• Published 16th Jan 2017
  • 802 Views, 13 Comments

Chaotic Dreams - Czar_Yoshi

When Sunset dreams of victory at the Fall Formal, villains of all colors come to party in the dystopia. Can she stay sane until morning?

  • ...

Autonomous Avatars

Sunset Shimmer floated over the courtyard in front of Canterlot High School, a victorious smirk plastered upon her dark red face. Wings beating lazily to stay aloft, she eyed the gaping hole she had smashed in the school wall, its population milling around in a bluey-green haze. Snips and Snails flitted among them, pushing and prodding in the direction of the portal.

Not this again, Sunset thought as she involuntarily looked over her shoulder, seeing a lone Twilight Sparkle glaring defiantly up at her. She knew Twilight should be a threat, because this had happened before, months ago at the Fall Formal. She also knew Twilight wouldn't be a threat, because every time she dreamed about it- this dream- they fought, and Twilight lost.

It didn't matter, though, because she was merely along for the ride, her demonic body moving with a mind of its own, speaking words that had not been hers for months.

"Oh, please. What, exactly, do you think you're going to do to stop me?"

"This." And Twilight pulled, from behind her back, Sunset's sledgehammer with which she threatened to destroy the portal earlier.

"What?" Demon Sunset's black eyes went wide. Sunset's own thoughts echoed the sentiment. This didn't usually happen- every time the dream reached this part, Twilight's friends would come to her aid, and she would blast the six of them into a smoking crater.

"You heard me, Sunset!" Twilight pointed an arm, eyes furious. "Going back to Equestria means so much to you? Give me my crown, or neither of us will ever see it again!"

Demon Sunset's face contorted in confusion. Hesitating only for a millisecond, her hands flew forward, launching a beam of cyan telekinesis at Twilight. But the princess was too quick, swinging the hammer with all her might.


The beam made contact, sending Twilight flying. She landed a short distance away in a smoking heap, and Demon Sunset darted down to examine the face of the portal. A deep pockmark had been chipped into it, with luminous cracks webbing out across the entire surface. The fissures fluctuated, glowing briefly, and then went dim. She put her talons on it, rubbing frantically, but it was just inert stone.

"What gives!?" she shrieked, voice cracking. "You can't do that! This isn't part of the plan!"

Clearing the distance to the crumpled form of Twilight in a single leap, Demon Sunset seized the fallen girl in her telekinesis, ragdolling her up to eye level. Twilight was out cold.

"Mrff... rrgh... guaaah!" Demon Sunset fumed and fumed. "This is stupid! Snips! Snails!"

"Yes, mistress!?" The gremlin brothers came charging over, eagerness written on their faces.

"Shut up, I'm thinking." Demon Sunset turned her back on them, slapping them with her tail. Eyes closed, her brow furrowed in thought. I wonder what she's thinking about, Sunset pondered. Suddenly, Demon Sunset clicked her tongue, turning back toward the eager henchmen.

"Get this creature out of my sight! Lock her up, tie her down, put her somewhere where she can't get away! And notify me when she wakes up. She and I have unfinished business..." She rubbed her talons.

"Yes, ma'am!" The underlings hoisted Twilight by her feet and began floating away towards the school. Immediately, Demon Sunset snapped her fingers and grounded them with a burst of telekinesis. "Buh?"

"Don't carry her like that," she reprimanded, waggling a claw. "You have an entire school to be horny with, but she's off limits."

Crestfallen, Snips and Snails righted Twilight and continued their flight.

I lost? Where were Rainbow Dash and Rarity and the rest of my friends? Why did Twilight use my hammer? And did demon me just try to protect Twilight from those goons?

While Sunset puzzled over the reason behind the unusual turn of events, her disfigured body returned to examine the portal once again. It was gone, or at the very least badly damaged. "Well, this does seem to be a turn of events. Won't be fixing this old thing any time soon. No Equestria! No conquest! Alas for me." Her face drooped. "Oh well. At least I've got this cool castle. Might as well make the best of it!"

"Minions," she cried, addressing the shambling crowd, "go repair the entrance to the school! And make a statue of me in the foyer!"

Her zombie slaves began slowly, slowly shuffling off, in seemingly random directions. And just like that, Demon Sunset was out of distractions once again. She turned back to the broken portal.

"Work? Pretty please? Last chance before I forget about you and go do something else!"

As if on invitation, a siren blared in the distance. Swiftly, a fire truck wheeled onto the street in front of Canterlot High, lights discoing. Several suited figures tumbled out, furiously rolling across the lawn with hoses and buckets, striking poses upon standing up. Demon Sunset raised a fiery eyebrow, crouching behind the portal and mostly out of their sight.

The firefighters blinked, looking around at the destruction. From her position, Demon Sunset observed the school herself; the hole in the wall and crater nearby. "Impressive. From here, it looks a little like the school's been bombed! Perhaps I should do something about that..." On foot, she emerged from behind the statue, pacing toward the firefighters, arms spread wide with an inviting grin.

They stopped in their tracks, staring up at her. "What are y-you supposed to be?" one managed.

"I am Sunset Shimmer, and this is now my domain," she proclaimed, hand across her chest. "Formerly, these were my fellow students. Now, they kneel to me as their supreme overlord. Have you, perchance, come to pledge undying allegiance and admiration to me?"

She leaned down to meet their faces. To emphasize her point, Twilight's crown flashed atop her head. Mana pooled in her hands, before blasting upwards in a teal beam, mushrooming out high in the sky. It fluctuated and morphed into a solid bowl, which was smoothly lowered around the school as a shield.

The firefirghters skittered backwards, clinging and grabbing onto their truck, which swiftly raced to the edge of the shield. Smirking, Demon Sunset snapped her fingers, raising it a bit to let them out.

"Spread the word, little humans!" Demon Sunset gloated at their retreating vehicle. "I'll be here, fulfilling my wildest dreams..."

She looked up at the sky. It was late, perhaps half past eleven. The portal would close soon, even if it was operational.

Marching back over to the cracked pedestal, she dug her talons into a wider gap and pried until a chunk of stone the size of a fist popped loose. "Oh well," she muttered, tucking it away. "If this thing doesn't want to work for me, I might as well ensure it won't work for anyone else!" Apparently satisfied that it would be enough, she marched away to find something to do.

Ahhrgh... Sunset thought to herself. This dream... What is it with this dream? Why is it so different? Will it still end normally? Usually, these end whenever I go to sleep. Probably because I sleep until dawn, which is when I wake up in the real world... and she- I?- seems pretty bored, so hopefully that happens soon... I hate not being able to choose who I talk to, or where I go, or even what I look at. It's so... I'm so helpless here. Give me a friend to help or a monster to fight, world! Not some boring, edgy cinematic that stopped being anything but monotonous after the first two times...

Demon Sunset was presently busying herself with finding Snips and Snails. The rest of her former colleagues were tearing up the track out back, likely digging a hole to quarry for materials to rebuild the front wall. She had to hand it to them, they definitely weren't going to let a little thing like infeasibility prevent them from fulfilling her demands. It might even keep them busy until she figured out what to do with them next.

Eventually, she located the buffoons in the girls' locker room, which they had chosen as the school's new dungeon. Twilight was tied to a bench, battered and still unconscious, while Snips and Snails used their new powers to break open lockers, giggling over the clothing and cosmetics found inside.

"What do you think you're doing?" Demon Sunset poked them, and they yelped, dropping their loot and fumbling for excuses.

"Sorry, mistress! We didn't mean to, we was just lookin' for..."

"Yeah! Stuff for Twilight! Err, and for you."

"Yes yes, how quaint. Why don't you two go oversee the construction outside? Come back and let me know if anyone new shows up, and not for any other reason. Savvy?"

"Yes, mistress!"

"Yeah! We won't fail you, lady Sunset!"

Demon Sunset smirked at them, and they took off.

"Easy-peasy. If anyone comes a-knocking, I'll know long before they get back. Now, what were you two playing with..." Already stooping to fit beneath the locker room's low ceiling, she bent even more, kneeling to examine the items Snips and Snails had stolen. Hygiene products... deoderant... her own gym clothes?

Seriously? Mine? Why mine? I kind of hope I get them back, now... Sunset wanted to growl, but had to settle for merely imagining it.

"Simply disgusting," Demon Sunset echoed her thoughts. "I'll have to get those two for this. Oh well! Won't be needing these, anyway!" She snapped her fingers, vaporizing her entire locker in a cloud of teal smoke. "I'll have to add myself to the do-not-touch list."

Internally, Sunset cringed. That was close. She probably doesn't remember about the book I use to contact Princess Twilight... I know I didn't, back then... err, now. It's a good thing that's in another locker. Is it? What would it even do in a dream? Either way, I guess I'd rather she didn't find it...

"Speaking of which..." Demon Sunset turned to Twilight. The lavender girl was still unconscious (though to her credit, it really hadn't been that long). Ropes bound her to the bench at the wrists, ankles, and shoulders. Her blouse and skirt were slightly scorched from the blast and scuffed from landing, her skin smudged with dirt.

"Oh, pretty pony princess, how you've ruined my plans tonight," she crooned, hovering over Twilight's face. "You know, I really didn't think I was asking that much! Taking over a school? Pillaging Equestria? What's wrong with that?"

Her brow furrowed, and after some thought, she admitted, "Actually, yes, I suppose that would offend you, even if I promised not to hurt anyone. Funny how you're so powerful and respected, yet sweet and naive enough to worry about silly little ideals instead of the actual consequences of actions!"

Suddenly, her eyes crossed. "Wait, ew. I just sounded like one of those 'greater good' folks, didn't I? How could I possibly have been so humble? Sunset makes the world go 'round! Seriously though, Twily, powerful yet sweet and innocent is apparently my thing, so since you've cost me an opportunity in Equestria, I'm fully expecting you to pay me back."

You better do nothing of the sort, demon me, Sunset snarled internally. Messing with Twilight isn't funny. If you want to drag around the students outside and use them for sport, fine, but I don't want to watch my friends be demeaned as your toys!

Demon Sunset twirled a lock of Twilight's hair around a talon, and added, "Once you're awake, of course. It wouldn't be much use otherwise, I'm afraid."

Suddenly, a magical buzz went off in her head. Someone had touched her wall. "Guests!" she grinned. "Bye bye, Twily. I've got some fun to have, but don't you worry, I'll be back!" Straightening up, she whacked her hair on the too-low ceiling. Grin morphing to a sour pout, she stalked off toward the source of the disturbance, rubbing her new bruise as she went.

Demon Sunset reached the wall. She was back in front of the school, and a sleek, long red car with golden imagery had pulled up. Several young men in identical suits were standing in front of it. "Aww. Not the police?" she harrumphed under her breath, puffing her cheeks.

One of the men reached down, and smoothly opened the frontmost passenger door of the vehicle. Feminine legs swung out, and he held out a hand to assist their owner.

A young woman, perhaps around Sunset's age, or a bit older- younger? The portal had aged Sunset down, throwing off her idea of human ages- straightened up. She had pale pink skin and a large fluff of deep violet hair with cyan streaks, a neatly parted bang in front. Her head was topped by a low, cream-colored hat with a red ribbon, and her clothing was somewhere between business casual and a school uniform. Inwardly, Sunset groaned.

Gahhh. Did she really have to show up? Demon me, if you get yourself magic-drained and mind-controlled, I think the irony would kill me...

"Hello, Sunset Shimmer." Her voice was curt, authoritative and clearly used to being in charge. "I've been looking forward to this for quite some time. My name is Starlight Glimmer, president and founder of the local chapter of the Young Equalists League."

Okay. It's not her. I really didn't want to deal with that, not without control of my body...

Starlight continued: "I understand your school has recently-" she checked her watch, "-experienced a revolution. Not even an hour ago, in fact."

Demon Sunset narrowed her eyes at the commanding girl. Starlight wasn't fazed in the slightest.

"Perhaps we have, and perhaps we haven't!" Demon Sunset leaned in, eyes large and hands clasped. "What's it to you?"

Starlight's eyes burned into Sunset's skull as the demon did her best to project far too much interest. Starlight spoke, "We here at the Young Equalists League are constant and vocal advocates for societal upheaval and change, in the name of forging a perfect world order where all people are truly equal and can cooperate in toil without fear or pressure of being outshown. On my way here, I observed your followers constructing a mine in a field. They worked together without complaint or the inefficiency brought about by competition."

Starlight's eyes narrowed victoriously as she continued. "This success, combined with your radical means of achieving it, has put you firmly in line with our values as an organization. In short, I propose a mutually beneficial partnership for the benefit of the world."

Demon Sunset gave a wide, toothy grin, holding out her hands. "Aww, do you want to work for me?"

Starlight's eyes sparked. "That is a slightly less equal way of putting it."

Demon Sunset put her hands on her hips and stepped closer, getting in Starlight's personal space. "And what stops me from just putting you all under my spell just like the others, hmm?"

Starlight still didn't flinch, remaining steadfast in the face of Demon Sunset's menacing aura and clear presence of otherworldly magic. She must be made of iron, Sunset thought.

"You could," Starlight said. "Or, at least, you could try. I don't know the extent of your powers. In fact, I'd doubt them altogether if it weren't for your unusual appearance. But, clearly," she sniffed, "you believe they are enough to force me and my men to cooperate with you? Then you have nothing to fear from me. Leaving me be poses no threat to you... if you are confident in your abilities, and believe I would be a threat otherwise. If the former is false, you are clearly not someone worth working with. If the latter is false, you do not deserve the help I can and will provide with my mind intact."

"So," she continued, still maintaining perfect posture, "what will it be? Equals? Or do you not consider yourself up to the challenge?"

Starlight smirked. She's playing me, Sunset realized. There's no way she believes she's everyone else's equal. She just wants to be in charge. I wonder if I'll notice.

Demon Sunset, who was laying on her side midair, merely smiled back. "You're interesting. I think I'll keep you around."

Aaand I'm trying to play her too. Great. Out of the corner of Demon Sunset's eye, Sunset saw the moon, and it was still high in the sky. Go to bed... I want to wake up... Please?

Demon Sunset and Starlight Glimmer exited a doorway at the back of the school, leading to the track where the students were excavating. Several rough-cut blocks of stone had been hauled out by various means, and each had a teenager or two working with chisels to smooth them more. While Sunset was wondering where they found the chisels, Starlight spoke up.

"So... what's the nature of this magic you're using to equalize these students?"

Demon Sunset smirked. "An answer for an answer! First, I'd like to know why you're taking magic, any kind of magic, so in stride!"

Starlight frowned. "I asked first."

Stretching out a talon, Demon Sunset caressed Starlight's chin, at which the pink girl recoiled violently. "Oh, but I want to know much more!"

Starlight scowled, her perfect composure broken. Swiftly, she gathered it again in a single breath. "Magic is merely a concept. Once I heard what had happened here, I came to terms with it. I may not understand or like it, but I believe it. Nothing more is needed. Your turn."

Demon Sunset cackled, then spoke. "Oh... fine. It's a simple form of not-quite-mind-control. All I did was make them want very badly to please me."

Huh, Sunset thought. When I did it, I sort of just wanted everyone to be under my control, and it happened.

Starlight raised an eyebrow. "Badly enough to give them all hangovers and glowing eyes?"

Demon Sunset smirked. "Just playing around with my new, new powers and seeing what they can do. I'm sure it can be toned back, if needed."

"You should do that," Starlight said. "If you're not doing anything to enhance their physical abilities, they'll need to sleep; it's the middle of the night. Have you thought about how you're going to feed them?"

Demon Sunset brought a talon to her chin in thought. Starlight frowned.

She snapped her claws. "Ah, there's a large food stockpile in the cafeteria, I'm sure. We'll just need someone who can cook!"

Starlight frowned again. "No standing out from the crowd. Everyone eats the same thing, and any of us have to be able to make it."

Demon Sunset stuck her lip out. "Good luck with that. You're in charge of food, then. I'll get my own meals."

Starlight would have pouted, but didn't want to break posture. Instead: "Sleep, then."

Demon Sunset pondered. "The cafeteria can hold some, maybe the gym... No, wait! Let's just put everyone in classrooms! They sleep so well there during school, after all!"

"Fine." Starlight glared. "Now change your magic so they can sleep."

Shrugging, Demon Sunset snapped her fingers with a burst of cyan. The lights in the students' eyes went out, and the staggering and slouching stopped. Voices began.

"Dude, where are we?"

"Getting stone to fix the front of the school, doofus!"

"I'm tired, yo."

"You think Sunset's gonna be mad if we take a break?"

"I ain't gonna risk it, man. Back to work for me."

A voice blared to life that projected out across the ruined field, powered by large speakers used for announcing events. "Attention, equals! Curfew starts now, and anyone caught disturbing the rest of others or attempting to get more or less sleep than anyone else will answer to me, Starlight Glimmer! Please proceed to me for your sleeping assignment for tonight..."

Starlight was standing on a crate, holding a red megaphone and posturing, free arm in the air. Demon Sunset watched, and eventually, confident that Starlight wouldn't ruin anything, flew off for herself.

She alighted in front of the hole in the wall of Canterlot High. Nobody had given it any attention yet, the pile of rubble was still sitting off to the side. The portal was still cracked, and the time for its closure had passed long ago. Scowling at it once more, Demon Sunset strode inside.

She made her way to the gym, which was empty. Apparently, Starlight had taken to heart her suggestion to use the classrooms. Demon Sunset was glad, because this would probably be her room tonight, and she didn't want to bother with clearing anyone out first. Twilight should still be here, and she wanted to keep watch herself, especially if Snips and Snails came poking around. She was actually quite pleased that the two had stayed busy and out of her way the entire time; they were now Starlight's problem for the time being. Probably.

As if to spite her, two blurs of blue and orange sped into the gym, babbling.


"Lady Sunset!"

With a snap of her fingers, Demon Sunset pinned the gremlin brothers' right wings to their sides with telekinesis, causing them to spiral out of control and crash to the floor. "Hah! That's for raiding my things. Now, what can you do for me?"

"Well, you told us to tell you if anything strange happened!"

"Yeah! And something strange just happened!"

"Hey, that's what I said!"

"Did not!"

Demon Sunset telekinetically summoned a nearby tennis ball, forced Snips' mouth wide open, and stuffed it in, silencing him. She turned to Snails. "Report."

"You see, mistress, we was overseeing the mining peoples like you told us, and-"

"Quarriers!" Snips spat out the ball and blurted. It was promptly replaced.

Snails continued, "Well, there was this girl, and she called herself Sunlight something, and she made everyone stop working!"

Demon Sunset put a hand to her forehead, then smirked a second later. "Oh, didn't I tell you? Starlight Glimmer is my newest second-in-command! That means she outranks you. Badly. And what she's doing is putting everyone to bed, because it's late and they need their sleep! As. Do. You."

She dragged the pair to the gym exit, and placed them on their feet. "In fact, you two get to be her guards tonight! Off you go!"

And with that, she shoved them through the doors and slammed them behind them, folding her arms. "Hahaaa! That's three birds down with one stone. They'll harass Starlight, they won't harass me, and no dirt on my slate!" Demon Sunset chortled, flapping back into the body of the gym.

Ducking down, she entered into the girls' locker room. Nobody had cleaned since earlier. Twilight was still. "Meh. Be you unconscious or asleep, let's... let's save this for next time... Oh yes, I'm liking this more already..." With a flutter of her lids, she was rapidly becoming aware that possessing a magical crown and mighty, demonic body did not make one immune to the need to sleep.

Chuckling lightly, Demon Sunset opened several lockers, dumping their contents until she had a pile of soft items large enough to comfortably lay on. This was a tall order, as she was rather tall, but there was enough. Curling up, she stared at Twilight's battered form, and closed her eyes.