• Published 16th Jan 2017
  • 807 Views, 13 Comments

Chaotic Dreams - Czar_Yoshi

When Sunset dreams of victory at the Fall Formal, villains of all colors come to party in the dystopia. Can she stay sane until morning?

  • ...

Nasty Narrations

The hallway was a mess, though still considerably safer than the library she had just vacated- provided the ceiling didn't collapse. It dripped with water, fed by the downpour thundering above. Patches of exposed wiring where the walls had been burned away sparked, casting deep shadows along the hall and reminding Sunset just how much darker it was without the hole in the ceiling. Again, she found herself wishing she still had the crown.

Suddenly, she did a double-take, and looked at the sparking wires again. They were lavender sparks. Sunset was fairly sure electricity didn't do that, but she knew something that did.

As she watched, the intercom system choked to life. It sounded hollow, as if animated from beyond the grave, yet the ashen voice that hissed from empty speaker grills was as bubbly and familiar as ever.

Pinkie Pie's voice echoed across the hallway: "Hey hey hey heyyy, how ya doing? No need to interrupt, or stop what you're doing, because this message probably isn't for you! Aww, who am I kidding, you're the only one still here! Silly. Ahem! Sunset Shimmer, please report to the Principal's office for execution!" Click.

The light fizzled and died. Sunset's hair stood on end, and it wasn't because of the cold. "Pinkie? I hadn't even thought about the rest of my friends being here..."

Demon Sunset's voice perked up. Now, now, not to defend the values of the "magic of friendship" or anything, but do remember all this Pinkie Pie's ever seen of you is you being anything but her friend. In fact, I distinctly recall you playing dirty and trying to sabotage her own friendships. She's not on your side, Sunset Shimmer. And neither will be any of the others. The magic of friendship can't help you here; only I can, and that ship seems to have sailed.

"Read me the next part of the message from my friends," Sunset ordered as she began to slowly pick her way through the chaos of the watery hallway, heading in the direction of Principal Celestia's old office.

Very well, Demon Sunset said. Ahem. Here's what Pinkie Pie had to say.

______Hi, Sunset! It's me! Spike says you're having a really bad day, so I read your conversation with him and wow your party got pooped. I mean, being stuck as a big evil witch demon? That's even worse than my handwriting! It's also pretty silly, when you think about it. Yeah, we fight evil magic all the time, but we always win, and then we can laugh about it afterword! It's just, this time you have to fight all alone, and it makes me feel like I wanna cry... But I won't, because if anyone deserves a good cry right now, it's you. Actually, maybe I will cry, so then you don't have to and can focus on beating up meanie pantses! Giggle at the ghosties, am I right? So even though I'm not there, pretend like I am! Pretend I've got your back! And it'll be just like I do, because if this isn't real, you can do anything! Right? Yeah, I think so. Wouldn't hurt to try. We're waiting for you, Sunset! And we're always your friends, so make sure that when you win, you're not too sad in the sad sack to laugh again! Then I'd cry for realsies!

"That's it?" Sunset asked after a subsequent period of silence.

It is, Demon Sunset replied, and for your information, her handwriting really is that bad. I did you a remarkable favor by translating it all for you, and you should be proud.

"Maybe," Sunset said. "First, I still need to get out of here. Wow, this place is trashed."

As Sunset climbed over more fallen lockers and navigated a hanging section of ceiling tile, Demon Sunset piped up again. So you're really going to the Principal's office? Not going to trust in your wonderful, do-it-without-me plan?

"My plan calls for rescuing Twilight," Sunset growled, banging her knee in an attempt to avoid putting weight on her hurt leg. "Even if she wasn't real, I'd still need her. But as-is, for all I know, if either of us die here, we're gone for good, and there is no way I'm leaving without my friend."

You didn't seem to want her when I got her for you earlier, Demon Sunset suggested.

"Shut up," Sunset snarled. "We are not talking about that again, because you're clearly incapable of understanding how what you did was wrong."

All you have to do to make something right is want it to be, Sunset, Demon Sunset singsonged. The only reason it's wrong is because you've forgotten how to see yourself any other way. When will you simply learn to choose what makes you happy?

Any counterpoint Sunset may or may not have made would have to wait, because the intercom hissed to life again, projecting a new voice out across the corridor. "Um, don't you think we should give it some more time before bragging, again? What? This is on already? Ohh, why did I have to go next... Um... Sunset? Sunset Shimmer? Please don't hate me for this, but-" slap! "-ow! I'm trying!- even though you probably already do, because you're a 'monster' and can't do anything else, um... I'm sorry, Twilight, I'm doing my best! Please give that back! Please don't-" click.

Sunset froze, blood running cold once again. "...Fluttershy?" she pleaded with thin air. The she sighed. "Well. This complicates things."

Not that I'm complaining, but you sure changed your tune fast, Demon Sunset chided. Whatever happened to friendship being magic? No longer believe in your friends?

"No, not that." Sunset clicked her tongue. "That... that definitely wasn't real. Fluttershy might turn on me, but not Twilight. And did you notice how Twilight never actually said anything? I don't think she's there at all. I think this is a fake."

Why, Sunset, how coldly rational you get when you go into shock! Demon Sunset chortled. Please do snap out of it, though. You're not as fun to tease like this, and we both know it's an act.

Sunset growled. "It's not shock! I'm trying to figure out what's going on, not provide amusement, and nothing about this adds up!"

What a pity, Demon Sunset whined. Maybe I'll take a turn being all obstinately goody-goody, 'my friends are loyal to me, this is a hoax,' and you can pretend to be me, instead?


Excuse you, Demon Sunset pouted, did you even read my script? You're supposed to berate me about how much I hate being alone, how I'd rather have friends I can count on rather than ones who betray me the moment they learn what I deserve, like little Twilight. And remember Celestia, so long ago?

Sunset cringed. "Stop it. I don't even have the crown; you've got nothing to gain from being annoying."

On the contrary, I'm trying to cheer you up! Demon Sunset giggled. I enjoy being me very much. It helps take the sting out of things when the world decides to throw poo at your life. 'Giggle at the ghosties,' as your friend put it. Don't forget, I know all about being left for dead by those I thought cared about me...

"Well, it's not helping. Tell me what the book said, instead. And be honest!" Sunset snapped, gingerly climbing over a pile of mortar where an explosion had pushed a wall inwards.

Honest? I can't say Honesty's ever been an element I've been a firm believer in. Far too easy to manipulate, if you ask me. However, I'd never dare defy a direct command from you, so telling me to be honest is but a needless complication! Ahem. Let's see what Fluttershy has to say, shall we?

______Hello, Sunset. This is Fluttershy. Spike said it's all right for me to leave a message in Princess Twilight's own book, so this must be pretty important, huh?

I know you're going through a lot of pain today. It must be really, really awful... But Sunset, you've been through more than any of us already! Remember at the Battle of the Bands, when the whole school thought you were a monster, and even though we said we were your friends, we left you on the sidelines and told mean jokes and fought with each other and really, really didn't act like it? You got through that! You became the school's hero, and you saved us all in the Friendship Games! You're strong, Sunset. Stronger than someone like me could ever be...

Back then, when the Sirens were around, we said we were there, but you didn't really have us. Now, we're actually not there. Or maybe we are, and don't even like you yet! But Sunset, we are your friends now. I know that if you're still the same Sunset Shimmer who could take on the world and become stronger for it, you can do it here, too!

I know this message is long, but I have a favor I do want to ask. Applejack and Rainbow Dash think you've been kidnapped by a monster, and that someone is doing these awful things to you... Someone who must hate you very much. If you find them, after you win, please go easy on them, OK? Remember, that's how we became your friends, and now it's how we're becoming Sci-Twi's friends. But if you can't... we'll forgive you. Just come back. Please?

There you go! Fluttershy's message, as written! Demon Sunset chimed.

Sunset stared in thought. "Sci-Twi? Wait, the magic-stealer... what if she's the Twilight here, and not the princess? No, that doesn't make sense, in the locker room she-"

I hate to interrupt your fascinating fountain of friend-doubting, but it's not her, Demon Sunset interrupted.


Applejack wasn't clear about whether or not she was there, but she did leave a message for you here like the others.

"Read it," Sunset commanded.

Hmm. Are you sure? Wouldn't it be infinitely more poetic if I read it after she takes her turn on the intercom? I wouldn't want to use up all this goodwill before you really need it...

Sunset's brow furrowed. "You promised to tell me what was in that book. Going back on your word right now would be an excellent way to make me trust you even less than I currently do."

Oh? Is that an implication that you trust me, dear Sunset?

"Trust can be negative," Sunset returned. "Where you are now... I'd rather meet Discord than say another word to you."

Oh, that old kook? You know how I feel about chaos, Sunset, Demon Sunset chuckled. Listen, as much as I'd love to see the look on your face when you realize what Twilight has to say, you're not currently near any mirrors, and actually have things to do. Keep going, keep trying not to think about how screwed you are and how much your friends have failed you, and I'll tell you when it would be funnier!

Sunset silenced her curmudgeonly companion with exasperation. "Gah. You know what? Forget it. I don't care what Twilight wrote. Come on, we need to get to that office."

Hey, that's what I said! Demon Sunset complained as Sunset trudged further into the shadowy hallway.

Sunset Shimmer navigated a cluster of discarded desks in relative silence. The rain thundered down above, and myriad drips echoed throughout the long hallway, but somehow all the noises caused by falling, running water served only to make the silence more oppressive.

Sheets of water ran down the walling in places, already causing it to warp and distend, rupturing from the poorly distributed weight of the wreckage above. Sources of light were few and far between, often coming in through mere cracks in the ceiling- cracks that also brought more water. The good news was that, free of the windchill, it wasn't actually that cold- extremely unpleasant, but Sunset could still feel her extremities.

Have you noticed that the bombing's stopped? Demon Sunset asked.

Sunset had, but hadn't registered it as important. Yeah. Why? she thought, to conserve breath.

Something must have happened out there. Maybe that army got what it wanted! Or maybe they realized there's no sense in tearing down a building that's already trashed worse than your current hairdo?

Or the Sirens won, Sunset responded. Or even Starlight. Probably not, though. There was so much fighting going on, I'd actually count on the army losing.

Oh, since when are you such an optimist? Aside from, you know, realizing that your friendship with Twilight is a farce?

Sunset didn't reply. She was looking around the next corner, at the last hallway leading to the Principal's office. It had completely collapsed, and was probably impassable. She'd have to find a way around. Before she could start checking other doors, however, the intercom began to spark once again.

"Hello, is Sunset Shimmer here?" Rarity's voice cooed. "Oh, silly me, of course she's here. She'd never abandon this school after spending so much effort to conquer it. It's funny, because the place really is a wreck right now. Nopony would want such a thing! Ever heard of 'cutting your losses,' Sunset Shimmer?

"Believe me, Sunset, I know a thing or two about hoarding every last little acquisition. It's practically second nature! But what I can't understand is why you would throw away the one good thing you got out of all this mess! You do know who I'm talking about, right? Twilight Sparkle? She really loved you, you know. And you had her! You could have given her everything she ever wanted! But instead you took, and you used her for your own, selfish pleasures! You traded a lifetime of happiness for a few minutes of lust! Are you satisfied, Sunset Shimmer? You'd better be, because you're never going to get a chance like that again!

"Would you like to know what she said about you, Sunset Shimmer? Would you? Well, I'm not telling, because you don't deserve to know after what you did! But if you want to find out... come to the Principal's office. We're all awaiting you, Sunset Shimmer." Click.

Sunset grimaced. "Well, that's definitely where they are. Either Twilight really did rally all of them against me just to get me back, or someone's trying very hard to frame her. I wanted to think I knew her better than this, but... what could possibly be the point if it's a setup? Who else here can even use Equestrian magic? The Sirens? They love a fight, but should be too busy outside to bother with this..."

It's the first one, Demon Sunset said. Trust me on this, I know about revenge.

"Yeah, I don't think so." Sunset ducked around a hanging roof tile as she went to investigate a nearby door. "Twilight's forgiven me for way worse than this before. I stole her crown, tried to take over her world, and even tried to kill her! ...Which was probably you, in hindsight, because I don't kill people or ponies. For that matter, she doesn't even care about my record in Equestria without even knowing what it is! And if she's using magic, which means she has the crown, wouldn't she know I'm back to normal?"

Sunset instinctively tried to pace, but thought better of it when her leg complained. "Additionally, everything that's happened to her so far has been inside this world. There's no reason Twilight would have to make this dream-world! And she was trying to get me out, earlier! Even if she's somehow against me now, she can't be the only one behind this. There must be some piece I'm missing... this just doesn't make sense!"

Oh, what fun is there in making sense? Demon Sunset cooed. Look at it the other way! Who would possibly have the means and motives to go after you? Oh, I bet Twilight has a lot of enemies, but she made them all after you left Equestria!

"What if... what if Twilight's actually the one this world is intended for?" Sunset wondered, eyes widening. "What if the only reason I'm stuck here is as bait? What if she really did like me, and one of her Equestrian enemies found out about it? Maybe this whole thing is a trap by some magical monster meant to hurt her, and I'm just a random casualty? What if she really is in that office, and the reason she's acting so... wrong is that she's had someone hammering away at her psyche this whole time, too? I know I wouldn't have tackled Snips and Snails like that at the start of this mess..."

An interesting theory, Demon Sunset remarked. Too bad you don't have the power to make everyone around you simply not want to do things like this, hmm?

Sunset sighed, peering through another door. This one, however, had a hole smashed in the wall at the far side of the classroom. It looked somewhat unstable, but she had dealt with far worse over the night's course, and it would lead to another hallway to the Principal's office. She stepped through the door.

A curtain of mist sprinkled her; she hadn't realized the extent of the hole in the room's ceiling when looking in from the hallway. Wanting very much to avoid another dousing, Sunset began navigating the far edges of the room, sticking to walls that looked slightly safer and taking the long way around. Just because the shelling had stopped didn't mean she wanted to take any chances.

"Tell me what Rarity wrote," she commanded as she stepped, leaning on the walls to take weight off her hurt leg.

As you wish. Ahem.

______Sunset, guess who? It's Rarity! Everyone else has said what I'd like to say very well already, we really are all right behind you, dear. Listen, if you're fortunate enough to get in a battle with the forces of evil, and it should take place in front of an audience, even if that audience consists of teenage zombies, you have my full permission to go through my workroom at the school and borrow some of my dresses for the occasion.

Oh, Applejack is saying I should take this more seriously, tell you something "useful," but really, isn't this exactly what I would say if I were there with you? Think of it as a reminder of who we are, darling! And of who everyone in this fake dream-world isn't. You're our Sunset, not theirs. Nothing you do or have done to you there matters! We want you back, Sunset. And if Twilight's there with you, bring her back safe and sound. We're all behind you!

There you have it! Demon Sunset crowed. Any insightful new wisdom gleaned, Sunnybun? Did it contain any hidden clues as to the true perpetrator at play?

Sunset merely growled.

Before Demon Sunset could respond, the intercom came on again. Sunset groaned.

"Hey Sunset, you hearing this?" Rainbow Dash's voice cracked and hissed. "You better be, but to be honest? I really can't tell! Because anyone who really wanted to come to the Principal's office could have made it here ages ago. I'm not talking about me and my awesome speed, I'm talking about nerds who can't lift their legs to save their lives. Err, no offense, Twilight.

"Nah, I'm gonna guess you took Pinkie Pie a little too seriously earlier and bailed. Execution? Please. After what you did, that's far too good for you. No, the six of us and this Element of Magic here are gonna whup your butt with the biggest rainbow laser you've ever seen, and when you're sitting here, powerless, in front of us? When you crawl out of the ground, begging us for forgiveness, for a second chance? We're gonna laugh in your face. And then we'll leave, and you'll get to stay here, helpless and alone, the queen of a trashed building and nothing else!

"Twilight says she knows a way to take us so far away, you'll never be able to find us. Ever. And you know why she's right? Because she's perfect! Far more perfect than you could ever be, Sunset Shimmer. So stop hiding and show your dumb face, so we can get out of this dump. We'll treat Twilight far better than you could ever imagine. Wanna know how? By not being monsters." Click.

Sunset grimaced. "That sounded way too rehearsed. What did the real Rainbow Dash say?"

Nothing! Demon Sunset chimed. The real Rainbow Dash is a carefree pegasus in Equestria, who's only briefly seen you when you stole Twilight's crown. To my knowledge, at least. As for what the Rainbow you call your friend wrote, however, here you are!

______Hey, Sunset! Your friendly, local Rainbow Dash here! Listen, you know we're rooting for you already, but here's what's up.

Me and the girls- that's AJ, Flutters, Pinkie, Rarity and Sci-Twi- all met up at school after AJ texted us to tell us what Spike said. We've given it some thought, and the six of us going back through the portal to Equestria. We're going to find out how Twilight got from there to wherever you are now. And then? We're going to follow her!

Yeah, we'll probably spend some time getting disoriented due to turning into magical talking ponies. But if Twilight's in there with you, and Spike didn't even see her between when she came out of the portal and got to your world, how hard can it be?

So once we get in, we'll track you down and do that rainbow-laser thing again. Since you've got the crown and it's just like last time and all, we should totally be able to take you down and get it off! Once you're back to normal, we'll find Twilight, give her the crown, and just fight our way through whatever jerk monster is keeping you there.

Until we find you, Sunset, remember: there is no way this isn't shady business. Whoever or whatever's got you in there is definitely serious! And they'll totally try to play dirty and get under your skin, too.

Once we get there, we can totally own anything with pure awesomeness, but before that, don't listen to anything, don't trust anything, don't do anything. For all you know, anyone and everyone is trying to confuse you and nobody is who they say they are. Don't do anything that could hurt any Twilights you see, just in case, but I'm sure she'll forgive you if it's something minor. Got it? Don't listen to anyone, especially folks you care for.

When we find you, you'll know it's us and not imposters with this password: "chimicherrychanga." That was Pinkie's idea, by the way. Stay sane, Sunset. We'll see you as soon as we can. Try to hold out.


Sunset's eye twitched. "That's. Just. Great. Girls, I'm already back to normal, I don't have the crown, and Twilight's probably been turned against me! You six are just going to be more people I have to protect, and I'm doing so well keeping myself safe already!" She glared down at her injured leg.

Well, I'll be! Demon Sunset crowed. Your friends are coming for you after all! I hope they like what they see when they get here. If they do at all. You don't suppose these are them, talking over the intercom, trying to confuse you?

"That's ridiculous," Sunset said, limping closer to the hole to the next corridor. "They can't do that. Even if you believe they would- and I don't- there's nothing that could have caused that fast of a change of heart. Even if Twilight somehow did betray me, and tried her best to turn them against me, they're too suspicious. They'd never trust what she said! Though apparently, the same can't be said for the them of this world..."

Oh, but look on the bright side, Sunset! We're in agreement, for once! Those six you call friends certainly have abandoned you this time, haven't they?

"Time to find out." Steeling herself, Sunset stepped through the hole, and found herself staring straight at the door to Principal Celestia's office, at the end of the hall.

Wincing heavily, she did her best to march forward. Rubble and uneven footing impeded her, and the light coming from her entrance was at a poor angle to illuminate the contours of the shifting, broken floor beneath her. It was, at least, moderately dry here- the standing water wasn't deeper than the soles of her waterlogged shoes.

Ahead, the office door was bisected by a triangle of light shining through the cave-in which had blocked her path earlier. The storm still raged outside, its massive stormwall having passed but in no way dissipated. To the right, Sunset hoped, was a hallway intact enough to take her straight to the foyer, once she had what she'd come for. And she would get Twilight, no matter what had happened to her, even if the intercom had been telling the truth.

She paused, five meters from the door. "All right, girls," she proclaimed, "I'm here. I'm coming in, and I'm going to take back everything that doesn't belong in this world! Any last words?"

My, my, such bravado. Why, if they didn't have magical powers, they might not even already know that you're bluffing! Seriously, forget Twilight, get that crown. All you have to do is get me back, and I can fix this whole thing!

"Fat chance," Sunset muttered.

As requested, the intercom sparked once again and sputtered to life.

"Howdy, Sunset. I see you've made it. AJ here, and I'll be your final host for tonight's show.

"Since you've somehow put up with everything we've had to say to you, I can only presume you're determined and stubborn enough not to turn back, no matter what. Seems to me like you think you can rule the world all by yourself, and the magic of friendship has no place in your life, huh? You certainly did a mighty fine job of rejecting it earlier, I'll tell you that. Do you have any idea how hard it was to console Twilight after the things you did to her? Heh- not that you'd care, or anything. You're probably even enjoying yourself right now.

"Aww, shucks, listen to me, I'm rambling. Let me get to the point. Sunset Shimmer, when I got up the other day, I was still never planning on talking to Rainbow Dash ever again, and you were to blame for it. Thanks to Twilight, we made up, and we even got together and won an election and fixed up the gym with our friendship! You see what friendship can do? Even when you're only focused on destroying stuff, there's stuff you just can't get done! Stuff that's done together.

"Yes, when the whole school comes together, it's a wondrous sight, Sunset Shimmer. One you may never have the privilege of being able to appreciate, because you unite people the wrong way- through fear, intimidation, and straight-up mind control. Yes, Sunset, you're pretty much rotten to the core.

"However, friendship isn't just about sticking to your own kind, and since I got a second chance with Rainbow, I'm willing to give you one too. Yes, we're willing to make a deal with you, Sunset Shimmer. Now listen up! You can turn around, right now, and walk away. Outside, in front of the wondercolt statue, is a van driven by one of my friends. It'll take you far away, somewhere where you can start a new life, one that you can learn from. And if we ever meet again, after that? We just might be inclined to forgive you, on two conditions. One! You never, ever try to use your freaky mind control again. Two! You don't speak to Twilight any more than is absolutely necessary. Follow me so far?

"Here's your other option. You can open this door, right here, right now, and come in to this office where the six of us are waiting, and we'll give you what's called a trial by fire. That means we blast you with a big, rainbow laser beam. And if anything in you is somehow pure enough to survive, we'll consider doing business with you... on our terms alone. Here's a hint: you probably won't like them one bit. And that's our offer, and it's final.

"We eagerly await your decision." Click.

The intercom went silent for the final time. Sunset stared at the office door.

Well? What are you waiting for? Demon Sunset prodded.

"I don't want to make any rash moves," Sunset replied, sizing up the door. "I need to get Twilight. I'd never be able to live with myself if I got out of here and she didn't. But if I go in there and they really do have some sort of weapon- the Element of Magic- I'll just be in an even worse place than I am now!"

Meh, Demon Sunset said, I doubt it. That isn't them, it's just a hoax. Twilight definitely wouldn't turn her back on you like this, it simply doesn't make sense!

"Oh, you can just go sit on the biggest cactus, and..." Sunset stomped, immediately cringing as a jolt of pain shot up her leg. "Stop constantly agreeing with me like that! Or... disagreeing, or agreeing with whatever I just changed my mind about! It's really annoying!"

Actually, I was being serious! Demon Sunset shrugged. Since when is Applejack a good liar? Never, that's when! It's how you used to keep a leg up on her! Now, she's almost as natural as you are. It's like she's reading from a script!

Sunset raised an eyebrow. "Wait, what? She was lying? How?"

She said she and her friends rebuilt the gym, Demon Sunset answered smugly.

"But they did!" Sunset protested. "I was there, I saw it! You probably did too! What do you mean, they didn't?"

Oh, they very much did in your world. But in this world, this time around? I did it.

"Wait..." Sunset said, thinking. "I started this dream after the wall was broken, right before I attacked Twilight and she broke the portal. You mean to say you were here before that?"

Oh, yes. Would you like to hear about my glorious accomplishments?

"Yes, I would. Tell me everything," Sunset commanded.

As you wish, Demon Sunset said.

It must have started... oh, I think it was yesterday morning, yes yes yes. Anyway, I went about our business, conducting myself exactly as you had- we were still together then, you see, so I know this stuff. And nothing funny happened until after that lunch episode, where your "friends" sang and danced and handed out pony ears. You see, I ordered Snips and Snails to trash the gym, and they did exactly as I asked! With exactly the same amount of overkill as when it really happened.

Well, that was fine, because I knew Twilight and her friends would come clean it up in time for the big dance to continue on schedule. So I hid in a closet to spy on them, and watch them work! Friendship is so amusing, sometimes.

But then, as I watched, they didn't appear! They were late! Something must have happened. But I knew the show must go on, in order to give you the crown in time to raid Equestria as usual! So, I simply coerced some passing students into cleaning the place up for me. They did a very poor job, I admit, but it was enough for me to win the crown, transform, and bring events back on track! Aren't you proud of me?

"Wait, you won the crown?" Sunset asked, eyes narrowed. "But in the real world, Twilight won, and I stole it from her."

Oh yes, that! Apparently, what had happened was that Twilight got herself disbarred from competing for trashing the gym! Beats me how she never did in our world, for that matter.

"You never found out?" Sunset asked. "I inquired about it after I was reformed. It turned out Flash Sentry found the cutouts I used to forge those photos in a trash can, and took them to vice Principal Luna. Wait a minute... where is Flash, anyway? I haven't seen him this entire time..."

Interesting. Now that you mention it, neither have I! You don't suppose he's behind all this, do you? Because it looks like his intervention alone- or lack of it- is responsible for things going so off-track. I wasn't tracking Twilight and her friends, but I suppose this could have caused them to have a falling-out such that they didn't even show up to fight you, and Twilight was desperate enough to use the hammer, instead?

"So... what you're saying is that this entire world could match up with... with what would happen if a single person did one thing differently?" Sunset's eyes widened as she took in the implications.

Beats me. Do remember, Sunset Shimmer, that you and I parted ways during your "reformation." I possess none of your memories from that point forward, and thus have no way of knowing if anything else in this world is out of place that couldn't be Flash's fault. Of course, I do recall him and Twilight having a little thing for eachother that day before she did you in... Say, you don't suppose he found out that she likes you, instead? What if this entire shindig is an elaborate plot for revenge, fueled by a love triangle and designed to ruin any chance you and Twilight have of forming a 'real' relationship? Much as I find your idea of romance ridiculous, this does have that dramatic touch...

Sunset groaned, and held her head. "I can't believe I'm saying this, but that actually makes sense. More sense than you know. You didn't see him after that, but he was really into her, and... Yeah, he'd have reason to try something like this. I never bothered to get to know him well enough to see whether or not he would, but..." She sighed. "The only question left is, how?"

Oh, pfft, that's easy, Demon Sunset scoffed. All he would have had to do is find someone who can use Equestrian Magic and has a grudge against you! And find a spell that could do something like this, of course. I don't see why you're so concerned about this, though. It doesn't matter who, how or what put you here! All you need is me!

"The Sirens, maybe?" Sunset pondered, hand to her chin. "We destroyed their song magic, but they're still Equestrian, so with the right artifact... Come to think of it, they were pretty friendly to us earlier. I hadn't thought about it then, but what if they were trying to avoid a confrontation until they could pull something off?"

Even more reason for you to get the crown back, Demon Sunset chimed. Wouldn't want to go up against two armies without some way of swaying them to your will, would you?

"And the spell used..." Sunset's eyes widened. "Flash has the best excuse out of anyone from the human world to visit Equestria, and would do so by appearing in a huge library full of arcane magic!"

Congratulations, Demon Sunset deadpanned, you've cracked the riddle. Solved the conundrum! Pierced the illusion! Turns out, friends aren't trustworthy when you don't control them! In other words, you learned nothing useful you didn't already know. Now can you get a move on and put the philanderer in his place so we can get back to talking about me? The door is right there!

With a breath, Sunset nodded, flung open the door to the office and stepped inside.

The office wasn't dark as Sunset Shimmer stepped inside, but no human sat at Principal Celestia's desk. Instead of six friends waiting to blast her, a contraption lay there, flickering with lavender flame. It sported an antenna and wires running to the intercom mic, which bore signs of amateur physical modification.

"A wireless transmitter?" Sunset held her breath. "That's what this looks like... Nobody was ever here in the first place, were they?"

Oh, someone was here all right. Why don't you relax a bit, and take in the decorations?

Sunset looked around again, walking further into the room, and gasped. She was surrounded by six mannequins. Five of them bore her friends' full outfits, and the one straight across from her was bare. Eyes darting back and forth, Sunset reached out to one as the walls danced with lavender shadows.

Pinkie's clothes hadn't been pressed. Likely, they hadn't even been washed since they were last worn. Same with Applejack's, and again and again as she continued along the circle. Sunset didn't know if her friends kept spare copies of their regular outfits on campus, but stopped herself before she could think too much about it. The mannequin that must have been Twilight's, after all, was bare.

Demon Sunset helpfully continued the train of thought Sunset wouldn't. Ooh, it seems someone's eloped! Or, rather, some six. What was it Rainbow Dash said, on the intercom? 'We'll treat Twilight far better than you could ever imagine?' It seems she was being serious! Who knew?

"Not right now," Sunset calmly admonished. "They're clearly fake. Help me look for clues. There's some kind of sinister message in here, waiting to taunt me..."

Like that rolled-up piece of parchment stuck between the Twilight mannequin's you-know-whats?

Sunset looked, facepalmed, and took the scroll, unwinding it and spreading it across Principal Celestia's desk, reading by the lavender light of the transmitter.

______Hello, Sunset Shimmer. If you're reading this, you chose poorly. Me and my friends are waiting in the van out in front of the school. We were testing you, to see if you were willing to make the sacrifice required to gain their trust- and regain mine. All you had to do was try, Sunset Shimmer. But you couldn't face exile a second time, could you?

You will never change, Sunset Shimmer. You're out of second chances. I really believed you were getting better for a while, that you could defy your evil, true nature and live in peace in a community without magic where you could do no harm. But you proved me wrong, and I hate being proven wrong. I hate giving up on people, on ponies, and today you've made me do both of those. I hate you, Sunset Shimmer.

We're leaving, now. Leaving this world, leaving you to rot, and never looking back. I've already prepared an excuse for your disappearance in your world; nobody will miss you or know to look for you. Good bye, Sunset Shimmer. I wish we could have been friends.

-Her Royal Highness, Princess Twilight Sparkle

Sunset put the note down with a slam. "This is Twilight's hornwriting."

Yeah, so?

"That's very different from her handwriting. We saw it when she signed up for the Fall Formal, remember? It's gotten better, but she still very rarely writes in the human world. This script, though... it's exactly how she writes to me in the book." Sunset tapped the note, rereading what had been written.

Another mystery, big deal, Demon Sunset pouted. Why bother with all of this when you could be getting me back instead? I'm serious, I'm very helpful! You'd never meet a problem you couldn't solve with persuasion and brute force ever again!

"Because rushing in unprepared is how I'd fail to save my friend," Sunset answered, eyes hard. "This doesn't add up. Flash doesn't know what Twilight's hornwriting looks like. Neither do the Sirens. There must be a third party in play who could have forged this! One that wouldn't know her hands aren't the same..."

You're overthinking this, Demon Sunset chided. Obviously, Twilight used the crown to give herself telekinesis, and wrote that way because she was more comfortable doing so. Would you please stop goofing around already and go get the crown?

"I don't see why I should stop annoying you when you're so dead-set on bothering me." Sunset folded her arms, and took a step back. "And no, that's not the answer. Even if she did that, Twilight doesn't sign her name that way. But... fine. I do have a princess to save, and five friends to track down, so here goes nothing."

Sunset stepped toward the door, when a voice called out behind her. "Hello? My little pony? Is someone here?"

"Wha-" Sunset whirled. "Is that... Vice-Principal Luna?"

"Princess," responded the shimmering voice. "Who are you? Are you the inhabitant of this twisted dreamscape?"

Sunset's eyes widened. "D-Dream? So this really is..."

"A nightmare, yes," Luna's voice responded. "And it is unlike any I have ever seen. Pray tell, are you not located in Equestria? I have never felt your presence before in this realm, pony."

"I... I'm not, no."

"Listen well, my little pony. My connection to you is unstable. Dreams like these can only be born of the guiltiest of souls. Before, I have only felt them in those who sit on pasts filled with monstrous crimes... heinous blemishes on their souls."

Sunset blinked.

"The dream is your conscience's way of crying out to you when it has otherwise been silenced. It demands reparation... acceptance, apology, and forgiveness. And they will continue to come, stronger and more painful, until you realize what it is you must do to end them... to atone for your crimes, and ensure they never happen again."

Sunset shook her head furiously. "Sorry, your Majesty, but no. This isn't just a nightmare, I have friends trapped in here. I have a book, it lets me write to the outside world. Princess Twilight is here, Luna. This isn't a dream, it's real."

"And how do you know they are real, Sunset Shimmer?"


Demon Sunset cut her off. Hey, Moonbutt, is that your sexy voice I hear? Had any good escapades lately? Gotten that official heir counter up into the triple digits yet?

Sunset's eyes bulged. "What are you doing!?"

"My little pony?" Luna's voice asked quizzically. "I'm afraid I do not understand. I'm trying to help you end this cycle of nightmares."

Hah ha! Demon Sunset barked with glee. In your face, fraud! I win, you lose!

"Hello? Sunset, are you there?"

Demon! Sunset hissed internally. What do you think you're doing? Luna can help me! She can end this dream!

Obviously, that's not Luna, Demon Sunset drawled. First off, she knew your name when you hadn't said it, despite obviously trying to sound like she hadn't heard of you earlier. Obvious amateur slip-up, I know. Second, she insists there's no outside forces acting on this dream, which implies she thinks I'm a product of your imagination, which means she should be able to hear me! Since she can't, she must not really be Luna!

"I..." Sunset gulped. "Sorry, Princess, but real quick... how do I know you're not just a product of my imagination, too?"

"Perhaps I am," Luna's voice replied. "But in that case, would I not be a pony you trust to help you? This is a psychological trap of your own creation, Sunset. Thus, you must possess the ability to create answers as well. Perhaps I am the avatar for those answers. Here my words, Sunset Shimmer. Let the dream play out. I can sense that you are nearing the ending... Go where the dream takes you, and it will show you the answer. Trust that it will show you what you must do to set your soul at rest..."

Luna's voice faded, fizzled out, and was silent. Sunset blinked.

Well? Demon Sunset asked. I fully think this is a trap. So who do you believe, Sunset? Me or her?

Sunset bit her lip. "I was banished long before Luna returned. For all I know, her return was the catalyst for... for what happened to me. If I'm making this up, I wouldn't have subconsciously picked her to tell me what to do."

I'm glad you finally see that I'm working in your best interest, dear Sunset.

"That doesn't mean I trust you, either," Sunset replied, fixing her gaze on the half-open door. "If this is a trap, though..."

Then whoever set it obviously wants you to let it play out.

Sunset nodded. "They must. And I still don't know if it's for me or Twilight... It might even be a trap for us both. Either way, I'm not going to stop believing in her, and I'll hope that whatever she's going through... she won't stop believing in me."


"We're going to let this play out." Sunset got up, and stepped toward the half-open door. "We're going to go where the dream takes us. We're going to see who's behind this, whether it's Flash, the Sirens, maybe even Starlight... or something else entirely. And whatever we find, I won't give up. I won't stop believing. I will protect my friends."

A six-pointed lavender star gleamed in Sunset's eyes as she swung the door open and stepped into the hall with a vengeance.

Sunset limped down the final hallway, approaching the foyer as fast as she could. The large amount of light ahead indicated that the roof had collapsed, and the storm beyond was still in full swing. The massive, sturdy entrance the students had just finished constructing stood tall and unblemished against cracked, crumbling and straight-up missing walls to the sides and top.

Sunset leaned against the exit to her hallway, catching her breath before venturing again into the elements. "Demon? Is there anything you know that could conceivably help me, up ahead? Things you haven't said, because 'I haven't asked?' If so, tell me now."

Hmm... nah, I think I've told you all about me already. There is the other Twilight's part of the message, however.

"Oh, wow, I don't know if I'm ready for it," Sunset snarked. "Hurry up and tell me!"

Here goes! This one is from before Rainbow's, by the way. Ahem.

______Sunset? This is Twilight. No, Sci-Twi! Sorry! I'm still not used to having two names.

Anyway, remember when we fought at the Friendship Games, and you used the magic of friendship to transform into that beautiful creature? Well, I might have kept the device that did that. I mean, it was just laying around, and I thought I might be able to improve it, you know?

I left it open while your friends were doing band practice, and it charged itself up again. I didn't do anything with the portal though, honest! So I don't think it'll break reality, but still, I was scared to use it. Don't worry, I'm going somewhere with this!

Well, this morning, when I found out that you were missing, Princess Twilight was here and said she was going to help you, so I gave it to her. I don't know if you can bring stuff like that into magical dream-world-things, but it might help, right? I mean, if she gives it to you, you might be able to transform again, so you can fight any magical villains even if we can't help you ourselves! It won't hurt, right?

Oh no, maybe it will! I transformed when I used that, too, and I was a horrible... horrible monster! So make sure you use it on yourself, and keep it away from anyone who might be really lonely or angry or sad. See you soon!

There you have it. That's the end of the message. Nothing more was written! Oh, and what an encouraging final message it was, too! She didn't even say she believed in you like the rest!

Sunset was staring straight ahead. "So that's where Twilight got the magic-stealer... She's definitely real, then. Everything is real. I just hope she doesn't really believe everything that's come over the intercom... I hope it's false, that that isn't her at all. If she's been made to feel that way... then I've got a long, long road ahead to get her back."

Last-chance friendly reminder: if you ever want to change the way someone feels about something, I'm your best card!

Sunset ignored her companion. Gathering her courage, she stepped out into the rain and crossed the sea of rubble from the collapsed ceiling. Arriving at the massive, stony double-doors to the school, flanked by what might have been gargoyles and polished by sheets of water, she extended both hands, pushed, and stepped outside.