• Published 19th Nov 2016
  • 6,330 Views, 1,704 Comments

This War of Ours - JDPrime22

Two sides of good clashing together, fighting for what they believe is right, breaking partnerships and ending friendships… human and pony alike.

  • ...

Chapter 60 - Changed the Worlds


Canterlot, Equestria

Canterlot Castle

6:52 p.m.

They talked about Rainbow Dash as they walked the halls of Canterlot Castle. She was with them, hanging on every word.

Things had gone swimmingly the moment they made it back home. While others, mostly Rarity and Spike, took the time to let their packages fall from their backs and let out a much-needed sigh of relief, Twilight walked right towards Friday, who had been awaiting their arrival ever since the portal began to reawaken. She gave the AI a hug, telling her that Tony Stark said hi. She appreciated that.

Then, Twilight took it all in. A fresh breath in, a great exhale out. For the longest time, she forgot what her library smelled like, and it felt so good to be breathing in the thousands upon thousands of pages that lined the walls of her library. The next thing she wanted to do, as well as everypony else, was to sleep and earn some much-deserved rest. But she knew they couldn’t. She wrote a letter to Celestia right away, Spike sending it off, informing her of their soon-to-be arrival. Even with the whining, everypony eventually agreed, leaving their backpacks and packages in Twilight’s castle as they made their way to the train station.

To inform Celestia and Luna of everything that’s happened on their journey.

Discord had a party in all of Ponyville. That’s what they came home to, at least. The streets were filled with party utensils, an abandoned DJ station and stage resting in the center of town. Ponies lied in a bunch, strewn out from one another, others cuddling under the shade. Everypony had at least a party hat and a horn on, the seven mares and baby dragon moving through the near-dead town. Then they saw him, the Spirit of Chaos and Disharmony himself lying on a lamppost wearing heavy shades and a bent party hat. He looked absolutely filthy, cider stains and dried nacho dip on his face and body. His tail swung gently back and forth as it hung limply down the lamppost. He was surrounded by a pile of garbage and ponies.

But not one piece of garbage or a single pony came within one hundred yards of Twilight’s castle. He kept his promise after all. But he did find a way to trash Twilight’s home, anyway.

He didn’t notice the ponies and dragon below. As they passed him, Applejack bucked the lamppost and sent Discord crashing into the pile of garbage and ponies below, earning several surprised yelps. He didn’t even get up, just groaned and fell back asleep.

After they got on the train, the rest of their trip was silent. Unnaturally silent. Starlight sat with Twilight, Applejack with Rarity, Pinkie with Spike, and Fluttershy with Rainbow Dash. Pinkie did most of the talking for Spike, telling him all about the possibilities of Celestia’s and Luna’s reaction when they hear about Scott Lang turning into a giant, or when they almost died when Crossbones attacked them. Spike calmed her down, telling her that maybe Twilight should give Celestia and Luna the rundown on everything.

Rarity was spouting off about something having to do with tidying up and getting back to her business in Canterlot, but Applejack wasn’t listening. She stared out the window, forehead pressed to the glass, watching as the world ran away from her. Starlight and Twilight, on the other hoof, were both silent. Twilight didn’t stare out to the window to her right. She just kept her head down, eyes on her hooves, feeling the softness on her shoulder.

She met Starlight’s gaze, smiling softly as the unicorn told her everything would be okay. Celestia and Luna won’t be mad at her or any of them for what’s happened on Earth. The terrorist attacks, at least. The conflict within the Avengers… that would be much more difficult to explain.

Especially with…

The two mares seemed to share the same thoughts, swiveling their heads over to the two Pegasi sitting across. Fluttershy was quiet, as per the norm, and Rainbow Dash sat by the window right next to her, head low, jaws apart, a growing sense of fear and unease in her blank stare as the train grew closer and closer to Canterlot.

Twilight wanted to believe the princesses would understand. She prayed they would. Considering Rainbow’s position, Twilight didn’t blame her for feeling so nervous. Heck, she was nervous, too. But that didn’t mean they should back down and try to hide it away, believing it never even happened, which is what Twilight really wanted to do. But she couldn’t. Against her better judgement, she would face the princesses and tell them what happened. From beginning to end. The whole story. Every story. Leaving nothing out.

Even Rainbow’s fate.

What happens next, Twilight didn’t know. At first, Twilight believed she would be punished accordingly by the two sisters for breaking several of Earth’s laws and aiding a wanted criminal. But after discovering Bucky’s innocence, after learning what he did and that he really had no control, perhaps Rainbow shouldn’t even be punished. She was in the right all along. Still, she did go against the law. If that made the Captain a wanted fugitive, then what did that make Rainbow?

Twilight didn’t know. That’s why they discussed the topic as they strode through the halls of Canterlot Castle, slowly but surely making their way to the throne room.

“What do you suppose we even tell ‘er?” Applejack drawled, coming up next to Twilight. Rainbow sunk back behind the rest of the group, dragging her hooves, shivering slightly. Twilight saw it, ears falling flat, a sad sigh leaving her.

“We just tell her what happened. Both of them. The whole story. If I know Celestia, she’ll be quick to forgive. Luna on the other hoof…”

“I’m sure Luna would understand, too, Twilight,” Starlight added, walking by the Alicorn’s left.

Twilight just stared at the floor, ignoring the large tapestries that lined the hallways. She sighed again, nodding to Starlight’s rebuttal at last. “Yeah… you’re right. Rainbow has nothing to worry about.”

“You hear that, Dashie?!” Pinkie shouted, hopping in the air and spinning around to stare at the sullen Pegasus. She blew confetti in every direction, waving two streamers as she practically floated down the hall. “You’re off the hook!”

Quickly grabbing the pink mare, Rarity yanked her back to the ground, a soft frown on her face. “We don’t know that, Pinkie!” Rarity shushed, her uneasy eyes shifting back to Rainbow.

The Pegasus heard every word, only growing more uneasy as the throne room doors kept getting bigger and bigger. Fluttershy gently laid her hoof on Rainbow’s shoulder, gripping her tightly in an assuring manner. Rainbow looked to her right, seeing the comforting smile on the pony’s lips.

“It’s okay, Rainbow,” Fluttershy whispered. She raised her voice only slightly, but everypony else heard her. “Celestia and Luna will understand. They’ll know what you did was because you were representing your element, trying to help your friends even when everyone else were against and doubted you. You don’t have to be nervous. And hey, if it means anything, I also helped Bucky. So, if you get in trouble… I guess I get in trouble, too.”

While it hardly eased her fears over the princesses, Rainbow Dash still smiled, admiring Fluttershy’s kindness and loyalty. Just like her when she was still helping Steve and Buck through thick and thin. Just like that. She was hardly kind, though. “Thanks, Flutters,” Dash said, immediately flinching back as Pinkie gasped in mid-air, freezing there and spinning her neck back.

“Wait, does that mean I get in trouble, too?!” she screamed.

“I really doubt it, everypony,” Twilight exclaimed, earning their attention, their eyes rising to the large doors that separated them from the throne room. Pinkie hit the ground. Twilight laid her hoof on the crack between the doors, ready to push her way through. But not before she said, “Once we explain ourselves, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna will see where we’re coming from. Where all of us are coming from. Once we do that, I’m certain the princesses won’t find it too shock—”

The doors opened, smacking against Twilight’s face. The Alicorn yelped, backing away quickly along with the rest of her friends. Rubbing her cheek, Twilight and the others brought their gazes forward, expecting guards but seeing something much, much different. Spike’s jaw nearly hit the floor with how wide open it was. The others refrained themselves, but found speaking to be completely alien to them, just like the five individuals exiting the throne room and blocking their way.

They stopped moving, too. Their eyes landed on the group of seven mares and the baby dragon.

And they didn’t have a word to say.

The Guardians of the Galaxy didn’t have a single word to say. None of them did.

The two forces stood separated, a wall of confusion, wonder, concern, and whatever the hell else built between them and only getting higher as the seconds of silence ticked away. The ponies and dragon observed the five individuals carefully, granted with no form of communication between them, they took whatever time they had to take in every single detail.

The one in the center, the one that looked more human than all of them, stood with his lips barely apart, eyes wide with uncertainty. He had curly, auburn hair and a small scruff on his face and neck, a slightly bigger line of hair on his upper lip. A pair of orange headphones sat snugly around his neck, a trail of wires leading to a small box that rested on his hip. He wore a red jacket covering a light gray T-shirt underneath, strange writing on the front cover. His long pants were an even darker shade of red, covering all the way down to his pair of filthy boots. He tracked in mud.

The one to the human’s right was a green woman. Literally green. Her face, her arms, her skin, anything that wasn’t concealed by the deep black and red outfit she wore was green. Except her hair, which also flowed black with red highlights. Her face seemed surprised, like the human’s, but it held still, a certain expression that seemed to burn with a growing distrust the longer the ponies and dragon remained silent.

Right below her, rising up only to her knees, was one of the strangest sights the ponies and dragon ever saw. Even Fluttershy, a pony who had been with animals her whole life. She just couldn’t seem to wrap her head around the fact that a raccoon was sneering at them. It made even less sense that he wore clothes, similar clothes to that of the others. The fact that he also stood on two legs kept her mind jarring, eyes wide and staring at him only.

The last two stood by the human’s left side. He was large, the biggest of the group. Having gray skin and red tattoos was just the start of it. It was his eyes that were the most interesting of all. They practically glowed bright blue, holding a sense of wonder as he gazed at the unicorns. They frowned when he spotted Rainbow Dash in the back of the group. His pants were also blue, but a much duller shade of it. They would have recognized him as just one individual had the smaller one not have shown himself and stand on his shoulder.

Scratch that, the raccoon wasn’t the strangest of all. The small wooden creature definitely was. His oversized head looked like it could barely fit on his miniature body. He gripped the larger one’s ear, smiled and cooed adorably to the mares and dragon.

And that’s all they heard for another thirty seconds of silence. Just a gentle and adorable sound from the wooden creature. None of the ponies, not even the dragon, nor the Guardians could seem to find the right words to use. The growing unease between them only worsened, the rising awkwardness of the situation making its presence well known. The human smacked his lips, looking away to the glass window and punching his fist against his palm. Twilight cleared her throat, her hoof rising to rub the back of her head, her eyes falling to the floor as an awkward smile grew across her lips.

She wished for anything to break the awkward tension that kept on building.

In that moment, Drax leaned right, smacking Star-Lord’s shoulder and saying to him, “I don’t like the rainbow one.”

The first form of actual communication, and it was a sign of hostility. The mares and dragon all perked up, Rainbow Dash’s frown slowly growing into a look of confusion. He didn’t necessarily make the comment quiet by any means. He just kind of said it, his voice clearly loud enough for everyone to hear.

Peter Quill’s brow furrowed, the man blinking a couple times before he turned to Drax. “Dude,” he said, “you just don’t… say that kind of stuff out loud.”

Drax blinked only once, quickly looking back to the ponies and dragon. He leaned forward just a tad more, closer to Quill. “How else would they have known?” he asked, still loud as before.

“You know what? We should leave,” Star-Lord said, taking the first steps forward. He cringed as the mares backed away from him, gazing at him like the giant he was to them. “Make a hole. Sorry.”

They strangely obeyed, stepping aside to make room for the five individuals. Drax followed shortly behind Star-Lord, his mistrusting glare held Rainbow’s way with every step. The others shortly followed, the raccoon meeting Starlight’s curious gaze, spotting it from a mile away.

Rocket saw the unicorn stare at him funny. He bared his teeth, growling, “What are you lookin’ at, horse?”

Taken aback, Starlight shook her head, blinking twice. She scoffed, her snout wrinkling in a sneer. “What are you looking at, raccoon?” she stated.

That got him. “What?!” Rocket yelled, reaching for the large rifle resting on his back. His furry arm was caught by a green one, the raccoon practically ripped off the ground. He yelped, saying “ouch” over and over again, and swearing to the woman that held him back. Of course he cursed, too. What else couldn’t he do? Fluttershy whimpered at the harsh words.

They didn’t affect Gamora by any means. She just gripped his arm tighter, his other hand clawing at her fist. “Don’t start anything!” she snarled, quickly turning her eyes to Starlight. They seemed to calm only slightly, a certain apologetic look appearing for a brief second. “Sorry! Now go!” She tossed Rocket forward, the raccoon stumbling but eventually following behind Drax.

But not before he said, “Why do people always keep calling me that?! It’s pissing me off!”

Gamora shook her head, managing a short but sweet smile to the ponies and dragon before she, too, followed the rest of her group. But that wasn’t all. As the ponies watched them leave, they somehow managed to miss the small wooden creature hop off of Drax’s shoulder, landing on Fluttershy’s back. The Pegasus yelped, spinning her neck back just far enough to see what the small creature would do. Everypony else watched, too, unsure of whether to get him off or just… wait.

They realized quickly that they made the right choice. Baby Groot smiled to the Pegasus, holding out his minuscule hand to her. And Fluttershy, already quite nervous, had grown completely awestruck when she saw a small flower rise and begin to bud right out of his palm. He plucked it off, approaching her face and placing the flower right over her ear. He finished with a smile, hopping off of her and taking off as fast as his little legs could carry him. He tripped and fell, grunting adorably but getting back up and running to the rest of his team.

They saw as the little creature hopped on the raccoon’s back, choosing to sit and sway on his furry shoulder. They watched until the group of five eventually vanished down the hall, taking a turn to the exit and leaving. When they were finally left alone in the hall, all eyes suddenly turned to one another, then to Twilight, as if she had the explanation for what exactly just happened.

Except she didn’t. She just turned around and entered the throne room. The others followed without a word. All except for Fluttershy, who prodded at the flower and giggled to herself.

That giggling ceased when she and her friends entered the throne room, where Princess Celestia and Princess Luna rested on their thrones, rather humorous smiles on their lips. A pair of guards remained at their sides, spears in their hooves, faces as strong and frozen as ever. They stood in attention, saluting to the presence of Princess Twilight.

She bowed near the very bottom of their thrones, everypony and dragon behind her doing the same. “Princess Celestia,” Twilight greeted, eyes closed. “Princess Luna. We’re here to report on our journey to Earth.”

She was surprised, to say the least, to hear the two sisters snickering to themselves.

Rising rather slowly, Twilight’s somewhat startled eyes landed on Celestia and Luna, seeing the two laugh to one another, hooves barely managing to cover the giggles leaving them. Stamping her hooves quietly, shuffling back and forth where she stood, Twilight asked, “Um… Celestia?”

“Oh, s-sorry, Twilight!” Princess Celestia apologized, clearing her throat and ceasing the laughter between the two. Luna’s smile was still there, even Celestia’s managing to slip through. “Please, forgive us! We were just recalling our… very interesting discussion with our previous visitors.”

Luna nodded. “But with that aside, how was your journey, Twilight Sparkle and friends?” she asked, leaning forward only slightly. Her sister did the same, rather interested to hear of Twilight’s encounters while on Earth. They wanted to know everything, from the boring politics, to the current state between the worlds, and even the Avengers.

Twilight managed a sad smile. That smile quickly faded the longer she stared into the giddy expressions of the two sisters, almost like foals ready to hear a bedtime story. Exhaling softly, Twilight shook her head, approaching the thrones. “Well, I think we all want to know just who those interesting characters were back there.”

Everypony else seemed to agree, nodding to one another and finally returning their gazes back to the two sisters. Rarity, unlike everypony else, remained silent, her eyes staring at nothing. Gazing at the floor, pupils as small as needle-tips, her heart racing and blood pumping. She didn’t hide her external emotions too well, possibly due to the fact that her internal emotions were out of control. Broken, infected, replaying horrible memories of the five individuals she had seen before.

Instead of her friends, all she saw were the bodies.

The five Rarity were greeted to were three that appeared human—holding obvious traits that she hadn’t seen so far—and one that was… a raccoon? The other was even stranger, just a bipedal pile of logs and wood, but having somewhat of a face she could barely identify as having facial features.

She remained silent. Not wishing to cause a stir, but wishing to forget.

Nopony else caught on. They were too focused on Twilight, the Alicorn stepping forward with that smile of hers. She recalled to Luna’s previous question, about how their experience on Earth really was. She thought to the war, to the blood, to the chaos and the broken. Instead, she just shook her head and laughed a breathless laugh. “Besides, you two wouldn’t believe half of the stuff we’ll say.”

Both Celestia and Luna smirked knowingly. To each other. “Try us,” Celestia said.

It was Twilight’s turn to smile. The first real one for what felt like forever.

“All right… you first.”

Author's Note:

Anyway, that closes another story. Wow, what a ride! Had some ups, had some downs, but I had a blast writing this story! I would like to thank all the readers for sticking with me through this adventure and reading, and I do hope you stick around for the next and final installment.

But in the meantime, a fellow author on this site, Sense of Humor, will be writing a Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 crossover. And guess what? It's connected to this universe! So check it out, follow him, and I'll see you all for the next adventure!

Comments ( 134 )

Wow. That was unexpected.

That was brilliant! But seriously, we need Dr. Strange, Captain Marvel, and Guardians of the Galaxy fanfiction stories.

You realize you now have no choice but to write a spin-off right? Now we wait for Infinity War and this to inevitably happen:


Then Rocket's gonna steal his arm 'cause he was bored.

To be honest, I was expecting something in Equestria, but I was thinking about Thor, Hulk and maybe Strange. But the Guardians of the Galaxy was better. And I'll check out the Vol 2 story, the site needs more GotG.

The story was entertaining, and I liked that it focused on the ponies' conflicts in the Civil War with Twilight and Rainbow taking center stage as it progressed. Plus Daredevil and Punisher's involvement was a nice change of pace and that latter was perfect to demonstrate Starlight's character development in terms of redemption. The only issue I had was Twilight taking so long to realize that Bucky was innocent after the Airport Battle, but she redeemed herself.

Now we await the Infinity War. And I found a music video that summed up Civil War I feel:

Also, have you watched Defenders yet? I personally enjoyed it.

The Guardians are here?! Cool....Cant wait for your next crossover and Infinity War! I congratulate you for doing yet another story justice. You have a talent, my friend, one that I will never have.:raritywink::ajsmug::pinkiehappy::twilightsmile::yay:

:rainbowhuh: "Okay, what's been going on here while we were gone and who the hell were those A-holes?!"

Well, well, well. Equis had some alien visitors of their own while the mares were gone during their time on Earth. And those visitors were none other than the Guardians of the Galaxy themselves. It would seem Celestia and Luna have a story of their own to tell the ponies just as they have one for them. But that's for another time! (I'll be sure to keep a look out for Sense of Humor's story in the mean time :raritywink:)

Another good story, JD! While not as original as the previous story (at least after the first few chapters until Lagos and apart from a few along the way) due to this one being adapted from the original film plot but with the ponies caught in, I give you marks for altering most parts, dialogue and events to fit in with the ponies' involvement and not completely make it identical to the movie and putting focus on the ponies' side and their personal conflicts over the Accords and Bucky especially during the moments that weren't altered, even giving Daredevil and The Punisher a role in the story to add some new twists and turns whilst making sure to not leave any plot holes that might interfere with their own Netflix series continuity.
So the next installment will be the last in this series, eh? Well, Infinity War is still a year away, while we got Thor: Ragnarok and Black Panther to look out for first in the queue. So just like that, I hope whatever you have planned in store for your next story, whenever you do start on that, will be a blast! See you next time, JD!

Discord had a party in all of Ponyville. That’s what they came home to, at least. The streets were filled with party utensils, an abandoned DJ station and stage resting in the center of town. Ponies lied in a bunch, strewn out from one another, others cuddling under the shade. Everypony had at least a party hat and a horn on, the seven mares and baby dragon moving through the near-dead town. Then they saw him, the Spirit of Chaos and Disharmony himself lying on a lamppost wearing heavy shades and a bent party hat. He looked absolutely filthy, cider stains and dried nacho dip on his face and body. His tail swung gently back and forth as it hung limply down the lamppost. He was surrounded by a pile of garbage and ponies.

But not one piece of garbage or a single pony came within one hundred yards of Twilight’s castle. He kept his promise after all. But he did find a way to trash Twilight’s home, anyway.

He didn’t notice the ponies and dragon below. As they passed him, Applejack bucked the lamppost and sent Discord crashing into the pile of garbage and ponies below, earning several surprised yelps. He didn’t even get up, just groaned and fell back asleep.

Typical. It is like the adults coming back home from work or their short-term vacation only to find out that the kids have made a big mess of the place.

They realized quickly that they made the right choice. Baby Groot smiled to the Pegasus, holding out his minuscule hand to her. And Fluttershy, already quite nervous, had grown completely awestruck when she saw a small flower rise and begin to bud right out of his palm. He plucked it off, approaching her face and placing the flower right over her ear. He finished with a smile, hopping off of her and taking off as fast as his little legs could carry him. He tripped and fell, grunting adorably but getting back up and running to the rest of his team.

:heart::yay: I am Groot!

Everypony else seemed to agree, nodding to one another and finally returning their gazes back to the two sisters. Rarity, unlike everypony else, remained silent, her eyes staring at nothing. Gazing at the floor, pupils as small as needle-tips, her heart racing and blood pumping. She didn’t hide her external emotions too well, possibly due to the fact that her internal emotions were out of control. Broken, infected, replaying horrible memories of the five individuals she had seen before.

Instead of her friends, all she saw were the bodies.

The five Rarity were greeted to were three that appeared human—holding obvious traits that she hadn’t seen so far—and one that was… a raccoon? The other was even stranger, just a bipedal pile of logs and wood, but having somewhat of a face she could barely identify as having facial features.

She remained silent. Not wishing to cause a stir, but wishing to forget.

:raritydespair: Oh Rarity! First she remembers Bucky, then Daredevil, Black Panther and Ant-Man, now the Guardians. Her visions may yet grimly come true. And when sees the golden titan from her vision, Thanos himself, I fear she is gonna lose it completely and believe that her world will burn.

I think for what Infinity War has in store can be summed up by this guy from Marvel's biggest competitor...


Holy Shit didn't see that coming, so what will the next adventure be about?

“We just tell her what happened. Both of them. The whole story. If I know Celestia, she’ll be quick to forgive. Luna on the other hoof…”

If you ask me, Luna would be the more likely one to forgive. Considering she knows what it's like to be on the opposite side, even if it wasn't completely her fault.

And they didn’t have a word to say.

The Guardians of the Galaxy didn’t have a single word to say. None of them did.

Saw that one coming!

The one to the human’s right was a green woman. Literally green. Her face, her arms, her skin, anything that wasn’t concealed by the deep black and red outfit she wore was green. Except her hair, which also flowed black with red highlights. Her face seemed surprised, like the human’s, but it held still, a certain expression that seemed to burn with a growing distrust the longer the ponies and dragon remained silent.

Pinkie: Are you from the Equestria Girls universe?
(I'm sorry, I couldn't resist)

They didn’t affect Gamora by any means. She just gripped his arm tighter, his other hand clawing at her fist. “Don’t start anything!” she snarled, quickly turning her eyes to Starlight. They seemed to calm only slightly, a certain apologetic look appearing for a brief second. “Sorry! Now go!” She tossed Rocket forward, the raccoon stumbling but eventually following behind Drax.

Starlord is the dad, Gamora is the mom, Rocket is the rebellious older child, Groot is the adopted toddler, and Drax is the big angry uncle who stabs people.

And now, as we come to the end of another story, here's my comprehensive review: It's good, I don't dispute that fact. But like it's predecessor, it does have its flaws. Like others have pointed out, there are points where, even with the inclusion of the ponies, it's more a novelization of the movie than anything. This is especially visible during the Crossbones fiasco. The kidnapping of Twilight is interesting, but it doesn't seem to go anywhere. Crossbones doesn't try to use her as a shield against the Avengers or anything. It seems like it was included more to traumatize Twilight and make her lean more to the extremes of the pro-registration side.
Some of the ponies don't get as much characterization as I would like, mainly when it comes to the Accords. Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie, and Fluttershy don't really get to voice their opinions on the Accords, instead basing their alignment almost exclusively on Bucky (though Pinkie wants to fight psycho assassins, so that's a thing).
I feel like Daredevil didn't get much of an impact in this story. Bringing the book to Team Rogers was important, but they managed to get along without it in the movie, so it comes across as more padding than anything.
Now for the good parts: The airport fight had a lot of really good interactions, with the ponies becoming divided for the first time. Especially Rainbow, she got quite a bit of development.
I also really liked Fluttershy's reason for siding with Steve, with her Element being suited to seeing the good in him.
The final battle had quite a lot of interaction that I liked, with Rainbow managing to pick apart Twilight's mentality without insulting her.
This may sound like an odd praise, but I actually liked how Starlight's attempt to give Punisher a second chance actually failed. It emphasizes that she's still learning, and that she really hasn't mastered friendship at this point. Plus, Starlight does lean too close to Mary Sue territory at points (in canon, not this story), so it's refreshing.
Overall, not a bad story. I hope Senseofhumor comes out with that Guardians story soon. Good luck with whatever's next.

I hope to see a space adventure with the main 6 and friends and the guardians of the galaxy

The equestrians in a galactic trip with the Guardians of the galaxy? I'm in!
I am eager to read more about the Guardians coming to Equestria and meeting the two sisters. Twilight's upcoming tale of how their trip on Earth went is not going to make the older princesses smile, I wager.

Final installment?:fluttercry:

And so another story ends... But it raises new questions....

This was a very good story.

So nothing with Doctor Strange or Thor Ragnorock?

8375584 Always expect the unexpected. :trollestia:

8375586 Guardians is coming next by Sense of Humor! Not sure about the others though, maybe for my next massive crossover. :raritywink:

8375596 I'll have another author take on the spin-off. Check out Sense of Humor's Guardians 2 crossover! :twilightsmile:

8375599 Thanks for reading! And I'm almost finished with Defenders! It's really good so far! :pinkiehappy:

8375634 Just keep practicing and reading and you'll get there! That's how I started! :pinkiesmile:

8375677 Thanks for reading! My next story will be mostly original, only using important plot points from the film. :moustache:

8375695 ding ding ding ding ding ding...

8375725 Check out Sense of Humor's Guardians 2 crossover. :twilightsmile:

8375921 I've noticed the complaints. My next story will be mostly original, taking only important plot points from the film. Thanks for reading. :eeyup:

8375925 Sense of Humor has got a Guardians 2 crossover ready for the eyes to see. :yay:

8375991 The Guardians 2 crossover is up and running. Be sure to check it out from the author Sense of Humor. :rainbowkiss: Thanks a ton for reading!

8376453 Some that may yet be answered. :trixieshiftright:

8376916 Thanks a ton for reading! :twilightsmile:

8376950 Stick around for my next story, the next massive crossover that will definitely bring all their worlds together... :pinkiecrazy:

Comment posted by SuperSaiyanGodzilla deleted Aug 22nd, 2017

Yes I already did, I'm talking about what would "Your" next story be about?

Leave it to the Guardians of the Galaxy to close out this extraordinary fic. :)

8380465 Thanks for sticking around! I appreciate it! :rainbowkiss:

Oh Shit and with the Avengers divided, the Ponies are so F***ed, when will we expect it to arrive

8380842 After Infinity War hits theaters.

Double Shit thats a year from now

This is a awsome story man!😀

So since phase 3 just started and Avengers Infinity War and Avengers 4 will be coming soon what your going to do now?

8395451 Stick around once I get 300 followers. I got a little teaser planned. :raritywink:

Nice also just read the latest update on Guardians of the Galaxy crossover. Is the final chapter going to link with the crossover?

8395722 I can't say because I don't know. You might just have to read Sense of Humor's story. :twilightsmile:

Okay can't wait for the teaser for next Avengers and MLP story.

This story was.... really not that good.

In my opinion, A Beautiful New Age works because while it is essentially just Age of Ultron in Equestria, it gives us new events that we didn't see in the film along with the ones we did. For God's sakes, we saw a demon possessed six armed Ultron commanding an army of the damned marching upon Canterlot. We saw Hulk beating every ounce of shit out of Tirek. That gave us something similar, but also new. Aside from the beginning up until the battle in Lagos, there is NOTHING new and different that is worthy of a 50+ chapter story. And if your best excuse is that it's all to set up for a BETTER fic that's a few years down the line, then congrats, JD, you now encompass both the good AND the utterly bad of the MCU. I DID NOT sign on to just read a the novelization of the film plus ponies. I expected something a little bit different and engaging that would make it worth the read. But this is all more or less the same thing as the film. And I STILL don't understand why so many people like this. From my point of view, it's not creative, it's not breaking any new ground or giving us anything we haven't already seen in a big way. All it's doing is showing us what we've already seen but with slightly different aesthetics and characters a la Michael Bay style laziness. And I don't care how unfavorably my comments are seen, I'll keep on sharing my opinion so that they might see that these kind of crossovers can be done better so that they DO get better. Not because it's something I WANT to say, but because it DESERVES to be said.


Another epic novel!

I really enjoyed this story. Adding in the Punisher and Daredevil was an interesting twist. I can see the necessity, as it explains the vision Rarity had in the previous story.

I gotta give a lot of credit to Rainbow Dash for representing her element many times over throughout the story. Though, I can’t help but be a little disappointed with Twilight for forgetting who she was. I mean, there are so many who have done terrible things in the past -Sunset Shimmer, Discord, Trixie, and Starlight Glimmer- yet Twilight found it in her heart to give them second -and sometimes third- chances. Yet here, she refused to give an inch when it came to Barnes. Again, kudos to Rainbow for getting her back on the right track.

That last battle was even more brutal than in the movie, especially with what Tony did and said to Rainbow Dash. That was beyond harsh.

It saddened me so see so many unresolved issues: Steve and Tony (obviously), Rainbow and Twilight, and Rainbow and Tony. But I do understand that some wounds will take longer to heal than others. I just hope that they’ll I’ll be resolved by the end of the last installment; which I’m looking forward to, by the way.

Loved the cameo by the Guardians of the Galaxy! Such a shame they didn’t stick around. I’ll be sure to check out Sense of Humor’s crossover story.

I was kind of hoping to see Celestia and Luna’s reaction to what all happened on Earth. Will we find out in the next story? I do hope that Rainbow isn’t punished, and if so, not too severely. And if she is, I hope it’s not just her. Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie and Spike made the decision to side with Steve, so if there are consequences, they have to share it with Rainbow. I’m kind of hoping that Celestia will have a talk with Twilight about her hypocrisy.

Anyway, another amazing story. Again, I am shocked by the lack of likes, for they are more than deserved here. So, the next one is the last, huh? I’m guessing it will be the Infinity Wars. I’m anxious to see how the rest of the Defenders are introduced.

Till next time!

8813169 I'll mention Celestia and Luna's reaction to the whole Civil War in the next story, so that'll be answered. And don't worry about the unresolved issues. The next story will deal with those.

Thanks a ton for reading, and I hope you stick around for the next story! Check out the teaser blogs I made if you want! :pinkiehappy:

And sadly no matter how much he tries Death will always prefer Deadpool's Canadian sausage.

Thanos: Yes, but I don't have to worry about that annoyance in this universe.
*Disney buys fox and Deadpool appears*
Deadpool: Yo whats up.

I'm still with you, Cap. On one side, Tony's right, oversight might not be such a bad idea - but on the other hand, the UN could've been infiltrated by HYDRA, A.I.M, the Ten Rings, maybe even the Hellfire Club (doesn't matter what universe, they'll always appear in some way or form)

But not one piece of garbage or a single pony came within one hundred yards of Twilight’s castle. He kept his promise after all. But he did find a way to trash Twilight’s home, anyway.

Classic Discord.

The five Rarity were greeted to were three that appeared human—holding obvious traits that she hadn’t seen so far—and one that was… a raccoon? The other was even stranger, just a bipedal pile of logs and wood, but having somewhat of a face she could barely identify as having facial features.

One more nightmare vision for the road!!!

The ponies had a brief meeting with the Gurdiana of the Galaxy. I have a feeling they'll see more of them later.

And with that I have finished this story. It was a very fun ride.

I don't have too many problems with it honestly. One being I agree with some comments that the story felt in some chapters to be a retread of the story, but it got better at a certain point. I also didn't like that Twilight was still set on capturing Bucky at the last fight. I just feel at that point Twilight would focus on stoping Tony

Other than that I thought it was an entertaining story. The fight scenes were honestly better than "A New Age". The addition of the Daredevil and Punisher was a nice addition. I liked that as the time went on it focused more on the Ponies perspective on events. I thought the ponies were decently on par with the Avengers even if I thought it could be more even and that Twilight and Starlight could have been more imaginative in their magic.

Overall I though it was a great story great job!!!

8840430 Thanks a ton for the read! Hope you stick around for the next story! :rainbowkiss:

:twilightsmile: Your welcome it was an enjoyable read.

I should definitely be able to read it. Hopefully by then I'll have seen the rest of the Marvel movies I have to see.

Maybe Infinity War, if they had the time, but this isn't the end of the MCU for that matter I tell ya, oh sure some of em are gonna die, but Avengers 4 is already announced. If this is the final story, then that's dead wrong. Oh Twilight's gonna be scared that 5 mil y from now the sun becomes a frickin' red giant, and black holes are made from dead heavyweight stars

To JD: JD whaddaya think of what I made here, the ponies watching Star Wars, I made their reactions true to their personalities, (Rainbow baffled seeing the Falcon jumping to hyperspace and Han Solo and Daring Do comparison) and Twilight being bombarded by Star Wars logic and Earthly scientific knowledge and logic by Stark. And the award ceremony scene giving the 6 nostalgia, and surprise about the events being similar.

8868367 It was pretty fun. :pinkiesmile:

To JD: And oh, did you see Rarity and the ponies' faces when Stark shows them the various stars and their enormous sizes, I not only freaked them out, at first they were surprised and amazed by the sheer size and the colorfulness of the stars. I also made Rarity faint on the spot and Twilight scream in complete disbelief seeing the monstrous size of UY Scuti.

Oh, and whaddaya think of the ponies' reaction that Darth Vader is Luke's father.

8868378 The ponies were as adorable as always.

Short, simple, response, but acceptable.

And I thought Twi was made of sterner stuff.

To JD: too bad Twi never gets to meet Einstein.

Oy, the ponies visiting New York City yet they never compare it to Manehattan, or Stark giving them a little lesson about the city, simply ignore it, sheesh, you should make them react better than this.

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