," She leaned in and nuzzled his neck, "When your the best thing I ever had."

A cocktail of emotions spilled inside of Soarin. Joy, Confusion, Embarrassment, Love, along with a bunch of other ones. Soarin grinned at Rainbow, "That was unbelievably cheesy Dash."

Rainbow frowned at Soarin. "Yeah well excuse me for helping out a friend. Now shut up and let me nap." Rainbow muffled, burying her face in Soarin's coat.

"But...don't we have to-"

"What part of shut up didn't you understand?" Rainbow asked, her eyes closed.

Soarin couldn't help but grin. There was no point in arguing with Dash, and her fur was pretty comfortable. 'Ah, why not.' Soarin thought, he moved his body to his side and lied there hugging Rainbow Dash, who in turn hugged him back. The two pegasi drifted off into sleep, embracing the other.

"Hey Soarin." Rainbow Dash spoke softly.

"Yeah?" Soarin replied softly.

"This Speed Wave guy. Who is he?" Rainbow asked.

"He's a punk who's wanted to replace me for a while now. He's been on the Wonderbolt's reserve team for ages. Whenever a spot opened up he refused to take it, every time he'd say 'The only way I'm joining the Wonderbolt's is if Soarin Sky's is no longer a Wonderbolt'."

"And then you disappeared." Dash muttered. "Why did he have such a disliking to you?"

"I think it was because he found out that his fillyfriend had a crush on me and he took it very personally. Said something like, 'I'm gonna take you down and then I'll get all the girl's!'." Soarin mimicked Speed Wave's dorky attitude.

Rainbow giggled. "You got all the girls?"

"Tartarus no. I barely had any girl crazed fans compared to the rest of the guys. But he thought I was some kind of chick magnet and that he had to bring me down and then went on and on about some stupid speech." Soarin rolled his eyes.

"Wow. He sounds like a total dork." Rainbow chuckled. "Good thing you're not as dorky as he is."

"Yeah...but to be honest I was actually planning on giving him my position anyway." Soarin admitted.

"What? Why?" Rainbow asked.

"I was getting tired of just performing stunts after stunts after stunts. That's all the Wonderbolt's ever did. When I joined the Wonderbolt's I wanted to fight. I wanted to do something to better Equestria...that is until there was nothing left for me."

"So you decided to give him your position." Rainbow finished.

Soarin nodded. "I was tired of the Wonderbolt's, so I told myself that when I got back from the moon that Speed Wave could have my Position and he could do whatever he wanted with it."

"But then the Moon disappeared, and Speed Wave took it." Rainbow added it all up. "So that's why you didn't care about everyone at the Wonderbolt's academy." Soarin nodded. "So...since you're giving up on the Wonderbolt's what will you do now?"

"There was a hobby of mine that I did whenever I could take a break from the Wonderbolt's. I suppose I could go do that."

"Care to shed some light on this hobby of yours?" Dash asked.

Soarin cringed. "I'd rather not."

"Hmmm, hmm." Rainbow mumbled, burying her face in Soarin' fur she dosed off.

Soarin smiled, noticing how cute Rainbow looked when she was asleep. With no other option Soarin closed his eye and was fast asleep in an instant.

While Soarin and Rainbow were sleeping in each other's company they failed to notice that Speed Wave had been watching and listening the entire time. Speed had a sour and angry look on his face. With no other reason for him to stay any longer he turned away from the two, opened his wings, and took off into the sky.

Author's Note:

Well...I learned today that I suck at romance.

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