• Published 23rd Jun 2017
  • 1,953 Views, 49 Comments

Change - Just A Random Pegasus

Applejack thought she would never give a foe of hers, Flim, a chance to prove himself. However, she soon learns that hearts can change, just like ponies can.

  • ...

...Wait, What?

"And... done!" Applejack exclaimed as she stacked the last barrel of apple cider. There were at least twenty barrels stacked up, looming over the earth pony. She smirked. Cider season was going to start in a little over a week, and now, she was sure they weren't going to run out of cider. She was way ahead of schedule!

Applejack trotted out of the barn before locking the door. She knew it would still be a few more hours before her family got back home. They had all gone out selling apple products in the Ponyville marketplace and let Applejack do chores at home, which the mare much preferred anyways. Being on the move and bucking apples was a lot more enjoyable than handing out apples at a stand.

She opened the door to her house, inhaling the sweet incense of apples. Applejack could never get tired of the smell of her kitchen. It always smelled like apples, which was undeniably Applejack's favorite scent. She looked at the clock on the wall. It read 5:30 PM. Applejack took this as an initiative to start making dinner. She could get dinner in town like the rest of her family was doing, but she much preferred making her own meal.

She took out a few slices of bread from the cupboard and a jar of zap apple jam from the fridge. She opened it and started to spread the jam over the bread, watching the rainbow colors overtake the light brown of the bread. As she finished spreading the jam, she put the jar back in the fridge, and pressed the two pieces of bread together. She smiled as she looked at the sandwich, the exhaustion of the day creeping up on her as she realized how hungry she was. She was about to take a rewarding bite out of it when a noise started her.

Knock knock

She dropped the sandwich on the plate, looking towards the door. Guess that'll have to wait... She thought.

As she opened the door, she internally prepared herself to put on a nice smile for whoever came to visit. As she creaked the door open, she smiled, but that smile quickly fell as her mouth fell open.

Standing across from her was a very familiar stallion. He was tall, a light yellow color, and currently had a very messy red and white mane. It was undoubtedly Flim of the Flim Flam brothers. Applejack blinked, making sure she wasn't just hallucinating. Why would he be here?

"Hello," he casually greeted, earning an eye twitch from Applejack.

"Uh, what are you doin' here?" She asked, narrowing her eyes.

"I... uh... came to ask you something." He looked over Applejack's shoulder, seeming to be looking for something. "Is the rest of your family here?"

Applejack shook her head. "No. And why would that matter anyway? I don't need the rest of my family to kick you off of my farm."

Flim stepped closer to her, causing Applejack to step back. "Oh, why the unpleasant attitude?" He asked with a smirk. Applejack harshly exhaled.

"Well, let's think: y'all tried to take over Sweet Apple Acres, and ya also lied to a lot of ponies who thought they were gettin' actual treatment. Ah think that's more than enough of a reason to tell ya to get off my farm," she replied with a harsh slam of her hoof. She looked around, confused. "Say, where's that no good brother of yours?"

Flim's gaze turned to anger. "None of your concern. And also, didn't we work together to overthrow Gladmane?"

Applejack nodded. "We did, but that didn't earn me your trust. Ah don't think anythin' can," she said, turning around. "Now, Ah was about ta start eatin'. It would be great if ya left."

Flim grunted. "Applejack, I'm sorry. I have a genuine question to ask you."

Applejack whipped her head around. "Doubtful. It's probably another one of your schemes. Ah'm not gonna play any part in it. Good day."

Flim turned her around with her magic so she was facing him, earning a glare from her. "Please just listen to me."

Applejack's ears perked. The tone in his voice sounded a lot different than the tone she had heard every other time she's seen him. His voice sounded broken; desperate, almost.

"Go on," she instructed, curious to what he had to say for himself.

Flim sighed. "Well... I want to... learn friendship."

Applejack's eyes widened. "What? You? Why?"

He looked to the ground, his eyes harboring... embarrassment, almost. "Well, I want an actual job. Not going around doing con-pony things, but an actual job. I kinda need friendship to get a job in Equestria, and it's too expensive for me to go overseas," Flim replied, earning an unusual look from Applejack.

"Well... that makes sense. How would ya like gettin' lessons from the other Elements of Harmony as well? Ah'm sure-"

"Not interested," he interrupted.

Applejack gave him a confused look. "Why?"

"Because I want as few ponies as possible to know that I'm here. I want to only stay for about a week to take friendship lessons, and then I'm going to get a job. I don't want to explain my reasoning for being here to other ponies."

Applejack raised an eyebrow. "Why? Is your ego that big?"

Flim shook his head. "No. I just know that everyone here hates me, and I don't want to face them. The glare you alone gave me made me feel awful. I truly do regret what I did."

Applejack scoffed. "Yeah right."

Flim glared. "I'm being honest. After my brother and I left Ponyville, I realized how awful it would have been if we would have taken the farm. I just felt so awful we worried you like that."

Applejack at him and noticed something. He was being completely honest; she could see it in his eyes. Applejack was surprised. She had no idea a former foe of hers could change that fast. Something must have happened to lead him down this path.

"Oh... well, Ah guess that makes sense. So... when should we start our lessons?" She asked, knowing she shouldn't turn down a friendship client, even if he was someone she disliked. After all, she was an Element of Harmony and had a throne by the cutie map for a reason.

Flim shrugged his shoulders. "Sometime tomorrow in a private place."

Applejack raised a brow. "This seems kinda sketchy."

Flim raised a brow. "What does?"

Applejack rolled her eyes. "Havin' lessons in a private place."

Flim grunted. "Okay, I'm sorry, I just really don't want to deal with other ponies."

Applejack glared at him. "Well, okay, just know that if ya try anythin', Ah'll knock ya out in a heartbeat."

Flim returned her glare, his expression showing that he was a little offended. "Do you really not trust me? I'm not going to do anything. I just wanted to learn friendship from an Element of Harmony, and out of all of them, I felt like it would be easiest to learn from you."

Applejack's glare subsided as she raised an eyebrow. "Why me?"

Flim thought. "Well, the two of us did work together to kick out Gladmane. I would say I could go to Fluttershy, but she talked with my brother more than me, so I don't know her very well at all. You, however, I've run into quite a few times. And I know you probably hate me the most, but I also sensed that you could be a great teacher."

Applejack blinked. A genuine compliment? "Well... uh... thanks." She looked away, just like she does whenever anyone compliments her. "What place and what time?"

He shrugged. "Noon in the woods near the edge of Ponyville?"

Applejack thought. "You mean the ones in the north or the south?"

"North. You can see Canterlot very well."

Applejack nodded. "Okay, Ah know where you're talkin'. So... see ya tomorrow?"

Flim nodded. "Yeah, I guess. See ya," he said before turning around and walking away. Applejack closed the door, standing in silence for a few seconds.

She wanted to go ask Twilight for advice. She's never had a friendship pupil before! However, she knew that Flim didn't want other ponies knowing that he was there, and Applejack didn't want to betray his trust by doing something he requested she shouldn't do. That would be one lousy friendship teacher.

Applejack grunted as she walked over to her sandwich. She knew these upcoming friendship lessons would be quite interesting, and hoped she could make some progress with him. Honesty was something he really needed to learn.

She took a bite of her sandwich, welcoming the flavor of the zap apple jam. That tasted really good right that moment.

"You should've seen the ponies, Applejack! They all lined up to buy apples!" Apple Bloom said with excitement, practically bouncing in place. Applejack giggled.

"Well, Ah'm happy y'all were able to sell most of the apples. We needed some money for repair work on the barn."

Apple Bloom nodded her head. "Yep! You should come with us next time!"

Applejack shook her head. "Ah would rather not. Selling apples is not exactly my forte."

Apple Bloom's ears fell. "But you're better than me at it!"

Applejack chuckled. "That's because ya have a bit to learn. Y'all will be better than me soon, trust me."

Apple Bloom flipped her mane. "Yeah, yeah. Ah hope so."

Granny Smith slowly walked across the kitchen. "Anythin' new, AJ?" She asked as she started cleaning the dishes.

Applejack's ears perked. She hated lying, she really did, but this time, she was certain she was saving her own hide. If her family found out about Flim, they would probably be mad at her, and not let her teach him. Applejack didn't want to lose her first friendship client, even if it was someone who she disliked.

"Uh... nope! Though, Ah think Ah heard bats at the east side of the farm." That wasn't a lie. Applejack was almost certain she heard chittering earlier.

The sound of grunting came from the other side of the kitchen. Big Mac looked at his sister. "Seriously? Ah thought they were fine stayin' on the west side!" He took a sip of water. "We need ta look tomorrow evening when they first come out."

Applejack's ear flicked. "What time?" She asked.

"Uh... Six? Why does that matter?" He asked. Applejack's tail flicked.

"Well, Ah'm just tryin' ta map out my schedule for tomorrow!" She replied, feeling pleased knowing that also wasn't a lie.

"When did you turn into Twilight?" Apple Bloom asked with a giggle. Applejack smirked.

"Ah always plan out mah schedule, AB." She looked up at the clock on the wall. "Oh! It's time for you to get to bed!"

Apple Bloom grunted. "Fine..." She answered as she lumbered up the stairs to her room. Applejack yawned.

"Ah don't know about y'all, but Ah'm quite tired from all the work Ah did today. So... see ya tomorrow!" She said as she made her way up the stairs.

"Sleep well, AJ!"


Applejack heard the two say as she found the door to her room. After walking in, she quickly got ready for bed.

Tomorrow would be interesting, that's for sure. But for now, she was just focused on getting a good night's sleep.