• Published 6th Jan 2017
  • 1,404 Views, 140 Comments

Final Fantasy: Eidolons of Harmony - Belligerent Bindlestiff

A calamity is on the horizon. Now, light warriors must be called upon to aid Equestria.

  • ...

Party Planning

////Pinkie Pie////

The confectioner was busy packing provisions and pastries into her saddlebags and cart from the back of Sugar Cube Corner, while an ever-prepared Twilight Sparkle was running down her checklists.

“Okay, so that’s food for a few weeks for four ponies. Back up rations for extra days. Back up, back up rations for anypony in need.”

“Check, check, and check!” Pinkie said as she tapped each of the crates she packed. “We got everything we need!”

Twilight levitated another piece of paper on top of her current checklist. “Well, actually there’s a few more things I’d like you to take.” Twilight said.

Pinkie gasped. “Twilight, have you been…cooking? You should have told me you were practicing! Oh, I take back what I said about your science dorkiness!”

Twilight wore a look of confusion. “Wait, what?”

“It’s so nice of you to be making something for the rest of us to take on our adventure!” Pinkie said, interrupting.

“No Pinkie I made a few things for you to bring along, not really food!” Twilight said, waving a hoof in the air before levitating items from her saddle bags. “Well, it’s not really cooking.”

Pinkie sped up and halted with an odd recoil in front of Twilight to see what her friend brought. Twilight spoke, “Ever since Kain started talking to me about his world’s magic. I’ve been trying to see what ideas we could replicate for Equestria.”

“Ooh, like what?” Pinkie asked.

“Well, some items, like those gold needles Kain used to save the crusaders from being turned to stone, I haven’t got those quite right, but there are others.” Twilight brought out a small, spherical vial with florescent green liquid.

“Healing potions I’ve been able to re-create. These will probably be useful since you won’t have anypony able to use any healing magic.” Twilight said.

“Ooh, neat!” Pinkie sad, taking a flask. “I bet I could make some healing cakes with this!”

“I’m not too sure.” Twilight said, trying to hold back a frown. “cooking the potion might affect it somehow.”

“Oh well!’ Pinkie said, tossing the potion perfectly back into Twilight’s saddlebags. “So what other tricks do you have?”

Twilight rummaged through her saddlebags with her magic. “Well, I’ve also been researching other curatives like ether potions and ones that can cure ailment, like petrification.” Twilight said. “I do have antidotes ready in case somepony gets poisoned, but I don’t think that should be a problem where you’re headed.”

“What about a frost-bitten pony?” Pinkie asked.

“Eh-heh, I don’t think I made anything like that.” Twilight said. “But, that’s a really good idea.” She brought out a quill and a paper to take notes. “Why didn’t I think of those?”

Pinkie pulled her head from Twilight’s saddlebag, taking a peek while the princess was distracted. “There’s a whole lot more potions in here.”

“Kain had quite a few remedies for paralysis, poisoning and even some bizarre items for unshrinking ponies and turning a pony back from a pig.”

“Wow, that sounds silly!” Pinkie said. “I can’t imagine how a pony could have that happen to them!” Pinkie rubbed her chin. “Then again, there was the time Bulk Biceps was a bear, so…

“Magic can be strange, I don’t think I need to tell you that.” Twilight said.

“Well yeah, but what’s the big deal about being a piggy, I bet it’d be fun!” Pinkie said.

Twilight gave a smirk and aimed her horn and Pinkie. After brief pink, puff of smoke, the party mare was pink party pig with small puffy magenta tuft for a mane.

Pinkie squealed and popped in her usual manner around Twilight. The alicorn could have sworn she heard music playing as well as Pinkie “oinking” along with every bounce. She then sent another spell to reverse the transformation.

“Wow Twilight, you’re good with your magic!” Pinkie said. There was a brief delay after the smoke cleared, but then Pinkie floated in the air before her limbs stretched and shrank. Her tail curled out to her “normal” Pinkie appearance, her legs went back into pony hooves. Pinkie shook her pig snout back into a pony muzzle.

“Yeah, I was trying out the spell after Kain told me about the magic spell that existed in his world. I can’t believe that ponies over there use transformation magic so liberally.” Twilight said as she put a hoof to her chin. “He was actually pretty insistent that I’d learn how to reverse those effects.”

She then levitated two cases onto Pinkie’s wagon, making audible clinking with their contents. “Anyways, this should be a good number of potions for your journey.”

Pinkie attached herself to the cart and began towing the supplies to the Carousel Boutique.


When the store came into view, Twilight and Pinkie saw Rarity and Kain at the entrance She was rushing in and out to fill his saddle bags with one item after another, each time Kain was about to speak, she’d go back for something, silencing him.

“Aww, that’s so sweet of her.” Pinkie said to Twilight, just out of earshot of Kain. She then yelled out to the dragoon. “Ready to go, Kain!?”

The dragoon jerked his head in her direction, caught off guard. As Pinkie closed in, she continued with her questions before Kain could reply. “Loading up on supplies too?”

“You could say that.” Kain replied, turning back, anticipating Rarity to be right in front of him. “Rarity seems to be in the mindset that I need every item she can find.”

“Well, that’s because you do.” Rarity said, appearing at the doorway, causing Kain to slightly jump. “Stallions tend to try to go with only what they think they need. I’m just making sure you have what I know you’ll need, darling.”

“Well, we should get our stuff on the wagon then!” Pinkie said. “Wait, it’s not here?”

“We won’t be taking it this time it seems.” Kain said.

“It suffered some wear and tear back in the fire fields.” Rarity said.

“So we’re just going to take all this stuff in Sugar Cube Corner’s cart?” Pinkie asked, looking back at her cargo.

“Of course not!” a boisterous voice sounded. “The Great and Accommodating Trixie is here to help!”

The black mage turned the corner, wheeling her wagon to the boutique.

Oh, right. Trixie is coming along. Pinkie held to herself. She then approached the showmare’s wagon. “Are you sure we’re gonna be able to fit everything in that wagon?” Pinkie asked.

“Of course! Trixie spent all day putting her things into Twilight’s library.” She said. “Thanks so much for taking care of Trixie’s belongings!” She passed by a confused Twilight, who’s only reaction was a, “Wait, what?”

Kain looked over the wagon. “I’m not sure how this will fair in the snow.”

“Oh, it’ll be fine.” Trixie said. “Trixie’s taken her show to more than enough snowy places.”

“Is there anything else we’ll need?” Kain asked.

“No, I don’t think so.” Twilight said. “Not unless you give me a week to come up with a frostbite-curing potion!”

“I’m not sure that would be a good idea to wait so long.” Kain said. “Though we can’t leave until everyone is here-“

He was cut off by Pinkie Pie. “In three, two, one!” and then she sidestepped to allow Rainbow Dash to land just next to her.

“Sorry I’m late, I had to get my stuff from the wagon back at AJ’s.”

The others simply stared and then continued on, having become accustomed to Rainbow’s way making an entrance.

“Alright, are we ready to get going now?” Pinkie asked.

“Nothing, nor anypony looks to be missing.” Twilight said.

“Well, I suppose this is goodbye for now.” Rarity said as she gave Kain a hug and brief kiss.

“Don’t worry, Rarity!” Pinkie said. “We’ll be back before you know it!” and the group departed from their friend’s company.

“Oh wait, I forgot something!” Pinkie said and then broke from her group and back towards Twilight and Rarity. “I forgot to give you all going away hugs!”

Her friends rolled their eyes while smiling and embraced Pinkie before she sped off again.

When Pinkie returned to her party, she casually slipped herself into the harness that pulled Trixie’s wagon. “Ooh, comfy!” she exclaimed.

“Well of course it is!” Trixie said. “The Great and Powerful Trixie travels with the best accommodations!” To which a shutter from the window of her wagon snapped of its hinges. “…that she can afford.”

“It’s not too late to get AJ’s wagon.” Pinkie said.

“Trixie’s wagon is perfectly safe!” the black mage said. “Now let’s just get it loaded onto the train!”


The party had boarded their car and began to discuss their next part of their plans.

“So once we get to the crystal empire, we’re gonna go where exactly?” Rainbow Dash asked, while taking a sandwich from a serving cart that passed by.”

“A giant snow castle!” Pinkie said. “It was really pretty and it was up on the mountains!”

“You said it was near a country called, Yakyakistan?” Rainbow Dash said after eating through half her lunch. “I’ve never met any yaks.”

“Me neither!” Pinkie said. “I hope they like cupcakes, I’ve heard yaks can be a bit grumpy, but really, who could say no to a Pinkie Pie cupcake?”

“Oh, that’s easy, how about no?” Trixie said.

Pinkie let out a gasp. “Gasp!”. “You really don’t want to try any!?”

“Trixie has a more reserved pallet, thank you very much. It’ll take more than any cupcake to impress the refined and distinguished Trixie’s taste!”

“I dunno…” Pinkie said. “Kain here really likes all the stuff I bake at work.” She nudged the dragoon with her foreleg.

Not wearing his usual armor, Kain’s face couldn’t hide his reaction from the truth of Pinkie’s words. “Well, she does bake very well.” He said, stumbling to explain himself.

“Oh, come on!’ Rainbow Dash said. “You’re practically at her store every morning!”

“And I suppose that’s why I’ve had to train harder as of late.” Kain replied, earning a chuckle from the other bearers.

“Well, Trixie isn’t convinced.” She said crossing her forelegs.

“Oh?” Pinkie asked. “How about a cupcake of your most favorite flavor?”

“What do you mean?” Trixie asked. “We’ve barely gotten to know each other and you presume to know what…Trixie…likes.” She slowed down as Pinkie brought out a cupcake with a particular aroma. “Is that, peanut butter?”

“Yep!” Pinkie replied.

The black mage regained her composure. “Well, perhaps Trixie will try it then.” She said as she unwrapped the pastry. “Best not to let peanut butter go to waste.” She shoved the entire thing into her mouth. Trixie let out a blissful, “mmm.” As she enjoyed the treat.

“Hm?” she let out.

“What’s with you, Trixie?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Oh! It must be the extra-super-duper peanut butter batter that I used for the recipe!” Pinkie said. “I used some of that ever dough from my cannon to get the perfect peanut butter texture into my cupcakes!”

Trixie quirked a brow with a frown. “Hrrrm?”

“I don’t think you’re gonna be able to say anything for a while, Trixie.” Pinkie said, sheepishly.

Author's Note:

Twilight's Notes:

The potions made in Kain’s world come from quite an array of effects. On one hoof, the fact that they are more advanced than the majority of one’s ponies use is intriguing and can offer some benefits to society. But on the other hoof, it reflects the turbulent nature of Kain’s “Blue Planet”. I sometimes worry that the need for so many different potions and tinctures is because of how war-like humans may be. This is all a guess though, since I’ve not been over there.

Rarity, however, did tell me that his world is quite beautiful from the one time she was transported there. Still, upon researching to replicate these potions, they are vastly different in their production, to the desired effects.

When analyzing Zecora’s remedies, I’ve found that her potions are highly tailored to the affliction, much more medicinal in nature than the potions that Kain allowed me to study and replicate.

His potions seem much more like spells in a bottle. Though effective, they are also somewhat generic. This would indeed help in creating large batches of potions, but it again lends itself to worry me that there’s a need for such quantities of potions.

Returning to the actual potions, healing potions seem to be similar to the white magic spells that Rarity uses, or any other healing magic for that matter, where a base liquid is infused with magic to speed up the healing process.

Other ailments essentially function as counterspells that have been added to a base potion. Replicating the specific potions Kain had required a bit of ingenuity on my part. I had to acquire the specific counter magic from the specific potion. Which led me having to scientifically inflict myself with various ailments. Suffice it to say, antivenom magic was acquired very quickly, most definitely due to the immediate health risk. Anti-paralysis, thankfully was easily acquired since paralysis didn’t affect my own spell casting.

The odd ones to deal with took a while to discern the correct countermagic. Kain’s world having specific potions to cure being shrunk, turned into a pig, and a toad, were by far the strangest things I’ve ever heard of, but after spending much of my time practicing transfiguration magic before, my time as a pig and an amphibian weren’t as long as it could have been.

I have not yet tried to replicate gold needles, for personal reasons.