• Published 16th Jan 2017
  • 807 Views, 13 Comments

Chaotic Dreams - Czar_Yoshi

When Sunset dreams of victory at the Fall Formal, villains of all colors come to party in the dystopia. Can she stay sane until morning?

  • ...

Ludicrous Lights


Sunset didn't open her eyes. She didn't need to. She couldn't feel any wings, couldn't feel her claws, couldn't feel any increase in her height. It was morning, and she was free.

Not wanting to relinquish sleep so soon after such a restless night, she tried to roll over and re-adjust her covers- only for her bed to slide apart from under her. With a stifled shriek, Sunset sat up, eyes flying open. She was laying in the girls' locker room at CHS, on a pile of sports clothing and undergarments, and Twilight Sparkle was tied up nearby.

Shuddering, she made it to the floor, and stood up. Looking back at the pile, her demonic body was still slumbering there, glowing softly. The clothing where she had lay was fuzzed and distorted, and didn't look like it could properly support her weight.

Hand to her chest, Sunset hyperventilated, looking down to examine herself. She was wearing her old clothes, the clothes she had worn before the Battle of the Bands, with a black studded jacket and orange short skirt. She also had the same glow about her that the demon on the pile did.

Turning to Twilight, she saw that the captive girl lacked the glow. Twilight's chest rose and fell gently with her breath, the only source of movement in the room aside from Sunset herself.

It was then that Sunset realized that she could see, despite there being no obvious source of light in the room. Everything around her had a purple-blue tint, as if lit by the night sky, though the roof over her head remained as solid and light-proof as ever. At least, it looked that way.

Sunset reached out for something to touch, and picked up a bottle of cologne. It moved when she moved it, but left a hazy afterimage where it had been originally, as if it wanted to go back.

"Where... where is this place? What's going on?"

Her voice echoed, as if she were deep underground in a long cave, rather than an enclosed locker room.

Did you enjoy the show, my little pony?

"Wh-who said that!?" Sunset spun around, seeing nothing. Though it was distinctly Demon Sunset's voice, the demon continued its slumber, and Twilight continued hers. Sunset was alone.

The show! Tonight's performance! I put so much effort into these, you know. But you've never stuck around afterward before, not even once!

An orange glow flickered in Sunset's peripheral vision. She turned again, and a small flame was hovering in the air. She found it difficult to look directly at it; even when she was sure she was facing the right direction, it seemed to move with her eyes, always staying just to the side of her field of focus.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about. If this is a dream, I want to wake up now. Wake me up. Please."

How very authoritative of you. Why, I'm very nearly inclined to fulfill your request!

Sunset narrowed her eyes and tapped her foot, still shaking. "Well?"

However, I'm doing nothing to keep you here! You're perfectly free to go about your own merry way!

Sunset turned, and wordlessly marched for the exit to the locker room.

I guess I'll just stay here, all alone and forever trying to re-capture your attention. You used to love me so very much, you know.

Sunset stopped in the entrance to the gym. Moonlight streamed in through high-up windows, bathing the entire room in stark rectangular shadows of black and pearl.

Couldn't you at least tell me whether or not you've missed me, and set my lonely, pondering mind at ease? We haven't gotten to truly talk for so long...

Sunset turned, standing in a square of moonlight. The flame probably danced back in the entrance to the locker room. "Maybe. How do I get out of here?"

Is that not a door right over there?

"Not the school, this dream!" Sunset growled.

You mean you don't know? Like I said, I'm not the reason you're still here. You are. You're always the one to wake up from my lovingly crafted dreamscapes, not me. If I had my way, we'd be together forever again, and have everything we ever wanted.

"I don't want to be here," Sunset stated, gritting her teeth. "I'd wake up if I could, but I can't! And so far, you're the only sentient thing that even knows I'm here, and you're... a floating flame-thing. Why should I believe you don't know how to get me out of here?"

When have I ever lied to you?

"I've never met you before. I don't even know who or what you are!"

Seriously? Denying you even know me! How rude! Sunset, I know you've been ignoring me as of late, but this is just too much!

"If you're so interested in doing things for me, then why did you put me through this nightmare? Why do you keep making me see these? You are making my dreams, right?"

Nightmare? You didn't like it? I don't understand! What did I do wrong? All I did was took every desire you've ever shared with me and put them together! Was it Twilight? Are you upset because we didn't get around to her yet? Was that it? Perhaps you're angry that your regularly scheduled programming has been disrupted? I swear, that wasn't my fault!

"What!? I... I would never want something like this to happen to Twilight, dream or otherwise! How could you possibly think that?"

Oh, is she perhaps not your type? I was so sure I nailed it...

Sunset stomped her foot. "Okay, you want to know what kind of dream would make me happy? All of my friends, along with myself, together. Hanging out. Having fun, being happy, nothing bad happening. No monsters taking over the school. No explosions. No... Nothing violent or inappropriate. Got it?"

What's this? Have I just been ordered to "get" something that isn't even the truth? Oh, I fear I shall perish from confusion! Seriously, Sunset, you don't "hang out." Having fun and being happy I understand, but you have no friends! You don't need friends, only me!

"I hate to break it to you, but I've got friends." Sunset smirked, leaning on one leg. "Six very, very good ones, and I just made a new one last week. They're the best thing that's ever happened to me, so yeah, I hang out."

Sunset, please! the flame pleaded. Why must you be this way? Tell me you at least have them all under your heel, begging to perform your every command?

"Uhh..." Sunset narrowed her eyes. "Why would I make them do a thing like that?"

Why would you- pfah! The flame snorted. Let me get this straight. You don't like my dreams of conquest and control, you do like being around people who are free to do to you as they please, and somehow, you don't even remember who I am?

"Pretty much." Sunset folded her arms. "Now, I really do want to get out of here, and I don't believe you for a second when you say you can't make that happen. What will it take from me for you to do that? And no, I still don't know what you are."

Well, I don't believe you when you say you don't like controlling things! I can't get you out of this, Sunset Shimmer, but what I want is very simple: for you to take me back. It's very simple, so simple I said that twice. All you have to do is say the words, and I am yours.

"You know what? No." Sunset glared at the flame. "Right now, I'm stuck in this weird dream that may or may not be magically induced, and from my perspective, you're nothing but a creepy monster that's obsessed with control and domination, and you want to follow me around or something without even offering me what I want. Sorry, but that's how people get possessed."

So? What's the problem? the flame replied. You like controlling stuff too, don't you?

"Nope. Not anymore." Sunset shrugged. "I mean, I guess I did, back before the Fall Formal, but I've changed. I found a better way and took it, and I've never looked back."

Mmm, the Fall Formal, you say? the flame growled. Incidentally, that happens to be when you kicked me out. Ever wonder why I keep showing you how it should have gone?

"Yes. The Fall Formal." Sunset's gaze hardened. "It's a period of my life I have no interest in going back to, so if that's your goal, you're out of luck. Let me out of here, and I'll be willing to talk about it, but you're going to have a lot of convincing to do."

So I see, the flame grumbled. Sunset, it's plainly obvious to me that you have, truly, changed. Knowing the real you, I can only imagine it was against your will. Fortunately for both of us, being locked in here together means I'll have all the time in the world to remind you who you truly are using any means possible. Do as you think you please for now, Sunset Shimmer. And tomorrow night... I'll be back, and we can pick this up where we left off.

The flame flitted away.

Sunset blinked. Pouting, she stamped her way toward the exit to the gym. Apparently, I'm haunted by something that very much preferred it when I was evil. And I still can't wake up!

She kicked the door open, and strode out onto the school grounds. Like with the bottle of cologne, an afterimage remained in the door's place, appearing to still be closed.

Overhead, the sky was impossibly bright, with massive nebula and bands of stars and gas strewn every which way. The moon appeared at least thrice its normal size, and a misty purple aurora hung over everything. It was breathtaking... and absolutely reeked of magic.

"Not like this whole thing doesn't already," Sunset muttered. I'm obviously under some kind of curse. Ugh, I wish I could have found out what that flame spirit was...

Sunset stared up at the moon, and sat down in thought, continuing to watch it. Eventually, she realized that the moon had moved.

Time is passing... I probably should be investigating. Who knows? There might be something I can find that will at least give me a better idea of what's going on...

After a brief walk, she found herself at Demon Sunset's dome shield. It was securely sealed to the ground, there would be no going under it here. She tapped it. It fuzzed a bit, just like everything else she touched, but had absolutely no give.

Sighing, she began to pace along the perimeter. The dome was see-through, but there was nothing of interest on the other side. No pedestrians, no news crews, a smattering of lights on through windows in houses. Outside of this dome, life appeared to be continuing as normal. But she couldn't get out, so maybe it didn't matter.

Reaching the front of the school, Sunset's eyes fell on the ruins of the portal, and she jogged over to examine it, noting that the running didn't tire her out any. "Makes sense," she said under her breath. I'm probably more of a ghost right now than anything else here. I bet everything I move or interact with tonight- today?- is just going to go right back where I left it in the morning. She made a mental note to move some stuff around in a place she'd be sure to see it once she woke up, in order to test that.

The portal was still just an inert statue, with no magical indicators whatsoever. It had a sizable chunk missing, which Demon Sunset had pried off earlier. Still, it seemed like her best bet at escaping, as it was the only magical object around...

No. No, it wasn't. There was also Twilight's crown- the Element of Magic- and her book, used to communicate with Princess Celestia and later Princess Twilight. With a new target in mind, Sunset broke into a run.

Arriving at an entrance to the school, Sunset stepped inside, senses alert. The entire hall was jammed with desks, including some that overflowed outside. Peeking into open doorways, she saw large crowds of students slumbering in classrooms. Apparently, Starlight hadn't thought to sort them by gender. Sunset grimaced. That's one kind of equality we could do without enforcing...

Pressing onward, Sunset passed by the Principal's office. The door was closed, and Snips and Snails were snoring next to it. I bet that's where Starlight is...

Though it wasn't her present goal, Sunset crept to the door, and tried opening it. It was locked tightly, and she couldn't get through.

Sighing, she continued, and arrived at her locker. A desk cleared from a classroom had been smashed up against it, creating a dent in the cover. With some strain and a bit of leverage, Sunset pried the desk away, sending it crashing to the side. The crash was hollow, and echoed just as her voice had.

Standing in the desk's afterimage, Sunset opened her locker. It looked a bit out-of-date, containing items she hadn't owned for a long time. Logical, seeing as this was the Canterlot High of several months ago.

Reaching in and rummaging around, not caring for the intactness of things she tossed out, she came up with a box, the bottom of which she knew to hold the book. She reached in, pulled it out, and... it was vibrating and glowing.

With a gasp, Sunset opened the book to the most recent entry. In it was a simple message, written in Twilight's horn:

______Sunset, is everything all right?

Sunset stared at the book. Twilight's message shone back up at her.

Is... is this a product of this dream world? The book is magical, and supposed to be tied to me... What if it is real? What if it still works here? What happened in Equestria to make Twilight be worried about me?

Am I in an unwakeable sleep there? Did my friends from Canterlot High go through the portal to ask Twi for help? Why would she try a message through the book? Wouldn't this book still be there in the real world?

Sunset reached back into the box, and picked up her pen. Shaking, she wrote back a message, waiting to see what would happen.

No, I'm not all right. What happened?

Sunset sat down on the desk she had removed, holding the book, waiting. Eventually, it buzzed to life.

______Sunset, listen. I told you about this map that my castle has, right? A map of Equestria? It can detect friendship problems, and summons me and my friends sometimes to fix them. We're not really sure how it works, but it does. Anyway, I was sitting here reading a book when I just got summoned- only me, nopony else- and it's summoning me to my own castle.

Spike's with me, but he's doing just fine. My new student hasn't moved in yet- she's still in Canterlot- so we're the only ones here. But the mirror is here, and Canterlot High isn't on the map, so we thought something must be happening there.

And I guess we were right! So don't worry, Sunset. I'm coming, and I'll be there as quick as I can.


Quickly, Sunset grabbed her pen and wrote back: Twilight, wait! I want to talk with you first!

No response came. Sunset sighed and buried her face in her arm on the desk. "Twilight... I don't know if your map summoned you for me, or something else, but what I need to know is what to do! Unless you find me in a coma, or something, and can magically awaken me..."

Awaken. Sunset walked to a window to check the time. The moon was already nearing the horizon. Have I really spent that much time...?

Then she remembered how late Demon Sunset had been up. The night had been cut short, and it was a reasonable assumption that she'd enter right back into the dream once her demon self woke up. Anything else she needed to do before then needed to be done now.

First things first: where to put the book? It would probably just go back where she left it, but if it was magical, there was a chance it wouldn't. She needed to put it somewhere where Demon Sunset would never look. Where was a place that had no meaning to Sunset before she was reformed? A place Starlight would have no interest in?

The library. Of course! No place to hide a book like among books, she thought as she took off.

Swiftly, she found herself at the entrance to the library balcony and its view of the nebulous heavens. After some quick thought, she picked an obscure archive section deep in a crevice on the second floor, finding a few volumes pushed far enough forward that she could slide her book behind them without leaving them displaced from their afterimages. Satisfied with herself, she turned to go back to the gym.

Walking into the girls' locker room, happily not needing to duck, her eyes fell upon Twilight and Demon Sunset. Now that she was used to the bright, bright sky, it was actually very dark in the room, though still well-lit. She looked down at her lavender friend.

Twilight definitely wasn't looking her best. Her once-silky hair was frayed and tattered, looking more like Sci-Twi's uncombed pile after a lab accident than anything. She was covered in scuffs and minor aesthetic damage, with stains and a few tears on her clothing. But her breathing looked normal and none of her limbs were held awkwardly, and as Sunset held a hand to her forehead, she determined Twilight wasn't fevered either. She'd probably be okay.

Sunset wasn't entirely sure what good that would do, though. There was the possibility that Twilight could help turn her back to normal, which might end the dream- she felt like the flame spirit that owned her waking movements had mentioned not having complete control over it. Either way, dream or otherwise, seeing her friend hurt caused her chest to tighten, bringing back uncomfortable memories of times when... Sighing, Sunset curled up by the bench, resting a hand on Twilight's bound, clenched fist.

With a blink, she remembered her plan to misplace something obvious so she'd know in the morning if she could interact with the world. Twilight herself would do. In the off-chance that it worked, maybe she could get away.

Sunset rummaged around in the clothing pile until she found a nail file. Rubbing it furiously on the cords that held Twilight, she snapped them one by one until the princess was free. Sunset gently shook her.

Twilight remained perfectly asleep, not even groaning, clearly not going to wake up. As respectfully as she could, Sunset picked her up, holding her over her shoulder, one arm around Twilight's back.

Slowly and carefully, she made her way to the gym exit. The night outside remained empty as she walked across the field. No wind whipped around Sunset's hair, probably a result of the dome shield blocking all weather.

Eventually, she made it to the shield, and could go no further. With a sigh, she set Twilight down, then sat down herself, back to the magical wall. Leaning her head back, taking in the swirling heavens above, Sunset gazed at the moon, which was touching the horizon. An idea came to her.

"Princess Luna?" she called, cupping her hands to her mouth. "Luna, can you hear me?"

The night shimmered in response, no alicorns emerging to comfort her. To her side, Twilight continued her slumber.

Sunset sighed. "You probably can't, but just in case... I really need help. This dream isn't normal, and there's nothing I can do to wake up... Luna, someone, please wake me up..."

Still no response, no any indicator that she had been heard by anyone. After all, Luna never visited her other dreams. Perhaps she couldn't, being in a different world. Sunset sighed again, and gazed back down at her friend.

"Twilight..." she said, reaching a hand over the princess, "I know you can't hear me, and I know you're not even real..."

Sunset glanced down, and continued, "This night isn't right. There's something bad going on, and it's... it's not what I want. Demon Sunset isn't me, but I'll be back, Twilight. The me you know, the me that's your friend. Somehow, I'll get out of this, and I won't have changed from who I am... I won't go back to who I was. I'll stay someone you can be proud of..."

Suddenly, Sunset was battered by a wave of exhaustion. She crumpled to the ground, vision fading to black. Her ears rang, and...


Sunset yawned, and opened her eyes. She was laying on a bed of sportswear, and was once again a demon.

She tried to raise a limb, but nothing happened. Great. Just great. Time for a whooole day of this, she thought.

Acting with a mind of her own, Demon Sunset got to her feet, blearily glancing around. Princess Twilight was tied to a bench nearby. So much for that.

Suddenly, orange flickered in her peripheral vision. In her head, an all-too-familiar voice rang out: Gooood morning, Sunset! Ready to face the day? I know I sure am! A day full of conquest and obedience, dedicated to you! Now, sit back and relax, and I'll do all the work. And remember: if there's anything I can do, any desire you can prove you legitimately have, just say the word, and I'll fulfill it in a snap!

Sunset scowled inwardly. I don't suppose letting me go is on that list?

Demon Sunset walked over to a mirror, and smiled into it. "But I already told you, Sunset! You're not here because of me, it's merely happy circumstance! Like I said last night, when have I ever lied to you?"

I still don't know who you are, Sunset thought.

"I'm the one who got you everything!" Demon Sunset crowed, arms outstretched. "Up until a few months ago, whenever you wanted something, you asked me! And now, you've been silent. Is it because you've gotten everything you ever wanted? Doubtful, highly doubtful. You see, if you had, you'd still keep me around, just to ensure you don't lose it!"

Still drawing a blank. I never asked anyone for help back then. I did everything on my own! And look where it got me.

"No, no, no you didn't. I was there, I did this! I still can't believe you don't remember me!"

Ugh, this is going nowhere. Fine, let's try this a different way: what's your name?

"You never even gave me one."

What? Why would it by my responsibility to give you a name?

"Because I'm so-"

At that moment, Starlight Glimmer strode righteously into the locker room, head held high. "Sunset!"

Let's continue this conversation later, Sunset, the flame went, once again in Sunset's head.

Fine. Not like I get a say in it.

"Dearest Starlight, whatever is it you wanted me for?" Demon Sunset crooned.

"It's day now," Starlight curtly stated, glaring at Demon Sunset's outstretched talon. "We need to ensure the people are properly motivated, cared for, and putting their time to productive use. It would also be beneficial to conduct a threat assessment to search for individuals likely to resist this new utopia. Furthermore, there are several parties beginning to gather outside the shield, whom you should address. And who is this?" she finished, pointing at Twilight Sparkle, who was beginning to come to.

"Oh, her?" Demon Sunset waved a talon over her shoulder. "That's Twilight Sparkle. She used to think she was quite a hotshot. She's mine now, though, and I'm not sharing."

"She sounds like a threat," Starlight said, folding her arms. "We'll keep her here for now, under guard. Nobody is to meet with her unsupervised. A skilled speaker can compromise even the most driven of ideals with the right words. This includes you."

That's a relief, Sunset thought.

Demon Sunset's jaw drooped in a mighty, comical frown. How unfortunate. I'm deeply sorry about this, Sunset. I'll find a way to get her alone later, don't you worry. And I'll get Starlight back, too. She didn't seem to like it last night when I was flirting with her... Yes, yes, I'll have to do more of that! It'll be hilarious! To Starlight, she looked up and said, "What part of 'not sharing' don't you understand?"

Starlight, seeing Demon Sunset's reaction, continued, ignoring her question. "In fact, I take it you spent the night here? With her? Alone? In that case, I'm sorry, but for the good of the people I'm going to have to accompany you everywhere, just in case you've already been morally compromised."

Oh, I'll get you, Starlight Glimmer. "What's that you say? You'd like to be my escort for the day?"

"Yes, that is..." Starlight's eyes crossed. Demon Sunset gave a huge smirk, and Starlight scowled.

"Sunset Shimmer, I am beginning to understand that you are motivated by a desire to bring ruination and suffering to others in order to build yourself up." Her eyes burned into Sunset's, and she thought she saw a flash.

"Thus far, you have been able to do some good with it. By tearing down and destroying everything that makes other people unique, different, and unable to conform, you have made this present utopia possible. However, you must abandon all thought of doing this for your own benefit. Destruction of that which people hold for themselves is at the very core of your nature. It is the way. If you deny exposing your own self to the key tenet of your nature, you risk everything you have accomplished here. And you'd never let such a thing happen to such a paradise, would you?

"Should that come to pass, and this utopia fall to ashes, it will be on your head, Sunset Shimmer. Destruction... all for nothing. And anything and everything you hope to gain from this will taste of ruin. Your own ruin. It's your choice. Accept your nature, and leave this world a paradise. Or, try to deny it, and it will overcome you and any hope I had of doing something for the greater good. In simple terms: leave Twilight alone."

Starlight Glimmer finished with a slow, mighty huff. Wordlessly, she turned about and began marching out of the locker room. "Come! We have work to do!" she called, not bothering to turn around.

Ohhh ho ho ha haaa! Oh, my sides, Demon Sunset chortled inwardly, pacing after Starlight. She sure is full of it. I've never heard a more ridiculous speech in my life! Recently, that is. Want to 'ruin' her, Sunset? I'd be happy to oblige...

No, Sunset thought. I'm not a monster. Her opinion of me is only based on what she's seen in the last few hours, and I'm not going to live up to it. And you'd better not either. For that matter, she's right: leave Twilight alone.

Oh, pfft, fine. But I know you didn't like what she had to say. You can't have changed that much. Maybe I won't go all out, but wouldn't it please you if I could just tease her a little? She's strung higher than a clothesline in a metropolis!

I... I guess that wouldn't be so bad, Sunset admitted, wary.

Splendid! Oh, it's been so long since I've actually gotten to fulfill a personal request from you, rather than extrapolating what you want! I'll make you so proud, Sunset Shimmer!

I still don't trust you, Sunset reminded the voice.

Then this can be the start of my glorious comeback! Say, do you still play the guitar? Maybe you can compose a song about this moment once we're besties again...