• Published 9th Nov 2016
  • 3,421 Views, 138 Comments

Hazel Eyes in the Moonlight - Oddling

What would you do if you were born with a curse? Would you simply live with it? Or would you go to the ends of the earth to find a cure? What if that cure... was in another world? Follow Jim as he pursues the cure to his curse in a land beyond ours.

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28 - Contemplation

The gentle rays of the late morning sun filtered through the leaves of the tree as a calm breeze danced and played between them. The wind carried with it the scents of the land, as well as the faint aroma from Sugarcube Corner in the nearby town. It was a pleasant way to enjoy your time upon a branch, though it only did so much for Jim as he stared off into the distance.

The visit to the hospital had been a pleasant experience overall, though for poor Apple Bloom… her rump had remained sore from her vaccinations. Still, aside from that, it had been nice to meet with Nurse Redheart and see the warmth shared between Dr. Thorough Good and the two fillies.

Unfortunately, that was where things changed. With Apple Bloom caught up on her medical needs, it had come time for the doctor to look at Scootaloo…


Dr. Thorough Good placed the last used up syringe in the receptacle and turned back to the others. “Now then, make sure you don’t overly exert yourself, Apple Bloom. The soreness will ebb in due time,” he said. His horn lit briefly and with a soft pop and flash of light a small bottle appeared in the air beside him. “As for your teeth, I don’t think you have much to worry about. However, if you start to feel any increasing discomfort, simply place two drops of this on a cotton ball and lightly chew on it for ten minutes.”

As the bottle drifted from the doctor to Apple Bloom, Jim caught a whiff of the bottle’s contents. The bitterness of the aroma, combined with the odd feeling you receive from inhaling menthol vapor, made his breath hitch and he quickly pulled his head away from the bottle.

Evryone took notice of the motion.

“Are you alright?” Thorough Good asked.

Jim nodded slowly, refraining from sneezing to clear his sinuses. “Yeah… I was just caught off guard by the smell,” he said and rubbed his snout with the fur of his arm.

Dr. Thorough Good nodded in turn and gave the bottle to Apple Bloom. “I apologize for that. I was not aware that your sense of smell was so keen.”

Jim hummed his brief acknowledgement. “Not many know how sensitive my senses are. It’s not a big deal, though. I simply didn’t expect such a potent aroma from that small a bottle. It reminded me of jasmine rice and mint, only much more intense…” Jim rubbed his nose one last time and frowned toward the floor. “But there’s something else in there that I’ve never smelled before; an herb if I had to guess.”

Thorough Good hummed briefly and his lips stretched in a minor grimace. “You could call it that. It is a unique plant. Thus far it is only used in the medical field as a form of holistic medicine.” He turned toward Scootaloo on the examining table. “Alright, Scootaloo. It’s been some time since your last visit. Let me take a look at you. We should make sure everything is working properly with your latest changes,” he said and walked over to stand beside the table.

Scootaloo nodded and turned to face him properly, spreading her wings out and staying in a relaxed standing position.

Thorough Good smirked kindly. “Good to see you haven’t forgotten. Keep still and I’ll be finished momentarily.”

Scootaloo smiled and gave a small nod before she closed her eyes.

Jim turned his full attention toward the doctor and filly as he lit his horn. Having seen Twilight at work, Jim wondered what other unicorns were like when they used magic as well.

A thin veil of green magic slowly spread from Scootaloo’s hooves and up the rest of her body. Once she was completely enveloped by Thorough Good’s magic, Scootaloo’s body twitched ever so slightly.

Dr. Thorough Good hummed lightly.

Jim’s gaze shifted to the doctor. It was only for a split second, but Jim caught the glare from beneath Dr. Thorough Good’s eyelids. Instantly, the werewolf knew that something more was in play and his senses focused solely on the doctor.

Silence filled the room as Dr. Thorough Good finished his examination of Scootaloo. Suddenly, Thorough Good’s ears perked up and his expression turned to one of surprise. At the same time, Scootaloo’s eyes popped open and her wings jerked inward.

“S-sorry…” Scootaloo said with a wince.

Dr. Thorough Good shook his head briefly. “No… no, it’s quite alright,” he assured before he stole a quick ‘glance’ in Jim’s direction. Focusing back on Scootaloo he continued, “That was as unexpected for me as it was for you.”

“What happened?” Jim asked, his eyes firmly planted on the doctor’s face.

Thorough Good looked to Jim with a frown at first, then his expression turned to one of contemplation as he brought his hoof to his chin.

A few tense seconds passed.

Scootaloo, unsure of what had just happened and steadily growing more concerned, lifted her hoof. “Dr. Thorough Good?”

Thorough Good quickly pulled himself from his musings and offered Scootaloo an apologetic smile. “Forgive me… it’s just that… were it not for me seeing it for myself, I never would have thought it possible.” He paused a moment and stepped closer to the young pegasus. “Scootaloo… how have your wings felt lately?”

“Huh?” Scootaloo sat down and looked at her left wing as she extended it a few times. “Well… they’ve felt fine. I don’t really feel anything different… well… except for them being easy to move even though they got bigger.”

Thorough Good’s smile turned more genuine as he leaned in closer. “Scootaloo… your wings have working magic channels now…”

As those words sunk in, Scootaloo’s eyes steadily widened and her jaw hung open. She looked right into Thorough Good’s eyelids for a long moment before her head snapped back to her wing, with an experimental flap.

Thorough Good chuckled in a mix of mild disbelief and joy. “It’s happened… I’m glad for you, Scootaloo.”

Scootaloo stared at her wing as she flapped it a few more times, feeling something inside it that had never been there in the past. With each downward stroke of the avian limb a smile formed more and more on her face. Then, with little warning, Scootaloo lifted both of her wings and flapped them together. In that same moment, she fixed Jim in her sights and she leapt for him.

Had it not been for Jim’s quick reflexes, he and Apple Bloom would have been bowled over. He had just enough time to rear up and reach one arm behind him to keep the little yellow filly from falling while simultaneously catching the surprisingly firm impact from Scootaloo as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

Though initially surprised, Jim could not help but chuckle a little at Scootaloo’s joyful squee as she practically vibrated against his neck.

“This is the best day ever!” she cheered.

“Heh, what’s gotten into you? I haven’t seen you this happy before,” Jim asked, curious about her behavior.

Scootaloo simply squeezed his neck tighter and nuzzled him. “I can finally fly! My wings work!”

Jim’s grin steadily morphed into a look of slight confusion as he glanced at the still flapping wings beside him, and up to Dr. Thorough Good. “What do you mean? Your wings looked like they worked fine before…”

The joyful beating of wings slowed until Scootaloo simply held onto Jim’s neck and sighed.

Jim looked down at her. He could practically feel the swell of varying emotions inside her. Slowly, Jim lowered himself down and gently placed Apple Bloom on the floor beside him before tenderly pulling Scootaloo away so he could look at her eyes. The two looked inside the windows of their souls, Jim feeling genuinely concerned and curious as to whether he had stepped on a land mine and Scootaloo, unsure of how to answer.

With a long sigh, Dr. Thorough Good provided the break to the silence. “Unfortunately… Scootaloo is a rare case. Where other pegasi usually developed the natural magic channels before birth, Scootaloo did not. The channels within her wings were… severely underdeveloped.” A small smile spread across Thorough Good’s lips. “Though that hasn’t stopped her from trying to fly. Of all the young pegasi I’ve seen, she has the fastest and strongest wings. And now she has working magic channels, so she may very well be soaring through the skies in a few months.”

Jim hugged Scootaloo closer and lightly stroked her mane as he took in the small bit of information. “So… what caused her wings to be so underdeveloped? Was it just a case of genetics failing to pan out properly?” he asked.

Dr. Thorough Good’s lips pressed together grimly for a moment before he turned his head slightly from Jim, as if gazing at the wall. “Unfortunately I am unable to provide an answer. That information can only be disclosed with the consent of her parents.”

Jim’s expression darkened at the mention of Scootaloo’s parents. He understood the confidentiality, but he just could not get rid of the hunch that continued to manifest in his gut. Just why did it seem that every one of these ponies was hiding something when the mention of Scootaloo’s parents came up? What did they all know?

“I see…” Jim replied through forced calmness…


Jim’s reminiscing came to a halt as the soft beats of feathered wings caught his attention. His ears perked up and his head darted toward the source. There, just outside of his little hiding spot, hovered Fluttershy. She was looking around with a hoof to her chin.

Seeing the kind mare brought a wave of calm over Jim and he smiled warmly with a chuckle.

Fluttershy’s ears flicked toward him and she spun around and smiled. “Oh, there you are,” she said and flapped over to land beside the tree.

Jim nodded and slipped down from his perch in the tree. “Here I am indeed. I take it you wanted me for something?”

“I did,” Fluttershy answered, her smile growing a pinch more. “Twilight said I could find you near the schoolhouse. I brought some lunch for you.”

Jim’s eyes widened slightly and he finally took notice of the basket on Fluttershy’s other arm. He looked back at her and shook his head softly. “Heh… your kindness knows no end. But what brought this on?” he asked, genuinely curious.

Fluttershy’s smile faded a little and her eyes gained the glimmer of a deep emotion that Jim had rarely seen. “Well… I’ve been talking with the girls and, um, we haven’t really seen you eating much. And when I was wiping the blood from your fur yesterday… I thought you felt a little malnourished.”

“You’re perceptive,” Jim said with a sheepish grin as he scratched behind his left ear. “But you didn’t need to go out of your way for me. I was planning to get something at some point today.”

“Well, I still thought you could use something a little more substantial. E-even though this isn’t really that much,” Fluttershy said, handing the basket over to Jim.

Jim’s sheepishness gave way to a kind smile and he gingerly took the basket with a pinch of his claws. “Thank you.”

Lifting the item up, Jim eyed the weaved basket. It was large enough to be a proper bowl for someone his size and was covered with a white and sky blue checkered cloth that was tucked inside. He smiled at Fluttershy again and sniffed at the contents… only to look confused afterward.

Fluttershy covered her mouth as she giggled at his expression. “Sorry, it’s a special basket and cloth that creates a perfect seal so the items inside stay as fresh as possible. You can trust me, just open it. I hope it’s to your liking.”

Jim cocked a curious brow at Fluttershy before he smirked at her happy, expectant smile. With a playful roll of his eyes, Jim wondered what it could be as he lifted the cloth cover. The instant the seal was opened a heavenly aroma wafted up and into the wolf’s nose, causing his eyes to close and the corners of his lips to curl in near blissful satisfaction.

The next moment Jim’s eyes popped open and he stared down at the meat in front of him. Not just any meat, though. There were strips of dried jerky, a pair of juicy loins, and three thick slices of raw steak. His gaze bounced back and forth between the meats as he wondered which one he should start with, but more than that he was surprised that Fluttershy had even given this to him. The basket slowly lowered and he looked at the pegasus mare questioningly.

Fluttershy’s ears drooped and she hovered up to look down into the basket worriedly. “Oh, I-I’m sorry. Is it not the kind you like?” she asked and looked back to Jim.

The werewolf could only shake his head dumbly for a moment before he huffed in mildly disbelieving amusement. “That’s not it… I’m just shocked you’d give me meat of all things. Isn’t this… kind of a taboo thing for ponies?”

Fluttershy’s worry quickly shifted to understanding and she sighed, relieved. “Oh, well it isn’t something that most ponies handle.”

“And you do?”

“I’m not as bothered by it since I have plenty of animal friends that are carnivorous,” Fluttershy admitted easily, though the signs of hurt filled her eyes a second later. “But it still makes me sad knowing that they have to kill to live. I understand that it’s a necessary part of their survival, but it doesn’t make it any easier when any of my friends don’t come back from the forest. All of us who live need to eat…” Her cyan eyes gently turned to the ground.

The surprise in Jim’s expression slowly melted as he watched Fluttershy’s eyes change from happy, to understanding, to hurt, then to acceptance. Up until that moment, he had still thought of the ponies of this world as more intelligent animals. They were like the humans of Earth, merely living things that had become used to an established degree of peace; beings that knew nothing of what it meant to truly survive. Now though… now he knew better. Fluttershy was intimately aware of the burden a carnivore with moral comprehension lived with.

Jim continued to stare at Fluttershy. He was still curious as to where the meat had come from, what creature’s flesh she had obtained as well as how, but he could do nothing more than watch her. Silence stretched on in an almost awkward way as his mind turned over what he could say. Sadly, words failed him. There was nothing he could say that felt right. Apologizing to her seemed lacking and, when put into perspective, insulting. Yet thanking her for her understanding was just cruel. Instead, Jim settled on following what his heart wanted to do to at least try to express what words could not.

Before Fluttershy knew it, a black muzzle slid under her chin, touching her jaw-line so tenderly that it was as if a lover had just caressed her with a feather. Her eyes widened with a surprised gasp, but her body failed to react the way she normally would. Rather than jerk back and seek refuge behind her mane, Fluttershy let her head be gently tilted back. Then she stared… stared into two hazel pools of life as they looked back at her silently.

Deep within Jim’s eyes, Fluttershy saw his unspoken words and felt the whispers of his heart as his breath gently brushed against her neck. She watched as his gaze flitted back and forth from her left eye to her right and back again; the gears in his mind grinding furiously as he wrestled with unknown emotions.

With a long, calming breath, Jim found his voice once more. “I wish… that there was something I could do… or say… to make the pain you know, and the burden you carry lessen. But…”

Fluttershy sighed softly and brought a wing forth, lightly stroking Jim’s cheek and smiling kindly. “It’s alright. I can tell you mean well, but I’m fine, really. I’m actually really happy that you’re being so nice.”

Jim chuckled faintly. “Just don’t tell anyone about this. I have an image to keep,” he said and winked at her.

Fluttershy giggled and pulled away with a growing smile. “Oh? But what if I tell the girls about your softer side?”

Jim stood back up and scratched at his chin in thought. “Hmm… eating you is out of the question, and I don’t know enough about you to exploit a weakness. So… I’ll have to make you my personal plush toy for as long as necessary until you’ve learned not to share what you’ve learned this day.” He lowered his hand, smiling slyly down at the petite yellow pegasus.

Fluttershy’s wings sprung out from her sides and she lifted a hoof fearfully, though her expression held a playful glimmer. “You wouldn’t!” she gasped.

“Oh, I would indeed. I would hold you all day and nuzzle you often. I would even brush your mane and pet you to your heart’s content,” he said menacingly and slowly lowered himself onto all fours, the basket set to the side.

Fluttershy took a step back and lowered her body, ready to pounce away should the need arise.

Jim matched her step and smiled more sinisterly. “And should the urge arise… I might even dress you up in cute little outfits.”

Bringing her hoof to her mouth, Fluttershy gasped dramatically. Then, with little warning, a mischievous smirk spread over her muzzle and she lowered her hoof. “Then you’d leave me with no choice but to use my ultimate weapon.”

“Oh?” Jim’s brow lifted curiously as he returned her smirk. “And what could you possibly do to thwart me?”

Fluttershy folded her wings comfortably to her sides and calmly sat down. Her face bloomed with a pure, genuine smile and her eyes lit up with the gleam of innocence. “Please, Jim… don’t cuddle me too roughly…” she said sweetly, blushing lightly and tapping her forehooves together.

Jim simply stared at her… for all of three seconds before a chuckle bubbled up from within, which quickly became laughter. Fluttershy didn’t last long either, her joyous giggling joining with him.

“That was a nice try,” Jim said as his laughter tapered off, “but that just made me want to hug you more.”

Fluttershy giggled once more. “It was worth a try.”

The trees swayed gently as a breeze brushed through the area again, drawing Jim’s attention. He rose up onto his back paws and took in the calming scents of the land once again, smiling contently. He then realized that he felt considerably better than he had earlier. Before Fluttershy’s visit, he had been on the verge of brooding agrily again. Thanks to her kindness, and a surprisingly playful side, he was relaxed and… happy.

A low whine emerged from the belly of the werewolf and he looked down at his abdomen. He was still hungry, though.

Jim bent down and picked up the basket of meat before he smiled at Fluttershy. “Thanks for this… and thanks for being so nice to me. It’s rare that I get this kind of treatment and you helped improve my mood a great deal.”

“You’re welcome,” she replied before her expression turned a little concerned. “But were you upset with something before?”

Jim sighed and looked toward the school. Should I tell her?

“It’s… I don’t know. It could be nothing. But I’ve kept you here for a little while now and I wouldn’t want to take up too much of your time if you have other places to be,” he answered and looked back to her.

Fluttershy shook her head lightly. “Oh, don’t worry. I’m actually not busy today. Well, not until later this afternoon. Besides, it might help to talk about it. I might be able to help.”

A weak smile took over Jim’s face and he nodded. “I guess. It helped when I talked to Luna before.” He turned back to his tree and moved to sit down against its base, setting the basket down beside him. Fluttershy followed and sat down in front of him.

Let’s see… Jim thought as he picked out a loin from the basket. Where should I start…

Author's Note:

Woot! I finally finished this chapter! Geez... I got so stumped on this one near the beginning. I just couldn't find satisfaction with it for the longest time. Then I suddenly had an idea to switch things up with the direction of it and POP! I found my zone and started moving forward with it again. :pinkiehappy:

Sorry it took so long, but I hope you all like it. Look forward to the next one. :twilightsmile: