• Published 16th Jan 2017
  • 807 Views, 13 Comments

Chaotic Dreams - Czar_Yoshi

When Sunset dreams of victory at the Fall Formal, villains of all colors come to party in the dystopia. Can she stay sane until morning?

  • ...

Ornery Operas

Adagio twirled on one foot, before striking a pose. "We are," she proclaimed.

"The three!" Aria smugly added, hands on her considerable hips.

"Shadow beauties!" Sonata bounced.

"Ughh!" Aria slapped a palm to her forehead, glaring daggers at Sonata. "It's 'Sirens', you ditz!"

Sonata stuck out her tongue. "Well, my way sounds better!"

Adagio stepped forward, blocking both of them with her posture and opening her mouth to intervene, but all three were interrupted by Starlight. "That's nice. Now, as initiates joining our society of equals, you're going to have to forget that. All of it. From now on, you are no longer a trio. You are one of us, and you will be no more beautiful, no more musical, and no more shadowy than anyone else here, except the monster because it can't understand a word I say. Is this clear?"

Adagio clutched her cheeks in mock horror. "Oh no! But our song is very important to us. It's what makes us shine above the rest!" She grabbed Starlight's shoulders, and Starlight shoved her off.

Demon Sunset smirked at the display. Sunset chimed in, Their song is how they get people to fight. It didn't affect me last time, though. We're probably still immune to it now. Nodding, Demon Sunset began to prowl closer.

Starlight stared levelly at Adagio. "That's precisely the point. In this utopia, everyone is equal, and this can only be achieved if nobody excels. Thoughts counter to this viewpoint are poisonous to our society and you must absolve yourselves of them at once." Her expression grew darker. "Or, I'll have you thrown in the dungeon as obvious misfits who cannot comprehend our idyllic way of life."

"A dungeon? Sounds kinky," Aria said, tossing her hair at Starlight.

Adagio silenced her sister with a wave. "Is that really your reason, miss... Sorry, what was your name, again?"

Demon Sunset stepped into view. "Her name is Starlight Glimmer, and you'll have to forgive her rudeness. She so happens to be horribly incompetent in every aspect of her life, including music, and in fact is just doing this to spite you." She leaned in to Adagio's ear. "I definitely wouldn't try to rub it in, if I were you. She could be horribly mortified if anyone were to even attempt to outdo her!"

Adagio raised an eyebrow at Sunset and swayed her hips. "Well well! It seems someone's in tune with our thoughts tonight! Hear that, girls? Starlight's afraid she can't stack up!"

Should we really be getting involved with this? Sunset asked.

Trust me. I still need to redeem myself from earlier, I'm not going to try anything funny.

Aria chimed in huskily. "Look at all those slaves over there," she pointed. "I wonder if any of them have any aspirations we could encourage?"

Starlight seethed. Demon Sunset patted her shoulder, earning another kick. "Ow!"

Knock that off, Sunset commanded.

Fine. "Meh, I'm not quite sure I'm bored of this revolution yet. No need for that yet." Demon Sunset pondered, twirling a talon. "Say, you're songstresses. Care to hold a concert this evening in my glorious honor? You have no idea how quiet and boring this place can get at times. What do you say, Shadow Beauties?"

Sonata half-smirked, though she was paying more attention to the general, who was now scrabbling frantically at the shield, trying to get to her, thoroughly bewitched. Aria scowled at her, and Adagio in turn gave Aria a pay attention jab. "Of course we'll put on a show!" Adagio crowed. "That sounds like an excellent opportunity for all of us to learn more about ourselves and our wants! You will be allowing your slaves to attend, I presume?"

Demon Sunset smugly grinned at Starlight, before answering: "I wouldn't dream of anything else. After all, we're all equals here, aren't we? There's no reason anyone should be denied the privilege of hearing your lovely music! Now, if you need any assistance with preparations, I'm sure any of our equals would be delighted to help share the burden! Isn't that right, Starlight?"

Nostrils flaring, Starlight turned and stomped off without a word. Aria smirked. Adagio looked up at Sunset, smiling viciously. "Oh, we'll make this a night to remember. What was your name, again?"

Demon Sunset smirked back. "Sunset. Sunset Shimmer."

"All right, then, Sunset Shimmer," Adagio crooned. "You just enjoy yourself until sundown. We'll take care of everything."

With a final smile, Demon Sunset soared to the roof of the school. "Well?" she asked. "Think they'll destroy eachother?"

You gave the Sirens too big of an advantage. Starlight's just mean, she doesn't have any magical powers to fend them off with. Once she's under their spell, it'll be funny, but completely one-sided. I hope this small of a distraction will be worth it.

"Ah, so this is a distraction now? Sounds like you've got a plan brewing to me, Sunset." Demon Sunset's grin grew a little wider.

I might, Sunset admitted. But I'm not telling you what it is. I still don't trust you.

"Oh, please," Demon Sunset pouted. "Is this about the crown again? I shouldn't need to tell you twice that I have every reason to want it on that you have to want it off! It's not a simple concession, Sunset, it's all or nothing! Surely you understand?"

I understand that if you don't trust me with full control of my body, you don't deserve me to trust you with it, Sunset jabbed.

"Hmmph. Fine. See if I care. Now, where to next?"

Follow the Sirens. We don't need to be unseen, but don't make it obvious. That's an order.

"As you wish!" With that, Demon Sunset soared away.

On the field below, three Sirens walked through a door, giggling to eachother about their good fortune.

"We sure wrapped that up," Aria said offhandedly. "All we need is a place to sing, and the school will be ours in minutes."

"More importantly," Adagio added, "There's Equestrian magic here. Once we get at that, we'll be unstoppable!"

"We'd better be," Aria quipped. "Because there's a massive army surrounding this place, and a magic shield locking us in. I don't want to be stuck here for the rest of my life."

"Aww, relaaax!" Sonata tossed her hair. "Those guys are totally under my control. We'll have them fighting for us, not against us!"

The last of the Sirens stepped through the door, and it slammed shut behind them with a resounding crash. In the distance, a green-eyed general lost sight of his musical admirer, and something clicked.

"Sergeant," he said in a low tone, not moving or looking away. "Start operations to break through this dome. I need to see that girl again."

The officer in question threw a sharp salute, then marched off toward a portable mortar, barking out instructions as slabs of explosive ordinance were prepared.

Starlight Glimmer stood on the roof of the school, having exited through a door in the library dome, taking in the work being done below. The main entrance was abandoned, though more or less complete. Some carvings were probably blocky. She doubted Sunset's foyer statue existed yet.

Behind her was the quarry from which the new entrance had been constructed. It was the present center of activity once again, having been selected as the concert's site due to the increased potential for acoustics. Starlight didn't really believe that, but the Sirens said it would work, and it was their show. Better for her if it was a flop. They were wild cards, and the sooner they stopped messing with her plans, the better. Not that she had much of a plan, anymore.

It was while she pondered how to get rid of them behind Demon Sunset's back that a distant rumble echoed across the grounds, sounding far off and yet all-encompassing at the same time. In fact, it was so omnipresent she couldn't even tell which direction it came from. But she would find out.

"Snips! Snails!" she snapped, summoning the gremlins from where they had been lounging inside the dome.

"Yes, mistress?"

"How can we make your life more brave and glorious, lady Starlight?"

Stifling a scoff, Starlight demanded, "You heard that just now! Go find out what it was, and report back to me!"

Nodding furiously, the two flitted off. Starlight didn't trust them to report accurately, and intended to investigate herself. Before she could fully descend from her vantage point, however, another blast echoed across the school grounds.

She looked about, eventually glancing straight up. Wisps of dark black smoke lingered outside the shield, which was marred by a cracked impact. As Starlight watched, the shield gleamed, and the cracks melted away, leaving it good as new. Great. That stupid army is getting involved. Sunset, you better not drop this shield as another childish prank.

Setting course for Principal Celestia's old office, Starlight quickened her pace. Before she was even halfway there, another bomb rocked the shield, causing her to snarl. At least this will give the Sirens a headache too. Nnngh... Less than a day, and the only way things could fall through more completely is if she tries to throw me out. This was supposed to be perfect! Stupid ideals... I should have brought more contingencies. I shouldn't have assumed everything would work out merely because I'm in the right! And now this failed mission is going to blow up any second, and take me with it. Maybe I should just leave now, and forget about all this. I'd have two days before they could come after me, at best. I think I could get through the shields, if I tried...

She stomped a foot. "It's so unfair!" she whined under her breath, a tear leaking from the corner of an eye. "I shouldn't have let myself get caught up in this! I should have just... just buried my head in the sand, and been happy with what I had! Instead I had to try to help others, and now I'm about to lose everything..."

Reaching the door to the office, she snapped her fingers and produced the key. Before she could unlock it, however, Snips and Snails came charging up to her. "Hey, we found what was makin' all the booms, mistress!"

Starlight glared daggers at the duo, years of practiced control allowing her to recompose her steely expression in an instant. "Fools. I already know what it is. We're under fire from a huge army."

"Um, no, I'm pretty sure it's actually thunder." Snails looked at her with an expression that might have been serious, or perhaps simply unaware.

Starlight raised an eyebrow at them. "Thunder? They're explosions. Bombs. You can see them hit the shield."

Snails just pointed down the hall, in the direction of the entrance. Sighing, Starlight abandoned the office and its contents, and marched after him.

"All right, what is- oh." In the distance, a wall of black clouds roiled, flashing with lightning, casting a dark rain shadow on the lands below. As if for emphasis, another bomb exploded against the shield, and its damage was subsequently repaired.

Starlight shuddered. She looked out at the meteorological juggernaut bearing down upon the school. She thought of the monster that was currently having its way with the brainwashed students. She thought of what was hidden away in the principal's office... and she turned around, facing back into the building with an iron frown on her face. I have to try again. I have to. Whatever happens to me as a result... maybe I can still leave the world a better place.

"Snips! Snails!" Starlight took a step, gaze firmly focused far ahead.

"Yes, mistress?" Two gremlins scrambled to assemble themselves.

"Go pick through the lockers. Find me a pair of earmuffs- good ones. As soon as possible." Starlight broke into a walk, steps large and determined.

"You can count on us!" Two salutes were thrown, and two pairs of wings flitted off into the hallways.

Turning down a corridor leading back to the principal's office, Starlight began to walk faster and faster, an urgent spring added to her step.

Demon Sunset's chosen location to stalk the Sirens turned out to be sitting in plain sight. She reclined on the lawn near the quarry, several students waving textbooks like fans to cool her off. Not that she was hot, or anything. It just looked cool.

Sunset was less impressed. Do they really need to do that? It looks pointless.

Only unless you order me to make them stop, Demon Sunset replied. Is that an order?

No, Sunset thought. I would appreciate it if you would make this barrier a little more soundproof, though, she grumbled as another blast went off.

Nope, Demon Sunset responded, shan't. You didn't make that one an order.

The only reason we are even still speaking right now is because you're... well, I have to. Once I'm back in control, you are never getting to do anything again.

And that was a threat. Didn't I tell you that's not the way to go about things? It's good that you're wanting to be back in control, though. You just might be getting warmer!

Sunset fumed, but didn't have time to think up a reply as Sonata Dusk had wandered over, clearly longing to talk. "Hellooooo!" She grinned, hands clasped at her waist.

Demon Sunset raised an eyebrow. "Well well well, if it isn't the star of the hour. What can I do for you, gorgeous?"

Sonata giggled and blushed, basking in the flattery. "Oh, I was just wondering if you could be super nice and make this place a little quieter? All those explosions and things are totally being mean to our earsies." She pointed to her ears for emphasis.

"Why... of course!" Demon Sunset snapped her fingers, and the barrier flashed. When the next projectile struck several seconds later, its reverberations were considerably less distracting (though Sunset made up for it with her own grumbling). "Did you need anything else? A cuddle, perhaps?"

Sonata swished her hand, palm open. "Aww, maybe later. Right now, I've got a concert to do! You can tell me how much you love me then. Bye bye!"

Well? Demon Sunset asked. She's clearly powerful, yet remains sweet and innocent in spite of it. Did I nail your type again, or what? Even though Twilight didn't work out, it's never too late to try again!

What? No! Sunset responded. She's doing that on purpose.

Yes! Demon Sunset crowed. You're taking issue with whether or not she is sweet and innocent, and not that that's your type? I knew it! I got your type right! You do like Twilight after all! And here I was thinking that went sour because I picked the wrong girl.

Sunset growled. I'm ordering you not to bring up Twilight anymore.

Demon Sunset cut her off with a sigh. Believe me, if we can't sort through this misunderstanding and convince you of what you're doing wrong, the next time I get you someone it will end just as poorly. The error is in your court, Sunset, not mine. All I'm doing is what's best for your self-rediscovery, and I'll do it again and again until you come to terms with what you truly want.

You. Will. Not, Sunset ground out.

Demon Sunset ignored her, yawning and getting to her feet. Fine. You're still in denial. But we both know how this will end. You and me, back together, unopposable and completely fulfilled. Now let's go check out this quarry-theater business, shall we?

She arrived at the edge of the shallow pit. Its bottom had been lined with desk chairs dragged from the school, facing a covered area nestled in the tightest corner of the quarry. Some audio equipment was strewn around near the impromptu stage, being assembled by several former techies and... Starlight Glimmer?

Demon Sunset flapped over to her, landing out of arms' reach. "Starlight Starlight Starlight, I see you've decided to join the festivities!"

Starlight looked up, a pair of fluffy teal earmuffs adorning her head, expression souring. "Of course not. I'm ensuring I have as many avenues I need to keep this brazen show of inequality from getting more out of hand than it already has. Are you ready to put your nature to use, and help instead of hinder me?"

"Take your wildest guess!" Demon Sunset crowed, arms wide.

Starlight scowled. "Why did I even bother?"

Demon Sunset cackled, but was cut off by shouts of alarm as the area was suddenly bathed in shadow. Looking up, Sunset and Starlight saw that the clouds from earlier had now blocked out the sun, and were rapidly overtaking the entire building. The shield stood firm despite atmospheric pressure and continued shelling, but a steady thrum began to permeate the area as sheets of rain beat down against its translucent cyan surface.

The army camped outside wasn't so fortunate, soldiers running for cover as commanders barked out orders, attempting to keep firing. Demon Sunset doubled over laughing, pointing here and there at various hapless troops.

Starlight also managed a grin, careful not to let Sunset see it. Behind them, Adagio sashayed up, swaying in time with the gusts of wind outside. "Hello, ladies," she began. "Due to the dramatic shift in weather, it seems we no longer have to wait for nightfall to have sufficient darkness for our concert! As a result, we can begin the moment preparations are ready. I'm really looking forward to it."

She blew them both a kiss, and turned and swayed away. Sunset thought she saw Starlight staring at her in thought, though a second look revealed only hostility.

"Well, then?" Demon Sunset asked. "Minions! How much longer until my glorious concert can begin?"

Neon spotlights strobed from the stage, refracting against the curvature of Sunset's shield in a corona of color. Three Sirens, clad in revealing new dresses, stepped from behind a stage prop, and an unseen guitar began its deep, deathly strumming. The performers' voices were wordless, staccato wails, washing over an audience transfixed by the crimson light of their pendants.

From Sunset's vantage point in a high tower, constructed just for her, Starlight Glimmer could be seen lurking in the shadows of the background, a scarf wrapped around her head, hat and earmuffs still in place. Odds were, she would try to sabotage the performance, but for now, the Sirens were in their element. Bobbing and swaying across the stage, arms flowing like tendrils of seaweed, they basked in a sea of pinprick stares, offering no incentive to turn away.

Demon Sunset yawned. "Doesn't seem so magical to me. You used to listen to stuff better than this!"

Thinking you can do better is one of the things their song makes you do, Sunset responded.

"By that argument, all bad music is bad! What would you like me to do, say it's the best thing I've ever heard?"

The other thing it makes you do is adore them, Sunset deadpanned.

"Oh. Pfft. What a dandy little paradox that is. Sounds to me they're less of magical seductresses and more of smooth-talking lawyers! ...Very pretty lawyers. Since you're so obviously not content with my choices of romantic partners for you, maybe I should just start picking for myself instead, and show you what a real good time is. Hmm, do you think they'd all join my harem at once, or would I have to get each one individually? ...In the spirit of compromise, we could go for Aria first!"

No! Sunset snapped. I don't care about the Sirens, but I'm ordering you to understand that mind-controlling people is a vile and heinous crime and makes you completely deserve of all the stuff Starlight's said about us!

"Order accepted! I'm now vile and heinous." Demon Sunset smirked. "So, when do we go after the Sirens?"

I can't believe you, Sunset sobbed. What did I do to deserve to be haunted by you? What did Twilight do to deserve you? You're just going to keep this up and never stop, and somehow, one by one all of my friends will think I'm you, and I'll be alone again, and I hate being alone!

"That's precisely the point," Demon Sunset droned. "Perhaps if you can't rely on your friends to do everything for you, you'll try to become more self-sufficient, and realize how perfect it is that you can make others do what you want!"

No, Sunset thought, I've been alone before. I know what it's like. It's horrible, and I was blinded to the fact that there was anything better out there for me. I know what kind of fulfillment is offered by being alone, at the top. And it's empty. I hate it, hate it, hate it and I never want to go back. Why can't you respect that? You say you want to carry out my will, but what I want is my friends! And not by your definition of having! I want them to trust me! And I want to trust them, rather than needing to trust only in myself, because I'm fallible! I've done horrible things before, I used to be a monster! And the only reason I'm not one right now is because I had my friends to bring me back! All the power in the world to carry out my will is useless when I can't be trusted to do what's right!

In the crater below, the Sirens were singing in earnest, pulsing with light, intoning desire and lust to the crowd before them. Already, students were looking at eachother with mistrust in their eyes. Starlight Glimmer had slipped away, undoubtedly with something up her sleeve. Above the protective shield surrounding the school, lights flashed as lightning swirled and shells exploded, failing to breach their target.

"Oh please, not this again. What you want is for your friends to trust you, and to be able to trust them in turn? Sunset, how could you possibly trust anyone more than someone you personally guarantee is forced to be loyal to you, not through coercion but by dominating their very wants? People can betray you. You know this. You've been betrayed before. That is the pain that comes with having no guarantees, a pain destined to be felt by everyone but you, because you. Are. Special."

A sharp smack pierced the cacophony of crashes from above and the sweet beseeching of the Sirens: someone had punched someone else. Yells rang out, and Sunset could see a green magical mist beginning to rise from the students below. Outside the shield, many soldiers were ignoring the rain, pressed up as close as they could get to the Sirens' adulterous voices. Starlight was still nowhere to be seen.

Whatever you think is special about me, it doesn't make me perfect, Sunset snarled. I know about making mistakes! And I know that controlling people is the last thing that will get them to stand up to me when I need to be stood up to! If you win here? If you somehow make me lose sight of what matters to me most? I have faith that my friends will defeat you in my place. I don't want followers. I want people with whom I can share my joy, my love, and my trials and hardships as well! Beat me down as far as you want. Whisper in my ear until the end of my days! But I don't need you, I don't need your help, I don't need your power, and I don't need you trying to control my life!

The Sirens' mics suddenly cut out. In their place, a monotone voice screeched to life over the sound system, shattering any reverie the brawling students may have had. "Dissent breeds strife. To excel is to fail. Equality brings happiness. Reject your differences. Talents are vanities. Embrace your similarities. To surpass one is to harm all. Conformity frees us from our differences. Opinions create sadness. You are no better than those around you."

Looks of rage flashed across the Sirens' faces as they clutched their microphones to their chests, before discarding the articles and singing anew, attempting to cast their voices naturally above the interfering speakers.

A line began to form among the student melee, dividing it into a side within range of the Sirens' aggressive voices, and one without. Green mist flowed freely, and the soldiers standing in the rain were eyeing each other furiously.

Gazing down upon the chaos, Demon Sunset laughed. "Really? Look at everything that's going on down there! What power do you think the magic of friendship has over that war? Right now, I could snap my fingers and bend all that chaos to your will. Is this your idea of good? Because if not, you could stop it! You could stop it all, and all you have to do is accept me. Return me to you, let me regain my rightful place as a part of you, instead of this friendship nonsense you've become so obsessed with... you've replaced me with! What will you do, Sunset Shimmer? Care to make another compromise? New ideals, old methods? You're not going to hear me make this offer again. Or is part of you still true enough to your real self that you can't? You can't stand for anything not going one hundred percent your way? You can't stand to lose?"

Sunset took in the crowd, the battle, the chaos, the storm. She gathered her will, and she responded: No. I will not. This world is not real, and it will pass. Perhaps you're right; I do hate losing. But the biggest loss I could possibly sustain right now is to lose who I am... who I've become: the person I want to be. I don't need you. I'll never need you. My friends are all I need, and they will never let me down any more than I will fail them. And tonight? I will not fail.

"Hmmph. Fine. Have it your way. When you want me back, you'll know what to do. But don't say I didn't warn you!" With a final, victorious smirk, Demon Sunset raised her hands to her head, and lifted off the Element of Magic.

A teal shockwave ran through Sunset's body. She convulsed, shrinking in height as energy mushroomed off her, wings erupting into clouds of ash and colored smoke. Her fangs receded into her jawline; her tail writhed, turning grey and brittle as it detached from her backside. Her claws turned dull, flaking away to reveal soft, human fingers. Streaks of teal energy arced across her skin, restoring it piece by piece to its original golden-yellow. Her hair flattened out, sagging into its original messy cascade affected by the weight of gravity. At long last, color returned to her eyes, and she sat up, blinking.

"I'm... myself again."

You are, said the lavender crown in her hands with Demon Sunset's voice. And if you're feeling up to some friendly advice, I'd advise you get a move on, right now. You might want to see about getting some new clothes, as well.

Sunset looked down at herself. She was still wearing Demon Sunset's strapless dress, which was about twice her size and about as useful as a barrel. Blushing, she set her eyes on the nearest school entry, which happened to be the gym's. I guess I'll just have to raid the locker room once again, she thought. Then she added out loud: "Too bad someone destroyed all my stuff."

Oh, please, the crown said. You didn't want Snips and Snails entertaining their fantasies with your underwear, did you? Even if I had left your stuff intact, would you really want to risk wearing it?

"That's disgusting. Let's go," Sunset said, beginning to examine the tower for a way down- she had flown up.

Oops! Too late! the crown crowed.

"Wait, what?" Before the words even left Sunset's lips, the last flicker of teal transformation magic trailed away, evaporating into thin air. Immediately, the shield above them strobed, flickered, and vanished. The wind, rain and bombshells swept in like ravenous hawks, their flight now unimpeded.