• Published 9th Nov 2016
  • 3,421 Views, 138 Comments

Hazel Eyes in the Moonlight - Oddling

What would you do if you were born with a curse? Would you simply live with it? Or would you go to the ends of the earth to find a cure? What if that cure... was in another world? Follow Jim as he pursues the cure to his curse in a land beyond ours.

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10 - Gnawing Away...

A gentle breeze swept over the grassy field as Jim walked behind the ponies. For a brief moment he stopped to smell the scents on the air before a content sigh slipped through his throat. With a shake of his head, he refocused on remaining more intimidating. Fortunately, it seemed that none of the ponies noticed his actions, aside from Fluttershy. She seemed to have taken it upon herself to keep an eye on him as they walked, but it felt more out of curiosity than any other reason. Though it was hard to do, he managed to keep up his gruff appearance in front of her until she looked away once more.

Jim sighed quietly as he resisted the urge to fold his ears back as a wave of stubborn emotion swept over him. The further he walked in the wake of the ponies, the more his mind dug up old memories that refused to roll over and play dead…


A young man with medium length brown hair stumbled back onto the ground. He wore a white cotton shirt with leather leggings, as well as a rather odd belt that had numerous little pouches tied to it. “What are you…?” the young man asked with wide brown eyes.

“Complicated! Now what are you doing in my forest?” Jim barked angrily, his intimidating posture above the stunned human making it quite clear that the young man had entered a claimed location. Jim lifted his fist threateningly to enforce the fact that he demanded the man answer his question.

“I-I was looking for ingredients, for my research, specifically a fungus that grows under the rotten logs in this area.”

Jim growled from annoyance. “I do not care. I will only warn you once; do not let me find you here again or I will end your pathetic life.”

“Wait! How did you do that?” the young man asked with curiosity.

“Do what?”

“Survive being struck by magic?”

“You call that explosive dust magic?” Jim asked with a distinctly flat look.

“It’s… well, it’s alchemical magic, but it is still magic and it didn’t even scratch you!” the young man declared with slight disbelief.

“Don’t know. Whatever your dust was it is useless against me. Now get your ingredients and leave while I am in a merciful mood.”

Silence followed for a few moments before the young man looked right into Jim’s eyes. “My name is Marcus…”

Jim returned the man’s gaze coolly, though he lifted a curious brow at the odd introduction. “I will try to remember it… I will need to put something on your headstone.”

That was how Jim met his first and only true friend…


Jim stopped behind the group of ponies as they gathered at the mouth of a large cave. The air coming from within smelled different than that of the outside… and Jim was unsure if he liked the odor. Though there was the familiar scent of damp soil and minerals, the unknown factor was almost enough to make the hair on his neck stand on end. Something strange and powerful waited for them inside that cave…

Twilight turned a smile toward the werewolf. “We’re almost there. Just a little ways inside of this cave rests the Elements of Harmony, and the possible cure to your curse!” she chirped happily, though her enthusiasm slowly faded as she noticed Jim was not paying her much attention. His focus seemed to be on the cave opening… but there was something more to the look in his eyes that she just could not put her hoof on. “Jim? Are you okay?”

Jim’s attention shifted to Twilight after he realized that he had been asked a question. “Hm? Oh, yeah… I’m fine. This place gives off a weird feeling is all…”

“Uh… right, that’s strange, though. I don’t think I’ve ever felt anything coming from this place. What does it feel like?” Twilight inquired.

“It feels like… I’m being judged by something unseen. I can feel some indescribable sensation flowing through me, all the way to my core. It’s unsettling, yet also exciting in a way,” Jim replied and he looked back to the gaping maw that was the cave’s opening.

Twilight looked to the others questioningly, but there was nothing that anypony could really add to what Jim had said. None of them felt any differently than normal. Fluttershy tentatively approached the werewolf, her ears slightly folded back and wings shuffling. “Um… Jim? Are you sure you’re feeling up to this? I’m sure we could… well, do this when you’re not so distracted…”

Jim’s face slowly turned down to face the little yellow pegasus, his eyes slightly out of focus…


“So, are you certain you wish to proceed with this idea?” Marcus asked Jim as they sat on a log enjoying the peace and quiet.

Jim chuckled and shook his head. “Honestly, I am still not sure if I can call your skill ‘magic’. But I have been around for twenty years and nothing else has come close to ending this curse. At the very least, it is worth a try. You said you found some books on removing curses, right?” he asked.

Marcus nodded with a smile. “Yes, though they were a little vague on the specifics. I’ve been studying them in my spare time. It is difficult to get much done when the head priest is nearby all the time. I do not want him to think something is amiss.”

“Understandable,” Jim replied with a short nod. “Let me know what you learn… if the contents of that book are things I have already tried then I will let you know. It would save us much time and effort to avoid pointless actions.”

Marcus grinned and nodded in agreement. “I will. See you on the morrow, Jim.” With that said, Marcus stood from his spot on the log and made his way back to his village…


“Um… Jim? Is something wrong?” Fluttershy asked.

Jim blinked once, twice, then shook his head and placed his hand on his neck as he exhaled a heavy sigh. “Sorry… you just reminded me of someone. I’m fine, really. What’s next?” he asked and looked over to Twilight.

Twilight eyed Jim calmly for a long time before she looked back and forth between her friends. They all returned the look before all present nodded in agreement. The purple Alicorn then turned her attention back to Jim. “We go inside and make the final preparations to use the Elements. Are you really okay, Jim? We can wait to do this at another time if-”

“Trust me, I’m fine. I’m just feeling a little nostalgic. The last time someone tried to help me… things didn’t turn out that well,” Jim said as his gaze lowered to the ground. “Just make sure you’re ready for anything, Twilight. I’d hate to see history repeat itself again.”

“What do you mean, Jim?” Scootaloo asked curiously.

Jim glanced to the little filly before taking in a deep breath to share what had been plaguing his mind…


Jim stood in the middle of a clearing atop a cliff. It was the only place with adequate conditions for the spell to work, according to Marcus’ research. The ground was softly lit with Marcus’ magical dust, creating a gentle glow of red in the shape of a very impressive series of magical circles. It was the first time Jim had seen such a sight, and he had to admit that he held a newfound respect for his slightly eccentric friend.

The soon-to-be-cured man turned his attention to Marcus and gave him a curious look. “So… this is the spell to free me? It looks fairly complicated. What is all this for, exactly?” Jim asked.

Marcus, without looking away from his texts, grinned confidently. “Oh, if only you knew, this kind of magic was supposed to have been lost for all time. If the head priest knew what this book contained I have no doubt he would have burned it as blasphemous materials. I have learned so much from these texts, and you have yet to attempt such a method, this is truly an outstanding process!”

Jim chuckled at his friend’s enthusiasm. “Try not to get too absorbed into that book. You still need to perform the spell and cure me, remember?”

“Oh do not fret, my friend. I have not forgotten what it is we are here for… especially considering how much of my stock I went through just to make those circles. You’ll be deeply indebted to me for this and I do hope you’ve prepared yourself to help me obtain enough materials to replenish my inventory,” Marcus joked with a passing glance to Jim.

Jim laughed heartily and shook his head. “If it works, sure. Until then, I am permitted to gloat at your misfortune.”

Marcus sighed, but smiled nonetheless. “Yes… I do hope this works. It would not only be helping you greatly, but we could use this to free many others of the same affliction. We would be saving many lives should we succeed.”

Jim nodded in agreement and looked back to the middle of the spell circle. He was so close to being free…

“Right then, I believe I am ready for this. How about you, Jim? Are you ready to be a free man?” Marcus asked as he stepped away from his book.

Jim smiled cockily. “I’ve been waiting for this for too long, my friend. What do you need me to do?”

“Stand in the very center of the circle. Then you may leave the rest up to me,” Marcus instructed.

Jim nodded and did as he was told. The moment he arrived in the center of the circle, some force took hold of him and his feet left the ground. Panic set in for Jim as he looked down to see himself hovering about a foot off the ground. He looked over to his friend to see a look of sheer concentration on Marcus’ face. Jim wanted to make sure everything was supposed to happen this way, but fear of creating a flaw or messing up the entire attempt held his tongue in place behind his teeth.

Jim took in a few deep breaths to calm himself, though the act was futile. Every time he started to feel calm again, a new wave of anxiety would wash over him. It did not take long for that feeling to mold itself into a very unwanted sensation… the very same kind that Jim normally felt when he was about to transform. When that sensation intensified by at least tenfold in a single heartbeat, Jim knew something was off. He looked to Marcus. “Marcus! Stop! I… I’m about to ch-change!” he forced out through grit teeth.

Marcus simply nodded his head. “Yes, that was expected. We need you to transform in order for the curse to be revealed. The spell will attack the source of your ailment and break its hold over you! Don’t fight this, Jim!” he replied confidently.

Jim’s eyes widened as fear and realization took hold of him. He had been a fool… there was no way this would work, and Marcus was about to die. Jim fought against the transformation with everything he could muster, but the end resulted in his failure. Jim lost the battle against the spell and he transformed into a large wolf with dark black fur and intense hazel eyes, with claws and fangs to match his fierce appearance.

Jim screamed in agonizing defeat within his mind once he realized that he had lost to his curse once more. He was helpless as his gaze drifted over to lock onto the form of his only friend. It only took an instant. Jim’s paws had been close enough to the ground that all he needed to do was lunge twice to dig his powerful limbs into the ground and propel himself forward after Marcus.

Marcus instantly lost his concentration, causing the spell to collapse and create an explosion of magical force. That force was the only thing that saved him from death in that moment. Jim’s body was flung powerfully into a nearby boulder, cracking a few ribs from the impact, but that was not enough to stop him.

Marcus knew he had to flee. Jim had warned him of how tough a werewolf’s body could be, as well as how quickly they heal in their cursed form. Marcus had mere minutes before the broken ribs were healed, and Jim was already getting to his feet to pursue him again. Without a second thought, Marcus ran into the forest.

Jim’s addled mind was still shaken from the impact, but there was only one thought going through it… hunt. That single drive was all he needed. The hulking form of the black wolf slowly started to move forward. In no time at all, he had built up speed until he was running at full speed, weaving between the trees. His nose constantly took in the scent of his prey as he drew nearer, catching up to Marcus with each powerful bound.

The flicker of a white shirt just beyond the trees, the sound of labored breathing, and the smell of sweat and fear spurred Jim onward and his vision went red as pure joy and excitement flared within his chest. The werewolf bolted forward as fast as he could, charging through bushes without a single care in the world. In moments, he had Marcus in his sights, and at the last second the poor human found himself being ripped to the ground by powerful jaws, tightly clamped around his shoulder.

The two bodies rolled a few times before they came to a stop with Jim standing off to the side, eyeing his prey hungrily. Marcus rolled onto his back with a groan as his shoulder burned from the bite wound. His eyes locked onto Jim’s and they stared at one another for a few long moments. Marcus swallowed nervously. “Jim… you’re in there, aren’t you?”

A low growl was the only response Marcus received before the wolf lunged forward and pinned him to the ground. “JIM!”

Jim stopped for a second… that name was… familiar. The wolf looked into the eyes of the prey beneath him.

Marcus grunted as the weight of the wolf dug into him, but he did everything he could to keep staring into those big hazel eyes. He had to get through to his friend. “Jim! Listen to me! You’re not this! You are better than this. Please, my friend, get a hold of yourself… we can try again… I can help you be free from this, Jim.”

The hazel eyes softened slowly and the pressure on Marcus’ shoulders lessened slightly. The eyes of the wolf seemed to dart back and forth as it thought.

“That’s it, Jim. Fight it!” Marcus encouraged in a gentler tone. “Let us work together and rid you of the curse. You can beat this!”

Jim lifted his paw and looked at the claws that peaked out through the fur. Maybe he could beat the curse… maybe he could finally be free… but why should he care? This prey was being too noisy… and its blood was still fresh with fear. Hazel eyes refocused on the prey in front of them and a sinister, gleeful, fang-filled smile spread across the wolf’s muzzle before it surged forward and bit into the prey’s throat. The rest… became a memory that would eventually become a tale of Jim’s first friend.


Everypony stood silently as Jim sat on the ground with his arms crossed, hugging himself as he cried silently. It was a lot to take in, especially since they had come to see Jim as just another possible friend. They had no idea that what he had mentioned earlier could have been from a tale that was so… morbid and sad. Fluttershy stepped softly over and sat down beside Jim. Even the little filly, Scootaloo found it in her heart to walk over and stand beside Jim as she gently placed her hoof on his leg to pet him sympathetically.

Twilight looked to Applejack with uncertainty before Pinkie Pie sighed. The others next to her looked over to see a small sad smile on the pink mare’s face before she walked over and gently lifted Jim’s downcast face to look at her. Hazel eyes met with bright blue and in that moment, something slowly dawned in Jim’s mind. In Pinkie Pie’s eyes he saw an all too familiar similarity. She had lost a friend as well… she knew his pain, maybe not in the exact same way, but she could relate to him in a way no one else could.

“You can stop beating yourself up for it, Jim,” Pinkie said softly.

“How can you say that so easily?” Jim asked mournfully.

The corners of Pinkie’s lips curled up a pinch more as her eyes misted. “Because I can tell a true friendship when I see one. You and Marcus were best friends… and he gave you the best thing anypony could ever hope for.”

“And what, pray tell, did he give me – aside from a reason to hate myself for killing him?” Jim growled deeply, anger burning in his eyes and threatening to boil over.

“He gave you a reason to become stronger. He gave you a reason to try and be better. He gave you… everything he had, to make sure that you never forgot what you two shared. You should embrace that. Use that to fuel your hope and let it drive your will so that you can overcome anything you set your heart toward. Finish what you two started and beat this curse once and for all,” Pinkie whispered to him.

Jim stared at her for a long time as her words rang throughout his mind. In an odd way it all made sense to him. That final moment he spent with Marcus… the confidence laying deep within his brown eyes, that grin that spoke volumes of his trust in Jim… and the last little smile that graced his face long after the life had left his body. Marcus had given everything in his attempts to help Jim… the only real friend that mattered.

Held back tears finally came loose, cascading down the soft black fur of Jim’s cheeks as he let his sorrow flow freely. Jim finally let himself cry. It took him a long time, but he was finally able to find it in his heart to feel that something good had come from his darker side. If it had not been for his curse, Jim may never have made such an important friend… and he may never had been able to meet a pink pony that could hug him and make him feel so pleased about the act.

As Jim cried, he slowly became aware of the numerous pairs of hooves that had wrapped around him. When the pain in his heart subsided enough, he blinked away the last of his tears and slowly looked around him to see that all of the little ponies had come to his aid, all hugging him and offering him comfort. Jim sighed with a smile and he dipped his head down to nuzzle each pony. “Thank you…” he murmured softly.

Author's Note:

So yeah... I decided to try my hand with a new flow for this chapter, what with the little bits of flashbacks. I'm not entirely pleased with how it turned out, but I think it's acceptable enough for release. :pinkiecrazy:

The idea behind this chapter was to try and give out some more of Jim's past so that we can get a better understanding of why he is the way he is. I like Jim's character, since it allows me to throw in a few of my little personality quirks as well as keep him as an open slate for a few more things later on (look forward to that guys, it'll be a real sobering experience given the nature of the subject).

Welp, hope you all enjoyed the read, as always! See you in the next chapter. :twilightsmile:

Ugh, another story with sunshine and rainbow beams of friendship! :trollestia: