• Published 7th Oct 2016
  • 580 Views, 4 Comments

Snow Kingdom - DisneymlpZeldalover

This is a alternate universe where the crystal heart had never been fixed, leaving the main heros to die in the snow.... Now, villans rule but all might change when a young alicorn, Flurry Heart, awakes remembering nothing including she is a princess

  • ...

New Friends And Skills

The young alicorn had already found a home in the camp after two weeks of living in it. Everyone accepted her and liked her. They also expected great things from an alicorn. They stopped asking about her heritage because she didn't know. The filly looked all around the camp which held many good ponies but couldn't find her parents.

She had been named Flurry Heart for being found in the snow and for only remembering a heart.

She had found that she liked Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle.

Scootaloo was really cool and acted like a sister the girl didn't know if she had. Scootaloo could fly fast but one time, on a flying lesson which she excelled in, Flurry Heart noticed that there always was a certain clicking when she flapped or opened her wings. When she asked why Scootaloo sighed.

“Look, when I was little, I had really tiny wings, I could only get barely off the ground. Then, my idol, Rainbow Dash went to the Crystal Empire for something… Royal, I don't know or care anymore.”

“What happened?”

“She didn't come back, nopony did. The town knew without our heroes, villains would come back. They did and Applebloom, Sweetie Belle and I fought with the adults. Applebloom got her scars from that fight. After finding this camp, Sweetie Belle made a portal to this from the rocks…. I realized I didn't have time for growing up, that was long gone so Applebloom, smart as she, is made me these fake, robot wings that attach to my small wings, they never grew.”

Sweetie Belle always kept her clip in because it was her sister’s. This had all happened when they were eight years old, now they were nineteen.

Flurry had seen Applebloom with the three thin scars on her cheek after going to the camp. Applebloom was a mystery to her. She was silent most of the time and only opened up to her two best friends. She was sharp and stubborn when speaking to everypony else.

One day, Flurry Heart decided to go and get some berries with Applebloom to talk, bond. She, of course, wore her brown cloak to cover her huge wings

Berries were rare and they had been trying to find for hours.

“So… What's your story?” Flurry Heart muttered.

“Excuse me?” Applebloom snapped, turning to her.

“Nothing! Just your friends have backstories and… I thought you would have one.”

The mare looked away.

“How did you get those scars?” Flurry continued.

“... Eagle claw.”


“A traitor gave me these scars. He had an eagle claw.” Applebloom whispered.

Flurry Heart looked at her.

“I'm so-”

“Leave me alone. We're looking for berries, remember?” Applebloom huffed.

“Right.” Flurry Heart whispered.

“Was her name, your sister’s…. Applejack?”

Applebloom froze. Turning, she had tears in her eyes.

“My sister was named Applejack. H-how did you know that?”

“I heard the name before, somehow.” Flurry Heart shrugged.

“I…. I don't think… I don't think she's gone. I think the Crystal Empire could be real! Not just a myth... I-if that makes sense, you know...” They looked at each other and for once, Flurry Heart saw a glimpse of hope in the mare’s eyes.

Then, they heard a small scream of horror. They ran to the noise and found a little while away, a small yak boy shaking profusely as changelings cornered him.

When he saw the two, his eyes lit up.

“Please, help me!” He cried.

“Shut it, boy!” Yelled the leader. Suddenly, a snowball hit him in the head.

He turned to see Applebloom had taken out her pink hair bow that had held her mane in a ponytail and had used it as a sort of slap shot. She put another snowball in and fired.

“Attack!” The leader yelled.

The rest of the army charged and Flurry Heart flushed in surprise.

She was the secret weapon of the rebels. If the villains knew she was an alicorn, they would want her dead and would go through any means to do that. She had to keep it secret.

The filly used her magic to fling snow at them.

She laughed at their tumbling but found a hoof had grabbed her.

She gave a muffled scream as she was tugged behind a tree.

Flurry turned and raised a hoof to punch her captor when she saw it was the little yak they had seen cowering.

“Y-you…. You're just a boy.” She breathed softly, dropping her hoof.

The yak nodded. “Listen, we gotta get you out of here.” He whispered.

Flurry looked around and saw Applebloom wasn't there.

“Okay. Let's get my friend an-” He covered her mouth and she glanced at him in confusion.

“Listen to me, that mare isn't your friend. She's going to betray you!”

Flurry pushed his hoof away and smiled.

“I don't even know your name. Why would I trust you?”

The yak sighed.

“My name is Prince Randolph, but you can call me Randy.”

The alicorn raised her eyebrows.

“Prince? Cool. Now, who told you Applebloom would betray me?”

They heard a little tinkling and a tiny creature popped out of his fur.

“I did, thank you!” Snapped a little gray breezie with a black mane.

Flurry Heart giggled.

“Oh! Of course, you did!”

The breezie huffed.

“This is my friend, Ashy Breeze. I found him yesterday and he can tell when something powerful or a betrayal is nearby!” Randy cried.

They suddenly heard a yell. Flurry Heart snapped out of her trance of Randy's deep brown eyes.

She remembered Applebloom and gasped. She peeked out from behind the tree and saw her friend weak and injured on the ground.

A changeling walked up to the mare and grinned.

“With you, your precious friends will give themselves up and your little resistance will crumble.” He laughed.

“No!” Flurry Heart cried, running and tackling him to the ground.

“Leave my friend alone!” She yelled, giving a slap square in the jaw.

“Get her off me!” The leader grunted.

Changings grabbed her from behind and she yelled in protest.

“Let go of me!” She growled.

When they didn't, her anger grew and grew until she snapped.

Her cloak flew off and captured her guards. Her powerful, huge wings spread out behind her and flew her up.

The girl’s blue eyes turned pure white and her hair billowed behind her.

“YOU WILL BE RELEASE MY FRIEND AND LEAVE THE REBEL ALLIANCE ALONE OR I WILL FIND YOU AND YOU WILL BE-” She stopped speaking and touched her head. Her white eyes faded back to blue and she fainted from exhaustion.

“I knew it. The girl is an alicorn.” The leader laughed. He walked up to the filly who had snow in her long mane and eyelashes. He slung her on his back and was about to take her away when he heard a yell.

“Release her!” Applebloom had rose, Randy and Ashy Breeze stood beside her.

“Trust me, I will release her, but right into at my Queen's hooves.” He cackled.

“No!” Randy cried.

But suddenly, his head was turned to a block of ice.

The three gasped.

“Foolish…” Flurry Heart grunted softly, still exhausted. She carefully flew to the ground.

“Thank goodness you're okay!” Applebloom cried, running to her.

The alicorn yawned and leaned on Applebloom. The mare flushed and looked down at the filly.

“Don't worry, you'll be safe…” She whispered softly, brushing back some of the girl's mane.

Applebloom let out a tiny whimper, remembering how she had been in almost the same way twelve long years ago when she had a big sister.

“You'll be… Safe.” Her voice cracked.

Randy walked up and smiled at the sleeping girl.

“My father will be expecting me. You shall come too, he wishes to speak with the resistance leaders and of course, a new alicorn.” He sighed.

Ashy Breeze gave a tiny sigh. What would he help the princess now? Or would he help the rulers and take her? It was all a blur.