• Published 19th Nov 2016
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This War of Ours - JDPrime22

Two sides of good clashing together, fighting for what they believe is right, breaking partnerships and ending friendships… human and pony alike.

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Chapter 42 - The Bigger They Are

Leipzig, Germany

Leipzig Airport

2:55 p.m.

Spider-Man stumbled forward while holding onto his smartphone. Nearly out of breath, he turned the camera of the phone his way, uttering quick, breathless nonsense for his personal vlog he still hadn’t finished. “Okay, so the craziest thing just happened, alright?! I got in a fight with Captain America and I stole his shield and I threw it at him! And I—!”

A strange sound appeared behind him, prompting Peter’s attention to see the Ant-Man seven stories taller than he was before. In his hand, he gripped Princess Twilight, the mare screaming in his grasp. Peter shook his head, setting his phone down somewhere safe. “Gah, he’s big now. I gotta go. Hang on!”

When he turned around, he didn’t realize how big Ant-Man actually was. Peter stopped in his tracks, his hands held out, his eyes widening both on top and beneath his mask.

“Holy shit!”

Forgetting to watch his language, Peter Parker began to back away, his arms rising over his head, the whites of his mask’s eyes growing as wide as the suit allowed. He, as well as every other living being in the airport, had their attention set on the fifty-foot man in a red suit. In his hand, he held Twilight Sparkle by the hind leg, the princess trying desperately to get away.

She didn’t have to wait long.

Steve Rogers and James Barnes rose up from where they were hidden. Steve’s eyes remained on the giant several yards ahead of him. He normally would be surprised, but after today, after everything he’s seen, this just wasn’t a normal day. If anything, all it meant was that Scott was their distraction, and that meant it was time to move.

“I guess that’s the signal,” Steve said, turning to Bucky. He clutched his side, his palms painted red, but he nodded regardless. Steve helped him the first few steps before Bucky waved him off, limping but moving on his own. The two took off towards the hangar bay. Towards the Quinjet.

Tony Stark, having recovered from his brief moment of surprise from the giant, hovered in the distance. He saw as Lang turned his arm back, Twilight doing her best to stay flying. “Give me back my pony,” Stark said, unaware of the Falcon approaching his side.

Scott turned his way, barely nodding and saying, “You want her? Go long!”

As he reared forward, he tossed Twilight like the insignificant being she was to him. Stark was just about to go after her, had it not been for Sam Wilson driving both of his feet into Stark’s chest. As for Twilight, she was tossed like she weighed nothing to Scott, screaming, hooves flailing, completely losing her sense of balance and direction as she flew by both Vision and War Machine.

“I got her!” Spider-Man shouted, leaping into the air and firing a strand of web that hit its target: Twilight’s belly. The mare yelped as she suddenly stopped, feeling the cool, stickiness of the webbing paint her underside. She looked down, seeing Peter swing his way up to her. He sent a quick salute her way, Twilight smiling.

“Thanks for the help!” she yelled, twisting back to see Scott kick a bus with pure ease towards T’Challa. Her eyes glowed with determination, her wings pumping even harder as she took off with Peter still attached to her by a strand of web. “Let’s take him down before he causes any serious damage!”

“We’re right there with ya, Twi!” Applejack yelled from below, she and Starlight and Rarity running towards the giant. Twilight looked to her right, seeing Vision flying into the fight, joining them. She turned left, and there was Rhodes flying by, straight towards the giant like her and the rest of her friends. Their team was ready. She was ready. She stared down the fight ahead of her.

In the distance, she could see Tony in a short dogfight with Sam, dodging the wing of an entire plane that Scott had yanked free and flung Stark’s way. In her earpiece, Twilight could hear him say, “Yeah, this guy’s not going down anytime soon! If you guys have some free time, I could really use the extra hand!”

He flew out of the way from Scott’s giant swipe, the massive man moving much slower in his gigantic state. Tony paused, his comms erupting with life when Rhodes shouted, “Don’t worry, Tony, the cavalry has arrived!”

He turned his head right. Closing in, he could see Vision, Rhodey, Twilight and Parker flying towards him. Below, there was Rarity, Applejack, Starlight, and T’Challa all rushing forwards to Lang. Almost his entire team. Frank and Natasha were unusually absent, but Stark didn’t have time to quell on that. Rainbow Dash drove her hoof right into his chest, flying off after that. Stark growled, his thrusters igniting, only for him to come crashing down to the cement when Scott struck his palm against him.

Watching Iron Man crash to the ground, Scott turned his attention forward, his eyes widening at the sight of the army rushing his way. War Machine sent a helping of warning shots that exploded into harmless, black smoke across his vision. Scott waved his massive hand to push away the black smoke clouding his eyesight, and doing so caused him to overlook Stark’s team surrounding him. Peter let go from the web connected to Twilight, shooting out a second strand that caught Scott in the forehead. He grunted, pulling himself forward and driving his feet into Scott’s head.

The giant staggered, failing to notice the Spider-Man crawling to the back of his head. He watched as the Alicorn from earlier flew past him, firing a spell that appeared more like the result of a flashbang grenade. Scott raised his hand over his helmet, shielding his eyes.

As Scott struggled to keep standing, his feet moved aimlessly across the airport. The mares beneath him kept their distance, their necks craning upwards. Applejack had her hoof to the back of her head, her teeth grit, eyes wide in shock. He looked so much smaller a few hundred yards back. Rarity and Starlight were just as awestruck as her, jaws wide open as they stared up. They didn’t even notice the Devil Man and the Black Panther squaring off a few yards away from them.

Black Panther stopped his pursuit of the Winter Soldier once more as yet another stood in his way. He gripped his billy club in his right palm. The red orbs that were the eyes of the devil mask seemed to glow. He stood his ground, eyeing Panther with alarm ripe in his features. Even when he tried to hide it, Panther could see the true features of a man just as they stood. It was as he learned as a warrior to know your enemy, to see them for what they were. And this man, the Daredevil, was beaten, weary, but not willing to surrender. He was a fighter. A warrior. Such a shame he stood in his path.

The giant stomped behind them, the unicorns firing off several spells from their horns which did little to nothing to the massive man. The two men didn’t pay them any heed. Daredevil, breathing rather heavily, gripped his billy club. With his voice ragged, he said, “The Black Panther…”

T’Challa narrowed his eyes beneath the mask. “The Devil of Hell’s Kitchen.”

Matt twirled his club in his right hand, gripping its end. He stood his ground, saying, “I can’t let you through, Your Majesty.”

Behind him, T’Challa could see the Captain and the Winter Soldier slip through the fight, their destination to the Quinjet nearing. Growling, T’Challa unsheathed his claws, the silver of the Vibranium shimmering in the sunlight. He lowered to a near-pouncing stance, his voice so low Matt could’ve sworn it was another person talking. Someone unrelenting. Someone fierce. Someone who couldn’t wait to tear through Matt.

“You can try.”

It was still King T’Challa.

Then they struck. Panther moved with speed and agility that Daredevil nearly wasn’t prepared for. He blocked his oncoming slices and jabs with his arms and elbows, sweeping low with his right leg that Panther simply hopped over and drove his foot into Matt’s sternum. As he fell to his back, he looked up to see T’Challa pounce him, his claws at the ready, his body completely on top of his own. He drove his claws for Matt’s face, but he quickly raised his billy club that blocked Panther’s strike. Raising his legs, Matt pushed T’Challa off of him with a kick of his feet. T’Challa rolled on his back, stopping on one knee, glaring ahead.

Matt was already up, club held out, daring Panther to come again. He did, and this time he didn’t hold back as much. Panther charged Matt, slicing the air just where his head used to be. Matt dipped to the side, driving his club to the side of T’Challa’s head. Panther reared back as the baton connected to his temple. He spun, roaring and leaping forward. Matt dodged, swiping with his baton for Panther’s rib cage. But he was too late. Panther was too fast. He spun around, his leg following him, as his foot connected neatly with Matt’s head.

As Daredevil spun awkwardly from the force of the kick, Black Panther didn’t let up. He didn’t slow down. He was on top of Matt the second he was vulnerable, holding the man in a chokehold and prying at his mask. Matt began to panic, hitting Panther’s leg, head, and any exposed area he could with his billy club. Unfortunately, it did little damage. Panther’s claws dug beneath Matt’s mask, digging into skin and drawing blood. Matt screamed as his mask came flying off, four streaks of blood following.

Panther tossed the mask of the devil behind him, watching it bounce and roll out of sight. He looked down, down to his hand and to the four claws cloaked in blood. He turned to the Daredevil, saw him try to shield his face, but ultimately giving up and charging right for Panther once more. T’Challa ended it, sending a powerful strike across Matt’s exposed cheek, the man collapsing after that.

As the Daredevil lay at his feet, T’Challa cracked his neck, rolling his shoulder. “Stay down.”

Daredevil barely moved, groaning, gasping for air, gently patting his bleeding face. Turning aside, T’Challa returned his gaze to the battleground, searching for his target. Once more, he was interrupted, not by a man, but by a fruit. An orange slice to be precise. Flinching, T’Challa looked downwards, spotting the pink pony with the fluffy mane toss another orange slice his way, once more hitting his face.

“Take this, and that, and some of this! Bet ya didn’t see this coming, huh?” Pinkie Pie shouted, tossing fruit piece after fruit piece to the Panther. The fruit bounced off harmlessly. Grunting, T’Challa moved passed her. With just one piece of orange left, Pinkie turned to watch him leave.

She shouted, “Aren’t you gonna fight me? Come on, I’m sure JD has another paragraph or two in him!”

“I don’t care,” the Black Panther said to her. He didn’t even look back. He just took off, disappearing into the chaos that remained ahead.

Pinkie tossed the orange slice from one hoof to the other, shrugging and jamming it into her mane. “Eh, suit yourself,” she said, turning her head to Scott Lang and the entire battle that surrounded him. She completely ignored, or forgot, Daredevil, the man crawling away from the fight. He struggled to move, but when he did he gently touched his face, cringing at the large cuts still present.

With his mask gone, Matt stared out into the battlefield. Aside from the war that laid behind him, the opposite front was relatively calm. And not too far away, he could actually see Frank Castle struggling to stand.

3:03 p.m.

Scott thought it would be a good idea. He thought he would have an advantage being literally fifty feet taller than everyone else. Turns out, nothing seemed to work out in the end for him. In fact, everything seemed to go downhill from there. His vision was constantly flooded with disturbance or a distraction, anything that brought him away from those trying to push him over from below.

There was Princess Twilight constantly buzzing around his head, as well as Tony Stark and War Machine firing off non-lethal rounds to his head and body. As if that wasn’t annoying enough, there was the Vision constantly knocking into him, his strength surprisingly matching up neatly with Scott’s in his current gigantic state. Then there were the ponies beneath him doing… whatever it is they were doing. Scott tried really hard not to step on them.

Spider-Man crawled over his eye, looking through the red shielding. Oh, how could he forget him? The most annoying one of all. Scott waved his hand across his face. “Get off,” he grunted, Spider-Man leaping off and shooting a strand of web to Scott’s arm. He watched the red menace swing back and forth, twirling around Scott’s arm.

He raised his free hand, ready to swipe at the annoying spider once more. However, he didn’t even need to. A yellow blur came from the sky and sliced right through his strand of web. Spider-Man yelped, firing off a quick strand to the airplane behind Scott so he didn’t hit the ground. Scott turned his attention away from the Spider-Man and onto the yellow blur, that being Fluttershy.

“You do not hurt my friends!” Fluttershy shouted, her angry eyes following Spider-Man as he landed on the roof of the plane. “Is that understood, mister?!”

Behind her, Scott just shrugged. “I wouldn’t say we’re ‘friends’ just yet.” Fluttershy spun around, eyeing Scott with a curious stare. He held out his hand, moving his wrist in a “so-so” fashion. “Maybe… acquaintances, or even—”

His thoughts were interrupted by a beam of raw, golden energy hitting him square in the chest. Scott yelled as his back hit the plane, Fluttershy gasping in fright. She screamed, however, when she felt the powerful arms behind her, holding her still but not too rough. Shivering, the terrified Pegasus looked up to see the calming gaze of the Vision stare down at her. She began to beat her wings, her hooves pushing against his strong grasp around her.

“Do not struggle, Fluttershy,” he told her. “I will release you soon.”

She did stop struggling. Not to his order, but to Twilight. Fluttershy remained frozen as her friend hovered directly in front of her. Her expression was uncertain, and remained that way as her horn lit up, firing a blue spell right for the Pegasus. Fluttershy screamed as the coolness of the spell washed over, a numbness covering her limbs and wings. She shut her mouth as, it too, stopped moving. She felt her entire body remain that way, unmoving, completely frozen despite her attempts to move.

As promised, Vision released her. Twilight caught her in her purple aura, setting the mare down safely away from the fight. Noticing the strange and somewhat terrified look in Fluttershy’s eyes, Twilight sighed, placing her down next to a pile of wooden boxes. “It’s a paralysis spell. You should be moving again in a few hours.”

Fluttershy didn’t say a word, her closed, frozen mouth being an indication of that. Twilight sighed again, spreading her wings and kicking off the ground. “I don’t want to fight you, Fluttershy. You should be safe here.”

And then she took off, leaving Fluttershy paralyzed and away from the fight.

Scott Lang was recovering quickly. Twilight turned her gaze down and noticed Clint in the distance firing off arrows at Tony and Rhodes. She saw Pinkie Pie and Spike also starting to rush in towards Starlight and the others. Then there was Rainbow Dash, doing battle with James Rhodes in the air. That was enough to tell her to end it fast. Pressing on her ear, Twilight said, “Rarity, Starlight, you girls gotta end this! Freeze Clint, Spike, Pinkie, and Rainbow! Get them out of the fight!”

“What about you and Applejack?” Starlight asked, her voice in Twilight’s ear.

She watched as Vision floated easily towards Scott, delivering a punch to his chest that sent the giant reeling back into the plane. Twilight replied, “We’ll take care of him.”

With that order given, both Rarity and Starlight nodded to one another, taking off at a full gallop towards their objective. Starlight eyed Clint on top of a bundle of wooden boxes, firing arrow after arrow towards Tony Stark. She lit up her horn, vanishing into thin air. Rarity, on the other hoof, galloped straight ahead, right for Pinkie Pie and Spike. The young dragon rode on her back, his eyes widening to see Rarity charging their way. They grew even larger to see her horn erupt into a bright blue.

Pinkie seemed to share the dragon’s feelings, but unlike him she actually acted on it, just not in the way he would’ve hoped. Because Pinkie slid to a complete stop, reared back, plucked Spike from behind her, and held him out just as the spell came rushing their way. Spike screamed, flailing in Pinkie’s grasp. “Wait, no! Pinkie, don’t use me as a—!”

The spell hit its target. Spike remained frozen in Pinkie’s grasp, arms stuck in a flailing position, his jaw outstretched. He could barely feel Pinkie’s hooves shrink back to her body, a nervous chuckle escaping her. Sighing, Spike muttered, “… shield.”

Even with his mouth open and the word butchered greatly, Pinkie Pie still got the gist. She giggled nervously, laying Spike on the ground. “Sorry about that, Spikey,” she apologized, rubbing the back of her head. “Reflexes… you know?”

Spike sighed once more. Pinkie raised her head, yelping as another paralysis spell was sent her way. The pink pony zipped out of sight and away from Rarity’s eyesight. The unicorn stopped just in front of Spike, huffing in protest to Pinkie’s actions. Nonetheless, she used her magic to pick Spike off the ground.

“Come along, Spike,” she told him, her attention set on the area where Fluttershy remained. “A baby dragon like you should not be involved with this kind of madness.”

Spike just sighed, not really having a choice.

Clint saw everything. Literally everything. From the colossal showdown just happening several yards away from him, to Steve and Buck closing in on the hangar bay, and now to Rarity freezing Spike where he stood and carrying him off. Pressing down on his comms, Clint said, “Watch for the unicorns! They got some type of… freezing spell that’ll stop you dead in your—!”

Clint paused, listening intently. He whipped out an arrow, spun around, and froze.


The paralysis spell hit him right in the chest, freezing Clint from head to toe. He had his arrow at the ready, his fingers so close from letting it fly. But he couldn’t. Not anymore. He wasn’t fast enough, unfortunately. Below him, he could see Starlight Glimmer smirk his way, her horn lighting up to bring him off the boxes.

When he was close, Starlight said, “That… was for earlier.”

The total lack of arrows spelled ease for Tony Stark, allowing him to focus his efforts on Lang alongside Twilight and the others. He could see Parker and Rhodey flying towards Lang, Twilight joining them. Scott waved his arm aside, smacking Rhodes and nearly knocking him to the ground. Peter dodged the arm, only barely, and shot a strand towards the plane to keep his momentum. Twilight flew straight upwards, dive-bombing and firing a paralysis spell right for Scott. To her great surprise, however, the spell did nothing but irritate him, Lang swiping up with the back of his hand.

Twilight moved out the way just in time, hovering a great and safe distance from the giant. “The paralysis spell won’t work on him when he’s this size! We need to shrink him back to normal!” Twilight shouted.

Applejack yelped, moving out of the way of Lang’s colossal foot come crashing down next to her. She looked back up, shouting, “One way or another, we’re gonna need ta bring this feller down! Anyone got any ideas?!”

Tony and Rhodey flew around Scott’s head. Peter shot a strand for his back, climbing on him. Twilight watched him move, watched the strand of webbing hang on Scott’s backside. Realization struck, the mare gasping. “Applejack, your lasso!” Twilight yelled, looking down to the farm pony.

Applejack looked to her side, where her lasso was kept rolled up. “What about it?”

“We can use it…” Twilight said, yelping as Scott’s hand swung for her, “to tie his legs together, and then we can knock him over!”

Peter hopped across Lang’s shoulder, firing webbing into his eye to distract him away from Twilight. He ran up Scott’s arm, shouting, “Hey, just like in Empire Strikes Back!”

The name clicked, Twilight smiling and pointing his way. “O-oh, yeah! It is just like that!”

“Was that an intentional reference, Twilight?” Stark’s voice asked in the comms.

Twilight chuckled. “I’d like to think so.”

“Well, there’s a first for everything,”Tony said. He slowed to halt in mid-air. Observing his surroundings, Tony said, “All right, AJ, give your lasso to Twi for her to wrap him up. Kid, give them a few webs. Help ‘em out, why don’t ya?”

“I’m on it, Mr. Stark!” Peter shouted, leaping from the plane and firing a strand of webbing towards Scott’s legs. He began to circle Lang, shooting strand after strand each time his webbing would run out. Scott looked down, noticing his legs were being tightened together. A couple of missiles in the face brought his attention back to Iron Man and War Machine.

With Lang’s attention to the sky, Twilight flew down and held out her hooves to Applejack. The farm pony whipped out her lasso and flung the end right for her, the Alicorn catching it between her teeth. Applejack held onto her end, watching as Twilight flew around and around Scott’s legs alongside Parker. The two looked to one another, Twilight tossing the lasso his way. Peter caught it, shooting it with a strand of webbing to keep it tight against Scott’s leg.

Parker, still holding on and swinging around the towering legs, shouted, “He’s all yours!”

Starlight Glimmer planted her hooves onto the cement, charging a strong enough spell that would push the teetering giant over the edge. Just as Stark and Rhodes flew in to deliver the uppercuts to Lang’s chin, Starlight fired off a strong enough spell that struck Scott square in the chest. Lang’s legs gave out, the webbing and rope stopping him from catching himself. Peter fell with a yelp as Scott did, rolling and crashing on a pile of boxes. When Scott landed, he shook the entire airport. And he was down.

Down and out.

Wearily looking to his hand, Scott pressed down on the button with his thumb, returning to normal size. Back to his original size, Scott pressed the side of his helmet, the mask flinging off to allow Scott to take in a few calming, normal breaths. So normal. “Well… at least it worked this time,” Scott said, licking his lips. “Does anyone have any orange slices?”

He heard a distant gasp, and the next thing he knew Pinkie Pie was standing right over him with an orange slice lying in her hoof. “I thought you’d never ask, Scotty!”

She held out her hoof to him. Scott sighed with relief, taking the orange slice in his hand. “Oh, God, I needed this. I did good. I deserve this.”

“Now, it’s a little hairy, probably because it’s been in my mane,” Pinkie mentioned, fishing around in her pink fluff.

Scott’s eyes widened, his brow furrowing. Both pupils looked down to the hairy orange slice already resting between his lips. He yelped, a stream of blue energy hitting him right in the chest. The next thing he knew he was frozen solid, his limbs held out in a desperate attempt to reach the orange, but stopped halfway to his mouth.

Pinkie tilted her head. “Huh?” she mumbled, yelping just as he had when that same blue bolt of magic came crashing down on top of her. The pink mare froze where she stood, her pupils shooting up to watch as the Alicorn came to a halt right next to her.

“Sorry, Pinkie,” Twilight said to her, patting Pinkie’s shoulder. The mare just watched her actions, mumbling “No problem” through frozen, clenched teeth. It didn’t come out as she wanted.

With Pinkie and Scott dealt with, Twilight looked yonder, waving to a crashed pile of boxes. “Nice work, Peter!” she called to him. Peter gave a weak thumbs-up from where he laid, that hand falling back to the ground. As Tony came flying down to meet Parker, Twilight turned back to the two she had frozen, then back to the rest of them.

Fluttershy, Clint, and Spike all remained frozen together near a pile of wooden boxes safe in the distance. Scott and Pinkie would join them soon. However, the one amongst them that wasn’t there was Rainbow Dash. She looked to the sky, saw a rainbow trail fly straight for the hangar bay, and disappear in the distance.

“Starlight!” Twilight shouted. The unicorn turned her way, Twilight nodding in the direction Rainbow had fled to. Nodding, Starlight’s horn lit up, the unicorn vanishing out of sight. With Starlight preoccupied with Rainbow Dash, Twilight turned back towards the group. They had almost everyone, minus Steve, Barnes, Rainbow, Sam, and…


She could’ve sworn she saw…

Twilight spun her neck around, managing to catch the man in the red suit limp over to Frank Castle.

3:10 p.m.

Frank Castle dug his arms into the concrete, pulling himself forward. Straight ahead, towards something, anything. He didn’t know. He didn’t care. He had done his job and soon enough the Winter Soldier would bleed out. Hopefully. He really hoped so. This Avenger shit was really getting to him. And to make matters worse, as if they could possibly get any worse, he could see a shadow come up from behind him.

At first, he expected the Captain, the former leader of the Avengers who was probably gonna finish the job, especially after what Frank had done to his friend. But it wasn’t. Turning around, holding onto his head as if his entire brain had turn to a bowl of punch, Frank Castle narrowed his haze, turning his eyes upward to the man before. As if the pain in his head wasn’t enough, as if his head hadn’t suffered enough already, now he had to deal with the devil again. No, not that Devil. Not this time.

Instead, he saw the familiar costume, instantly recognizing Daredevil standing feet from him. However, when he turned to look at the mask, he realized something. Something he should have seen coming. Streaks of blood painted his face, and through that warrior’s wear, Castle stared into the eyes of a familiar face.

The blind lawyer from Hell’s Kitchen.

The one who had tried to defend him in court.

Pain bubbled in his forehead, and for a moment Frank thought he was just hallucinating from the hit earlier. But he couldn’t. He narrowed his eyes again. He stared into the face of the blind lawyer staring right at him. Staring at him.

“Murdock?” he coughed.

Matthew didn’t say anything. He couldn’t. A strange sound appeared from behind. He flinched forward, his chest arching, and fell to the ground practically frozen. Frank watched Matt fall to his face about a foot from him, his gaze rising to meet the furious eyes of Princess Twilight Sparkle.

When she landed, those furious eyes centered on him and him alone. Not on Murdock. Not on the enemy. But him. Frank could see nothing but anger in those eyes of hers. Anger, pain, and… betrayal. God, he had seen it so many times before, and he knew why this time. The blood on his hands was all she needed to know.

Twilight fired a second paralysis spell, hitting Castle right between the eyes. He fell limp back to the concrete, eyes staring straight up, pupils moving every now and again. But Twilight wasn’t focused on that. All she could stare at were those hands of his. All she could remember was that knife going right into James Barnes’ stomach.

All she could stare at was Frank Castle. The Punisher.

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