• Published 19th Nov 2016
  • 6,319 Views, 1,704 Comments

This War of Ours - JDPrime22

Two sides of good clashing together, fighting for what they believe is right, breaking partnerships and ending friendships… human and pony alike.

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Chapter 8 - The Big Day

Washington, D.C.

South Lawn of the White House

11:23 a.m.

WHIH Newsfront reporter Christine Everhart never felt so nervous. She was sweating. It was probably the sun. Was it the sun? It was probably the sun. She had been sent outside the studio to do interviews before, no sweat. But today… Oh, today. Today was big. Really big.

Like, “aliens discussing peace with Earth and shaking hands with the president” big. That big.

She fixed her hair ten, maybe fifteen times, and every time her cameraman said it looked fine, but she just had to make sure. All around her, several rivaling news stations had their reporters looking far more professional than she could on that day. They thought they could get an interview with the aliens, with the so-called “small, talking equines” before her. They sure as hell could try.

Because when that extra-long, jet-black limousine pulled up directly in front of the South Lawn, it was instantly swarmed, like a fresh carcass by a group of vultures. Everhart shot her wild eyes over to her cameraman, to the camera. He gave the thumbs up—meaning they were live—to which she responded by speaking directly into her microphone, never breaking eye contact.

“This is Christine Everhart with WHIH Newsfront,” Everhart began, the sun beating down against the back of her neck. She pressed down on her earpiece, nodding. “We have just been confirmed that the Avengers have arrived to the White House, and with them are the alien ambassadors of Equus. We will try and get a closer look and hopefully a few words from the equine visitors!”

A contorted flock of reporters and cameramen rushed right on by the duo. Everhart, however, was strong, and determined. She waved her cameraman forward, the two pushing right through the crowd and closer to the limousine.

It was a constant fight to the front, Everhart having to shove a few people aside to get through. It wasn’t rough by any means, but it wasn’t gentle, either. Then again, news was war. You fight for the best story and pray your ratings are better than the opponents. And by God’s name, Everhart was going to get this story straight out of the horse’s mouth. No pun intended.

Lost in the midst of the sea of reporters, flashing lights, and bumbling cameramen, Christine Everhart eventually found herself in the front of the chaos. She stood her ground, gripped her microphone tight in her palm, and watched patiently as the limo door finally opened.

And out they came.

“Mr. Stark!” Everhart announced, shoving her microphone right in the billionaire’s face. He wasn’t an alien, but hey, it was Tony Stark. Still damn good news. “Can you give us a few words on how the summit went yesterday?”

“Mr. Stark! Any word on the alien equines?”

“Are they in the limousine at this very moment!”

“Mr. Stark, do you intend to come out with the events of Sokovia and what really happened?”

A plethora of questions and camera flashes. Tony had gotten used to the immense amount of attention. He never shied away from it. Instead, hearing but a few of the several hundred thrown his way, Stark held out his hands and declared, “Alright, make way for our visitors! Where are the—Yo! Could we get some security over here?!”

Per Stark’s request, several Secret Service men tore through the crowd, easily pushing people away from the limo. With the news dealt with, Stark patted the nearest agent on the shoulder and made his way onto the South Lawn. Behind him, exiting the limousine, was the current leader of the Avengers, Captain Steven Rogers. The reporters shouted and the cameras flashed.

Each member of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes came out dressed and buttoned and sleek. Following the Captain was Sam Wilson, the Falcon. Next came Natasha Romanoff, the Black Widow, followed quickly by James Rhodes, Wanda Maximoff, and Vision. Even the synthetic wore a suit and tie for the occasion.

And the ones that followed them…

Well, Everhart could barely even see herself. The camera flashes could blind anyone, even the seven colorful ponies that exited the limousine. Oh, and there was a young dragon that trailed them, closing the door for the mares.

The first was a violet unicorn with curled wings resting on her sides. She led the group, signifying her leadership as the “Princess of Friendship” Everhart had heard so much about. The next was a pale pink unicorn. She, as well as the princess, continued onwards, paying little heed to the crowds. Following the two was a bright orange pony with a blonde mane, a large Stetson hat resting atop her head. Next was another unicorn, but wearing stylish sunglasses and a hat to block the rays of the sun.

Next bounded a bright pink pony, her cotton-like mane as bouncy as she was. Trailing the overly-excited mare were two Pegasi, one wearing dark shades and dragging her rainbow tail forward, and the other a frightful, yellow coated pony. Behind them was the baby dragon, hurrying along to avoid being left behind.

She was dumbfounded for a moment, simply gawking at the alien ponies. Her time was short, the ponies were bustling onward. Shaking her head, gaining her sense, Everhart jammed her microphone directly towards them, shouting, “Wait, no, please! Could you share a word with WHIH Newsfront just for a moment?”

Unfortunately, her words were lost in the sea of others who had spouted their questions to the group of eight. Everhart never got her chance, as the ponies simply offered a passing glance before being forced forward by the Secret Service behind them. She and her cameraman watched as they vanished, lost between the bulking, black suits of the service men.

Straight to the large stand and rows of chairs in the center of the South Lawn. They didn’t get there yet. There was still a chance. Everhart waved her cameraman forward, licked her lips, and fought through the sea. She was going to get her story.

As for the mares, some seemed to be quite enjoying the attention, others wanted to just sit down, and others were simply terrified. Fluttershy definitely fell in that latter category, flinching at every camera flash, yelping at every microphone jutted her way, breaking through the strong arms and bodies of the service men.

Applejack, Twilight, Starlight, and Spike wanted to get to their seats asap. It took some time, but forcing themselves forward and ignoring the shouts and cameras from their left and right, they found themselves in sanctuary. The service men blocked their rear, allowing no form of entry for anyone other than the Avengers and their equine companions.

However, there were three who quite enjoyed the attention.

“Now, now! There will be plenty of time for pictures after the event!” Rarity announced to the crowd of reporters. Pinkie Pie bounced excitedly beside her, her wide eyes shifting from one camera to the next, her grin as wide and bright as the flashes spreading throughout the crowd.

More cameras jutted in her direction, more questions and more flashes. Rarity simply waved them away, spinning around. “Come now, Pinkie! Our adoring public will have to wait!” she said, her aura wrapping around Pinkie mid-jump and carrying her away with the fashionista.

The only pony that remained was Rainbow Dash, and she took full advantage of the attention.

“How has your experience with Earth’s leaders been so far?!”

“What can you tell us about the world you originate?!”

“Are those wings capable of actual flight?!”

Rainbow Dash pulled down her shades, smirking to the crowd. She kicked up and off the ground, maintaining her flight for every reporter in the crowd to see. They went wild, shouting even more questions, taking even more pictures, and pushing even harder against the Secret Service standing between them and their greatest story of the year.

Dash chuckled, forelegs crossed. “Does that answer your question?”

Every camera was on her, every microphone pointed her way. Dash remained hovering above ground, her hooves held out to the crowd. She spoke, silencing them only slightly. “Calm down, everyone! I’ll be sure to answer every one of your questions about how awesome I am! Now, one at a time, lay ‘em on me!”

“Well that didn’t take long,” Twilight muttered, resting in the front row next to her student, Starlight. To her right sat Tony Stark, the man looking down to her, his eyes shifting back to still see Dash mingling with the reporters and cameramen.

The six mares and baby dragon sat with the Avengers in the front row, the large stand and podium merely feet in front of them. American flags decorated the stand, chairs resting behind the podium that stood in the middle, presumably where the president will speak. A news chopper flew overhead, its blades silencing all foreign conversations for the time being until it flew out of range, swooping back for another shot of the event soon to begin.

Tony looked back to Rainbow Dash, seeing if she was still entertaining the media. She did a backflip, the cameras flashing wildly.

“Let her enjoy herself,” Stark replied. Twilight looked up to the man on her right. He said, “She’ll come to hate the paparazzi soon enough.”

Twilight only rolled her eyes, looking away. “I don’t think that’s gonna be the case anymore. Rainbow has always been a showboat, always wanting to get the attention. I swear, it’s only gotten worse since she became a Wonderbolt.”


The Alicorn paused, looking back to Stark. Her eyes widened, mouth falling open. “Oh, I never told you did I?” Seeing him shake his head, Twilight continued. “Well, the Wonderbolts were one of Equestria’s first military units, organized by Princess Celestia herself. Over the years, however, as major conflicts seemed to have ceased, the Wonderbolts have tended to entertain at grand events more often. They’re still an active duty military group, but they mostly perform now. In fact, they only really—”

“Twi,” Stark stated firmly, earning her attention. Her ears fell, crimson burning in her cheeks.

“Too much?” she asked.

Tony nodded. “Tone it back a bit.”


Stark looked forward, watched as the stage in front of him began to fill with senators, Secret Service, and even the vice president. “So, these Wonderbolts… Rainbow’s a part of them?” he asked, returning to the conversation.

Twilight watched the stage fill, as well. Turning back, she finally saw Dash leave the paparazzi alone as the service men showed her where her seat lied. She nodded, saying, “Yep, she’s been trying to get in with the Wonderbolts her whole life. It really means a lot to her.” She began to smile as Dash took her seat next to Spike, the mare taking off her shades and sitting patiently.

Twilight mentally sighed with relief.

“You know… this has been a life dream of hers… being a Wonderbolt, and all. It would mean the world to her if you said congratulations,” Twilight said, shrugging. “I mean, Sam and Steve already have, so…”

As she twisted her neck back to Tony, the man only shrugged, arms crossing as he waited patiently for the ceremony to begin. “I’ll think about it,” he replied.

“Please, Tony.” He looked back down to the Alicorn, seeing one of the best display of puppy-dog eyes he ever had before. She finished with a cute smile, her hooves wrapped with each other. “For me?”

“Oh, come on, that’s not even fair!” Stark complained, the Alicorn nearly falling out of her chair laughing. However, she straightened herself momentarily once someone began to speak into the microphone on the center stage, coughing politely to gain everyone’s attention.

“If everyone would take their seats, we shall begin the ceremony shortly,” the man stated, waiting as everyone began to situate themselves. Twilight and her friends, already situated and ready, took the time to watch the crowds begin to settle and the mingling to cease.

The Secret Service men still surrounded the chairs and stand, making sure no paparazzi or reporters snuck their way inside. There were still mobs of them outside the ceremony limits, flashing cameras, writing utensils at the ready, phones held outwards, ready to record. Governors, senators, and state politicians began to take their seats all around the mares, waiting until silence was their only response.

Until that silence lasted for at least a minute longer, the man returned to the center podium. He nodded in appreciation to everyone’s efforts, his eyes shifting to the podium before facing outwards.

He said, “Ladies and gentleman, it is my honor to welcome to the stage the President of the United States to offer his own greetings to our extraterrestrial visitors.”

And as he stepped away, clapping his hands together, everyone else followed. An eruption of cheers and claps emerged from the state governors, the crowds and crowds of reporters, and even the Avengers. Soon enough, Twilight and her friends did nothing else but follow the crowd, clapping their hooves together to welcome the arrival of President Ellis.

He arose from his seat, waving to the crowds now standing to his presence. Shaking the previous man’s hand, President Ellis took the podium, offering one final wave as the crowds finally began to settle.

His weary gaze fell across the crowds, eventually landing on the Avengers, as well as Twilight and her friends. He smiled warmly to them, the princess smiling back.

With that, he planted his palms on the podium and spoke to the nation. The news chopper hung far in the distance, the large camera pointed at the stage. Every reporter fell silent, notes beginning to scribble, phones and cameras beginning to record everything that the president would say.

And he said, “My fellow Americans, I thank you for joining us on this momentous occasion. Since you elected me as your president, it has been my duty to protect this country from any and all forms of alien threats to our world, our families, and our lives. I have not shied away from this subject, nor do I intend to. Some of you may be wondering why exactly you are here today. Others would wish to know why would he organize an event on such a damn hot day!”

A collection of laughter resounded throughout the lawn, Twilight and her friends chuckling. Some of the Avengers smiled at that. Stark didn’t do anything.

“And most of you would rather wish to know who are special guests are this morning. Well, I will not keep you waiting any longer, and allow her to tell you herself.” His gaze fell back to Twilight, smiling. The Alicorn gulped nervously, but remained confident, smiling back. “So, without further ado, it is my pleasure to welcome to the stand… Princess Twilight Sparkle of Equus!”

An uproar of claps followed, all eyes in the audience shifting to the Avengers and the eight others sitting near, but more importantly, their leader. Twilight smiled nervously. Forced a smile, really. It was a mix. It felt like a warm reception, but still she felt the coolness of doubt cloud the back of her mind. She had to push those thoughts aside.

It was time.

Stepping out of her chair and into the grass, Twilight stepped forward, up the stairs and onto the stage. More claps. More cheers. There, President Ellis and the senators behind him all clapped for her, every step of the way. Twilight’s smile grew more confident at the sight, her eyes shifting back to her friends. They waved, clapped, and cheered for her. Supported her.

Twilight breathed again, and before she even knew it she was shaking the president’s hand.

“You were right, Princess Twilight,” he whispered to her, looking out and smiling for the cameras. The large one in-between the rows of seats especially. Twilight did the same. “This truly is a momentous occasion. You should be proud of what you’ve accomplished here today.”

“It’s what we’ve accomplished,” Twilight told him, the man smiling with a nod. “And thank you, President Ellis.”

He nodded again, breaking the handshake and holding said hand to the podium for her to take. With a grateful nod, Twilight acknowledged and approached the podium. She rose to her hind legs, pressing her hooves on the face of the podium and staring out into the sea of alien faces, camera flashes, and dying claps.

For several seconds, she stared out into the crowd, the claps finally ceasing and the audience remaining still. All that was left were the sounds of a few camera snaps and a few coughs. Clearing her throat, Twilight hadn’t realized how close to the microphone she was, causing the speaker to screech in protest. The audience winced, then chuckled.

Twilight smiled, then mentally slapped herself, then began. “… Um, sorry about that, heh. I guess… Well, I suppose I can start off by saying thank you to everyone who showed their support by showing up today.”

The crowd was silent. Reporters wrote away on their notepads, shifting their gazes from the Alicorn and back down. Another quick screech from the microphone.

So far… not so good. Twilight’s mental marathon had begun. Her speech was flying right passed her vision, hardly pausing, never stopping. Twilight gulped, then looked back to her friends.

Her friends.

They smiled to her, every one of them. Her number one assistant, her student, even Pinkie Pie wasn’t bouncing around. That gave her enough confidence knowing they were there, they were supporting her. Steve gave a gracious smile and nod. Stark offered thumbs up.

She sighed. She turned back to audience.

“One year ago, the Avengers entered our world lost, confused, and worried about whether or not they can make it back to their home world. We faced the possibility that the Avengers may never be able to get back home. And despite this, they defended our world from the monster known as Ultron.”

A collection of nervous mumbles filled the audience, several eyes shifted towards the front row. Tony Stark hid his face in his palm for a moment, rubbing his eyes before returning to Twilight.

“We owe them with everything that we are, and we owe this world… for if it had not been for the combined efforts of Earth and Asgard… our world would cease to exist.”

The constant roaring of the news chopper’s blades in the distance filled the silence. Twilight looked down to her hooves, the crowd waiting for her. “Since those terrible events, our world’s leaders have sought to make peace with Earth, and all that it has to offer. And I’ll admit, I was a bit worried when we were given this important task. I had almost believed that my friends and I didn’t have what it takes to speak for our entire world.”

She chuckled a bit, then shook her head. “But… America wasn’t founded by those with little faith. They were founded by the men... and women… who gave it their all in the pursuit of happiness, prosperity, and peace. It is what America was founded for, and that is all we have sought to create.”

Vision furrowed his brow. Turning his head back, he stared into the distant glare of the sun, narrowing his eyes.

“So, from Equus to Earth, we bring nothing but peace and hope for a better tomorrow. We are blessed to be welcomed into your world.”

Wanda caught his actions at the edge of her vision. She turned to him, whispering, “What is it, Vis?”

The android stared off into nothing. His lips parted, the men behind him staring at him with confused glances. He barely shook his head, whispering back, “I… don’t know. I seem to have… sensed something. A disturbance.”

“A what?”

Twilight held out her hoof. “From sea to shining sea, my friends and I are blessed to be welcomed into your great nation!”

As she declared that statement, the crowd followed with a resounding sound of cheers and claps. The men and women sitting behind the Alicorn clapped as well, the president’s eyes on the princess. However, his eyes shifted passed her, his smile deflating and his claps ceasing. In the glare of the sun, beyond the news chopper, three distant figures flew barely into sight.

He recognized them by their design. Two of the three were AH-64 Apache helicopters. The third one, and the one in the center, was a large V-22 Osprey. Its twin rotors slashed and cut through the skies, leading the two Apaches. As they grew closer, even as the cheers of the crowd roared on, President Ellis noticed the service men beside him press down on their earpieces, whispering and nodding.

“Agent Adams,” Ellis called, said agent bending down to him. He whispered, “Did we order any military intervention for this event?”

Adams shook his head. “No, sir. We’re looking into it right now.”

“Well, you figure out what the hell they’re doing in the next minute,” he sternly explained, turning towards the service man, his expression unknown behind the heavy, dark shades. Ellis pointed at him, saying, “I don’t want those choppers getting close to this even—”

A deafening uproar completely silenced the crowd, an array of lights shooting out from above. The crowds all screamed, ducking down as if under fire. President Ellis, his service men, and everyone on stage shot their eyes forward to the news chopper. Twilight did the same, flinching at the sound of it, gasping at the sight of it.

Steve Rogers spun completely around and shot up, almost knocking his chair over. The Avengers followed his lead, the ponies doing the same.

And watched as a missile struck the tail of the news helicopter. Fire spewed out from the tail rotor. The chopper spun out of control, a tornado of smoke and fire trailing it as it slowly fell. Steve could see as the pilot tried to take control of the flailing aircraft, the cameramen within the helicopter holding on for their life, screaming as they spun around and around and…

A second missile shot out from the same Apache helicopter, impacting the cockpit of the news chopper and blowing it completely out of the sky. Its burning remains spun once more before tilting far left and diving there. The fiery shell of the news chopper impacted the ending row of chairs, several people fleeing from the eruption, others caught within it, their screams silenced in an explosion of cinder and smoke.

And in that moment lives were already lost. Steve knew that, and still he couldn’t seem to react. People climbed over others in a desperate attempt to escape, pushed their way to safety and away from the fire, and he still didn’t react. It was so fast, too fast, but he could have done something, prevented something. But he didn’t.

He didn’t have much time to react at all. None of the Avengers did.

But he had to… He needed to. The next missile shot for the stage.

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