• Published 23rd Jun 2017
  • 1,954 Views, 49 Comments

Change - Just A Random Pegasus

Applejack thought she would never give a foe of hers, Flim, a chance to prove himself. However, she soon learns that hearts can change, just like ponies can.

  • ...


It was early in the morning, and Applejack was sitting down to breakfast with her family. As she ate her pancakes, she looked between them and sighed.

"Ah have... somethin' ta tell y'all today. At nine. Which is in... about twenty minutes."

Granny tilted her head. "What is it, dear?"

Applejack glanced around. "Well... Ah have ta show ya somethin' Ah mean. Mah friends will all be here, too."

Apple Bloom blinked. "Well... alright. Why can't ya tell us now?"

Applejack blushed. "You'll... understand when Ah tell ya. For now... Ah gotta go get the thing," she said, walking away. As she left, she heard her family talking about her, wondering what was up. She sighed as she walked through the orchard. She thought she would be ready, but in reality, she was terrified. What if Big Mac barred them from dating? What if he wasn't allowed to work on the farm? What if no one in her family wanted to give him a chance and trust him? Heck, what if they were mad at her?

These worries continued to circle through her mind as she walked in the woods, seeing Flim still sleeping. She gulped, shaking him to wake him up. Flim's eyes snapped open in surprise as he looked at Applejack, blinking.

"Is it... time?"

Applejack nodded. "It is. Ah'm nervous."

Flim shook out his mane, standing up. "Well... alright. Do I have time to take a quick bath in the river?"

Applejack shook her head. "Ah'm sorry, but naw. Breakfast ran longer than Ah thought, especially since we're allowed ta sleep in on the weekends."

Flim nodded. "Well, alright. So... let's go?"

Applejack nodded, hugging him. "Yeah. Ah hope everythin' will be alright."

Flim kissed the top of her head. "It will be. Trust me. Nothing will happen to us."

Applejack released her grip. "Oh, Ah hope so," she said, walking beside Flim out of the woods. "So... let's still keep low. After today, ya won't have ta. Ah just don't want anyone stoppin' us or anythin'."

Flim nodded. "That sounds like a good idea. I mean, no one ever stops me on my way to work... well, except this one time this little colt told me he liked my mane. That was all."

Applejack nodded. "Well, that's good."

The rest of the journey was made in silence. They crept over to the orchard, Applejack taking a breath.

"Well... here goes nothin'," she said, stepping down the path. Flim looked around.

"These are some impressive trees."

Applejack nodded. "Yeah."

They eventually made it up to the barn door, Applejack taking a deep breath. "Well... here goes nothin'..." she said, slightly opening the door and poking her head inside. As she did, she caught everyone's eyes on her. She took a breath.

"Uh... hehe... hello, everyone."

Apple Bloom smiled. "Hey, AJ! Is somethin' wrong?"

Granny raised an eyebrow. "Y'all don't look so good, dearie."

Applejack blushed, mentally preparing herself for what she was about to say. "Um... Ah have somethin' to tell y'all. Well, mah family and Spike, that is," she said, waving at Spike. She had a feeling that Twilight probably told him everything, so he decided to tag along. "Ah've... been keepin' a secret." She admitted, looking between her family, her gaze mostly lingering on Big Mac. "Ah... am in a healthy relationship of a few months."

Applejack heard Apple Bloom gasp, and saw that Granny and Mac went completely bug-eyed.

Oh my gosh! Why didn't ya tell us?!" Apple Bloom asked, walking up to the door. She raised a brow at Applejack. "Hey... why aren't ya comin' inside?"

Applejack blushed again, her heart racing. "Um... because he's here with me."

Apple Bloom gasped again. "Really?!"

Applejack nodded. "Yeah. Ah told everyone else yesterday. They're here ta meet him."

Pinkie ran up to Applejack's face, causing Applejack to slightly recoil. "Well, what are you waiting for?! I'm so excited!"

Applejack chuckled. "Um... y'all... have ta promise me somethin'."

"Yes?" Apple Bloom asked, her eyes still dancing with excitement.

"Um... that ya won't flip out. That mainly goes for you, Mac," Applejack said, looking to her brother. Big Mac raised a brow.

"Applejack, don't worry. Ah won't kill him," Mac said.

Ah don't know about that... Applejack thought to herself, taking a breath. It was time.

"Well... alright..." She said before opening the door. Everyone looked out, but saw that no one was standing there. Applejack raised a brow. He was literally right there a second ago!

Rainbow Dash started laughing. "Oh, so you're dating air, AJ?"

Applejack ignored her friend's comment and sighed. She looked to the side of the barn, where she found Flim pressed against the wall. "It's alright, you're fine," she said in a low voice, walking inside and waving a hoof for him to come in. Her heart was currently pumping hard and fast, and she felt her gaze drift around the room.

After another second, Flim walked in the room, his eyes darting from one pony to another. Applejack felt like she was going to burst as silence hung over the group for a second. However, Pinkie shot over to him, getting right in his face.

"Hey there! I'm Pinkie Pie! Well, you probably remember me from that one time you came to Ponyville and-"

Applejack threw a hoof over Pinkie's mouth, glaring at her. "Pinkie!"

Pinkie giggled as Applejack pulled her hoof away. "Whoops! Sorry!"

Flim shook his head. "It's alright. It's all in the past, though I can't deny it never happened."

Applejack looked to her family and saw just what she expected to see: her brother was fuming, her grandmother was just staring in confusion, and her younger sister's jaw seemed to touch the ground.

Twilight walked up to Flim. "Hello," she greeted. "So... you can teleport?" She said, smirking. Flim's eyes grew wide as Applejack found herself blushing.

"Uh... yeah..."

Twilight started laughing. "Oh, I'm just giving you a hard time. Applejack told me she stole the book."

Spike groaned. "Applejack, next time, please tell her. I didn't get to do anything but look for that book for a week!"

Applejack blushed, a sheepish grin crawling up her face. "Um... Ah'm sorry."

Applejack's focus was deterred from Spike as she saw Big Mac walk up to her, glaring. Applejack stood tall and gave that glare right back, confidence surging through her.

"AJ... what are you doin', datin' someone who almost ran our farm out of business?"

Applejack calmly responded. "He came up ta me askin' ta learn honesty, considerin' he felt awful about everythin' he had done in the past. Ah forgived him, and... this happened."

Mac glared at Flim before he looked back down at Applejack. "Is this why you're never around anymore?"

Applejack sighed, her form slightly deflating. "Yes. It is."

Big Mac's glare didn't cease. "Well, next time, tell us. Ah guess it's okay that he's reformed and a little friendship pupil of yours, but Ah don't know how comfortable Ah am with y'all datin'. Especially because Ah don't trust him. Ah don't think Ah ever will."

Applejack now was glaring daggers into her brother. What she had feared was coming true, and she was not about to let him break them apart. "Why, you-"

"Enough," Granny said, walking up next to Mac. "Applejack, Ah didn't expect this, but this here isn't the first time Ah've seen someone fall in love with their enemy. And Mac, y'all need ta listen to AJ. Ya might not understand it, but-"

"Granny, he-"

"Ah was talkin', Mac," she said, shutting him up immediately. "Ah think ya should give him a chance. That's what Ah've always done as an Apple; we're an acceptin' family. Ponies can change, Mac. If I've learned one thing in mah long life, it's that."

Applejack smiled as she listened to her grandmother go off on her brother. Leave it to Granny to approach the situation with wisdom and logic.

Apple Bloom walked over to the couple. "Wait... so he's... good now?" She asked, raising a brow.

Applejack nodded. "Yup, he sure is. Ah taught him honesty, and was like his teacher," she said, puffing her chest out in pride.

Apple Bloom gasped. "That's so cool!" She said, looking up to Flim. "Was she good?"

Flim nodded. "She was a great teacher. I knew she would be."

At this, Applejack blushed, Rarity squealed, and Dash made a gagging noise.

"Aww! That's so cute!" She cooed. "Oh, I'm Rarity, by the way."

"Eh, no thanks." Dash said. As she said that, she started to laugh. "Oh, yeah!" She flew up to Flim, getting near his face. "Well, if you haven't met me yet, I'm Rainbow Dash, Wonderbolt and probably the best flier in Equestria."

Flim raised an eyebrow. "Cocky, much?"

Dash's eyes widened. "I am not! I'm speaking the truth!"

Applejack chuckled. "Whatever ya say, Dash. He's right."

Dash looked down to Applejack. "Hey! You're only agreeing with him because he has a nice-"

Applejack slammed a hoof against Dash's mouth, already knowing what she was going to say. She glared at her, her cheeks red. "Rainbow Dash, Apple Bloom is right there!"

"What about me?"

Dash pulled her friend's hoof away from her mouth. "Fine, fine."

Applejack looked down to Apple Bloom. "Nothin', sugarcube. Dash was just about ta say somethin'... not age appropriate."

At this, Flim started to laugh. Applejack looked up to him.

"Oh, what's so funny?" She asked, raising a brow.

"Well, it took me this long for my tired mind to process the joke, is all," he said, laughing some more. Applejack groaned.

"Oh, come on!"

Dash held a hoof out, Flim bumping his against hers. "Finally! Someone who laughs at my jokes!" She said, smirking. "I officially give you the Rainbow Dash Stamp of Approval to date my best friend."

Applejack raised a brow. "Just because he likes a joke ya made?"

Dash nodded. "Yeah! If he's dating a friend of mine, he has to appreciate me, too!"

Applejack rolled her eyes. "Whatever helps ya sleep at night."

Fluttershy walked up to Flim. "H-hello."

Flim looked down to her. "Oh! You're the mare that helped us with Gladmane!"

Fluttershy nodded. "Yeah. I'm very proud of you and Applejack. From what she told us yesterday, it sounds like you two are in a completely healthy relationship."

Flim smiled. "Well, thank you!"

Spike raised a brow. "Say... where's your brother?" He asked. Flim blinked, a bit surprised by the question.

"Oh. Well, I left him after I finally decided that lying to ponies wasn't the way to live. I haven't talked to him since."

Marble then walked up to Flim, smiling. "H-hello."

Flim looked down to her, raising a brow."Wait... you're the mare from the other night. Marble, is it?"

Marble blushed. "I-I'm sorry."

"Don't worry about it. I don't know how soon Applejack would have told everyone if it weren't for your intervention."

Applejack swatted at his side with her hat. "Hey! Ah would have! Maybe not as soon, but Ah was plannin' to!"

Marble giggled. "Well, alright."

Applejack looked to her family, her heart beating faster once again as she prepared to ask another question. "Hey, Granny? Mac?"

The two looked to her, Mac still not very happy. Applejack took a breath.

"Would it... be alright if he worked here? Ah would ideally have him workin' with Marble on the farm. Also, could we give him a place ta live?"

Before Big Mac could say anything, Granny nodded, which made Applejack happy. "Oh, of course, dearie! Now, Flim, where have you been stayin'?"

Flim blushed. "Um... outside."

Granny smiled. "Well, now you'll be stayin' and workin' with us. More workers are always better."

Big Mac's eyes widened as he looked between Flim and Granny. He glared. "Alright, but you are stayin' in the guest room. Clear?"

Flim nodded, though both were quite sad about the ruling. "Y-yes, sir."

Mac seemed at least a little pleased by that answer, nodding and walking into the other room. Flim let out a sigh of relief.

"Well... glad that's all figured out."

Applejack smiled. Now, everything was lifted off of her shoulders. It was one of the most relieving experiences she's ever had. "Me, too."

Twilight smiled. "Well, Flim, you're certainly different than the last time we met... in a good way."

Dash smirked. "Yeah. AJ must have been quite the friendship teacher."

Flim nodded. "Yeah."

"Well, it wasn't all me," Applejack said, "he decided on his own that he wanted ta be a good pony."

Spike smiled. "Well, I respect you, Flim. We'll have to do a guy's hang out sometime! Well... whenever Mac's comfortable with you, that is."

Flim nodded. "Sounds like fun!"

Dash started giggling menacingly. "Hey, Flim?"


"You should tell me every embarrassing thing about Applejack you know!" She said, cackling.

"Rainbow Dash!" Applejack exclaimed, blushing.

Flim chuckled. "Well, I have quite a few of those. Hm... let's see..."

Applejack blushed even harder. "Flim! Don't you dare say anythin' to her!"

Dash chuckled. "Why not, AJ? You got some secret ya wanna hide?"

Applejack shook her head. "No! Ah just don't want him givin' y'all somethin' ta make fun of me with!"

Flim chuckled. "Well, here's something Dash can't do," he said, winking at Applejack. "Whenever I compliment Applejack, she gets all red and starts pouting."

Applejack blushed. "Hey! That's-"

Flim kissed her cheek, then nuzzled the side of her neck. Applejack turned even more red as she felt his warm lips touch her body, feeling a bit awkward around everyone else.


Flim chuckled as he drew away from her. "Aww, she acts like this when I show her love publically, too!"

Applejack pouted. "Why are ya like this?"

Flim ruffled her mane. "Because I love you."

Applejack blushed as Rarity squealed. "W-well... Ah..."

Flim chuckled. "Wow, you certainly hate PDA."

What gave you that idea? Applejack thought to herself.

Dash chuckled. "Wow, Applejack. I never thought I would see you so embarrassed!"

Applejack glared at her friend. "S-shut up, Rainbow Dash."

Pinkie started laughing along with Dash, causing Applejack's blush to grow. "Aww, you're so cute, AJ!" She said, causing Applejack to go even more red. After a second, Pinkie stopped laughing, looking at the clock on the wall.

"Oh my gosh! I have to go plan my wedding!" She said, looking over to Flim. "Well, it was great to meet ya! Well... the new you, at least! I'll see ya soon!"

Flim waved. "Bye."

Twilight nodded. "Maybe we should all help Pinkie to let him get situated here."

"That's a great idea, darling," Rarity agreed, the others nodding in agreement. "Well... we'll all see you soon!"

"Don't forget the sleepover tomorrow, AJ and Marble!"

Applejack waved. "We won't! See ya!" She said, sending the group off. As soon as they left, Flim turned to Applejack, sighing.

"Oh, I am so happy you finally told everyone about us."

Applejack smiled. "Yeah. Me, too. It's quite relievin'."

Apple Bloom walked up to Flim, smiling. "So... are y'all like a new brother?"

Flim chuckled. "Oh... I don't know."

Apple Bloom giggled. "Y'know, you and Applejack should get married!"

Applejack blushed, recoiling. "Wo-oah, what?! Not right now, AB!" Applejack replied. Though, she had to admit, the idea of being bound to him forever with a bond of love seemed... nice...

Apple Bloom giggled. "What? Havin' another brother'll be so cool!"

Granny ruffled Apple Bloom's mane. "You'll still have ta wait a bit, ya little whippersnapper." She looked to Flim. "Fer now... let's get ya settled in. Follow me," she said, making her way over to the steps. Applejack and Flim followed as Granny showed him the guest room, Applejack now happier than ever. Flim will be staying and working with her. What more could she ask for?

Later that night, she sat next to Flim at the dinner table. She had gotten some necessities for him like a mane and toothbrush earlier in the day, and both were now looking forward to a nice dinner. Well, Flim, especially. As soon as the plate was put down in front of him, he completely devoured it. He smiled.

"This is really good!"

Granny chuckled. "Oh, thank you, dearie."

At this, Big Mac walked in, a large smile on his face. Confused, Applejack looked over to him.

"Big Mac? Why are you in such a good mood?"

"Well... our business partner in Manehatten is goin' ta be acceptin' apples from us again. We're startin' ta earn business again."

Applejack's eyes widened, a large smile creeping onto her face. "Really?!"

Big Mac nodded. "Eeyup," he said, sitting down.

Applejack's smile seemed to stretch across her entire face. "Woohoo!" She exclaimed. Her farm was officially back in business, and she could not be happier.

After the moon rose, Applejack and Flim lay under the night sky, snuggled up while looking at the stars, just like they did on their first date. Applejack sighed.

"This really has been an amazin' day. It's almost like... everythin' is workin' out just how Ah wanted it to."

Flim turned to her, giving her a passionate kiss. "I'll agree. I'm happy to be living and working here."

Applejack hugged him. "Ah'm happy ya are, too." She sighed again. "Flim... Ah love ya. Thanks for bein' here for me whenever Ah needed ya."

Flim hugged her back. "I love you too, Applejack. And you're welcome. I'll always be here for you, don't you worry."

Author's Note:

And this is the end! :pinkiehappy:

I hope you all liked it! If you came across any issues while reading, please comment them below!

Comments ( 18 )

Damn. Thats a lot of writing for me. Too much xD


It took me a while to finish this, so I agree with you, it is a lot :scootangel:

That used to be me...

then everything changed when the writers block atracked.


I used to have the worst writer block. It would take me two months to even come up with something to write, and it was awful. I guess I'm making up for it now :rainbowlaugh:

I can't think of anything. I started to get over with it but then I stopped writing for an hour and lost it."

Well, when I tried clicking on the thumbs-up icon, nothing happened.


Huh. Well, I've gotten one more downvote than I had yesterday, so I guess the system's working. It could just be because this story doesn't have enough votes so the ratio isn't shown.

And I mainly leave it to interpretation, since it was a long time ago. And this is exactly what caused her stress :twilightsmile:


Why must I have to waaaait ;-;

And YES! I thought I was alone in shipping it. (Strange, considering how popular Opposites Attract ships are.)


Don't want to spoil anything! :scootangel:

And I guess not many people ship it because they view Flim as irredeemable. I personally love this dynamic and it has always been one of my favorites :derpytongue2:

You know, I could commission an artist on Devianart to make a more decent cover for this story.

Awesome! I love sex jokes

I really love this story. I am glad I am not the only person who ship Applejack with Flim. I read this story soooooo many times and I keep loving it. There should be a comic version of this.

That was SUCH a cute story! I love it! Flimjack is TOTALLY my OTP! Awesome story!

There's a lot of technically improper grammer in cowboy speak. Like how they say "She don't" instead of "She doesn't". "Y'all" is used for both single and plural.

This was cute! :3

You know a history is really good and pleasant to read when you reach the end and there's nothing else, that's when you realize you didn't stop reading it. I haven't read many Applejack romatic stories, and I find this one quite amazing. You did a wonderful job. Well done.

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