• Published 9th Nov 2016
  • 3,422 Views, 138 Comments

Hazel Eyes in the Moonlight - Oddling

What would you do if you were born with a curse? Would you simply live with it? Or would you go to the ends of the earth to find a cure? What if that cure... was in another world? Follow Jim as he pursues the cure to his curse in a land beyond ours.

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7 - Welcome?

The trek through the forest took a little longer than originally anticipated, but within an hour Jim and his three passengers arrived at the edge of the Everfree. In the distance he could see the town of Ponyville. It looked like a quaint little place with thatched-roof buildings and plenty of colorful ponies milling about. The air was fresh, far better than what the inner sanctum of the Everfree had to offer, and the whole area seemed alive with a happy kind of energy.

Jim paused on the edge of the forest and took in the surroundings. As he scanned the area, Scootaloo inched forward and rested her hooves on the top of his head. “Whatcha looking for?” she asked in her raspy little voice.

Jim grinned slightly as he gave the little thing props for being bold enough to stand on his head. His left ear flicked as he caught sight of a pegasus flying high above. “I’ve been a loner for a long time. As I told you on the way here I’ve survived in the wild, one of the reasons I’m able to spot danger is because I always take in my surroundings. For instance, did you spot the flyer up there?” he said and nodded his head upwards.

Scootaloo blinked and looked around. Her eyes scanned the sky for a few moments as she searched for the thing Jim had spotted. She eventually found the sky blue pegasus way up high. Her mouth dropped open and she turned her attention back down to Jim. “How did you see them from way down here? They blend in with the sky!” she exclaimed.

Jim chuckled and carefully turned his head to eye her slyly. “See? There’s a lot that you can improve on when it comes to paying attention to the finer details of what’s around you. Keep that in mind the next time you go into that forest. It’ll help you out a lot, trust me.”

Hazel eyes then glanced toward Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom. “Alright, so where to now?” he asked them. They had proven to be better at giving directions than their orange companion. Which was a relief to Jim after he had found himself passing the same rock three times.

Apple Bloom cleared her throat and pointed a hoof toward the middle of the town. “Sweetie Belle lives in town, but it would be a good idea to take her to see her sister first. Ah think Rarity would want to know everything’s fine,” she said.

Jim’s gaze drifted more toward Sweetie Belle, who looked to be grimacing a little more than before. “How’s the leg feeling?” he asked her gently.

Sweetie blinked, being drawn away from focusing on her aching leg. “It’s getting a little sore,” she replied tiredly.

Jim nodded slowly in understanding. “Would your sister happen to have some ice? It’ll probably sting a bit, but it’ll help your leg heal. It’s looking a little puffy, which usually means the tissue is inflamed,” he queried.

Sweetie thought for a second before nodding. “I think she does. I’ve seen her use ice before for a headache.”

Jim offered her a small smile, mainly to keep from letting his fangs slip out. Though he had been helpful to the little fillies, he had not missed their uneasiness around his sharp teeth. “That’s reassuring. Don’t worry; the pain goes away eventually. You’ll just have to take it easy for a little while.”

Sweetie nodded and smiled weakly in turn. Apple Bloom rubbed her friend’s shoulder gently with her hoof. “Ah think mister Jim’s right. And really, it’s okay that you’ll be down for a while. It’s more important that you get better before we do any potion making,” she said warmly.

“Yeah!” Scootaloo chimed in happily. “We’ll just have to have even more fun next time.”

Jim chuckled again and resumed his steady pace toward the town. He was slightly unsure about entering the place, but he figured the three little ponies on his back would dampen his intimidating appearance. In a little corner of his mind he also saw this as a good chance to see just how much control he had over himself. Though it was a bit of a risk, he looked forward to the social experiment of interacting with other ponies.

Scootaloo propped herself on Jim’s head once more as he walked. “So… like, I’ve been wondering,” she began slowly.


“Just how strong are you?” she asked.

Jim huffed in amusement. A good question, he thought. “Strong enough to impress you, I assume. To be honest, things have not been normal for me since I arrived in your world,” he said casually.

Scootaloo giggled and nestled down to lay along Jim’s neck. “Well you must be super strong. I mean; you took down those timber wolves so easily. Do you think you could teach me to fight like that?” she asked.

Jim tried to stop it, but he only half succeeded in holding in a laugh. “I don’t know if I could teach you to fight like a wolf, but I will admit that you’ve got ambition. It’s not every day that I get asked that question by someone willing to stand on my head,” he chuckled.

Scootaloo smiled sheepishly, an act that went unseen by the werewolf but he had a feeling he had tugged at her little heartstrings. “Yeah, sorry. This has been one of the coolest days I’ve had in a while. Sorry for getting too excited,” she said softly.

Jim smiled and gently shook his head. “No worries, kid. If I had a problem with it, I’d have let you know. I actually respect you for being brave enough to ignore my scary face and act so naturally around me. It shows you’ve got courage,” he said.

Scootaloo’s wings buzzed happily and she smiled wide. “You really think so?” she asked.

“Take it from me, you’ve got guts, kid. Just don’t let it get to your head. There’s a difference between courageous and confidence. As long as your heart’s in the right place, you’ll stand a better chance at coming out on top,” he replied warmly.

Scootaloo continued to smile as they progressed closer to town. It was that beaming face that really did the trick as they neared the first of Ponyville’s citizens. Ponies came to a halt as Jim’s large form slowly lumbered through the street. At first they were struck with fear, but the moment they spotted the familiar shapes of the three little fillies on his back, fear gave way to confusion and interest.

Jim did his best to keep his smiles small as he passed by the gawking ponies. Looks like it paid off taking my time to get through town, he thought quietly. It was definitely a good idea to have the three of them on my back, rather than having them walking beside me. This way they’ll see me as a gentler giant. I bet they’d have run away screaming otherwise. I still can’t believe how large I’ve become…

Suddenly, as the four entered the edge of a small market place, Apple Bloom stood up and gently tapped her hoof against Jim’s back. “Mister Jim, could we make a quick detour?” she asked.

Jim slowed to a stop and gently turned to eye her curiously. “What’s up, Apple Bloom?”

“Well, ya see, ah’m pretty sure ma big sis is nearby. She’s sellin’ apples in the market today. Could we pay her stall a visit?” Apple Bloom said with slight hesitance.

Jim hummed and looked at Sweetie Belle. “You think you’ll be alright with a small side trip, Sweetie Belle?”

Sweetie Belle nodded. “Yeah,” she said and looked at Apple Bloom. “Think your sister would mind if we asked for an apple? I’m kind of hungry after all that running around.”

Apple Bloom smiled back and nodded. “Ah’m sure she’d be fine with it. The stall should be toward the left side of this market square,” she said.

Jim nodded with a small grin. “Very well. Let’s go see your big sis, then.”

With a slight correction to his path, Jim began toward the stall. He had not needed to be told where to go, what with the smell of apples being quite prominent from a nearby source. Still, the little ones were unaware just how sharp his senses were so he simply humored them. He quickly spotted the stall on the other side of the square. Jim’s brow lifted up inquisitively as he noticed the orange earth pony mare manning it. She caught his attention instantly with the Stetson hat she wore atop her blonde mane. He thought it peculiar that a pony would wear any clothing. Thinking back on it, he had noticed a few maids at Canterlot Castle that wore little outfits as well. Maybe Apple Bloom’s sister wore it as part of her job.

A few moments later and the crowd around the apple stand parted for the large beast carrying three fillies on its back. The mare behind the stall had yet to notice as she fished around for something underneath it. Jim chuckled and gently tapped the table with his knuckles. “Excuse me, miss. I believe your sister wanted to speak with you,” he said gently, trying to keep his voice from being too growly.

The orange mare stopped her search and lifted her head from beneath. “Oh? What is it Applebl…” she trailed off as she came face to face with Jim’s intimidating appearance.

Just as she was about to backpedal away, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo peaked out from behind his head and they both greeted her. “Heya sis!”

“Hiya Applejack!”

“What in tarnation are you two doin’ on that thing’s back?!” Applejack exclaimed.

Jim offered a small smile and turned his body to show the third little passenger on his back. “The three of them had a little trouble in the woods. Sweetie Belle, here, hurt her leg. I was giving them a ride home,” he explained calmly.

Applejack’s eyes went wide and she sputtered. “M-mah deepest apologies, sir! Ah didn’t know you were helping them out like that. What happened to ‘em?”

“We ran into some timber wolves,” Scootaloo answered. “Jim came and saved us!”

“Yeah, he jumped out of the bushes and protected us from ‘em,” Apple Bloom pitched in happily.

Jim chuckled. “I was heading to a stream to get a drink and maybe catch a few fish when I heard them scream. I ran to their aid without realizing what I was getting myself into. In any case, Apple Bloom, now that we’re here, what was it you wanted from your sister?” he said with a flick of his ear.

“Oh! Right,” Apple Bloom said as she remembered why she was there in the first place. “Ah was just checking in with you to let you know we were alright. Ah was also wonderin’ if I could stay over at Sweetie Belle’s and if we could have some apples.”

Applejack relaxed and gave her sister and her friends a relieved look. Then she smiled and nodded her head. “O’course ya can. Just make sure it’s alright with her folks first an’ ya can take a few apples with ya,” she said and then looked at Jim. “And thank ya kindly for keepin’ mah kin safe. Ah appreciate it. Would ya like an apple, too?”

Jim huffed a small laugh. “I’ll pass. I’m more partial to meat dishes. Sadly, I’m kind of new to your town. Is there any place that caters to a carnivorous diet around here?” he asked before realizing he had no way to pay for a meal. “Oh yeah… never mind, I can’t afford anything right now anyway. I forgot that I left my wallet in my clothes.”

Jim briefly wondered if it was possible to get his tattered clothing back. A small frown crossed over his face as he realized yet another disadvantage of his new form. His old transformation would have left his clothes intact… this new size and build had destroyed his only set of clothing. On the bright side, his continued werewolf form meant he did not need to worry about modesty for a while. The silver lining, if you will… though it was little consolation.

Applejack smiled kindly at Jim and she reached down under the stall once more. She brought her head up from under the table and held a small pouch in her teeth. The bag jingled as it gently landed on the tabletop. “Here, it’s the least ah could spare for what you’ve done for Apple Bloom and her friends.”

Jim eyed the small pouch. “What’s that?” he asked.

“There’s about thirty bits in there for ya,” Applejack replied. “It oughta cover a couple meals at least, even for a fellah yer size.”

Jim smiled and nodded his head slowly so as to not tip Scootaloo off of him. She really seemed to like her perch. He gently reached out and took the bag in his hand. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed Applejack’s eyes widen at the sight of his claws. Eyeing the pouch, Jim thought about how he would keep it with him without it staying in his hand all the time. He glanced back to Applejack with a small smile. “You wouldn’t happen to know where I could find some rope, would you?” he asked.

Applejack blinked for a moment but quickly caught on as Jim dangled the bag. “Oh, right. Well, we’ve got some back at the house, but if ya prefer there’s a little shop across the way that sells it. Ya can’t miss it, it’s called Ropes and Bowls with a fancy sign out front.”

Sweetie Belle perked up. “Oh, I know where that is. It’s really close, too.”

Jim chuckled. “Then I guess that’ll be our next stop.”

Applejack paused for a moment before she glanced to her little sister. “Hey, Apple Bloom, why don’t ya run to the house real quick and pick up yer saddlebags. Ah bet they’d make carrying those apples fer yer friends a little easier,” she said with a subtle glance at Jim.

Jim pretended to think the idea was a good one. He was not oblivious to the attempt to keep the little yellow filly away from him. He smiled and lowered his body closer to the ground. “That sounds like a good idea. You can meet up with Sweetie Belle at her house then,” Jim said calmly.

Apple Bloom hopped down and looked between Jim and Applejack, a slight look of confusion on her face. For a second it almost seemed like there was tension between the two, but they were smiling at each other. The little filly looked to her friends. “I guess ah could do that,” she said. “Wanna come with, Scootaloo?”

Scootaloo shook her head and smiled widely as she nuzzled the top of Jim’s head. “Nah, this is too good to pass up. Besides, I kinda want to stick with Sweetie until we get her home. I’d feel bed leaving her,” she said and rubbed the back of her head with her hoof.

Apple Bloom smiled at her friend. “Alright, I’ll see ya’ll at Sweetie’s house later.”

“See ya,” Scoots said as Apple Bloom departed. Sweetie Belle also said her goodbyes and waved. Jim thought the moment was a little touching, but his mood still soured as he realized there were still two green orbs locked onto him. He turned to Applejack once more with a fake smile for her. “Mind if we take an apple? Sweetie Belle said she was a little hungry,” he asked.

Applejack nodded and a small smile graced her as she got a shiny red apple for the little filly. Sweetie Belle lit her horn and floated the offered fruit over. She thanked Applejack and bit into the apple, sighing contently. In moments, the little white filly was digging into the glorious juicy object with gusto.

Jim chuckled and looked up to see Scootaloo peering down at him. “Want one too?” he asked her.

Scootaloo shook her head. “Nah, I’ll wait to have one when Apple Bloom shows up later,” she replied.

“Very well,” Jim said and turned to leave. “It was nice meeting you, Miss Applejack,” he called out as he left.

“Yeah… same here,” came Applejack’s reply.

A fake smile fixed itself to Jim’s maw as he continued to walk away. She’s too easy to read. If she had a problem with me then she should have said so. I hate it when people try to beat around the bush. Whatever… let’s get this over with. The sooner I get rid of these kids the sooner I can get back into the forest, Jim thought.

Not far off from where the apple stand was, stood an interesting building with a detailed sign depicting a cluster of three wooden bowls cradled by a coil of rope. Being mindful of the two little ponies on his back, Jim reached for the handle of the front door. Just as his hand reached the brass knob, a pale green aura covered the open sign and it quickly flipped over to closed. Jim’s eyes darted up to see the owner of the shop staring fearfully at Jim through the glass of the door.

Jim sighed, though his fake smile curled a bit more to show his displeasure at the actions of the store’s owner. He slowly turned away from the door, much to the confusion of the two fillies. “What happened? Why are we turning around, didn’t you need some rope?” Sweetie Belle asked before she caught sight of the closed sign. “Oh…”

“Looks like the store is closed for now. Maybe I’ll try again later,” Jim said as he offered her a small smile.

Scootaloo, however, had seen what had happened and she quickly made her disapproval known. “That was mean! Why’d he flip the sign like that?” she yelled.

Jim huffed in a mix of annoyance and amusement. “In case you hadn’t noticed, kid; I’m not exactly safe-looking. I’m a big scary beast to most of this town… which isn’t far from the truth. The only reason most ponies haven’t run off screaming for their lives is because of the three of you riding on my back.”

“Well I think that’s not fair. Obviously you’re a little scary, but to shut you out like that was just wrong. Let’s bust the door down and make him cater to you!” Scootaloo suggested testily.

Jim laughed. The thought of doing just that had crossed his mind, but it was made more amusing coming from a young pony like her. He shook his head gently and looked up at her frowning face. “This isn’t the first time I’ve been cast out. Don’t let it get to you, Scootaloo. Just give it some time. The ponies here might warm up to me like you three have, but obviously they can’t do it as quickly. Let’s continue.”

Scootaloo sighed and sat down on Jim’s neck in defeat.

“I could ask Rarity to make you something,” Sweetie belle offered. “All you want is something to hold that coin pouch, right?”

Jim looked over his shoulder at Sweetie and smiled. “That’s all I need, yes. I could hold onto the bag, but I’m afraid my claws will eventually tear it open.”

Sweetie Belle nodded and then pointed toward the interior of town. “My sister’s boutique is that way. While we’re there, maybe she’d be willing to make something for you. I’m kind of worried that she might find you scary like the other pony did, though.”

Jim smiled reassuringly to her, or at least he tried to… it was difficult to pull off with a mouth full of sharp canines after all. “Like I said, I don’t mind. Worst-case scenario; I’ll probably just give the pouch to one of you. It would be better than having a torn bag with coins going everywhere,” he said.

“That’s not fair, though,” Scootaloo said once more. “We couldn’t possibly take them from you.”

“Then maybe you could just hold onto them for me until I can get something,” Jim offered as a compromise.

Scootaloo caved in and gave Jim a reluctant nod. “Alright… but you’d have to promise to get the bag back. No tryin’ to trick us and being all sneaky. Got it?”

Jim chuckled and placed a hand to his chest. “You have my word, Scootaloo.”

She nodded once more and smiled while Jim turned his head back to resume their trek to Sweetie Belle’s sister’s boutique. He had just left the market when a streak of colors slammed into the ground in front of him, startling quite a few of the nearby ponies. Standing in a threatening stance was a cyan pegasus mare with a rainbow mane. Her rose colored eyes bored into Jim.

“Alright pal, why don’t you let the little fillies down nice and easy,” she said sternly. “We wouldn’t want to start any trouble, unless you’re askin’ for some.”

Author's Note:

All he wants is a freaking strap for his coin pouch! Stop jumping the gun Rainbow dash! :rainbowlaugh:

Tune in next time to find out how Jim handles his latest troublesome situation. Where one shows up, the other five will follow... oh dear... :raritywink:

As always, I hope you all enjoyed the read. :)