• Published 19th Nov 2016
  • 6,319 Views, 1,704 Comments

This War of Ours - JDPrime22

Two sides of good clashing together, fighting for what they believe is right, breaking partnerships and ending friendships… human and pony alike.

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Chapter 4 - Unnatural History

Upstate New York

New Avengers Facility, Main Levels

9:34 p.m.

A shocking pop resounded through the air. Everyone flinched, some yelped, but eventually cheered and watched the cork go flying across the room. The bubbling drink oozed from the bottle, pouring out onto the floor. Everyone screamed at him, told him to hold it straight.

He did, and he steadied himself to pour everyone a fresh round. Even Pinkie Pie.

The surrounding S.H.I.E.L.D. agents lifted their glasses in the air, cheering the pink pony on as she downed the glass in one gulp. She held her glass in the air, hiccuped, then fell onto her back, cross-eyed and woozy. The party went even wilder for the mare’s accomplishment.

Princess Twilight only shook her head.

“Leave it to Pinkie Pie to be the life of the party even on another world,” the Alicorn mumbled.

Leaning next to the wall on her left, Tony Stark nodded, his own martini resting in his palm. “I thought she was crazy enough back on Equus. Probably shouldn’t have introduced her to some of Earth’s more… ‘refined’ drinks.”

He took a sip, swirling the substance around for a while. Twilight turned back to him, listening intently as he returned back to their previous discussion. “But yeah, as I was saying, personal satellite, got Homer hooked up to it and everything. Works like a beauty. Perfect if we ever have any type of emergency.”

“You can never be too prepared, I suppose,” Twilight added.

The two were secluded from the rest of the party, but kept a close eye on the events that occurred before them. It wasn’t too insane, nothing the Avengers hadn’t seen before or anywhere near as bad as the parties Stark had thrown in the past.

The majority of the “Equestrian Housewarming Party” consisted mostly of S.H.I.E.L.D. personnel, either retired or off duty. Other founding members of the New Avengers Facility were present and conversing with Earth’s newest visitors. Helen Cho being one of them and talking with Fluttershy, Maria Hill speaking with Rainbow Dash, and Starlight deeply intrigued with Doctor Erik Selvig and his scientific banter.

Of course, the Avengers themselves were all present and accounted for. Captain America, Steve Rogers, rested on a couch with Sam Wilson, James Rhodes, and Spike by his side. Several agents accompanied them, each of them offering stories to the group, almost all the agents interested in the baby dragon. Wanda Maximoff and Vision remained near the drinks, Wanda deeply intrigued with Vision’s own thoughts on the gem in his forehead. Natasha Romanoff chatted with both Rarity and Applejack amongst the average partiers.

Several smiles were shared between them, lots of laughs accompanying the groups scattered. All conversing. Everyone growing together. Twilight smiled at the sight, at the thought of them finally reuniting. It felt like forever since they’d seen the likes of Iron Man or Captain America, or the God of Thunder and the Hulk. After the insanity that was the Ultron Offensive so long ago, it was rather nice to just… talk with one another.

Might as well in times of peace.

She stared at Natasha for quite a while, reminding her…

“So,” Twilight broke the silence between the two, definitely not breaking the silence of the part, Tony turned to her, lowering his drink. “I guess I never really got to ask you, or it just might have slipped my mind during this party, but… where are Doctor Banner and Thor, if you don’t mind me asking?”

Tony turned his attention back to his drink, taking a slow sip. Sighing, he said, “Banner took a vacation for the time being. We don’t know when he’ll be back. Oh, and Thor is off in Asgard doing… Asgard stuff.”

Twilight looked to the man, a brow rising. “‘Asgard stuff’?” she repeated.

“We don’t keep in touch very often,” Stark corrected. “It’s usually a surprise visit here and there, end of the world threat to deal with. Thor likes to keep us on our toes.”

Twilight nodded, not sure whether or not to take the information with a grain of salt. Still, she asked, “And… what about Director Fury?” Stark looked down to her. “He didn’t want to come? And Doctor Pym, why did he leave so early? Did we offend him in some way? Did… di-di-did I—?”

Luckily for her sake, before the Alicorn could break down mentally, Stark held out his hand. He shook his head, saying, “Oh, no, it’s not like that. Let’s just say that Hank and I haven’t really seen eye to eye lately. I’m honestly surprised he managed to work with me through the entire project. But no, he took off the second he could. Couldn’t wait to get out of here.”

Stark downed his martini, placing the empty glass on the stand to his left.

Twilight frowned, fluffing her wings. “It’s a shame,” she said, shrugging. “We were just starting to getting to know each other.”

“Eh, it’s his loss.” Tony looked down to Twilight, offered a helpful smile to her. He shrugged. “What are you gonna do?”

Twilight nodded absentmindedly as she fell silent. The two stood quietly as the party thrived around them. Twilight blinked, suddenly remembering her question. “And what about Director Fury?” she asked.

“Sorta like Clint,” Stark answered almost instantly. “He wants to stay under the radar a bit, lay low. Except he doesn’t have a family to get back to, at least to my knowledge.”

Twilight smiled, looking back at Tony. “That’s really nice of Clint to be spending time with his family,” she said, tilting her head. “Have you met them? Are they nice?”

Tony played around with his thoughts, both hands sliding down into his pockets. “Yeah, as much as I could tell. I kinda met them in the least favorable sort of circumstances, but they’re nice. Really down to earth.”

“That’s really nice,” Twilight agreed. “I’m so glad that Clint—”

Heeeeeyyyy, party people! Who wants to see me get shot out of my party cannon?!”

An eruption of cheers resounded throughout the large room, prompting both Tony and Twilight to turn their attention forward. There, they could see Pinkie Pie carefully adjusting herself into her party cannon, the other party-goers cheering her on. She waved to everyone present, her hoof reaching back to the trigger. Unfortunately for her, the cannon’s original trajectory fell, the face of the cannon slowly pointing downwards. Pinkie was too far gone to notice, and she pulled the trigger after a moment of struggle.

In an instant, a powerful bang erupted from the cannon, launching the party pony directly through the floor and into the lower levels of the facility. The still silence of the room held for quite some time, but the cheering soon revived once again.

“I don’t think I saw her bring that cannon with her through the portal,” Stark stated, his brow furrowing in thought. “Is that just me?”

Twilight didn’t respond. Her concerned gaze fell on the large, smoking hole where the cannon had shot Pinkie Pie. To her easement, both Rarity and Applejack shot over to the hole in an instant, peering downwards, asking if Pinkie was alright. Thankfully, she was, and she popped out of the hole without a scratch on her.

Giggling, Pinkie squealed, “That was so much fun! You guys,” Pinkie turned to Applejack and Rarity, then hiccupped. “You guys have gotta try it!”

“Ah don’t think so, Pinkie Pie,” Applejack said, eyes wary of the smoking hole directly in front of her. “But Ah do think you’ve had a little too much ta drink.”

Rarity nodded, clearly agreeing. “Indeed, darling. We suppose it would be a good idea if you laid down for an hour or so. Take a break, just relax, darling! And no more party cannons. My word, that scared the daylights out of me!”

Pinkie stared at the two as she pulled herself out of the hole. She giggled, her wide, goofy smile growing as she approached the two mares. “Ah, you guys are such good friends watching out for me and hic all,” she slurred, her forelegs wrapping around both Applejack’s and Rarity’s necks.

“I couldn’t imagine what I do without my best friends by my side!” Pinkie declared, wobbling with Applejack and Rarity unfortunately following, unable to do much against Pinkie’s abnormal strength. Fluttershy giggled at the trio from afar, Starlight doing the same.

Pinkie’s antics were quite the sight. Several agents, Sam Wilson and James Rhodes, and Spike all watched and chuckled from the couch, returning to their previous conversations shortly. But not everyone joined. Not everyone returned to the conversation.

Captain Steven Rogers kept on watching the trio of mares, his smile deflating every second with every word that came out of Pinkie’s mouth.

“Yep, I’d probably be facing some kind of crippling depression or unfathomable hic guilt if I didn’t have my best friends by my side!” Pinkie shouted. The party didn’t seem to notice her antics as much as before, and Applejack and Rarity were starting to grow tired with their party animal of a friend.

Pinkie babbled on, nearly choking the two mares in her grasp. “Who knows what kind of pent-up pain I’d be feeling if my best friends weren’t with me every step of the hic way!”

That was the nail in the coffin. Steve’s eyes fell, gaze elsewhere. As if in the presence of jocund company meant nothing to him anymore, Rogers picked himself up and exited the party. No one really noticed him get up and leave, their own conversations taking the majority of their attention. But others did, two others to be exact. They watched the scene with Pinkie’s antics reaching new heights, then turned their eyes onto the Captain quickly making his exit from the party, seeming to try and not be noticed.

He was, by both Twilight and Rainbow Dash.

The two watched him push the doors aside as he entered the night, the doors closing behind him. Both Twilight and Dash turned their eyes away from the door, their gazes meeting, each having the same idea in mind.

“Hey, could you keep an eye on Pinkie, make sure she doesn’t do anything… too crazy?” Twilight asked Stark. He nodded to her, bringing his eyes on the pink mare dazed and wobbly, both AJ and Rarity helping her to the couch.

“I got her,” Stark assured.

Twilight smiled. “Thanks, Tony.” With that, she made her way forward. Rainbow Dash said her goodbyes with Hill—offering her a quick hoof bump—before meeting with Twilight in the center of the room. Rainbow spoke first, landing easily in front of the Alicorn.

“Hey, did you check out Steve?” she asked.

Twilight nodded. “Yeah, he seemed a little… down. Wouldn’t you agree?”

“Yeah,” Rainbow said, nodding, her eyes shifting to the doors that led outside. She motioned her head in that direction, asking, “Should we see if he’s alright?”

“I think that’s a good idea,” Twilight agreed. The two slowly approached the doors, Twilight’s magic pushing them aside to allow the cool, summer breeze to flow into the cramped, sweaty party. It wasn’t freezing by any means, but it was a nice feeling to be out of the heat.

As the doors closed behind them, the mares stepped forth onto a large, open balcony. Few lanterns were lit and offered light to what the moon could not. Speaking of the moon, Twilight’s eyes rose upwards, her twin, violet pupils widening at the sight. The near-full moon shone brightly above, its resemblance slightly different to that of Equus’ moon. Bright stars twinkled in the night sky, several possible constellations appearing in Twilight’s mind. The wind picked up, blowing into her mane, cooling her. The sounds of the night were raw, as were the cries of the distant city lying miles away.

It was the first time Twilight had been outside while on Earth, and it was riveting.

Her attention was brought back by a soft hoof colliding with her chest. Twilight blinked, then turned to Dash, who jabbed her head in the direction directly ahead of them. Twilight followed her gaze, her own breath falling silent.

There was Steve Rogers, and no one else but him. He was leaning forward at the edge of the balcony, his back to them, his gaze staring into the empty fields and dark forests surrounding the New Avengers Facility. He wore a plain white t-shirt, blue jeans, and dark shoes. He was as silent, if not more than both Twilight and Rainbow Dash.

That had to change soon.

Clearing her throat politely, Twilight prepared her smile as the Captain turned his neck around to meet the two mares behind him. “Mind if we join you?” she asked, Rainbow offering a helpful grin.

Steve seemed to force one. “Not at all,” he replied, facing forward again. With that given to them, Twilight and Rainbow approached Steve, Twilight on his left and Rainbow on his right. They stood up to rest their forelegs on the edge of the balcony, staring downwards into the dimly-lit fields of grass below.

For a while, Twilight waited for Rainbow to make the first remark, Dash imagining the same for Twilight. Yet it was so quiet between the three, an uneven and slightly haunting silence when trapped within the Earth’s moon’s glow. Twilight sneaked a glance at Steve, studying his expression.

She couldn’t quite make out the expression on his face. It seemed sullen, lost, hurt even. Like he was deep in thought, as if he had forgotten something. It was hard to tell, and Twilight wanted to dig deeper, opening her mouth to speak.

“So, how are you—?”

Steve turned to Twilight, his own mouth closing the same moment Twilight’s had. Twilight hadn’t expected Steve to make the first statement, but she quickly shut her mouth to let him speak.

“Oh, I’m sorry,” Steve apologized, holding his hand to her. “Please, go ahead.”

Twilight shook her head, waving her hoof. “No, no, you first.”

Steve chuckled softly, weakly. It sounded more like a quick exhale. Still, he offered a smile—it looked forced again—and asked, “So, how are you enjoying Earth so far?”

He turned to his right. “Both of you?”

Dash’s ears straightened, her grin widening. “Oh, this place? Yeah, this place is pretty awesome, though I haven’t really gotten out to fly that much! Gotta see if Earth’s air is just as good as Equus’ for flying!”

Steve chuckled, watching as Dash unfolded her wings. “I think you’ll be enjoying yourself soon, Rainbow,” he said, turning left. “And you, Twilight?”

Twilight was as a polar opposite to Rainbow, appearing nervous and unsure of herself. She said, “If I can be honest… it feels just like back at home. Aside from your amazing facility—I mean, the technology here? Wow! But aside from that… I was kind of expecting something a little… different.”

“How so?”

“I mean, it’s an entirely new world, and one that’s easily far-more advanced than Equus if what I’m told is to be true. But so far…” Twilight bit her lip, rubbing her hoof. “I haven’t really seen anything that gave me that vibe. Not like that’s a bad thing by any means, but…”

“You’re not impressed, is what you’re saying?” Steve asked, smiling.

Twilight looked away, blushing. “That’s not entirely true…”

Steve shrugged, turning back to the dark forest ahead of him. “Who knows…” he murmured. Flashes of white flew across his vision, deafening explosions demolishing gargantuan HYDRA tanks into nothing but pure fire and black sickness. Carriers flew in the skies, launching barrages of missiles and rockets to each other and causing countless eruptions upon their hulls. Robotic machines clawed out of the earth, near-endless drones swarming them as they protected the device that would prove to be the fate of the world.

And then he blinked. “You might just change your mind.”

He fell silent after that, the cool, summer air blowing passed the trio, howling. Other than that, no one else spoke. Taken that moment, Twilight turned back to the Captain, seeing that same expression as before, though seeming to be a tad more intensified. He was staring elsewhere, anywhere except where he wanted to.

“What’s wrong, Steve?”

He turned to his left, his mouth falling. “What?”

“We saw you leave the party, almost as if you couldn’t stand to be in there anymore.” Steve shot his gaze right, spotting Rainbow eyeing him curiously, suspiciously. Her brow began to rise, rose-rimmed irises growing slightly. “Just needed some air… or is there somethin’ on your mind, Cap?”

Steve turned away from their suspicious eyes, staring at his curled fingers intertwined with one another. He tightened his jaw, sighing in the end. “Yeah, I suppose I learned that keeping secrets from you girls comes back to bite me later on,” he admitted.

Both Twilight and Dash chuckled, and remained silent after that.

Steve shook his head at that silence. Lowering his head slightly, he began. “It’s been tough recently. Sam and I, we… we’ve been searching for God knows how long to find a friend of mine. A missing friend of mine. He’s been missing for a couple years now, and our trail now has never been more cold.”

He shrugged. Another sigh. “I don’t know. I guess seeing Pinkie with her best friends just reminded me of him, is all.”

Making a mental note to scold Pinkie later on this issue, Twilight looked to Steve with somber vision. “What’s his name?” she asked, voice sincere.

Steve looked to the Princess, to his friend. “James,” he replied. “His name’s James Barnes.”

“He’s your best friend, huh?” Dash asked, smiling a tad. Half-smiling.

“We’ve been best friends since we were kids…” Steve stated, then paused. He almost didn’t want to, but assumed it was for the best. They were his friends, after all. They deserved to know the story. He needed to make sure to tell everypony else later on.

“... more than 75 years ago.”

If that didn’t catch the mares by surprise…

He eyed each of their expressions. It did.

Twilight’s jaw was nearly unhinged, eyes as wide as plates. Dash seemed to share the same fate. “75 years?” Twilight asked, Steve nodding. “But… how… how is that even possible? Do humans age slower than ponies, or—?”

“No, no, it’s not like that,” Rogers said, waving his hand. “It’s just… During the second World War, I wanted to fight for my country more than anything else. The thing is… I wasn’t built for the military. I wasn’t really built at all. But thanks to a few experiments, some super soldier serum, I became the Captain you now see today.”

Twilight seemed to be breathing in the information, slowly nodding and remaining silent. Dash, on the other hand, narrowed her gaze at him, almost contemplating a certain thought on her mind.

She tapped her hoof on the balcony railing, earning the Captain’s attention. “So what you’re saying is… you were a shrimp before the ‘super soldier serum’?”

That actually got a good chuckle out of him. “Yes, I guess so,” Steve admitted.

A snicker, a contained giggle, then full-blown laughing. Thankfully, it wasn’t too severe, the rainbow mare still standing but smacking her hoof on the railing. “Oh, man! That’s too good!” she cried. “Please tell me you have pictures!”

“Rainbow!” Twilight shouted, using her magic to yank Dash’s ear, earning a sharp yelp from the Pegasus. Thankfully for Rainbow’s sake, Steve found it quite humorous, his smile still held.

“If I find some, I’ll tell you first, Dash,” he laughed, smile slowly fading over time. “Anyway, after the whole experimentation and facing the biggest change in my life, I finally got to serve my country with Bucky by my side. We—”

“Um, excuse me, but who’s Bucky, exactly?” Twilight interrupted.

Steve paused, stared at her, then said quickly, “Oh, sorry. ‘Bucky’ is just a nickname I gave James when we were kids. It sorta stuck, you know?”

Twilight nodded after that, prompting Steve to continue with a motion of her head.

“Yeah, well, we helped the war effort immensely. Thanks to our contributions, HYDRA—the biggest threat to the world next to the Nazi Reich and Imperial Japan—was crumbling. I was already seeing the end of the line so close, the end of the war that nearly cost us everything. Never once did I imagine anything could stop us…”

And then his smile was gone. His gaze fell through his hands, eyes slowly shutting.

“And I regret that decision even to this day.”

Eyes holding that same, comforting, yet somber feeling, Twilight leaned in, gently resting her free hoof on Steve’s shoulder.

“What happened?” she prodded.

Very softly, very slowly, he said, “I failed him. I failed to get my entire team back safely. I failed to help him when he needed my most. I failed him as his Captain… as his friend.”

Twilight’s hoof never left his shoulder.

“I thought I lost Bucky forever back then, and with the final act of resistance from HYDRA, I did my best to stop their weapon of mass destruction from reaching my homeland… by crashing it head first into the frozen wasteland.”

He shook his head. Twilight pressed even further, assuring him of a friendly presence.

“It seems God had other plans for me that day. I was kept frozen by the temperatures that could kill any other man in minutes, keeping me like… this when they eventually thawed me out a few years ago.” He paused to observe his biceps, his chest. “It took years to adapt to the new world. One world-ending event led to another and… before I even knew it I was back working with S.H.I.E.L.D. and trying to take down HYDRA again.

“They resurfaced after hiding years within the shadows, secretly funding wars, causing worldwide catastrophes, and profiting from every single one of them. Their newest weapon was something I never expected, something none of us ever really expected: an assassin. The Winter Soldier. He was a killing machine, the perfect tool for starting and ending conflicts. When the time came, when I was finally able to overpower him, I took off that mask…”

His eyelids closed.

“… and saw… him.”

Twilight’s hoof broke away, her gaze searching for Dash. The two shared that quick connection, sharing the same feelings, then turned back to Rogers.

“Bucky…?” Rainbow asked.

Steve just nodded.

“HYDRA got to him back during the war, warped his mind to become their ultimate killing machine, and kept him frozen until they needed him again. I tried to reason with him, tell him that it was me, it was his friend. He didn’t see it that way anymore. To me… I was just another mission.”

Twilight’s ears fell flat at that remark, the thought of a friendship as strong as Steve had made it out to be crumbling by just that statement...

Steve continued. “But he did do something, something that gave me hope that my friend was still in there, trapped. He did something that I had never done for him.”

“Which was what?” Twilight asked, very, very softly.

Steve eyed her, then answered with: “He saved my life.”

That earned some form of shock to the Princess of Friendship, silencing her. Steve shrugged once again, facing forward. “But that was two years ago, and I haven’t seen him since.”

Her moment of silence, processing the information, storing it in for future use, had ended. Now, there was only Steve Rogers, a quiet, summer night, a friendship problem, and what she could do with it. She began by saying, “I’m so sorry, Ca… Steve. If there’s anything we can do, anything at all, don’t hesitate to let us help you.”

Steve turned to face the Alicorn once again. And once again, he smiled, glad to know the help was there. He turned in the opposite direction, eyeing Rainbow.

She offered her signature grin, winking. “We got your back, Cap. We owe you after Ultron and… all of that,” Dash chuckled, looking away.

Another weak chuckle sounding like an exhale. He did that a lot. Regardless, he said, “Thank you. I appreciate the concern, girls. But…” he couldn’t stare at both of them, but he knew their eyes shifted to him at the same time he said that one word...

“... This is something I feel I need to do alone, with minimal assistance.”

Twilight nodded, still holding that smile of hers. “We understand. Right, Dash?”

Steve turned to the Pegasus, seeing her nod. “Sure thing. I mean, it’s your business, Cap,” Rainbow said, shrugging.

A nod in return, a friendly, genuine smile to go with that. “That it is,” he said, facing forward. It was only a short moment before he spoke up again, saying, “And speaking of business, I’d recommend you and your friends get plenty of sleep. Tomorrow’s a pretty big day.”

Dash took a double take. “Wait, it is?” she asked, turning from Steve, then to Twilight. She chuckled sheepishly, rubbing the back of her head. “What are we doing again tomorrow, Twi?”

Luckily for her, Twilight had the answer. Per the norm. “Tomorrow we’re meeting with several of Earth’s leaders to discuss our presence on this world, and hopefully seal our peaceful relations between Earth and Equus.”

Her smile could impress many, but not Dash. She turned, instead, to Steve, and saw him smiling, too. And saying, “Yeah, so get plenty of sleep, Rainbow Dash. You’re gonna need it… being one of the eight Ambassadors of Equus.”

He chuckled.

“No pressure.”

Author's Note:

Sooo... Christmas Break's comin' up soon. Definitely gonna write a lot more during that time. First semester's almost done! Woo! I'm sure as hell gonna relax more, Lord knows I need it.

Where have these two shows been my entire life?

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