• Published 19th Nov 2016
  • 6,331 Views, 1,704 Comments

This War of Ours - JDPrime22

Two sides of good clashing together, fighting for what they believe is right, breaking partnerships and ending friendships… human and pony alike.

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Chapter 3 - You're Alive

Upstate New York

New Avengers Facility, Lower Levels

5:09 p.m.

“Um… hello.”

Smart. What a great way to introduce yourself and your race, Twilight. Princess Twilight bit her lip at the inner conflict, her wings fluffing next to her sides nervously. She stared on, the smoke in the poorly-lit room finally clearing enough so she could see her surroundings, as well as the two men standing in front of her.

She and her friends appeared to be in a basement of some sort, very few lights offering visuals on the multitude of computers and other advanced forms of technology Twilight had yet to come across. Twilight quickly spun her neck around, spotting a massive machine even more technologically advanced than her own. It was where she and her friends had stepped out of. It was empty now, the portal cut off.

She faced forward again. The man to her left was clearly Tony Stark, his smile growing as the two made eye contact. Nothing much had changed about him, which Twilight could understand. It had only been about a year or so. He wore a plain white shirt beneath a silver vest, the sleeves of the shirt rolled up, and plain silver-colored pants and dress shoes to finish it off.

However, when she eyed the man to her right, she was in for a good surprise when she didn’t recognize him, though she felt as if that shouldn’t be the case. New world, new race and all. She was bound to meet several new faces. His face consisted of several wrinkles, exemplifying his old age. Large glasses rested on his nose, soft, white hair resting on his head with a graying goatee to add to the mix. He wore a plain tannish shirt, suspenders and a red tie. Not really surprising, just a new face.

So, no surprise there. The surprise was with how the man responded.

“Colorful, talking… ponies…” he said, reaching into his pocket and handing something to Stark. Twilight didn’t know what it was, but Tony sure did what with his triumphant smile as he pocketed it away.

Turning from the older gentleman, Tony Stark faced the mares in front of him with a proud grin. He held out each arm, announcing loudly, for everyone to here, “Twilight… and everypony else… I guess we can call this experiment… a success.”

Twilight approached carefully, observing her surroundings, eyeing the older man at the edge of her vision. She stopped, looked up to Tony, and smiled. “I suppose we could. It was an honor working with you again, Mr. Stark.”

She held out her hoof, offering a strong smile as well. Stark, however, looked to the hoof with a rising brow, then back to the violet Alicorn. “Formalities, Twi,” he said, holding out his arms once again, yet Twilight knew the gesture.

With a roll of her eyes, Twilight chuckled, “Oh, alright.”

“Bring it in, Princess,” Tony commented as Twilight stood up to her hind legs, wrapping her forelegs around his neck and giving the man a warm hug. Stark replied just as well, if not better by his standards. He bent down to meet her halfway, and looking over her shoulder, he noticed the remaining five mares and Spike standing oddly with smiles on their faces.

“Well don’t just stand there, say hi once in your lives,” Stark muttered. Twilight opened her eyes, each one widening at the sight of the remaining Avengers standing behind Tony.

None of them had changed much. Natasha Romanoff sported a new hair style, which Rarity would probably love or wish to alter in some way. Clint Barton, Sam Wilson, and Wanda Maximoff looked the same as ever, simply wearing average clothing. It was odd, but it was even more odd to see James Rhodes out of his armor. She never had seen Colonel Rhodes out of the War Machine armor before, but it was a nice change. The only one who actually managed to surprise her was Vision, who appeared as formal as Stark with his choice of clothing.

No Bruce Banner, or Thor for that matter.

Before she could delve into the possible reasons why, Steve Rogers—Captain America—stepped forward and smiled. “Girls,” he started, looking to Twilight then the others behind her, “… it’s great to see you again.”

Twilight’s smile only widened, her eyes watering as Pinkie Pie shot forward and nearly tackled Steve with her pouncing hug. As Twilight broke away from Stark, the two watched as a swarm of mares rushed passed them, Spike trailing and struggling with his unusually large backpack.

Stark spun around, watching as Twilight entered the fray and offered her greetings to each Avenger present. His palms rested on his sides, head slowly shaking back and forth at the sight of it. He never stopped smiling.

“You’ve made some friends,” a voice said. Stark spun around, meeting Hank Pym’s gaze.

Stark nodded. “Yeah, it looks like it. You kind of have to when you’re stranded in a colorful world of talking horses.”

“I can imagine,” Pym commented, palms falling into his pockets. He and Stark stood in silence watching the two different groups congregate and offer their greetings. It was loud, it was hectic, but no one seemed to care.

“Is that my little pink party pony?” Natasha stated with a smile, bending down as Pinkie Pie bounded into her grasp, hugging the woman with all of her strength.

As Pinkie broke away from the Black Widow, others were quick to swarm, such as Rarity and Twilight. They offered their greetings, gave a hug, then moved on. They moved to Clint, who had just finished speaking with Rainbow Dash before he was also nearly strangled by Pinkie Pie.

“Hey, watch it, girl!” Clint yelped, reaching back and grabbing Pinkie. The mare giggled as he pulled her forward, his palm digging into her mane and ruffling it hard. She didn’t seem to mind. Pinkie was too far lost in her own fit of laughter.

“How ya been, Pinks?” Clint asked, adjusting his grip around the flailing pink pony. “Keepin’ all these mares in line?”

Pinkie paused her laughter for the moment, answering him. “Oh, you know… pretended to be a zombie… got captured by a bunch of Changelings… the usual.”

Clint looked away. “Uh... right.”

“Hey!” Pinkie shouted right in his face, causing him to flinch and nearly drop the pony. “You coming to the big housewarming party tonight that I just started planning about 37 seconds ago? I can set up an archery course!”

Unfortunately for Pinkie, Clint just smiled and shook his head, setting down the mare with disappointment riddled in her eyes. He said, “Sorry, Pinkie, but this is just a visit for me. I gotta get back to the family tonight.”

“What family?”

Clint turned to see Twilight and Rarity approach. “My family,” Clint answered with a smile, noticing the intrigued grins grow on each of their faces.

“Oh, that’s nice,” Twilight responded. “I had no idea you had a family.”

“Yeah,” Barton muttered, his hands sinking into his pockets. “Not many do. It’s safer, you know… for them… with me being an ‘agent’ and all.”

Both Twilight and Rarity nodded. The latter of the two said, “Still, it’s very nice to see you again, Mr. Barton, even if it is just for a little while.”

Clint bent down, extending his arms to allow Rarity to sneak in for a hug. “Yeah, I feel the same way, too,” he commented, offering a hug to Twilight who responded in kind.

Greetings continued for quite some time, each pony and Avenger switching every now and then. Applejack chatted a little while longer, especially with Wanda and Vision. Fluttershy spoke with Colonel Rhodes, Spike right next to her. Rainbow zipped from one person to the next, offering a hoof bump to each Avenger she came across. She gave a strong one to Sam and Steve each.

“How’s it going, Dash?” Sam asked.

Rainbow hovered directly in front of the two, shrugging. “Still livin’, still flyin’!”

“That’s good to hear,” Rogers said. “You still the fastest thing in Equestria?”

Rainbow blew a raspberry. “‘Equestria’? Please! I think I’ve proven myself to be the fastest thing in all of Equus! In fact, I just recently got into the Equestrian Wonderbolts. Heh, not too shabby if I do say so myself.”

Both Steve and Sam shared a quick glance with one another. Sam nodded, saying, “Yeah, that’s great. Um… what are ‘Wonderbolts’ exactly?”

Rainbow looked as if she had been slapped across the face. “What?! They are only the greatest flyers in the world! Well... my world. They’re tough, strong, ready for action at any moment! In fact, the Captain of the Wonderbolts herself said I was one of the team’s best members.” Dash chuckled, her eyes closing and confidence showing. “Yep, one of the bravest, most talented fly—!”

A shimmer of blue emerged directly ahead of her, followed by a sudden voice saying, “Please state your—”

And then her confidence shattered, breaking like glass as she shot up with a scream, hit the low ceiling and landed on the concrete with a solid thud to follow. Her backpack fell on top of her, most of its contents spilling out. Everyone else’s conversations seemed to halt, their attention centered on the rainbow mare lying in pain.

She rubbed her forehead and groaned. Looking up, she could only see the large, robotic eyeball staring at her, Sam’s cocky grin directly behind. “One of the bravest, huh?” Wilson chuckled, arms crossed.

“Easy, Sam,” the Captain stated, holding out his hand and lifting Rainbow up. He noticed her antsy glance at the hovering drone still staring at her. “It’s alright, Rainbow. Just tell him your name.”

Rainbow Dash could feel everyone’s eyes on her. Normally being the center of attention wasn’t a big deal, but in her current state with a creepy robot nearly causing her to wet herself… it kind of was.

“Please state your name so I can remember it properly,” the hovering drone asked, its pupil shrinking as it flew in closer.

The voice was definitely male, young in fact. It sounded almost like a young soldier, though he had seen a few battles here and there. Close gunfights, plenty to have nightmares about. Not a private by any means, but surely not a veteran.

Dash took a step back. She looked back to the Captain, seeing him nod. “Uh… okay. Rainbow Dash, I guess.”

“Thank you… ‘Rainbow Dash’. I apologize for frightening you earlier.”

“What?! I-I wasn’t scared! Nope, not me! Heh…”

Dash’s failed attempts fooled no one. The drone continued onwards, earning everyone’s attention. It stopped hovering nearly over Twilight, scanning her entire body and face up and down in a blue wave of energy.

The energy died, leaving the drone to ask: “Please state your name so I can remember it properly.”

Blinking away the stars in her vision, Twilight flinched, taken off-guard by the small drone no bigger than her head. “Huh? Oh! Um… T-Twilight Sparkle,” she finally answered, offering a weak smile to tip it off.

“Thank you for your cooperation… ‘Twilight Sparkle’.”

Fluttershy giggled, holding her hoof out to the drone. “Who’s this little guy?” she asked, the small drone flying close to her hoof and analyzing her entire form.

Tony Stark was the one to step forward, the ponies turning to him for answers. “Ah, thanks for reminding me,” he told the Pegasus, getting a smile out of the mare. “Everypony, I would like you to meet Heuristically Operative Matrix Emulation Rostrum.”

Applejack tilted her head. Rainbow scratched hers. Pinkie turned hers all the way upside down.

Tony frowned. He really wished they were all Twilight sometimes… or most of the time. All the time. “Or… you know… H.O.M.E.R., for short.”

“Please state your name so I can remember it properly,” Homer asked, the Pegasus taken by surprise by his voice so very close to her.

Still, she responded better than either Twilight or Rainbow. “Fluttershy,” she said with smile.

“Greetings… ‘Fluttershy’.”

Homer flew off to scan Applejack, the mare not quite sure what to think of the robot. Rarity chuckled at Applejack’s expression. “Well, he’s very couth,” she pointed out.

“More like ‘creepy’ if you ask me…” Dash muttered under her breath.

After flying from Applejack to Rarity, Homer scanned Pinkie and Spike next, giving time for Tony to offer some rebuttal to Rainbow’s remark.

“Come on, he’s like the exact opposite of creepy. Prove it to ‘em, Homer.”

After learning Spike’s name, Homer flew over and stopped just in front of the mares.

“It’s a pleasure to meet all of you alien life forms,” the AI said, earning a few smiles. “Mr. Stark was kind enough to program me with a facial identifying software, so that way I’ll be able to call each of you eight individually by name from now on with just a simple scan.”


“Correct, Doctor Hank Pym,” Homer stated, flying across the room and back to the deactivated machine.

A pause in the room occurred after Homer answered. Each Avenger was taken aback, looking to their extraterrestrial group of equine companions and the lone baby dragon. There was Twilight, Pinkie, Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow, Fluttershy, and Spike. Natasha and Clint shared a confused glance, Vision and Wanda doing the same.

Hank Pym observed them closely. He shook his head, turning around to Homer. “I only count seven, so where’s the…”

“… eighth?”

Then silence.

Everyone slowly turned around as the silence engulfed the basement. As they did, many caught their breaths, others stared quietly, letting that silence be their response. Waiting. Watching. Staring at the pony they had somehow missed during the commotion, the only pony still standing in front of the cooling machine.

The pony that had betrayed her own race.

The unicorn that came to them in their darkest hour.

The mare that was supposedly dead.

Starlight Glimmer.

Her expression seemed lost, broken, too scared to even think on how to act. That all quickly changed as Homer hovered directly in front of her, scanning the unicorn in a quick succession. Starlight took a step back, gasping as the light finally reached her.

As well as the voice.

“Please state your name so I can remember it properly.”

Starlight’s tongue was caught, her eyes shifting to the uneasy expressions of each Avenger. Each of them watching her, waiting for something. So silent. Too silent.

“Please state your name so I can remember it properly, ma’am.”

She flinched, clearly not ready. All eyes were on her, so there was no escape any longer. All chances vanished, left her far behind. Now she was in the spotlight, left alone without a script in front of a live audience ready to eat her alive.

Hardly standing the attention any longer, she gulped rather loudly, looked down, and mumbled softly, “Um… uh… S… Sta-Starlight… Glimmer.”

“Thank you… ‘Starlight Glimmer’.”

Homer retreated after that statement, falling silent next to Tony Stark’s right shoulder. That silence carried, never waning, refusing to leave the unicorn. The Avengers fell prey to such silence, some confused, some surprised, others simply astounded.

Most were waiting. Starlight could see the heat building in their eyes, especially from the Captain. It hurt so much more to see that heat trained at her.

Even as that silence continued, Starlight had hoped their gazes would’ve cooled to some extent. Not much, just enough for her to gain the courage to explain herself. She was never given that opportunity when that fire spread, each Avenger growing increasingly uneasy to her continued, silent, first impression.

She turned her eyes away from the burning flame. Then she turned to Twilight for support, any form of a crutch, really. The Princess of Friendship just offered a tiny, almost mystical smile, and nodded to her. A confident one, an assuring one, telling Starlight she was there for her if she needed it. But not now.

Now… Starlight was on her own. Another test from the Princess of Friendship perhaps? Or something else…? Either way, the silence that filled the dimly-lit basement was nearly unbearable. Somepony needed to break that silence, shatter the ice.

It felt right to be the pony to do so. “I… suppose you all need to get caught up on what happened exactly… right?” Starlight asked, finally turning her eyes to meet the Avengers again.

Their continued silence was answer enough.


“Well… let’s just say that after the attack on Canterlot, after the…” she paused, mind recollecting past events. The falling shadow of the colossal-sized building raining down on top of her, her horn’s light being the last flash she saw for a while. She emerged from the wreckage hours later, gently pushing through the carnage until light was her greeter.

And she turned to see Canterlot high above, the city shrouded in ash and smoke.

She hadn’t realized she had been staring at nothing for half a minute. Shaking her head, Starlight continued. “After the… events that followed, I sort of needed some time to recover from… all of that. So, I did what I used to do best: survive on my own. It wasn’t so hard. I had gotten used to living in the desert.”

Starlight chuckled a little. No one else did.

“But… I got low,” Starlight admitted. She turned a few faces, Natasha and Tony specifically. “Really low. Every day I didn’t know what to believe in next. My old ideology, Twilight’s view on friendship, or… something else… something far worse.”

Her eyes were elsewhere, voice traveling alongside. “Something I actually came to believe in… and that was my own petty vengeance.

“I let it take over, and not a day…” she paused at that, eyes shutting tight. Her voice began to grow weary, cracking at the end of every statement. She couldn’t hold on for much longer. Her painful memories were always a little too much. “… Not a second goes by where I regret that decision. I had it before, that connection with Twilight and her friends when we all fought together…”

Turning downwards, Starlight paused and stared at the six other mares present. They all smiled to her, Spike giving her thumbs up.

Starlight smiled at that. “I had it and I never even knew it. When it was too late… I had already caused enough damage. So much damage. If Twilight hadn’t talked with me, actually spent time trying to reach out to me like nopony else ever has… Equestria… and my world would cease to exist.”

The statement alone caught several off-guard. Unsure glances were shared between Clint and Sam, the same following with Hank Pym and Stark. Captain America’s eyes remained as solid as his Vibranium shield, never sharpening, never softening.

Just watching.

Starlight didn’t let up despite the reactions she received. She stamped her hoof on the hard, concrete floor, declaring, “But she did reach out to me! She offered me the type of friendship I was promised so long ago, and she didn’t lie to me about it! Thanks to her…”

Her gaze shattered, turning to the six mares and lone drake. And she cried. She cried and she didn’t care about it. An exasperated exhale escaped her, her lips quivering into a smile. “Thanks to all of them… I came to understand what truly made friendship magic. What it truly meant to have friends.”

She was openly crying now, whimpering and wiping her eyes with a foreleg. Starlight cleared her throat, breathed in, looked them all in the eye and said, “I learn more every day. I made mistakes and I take full responsibility for them. Twilight and her friends, the princesses… they’ve all forgiven me, and I could never be more thankful for that.

“But… if you all could forgive me as well… it would mean the world to me. If you don’t—if you still believe me to be the monster I once was—then…” her voice caught, more tears boiling at the edges of her eyes and slipping down her cheeks, “… then I can accept that. Just know that I’m sorry… for everything.”

For so long she just stood there with everyone watching her cry, and for so long no one seemed to know what to do. Even Tony was unnaturally silent. Some turned to the First Avenger for the next step forward, but they could only see so much in his gaze. He studied the unicorn, listened to her words over and over again in his mind, and breathed.

That’s all anyone could really do.

Until time seemed to stop, until Starlight’s continued whimpers seemed to be the only sound resounding throughout the basement area, Twilight took a step forward. Her intention was to confer with Starlight, convince the others that she was being genuine. She really had changed. She was most certainly a different, better, and much happier pony now than before.

Of course, she only took one step.

The others were occupied by Wanda Maximoff.

They were so slow at first, but picked up, then stopped directly in front of the crying unicorn. Starlight’s head slowly rose, the tears making her eyes as red as beets, streaked down her cheeks in multiple rivers. But she still could see as the Scarlet Witch slowly fell to her knees, coming to close eye-level with the mare.

Then she did it, did what no one else would’ve imagined themselves doing.

She wrapped her arms around Starlight’s neck and brought her in for a close hug.

It was so alien at first for the unicorn. However, as she allowed herself to ease into the Maximoff’s embrace, feel the woman’s heartbeat against her own, Starlight tightened her grip across Wanda’s frame, holding there. Shaking. Crying still, but warm, and finally in comfort.

Wanda held her tight. Starlight could feel her shift, her mouth resting near her ear. With that slight, subtle movement, Starlight heard her whisper two words.

Two words that said to her: “I understand.”

She understood.

The hug broke after that, Starlight smiling to the Maximoff. Wanda smiled back, rising up and dusting off her skirt. However, both turned their attention to the approaching Captain, his stare shifting from Wanda, then to Starlight. His smile was there, too, giving Starlight the hope she had desired.

“Well, I did not expect to see that,” Steve Rogers joked. Wanda smiled slyly to him, her arms crossing. Steve nodded, then brought his attention back to the mare. He nodded to her, and somehow that meant more than the smile she received earlier.

“Thank you,” the Captain said. “It takes a lot of courage to do what you just did.”

Starlight Glimmer smiled through the tears, her foreleg rising to rub her nose.

Captain America turned his neck back, seeing the others watching him, smiling to him. Already agreeing with him. “So, I suppose formal introductions are in order,” he declared, spinning his neck forward once more. He looked her in the eyes as he said, “Starlight Glimmer… as Captain Steven Rogers, the leader of the Avengers… it is my honor to welcome you to Earth.”

Starlight was practically grinning, the tears still rolling down her cheeks. She had barely noticed the hand held to her, offered to her. Like the hoof that was offered so long ago. The one offered through friendship, trust, and a better tomorrow.

She didn’t hesitate this time.

Her hoof fell into Captain America’s grip, but didn’t last long, because Pinkie Pie shot out between the two, scattering confetti and balloons in practically every direction.

“Let’s get this housewarming party started!”

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