• Published 23rd Jun 2017
  • 1,954 Views, 49 Comments

Change - Just A Random Pegasus

Applejack thought she would never give a foe of hers, Flim, a chance to prove himself. However, she soon learns that hearts can change, just like ponies can.

  • ...

Last Minute

Once again, Applejack didn't get much sleep. She got a few hours, but far less than what she actually needed. As she got ready, she felt her legs shaking. She had never told anyone she liked them before!

As she walked downstairs, she wasn't sure how easily she would be able to make breakfast. She was just so nervous that she would probably forget some important ingredient, and then Apple Bloom wouldn't be happy. She bit her lip and stepped over to Granny Smith, who was asleep on a chair in the other room.

"Um... Granny?" She asked, poking her. Granny's eyes snapped open.

"Ah! Ah'm awake!"

"Would ya mind makin' breakfast this mornin'? Ah wasn't able ta get much sleep last night."

Granny's ear twitched. "Again? Well, Ah suppose Ah could. Wouldn't want ya ta accidentally spill the food everywhere."

Applejack smiled. "Alright. Thanks, Granny."

Applejack flopped onto the couch, feeling her cheeks reddening. She couldn't stop thinking of Flim, and because of that, became extremely anxious. She sighed.

Oh boy...

After breakfast, Applejack got started on her chores, wanting to distract herself from Flim. She knew she had to meet him in about an hour or so, so she would pack breakfast then. As for now, she wanted to do whatever she could to prevent herself from leaving.

As she was bucking apples, something magically appeared in front of her face, causing her to yelp and back up. After she did, she saw that a letter was magically delivered to her. She picked it up off the ground, sensing Twilight's magical aura fading from it.

Impressive spell... She thought to herself, opening the letter.

Hey, Applejack! Pinkie apparently needs us for something, and it seems urgent! Please come to the castle as quickly as possible!


Applejack tilted her head. What can be so urgent? Well, she knew one thing: she wouldn't want to show up all anxious and flustered! She decided to continue bucking trees a bit more, finding herself still unable to not think about Flim.

After quite a few minutes, she realized it would be harder than she thought to completely get rid of her worries. She sighed before moving the apples into the barn. She knew she would be late now. She groaned, dumping them into a barrel before looking at the letter again. She dropped it, immediately bolting out of the barn.

As she ran, she still couldn't stop thinking of the possibilities of telling Flim. Will he break the friendship? Would he politely say he doesn't like her back? Would he actually like her?

No... that's impossible... Applejack thought to herself, picking up her pace as she ran towards Twilight's castle. She ran inside, throwing open the doors to the throne room, where she assumed everyone was. As she did, she caught everyone's eyes on her. She looked between everyone, finding herself nervously chuckling.

"Uh... hey, everypony! Sorry Ah'm late. Ah had a lot to do at the farm," she said, walking over to her seat. She could physically feel her cheeks about to burn off. Rainbow Dash looked over to her, raising an eyebrow.

"You've 'had a lot to do at the farm' a lot recently," she said, leaning forward. Applejack's face burned more as her pupils shrunk.

"Uh..." She couldn't say anything else. She would feel bad for lying, but would also not want to break Flim's trust!

Rarity stopped her before she could say more. "And why are you so red, darling?" She asked, blinking.

Applejack looked to the ground, her heart racing and warning signals going off in her brain. "Ah... always get flustered when it's hot outside," she said, impressed she could come up with something that quickly. Well, it wasn't exactly a lie. That realization made her feel better.

Rainbow nodded her head. "Uh-huh. Then how come-"

"Girls!" Twilight interrupted, silencing Dash and earning an internal sigh of relief from Applejack. "Let's not argue and focus on Pinkie Pie. It seems like she's been wanting to tell us something."

Rainbow leaned back in her seat, seeming to have dropped it, which lifted a weight off of Applejack. "Alright. What's up, Pinks?"

Pinkie looked between everyone, lifting her head up high.

"Later today, I'm using the Choosing Stone."

Applejack's eyes widened as Rarity gasped. Pinkie was finding her soulmate? Today?! Everyone else seemed to be taking this all in as Applejakc looked around, everyone in the group now silent. Applejack stood up from her seat, smiling.

"Wow, that's great, Pinkie! Ah hope your search is easy!" She said, running around the table to hug Pinkie. Pinkie returned the hug.

"Aww, thanks, Applejack! It'll be great!" She replied, Applejack breaking from the hug. Now, Applejack could only think of one thing: she had to go. She was already awkward enough and had already signed Pinkie off. Any more time spent here, she would certainly spill something!

She started to back up towards the door, hoping no one would notice. She would soon make a run for it, disappearing from the castle.

"Applejack, darling, where are you going? You can't just leave this soon!" Rarity said.

Applejack froze, her face heating up. Drat! "Uh... back to the farm. To work."

Pinkie giggled. "Silly, Applejack! I'm not gonna let you leave without a group hug!" She said. In an instant, Applejack felt herself wrapped up in a tight group hug from Pinkie.

Rainbow squirmed. "Pinkie... can't... breathe!"

Pinkie let go of everyone, letting Dash catch her breath. She smiled.

"I would love to stay and chat some more, but I have to get going. My parents are expecting me!"

Twilight smiled. "Well, good luck, Pinkie. Remember to write to us!"

"And include every detail~!" Rarity chimed in, her eyes sparkling.

Pinkie giggled. "Sure thing! I'll make sure to give you daily updates!"

Fluttershy smiled. "I look forward to reading them. I'm so happy for you, Pinkie."

"Thanks, Flutters. Now..." Pinkie looked at her wrist like she had a wristwatch, "I gotta go!"

"Bye!" The five chorused. Pinkie seemed to not have heard them, however, because she had already bolted out the door. Silence filled the room, everyone smiling. However, Applejack found that hers left her face as soon as thoughts of Flim invaded her thoughts. Not wanting to be stuck in an awkward situation, she started to walk towards the door, taking a breath. She found herself suddenly stopped by some force, scared before she realized there was a familiar blue aura around her.

"Wherever are you going, darling? We can still hang out!" Rarity said. The tone of her voice practically screamed that she wanted to know something else, and Applejack was not about to give her that satisfaction.

Applejack felt her face heat up again. "Uh... Ah already told ya! Ah'm headin' back to the farm!" She replied, running out of the castle as fast as she could. She didn't want to leave her friends like that, but she knew that's what she had to do. As she ran into the morning sun, sweat started to trickle down her face. She was originally intending to go back to the farm, but now she knew what she had to do:

She had to go to Flim to tell him. She had already become anxious enough, and waiting would just make it worse.

She took a left, running to the woods as fast as she could. She couldn't process much except the steady beat of her hooves along the dirt ground. As she delved into the dark woods, she jumped over twigs and made her way to the clearing, stopping and catching her breath when she reached it. Sweating and breathing heavily, she looked around, seeing Flim descend from a tree.

"Hey there, Applejack... are you okay?"

Applejack blushed, looking down to her hooves. Her heart started racing. Goodness, this was nerve wracking. She gulped.


"There's obviously something wrong. What is it?" He asked. "Cider season?"

Applejack shook her head. "N-nah. Ah've kinda gotten over cider season."

"Well, that's good," Flim replied. "So... what is it? I can help you. You've done so much for me."

Applejack barely met his eyes before blushing madly. "Um... Ah have to tell ya somethin'," she said, her voice cracking. Flim nodded.

"Alright. Shoot."

Applejack took a breath, her words coming out as fast as lightning. "Over these past few weeks Ah've fallen for you! It's been keepin' me up for the past few nights and Ah had to tell ya! Ah like ya! A lot!" She finished, her voice on the verge of a yell. She looked down to the ground, contemplating running away again.

"...Applejack? You... really like me like that?"

Applejack couldn't resist looking up to him and nodding. "Yeah. Ah do."

Flim blinked, his expression hard to identify. Applejack knew this would be the end of their friendship. She looked down to the ground, feeling tears starting to well up in her eyes.

After another second, she felt a warm hoof lift up her face. She didn't get to process much, considering there was something warm against her lips as soon as she looked. She blushed, her eyes widening as she realized she was having her very first kiss. she was still frozen as Flim separated from her, keeping his face close to her.

"I like you, too. A lot."

Applejack looked into his eyes, now feeling alright to get lost. She smiled. "Ya do?"

Flim nodded. "I do. What? You thought I would lie after all this?"

Applejack smiled brighter, deciding to be bold and kiss him again. His lips were warm and passionate, and she felt like she could completely melt against them. They pulled apart after a few seconds, the two both goofily smiling. This moment quickly came to an end as a realization passed through Applejack's thoughts.



"...You're leavin'."

Flim froze, his eyes darting. "I..." Silence hung over the two for a few minutes. Flim looked into Applejack's eyes and then away again. "I don't know if I can."

Applejack tilted her head. "...What? Flim, you've been taught ta get a job! What about yer mom?"

Flim sighed. "Applejack... I won't be able to stop thinking about you if I leave. Especially after all this. That's why I was alright to wait until this morning. I was actually... about to tell you my feelings before you did."

Applejack blinked. "...Really?"

Flim nodded. "Yeah. Ironic, huh?"

Applejack chuckled. "Yeah."

"Anyways, I'm not sure how easily I'll be able to leave you. I wanted to confess because I hoped you would like me back and I could stay. I can get a job here and send some money to my mom. I don't have to move all the way to Baltimare. Anyways, if she heard that I met you, she would practically force me to move back here to be with you."

Applejack smiled. "Alright. Whatever ya want."

Flim smiled back. "I'm sure you won't mind my decision."

Applejack shook her head. "Nah. Ah sure don't. As long as ya get a job."

Flim nodded. "I will. Also, I think you could probably tell everyone about me now. You've had to keep me a secret long enough."

Applejack blinked. "...Oh. Ah guess."

Flim tilted his head. "You seem hesitant."

Applejack sighed. "In all honestly, Ah am. Imagine the outrage of mah friends towards ya! They hate ya! And-" She stopped her eyes widening. "No. Ah can't tell 'em. Ah can't tell anyone about us."

Flim raised a brow. "Why not? I mean, I've changed, haven't I?"

Applejack nodded. "Ya have, but... mah family will probably not appreciate us bein' together. Flim... we could be prevented from datin' if they found out!"

Flim's ears flattened. "Oh. You really think so?"

Applejack shrugged. "Ah dunno. Ah'm not takin' any chances, though. You're gonna have ta be kept a secret for a little longer. At least until we're super close so mah family would be less hesitant about breakin' our bond."

Flim nodded. "Alright. I guess I can still be a secret. But how will I get a job?"

Applejack thought. "Well... maybe somewhere where no one in mah family or friend group would go? The last thing Ah want would be for one of them to see ya and spill it to mah family."

"Alright. Wait... I remember seeing a toy store at the edge of town when walking in, and they seemed to be hiring. Maybe I can work there."

Applejack nodded. "Great idea! the last time Apple Bloom went there, she was all of five years old!"

Flim smiled. "Okay. I'll apply there. I don't want our relationship broken apart, either."


Flim looked into her eyes for a second before thinking. "Wait a second... when did we even formally say we were in a relationship?"

Applejack blinked before blushing. "Um... Ah guess we are now."

Flim chuckled. "Well, I'm alright with calling you my marefriend. You'll be a great one."

Applejack smiled. "Thanks. And you're gonna be an amazin' coltfriend."

"Thank you," Flim replied.

"...Darn it."


Applejack's ears flattened. "Ah was so eager to tell ya, Ah forgot to bring breakfast for us."

Flim waved a hoof. "It's alright. I'll have some berries. They're really good."

Applejack raised an eyebrow. "Are ya sure?"

Flim nodded. "Of course I am."

"Alright. But Ah'm bringin' ya somethin' tonight."

Flim chuckled. "You don't have to."

Applejack smirked. "Oh, but Ah do. Ah want to see ya before Ah go to sleep, anyway."

"Alright, alright. I guess I want to see you too."

Applejack nodded. "Oh, ya know ya do."

Flim shrugged. "Eh, alright. I'll appreciate the food, though."

Applejack smiled. "Alright. So... see ya tonight? Ah gotta leave and do chores now if Ah'm gonna come back later."

Flim smiled. "Alright. See you tonight."

As he said that, the two leaned forward and gave each other a quick kiss. They parted, both smiling.

"See ya," Applejack said, standing up.

"Bye. I'm happy I can stay here with you."

Applejack smiled. "Ah'm happy ya can, too. Ah'll be back in the evenin'," she said, walking out of the woods. As she did, a warm feeling surfaced in her chest as she touched her lips. She smiled, swooning at the thought of Flim.

...I can't believe it.

Applejack was enthusiastic the entire time she was working, which was quite surprising to her family. She finished all of her chores and some of Mac's, her energy seeming endless.

Now, she was still energized as she made her way to the woods, a paper bag with dinner on her back. She had already finished hers, but made sure to grab some high quality apple fritters for Flim. She stepped through the brush, making her way into the clearing where she found him sitting down. They smiled at each other, the warmth from before filling Applejack's chest again.

"Hey," she greeted, setting the bag down next to him. Flim kissed her as soon as she set it down, earning a smile from her as he pulled apart.

"Hey," he replied, smiling. Applejack beamed.

"Well... are ya gonna eat?"

Flim nodded, kissing her nose and earning a light giggle from her before opening the bag and levitating the apple fritters out.

"These look good." He took a bite, smiling. "These are really good!"

Applejack smiled. "Thanks! These are mah favorite treats to make."

Flim smiled down at her. "Well, you sure make them well."

Applejack blushed. "Well... thanks!"

Flim finished the first, savoring the taste. "Also, after I finish this, I'm taking you on a walk."

Applejack smiled, scooting closer to him. "Well, Ah won't mind that."

Flim poked her nose. "I know you won't." He lightly kissed her before eating another fritter, leaving her smiling. After he finished his dinner, he stood up. "Well, let's go."

Applejack smiled, standing up as well. "Alright. So... where are we goin'?"

Flim smirked. "Follow me," he said, walking to the left and out of the clearing. Applejack followed behind him, trying to not step on poison ivy or anything else that would be painful. After another minute, she found herself in a completely clear area near a river and the mountains where Canterlot sits.

"...Wow..." She said, looking around her. Flim sat down.

"I lied. This isn't much of a walk, but I did really want to bring you here."

Applejack chuckled, sitting down. "Well, Ah must've done a bad job of teachin' ya, then!" She said, lightly punching his shoulder. Flim chuckled as well.

"Either that, or I didn't listen. I was too distracted by your face the whole time."

Applejack blushed. "Well... maybe so..."

Flim laughed again before kissing her forehead. "You're adorable."

Applejack's face grew redder. "Ah am not!"

"Yes you are."

Applejack pouted at him. "Nah."

Flim chuckled again. "Oh, I didn't know compliments so easily flustered you! I'm gonna have to use that against you!"

Applejack shook her head. "Nope!"

Flim nodded. "Oh, yes I am. I'm your coltfriend. I'm kind of obligated to."

Applejack pouted again, looking towards the ground and grunting. "Whatever, jerk."

Flim kissed her cheek before looking up to the sky. "Hey, look."

Confused by the sudden change in his voice, she looked up, seeing the moon starting to rise. Light left the land, the calm darkness taking its place. Applejack smiled as it climbed higher, the stars coming with it.


Flim nodded. "Yeah. It's gorgeous out here."

Applejack scooted closer to him, feeling completely relaxed against his warm body. "Thank ya for bringin' me here."

Flim interlaced their hooves, earning a light smile from Applejack. "No problem. I knew you would like it."

Both the moon and stars were high in the sky by now, no daylight anywhere across the land. "Ah do."

They sat in silence for a few moments before Flim spoke up. "Say... Applejack?"

Applejack looked into his eyes. "Hmm?"

"If you don't mind me asking... why exactly did you fall for me?"

Applejack looked to the ground, smiling. "Why... you're just a good pony. Ya care a lot about yer family and betterin' yourself, somethin' Ah have a mighty deal of respect for. You're just so fun to be around. Ah found myself fallin' for ya easier than Ah thought." She looked to him, smiling when she met his eyes. "Why did ya fall for me?"

Flim smiled and kissed her. "Well, you just see the best in me. You've believed in me since the beginning and gave me another chance to prove myself, something not many ponies offer. You're just so honest, hardworking, and dependable that I couldn't help myself."

Applejack's smile stretched across her face as she kissed him, feeling like she could melt. They parted, looking into each other's eyes again.

"Ah'm happy Ah can be with ya."

Flim nodded. "Me, too."

The two kissed again before snuggling as close as possible, looking up at the stars. For the next hour, their worries completely vanished as they stayed pressed against each other.