• Published 7th Oct 2016
  • 580 Views, 4 Comments

Snow Kingdom - DisneymlpZeldalover

This is a alternate universe where the crystal heart had never been fixed, leaving the main heros to die in the snow.... Now, villans rule but all might change when a young alicorn, Flurry Heart, awakes remembering nothing including she is a princess

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New Findings

Discord sighed as he walked into the throne room. Another boring day. His allies didn't even let him do his chaos magic! What fun was that? But they knew he wouldn't turn on them, no, he couldn't. The ponies weren't on his side because they thought he had repeated his deeds from long ago. He did have some friends, but they never seemed to acknowledge him… He was also kidding himself. He just called them that to feel better. To feel like his friendship lessons had paid off. To feel he had made her proud. An alarm clock suddenly rang and he snapped to take it out. It was morning, he had different duties now.

“Wake up! Come on, get up. We have a lot of ground to cover to get to the palace!”

Flurry Heart flung a snowball at Ashy Breeze and he landed with a thud.

“Wow. Do you think Equestria wants their princess to be an immature little kid?” The breezie huffed.

The girl jolted awake and stared at him.

“Wait… You're talking about me?”

“Duh, I'm talking about you.” Ashy Breeze sighed.

“B-but… Me? A princess?” Flurry Heart asked.

“You're right, we shouldn't dwell on it long. Right now we need to focus on our plan to take down the villains.” Ashy whispered.

“We need to find shelter before that, and food.” Randy yawned, sitting up.

They had only found a crumbly cave to sleep in and had hadn't found anything to eat. They had traveled all night too.

Randy walked up to Flurry Heart and sat down. She got up and went to the mouth of the cave.

“Where are you going?” Randy asked.

“I just… Need some air.” She muttered.

The girl sat outside in the snow and wind, listening to the wind howl.

“Flurry Heart?” Randy called


“Do you… Think I'm one of them?”

She paused. Changelings… Did she?

“I don't know.”

They were silent.

“I see,” Randy whispered.

The alicorn sighed softly, hearing the wind whistling in her ears.

Flurry Heart walked with her cloak wrapped around her. Randy walked beside her with Ashy Breeze floating behind them. They didn’t speak. The alicorn gave away a sigh.

“I hope we find your friend,” Randy whispered.

The girl looked up at him.

“Me too… I hope the camp’s alright…” She sighed.

Then, something caught her eye. A sort of light.

“You seem close to this camp, why?” Randy turned to see Flurry Heart almost in a trance, walking to a light.

“Flurry?” The yak prince asked, going after her.

Ashy Breeze saw the girl touch the light and she gasped in surprise as the world faded around her. In front of her now was a glittering palace. She felt odd, like she needed to be there.

She flew absentmindedly to it in moments with her huge wings.

Going inside, she saw the rooms had snow and ice in it. She felt attracted to one room in particular though and when she opened it, she saw something surprising.

This room wasn't a guest room like many of the others, it was a nursery for a baby girl, a room fit for a princess.

Stepping forward, she saw the crib.

The crib…. Wasn't what she expected. It wasn't made of jewels or glass or anything like that. One of those seemed to be pushed away in the corner. This one, however, was made of tree bark and had a covering with little red apples on it. But why apples?It had a white fringe around it and inside was a white blanket the color of snow with little purple hoof shoes that were a border. The girl saw tucked into it wasn't a baby but a cuddly little plush bunny. She looked up and saw touching her mane was a mobile it had little clouds with lightning bolts and rainbows hanging from it. She touched them and they gave a slight tinkle touching each other. Flurry Heart was pondering all these strange things when she heard a thud.

She turned to see a large, rectangle book on the ground. She walked forward and picked it up.

She read the title: --------’s Heartfelt Scrapbook

She squinted her eyes. Why was there a blank? The girl looked around to see if anypony saw her then noticed a single picture of a very light pink baby with blue eyes. She had a pink, purple mane with a streak of blue. She had humongous wings and a big horn. The thing was… It looked exactly like her.

The first page said in the middle, “The Royal Wedding”. The page was a mess of pictures and felt.

Her brain felt puzzled when she saw a picture of a grand castle. It had grass and flowers and dirt roads surrounding it.

Where was the snow? Where was… Nothing?

Then she saw something that made her forget that immediately. It was two pictures, one was labeled your mom, the other, your dad.

If that baby was her, if this book belonged to her then these ponies would be her parents.

They were beautiful. She recognized her own blue eyes and streaks of blue hair in the white unicorn and her coat and the rest of her mane belonged to that alicorn. The one she had seen before!

The girl held back a squee in her new knowledge.

“That will help you, you know.” Said a gentle voice.

Flurry Heart gasped and turned to face the alicorn from the picture.

“It's you! You're my-”

“I know, Flurry Heart. But I must tell you this information before I'm forced to go. You must go to a place called Ponyville. It shall lead you to where you need to go next.” The alicorn said.

“Ponyville..” Flurry Heart whispered softly, trying not to forget. She clenched the book tighter in her magic.

She looked up and saw that the mare was gone and so was the palace and the nursery, her nursery. She was

Applebloom awoke with a pain in her head. She grunted softly. The mare sat up and looked around to find herself in a jail cell.

She gave a gasp with remembering what had happened.

“Well, I see you’re up.” Chuckled a dark voice.

Applebloom turned to see Lord Tirek sitting in the corner of the room outside.

“You!” Applebloom yelled, running to the bars.

“Where is she?!” She growled.

“Hm….. Who would you be referring to?” Tireck asked calmly.

“You know who!” Applebloom cried.

“Hm… Do I? Equestria's a big place, girl, there are many, many ponies. Even narrowing it down to your set of familiars is hard.”

“What do ya’ mean?!” Applebloom growled.

“You could be referring to your friends, the young ladies we have all locked up tight. Or-” Tirek was interrupted.

“No! You couldn't have found Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle!” The mare gasped.

Tirek gave a low chuckle. “Ah, I wish it to be true, little pony but rest assured, we haven't found them unless of course, you would be so kind as to maybe tell us?”

“I've never heard such stupidness in mah’ whole life.” Applebloom hissed.

“In time… You'll give in. But you don't exactly matter to us now. No, with you locked up, your friends will give up that resistance. So with that out of the way, the alicorn girl is all that matters.” Tirek laughed.

“Ah’ don't know where she is. I could remember if one of your lackeys hadn't hit me with a serving tray and knocked me out.”

“Sorry, but you wouldn't cooperate with us any other way.”

Applebloom laughed. “Please! I'm not exactly going to help you now.”

“I know, my dear. That is why we're going to break you down and break that hideous determination your whole family posed…. Until they all died without telling me anything about your camp. They were all very useless.”

Applebloom felt her blood boil and wretched out a scream of rage. She tried to bang herself against the bars but Tirek’s magic held her fast.

“Such nobility… Yet… You were too young to be part of this war.”

Applebloom’s choked pain barely made it out of the hall because she had to stay strong. Even when her power was drained away.