• Published 9th Nov 2016
  • 3,422 Views, 138 Comments

Hazel Eyes in the Moonlight - Oddling

What would you do if you were born with a curse? Would you simply live with it? Or would you go to the ends of the earth to find a cure? What if that cure... was in another world? Follow Jim as he pursues the cure to his curse in a land beyond ours.

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3 - An Afternoon Stroll

Jim walked through the halls of Canterlot Castle, following along beside the younger royal figure that ruled over the land of Equestria. Most of their time had been traveled in relative silence, but Luna’s curiosity won out eventually. “So what can you tell me about yourself?” the lunar princess inquired casually.

Jim sighed softly and refrained from rolling his eyes. Instead he eyed her coolly. “There’s not much to tell. Most of my life has been devoted to finding a cure. The rest is either not worth mentioning or a subject that I don’t want to talk about,” he said.

Luna glanced at Jim with a small frown. “Then why not share with us what you can? How about a brief description of who you are? What do you like? You know, the basics of common introduction?”

Jim smirked. “How about you go first? I know you’re a princess and you have power over the night, but I know almost nothing else.”

Luna smiled at that and looked at Jim with a hint of a playful gleam in her eye. “Very well. My name is Luna, I’m 3,207 years old and I’m a Scorpio. I like long walks at night, romantic candle-lit dinners and playing jokes upon my sister on occasion. Oh, and I’ve been known to take in random life forms to use in magical experimentation when they play hard to get,” she said and turned a little grin in Jim’s direction.

Jim came to a stop and gave the lunar princess a flat look. Luna stopped as well and turned to face him. They stared at one another for a long few moments (Luna with her grin and Jim in utter bluntness). Then a sly grin slipped across Jim’s features and he crossed his arms with a slight tilt of his head. “Well, my name is Jim. I’m eighty-six years old and I’m a Cancer. I enjoy moonless nights and have a love for almost anything with meat in it. I may play hard to get, but I usually do that to keep unwanted relationships from forming. After all, I turn into a real beast on occasion.”

Luna’s grin flipped into a pout. “Awe, and here I was so hoping you’d open up. I know you must have had an unfortunate life, but you should understand that it would be beneficial if you were to share some information about yourself. This isn’t your world – you can place some degree of trust in us,” she said gently.

Jim smirked again and lifted a speculative brow. “Yet you’re resorting to using the dirtiest trick in the book? Seriously, no one uses the sad puppy eyes unless they want something. I must admit, though… you do make for an adorable little pony when you pout like that,” he said and gave Luna a wink.

Luna’s cheeks darkened a pinch and she sighed. “Oh, you’re good. There aren’t many who can resist our royal pouty face. It’s taken us decades to master it.”

They stared at one another for a few more moments before the two burst into giggling and snickers, which eventually became full on laughter. Jim’s laugh was cut short, however, as he realized it had been a very, very long time since he had laughed like that. Luna’s laughter tapered off as well, once she noticed the somber expression on her companion. She tilted her head and her ears folded back in worry.

Jim sighed and looked into Luna’s eyes. “I’m sorry, Princess Luna. I know you’re trying to be helpful, and get whatever valuable information you need from me, but it’s just not something I can do so readily. What I can tell you is… well, not much, but it’s a start I guess,” he said and took a calming breath.

“My childhood wasn’t really pleasant. I lost my mother when I was only four years old. The rest of my family are the furthest from caring that you could get, and I hold a very strong dislike for them – especially for my father. I left my village when I was ten.”

“So young…” Luna commented in mild surprise.

Jim chuckled. “Yeah, but I couldn’t stand to stay there for a moment longer.”

“How did a child manage to survive? You must have had a tough time of it,” said Luna.

“Eh, not really,” Jim replied with a light shrug. “I may have been ten years old, but I had already matured to have the body of a kid in his teens, by that point. I guess being influenced by the wolf-like nature of the curse made children grow faster. I never really took the time to look into the subject.”

“So what happened after you left?” Luna asked.

Jim sighed gently and ran his hand through his hair as he thought about what to say next. “I kinda just wandered for a few years. I had no idea how to actually survive on my own, so I spent a lot of time figuring that part out. I had found a nice secluded place, away from humans, and set up a little home there. The first few months were fine. My transformations only led me to hunting down the local wildlife. After that… everything kind of just blurs together. I grew sick of myself, sick of this curse. Eventually that disgust turned into total self-loathing. Once I hit that point, I devoted all of my efforts to finding a cure.”

Luna stared at Jim for a long moment. Her eyes wandered over his body, taking in a few unique details, especially his bright hazel eyes. For a human, he had an exceptionally fit physique, and sported broader shoulders than others his size. Jim also held a constant air of, what could only be described as, viciousness. The look he had on his face was always one where his eyes were slightly narrowed and his head would constantly tilt in the direction of sounds (both near and far away). “What led you to feeling so spiteful of yourself? I know this might seem ignorant, but what do you truly hate about your curse?” she asked gently.

Jim winced and looked away from Luna. “I’m not like the rest of my clan was. They embrace their animalistic nature – encouraging it even – but I’ve always hated what I become. You have no idea what it’s like to lose yourself to something so… dominating. When my curse takes hold… it tears away at my mind, but I’m always aware of everything I do. I’m forced to kill, maim, rip, slash, mutilate anything that catches my interest the most… and I have no choice but to feel joyful and euphoric while I end the life of my prey. I love the taste of their flesh, their blood… and I want to puke at the same time,” he said quietly and turned his gaze back to Luna, though he did so with a degree of reluctance. It was not every day that one revealed such intimate details to a stranger.

Luna’s eyes were filled with a sad understanding. She took a small breath and turned her attention to a nearby window. “I can understand part of your struggle. I was once consumed by the power of darkness. Though the scale differs, I know what it’s like to lose yourself to something and have no way to control your actions… but remember everything that was done. I was saved from the darkness… and I shall do what I can to help you as well,” she said and turned a warm smile toward Jim.

Jim stared at her for a long moment before he cast his gaze down in thought. “You may reconsider that when you see the monster I become tonight. I appreciate your kindness, but I have lost hope in being saved. If anything, I’ve become more open to the idea that some day someone may find it in their heart to rightfully punish me for everything I’ve done. I’m not against the idea of being banished to the moon, but…” Jim looked back up into Luna’s eyes. “But I think I can trust you to do what is right. Well, for now, at least,” he finished and smirked playfully.

Luna’s smile widened a pinch more. “Your trust is not misplaced. Come, let us continue to the dining hall. I don’t know about you, but I’m quite famished,” she said and resumed her casual pace toward the grand dining room.

Jim’s lips held onto a small smile as he watched her for a moment. The last person that had vowed to help him had not lived for long. The memory was a very unpleasant one for Jim, but there was a small flicker of hope in his heart now. Maybe he had finally found something that could end his curse, once and for all. Or maybe… just maybe, Jim had found his first friend that could stay alive after a transformation. He had learned that Alicorns were the strongest of all beings in the land of Equestria, so maybe Luna could keep him at bay. It was a nice thought.

Jim quickly picked up his pace to catch up with the lunar princess. Once at her side, he allowed his mind to wander to the next most important thing he should be addressing. I wonder what kind of meat dishes they have here…

Author's Note:

So yeah... I feel I should apologize for this chapter being on the short side, but it seemed like it fit for what I've got planned after this scene. To make up for the shortness, I've got something cool to add to this little story! Behold the new cover art! :moustache:

I hope you enjoyed the read guys. The next chapter may take a bit to pump out, but look forward to it nonetheless. :twilightsmile: