• Published 23rd Jun 2017
  • 1,954 Views, 49 Comments

Change - Just A Random Pegasus

Applejack thought she would never give a foe of hers, Flim, a chance to prove himself. However, she soon learns that hearts can change, just like ponies can.

  • ...

Different Feel

It had been about a week and a half since Flim and Applejack started dating, and both were so far extremely satisfied with their decision. Applejack visited him as much as she could, and he had been trying to get a job with Applejack's advice.

Now, Applejack head over to the woods, smiling as she walked through the afternoon sunlight. Luckily, she was given a break from the hot day, so she decided to go to the woods to cool off with that time. She entered the thick brush, making her way to the clearing. She sat under a tree, adoring the comfortable shade. Flim didn't seem to be there yet, so she decided to wait.

Momentarily, the sound of rushed hoofsteps broke her from her relaxation. She looked, seeing Flim running into the clearing, a smile on his face.


He looked over to her, beaming. "Oh, I didn't know you would be here!"

Applejack stood up. "Well, Ah am. Now why are ya so excited?" She asked, stepping closer and kissing him. He smiled brighter as the two separated.

"Well... I got the job!"

Applejack gasped. "Ya did?! Great job!"

Flim kissed her forehead. "I did. I'm so excited! I get to actually pay for my own food!"

Applejack chuckled. "Yeah, it'll be nice not havin' ta sneak out food fer ya every day."

Flim laughed as well. "Oh, it will be." He paused for a moment. "Applejack... I have to thank you for everything."

Applejack blushed. "Nah, ya don't have ta. Y'all were the one who decided to better yourself. Ah just helped ya through it."

Flim shrugged, sitting down, prompting Applejack to do the same. "Even so, I wouldn't be where I am without you. And so," he started, kissing her before continuing, "thank you."

Applejack chuckled. "Well, you're welcome."

Flim scooted closer to her, wrapping a hoof around her body. Applejack leaned into the embrace.

"Wait... Ah have an idea."

Flim cocked his head. "Yeah?"

"Well... Ah was thinkin'. Your cutie mark represents apples, don't it?"

Flim nodded. "Yeah?"

"Well, y'all should probably seek ta do something that correlates with yer cutie mark. So, whenever Ah tell mah family about ya and if they are alright with ya, y'all can probably work on the farm. After all, we would give ya more money, and Ah could see if ya can stay there instead of in these woods."

Flim's ears twitched. "Well, if that day ever comes, I'll certainly be okay with it. I mean, I'll always take a place to live. Also, I'll be able to spend every day with you."

Applejack nuzzled him. "Yeah. That would be... nice."

"It would be, very much so. Something to look forward to, right?"

Applejack nodded. "Yeah. We gotta get about two months into the relationship first. If Ah go up to 'em now, they'll argue that y'all are trickin' me, considerin' we've only been together for a short time and Ah really don't know ya well. If we're a few months in, it'll be harder ta make the assumption y'all are trickin' me."

Flim nodded. "That makes sense." He went quiet for a minute. "I'm sorry you have to deal with all this, Applejack."

Applejack tilted her head. "Huh?"

Flim sighed. "Well... with me being hated and all. If I didn't make those decisions back then, then you wouldn't have to stress about everyone knowing about us-"

Applejack threw a hoof to his mouth. "Woah, woah, woah. Ah thought y'all were over yer past."


"Flim, it's the past. Ya can't change it. Please, please don't feel bad about it. Y'all have changed. You're an amazin' pony, trust me. Ah wouldn't be datin' ya otherwise."

Flim smiled. "Thank you, Applejack. It'll take a little while for me to get over everything, though."

Applejack nodded. "That's understandable. Ah'll be here to help ya through it."

"Thank you. I really appreciate all you've been doing for me."

Applejack nodded. "You're welcome. Ah'm always happy ta help." She looked throughout the clearing, smiling. "Well, this is certainly different."

Flim tilted his head. "Huh?"

"Well... before we would just come here for friendship lessons. Now, we're comin' here ta spend some quality time together. It's just... a good feelin'."

Flim kissed her cheek. "Times do change rather quickly. Do you want to know something?"

Applejack nodded. "Sure. What is it?"

Flim looked to the sky, seeming to be recalling something. "Well... I kinda lied when I said that a few weeks ago was the first time I ever had feelings for you."

Applejack blinked. "Huh?"

Flim chuckled. "Yeah. One of the factors influencing me to choose you to teach me was, well, I've always had a small crush on you."

Applejack burst out into laughter. "Huh?! Weren't ya, like, enemies with me?"

Flim started laughing along with her. "Well, not really. I just admired you. I've always liked how dedicated and hardworking you were. Also, I've always thought you were cute."

Applejack snorted. "Well, sorry ta say, but Ah didn't feel the same for ya."

Flim shrugged. "That makes sense. I mean, there wasn't anything admirable about me."

"Well, now there is."

Flim smiled, kissing her nose. "I'm happy to hear that. It's nice to know that I'm not the only one who has an admirable partner in this relationship."

Applejack giggled. "You're not. Ah like ya a lot now."

Flim started laughing again, Applejack tilting her head. "What is it?"

"Well, I just think it's hilarious how nervous you were yesterday. Was it your first time telling someone you like them?"

Applejack nodded. "Yeah! Ah was terrified y'all wouldn't want ta be mah friend anymore!"

Flim shook his head. "AJ, even if I didn't like you, I would still be your friend. You're my only friend. Well, were, at least."

"Now ya have no friends and a marefriend."

Flim shrugged, chuckling. "Pretty much. I'm fine with only you, though."

Applejack shook her head. "Flim, when Ah tell mah friends about ya, Ah want ya ta try ta make friends with 'em. They will probably give ya a chance. But, then again, Rainbow Dash might be a bit stubborn..."

Flim waved a hoof. "I'll worry about that when the day comes. Like you said, it may be best to keep me a secret so nothing accidentally slips to your family."

Applejack nodded. "Yeah." She giggled. "Heh, especially if one of the CMC find out from their sisters and tell Apple Bloom. Oh boy..."

Flim blinked. "Huh?"

"Oh, three fillies who worked together in the craziest ways ta get their cutie marks. One is my sister, one's my friend's Rarity's sister, and the other is Rainbow Dash's adopted sister. If one of them finds out, the news'll be all over Ponyville within an hour."

Flim blinked. "That doesn't sound good."

Applejack chuckled. "Ya would be right about that."

Flim thought. "I've been curious about something."

"What is it?"

"Well... have you ever been in a relationship before?"

Applejack nodded. "Well... kind of? Ah've been in one once in high school. We stayed together for about a week 'cause he thought Ah was annoyin'."

Flim raised a brow. "Really? What did you do?"

Applejack shrugged. "Well, Ah was just nervous about the whole thing that Ah kind of drove him crazy. We never even hugged, Ah was so nervous."

Flim's ears flicked. "So... I was your first kiss?"

Applejack nodded. "Ya were."

Flim kissed her. "Well, I'm proud to have that title. And it's a good thing you didn't stay with that jerk."

"Oh, Ah agree. Ah wasn't ready for a relationship in high school. Ah've always been quite anxious and paranoid." She smirked. "What about y'all? Have ya ever been in a relationship?"

Flim nodded. "I have. I was in two in high school. I was awkward and skinny, but many fillies told me they liked my voice and fancy hair. Many asked me out, too. I was kind of like you where I was awkward about relationships, so I only agreed to two fillies."

"When was yer first kiss?"

Flim chuckled. "Well, that was when I was a junior. It was my second relationship. The filly I was with kissed me on the first date. I was really bad at it, but got better throughout our relationship."

"How long did that one last?"

Flim thought. "Maybe about... five months? It just didn't work out between us."

Applejack shrugged. "As do most high school relationships."

Flim nodded. "Yeah. Well, you're much better than she ever was. I actually admire more about you than your outward appearance."

Applejack smiled. "Well, Ah feel the same way for ya. Ah haven't had a crush since high school, so it was quite awkward for me."

Flim's ears flicked. "Really?"

Applejack nodded. "Yeah. Ah actually thought Ah was aromantic for a few years, considerin' Ah viewed all of mah crushes as hormonal things. Well, things changed when Ah got ta know ya."

Flim kissed her forehead. "Well, I'm happy about that."

Applejack tilted her head up. "Kiss me."

Flim chuckled. "Oh, of course," he replied, their lips meeting. Applejack wrapped her hooves around his neck, getting a bit excited and slamming him onto the ground, her body resting on top of his. Flim wrapped his hooves around her barrel, pulling her closer as well. The two continued this for a few seconds before stopping, staring into each other's eyes. The two smiled, Applejack burying her head into his chest. Flim stroked her golden mane, smiling as she kissed his chest. He looked towards the sky, hugging her as tight as possible.

"I love you."

Applejack's eyes widened as her cheeks heated up. She looked up towards him. "...Huh?" She asked, her voice quiet.

Flim blinked. "Oh. I let that slip. Oh well. I love you."

Applejack felt a warmth like no other build up in her stomach. She smiled as she leaned forward and kissed him, putting as much passion into it as she could. They broke apart from each other, their muzzles still close to each other.

"Ah love ya, too."

Flim kissed her forehead, Applejack smiling and kissing his neck. She rolled off of him, landing next to him and wrapping a hoof around him, burying her muzzle in his shoulder.

"I can't wait to see what this relationship has in store for us."

Applejack nodded, hugging his body closer to hers. "Same with me," she replied, smiling. As she lay there with him, those three words kept circling in her head, her smile never leaving her face.